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04 EX-DE 30/07/2018 Issued for Final P.ABADI I.HADJU S.BENJAMIN

03 EX-DE 18/07/2018 Re-Issued for Approval P.ABADI I.HADJU S.BENJAMIN
02 EX-DE 02/07/2018 Re-Issued for Approval P.ABADI I.HADJU S.BENJAMIN
01 EX-DE 20/05/2018 Issued for Approval P.ABADI I.HADJU S.BENJAMIN
00 EX-DE 26/04/2018 Issued for Review A.Widiyatmoko I.HADJU S.BENJAMIN
Rev Validity
Number Status Prepared Checked Approved
Date Description
Revision Index
Company logo and business name Project name Company Document ID
Job N.
Jangkrik Complex 220802DBQA0001
Eni Muara Bakau B.V. Project
Contractor logo and business name Contractor Document ID


PT. AGCIA PERTIWI Contract N. xxxxxxxxxxx

Facility Sub Facility Name Scale Sheet of Sheets
EPCI of Lean Gas Pipeline Phase 1 n.a. 1 of 66

Document Title Supersedes N.

Superseded by N.
220802DBQA50001 Revision Index

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Number Status 2 of 56
Project Quality Plan 04 EX-DE
Eni Muara Bakau B.V.

Project / Initiative name EPCI of Lean Gas Pipeline Phase-1 / Project Quality Plan

This document is to describe the quality assurance activities shall be concern in executing
PROJECT. Start from planning of inspection and test items, construction activities, to handover of
final documentation.

Project Quality Plan Plant Area Plant Unit

Document Verification

Prepared by Signature Date

contractor Prepared

Pahrizan Abadi 30 July 2018

Checked by Signature Date

Ismail Hadju 30 July 2018

Approval by Signature Date

Subijanto Benjamin 30 July 2018

Checked by Unit Signature Date


Checked by Unit Signature Date

Proj. Dev.

Approved by Unit Signature Date


Proj. Dev.

Endorsed by Unit Signature Date

Proj. Dev.

This document is property of Eni Muara Bakau B.V.

It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
220802DBQA50001 Revision Index

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Project Quality Plan 04 EX-DE
Eni Muara Bakau B.V.

Rev No. Revision Description
00 Issued for Review
01 Issued for Approval
02 Re-Issued for Approval
03 Re-Issued for Approval
04 Issued for Final

No Section Para No Description of Changes

Add in Definition of Major and Minor non conformance, refer to

1 15.0 Para 1
027951E02.ICO.AVV.SDS page 21
2 15.0 Para 4 Add corrective action for major shall be approved by CPY
Add Punc List category definition, refer to 02795E02.ICO.AVV.SDS
3 8.9.5 Para 3
page 23
add in section Interface and Communication before section
4* 14.0

Section Description of Hold

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Eni Muara Bakau B.V.


1.0 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 8

1.1 Project Overview ........................................................................................................................8
1.2 Purpose........................................................................................................................................8
1.3 Document Scope ........................................................................................................................8

2.0 REFERENCE .............................................................................................................................. 9

2.1 Project Documentation ..............................................................................................................9
2.2 ENI Documentation....................................................................................................................9
2.3 Third Party Documentation.......................................................................................................9
2.4 Order of Precedence ................................................................................................................ 10

3.0 ABBREVIATIONS.................................................................................................................. 10

4.0 DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................ 11

5.0 RESPONSIBILITY................................................................................................................. 12

6.0 INSPECTION AND TEST PLAN REQUIREMENT............................................................ 12


8.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE ........................................................................................................ 14

8.1 Quality Assurance Requirement............................................................................................. 14
8.2 Quality Document .................................................................................................................... 15
8.3 Quality Record .......................................................................................................................... 15
8.4 Quality Policy ............................................................................................................................ 16
8.5 Quality Objective...................................................................................................................... 16
8.6 Engineering Quality Plan ......................................................................................................... 16
8.6.1 Activity Assignment ................................................................................... 16
8.6.2 Design Verification .................................................................................... 17
8.6.3 Design Review .......................................................................................... 17
8.6.4 Control of Design Changes ......................................................................... 17
8.7 Procurement Quality Plan ....................................................................................................... 17
8.7.1 Assessment of SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs .......................................... 17
8.7.2 Procurement Information ........................................................................... 18
8.7.3 Communication and Verification of Purchased Product ................................... 18
8.8 Fabrication Quality Plan .......................................................................................................... 19
8.8.1 Bulk Material and Fabrications items ............................................................ 19
8.9 Construction Quality Plan ....................................................................................................... 21
8.9.1 Organization and Responsibilities. ............................................................... 21
8.9.2 Field Inspection Procedure. ........................................................................ 21
8.9.3 Document Control ..................................................................................... 22
8.9.4 CONTRACTORs Mechanical Completion, Pre-Commisioning and Commisioning
Control 22
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8.9.5 Punch List ................................................................................................ 23

8.10 Resource Management ............................................................................................................ 23
8.10.1 Provision of Resources ............................................................................... 23
8.10.2 Human Resource ....................................................................................... 23
8.10.3 Infrastructure ........................................................................................... 24
8.10.4 Work Environment .................................................................................... 24
8.11 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement........................................................................... 24
8.11.1 Customer Satisfaction ................................................................................ 24
8.11.2 Internal and External Quality Assurance Audits ............................................. 24
8.11.3 Monitoring and Measuring of Product ........................................................... 25
8.11.4 Control of Non Conformance ....................................................................... 25
8.11.5 Continual Improvement ............................................................................. 25
8.11.6 Corrective Action....................................................................................... 25
8.11.7 Prevention Action ...................................................................................... 26

9.0 QUALITY CONTROL ............................................................................................................. 26

9.1 Quality Control Requirement .................................................................................................. 26
9.2 Strategies .................................................................................................................................. 26
9.3 Quality Procedure..................................................................................................................... 26
9.4 Quality Performance Indicators ............................................................................................. 27
9.5 Notification of Inspection ........................................................................................................ 28

10.0 Shop Inspection ................................................................................................................... 28

10.1 Civil ............................................................................................................................................ 30
10.1.1 Prestressed Concrete Piles.......................................................................... 30
10.1.2 Steel Structure ......................................................................................... 30
10.1.3 Bulk Civil Material, include: rebar, bolt and nut ............................................. 31
10.2 Pipe and Component ............................................................................................................... 31
10.2.1 Pipe......................................................................................................... 31
10.2.2 Valves ..................................................................................................... 31
10.2.3 Fittings and Flange .................................................................................... 31
10.2.4 Shop Fabrication of Piping .......................................................................... 31
10.2.5 Gasket ..................................................................................................... 32
10.2.6 Bolt and Nut ............................................................................................. 32

11.0 Field Inspection ................................................................................................................... 32

11.1 Civil Work .................................................................................................................................. 32
11.1.1 Soil Investigation ...................................................................................... 32
11.1.2 Surveying ................................................................................................ 32
11.1.3 Excavation and Backfill .............................................................................. 33
11.1.4 Form Works.............................................................................................. 33
11.1.5 Embedments ............................................................................................ 33
11.1.6 Reinforcing steel ....................................................................................... 33
11.1.7 Concrete Placement................................................................................... 33
11.1.8 Grouting .................................................................................................. 34
11.1.9 Piling ....................................................................................................... 34
11.2 Piping Work ............................................................................................................................... 34
11.2.1 Material ................................................................................................... 34
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11.2.2 Fabrication / Erection ................................................................................ 34

11.2.3 Gaskets ................................................................................................... 35
11.2.4 Pipe support. ............................................................................................ 35
11.2.5 Non Destructive Examination ...................................................................... 36
11.2.6 Hydrostatic Testing ................................................................................... 36
11.3 Mechanical Installation ............................................................................................................ 37
11.3.1 Receiving Check For Shipping Damage......................................................... 37
11.3.2 Foundation ............................................................................................... 37
11.3.3 Installation placement ............................................................................... 37
11.3.4 Final check ............................................................................................... 38
11.4 Instrument Work ...................................................................................................................... 38
11.4.1 Material Receiving ..................................................................................... 38
11.4.2 Calibration ............................................................................................... 38
11.4.3 Installation ............................................................................................... 38
11.5 Electrical Work.......................................................................................................................... 39
11.5.1 Material Receiving ..................................................................................... 39
11.5.2 Installation ............................................................................................... 39
11.6 Hot Tapping Work (Exclude Hot Tap Drilling Work) ........................................................... 40
11.6.1 Material ................................................................................................... 40
11.6.2 Welding of Split Tee .................................................................................. 40
11.6.3 Valve Installation ...................................................................................... 40
11.6.4 Final Inspection ........................................................................................ 40
11.7 Pipeline Work ............................................................................................................................ 40
11.7.1 Material ................................................................................................... 40
11.7.2 Line Pipe Stringing .................................................................................... 40
11.7.3 Mainline & Tie-In Welding........................................................................... 40
11.7.4 Non Destructive Examination ...................................................................... 41
11.7.5 Field Joint Coating ..................................................................................... 41
11.7.6 Trenching, Lowering and Backfill ................................................................. 41
11.7.7 Pre-Commissioning ................................................................................... 42
a. Flooding, Cleaning and Gauging ..................................................................... 42
b. Hydrostatic Testing ...................................................................................... 42
c. Dewatering & Swabbing ................................................................................ 43
d. Caliper & Intelligent Pig ................................................................................ 44
e. Drying ........................................................................................................ 45
f. Nitrogen Purging & Packing ........................................................................... 45

12.0 Control of Inspection and Status ................................................................................... 45

13.0 Management of change system ...................................................................................... 45

14.0 INTERFACE AND COMMUNICATION .............................................................................. 46

15.0 MIGAS REGULATION REQUIREMENT ............................................................................ 46

15.1 Equipment and Material Requiring Inspection by MIGAS .................................................. 46
15.2 MIGAS Requirement for WPS and Welder Performance ..................................................... 46

16.0 NON CONFORMITY REQUEST ........................................................................................... 46

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18.0 JOB DESCRIPTION OF QAQC ORGANIZATION ........................................................... 47

18.1 QAQC Manager ......................................................................................................................... 47
18.2 QAQC Coordinator.................................................................................................................... 48
18.3 QA Engineer .............................................................................................................................. 49
18.4 QC Engineer .............................................................................................................................. 49
18.5 Inspector (Welding Inspector, Mechanical & Piping Inspector, E&I Inspector, Civil
Inspector).................................................................................................................................. 50
18.6 NDT Coordinator ...................................................................................................................... 51
18.7 Traceability ............................................................................................................................... 51

19.0 DOCUMENTATION................................................................................................................ 52

20.0 SUBMISSION AND HANDOVER DOCUMENT ................................................................ 52

21.0 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................................. 52

Appendix A : Quality Policy .............................................................................................................. 52
Appendix B : QA/QC Organization Chart ....................................................................................... 52
Appendix C : Workflow Scheme for Shop Inspection Activities.................................................. 52
Appendix D : Workflow Scheme for Field Inspection Activities .................................................. 52

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1.1 Project Overview
The Provision of Lean Gas Pipeline Phase-1 segment consist of a new 36” pipeline
(including associated pigging facilities and pipeline accessories) starting from Jangkrik
Onshore Receiving Facility (ORF) and generally heading northward in parallel with the
existing line within PHM’S ROW from KM 7 to KM 21.65 (tie-in to 20” Handil – Nilam
Pipeline location) for a distance of about 15 km. Final destination of Jangkrik treated gas is
to the Bontang LNG Plant and local market. This route passes through primarily hilly terrain
and some swampy areas of PHM’S ROW. It also consists of modification work at ORF (KM
7), modification work at KM 21.65 and provision of metering and piping, HIPPS, pig
launchers, pig receivers, and integration system with existing facilities.

