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Jin-Woo Bae1 and Yong-Woo Kim2

Lean production is a systemic approach to meeting customer expectations, whatever they value, by reducing waste.
At first glance, lean then could only contribute to sustainability, while sustainability is achieved only if the customer
values sustainability. The paper has two objectives. One is to examine whether sustainability is feasible using lean
production with sustainability as an added value. The second objective is to examine how current lean construction
tools and methods impact the construction and operation of sustainable facilities. The authors also suggest how these
lean construction tools and methods have evolved to contribute to green construction. For this study, the authors
interviewed lean adopters and conducted literature surveys on lean principles and methods, and its impacts on the
economic, social and environmental sustainability.

lean construction, sustainable construction, sustainable assessment, sustainability

INTRODUCTION income statement, the traditional company report-

The construction industry is one of the largest and ing framework, to take into account environmental
most important industries, yet at the same time is and social performance in addition to financial per-
one of the largest polluters (Horvath, 2004). There- formance. Elkington (1997) proposed these three
fore, the construction industry has the potential to values for use in strategic decision-making.
make a positive impact on sustainable development. Some people may ask lean practitioners whether
Lean construction can be one approach to this by lean is green. Many researchers have reported that
introducing social and environmental issues as new lean construction increases environmental benefits
values. The most widely accepted definition of sus- by eliminating waste, preventing pollution and max-
tainable development is from the Brundtland Com- imizing the owners’ value (Huovila and Koskela,
mission, which was set up by the United Nations. 1998; Lapinski et al., 2006; Luo et al., 2005; Ferng
In the commission’s report, Our Common Future and Price, 2005; Riley et al., 2005). Yet others have
(1987), the Commission defined sustainable devel- reported no appreciable relationship between lean
opment as “development that meets the needs of the and green in the manufacturing industry (Helper
present without compromising the ability of future and Clifford, 1997). Several studies even argue that
generations to meet their own needs.” lean shows a negative impact on environmental
Sustainable development does not focus solely on performance (Cusumano, 1994; Rothenberg et al.,
environmental issues. More broadly, sustainable de- 2001). Since one of the main purposes of the lean
velopment policies and practices can be categorized system is to maximize value for the customer rather
into three areas: economic, environmental, and so- than to reduce environmental impact, lean does not
cial. The term, “triple bottom line” evolved as a basis always assure a positive environmental effect. There-
for sustainable development (Elkington, 1997). In fore, the question mentioned before is not appropri-
practical terms, the triple bottom line expands the ate and should be modified.

Ph.D. Student, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, College of Engineering, 130e Architecture Hall, University of Washington,
Seattle, WA 98195, Phone +1 206/616-3205,
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Construction Management, College of Architecture and Urban Planning, 120h Architecture Hall, University
of Washington, Seattle, Wa 98195, Phone +1 206/616-1916,

