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Ram Saran R


 Measurement- Phenomena of measuring something

 Metric -Anything we derive out of measurement

Data- Two Categories

 Primary Data
 Secondary Data

 Numeric --- a) Interval data(3) b) Ratio(4)

 Non Numeric(categorical data) --- a) Ordinal(2) b) Nominal(1)

1. Nominal- Only for reference; E.g. Aadhar Card No, Locations,

Blood Group etc.
2. Ordinal- Can be ranked; E.g. Rating of faculties in CU( Likert
3. Interval- Difference between successive intervals is equal. Have
presence of grading zero. E.g. Temperature scale
4. Ratio Scale-

Nominal and Ordinal: Weakest Measurements: Non Metric

Data: Non Parametric
Interval and Ratio: Strongest Measurement: Metric Data:

Any data taken out of descriptive data- Stastic

SPSS Software- 20

 Variable view- Shows data dictionary: Makes sense to dataset

 Role- Change to Target from input, it becomes dependent

Two types of Data Analysis

 Supervised- when data has dependent variable[ e.g. y=g(x) ]

 Unsupervised- when there is independent variable[x1,x2,x3….xn]

Data Preparation

 Missingness
 Outliers- Unnamed Observations- High or low number will lead to skewing
of data from mean value
 Coding

Missingness – Causes: - Operator’s mistake,

Failed to collect the data

Overcoming: - Take and replace with average,

Remove the column or row

(Finding missing values in excel- select tab and press Ctrl+G- go to special and
check “blank”)
Imputation (works only on numerical values)

Imputation means to replace

 Analyze- Multiple Imputation- Analyze Patterns (used only for numerical)

“N” represents no. of missing values

 Go to the file Data, click Analyze- Multiple Imputation- Impute Missing

Data Values- select the data with highest no. of missing values-create new
dataset( select one more variable for reference purpose or SPSS will show

We can change the number of imputation (e.g. 5 imputations means 5 data

sets will be generated). Better to use more datasets to increase accuracy.
Depend on the objectives.

(Accuracy- Errors are less)

Change Original Data to various dataset numbers to see imputed data

Save the dataset as excel file— File-Save as- Excel

Open saved excel file – apply filter to data- uncheck all blanks
Copy it to new sheet
Data-data analysis- descriptive statistics-ok- input range (select including
the range)- check labels- give output range-summary statistics- confidence
level- ok

Look at skewness values- if its positive, it means its right skewed. If the
value is close to zero, it is symmetric.

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