Figure 1.1 Provision of Lean Gas Pipeline Phase-1 Overview

1.2 Purpose
Purpose of this document is to describe the quality assurance and quality control activities
shall be concern in executing PROJECT. Start from planning of inspection and test items,
construction activities, to handover of final documentation.

1.3 Document Scope

This Project Quality Plan (PQP) is the primary documentation of the quality assurance
program which shall be applicable to the following activities
- Engineering
- Procurement
- Construction
- Installation
- Commissioning
The outlined in this PQP are used unchanged whenever possible or amended to suit the
requirements and scope of the project.

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The following specification and documents are used as reference in development of this

2.1 Project Documentation

Project Doc
No. Description ENI Doc Number
DOC-AGC-PMT-0001 220802DLPP10001
[A1] Project Execution Plan

2.2 ENI Documentation

No. Description ENI Doc Number Rev

[B1] EPCI Scope of Work 220802DGSCE0342 -

[B2] Quality Management Requirements 220802DBQRE0345 -

[B3] Quality Management Specification SGI-QUAL-014 -

[B4] General spesification for field weld of pipeline 02776.PLI.COR.SDS 3

[B5] Construction and Installation of Onshore Pipeline 03516.COS.CNS.STD 1

Facilities Construction Quality Control & Mechanical Completion 27951.COS.QUA.STD 2


2.3 Third Party Documentation

No. Description Doc Number Rev

Peraturan Menteri Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral

[C1] Republik Indonesia Tentang Keselamatan Instalasi Dan No.38 Tahun 2017 2017
Peralatan Pada Kegiatan Usaha Minyak Dan Gas Bumi

[C2] Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems ASME B31.8 2014

[C3] Sistem Penyaluran dan Distribusi Pipa Gas SNI 3474 2009

[C4] Quality Management System IS0 9001 2015

[C5] Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities API 1104 2016

[C6] Structural Welding Code – Steel AWS D1.1 2015

[C7] Non Destructive Examination ASME BPV Sect. V 2015

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No. Description Doc Number Rev

Welding and Brazing Qualifications Standard for Welding

[C8] and Brazing Procedures, Welders, Brazers, and Welding ASME BPV Sect. IX 2015
and Brazing Operators
Personal Qualification and Certification in Non Destructive

[C10] Quality management systems - Guidelines for quality plans ISO 10005 2018

2.4 Order of Precedence

The most stringent requirement shall be applied. In case of conflicting requirements among
the applicable documents, the following order of precedence shall be followed:
1. Applicable Indonesian Laws and Regulations
2. Project Document
3. COMPANY General Specification
4. International codes and standards
5. Good engineering practice


Abbreviation Description

ISO International Standards Organisation

ASME American Society for Mechanical Engineers

ASTM American Society for Testing and Material

ASNT American Society for Non-Destructive Testing

AWS American Welding Society

API American Petroleum Institute

SNI Standar Nasional Indonesia

ITP Inspection and Test Plan

QA Quality Assurance

QC Quality Control

QMS Quality Management System

NCR Non Conformance Report

CAR Corrective Action Request

KPI Key Performance Indicator

NDE / NDT Non Destructive Examination / Non Destructive Testing

PWHT Post Weld Heat Treatment

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WPS Welding Procedure Specification

PQR Procedure Qualification Record

PI Perusahaan Inspeksi
PP Perusahaan Peralatan

PLO Persetujuan Layak Operasi

PDCA Plan Do Check Action


 COMPANY : ENI Muara Bakau B.V

 Project : Jangkrik Complex Project
EPCI of Lean Gas Pipeline Phase-1
 Contractor : PT AGCIA PERTIWI that provide goods and services as
required by Client
 SUBCONTRACTOR : Any person named in the Contract as a subcontractor, or
any person appointed as a subcontractor, for a part of the
Works, and the legal successors in title to each of these
 MIGAS : Indonesian Government Board responsible issuing
approvals and licenses of oil and gas facilities.
 PI : Independent Verification Body and/or Certifying Authority
acting on behalf of MIGAS
 Materials : Things of all kinds (other than Plant) intended to form or
forming part of the Permanent Works, including the supply-
only materials (if any) to be supplied by the Contractor
under the Contract.
 VENDOR : The company on which the order or contract for supply of
the goods or services is placed.
 Works : The Permanent Works and the Temporary Works, or either
of them as appropriate including the responsibility for
undertaking work outside of the Site (if any) as indicated in
the COMPANY’s Requirements and Conditions of Contract.
 Site : The place where the Permanent Works are to be executed
and to which Plant and Materials are to be delivered, and
any other places as may specified in the Contract as
forming part of the Site.
 Specification : An explicit set of requirements to be satisfied by material,
product or services.
 Procedure : A series of written steps to be carried out in a logical order
for a defined operation or a given situation.
 DOSSIER : All inspections and test certificates and all other documents
that record the ’System’ and/or ’Unit’ completion status in
accordance with terms of ‘Contract’. The Dossier will be
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prepared individually for each ’System’.

 Shall : Means absolute requirement to be followed strictly in order

to conform the philosophy
 Should : Means recommendation, alternative solutions having the
same functionality and quality are acceptable
 May : Means course of action that is permissible within the limits
of the philosophy

The Project Manager reports directly to the Project Director and has independent authority
for the project as a whole and the following in particular.
 Initiate, assign, organize and coordinate all activities and functions related to the
project, from commencement until completion, within the terms and conditions of the
 Direct and monitor the functions of key members of the Project Management Team.
 Ensure that the project quality system is continuously implemented on the project.
 Overall coordination of engineering, procurement, construction and installation activities
and provide a formal communication link with the COMPANY.
 Approve and manage all project documents, concessions and variations in line with
COMPANY requirements.
Construction Manager reports directly to Project Manager and shall responsible to
application of this document as a basis for implementing construction activities, as define in
his contractual work scope
The inspection group, on behalf of project team, has fully responsible for taking all
necessary safe precautions during the performance of work, and for leaving the facilities in
a safe conditions. Detail job description of Project QA/QC Manager, QAQC Coordinator, QA
Engineer, QC Engineer, Inspector, General Inspector and Traceability, described in section


All inspections and test requirements shall be prepared and execute properly. They shall
conform to government regulation, codes, standards, and project specifications.
Inspections records shall be generated, maintained, documented, and collated. The system
employed shall insure full traceability of records including back up in accordance to
Project’s requirements. The Project QA/QC Manager shall submit the originals of all
inspection data’s and other related documents to COMPANY as required by the contract
The Project QA/QC Manager shall provide all the required equipments for inspection
activities and assure adequate inspection personnel and back up equipment are in place in
order to expedite his activities so as not to impact on the construction schedule.
The Inspectors shall prepare check sheets and inspections reports for carrying out the
required quality control checks according to particular discipline work activities. All
inspection and test reports forms shall be specific to the activity and items inspected.

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The Project QA/QC Manager shall also prepare a detailed inspection and test plan indicating
inspection level (spot, witness, hold point, etc) based on COMPANY definitions here in. The
Inspection and Test Plan shall include witness/attendance requirements by COMPANY,
The Project QA/QC Manager (advised by THIRD PARTY agency) shall establish all technical
Inspection and Test reports which are to be submitted to Government (MIGAS) which are
required for obtaining the Individual Equipment and Plant certification.


Listed below are general guideline per disciplines and their typical associated activities only.
The detail activities will be finalized in Inspection and Test Plan related works with
a) Provide (P)
Issued of Document to be provided and submitted for review.
b) Spot Witness (SW)
Spot witnessing inspection point, is an activity during construction where interim
measurements, and/or witness of activitiy conformation normally take place, prior to
the final measurement or inspection being done.
c) Witness (W)
Witness inspection point is an activity during construction where inspection,
measurement, or testing must take place and documented.
Prior to performing the inspection, measurement or test the Project is required to give
prior written notice to COMPANY (normally 24 hours advance). However in some cases
this will not be possible, in such cases COMPANY will depending on the amount of prior
notice given and availability of inspection personnel, will endeavor to attend inspection.
If it is not possible and depending to be deferred until an inspector is available. If the
inspection is waived, the Project Inspection Team may proceed with his own inspection
witnessing. The results must be fully documented and submitted to COMPANY for review
and approval within one working day.
d) Hold Point (H)
A Hold Point is an activity during construction where inspection, measurement, or
testing must take place, having mandatory attendance by COMPANY and where
required MIGAS and/or their appointed THIRD PARTY. The Project Team can not be
proceed with the next work step activity until inspection, measurement, or test has
been witnessed an aprroved by all the attending parties.
The Project QA/QC Manager shall give written notification to COMPANY of the upcoming
inspection. Otherwise specified, for measurement and work quality inspections, 24
hours prior notice is required. If the inspection activity is for function testing of rotating
equipment compressors, etc, hydrostatic testing and/or pressure testing of component
parts, 48 hours prior notice is required. Inspections conducted under (H) category will
not be waived for COMPANY attendance.
e) Approval (A)
A document or drawing, which required approval by COMPANY or MIGAS and/or the
appointed THIRD PARTY prior to proceeding with the activities.
Approval the documentation prior to commence next stage, acceptance of document
and report.

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f) Review (R)
Review and evaluation of reports, procedures, qualifications, and verify conformance to
specified requirements.
g) Inspect (I)
Mandatory examination of work after completion of activities as indicated by the
symbol “I“ on the Field Inspection and Test Plan (ITP). Verify acceptance to the
specification, industry code and manufacturer’s requirements, can be a visual,
dimensional inspection or test.
h) Verify (V)
Is an inspection point during construction where activities/progress are inspected or
measured by appointed personnel and witness.


8.1 Quality Assurance Requirement
To ensure that Quality Management System is established, documented, implemented and
maintained by Project Team Management and continually improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of the Project Team Organization’s performance by considering the needs of
interested parties. Project Team’s top management established a customer-oriented
organization by;
 Defining the system & and processes that can be clearly understood, managed and
 The availability and information necessary to support the operation and monitoring of
the process.
 Using PDCA system to evaluate process operation and monitoring of the process.
 Monitoring, measuring and analyzing the process.
 Implementing 8 (eight) Quality Management Principles, i.e.:
1) Customer Focused;
2) Leadership;
3) Involvement of People;
4) Process Approach;
5) System Approach;
6) Continual Improvement;
7) Factual Decision Making;
8) Mutually Beneficial Supplier Relationship;

The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) methodology can be applied to ensure that Quality

Management System is well implemented in Project.
1) Defining the Objectives & Processes (Plan)
Establishing the objectives and processes necessary to deliver results in accordance
with customer requirements and the organization’s policy. This includes activities such
as defining the objectives for each level organization. Based on these objectives,
Contractor will define its processes required to meet with the customer requirements.
2) Doing the Process (Do)
Each level of organization must exercise and implement the defined processes
3) Checking the Process (Check)

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Monitor and measure processes and product against policies, objectives and
requirements for the product and report the results. Quality Assurance confirms that
the quality management system is consistently implemented and provides confidence
that requirement for quality will be met. Quality Assurance covers the authorization of
deliverables, set up and maintenance of quality records, and planning and execution of
quality audits either on project or a system basis (Control).
4) Acting for continual improvement (Act)
Take actions to continually improve process performance. The objective of quality
improvement is to increase the effectiveness and efficiency activities and work process
to the benefit of Contractor and Client. Quality Improvement involves the analysis of
non-compliances including work process and planning of corrective and preventative
action, the annual Management Quality Management System review, and
implementation of corrective action request and planning of implementation of quality
improvement process. The implementation of such planning is carried out in the
quality planning, thus completing quality management cycle. The purpose of this
quality improvement is to increase employee quality awareness, including training and
communication, monitoring of the cost of quality, measuring the quality of work group
activities, measurement qualities performance and work flow analysis.