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Can lean contribute to sustainability? Although that the principles of lean construction contribute to
the process of sustainable construction may not al- the sustainability objectives by:
ways ensure a sustainable result, lean can contribute
• Eliminating (material) Waste—minimizing re-
to sustainability byprioritizing expenditures. This
source depletion and pollution
happens because one of the priorities of sustainable
• Adding Value to the Customer—minimizing
development or sustainable construction is reducing
resource depletion, pollution, while matching
the demand of resources that impact the environ-
business and environmental excellence.
ment throughout the entire life cycle of a facility.
Considering this, lean can contribute to sustain- While some research has focused on the synergy
ability by prioritizing expenditures. This works to between lean construction methods and sustain-
reduce demand for energy, water, and materials dur- able construction in the economic, social and en-
ing the construction, operation, and disposal of the vironmental aspects (Hawken et al., 1999), most
facility, but only when the customer values sustain- studies have focused on lean construction methods
ability. Lean is a systemic approach to meeting the as a means of reducing initial costs and eliminat-
customer’s values, whatever they may be. ing waste rather than increasing the environmental
The purposes of this paper are to examine how performance of the project over the entire life cycle
the current lean construction methods impact the (Lapinski et al., 2006; Degani and Cardoso, 2002;
sustainability of capital projects and to suggest how Horman et al., 2004; Riley et al., 2005). Assess-
these lean construction methods might evolve to ing the effectiveness of lean tools and methods in
contribute to green construction. these studies is limited to the economic needs and
In this paper, the authors reviewed publications values of the customers. Although current custom-
on lean and sustainability, and interviewed manag- ers are becoming more aware of social and environ-
ers and front line supervisors who used lean tools. mental values as well, their main concerns are how
Some of them used lean for sustainability while the environmental benefits may be achieved with no
most did not. The authors used the interviews to in- additional upfront costs. The relationship between
vestigate the potential of lean methods for a future sustainable development and lean production has
approach to sustainability. The study also identifies been addressed by Horman (Horman et al., 2004).
the relationships between lean construction meth- According to them, while the area of sustainability
ods and their impact on the economic, environmen- focuses on the design of the building, previous lean
tal, and social aspects of construction projects. It is production mainly focused on the construction pro-
noted that the outcomes, including their effective- cess. Considering that most lean construction prac-
ness, was not measured due to a lack of cases. There- tices deal with the problems on construction sites
fore, through the interviews and a literature review, and lean construction considers controlling produc-
the study is limited to investigating the potential of tion a key activity, this idea seems reasonable at first
lean for sustainability. glance. However, by limiting the role of lean within
the construction phase, it fails to take into account
THE CONCEPTUAL RELATIONSHIPS the lean project definition and design phases in the
BETWEEN LEAN PRINCIPLES AND early stages of a project. Lean practices could be im-
SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION plemented in the design phase of the construction
While lean construction literature has mainly fo- project to reduce costs and enhance sustainability.
cused on dealing with problems and challenges that For instance, Value Stream Mapping could be used
arise on the construction site, some research has in- all the way from the design through the construc-
vestigated lean construction from the view of the tion phase.
whole life cycle of a project. It has been suggested Figure 1 illustrates the conceptual relationship
that lean philosophies, which provide the concep- between lean and sustainability. The four intercon-
tual basis, and lean construction methods and tools necting phases of the Lean Project Delivery System
have great possibilities for sustainable construction (LPDS) extending from project definition to design,
(Huovila and Koskela, 1998). They (1998) argued supply, and assembly are used to illustrate the lean

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FIGURE1. Conceptual relationship
between Lean and Sustainability.

construction process (Ballard, 2000). In addressing human behavior, the health of occupants, and com-
sustainable issues, such as economic, social, and en- munity relations, contractors have shown little con-
vironmental values as the requirements of an owner, cern for the social impacts of facilities. Even though
lean may act from the project definition to the con- contractors have difficulties in identifying, measur-
struction phase for a sustainable facility. ing, and reducing the social impact of facilities, they
should try to identify, measure, and overcome these
THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN LEAN effects during the construction phase of a project.
METHODS AND SUSTAINABLE IMPACTS Lean practitioners may implement this process by
The same four interconnecting phases of the LPDS communicating with the community, sociologists,
are used to provide a framework for the implemen- and future occupants of a facility throughout the
tation of lean construction methods in the con- construction phases. Lean construction needs to de-
struction industry. This section addresses how lean fine sustainable values including economic, environ-
construction methods are applied to construction mental and social values as critical factors in imple-
projects and how these methods can contribute to menting sustainable construction.
the sustainability of the projects.
Contracts and Deliver y Methods for Lean
Lean Project Definition Construction. The contract type and delivery
Value Definition. Defining value and waste is method of a construction project do not appear
critical in lean production. Value management in to directly impact the sustainable construction of
lean production is an attempt to maximize value facilities. However, selecting an appropriate con-
and eliminate waste. Recently more studies have in- tract type and delivery method for a construction
troduced the environment as an additional “dimen- project provides the basis for the sustainability of
sion of value” for sustainable facilities (Horman et facilities indirectly by eliminating contractual bar-
al., 2004; Lapinski et al., 2005). In these studies riers that prevent communication and innovation
the environmental values include: minimal building among designers and contractors. Contracting or-
impact, maximum building system efficiency, effi- ganizes the project delivery processes so that lean
cient energy usage, reduced waste, and a healthy and methods can be facilitated. Several innovative con-
productive environment for occupants. Although it tract types and delivery methods are considered to
is difficult to measure the social impact of facilities provide a good environment for sustainable con-
and the resulting measurements may be somewhat struction: Performance-based Contracting, and
subjective, they have been critical issues in the prac- Integrated Project Delivery.
tice of architecture industry. In the earlier stages of a Higher technical performance, maintaining an
given project, designers used to study the social im- environmentally-friendly construction site, and
pact of facilities on humans and communities. While forming a close relationship with the community
architects and landscape designers have studied so- can be achieved by communication between project
cial, cultural, and ethical impacts such as changes in team members in the early phases of a project.