8.2 Quality Document

CONTRACTOR Project Team establishes and maintains a document control procedure to
control all documents related to the quality management system. Documents could be hard
copy, electronic media or any type of media. The document control procedure shall cover;
a. Identification, review and approval for adequacy by authorized personnel prior to issue.
Pertinent issues of appropriate documents are available at all locations where
operations of quality management system are performed and obsolete documents are
removed promptly;
b. Changes and modifications are promptly handled through review and approval by the
same organization that performs the original review and approval. Natures of changes
are identified including identification of current revision;
c. Ensuring that documents remain legible, readily identifiable and external documents are
identified and distribution controlled.
The document control implementation in this project can be seen in the Doc. No.
220802DGPG00008 Document control procedure

8.3 Quality Record

CONTRACTOR shall describe the system of identification, collection, indexing, filing,
storage, maintenance, and disposition of various records. The records shall document the
evidence of compliance with the CONTRACT requirements.
The system shall be able to ensure all quality records are legible, identifiable, stored,
maintained, and retrievable.
Quality records are established to provide evidence of conformity to requirements. The
following documents, issued during PROJECT execution shall be handled as Quality records:
a. Audit Reports;
b. Non Conformity Report and relative corrective and preventive action;
c. Material traceability;
d. Request for variation;
e. Acceptance of CONTRACT variation directive;
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f. Variants;
g. Complaints;
h. Calibration Records / Certificate;
j. NDE Qualification;
k. Construction process qualification;
l. Inspection and Test records;
m. Material Test Certificates;
n. Other records as an output from Quality Control activities.

8.4 Quality Policy

CONTRACTOR as a project team committed for the following major Quality policy during
project implementation in wide effort and harmony, into all levels of project activity, as
embodied in this and the referenced quality plans:
 Customer satisfaction.
 Financial Target Achievement.
 Safety and Environmental awareness.
 Learning process.

CONTRACTOR quality policies, endorsed by Corporate President Director, reflect the

requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard in terms of objectives, commitment,
implementation and understanding, and with respect to corporate obligations to
CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR commitment to the Safety and work environment for all
people in the home office as well as at the job-site, who execute their task in lie with social
interactions considering the environmental issues associated with conservation of matter,
waste material, and pollution.

8.5 Quality Objective

CONTRACTOR is committed to meet project quality objectives and goals, stated in the
CONTRACT, with particular emphasis on :
 Comply with contractual requirements.
 Maximum welding rejection rate by film basis shall not exceed 2% for RT and UT by
 On time delivery of NCR closing (minimum 80% from total NCR issuance by monthly
and cumulative).
 On time delivery of dossier submission (not more than 8 weeks after job completion)
 Schedule
To complete the project within schedule.
 Environment
Maintain compliance with Customer’s requirements and local regulations.

8.6 Engineering Quality Plan

8.6.1 Activity Assignment

The detail design and engineering items or activities will be controlled and clarified
by the Project Engineering Manager. An activity of the design and engineering
department is basically defined in the Engineering Departmental Procedure and
additional project procedures applicable for this project, identifying pertinent duties,
responsibilities and authorities.
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Functionary design verification shall be performed to ensure that the design stage
output meet the design stage inputs requirements at appropriate stage of design.
Design verification may include activities such as performing alternative calculations
and reviewing design stage documents before release.

8.6.2 Design Verification

Design changes will be incorporated, under the direct control of Project Engineering
Manager, by the design and engineering discipline, which originated the design.
The Project Engineering Manager shall check and review that impact of a design
change has been investigated by the relevant discipline and that the design change
does not violate the contract requirements.
When the design change is subject to COMPANY approval, the Project Manager will
follow the procedures to get COMPANY approval.

8.6.3 Design Review

Every participants that represent relevant functions shall carry out functionary
design reviews as systematic control tools to :
- Evaluate the ability that the result meet the requirements, and
- Identify problem and propose necessary action, at any suitable stages.

8.6.4 Control of Design Changes

Design changes will be incorporated, under the direct control of Project Engineering
Manager, by the design and engineering discipline, which originated the design.
The Project Engineering Manager shall check and review that impact of a design
change has been investigated by the relevant discipline and that the design change
does not violate the contract requirements.
When the design change is subject to COMPANY approval, the Project Manager will
follow the procedures to get COMPANY approval.

8.7 Procurement Quality Plan

8.7.1 Assessment of SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs
Some Foreign SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs for supply of particular materials,
equipment or services are selected from the SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs list,
and however the additional Local SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs may be
proposed by Project Engineering Manager or Project Procurement Manager or
Project QA/QC Manager & approved by COMPANY.
The selection of SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs will be based on their capability
for maintaining quality of materials, equipment, and services on previous project to
meet SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs requirements as laid down in pertinent
procurement documents.
Quality control requirements will be issued to awarded SUBCONTRACTORs and
VENDORs in due time. SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs will submit a quality
control plan. Chief Shop Inspector or QC Engineer will evaluate this plan in order to
ensure the implementation and effectiveness of vendor's quality system. A shop

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survey will be performed as necessary to assess capacity, facilities and

SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs capabilities.

8.7.2 Procurement Information

Inquiry and other procurement documents shall be handled in the following manner:
- Identifying functions responsible for preparing, reviewing, checking, approving
and issuing the procurement documents including revisions, if applicable.
- Inclusion of all requirements.
- Reviewing procurement documents prior to both release for bid and placing an

8.7.3 Communication and Verification of Purchased Product

To ensure all the project requirements already understood and confirmed,
CONTRACTORs shall intensively communicate to SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs
appropriately since the bidding stage until product delivery at site.
Clarification on the purchased items will commence with the kick-off meeting with
SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs in order to reach complete mutual understanding
of the following:
- Conformance to provisions and specifications of the procurement documents.
- CONTRACTORs intention of monitoring and evaluating the SUBCONTRACTORs and
SUPPLIERs performance at various stages.
- The SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs plan, manufacturing/fabrication techniques,
tests, inspections, and procedures to meet procurement document requirements.
- The respective organization charts and persons in charge.
- Establish access to SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs shop for customer and
CONTRACTORs personnel or Independent Inspection Agency for or on behalf of
Method of exchange of information and transmittal of documents will be established.
CONTRACTORs notification points including hold points and stages of witness will be
identified and documented based on mutual agreement between CONTRACTORs and
SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs documents will be listed, distributed and
reviewed. Implementation of the contents will be ensured that with possible
changes communicated to each discipline involved.
Inspection and tests of the purchased items will be assessed at intervals consistent
with the criticality of the purchased items. For steel structure fabrication, it is
mandatory to assign QC Engineer at Vendor shop on daily basis.
Non-conforming items will be handled in the following manner:
- Identifying and documenting nonconforming materials and equipment.
- Assessing the effect of the nonconforming materials and equipment.
- Identifying the functions or organizations responsible for reviewing and rectifying
non-conforming materials and equipment, and for determining their line of
- Approval of corrective measure.
Re-inspecting the repaired and reworked materials and equipment.

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8.8 Fabrication Quality Plan

8.8.1 Bulk Material and Fabrications items
As per contract agreement, CONTRACTORs shall supply some of bulk material and
fabrication items start from design stage until delivery stage.

a. Product Identification and Traceability

CONTRACTORs will issue instructions to SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs during
the procurement stage with regard to material identification such as marking of
equipment numbers, colour codes, and tagging, and ensure implementation.
Traceability will also be documented in SUBCONTRACTORs and VENDORs
inspection and test records and packing lists.

b. Validation of Process for Production and Services.

CONTRACTORs Chief Shop Inspector will issue the instruction, as a part of the
quality control requirements to SUBCONTRACTORs and SUPPLIERs, to submit the
process flow chart for the manufacture of the specified item.
Welding Process
CONTRACTORs will issue the instruction, as a part of the quality control
requirements to SUBCONTRACTORs, to control the welding process. The welders
and the welding procedures are subjected to CONTRACTORs and COMPANY
review (if required). It will be describe in Inspection Test Plan.

c. Control of production and services provision

1) Shop Inspection
All Purchasing item shall be controlled and CONTRACTORs and VENDORs
activity shall be monitored by such inspection activity as per describe in
Shop Inspection Procedure
a) Inspection Organization
CONTRACTORs inspection will be performed by the QC Engineers under
Corporate QC Division. Chief Shop Inspector will coordinate the inspection
Coordination for shop inspection between the project organization and the
corporate organization will be performed in accordance agreement
between the parties which is described in Shop Inspection Procedure. In
case that special expertise is required for the inspection of the purchased
item, a specialist will be assigned for such an inspection.
All Purchasing item shall be controlled and VENDORs activity shall be
monitored by such inspection activity as per describe in Shop Inspection

b) Inspection Plan
Item to be purchased will be inspected by CONTRACTORs QC ENGINEER
assigned to the project under the coordination of Chief Shop Inspector.
The SHOP INSPECTION PROCEDURE will be established to identify the
details of inspection items and the description of inspection activities
between manufacturers, CONTRACTORs, COMPANY and any third parties.

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The procedure will be the basis for control of CONTRACTORs inspection

activities and manufacturer's process planning.
All work may proceed until the quality control plan with COMPANY 'hold'
and "witness" inspection points have been incorporated and approved by
COMPANY. An exception to this stipulation or clarification has to be
obtained from COMPANY.

c) General Inspection Procedure

The Chief Shop Inspector shall control all of CONTRACTORs inspection
activities for purchased items. He will review, approve and compile
inspection reports, ensuring those all-statutory requirements and the
requirements of CONTRACTORs purchase orders are met.

d) Inspection and Testing records (Manufacturer’s report)

Reporting the status during the manufacturing stage will be defined in the
CONTRACTORs QA/QC document referring to COMPANY relevant
specifications where applicable.
Vendor will be instructed that the reports should provide sufficient
information as required and be subjected to review of both CONTRACTORs
and COMPANY at any stage of fabrication.
The Chief Shop Inspector will ensure that prior to issuance of the
Inspection Release Certificate that:
- The actual VENDORs data and information has been reviewed and is
conform to applicable code, specification (satisfactory).
- The Equipment is completely safe, operable and reliable

e) Inspection, Measuring and Test Equipment

Arrangement and maintenance of equipment to be used for inspection,
measuring and testing during production of items to be purchased shall be
carried out by VENDORs. CONTRACTORs will issue pertinent instructions,
as a part of the quality control requirements, which shall be followed by
Assessment of implementation and effectiveness of the VENDORs
procedures for controlling the production will be carried out during shop
visit for witness of tests or periodic inspection.

d. Preservation of Product
1) Preservation and Packing
The preservation and packing instructions will be issued to VENDOR and/or
forwarders as part of the procurement document. The intent of the
instructions will be confirmed in the kick-off meeting with vendor. Follow up
actions will be carried out during shop and packing inspections.

2) Short Term and Long Term Storage

Where necessary, VENDORS will be instructed on the circumstances to
recommend the methods and procedures for long term and short-term
storage at site. The material handling and storage in this project can be seen

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in the Doc. No. 220802DBQR00041 Material Receiving, Handling, and

Storage Procedure.

3) Installation, Operation and Maintenance Instructions

Installation, operation and maintenance instructions and manuals will be
requested in the requisitions, as necessary, for vendor to submit to
CONTRACTOR. Due dates and number of documents need to be submitted
will be indicated in the requisitions and will be followed.

e. Control of Monitoring and Measuring Device

1) Shipping Release
Prior to Shipment, The Inspection Release Certificate (IRC) shall be prepared
based on the inspection result and/or reviewing of inspection report or Mill
Certificate & Test Report submitted by VENDOR or SUPPLIER.
No shipment shall be proceeding, unless the IRC Notice and/or Shipping
Release have been issued by the QC Division coordinated through Project
QA/QC Manager.
No progress or other payment to VENDOR or SUPPLIER shall be made or
arranged by Project Administration & Finance Manager, unless otherwise the
IRC Notice has been confirmed issued by the Project QA/QC Manager.

2) Delivery Completion Notice (DCN)

For Local supply items, CONTRACTORs Expediting Engineer is responsible for
issuing the Delivery Completion Notice after the Vendor or Supplier has been
completely delivered and CONTRACTORs Site completely received the
equipment or materials, evident by issuing the Material Receiving Report
from CONTRACTORs Site.

8.9 Construction Quality Plan

8.9.1 Organization and Responsibilities.
The Project Construction Manager will be responsible for the overall performance
of the site activities including quality assurance and quality control. Preparation,
implementation and maintenance of the project quality assurance program for the
site activities are delegated to the Chief Field Inspector.
Chief Field Inspector is also responsible for controlling the site inspection and test
activities and establishing and implementing the inspection plans and procedures.
However the Chief Field Inspector shall provide back-up Inspection record or
report for submitting of Ready for Mechanical Testing Notice to CONTRACTOR and
issuance of Mechanical Acceptance and Provisional Acceptance Notice by
customer. The detail of quality plan for construction work is outlined and specified

8.9.2 Field Inspection Procedure.

All of CONTRACTORs Inspection activities for construction will be established and
maintained by the Chief Field Inspector. The procedures for implementing the
inspection activities will be set out in the FIELD INSPECTION PROCEDURE.

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8.9.3 Document Control

The split of responsibilities and established procedures for document control in the
site office will be provided in the relevant supporting procedures.
Documents to be maintained will be identified, in the first place under
correspondence, reports, and minutes of meetings, design documents,
procedures, and instructions.
Documents originated in the site office will be authorized by the designated
functions and registered in the control log. Incoming documents will be registered
and distributed according to the established distribution list. The status of
technical documents will be identified by the revision numbers and by comment
"approved", “or construction", and "for information" which will be stamped on
Obsolete documents shall be promptly removed by scrapping at the location or
recovered by the Document Controller under supervision of Chief Field Engineer.

8.9.4 CONTRACTORs Mechanical Completion, Pre-Commisioning and

Commisioning Control
Prior to commissioning activities, the mechanical completion should be clearly
defined and finished. The Commissioning Manager should be responsible to
ensure that all the requirement and result comply with the customer’s
requirement. Each stage of commissioning activities should be defined and clearly
mention the responsibilities among parties. The record should be kept and shall
be a part of document hand over to customer.

Mechanical Completion
On due time, CONTRACTORs will prepare procedures for the systematic,
controlled and coordinate completion of the project on his scope of work, which
are compatible with company strategy. The development of these procedures will
take place between CONTRACTORs and COMPANY at an appropriate time.
However, the following aspect will be considered within the CONTRACTORs
Mechanical Completion and commissioning procedures.
a. The precise definition and limits of responsibility of Mechanical Completion as
a scope of work and as a milestone is agreed with CONTRACTORs, before
commencement of the activity.
b. The total works are split into the smallest parts that will facilitate an efficient
and progressive Mechanical Completion activity.
c. The battery limits of system/part system and areas/part areas are agreed by
all parties as soon as possible before mechanical completion commence.
d. The Mechanical completion works are integrated into the overall project
e. The Mechanical Completion works are recorded reported and progress
f. The Mechanical Completion should be fully planned and coordinate among
g. All findings, a defect, missing item, or damage are identified on a system/part
system Punch List.

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h. System/Part System or areas/part areas are signed as mechanically complete

on behalf of the CONTRACTORs only by personnel authorized to do so. The
Mechanical Completion signature means that the system/part system is ready
for start-up or that area/parts area is completed and can be ready for
Provisional Acceptance at the appointed time.

8.9.5 Punch List

To identify outstanding works which need to be performed CONTRACTORs will
prepare punch lists in order to prepare the works for Mechanical Completion until
Commissioning. The Punch List procedure will be compatible with the overall
project system and, therefore, will be subject to development between the

Mechanical completion, pre-commissioning, and commissioning checks and tests

will be made regarding the status of installed plant and equipment in accordance
with an agreed procedure and methodology. These checks and tests will identify
any incomplete, damaged, missing, non-functional or otherwise defective
facilities, which will need to be addressed.

The punch list will identify all work in term of repair, replacement, and re-test.
All items on the punch list will be identified as either a Category A or Category
CONTRACTOR shall manage punch lists according to the following four punch list
priority levels:
- Supplier PL are items related to packages and equipment
fabrication/manufactory (as part of systems) delivered to site. Once supplier
punch lists are acknowledged and endorsed by Construction Site, they shall
be classified as A, B, C (see below) and prioritized accordingly, still
maintaining a Supplier flag for proper purchase order administration
- PL A: items to be cleared in order to achieve the status of “Sub-system
Mechanical Completion”;
- PL B: items that are not considered as a stop-point for safe commissioning,
and which are however to be cleared prior to hydrocarbon introduction into
the subsystem;
- PL C: minor items not considered as a stop-point for safe start up, but
related to a contractual acceptance of the equipment and milestone.

8.10 Resource Management

8.10.1 Provision of Resources
To implement and maintain Quality Management System and to enhance
customer satisfaction, CONTRACTOR shall establish and manage strong reliable
resources and ensure its availability.

8.10.2 Human Resource

Project Management Team should ensure that the necessary competence is
available for the effective and efficient operation of the organization. Project
Management Team should consider analysis of both the present and expected
competence needs as compared to the competence already existing in
CONTRACTOR. Employee’s competence must be based on:
 Education,
 Training,
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 Skill, and
 Relevant experiences.
The availability of human resources can be show in Project Organization Chart and
daily project activities and based on curriculum vitae the competence and relevant
experiences of human resources shall be evaluated. CONTRACTOR shall plan to
provide all human resources fulfill project requirements and organization chart.

8.10.3 Infrastructure
CONTRACTOR shall provide infrastructure required for realization of product with
considering the need and expectations of interested parties, such as workspace,
office equipment, process equipment, maintenance and general support services.
Activity to provide the infrastructure required include:
 Building management system to ensure the effectiveness & efficiency of office
 Maintenance program for all related preventive maintenance.
 Servicing and supporting services

8.10.4 Work Environment

CONTRACTOR shall establish a reliable and safe work environment for all people at
the job-site. The following are the efforts to achieve the above-mentioned
 Conduct job inductions, training and refreshment courses related to the job
considering Safety, Health & Environmental regulations.
 Inculcate the Safety, Health & Environmental awareness to all people and
continuously monitor them by continuous education and guidance on safe
working methods and practices.
 Increase and maintain the promotion of Safety, Health and Environment.
 Make the personnel understand the importance of using personal protective
equipment, the ergonomics of auxiliary tools, and the influence of extreme low
or high temperatures, uncomfortable feelings caused by high humidity and low
air flow and insufficient illumination.

8.11 Measurement, Analysis and Improvement

8.11.1 Customer Satisfaction
CONTRACTOR shall responds by any action for any costumer request or work
recommendation from the client to comply with project specification requirement.
Project Manager shall monitor and maintain all COMPANY request and work

8.11.2 Internal and External Quality Assurance Audits

Quality assurance audit shall be conducted to ensure and to provide evidence that
project execution is carried out based on the Project Quality Assurance Program,
procedures, and specifications. Quality audits will be planned and controlled by the
Project QA/QC Manager under the direction of the Corporate Audit Division
Manager. The audit frequency is, in general, once a year during the project
execution. Audits will include both external and internal organizations, if
necessary. The reports are basically sent to who will initiate corrective action.
Record of corrective action will be retained as quality assurance records.

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COMPANY shall be notified at least 5 working days prior to each audit and shall
have the right to attend all such internal and external audits as an observer, or to
perform join audit, excluding any audit of part of audit that may be of a
proprietary nature to CONTRACTOR.
CONTRACTOR shall issue the results of any audit to the COMPANY within 10
working days from the completion of each audit. CONTRACTOR shall submit
COMPANY with a copy of all quality audit reports and any audit Corrective Action
Requests (CARs) for review, including CAR responses and the final confirmation of
closure of any CAR resulting from a quality audit. CONTRACTOR shall provide
COMPANY the CAR log and its status on a weekly basis.
The shedule plan of audit implementation in this project can be seen in the Doc.
No. 2220802DBQR50010 Audit Plan and Procedure.

8.11.3 Monitoring and Measuring of Product

CONTRACTOR shall apply monitoring and measuring project Quality with the
following method:
 Project monthly meeting.
 Project weekly meeting.

8.11.4 Control of Non Conformance

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that nonconformity product can be identified and
controlled in order to comply with the requirement of Quality Management
System. Inspector, Discipline Engineer, and Supervisor is responsible for
eliminating and minimizing the non-conformance items, however if it is finding he
shall issue non-conformance report. Nonconforming item of construction work will
be controlled by the Inspector Coordinator and nonconforming item of
procurement stage will be controlled by Shop Inspection Coordinator. Dispositions
thereof will be verified by the Field Engineer Coordinator and/or Project
Engineering Manager. Inspector Coordinator and Shop Inspection Coordinator will
monitor and keep records of disposition and initiate corrective action, as
necessary, to prevent recurrence of serious non-conformances. Procedure No:
220802DBQR50012 & 220802DBQR50013.

8.11.5 Continual Improvement

CONTRACTOR shall utilize Quality Objectives deployment, audit result, analysis of
data, corrective action and preventive action and management review for ensuring
the continual improvement process.

8.11.6 Corrective Action

CONTRACTOR shall take appropriate action to eliminate the causes of non-
conformities as defined in documented procedure to prevent recurrences. Field
Engineer is responsible for initiating and guiding corrective action at site to
prevent reoccurrence of any condition adverse to quality. Field Engineer
Coordinator will monitor if there are any significant conditions tending to affect
quality by means of reviewing the following:
 Complaints from COMPANY,
 Report on status of non-conforming items,

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 Non conformance reports,

 Records of site patrols,
 Quality assurance audit reports,
 Minutes of Meeting,
 Reports on field design changes,
 Requests for design changes Field Engineer will request the relevant function
to investigate the cause of and to determine the counter,
 Measure to avoid recurrence of such conditions, in case the impact of the
adverse condition exceeds prescribed criteria.
Corrective Action for Major Non Conformance shall be approved by COMPANY.

8.11.7 Prevention Action

CONTRACTOR shall identify preventive action to eliminate the causes of potential
non-conformity to prevent occurrence. The preventive action taken shall be
appropriate to the impact of the potential problems. The use of appropriate
sources of information such as processes and work operations which affect
product quality, concessions, audit results, quality records, service reports and
COMPANY’s complaints to detect, analyze and eliminate potential causes of non-


9.1 Quality Control Requirement
CONTRACTOR and VENDOR/SUBCONTRACTORS shall perform the quality control by
conducting the testing/examinations, inspections and review the documentation as
fabrication / construction progress in accordance with the Project specification, drawings,
procedures and Inspection & Test Plan.
CONTRACTOR has policy to assign some personnel to perform the quality control of the
whole of PROJECT. Organization chart of quality control is shown in QA/QC Organization
Chart of this document. QC personnel shall be experienced in their discipline and certified
as COMPANY requirement, CVs to be reviewed and approved by COMPANY.