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Horman et al. (2004) proposed that Perfor- owner. This process is important considering the ef-
mance-based Contracting (PBC) is a technique fects it has on the overall life of a facility. Design of a
which defi nes all aspects of an acquisition around sustainable construction project is especially critical
the purpose and required performance of facilities, because green materials, resources and construction
not just the construction process. Green facilities technologies require comprehensive coordination for
usually require inventive techniques and materials the best application in green facilities. The impact of
that are difficult to adopt for inexperienced archi- this phase on the operation and maintenance phase
tects or engineers. Therefore, the information re- are remarkable. Romm (1994) stated that a mere
garding these techniques and materials should be one percent of the initial costs in the early phase of a
provided by specialty contractors and suppliers in project address 70 percent of its life cycle costs.
the design phase of the construction project. This In order to minimize environmental impacts and
method helps the specialty contractors and suppliers energy consumption during the construction of sus-
suggest innovative ideas in the early phases of a con- tainable facilities, several lean design methods could
struction project for the sustainable performances be implemented: Integrated Design (Whole system
that the owner requires. These ideas may help a design), Target Costing, and Set-based Design.
project team improve cost effectiveness, technical Integrated Design is one of the most critical
performance, and constructability of a facility while methods for sustainable construction (Hawken et
reducing unnecessary material, energy, and waste by al., 1999; Riley et al., 2004; Horman et al., 2004;
trying to maximize the performance of a facility. Lapinski et al., 2005). A key feature of this method
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is both the is to integrate various green materials and construc-
name of a relational contracting method and a com- tion technologies by encouraging stakeholders in
pany which implements the method. Westbrook and the design phase to maximize the sustainability of
several other contractors formed an IPD team which a facility while reducing the need for energy, equip-
is aimed at maximizing value and minimizing waste ment, or material. As other lean methods have
at the project level (Ballard et al., 2007). The IPD evolved for sustainable construction, integrated de-
is a relational contracting method that employs two sign practices should be modified for environmen-
principles to govern the team relationship, maximiz- tal purposes (Horman et al., 2004). Horman et al.
ing the collaboration between stakeholders. First, all (2004) insisted that “integrating design and con-
primary team members (PTMs) are responsible for struction processes early in the project enabled mul-
the provisions of the prime contract with the client tiple and significant synergies to be realized between
while the single contract binds the IPD team, as one sustainability and construction process efficiency.”
entity, to the client. Second, all PTMs share the risk Moreover, early involvement of specialty contrac-
and profit for the project performance. With IPD’s tors and suppliers in the design phase allows more
relational contracting method, the goal of “one for possibilities for sustainability of a project (Riley et
all and all for project” seems to be achievable. al., 2005). Environmental and social specialists may
The IPD may help stakeholders collectively im- also enhance the relationship between the commu-
prove in terms of both quality (i.e. performance of nity and the health of its occupants by getting in-
a facility and environmental and social impact of the volved during a project.
project) and efficiency (i.e., production efficiency). Target costing is a strategy that states a building
When sustainable value is an important factor during should be built within the budget specified (Bal-
in a construction project, the IPD is a contract form lard et al., 2007). Target costing in the construction
which helps a project team find sustainable indica- industry is the practice of allocating the maximum
tors and improve the factors throughout the project. amount of a construction budget for the construc-
tion subphases or functions of a facility. This method
Lean Design can reduce unexpected increases in cost during the
Design is a process incorporating various construc- construction phases by defining the scope and costs
tion techniques and materials to produce value to an in the planning and designing phases. According to