9.2 Strategies
To develop and implement a Project Quality Plan that describes roles and responsibilities of
Project Team members and establishes controls to assure that work meets requirements.
To proactively engage in Contracting and Procurement to ensure that CONTRACTORS and
vendors understand quality requirements and implement systems to ensure requirements
are met.
To take proactive steps to identify quality issues early and take steps to ensure quality
PMT to aggressively identify and solve quality issues timely, including reporting and
escalation to the appropriate parties to manage impacts of quality issues.

9.3 Quality Procedure

Quality is the responsibility of the organization performing the work. Approved quality
plans are required prior to start of work for all organizations performing work, including the
Project Team, CONTRACTORS and vendors. Quality plans are required for all major project
activities, including Project Team oversight activities, design, procurement, fabrication,

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transportation, construction, commissioning and startup. Lists of the vendors,

CONTRACTORS, and work scopes that require quality plans shall require further
development during EPC phase.
The Project Team shall review and approve CONTRACTOR plans and procedures submitted
in accordance with the requirements, (e.g., ISO 9001).
The Project Team shall ensure through the development and approval of the Quality
Section of the Site Construction Execution Plans that CONTRACTORS address the minimum
requirements for construction quality assurance and control. CONTRACTOR Construction
Plans shall define Quality requirements, which include:
 Definitions;
 Quality Planning;
 Inspection and Test Plan (ITP) requirements and acceptance criteria;
 Shipping and Handling;
 Documentation requirements and submittal media;
 Completion sequence;
 Internal/external system integrity;
 Identification, reporting, tracking, and mitigation of non-conformances.

The following are Project Quality Procedures, which shall be developed as a minimum to
control and implementation of Quality Control activities during the Procurement and
Construction stage:
 Project Quality Plan
 Inspection & Test Plan
 Audit Plan and Procedure
 Non Conformance Procedure
 Corrective Action and Prevention Action Procedure
 Welding and Repair Procedure
 Welder Qualification Procedure
 Non Destructive Testing Procedure
 Shop Inspection Procedure
 Field Inspection Procedure
 Material Receiving, Handling and Storage Procedure
 Material Traceability Procedure
 Consumable Control Procedure
 Equipment Calibration Procedure
 Sandblast & Painting Inspection Procedure
 Holiday Test Procedure
 Mechanical Completion Procedure

9.4 Quality Performance Indicators

During the project construction phase, quality incidents, quality statistics (deviations, non-
conformances, time to close non-conformances, etc), and results of quality investigations
and inspections shall be reported on a routine basis consistent with project procedures.
This data shall be tracked and analysed to measure performance against the quality
objectives described previously, and to help focus quality improvement efforts.

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9.5 Notification of Inspection

Notification of Inspection shall be informed to COMPANY as minimum within:
 5 working days for inspection conducted in Indonesia
 10 working days for inspection conducted overseas

If there should be involvement from MIGAS, the notification of inspection shall be informed
as minimum within:
 15 working days for inspection conducted in Indonesia
 30 working days for inspection conducted overseas


CONTRACTOR will coordinate the inspection activities for purchased equipment/materials
include reviewing the inspector reports to ensure that the requirements of purchase orders
and the local statutory requirements, if applicable, meet the Project requirement and
scheduled plan.
After confirming that all inspection has been completed and acceptable, QC Engineer or his
designee will issue an Inspection Release Certificate. A copy of the Inspection Release
Certificate will be distributed to the Procurement department who will carry out inspection
of packing and shipping preparation.
Shop Inspection Procedure will describe inspection activities in shop/Vendor facilities, the
outlined of Shop inspection procedure is consist of 3 (three) working main steps as follows:

Inspection Activities Prior To Fabrication.

a) Inspection and Test Plan (ITP)
Each Vendor shall prepare in more detail the ITP based on Shop Inspection and Test
Plan after acceptance of purchase order, Vendor's ITP will be reviewed and approved
by CONTRATOR and COMPANY prior to commence fabrication or manufacturing.
b) Pre-Manufacturing Meeting (Kick of Meeting)
A kick of meeting between CONTRACTOR and Vendor or Sub-vendor shall be held for
major equipment of work as soon as purchase order is issued to the Vendor to confirm
mutually the purchase order condition and the Vendor technical understanding of the
This meeting will be conducted by agenda which to be confirm the following:
1. Communication and correspondence among parties
2. Vendor Document Requirements
3. Understanding of the requisition document, technical matter and project
specification requirement
4. Manufacturing/fabrication schedule and inspection requirement.
c) Pre-Inspection Meeting.
The purpose of Pre-Inspection Meeting are primarily to ensure that the quality
requirements of the Purchase Order are being handled satisfactorily and that all
requirements in the Purchase Order and the applicable specifications, standards, and
drawings are fully understood by all parties concerned and to clarify and confirm all the
requirements and criteria of the inspection and test concerned. This meeting normally is
held at the Vendor's facility in order to ensure the readiness of materials to be

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Any confusion, questions, or problems must be brought up in this meeting, when

necessary will dispatch the CONTRACTOR Engineer from any of the engineering
disciplines to clarify and resolve questions or problems.
The meeting shall be attended by related party Vendor, Sub-vendor, CONTRACTOR,
COMPANY, Third Party if applicable; the meeting shall take place prior to
commencement of manufacturing. The objective of the meeting is to:
1. Promote a coordinated effort by CONTRACTOR and Vendor, to anticipate and
prevent problems which might result in re-work and delivery delays on the
equipment/materials involved.
2. Highlight potential discrepancies between the order requirements and Vendor
interpretation of those requirements, such as: technical matter, inspection & test
and documentation.
3. Clarify and confirm all requirements/criteria for the inspection and testing
concerned, prior to commencement of manufacturing.
4. Confirmation or finalize the ITP.

Inspection Activities during Fabrication.

a) Vendor shall inspect at any time all of materials and equipment to be supplied by sub
vendor in accordance with the approved ITP.
b) The designated inspector shall be responsible to attend inspection at Vendor shop at
witness or hold point. The inspector shall verify the compliance of the product to the
technical and quality requirement.
c) The QC Engineer shall check and verify the inspection/test by Vendor is performed in
accordance with the approved test procedures or specification, standard or Drawing.
d) The QC Engineer shall review and verify the result of testing for compliance the criteria
specified in the specification/international standard/Code.
e) The QC Engineer shall report clearly the result is acceptable or not, al deficiencies or
rejections shall be reported to QA/QC Manager.
f) When satisfied with performance of the testing and an achieving acceptable test result,
the QC Engineer shall sign of ITP for the relevant activity. When COMPANY is in
attendance during the inspection, then the QC Engineer shall ensure COMPANY signs
off on the ITP.
g) The QC Engineer after each inspection visit shall prepare of inspection report and
submit to the QA/QC Manager for review; accordingly this inspection report will be
submitted to COMPANY for Information.
h) During inspection visit, the QC Engineer shall also carry out surveillance inspection and
monitor the Vendor's Quality Control system.
i) As a guideline the QC Engineer shall cover the activities in the following areas:
1. Calibration system of measuring and testing equipment
2. Welding consumable control
3. Identification and material traceability control
4. Inspection control of receiving material
5. Document and record control
6. Drawing & specification confirmation for latest status

Final inspection
a) Before the final inspection, QC Engineer shall ensure the following :

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1. The entire previous test as per the ITP is satisfactorily completed.

2. All test report, record etc., pertinent to the product are available and properly filed
in data book.
3. All approved concession and non-conformance report are close out.
b) The final inspection shall be performed in according with the ITP and Test Procedure.
The final inspection such as Hydrostatic test, Pneumatic test, Dimensional,
Performance Test, and any test applicable for the product.
c) The result of test and inspection shall be reviewed and evaluated for compliance to the
After completion of the above activities, the inspector shall issue the Inspection Release
Certificate (IRC). A copy of the IRC shall be handed over to the Vendor to proceed with
the packing product for shipping purpose only.

10.1 Civil
10.1.1 Prestressed Concrete Piles
 Mix Design
 Raw Material Certificates
 Concrete material Lab Test
- Slump test
- Compressive strength test
 Bending Test (if Specified)
 Visual & Dimensional Inspection

10.1.2 Steel Structure

A. Preparation
 Material certificate
 Material Inspection (dimensional and appearance)
 Material Identification
B. Welding
 WPS and PQR Approval
 Welder / Welding Qualification
 Consumable control
- Quantity / Type / Size
- Packaging / Certification
- Storage Environment (heating according to requirement)
C. Fabrication
 Marking & Cutting
- Identification of Marks and Dimensional
- Cleaning of Surface to be welded
- Edge Preparation Inspection
 Fit – Up
 Weld Inspection for Profile and Finish
 Dimensional Inspection
D. NDE Process (If Specified)
 Visual Welding Inspection - Personnel Qualification
- Perform test
- Evaluate of Result

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 DPT (Dye Penetrant Test) - Procedure/Method

- Personnel Qualifications
- Perform test
- Evaluate of Result
E. Painting
 Material - Specification / type / Color
 Surface Preparation - Method / Type of Abrassive
- Climatic Condition
- Relative Humidity
 Painting Application
- Spray Equipment/Brushes
- Quality
- Curing / Drying time
- Wet / Dry film thickness
 Final Inspection - Finish Appearance
- Touch-up / repair
- DFT Readings

10.1.3 Bulk Civil Material, include: rebar, bolt and nut

 Raw Material Certificate verification
 Visual and Dimensional Check

10.2 Pipe and Component

10.2.1 Pipe
 Check material certificate and specification
 Visual and dimensional
 Quantity

10.2.2 Valves
 Check material certificate and specification
 Pressure test
 Visual and dimensional Inspection
 Operation / function test
 Quantity and Size

10.2.3 Fittings and Flange

 Check material certificate and specification
 Visual and dimensional inspection
 Identification & marking check
 Quantity and Size

10.2.4 Shop Fabrication of Piping

 Material identification
 Check WPS and PQR
 Check Welder qualification and certificate
 Check welding consumable

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 Edge preparation inspection

 Check fit up and welding parameter
 Monitoring PWHT
 Radiography Test and review film Radiograph
 Monitoring PT or MPT
 Visual and Dimensional inspection
 Hydro test and performance test
 Rust prevention and painting inspection
 Properly handling in pipe rack

10.2.5 Gasket
 Check material certificate
 Visual and dimensional inspection

10.2.6 Bolt and Nut

 Check material certificate (include test report)
 Visual and dimensional inspection
 Bolt tightening


Field Inspection Procedure will be developed and shall be outlined the inspection activities
for each step of construction/installation on the Project.
Daily and weekly Application for Inspection will be issued to COMPANY for witness/hold
points that will be executed the next day/week; this enables COMPANY to organize their
designated inspector to attend the inspection. COMPANY confirmation for attendance on
each witness/hold point is required to avoid any impact to construction schedule.
CONTRACTOR shall hold regular weekly inspection meetings with COMPANY and
SUBCONTRACTOR to exchange comment on inspection matters. In these meeting, all
Inspection requirements and criteria shall be clarified by among parties. Critical problems
arising from inspection affecting Project completion shall be brought to the attention of
COMPANY by CONTRACTOR for disposition.