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an interview with Boldt Construction, the two most Lean Supply
important aspects are getting everyone involved in Just-in-time (JIT) could also be either an environ-
the design process as soon as possible, and forming mentally-friendly method or not. JIT reduces the
a multidisciplinary design team. This team includes potential of damage to inventory and material con-
the architect, the general contractor, the specialty sumption (Riley et al., 2005). This method may
contractors, the functional agents, and most impor- reduce the various sources of extra inventory. JIT
tantly, the customer. Identifying the expectations can enhance manageability and vice versa. In the
of the customer is integral in beginning the process reliable work condition, JIT helps contractors save
of target costing. The owner’s defi ned value of the inventory-related costs by lessening the inventory
building can vary greatly from what the general level. At the same time, however, the frequent trans-
contractor or architect might consider as the value. portation of inventory and materials may cause an
Letting the customer describe and contribute to the increase in volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and
ultimate definition of the value on each project is an CO2 emissions. Several lean plants have recognized
important concept for lean construction. that a JIT strategy has caused more air emissions of
Target Costing is not examined for the purpose VOCs in the plants, while also contributing to the
of sustainability. This lean method, however, may flexibility of operations and reducing inventory level
contribute to sustainable construction. This practice (Rothenberg et al., 2001). Therefore, the plants have
prevents the possibility of an unnecessary increase in reconfigured some of their lean management prin-
facility performance or a waste of resources with pre- ciples to reduce their air pollution emissions. They
specified functions, capacities, and specifications. started to increase painting batch sizes in order to
When Boldt employed target costing for the St. reduce air emissions of VOCs, despite the fact that it
Olaf College Fieldhouse project, they saved one per- conflicts with the JIT practices. Even though appli-
cent of the total budget, while delivering the value cations in the manufacturing industry and construc-
that the customer had requested. Although environ- tion industry are not exactly the same, it is necessary
mental and social impact was not assessed, it can be to take note of the probabilities and possibilities of
expected that unnecessary resource depletion was negative environmental impacts from lean adapta-
avoided and the relationship among stakeholders tion. In spite of the environmental and social issues
improved throughout the project. caused by frequent transit to construction sites, JIT
Set-based Design has the possibility of contrib- may enhance the sustainability of the construction
uting to sustainable construction, although it has process. JIT was implemented in construction proj-
not been examined for sustainability. This approach ects to prevent the damage of inventory and addi-
explores all applicable “design criteria” or design op- tional work.
tions from the beginning of the design stage, rather GS Construction & Engineering (GS C&E), a
than making a “design decision” to determine the general contractor in Korea, established two systems
design at the last responsible moment, which may for JIT: Rebar Processing Plants and GS- Bar Bend-
not impact the overall project schedule. (Ballard et ing Automation System (GS-BAS).
al., 2007) This strategy requires the designers to GS C&E established two rebar processing plants
pursue several different design approaches in parallel in 2005, and has supplied rebar to construction sites
with each other gradually eliminating alternatives. where GS operates. The goals of the rebar processing
This is in contrast to the usual method in which a plants are to minimize the rebar loss rate, meet the
design approach is decided upon early on in the pro- exact specification of reinforcing processes, elimi-
cess. By avoiding the premature elimination of de- nate the space for inventory loading and field work-
sign alternatives, the set-based design method has a ing, and manage the material effectively.
greater potential of producing an optimal design so- Construction field offices, an estimating firm
lution, thereby reducing the risk of enormous rework (which is a subsidiary of the GS C&E), and rebar
and wasted effort, which will cause unnecessary cost processing plants cooperate with one another
increases and conflict between stakeholders. through the rebar processing plant operating system,

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which is called GS-BAS. This system automates shop prefabricated units as opposed to on-site units. So-
drawing preparation, material quantity calculation, cially, the working conditions are safer and more
procurement, and on-site project management. stable in prefabricated construction than they are
With the orders from job sites, the rebar processing on-site. Environmentally, large scale prefabrication
plants can produce 280 thousand tons of rebar yearly. may improve the supply chain for green materials by
Rebar losses can now be kept below 1 percent, saving ensuring a reliable supply chain of environmentally
the company about $40 million a year. Moreover, JIT friendly materials, which is one of the goals of sus-
reduced rebar inventory and unnecessary movement of tainable construction (Luo et al., 2005).
rebar on the job sites. However, despite these improve- Yet, there are some problems as well. Economi-
ments in cost effectiveness, inventory maintenance, cally and socially, less local labor is needed, thus
and material consumption during the construction the salaries of the workers do not contribute to the
phase, JIT in the construction industry results in local economy. Environmentally, this process may
frequent deliveries, which generate more emissions. consume more energy for transportation of prefab-
Therefore, one must consider the construction project ricated assemblies to the site with the attendant in-
from a holistic perspective when proposing JIT as a crease in air emissions.
method for increasing the sustainability of a project. A contractor trying to implement sustainable
construction should first define and evaluate sustain-
Lean Assembly able issues before beginning a construction project.
Prefabrication may be an approach for sustainable Only after investigating the issues, can the contrac-
construction. Horman et al. suggested economic, so- tor identify both the benefits and disadvantages of
cial, and environmental indicators affecting sustain- prefabrication. Those factors can be referred to later
ability and showed a qualitative assessment of these in selecting the best procurement method using a
indicators (Horman et al., 2005 in Luo et al., 2005). holistic view over the life cycle of a project.
They examined the quality of work, the component
and material supply chain, the flexibility of the work Executed Over the Whole Delivery Process
process, delivery and shipping, transportation energy, Visual Management. There are several lean visual
local labor, working condition, etc. The features of methods which could help promote sustainable con-
prefabrication on sustainable construction include: struction. They include the 5S and Value Stream
Mapping (VSM), or streamlining of the process.
• Increased potential of improved supply chain
The 5S, which stand for separate, straighten,
integration of green materials
scrub, systematize, and sustain/standardize, are
• Safer working conditions
used to create and maintain a clean, orderly and
• Reduced environmental impact due to trans-
standardized work place. This method is often con-
ferring workers, machines, stacked materials,
sidered the fi rst step companies take in their lean
temporary structures and onsite activities to a
journeys, since it serves as the foundation of future
prefabrication plant
continual improvement efforts. The aims of the 5S
• Reduced material depletion due to easier recy-
mentioned above improve profitability, manageabil-
cling of materials in an off-site environment
ity, efficiency and safety a job site.
• Better manageability due to enhanced flexibility
Moreover, this method creates a sustainable
and adaptability
construction site by cleaning the workplace and re-
• Reduced overall life cycle cost
ducing air pollution, which may also improve the
• Reduced economic impact in local communities
relationship with the community. The U.S. Green
Prefabrication may have both sustainable benefits Building Council (USGBC) established criteria for
and disadvantages depending on the exact condi- green design. The criteria are largely outlined in the
tions of a project. These impacts fall into three cat- USGBC’s Leadership in Energy and Environmen-
egories: economic, social, and environmental. Thus, tal Design (LEED) Rating System. The USGBC
economically, one advantage is the reduced cost of requires the design of a sediment and erosion plan