11.1 Civil Work

11.1.1Soil Investigation
 Standard Penetration Test.
 Vane Shear Test.
 Cone Penetration Test.
 Soil Resistivity.
 Laboratory examination of soil sample.
 Quarry sampling.
 Laboratory examination for quarry sample.

 Coordinates and elevations based on known control monument system.
 Bench mark verification, elevations and tolerances of equipment foundations.
 Accuracy of horizontal measurements as required by project specification.

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11.1.3Excavation and Backfill

 Depth, width and cleanliness.
 Soil density test sub grade materials and compaction.
 Back fill material types as per project specification.

11.1.4Form Works
 Lay out, centerline, elevations, and cleanliness.
 Tightness, placement, bracing, shoring, spacers, type and number of form ties.
 Expansion and construction joints, block outs, pipe openings, etc.
 From surfce condition, correct orientation, vertical and horizontal alignment,
elevation and correct centerline coordinates.
 Form design and rigidity.
 Punch list item completeness.

 Rebar size, anchor bolts, PVC/steel pipe, electrical conduit and grounding as per
drawing requirements.
 Type and dimension of anchor bolts.
 Threaded surface protection.
 Location of anchor bolts, elevation, square-ness, plumbness, and projection.
 Access for placing and consolidating concrete underneath large embedments.
 Rigidity of embedments prior to concrete placing.
 Punch list item completeness.

11.1.6Reinforcing steel
 Placing of steel reinforcement as per engineering drawing.
 Secured and held in position with correct supporting.
 Access for placement of concrete.
 Securely tied and anchored, splices as per drawing, plumbed for columns.
 No welding of rebar unless otherwise approved.
 Check cleanliness prior to concrete pouring.
 Punch list item completeness.

11.1.7Concrete Placement
 Verify mix design and trial mix.
 Prior to placement, check placement schedule, pour sheet, verify survey.
acceptance and concrete placing method.
 Sufficient and adequate vibrators at the point of placement.
 Adequate protection against inclement weather.
 Verify all pre-inspections are complete and acceptable.
 Check aggreagate size, sand and source of supply.
 Slump test from each truck, and cylinder test samples.
 Check max drop height of the concrete.
 Placement of pure concrete.
 Confirm frequency of cylinder test samples as per code and project specification.
 Assure cylinder samples have proper handling storage and curing.

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 Rejected concrete on slump have proper handling storage and curing.

 Increased mixing time, addition of dry materials or water on rejected batch to
meet slump requirements, shall not be permitted.
 Concrete shall not be poured during rain unless placement areas is protected.
 Ensure concrete is not to over vibrated, and concrete is evenly distributed.
 Assure all documentation required for the pour area complete and accurate.
 Ensure all tests are in compliance with ASTM requirements, and that the tests
are fully documented witnessed ad approved.
 Punch list item completeness.

 Grout to be used is in accordance with project specification.
 Surface condition prior to grouting.
 Assure grout sheet is signed prior to placement grout.
 Ensure that sleeves around anchor bolts are completely filled before placing
grout under base and ring plates.
 Check that shims are removed where required.
 Confirm curing and surface finish of grout is acceptable.
 Punch list item completeness.

 Confirm location, number and size of pile as per latest drawing.
 Quality of material pile requirement is in compliance with project specification.
 The method of pile which is used compliance with procedure.
 Ensure pile load tests are in compliance with ASTM requirement and those tests
are fully documented, witness and approved.
 WPS and PQR approval (if required) and WPQT.
 Record Pile :
- Pile number, length, actual location of pile.
- Pile load testing.

11.2 Piping Work

 Material per Mill-certificate.
 Pipe internal diameter and damage check at receiving and stringing.
 Colour code identifications.
 Heat number verification to comply with mill certificate.
 Flanges are corrected to project specification.
 Welding consumables in accordance with WPS.
 Valve types as per project specification and drawing.
 Fittings correct types as per project specification and drawings.

11.2.2Fabrication / Erection
 Pipe spool sizes, schedule and material type.
 Flanges ratings as per drawing.
 Alignment/fit-up, vertically, plumb, horizontal lines are level.
 Vents are at high points, drains are at low points.

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 Routing of lines is correct to drawings.

 Branch lines are located correctly against headers.
 Welding :
- Confirm approved WPS / PQR
- Welder Qualification approved
- Check and monitor of consumables
- Check and monitor of welding parameters
- Visual inspection of complete weld
- Welding joint number are marked against weld and welders symbols.
 Correct pre-heat (when required by WPS).
 Correct fittings are used for branch connections.
 Reinforcing pads have weep holes.
 Flange and pipe end protection during fabrication and erection.
 Transfer of heat numbers are on piping spools.
 Spool identification marking.
 Valves are installed with correct flow directions as defined on P&ID’s.
 By passes around valves are installed as per drawings.
 Bolting is correct material and correct length.
 Bolts and studs are not interchanged.
 No excessive bolt threads exposure.
 Bolts and studs are tight.
 The correct pipe threading.
 The correct type of thread tape and temperature rating.
 Seam welding covers all threads.
 PSV installation are callibrated, and seal tags in place.
 Line check.
 NDE clearance release.
 Spool Cleanlines.
 Punch list item completeness.

 Gaskets are corrected type and rating.
 Established color coding on edges for easy verification.
 Temporary gaskets and blinds are identified.
 High pressure ring gaskets (when used) are inspected and verified.

11.2.4Pipe support.
 The correct support material.
 Pipe supports type as per drawings.
 Locations as per drawing.
 Clearance for pipe expansion at anchor locations.
 Pipe supports are in contact with underside of pipe.
 Pipe supports are straight and plumb.
 Supports designed for sliding are not tack welded.
 Supports are not installed directly under welds.
 Trunnion supports are installed where specified.
 Punch list item completeness.

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11.2.5Non Destructive Examination

The following non-destructive methods can be applied in the examination of the line
joints; X-ray. The technique can be either the double wall single image technique,
or the single wall single image technique. Magnetic particle or dye-penetrant
examination shall be used to examine welds where radiography is not practical such
as, weldolets, sockolets, etc.
The produced radiographs shall have the following information permanently
transposed onto the film by means of lead numbers and letters:
 Field joint number (weld number)
 Pipe size
 Welder’s identification
 Spread, section, or location reference
 Meter band (measuring tape)
 Date of radiography
 Project Name
 Client name
 Reference code
All criteria for the preparation, methodology, film, density, sensitivity, and
acceptance shall be in accordance with the latest edition of related code, ASME
Sect. V and API 1104 (latest edition).
Ultrasonic examination may the additional request of COMPANY be implemented for
the inspection of set through branch welded connections, and/or to confirm defect
locations and depth, as indicated by the radiographic examination.

11.2.6Hydrostatic Testing
The Hydrostatic / pressure testing of the onshore piping system and shall be
executed in accordance with approved Pressure Test Procedure. The Piping
Inspector shall ensure that Bench calibration of test gauges and other Equipment
used for recording actual has been witnessed and certify by COMPANY.
 Pre-Test Documents
The Chief Inspector shall be responsible to ensure that all construction
inspections and tests have been fully completed and accept, prior to actual test
taking place. Copies of these inspection records plus a release notification from
the QC department shall include in the Test Package Data. The type of Reports
required from the QC Department shall refer to Approved Pressure test
Procedure. These QC Records shall be incorporated into the test package and
submitted to COMPANY for Approval, not less than 24 hours prior to actual time
of the test taking place.
Pressurizing, Holding and depressurizing (end of test) shall have the presence of
COMPANY or His representative. The pressure Test Chart will be signed by
COMPANY at the start of pressurizing and at the end of the test period. One
copies of the complete test report shall be handed to COMPANY at the end of the
 Preparation
a. Identify on P&ID’s system to be tested and test block diagram

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b. Internal of vessels, instruments, and other equipment not capable of

withstanding the test are removed and blinded
c. Relief valves and rupture disc are removed and blinded
d. Requirements of additional test vents or drains
e. Test package contents and details are correct
f. Confirm locations of test blinds
g. all control valves shall be removed, install temporary spool or blind flange
h. Manual valves in the open position
i. Filling point acceptable
j. All pressure test gauges callibrated and certified
k. Test pump is adequate size to test pump
l. Over pressure relief valve fitted to test pump
m. Line checks (punch out) complete
n. NDE complete including test header used for hydrostatic testing
o. Check list items identified and complete
p. Punch List items category “B”, complete
 Test
a. Fill water conform to project specifications
b. Vents are open during filling
c. Test pressure in accordance with test packages and drawings
d. Execution in accordance with project specification
e. Holding time shall be minimum 2 (two) hours.
f. Test witnessed and signed off by COMPANY.
 Post Test
a. Vents open during draining
b. Flushing, cleaning, drying, and water dispersing as per project specifications
c. Components removed for test are reinstalled
d. Vents valves, drain valves, removed and plugged (seal welded as required)
e. Final check all items completed
f. Reinstatement report signed off

11.3 Mechanical Installation

11.3.1Receiving Check For Shipping Damage
 Site storage conditions
 Internal clealiness
 Confirm nameplate data (rubbing of nameplate shall be done)

 Surface condition, location and dimension of anchor bolts
 Projection of anchor bolts, anchor bolt thread damage
 Confirm civil survey report data

11.3.3Installation placement
 Vessel orientation on foundation
 Plumbness test
 Elevation, shim material, and thickness requirement
 Placement of wedges, alignment vertical and horizontal

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 Levelling, sliding plates are installed to the correct ends (when required)

11.3.4Final check
 After satisfactory grouting confirm tightness of anchor bolts
 Slide plate end of anchor bolts tightness is in accordance with drawings
 Internal cleaning, install permanent gaskets for final manway closing
 Bolt tightness and preservation grease to all nut and bolt connections
 Inspections report are correct and signed off
 Punch list item completeness

11.4 Instrument Work

11.4.1Material Receiving
 Check all incoming instrument devices etc., to data sheets, certificate, tag
number, and ratings
 All parts and accessories are included, without damage
 Ensure on site storage facility conforms to project specification requirement

 Identify all instrument devices, which required callibration or –re-calibration
 Approved testing bench for calibration activities
 Calibrations are documented, and witnessed by COMPANY representatives
 For special instrument calibration shall be witnessed by MIGAS
 VENDOR calibration records are retained, and attached to field calibration
 Calibration logs shall be developed and maintained throughout the project
 Care in handling and storage after calibration
 Seal tagging are in place

 Confirm latest issue of specifications, drawing and data
 Check and review instrument requirements during pipe test
 Remove instruments not to be included with main line pipe test
 Confirm location of flow and level transmitters they should be as close to the
process tap as possible
 Check all control panels for damage
 Correct installation of tubing and wiring of instruments
 Orifice plates have correct defined tolerances
 Ensure flow metering orifices installed with the sharp edge facing the
incoming flow
 Confirm calculation certificates for orifice plates, control valves and pressure
safety relief valve
 Local receiver gauges and proper surge protection where required
 Ensure control valve position are accesible
 Check valve actions are in accordance with data sheets
 Verify and ensure all loop and function checks are witnessed
 Grease rams and valves are installed as required and filled with correct

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 Ensure instrument tubing and leads are properly supported

 Confirm high point vents and low points drains
 Seal welding requirements
 Ensure all pressure testing are witnessed and reported
 Ensure all cable testing are witnessed and reported
 Confirm sealing fluids are witnessed and reported
 Confirm sealing fluids where required
 Confirm torque tube level devices for mechanical operation and direction
 Control valves are stroked or manually operated through 100% of their range
 All instrument lines are correctly supported
 Expansions loops for instrument leads are provided and properly installed
 Ensure that all instrument lead termination’s to control panels are identified
and tagged
 Confirm all punch list have been identified and cleared
 Inspection report data are completed and signed off

11.5 Electrical Work

11.5.1Material Receiving
 Visual check all incoming electrical devices, to data sheets, certificates, tag
number, and rating
 All parts and accessories are included, without damage
 Ensure on site storage conforms to project specification requirement

 Confirm latest issue of specifications, drawing and data
 Confirm location of equipment and materials installation
 Ensure the installation conform to Safety Requirement
 Confirm the foundation and support refer to drawing
 Confirm tightening bolt for all supporting equipment
 Check all equipments and materials for damage after installation
 Ensure the grounding system correct installation
 Confirm the resistance of grounding system refer to Specification
 Correct pulling cable and installation
 Ensure all cable testing (Continuity & megger test) are witnessed and reported
 Confirm tag number and wire marker after finish installation
 Confirm torque for all busbar panel
 Confirm the busbar panel test with dielectric test and insulation resistance test
 Confirm the all metering system to be calibrated
 All part of drawer or module in switchgear or MCC panel shall be simulation test
before Power Energize
 Confirm the Interlock system test for all part equipment with simulation test
control cabling
 Ensure the insulation resistance for motor and pump before running
 Confirm all punch list have been identified and cleared
 Inspection report data are complete signed off
 Lightning protection system for building and general area
 Interconnection between instruments for grounding

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11.6 Hot Tapping Work (Exclude Hot Tap Drilling Work)

a. Material certificate
b. Material verification
- Valve
- Gasket
- Bolt & Nut
- Blind Flange
c. Electrode handling
Electrode used is an electrode of low hydrogen type based on AWS A5.1 and / or
A5.5 specifications.