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for sustainable sites, in which the 5S may contribute. uct), environmental pollution (e.g. emissions, waste,
The 5S may help a contractor increase productivity wastewater, and hazardous wastes) or social impacts
while protecting laborers from injuries and occupa- (e.g. noise, relationship with the community).
tional health hazards by providing clean and acci- In order to identify an owner’s capital develop-
dent-free work areas. Evaluation of projects based on ment process over the whole project, an extended
LEED metrics allows people to award various levels VSM covering the programming to operational
of certification, which brings “standardization, va- phase was developed (Lapinski et al., 2005). This
lidity, and visibility to projects and the green design map was used to recognize the environmental value
process” (USGBC, 2007). and waste of a sustainable construction project.
Many studies suggest that VSM is one of the best According to interviews with project manag-
visual tools that show the flow of both information ers at Walbridge Aldinger, the logistical plan helps
and material. Therefore it is very useful for process stakeholders eliminate waste and improve the flow
owners to understand the generation and flow of of work on a job site. The logistical plan is a map
value and waste during project processes for the sus- that illustrates the organization and equipment on
tainability of the facilities (Riley et al., 2005; Lapin- a construction site, the movement of these entities,
ski et al., 2005, 2006). Traditionally, VSM has been the storage and flow of material, and generation and
used to assess process time and inventory levels to cleaning of physical waste. The logistical plan also
define value and waste, because these factors are key supports a project manager to organize current and
constituents for economic purposes. The objective in planned activity on the site. Walbridge implemented
using VSM is to improve the process of production the Logistical Plan to improve the manageability of
by working to eliminate economic waste. By identi- cost effectiveness and to reduce resource depletion.
fying value, waste, and flow of material and infor- These benefits are gained by providing effective
mation, VSM can make construction processes more communication and coordination between stake-
transparent and predictable. This feature of VSM holders, improving material management, and min-
may lessen the risk of investment and improve man- imizing work conflicts. The site logistics planning is
agement by helping process owners have a thorough an efficient way to let any stakeholder who looks at
understanding of the processes. This lean method, a plan understand where they should and should not
however, may be used not only for economic pur- be. The logistical plan can be updated by the stake-
poses, but also social and environmental purposes holders anytime a site logistics plan changes.
by adding sustainability-related data into the map.
In addition to time and inventory, the waste of re- Kaizen and Kaikaku. Kaizen, which means con-
sources, creation of pollution, resource consumption, tinuous improvement in Japanese, is one of the core
safety, and interaction with the community may be concepts of lean production, not only for economic
mapped. In 2006, the U.S. Environmental Protec- purposes, but also for social and environmental pur-
tion Agency (US EPA) incorporated the traditional poses in sustainable construction. Kaizen is one of
VSM with environmental considerations. This new the primary ways of implementing other lean meth-
method developed a “materials line” on the bottom ods, ranging from the 5S to much more complex
of a value stream map that shows two types of data: lean construction tools. After an analysis of the
• The amount of raw materials used by each current state, Kaizen is a useful tool for continuous
process improvement by using a delivery process mapping
• The amount of materials that end up in the method (Lapinski et al., 2005). Kaizen provided
product and add value from a customer’s the basis for a total process approach to sustainable
perspective. project development. This concept was used at the
South Campus Office Building project in Torrance,
The materials line is similar to the “time line” on CA (Horman et al., 2004). Kaizen plays a key role
traditional value stream maps, and can be developed in improving the current status for sustainable con-
for any type of resource (e.g. water, energy, total ma- struction. All sustainable indicators may be im-
terials, and/or a critical substance used in the prod- proved through Kaizen.

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Another potential tool for pursuing sustainable in the UK, the Building Research Establishment’s
“perfection” is Kaikaku (Kaizen events), which means Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) is
a rapid process of improvement. It is a team activity used. Environmental impacts, such as ecology, land
designed to eliminate waste and make rapid changes usage, energy, materials, waste, employee well-being
for product and process improvement in the work- and health, management, pollution, transport, and
place. This strategy is employed to unite workers from water, are examined by the use of BREEAM.
multiple organizational levels in addressing problems These rating systems are very useful for promoting
and improving processes. When implementing the green buildings. However, these systems limit their
chosen improvements, the team rapidly employs inex- concerns to the environment rather than expanding
pensive solutions usually within three days. It is pos- their areas of concern to sustainability. Therefore, in
sible for the improvements to be rapidly implemented this paper the authors present a sustainable perfor-
by changing the process. Kaikaku can reduce pollu- mance indicator based on the LEED checklist and
tion, energy, and material waste/depletion. However, the list of benefits of sustainable buildings (Yates,
this tool may cause environmental or social problems 2001). Some indicators are not limited to just one
in the event it pursues only economic targets with- category. For instance, “Pollution and Waste Man-
out the presence of a qualified Environmental Health agement” may contribute to each environmental,
and Safety (EHS) staff. Sometimes the economic economic, and social purpose. Environmental and
benefits and environmental/social benefits confl ict social impact include externalities, in which the cost
with each other. For this reason, the EHS staff must of environmental and public infrastructure impacts.
participate in Kaizen events due to the possibility of These externalities are not normally charged directly
non-compliance and exposure of workers to health to a construction project. These benefits and indica-
hazards. Suggestions may be made by EHS staff to tors of sustainable buildings include:
facilitate the process (US EPA, 2006).
1. Economic perspective
• Financial Profitability—remaining competi-
ASSESSING LEAN CONSTRUCTION tive in the market place is affected by upfront
METHODS ON SUSTAINABILITY and operating costs, productivity, sales, mar-
Assessment ket profile, and level of competitiveness
The field of sustainable building is as hard to define • Investment Risk Avoidance—increasing pre-
as the concept of sustainability is to measure. Indica- dictability, profitability, and flexibility help to
tors are needed to define criteria, and to measure in- reduce risk.
dustry performance. These indicators could be tech- • Management and Auditability—The benefits
nical solutions with varying properties, e.g. emissions of good management are intangible but are
levels of CO2, SO2 or NOx can be used directly to nevertheless important to sustainability be-
quantify environmental impacts (Huovila, 1999). cause of the amount of control they give.
The challenge to measuring sustainability is • Technical Performance—durability, service
that sustainability is not very quantifiable (Kwong, life, maintainability, R-value, strength and
2004). Therefore, it is very difficult to quantify both constructability.
direct and indirect impacts of sustainable features, 2. Environmental perspective
including initial cost savings, energy savings, O&M • Sustainable Site—the design of a sediment
savings, productivity improvement, improved rela- and erosion plan must occur.
tionship with the community, water consumption, • Resource Depletion—Locally, and globally
pollution, safety, and prestige. Moreover, it is more the exploitation of resources cause significant
difficult to identify the comprehensive link between environmental and social disruptions, there-
lean implementation and sustainability. fore limiting consumption is key.
However, despite of the difficulties of quantify- • Pollution and Waste Management—Consider-
ing, measuring, and evaluating sustainability, there able environmental and health problems locally
have been endeavours to establish sustainability and globally occur due to pollution; construc-
measurement systems. In the US, LEED is used; tion waste is mostly landfilled at present.

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• Energy Consumption—critical to sustainable construction methods provide positive economic im-
construction and facilities. pacts for sustainable facilities while showing several
3. Social perspective negative impacts on the social and environmental as-
• Health and Safety—The indoor environmen- pects. Environmental and social impacts do not tend
tal health and occupational safety of a facility to be directly felt by the stakeholders in a particular
is a major concern. Addressing these issues project (Yates, 2001). They are harder to trace to a
increases loyalty, productivity of tenants, and specific operating method than to allocate to an op-
makes an organization more attractive to erating method. Stakeholders, therefore, ignore the
employees. social and environmental impacts and remove them
• Prestige—Having a sustainable facility cre- from the decisions of a commercial facility construc-
ates an appealing place of business for all tion project. In order to assess the application of
concerned. these methods, qualitative information such as how
• Relationships with the Community— the tools will be used should also be considered.
Curing the problems of various types of pollu-
tion (e.g., noise, air, and water) create a better CONCLUSION
public image and raise status. Lean philosophy provides a concrete basis not only
• Relationships among stakeholders— for economic, but also social and environmental
Maintaining stakeholder relationships over purposes in sustainable construction by improving
the long term and demonstrating mutual re- the delivery processes of green facilities. This paper
spect is essential for the success of sustainable demonstrated that high levels of building sustain-
construction projects ability can be achieved with smart and effective
In the construction industry there are few perfor- project execution resulting in fewer additional up-
mance measurement tools that link lean efforts and front costs from the qualitative perspective.
green results directly, because it is hard to measure The key impacts of using lean construction meth-
all sustainable impacts of lean implementation. For ods for the purpose of sustainability are categorized
instance, in order to measure the performance of as follows:
the integrated design, all measurable benefits should • Economic perspective: possible upfront cost re-
be counted (Hawken et al., 1999). Traditional con- duction, resource savings, operating cost reduc-
struction performance measurement systems with tion, and high performance capability
fragmented views may miss the benefits from inte- • Social perspective: workplace safety, occupant
grated design. In the holistic perspective, integrat- health, community well-being, loyalty among
ing expensive sustainable resources and technologies stakeholders, and external image improvement
could reduce overall upfront construction costs. • Environmental perspective: reduced resource
depletion, pollution prevention by eliminating
EVALUATION SUMMARY waste, and resource preservation.
The purpose of assessing the construction methods
described in this part is not to compare these prac- Several lean construction methods were exam-
tices, but rather to evaluate the current application of ined in this paper. Although many other lean con-
lean construction methods based on sustainable devel- struction practices were not examined for sustain-
opment and construction philosophies, and to explore ability, these practices may have the possibility for
better approaches to applying lean construction. sustainable purposes but need their impacts to be
Table 1 illustrates an assessment of the previously quantified. The difficulty in understanding and
discussed methods on the sustainability of a con- quantifying the impacts of lean construction meth-
struction project. Each lean method shows concrete ods is perhaps one reason that stakeholders hesitate
relationships between the current lean construction to introduce these methods to achieve sustainable
methods and the sustainable performance of a facil- facilities. This is one reason most publications assess
ity, while several practices reveal positive relation- lean construction methods only from the economic
ships as well as negative relationships. Most lean perspective. Further research will be conducted