11.6.2Welding of Split Tee

a. Check fit-up of split tee
b. Check visual Longitudinal weld of split tee
c. Check visual Transverse weld of split tee
d. NDT MT for Longitudinal & Transverse weld

11.6.3Valve Installation
a. Check alignment valve
b. Check flange connection

11.6.4Final Inspection
a. Leak Test for valve and flange connection

11.7 Pipeline Work

 Material per Mill-certificate
 Pipe tally sheet
 Pipe internal diameter and damage check at receiving and stringing.
 Heat number verification to comply with mill certificate.
 Welding consumables in accordance with WPS.

11.7.2Line Pipe Stringing

 Pipeline ROW is correct
 Monitoring and record of line pipe stringing
 Check of pipe number & heat number of pipes

11.7.3Mainline & Tie-In Welding

 Confirm approved WPS & PQR
 Welder Qualification approved
 Check and monitor of consumables
 Correct pre-heat (when required by WPS)
 Check and monitor of welding parameters
 Visual inspection of complete weld
 Welding joint number are marked against weld and welders ID.

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11.7.4Non Destructive Examination

The non-destructive methods will be applied in the examination of the line joints is
internal crawler for the mainline, and external X-ray for tie-in weld. The technique
can be either the double wall single image technique, or the single wall single image
technique. Magnetic particle or dye-penetrant examination shall be used to examine
welds where radiography is not practical such as, weldolets, sockolets, etc.
The produced radiographs shall have the following information permanently
transposed onto the film by means of lead numbers and letters:
 Field joint number (weld number)
 Pipe size
 Welder’s identification
 Spread, section, or location reference
 Meter band (measuring tape)
 Date of radiography
 Project Name
 Client name
 Reference code
All criteria for the preparation, methodology, film, density, sensitivity, and
acceptance shall be in accordance with the latest edition of related code, ASME
Sect. V and API 1104 (latest edition).
Ultrasonic examination shall be used for first 100 joints of pipeline and every weld

11.7.5Field Joint Coating

 After heat shrinkable sleeve application (field joint coating on the pipe joint or
cut back area) to be done, the coated field joint coated pipe shall be inspected
may be flaws or holiday occurred. The portable detector used for this holiday
 If the holidays or flaws are found, coating shall be repaired on the flaws area
and it’s adjacent area.
 After coating repair done, holiday detection shall be performed on the repair
area and it’s adjacent area until no flaws and holidays found any more.
 The coated area pipe holiday test passed, if no such above holiday test indicator

11.7.6Trenching, Lowering and Backfill

 Depth and width of excavation should be in accordance with Project specification
 Before the pipeline lowering in, make sure there are no hard objects inside the
excavation that can damage the pipe coating.
 Make sure there is no coating damage during and after the pipe lowering in.
 After the pipeline lowering in, a survey / as built survey should be developed
that includes:
- Survey data (point data topography)
- Weld joint coordinate
- Point BM
- ROW Pipeline

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- Pipeline elevation
 Backfill materials shall be in accordance with the specifications, not using hard
objects such as stone and wood.

The Inspector shall be responsible to ensure that all construction inspections and
tests have been fully completed and accept, prior to actual test taking place. Copies
of these inspection records plus a release notification from the QC department shall
include in the Test Package Data. The type of Reports required from the QC
Department shall refer to Approved Pressure test Procedure. These QC Records shall
be incorporated into the test package and submitted to COMPANY for Approval, not
less than 24 hours prior to actual time of the test taking place.
Pressurizing, Holding and depressurizing (end of test) shall have the presence of
COMPANY or His representative, Third Party and MIGAS. The pressure Test Chart
will be signed by COMPANY, Third Party and MIGAS at the start of pressurizing and
at the end of the test period. One copies of the complete test report shall be handed
to COMPANY at the end of the test.
a. Flooding, Cleaning and Gauging
Pipeline is to be cleaned for cleaning all debris left. The cleaning and
gauging sequence will be done using Bi-Directional pig standard, Bi-
Directional pig combine with magnet, Bi-Directional pig combine with
gauge plate, pushed by fresh water.
Cleaning is considered to be completed when the quantity of debris is less
than 2% of the volume. In case higher solid contents are found additional
pig should be run until pipeline is cleaned from the debris.
The gauge plate is to be made of 6 mm aluminium plate with a gauge
plate diameter of 95% of the lines internal diameter. The damage OD
gauge plate should not be less than 95% of the minimum ID pipeline.

b. Hydrostatic Testing
All pressure gauges and recorders shall be calibrated before start of
hydrostatic testing.
The test pressure of the pipeline section shall be minimum Tested
Pressure = 1.4 x Design Pressure. To accurately monitor the
pressurization operation the testing engineer will install, at the test header
near the pressure pump a calibrated pressure recorder, pressure gauge,
dead weight tester. All test instrumentation will be located in the
Hydrostatic Testing cabin or close to the test point area.
Pressure gauges and pressure recorder shall be installed in the line before
starting pressurization. The pressure and temperature recorder chart shall
be signed by COMPANY, Third Party and MIGAS and started to record on
real time basis.
The hydro-test will be performed using fresh water or treated seawater
with corrosion inhibitor, oxygen scavenger, and biocide. Treated seawater
shall be anti-corrosion for pipeline and range of pH 7 to 8.

Holding Time

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 After attaining the test pressure, the line shall be left for 2 hours to
 Final pressure in the line shall be noted from the dead weight tester
and held for 24 hours minimum.
 Check and report time, pressure and temperature from Barton chart,
pressure gauge, temperature gauge, ambient temperature and DWT
every 30 minutes.

A successful test shall consist of a twenty four (24) hours hold period in
which the test pressure was held, with no unaccountable pressure
 Should a leak occurs, the pipeline shall be repaired and the hydrostatic
test repeated.
 The CONTACTOR shall keep complete records of failures occurring
during the test, including the exact locations, type and cause of failure,
and method of repair. Pipe fittings and valves that fail and are
replaced shall be marked with their pipeline locations and the pressure
at which they failed.
 Pressure drops because of improper stabilization prior the holding time
period shall lead to extensions of the holding period achieve for four-
hour periods. No pressure drops shall be acceptable during the test
period, except if those clearly attribute to temperature changes or
other environmental effects.
 For buried pipeline, pressure test is acceptable if the pipeline is free
from leaks and pressure variation is within ± 0.4% of test pressure is
over the agreed 24 hours hold period.
 Test duration shall be increased in case of any abrupt change in
atmospheric conditions.

Upon completion of the test, the following will compiled and submitted to
COMPANY as part of the as-built documentation:
 Signed copy of the hydrostatic test completion certificate
 Temperature and pressure chart records.
 Test log
 Calculation of air entrapment
 All calculation and explanation of test pressure change due to
temperature change.
 Total volume of chemical additive injection rate
 Deviation from procedure, if any.
 Calibration certificates for instruments and test equipments.

c. Dewatering & Swabbing

Upon successful completion of the hydrostatic testing & depressurization,
the dewatering shall begin. the dewatering will use 2 Bi-Di pigs will run
through the line with certain volume of fresh water will separating the first
Bi-Di to reduce the chloride level to below. Dewatering pig shall be

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propelled from the temporary launcher (ORF area) by using air from the
air compressor.
Once dewatering is completed the pipeline will be ready for swabbing. The
swabbing operation is meant to reduce the remaining water in the pipeline
and to bring the pipeline into touch dry condition using polyurethane foam
pigs combine with Bi-Di pig. The number of runs for the foam pigs shall be
as many as required. Any water or debris from swabbing operation will be
collected in a container for treatment.
The swabbing operation will continue until the acceptance criteria of less
than 15% absorbed water weight is met. The pigs will be launched from
ORF and received at the KP21.65. The foam pigs will be pushed by using
compressed air.

d. Caliper & Intelligent Pig

This tool is specifically configured to obtain optimal quality of inspection
data based on the pipeline characteristics. The inspection tools have a
large operational range with regard to temperature, pressure, wall
thickness, battery life, minimum negotiable bend radius, etc.

Final Report
The final report shall be presented in a printed and an electronic format
and shall include the following information, as a minimum:
 Project name
 Run date and time, pipe section, survey length.
 Names of Inspection Contractor and Field Supervisor
 Names of Company Representative and other onsite Inspectors
 Caliper inspection tool make, model and tool specifications, indicating
whether the tool has functioned according to specification.
 Inspection tool velocity data
 List of anomalies and weld deformation indications, ranked by size and
including the following data:
i. Anomaly location (e.g., station and position on pipe circumference
at the deepest point of the anomaly, i.e., at the deepest depth of
ii. Anomaly location relative to the nearest upstream weld at the
deepest point of anomaly
iii. Anomaly depth and lateral dimensions of indication in millimeters
iv. Inside diameter of pipe at the anomaly location
v. Pipe ovality at the anomaly location
vi. O'clock position at the deepest point of anomaly
vii. Wrinkle/buckle % of ID reduction/ID expansion
Any anomalies and measured variables terminology to be included
in documentation and report shall be explicitly defined.
 Report shall list the following geodetic parameters as a minimum:
- Horizontal datum
- Vertical datum and units of measure

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- Projected Coordinate System including ellipsoid (spheroid), type of

projection, Zone (if applicable), scale factor, False Easting, and
False Northings.

e. Drying
Once the free water has been removed from the line, the remaining water
vapour will be removed by using method blowing nitrogen through the
line. The line will be deemed dry down to a dew point of -15 °C.
When the dew point of the pipeline reaches -15 °C or below, a 24 hour
soak test will commence. Pipeline pressure and ambient temperature will
be logged at 30 minute intervals.

f. Nitrogen Purging & Packing

The nitrogen at the end of pipeine is to be tested when the foam pig
arrives, if the O2 content is less than 2% the line will be deemed purged.
If the O2 content is above 2% another pig will be run using nitrogen.
Once the lines have O2 content 2%, line will pressure up to 0.48 barg.
Once the predetermined pressure of 0.48 barg has been attained, the
pipeline will be isolated and handed back to the operator for gas-up


Project QA Engineer shall control the status of inspection and testing and shall enforce this
requirement to Vendor and Subcontractor. The status and records of inspection and testing
will be documented. CONTRACTOR shall report the status of inspection activities to
COMPANY and submit copy of inspection records when the items inspections are approved.