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TABLE 1. Lean methods and sustainable impacts.

Lean Project
Delivery Phases Lean Methods Economic Impacts Environmental Impacts Social Impacts
Lean Project PBC • Innovative idea in the • Innovative idea in the • Innovative idea in the
Definition early phases early phases early phases
• Improved cost • Reduced material and
effectiveness energy depletion
• Increased
IPD • Efficient production • Improved • Improved social
environmental performance
Lean Design Integrated • Maximized economic • Easy to integrate • Enhanced relationship
Design performance (cost, various green materials with community
efficiency, etc.) and construction • Enhanced health of the
through early technology occupants of a facility
involvement of • Reduced energy,
stakeholders equipment, or material
• Expected synergy consumption
between stakeholders
Target Costing • Avoided design • Prevented possibility of • Improved relationship
“busts” of a facility by unnecessary material among stakeholders
defining the scope and consumption and
construction costs in waste
the early phases of a
Set-based • Reduced risk of rework • Reduced risk of rework • Prevented risk of
Design and/or subpar facility and/or subpar facility conflict between
performance performance stakeholders
Lean Supply JIT • Reduced inventory- • Reduced material • Increased emissions
related cost depletion caused by frequent
• Reduced inventory • Sustainable job site delivery
• Increased
• Reduced additional
Lean Assembly Prefabrication • Better manageability • Improved supply chain • Safer work condition
due to enhanced integrated of green • Reduced economic
flexibility and material impact in local
adaptability • Reduced community
• Reduced overall life environmental impact
cycle cost due to temporary
workers, machines,
structures, and onsite
• Easier recycling of
(continued on next page)

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TABLE 1. (continued)

Lean Project
Delivery Phases Lean Methods Economic Impacts Environmental Impacts Social Impacts
General 5S • Improved productivity • Reduced air pollution • Safer work condition
• Enhanced relationship
with community
VSM • Improve production • Easy to find out waste, • Easy to find out the
process by elimination creation of pollution process relating hazard
economic waste material and noise
• Improved
• Reduced the risk of
Logistical Plan • Improved • Reduced • Easy to find out the
manageability of transportation on job process relating hazard
inventory and labor site material and noise
Kaizen • Basis for economically • Basis for • Basis for socially
continuous environmentally continuous
improvement continuous improvement
Kaikaku • Basis for economically • Basis for • Basis for socially rapid
rapid improvement environmentally rapid improvement
improvement • May cause problems
• May cause problems without the presence
without the presence of EHS staff members
of EHS staff members

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to develop a framework that supports the selection Elkington, J. (1997). Cannibals with Forks: The triple bottom
of various lean construction practices for sustainable line of 21st century business. Capstone: Oxford.
facilities. Ferng, J. and Price, A.D.F. (2005). “An exploration of the syn-
ergies between Six Sigma, total quality management, Lean
construction and sustainable construction” Int. J. Six Sigma
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