For Management of Change, following steps shall be taken:

a. A formal Meeting of all Divisional/Sectional heads shall be called and Plan of
Proposed change will be distributed. All operational heads shall be assigned to
indentify the associated requirements and potential risks in view of future change
b. Formal risk assessment of identified hazards related to potential change shall be
carried out. For inter departmental processes, which have cross functional safety
implications shall be coordinated through cross functional risk assessment exercises.
c. Where required, physical & technical surveys cum inspections shall also be carried
out to check the gaps between the existing processes vs potential operational
requirements. During the course of Risk assessment, financial inference of potential
risk to operations will also be assessed. All operational areas shall establish relevant
check lists for said technical/safety risk assessment process.
d. Considering risk assessment outcomes, desired modification and development
strategies shall be devised.
e. Post change verification, in light of devised program shall be conducted to evaluate
desired implementation steps.

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f. In case of, non fulfillment of risk assessment outcomes, post change risk
assessment shall be carried out and all fundamental steps of risk management shall
be complied.
g. All activities towards the adequate change management process shall be properly
documented and recorded by controlled means, in line with organizational approved
h. For, continual improvements towards safety performance, ongoing risk
management process based upon defined frequency shall be continued for
prescribed period.
i. Above mentioned steps shall also be exercised in case of writing off/ grounding of
equipments and processes/operations, those are no longer needed.


Interface and communication between CONTRACTOR and COMPANY will be in accordance
with Interface and Communication Procedure (220802DGPG50042).


15.1 Equipment and Material Requiring Inspection by MIGAS
At the initial stage of contract award, Equipment list which consist of (but not limited to)
equipment number, service, design pressure, capacity, shall be provided to COMPANY its
appointed Third Party to identify the required equipment to be certified under requirement
of MIGAS regulation Per.Men. ESDM No. 38/2017.

15.2 MIGAS Requirement for WPS and Welder Performance

Welding Procedure Specification (WPS), Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) and Welder
Performance Qualification used for welding works both at shop fabrication in Indonesia and
jobsite installation shall be qualified and approved by MIGAS. The WPS/PQR and WPQT for
shop Fabrication shall be obtained and provided by Vendor/Sub-Vendor, and for Job site
installation work shall be provided by CONTRACTOR.


Major NC: Major NCs are deviations or non-conforming conditions which may become
permanent or whose rectifications will anyway result in a final product not meeting the
originally designed characteristics for what concerns the utilization, workability, durability,
life, type/frequency/extent of maintenance.

Minor Non-conformance: Minor NCs are deviations or non-conforming conditions which may
be rectified or corrected to meet the originally designed characteristic of the product.

Any product which does not conform to specified requirements shall not be use/supplied
until the condition of nonconformity has been evaluated and further disposition decided and
agreed by CONTRACTOR and/or COMPANY.
Non conformities along with their agreed disposition shall be documented in a non-
conformity report form, which shall state description of non-conformity, reason and source,
corrective action to prevent recurrence, as relevant, and agreed disposition.

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No further works/activities on non-conforming product will be carried out, and the

nonconforming product shall be distinctly identified and segregated from normal production
work to preclude inadvertent use. Work on nonconforming product shall resume only after
reaching to agreed resolution of nonconformity.
The Disposition of a nonconformity product shall be in accordance with one of following
 Accept as it is
 Repair
 Rework
 Scrap
NCR has been action by VENDOR/ supplier/ SUBCONTRACTOR/ CONTRACTOR shall be
checked and approved by COMPANY.
CONTRACTOR shall submit a copy of each NCR to COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE within
twenty four (24) hours of issue. CONTRACTOR shall maintain a summary of the open NCRs,
and submit it at the regular PROJECT progress meetings.
CONTRACTOR shall respond to all NCRs issued by COMPANY, in writing, within forty-eight
(48) hours of receiving notification of non-conformance, including its proposed Corrective
Action and the Root Cause Analysis (RCA). Procedure No: 220802DBQR50013. Corrective
Action for Major Non Conformance shall be approved by COMPANY.


QA Engineer shall control includes the calibration of all equipment used for inspection,
measuring and testing and shall enforce this requirement to SUBCONTRACTOR, VENDOR
and SUB-VENDOR. This equipment shall be identified, maintained in accordance with the
relevant procedure. Calibration equipment record register and certificates shall establish.
CONTRACTOR shall carry out audits to verify the calibration status of the measuring and
test equipment and devices, to ensure that such equipment is capable of the necessary
accuracy and precision, to monitor the handling of such equipment and to verify that it is
used in suitable environmental conditions. All audits shall be documented and include,
where appropriate, any action undertaken when a non-compliance is noted.


QA/QC organization refer to Appendix – B, work flow scheme refer to Appendix – C and
Appendix - D.
In order for the organization running as expected, each duty personnel appropriate with its
placement in accordance with the job description as follows:

18.1 QAQC Manager

Direct Superior : Project Manager
Primary Function : Ensuring passes quality assurance and quality control activities
within the frame work at the time of purchase, fabrication and
construction while in progress and coordinate with relevant
Main Duty : a. Coordinate with COMPANY in preparing the schedule and
shop and test program.

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b. Conducting Pre-Inspection meeting together with COMPANY

and the VENDOR prior to fabrication to ensure the
implementation of inspection and test to be applied more
c. Preparing evaluation and analysis of the problems that arise
during fabrication and construction in the field related to
quality control and reported to Project Manager.
Authority : a. Re-presenting the COMPANY to take actions deemed
necessary for quality control of fabricated and field work
undertaken by the VENDOR and SUBCONTRACTOR, with the
approval of the project management.
b. Performing direct coordination with inspectors from COMPANY
regarding the Inspection and Test.
c. Organize and control the functions and personnel assignment
d. Give sanctions or warning to the personnel under his
responsibility, regarding the quality of work.
Responsibilities : a. Responsible for the course of the Inspection and Test
appropriate with agreed procedures in the project
b. Reported and discuss the status and progress of the
Inspection also proposed improvements plan to the Project
Supervision : a. Conducting monitoring of the inspection work performed by
personnel underneath.

18.2 QAQC Coordinator

Direct Superior : QAQC Manager (relation to Construction Manager:
Primary Function : Organize and monitoring the quality activity during
construction and provide solutions to the problems that
arise in field.
Main Duty : a. Coordinate with COMPANY in preparing the
inspection and test Program to be implemented in
the field.
b. Reviewing all construction procedures should be
made regarding the Inspection and Test
c. Guiding and directing the underneath inspectors in
preparing of inspection activity.
d. Conducting Pre-Inspection Meeting together with
COMPANY before execution of work to ensure that
inspections and tests that will be applied in the field
with more detail.
e. Involve in the assesment of local SUBCONTRACTOR’s
/ VENDOR’s selection.
f. Making evaluation and analysis of problems
associated ith the Field Quality Control and reported
to the Construction Manager.

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Authority : a. Re-presenting the COMPANY to take action deemed

necessary for quality control of field work carried out
by the SUBCONTRACTOR, with the approval of the
project management.
b. Performing direct coordination with inspectors from
Inspection and Test.
c. Give a sanctions or warning to the personnel under
his responsibility, regarding the quality of work.
d. Organize and control the functions and personnel
Responsibilities : a. Responsible for the course of the Inspection and Test
appropriate with agreed procedures in the project.
b. Reported and discuss the status and progress of the
Inspection also proposed improvements plan to the
Construction Manager.
Supervision : a. Conducting monitoring of the inspection work
performed by personnel underneath and
b. Periodically check the callibration status of feasibility
of the tools used Inspection.

18.3 QA Engineer
Direct Superior : QAQC Manager
Primary Function : Developing Quality Assurance documentation and Organize the
implementation of internal audit for all discipline in project team
Main Duty : a. Responsible in preparation of QA procedure.
b. Conducting of internal audit.
c. Monitor the implementation of the work whether in
accordance with the agreed procedures.
Authority : a. Re-presenting the COMPANY to take actions as may be
necessary to control the quality of work performed by
SUBCONTRACTOR’s / VENDOR’s, with the approval of the
project management.
Responsibilities : a. Review requirements, specifications and technical design
documents to provide timely and meaningful feedback
b. Estimate, prioritize, plan and coordinate testing
activitiesResponsible for the course of the inspection and test
appropriate with agreed procedures in the project.
c. Reported and discuss the inspection activities to the QAQC
Coordinator, Inspector and QC Engineer Periodically.
Supervision : a. Periodically check the progress status
b. Supervision of NCR
c. Supervision of Corrective & Prevention action

18.4 QC Engineer
Direct Superior : QAQC Manager

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Primary Function : Developing Inspection and test procedure and Organize the
implementation of inspections carried out by SUBCONTRACTOR’s
/ VENDOR’s in order to control quality and provide solutions to
the problems that arise in the field.
Main Duty : a. Responsible in preparation of Procedure for each working
b. Responsible in preparation of inspection and test plan for
each discipline.
c. Guiding and directing inspection and its SUBCONTRACTOR’s /
VENDOR’s in preparing each stage.
d. Guiding an directing SUBCONTRACTOR’s / VENDOR’s in
preparing the inspection report document.
e. Monitor the implementation of the work whether in
accordance with the agreed procedures.
Authority : a. Re-presenting the COMPANY to take actions as may be
necessary to control the quality of work performed by
SUBCONTRACTOR’s / VENDOR’s, with the approval of the
project management.
Responsibilities : a. Responsible for the course of the inspection and test
appropriate with agreed procedures in the project.
b. Reported and discuss the status of progress to the QAQC
Coordinator and Inspector Periodically.
Supervision : a. Periodically check the callibration status of feasibility of the
tools used Inspection.

18.5 Inspector (Welding Inspector, Mechanical & Piping Inspector, E&I Inspector, Civil
Direct Superior : QA/QC Coordinator
Primary Function : Performing and witnessing inspections carried out by
Construction Team in order to control quality and provide
solutions to the problems that arise in the field.
Main Duty : a. Performing joint inspections with COMPANY.
b. Monitor the implementation of the work whether in
accordance with the agreed procedures.
Authority : a. Re-presenting the COMPANY to take actions as may be
necessary to control the quality of work performed by
Construction Team’s, with the approval of the project
b. Performing coordination with COMPANY and Construction
Team’s regarding the inspection and test.
c. Give sanction or warning recommendation to the Construction
when the execution of the work does not appropriate or
deviate from agreed procedures in the project.
Responsibilities : a. Coordinate with QAQC Coordinator reported and discuss the
status of progress Periodically.
Supervision : a. Conducting monitoring of the inspection work performed.
b. Periodically check the callibration status of feasibility of the

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tools used Inspection.

c. Conducting monitoring activities and ensure the use of
material and installation are accordance with agreed
procedures in the project.

18.6 NDT Coordinator

Direct Superior : QA/QC Coordinator
Primary Function : Requesting and Controlling of NDT Activities carried out by
Main Duty : a. Request NDT for all weld completed
b. Monitor the implementation of NDT work and review film
Authority : a. Re-presenting the COMPANY to take actions as may be
necessary to control the quality of work performed by
SUBCONTRACTOR’s, with the approval of the project
b. Performing coordination with COMPANY regarding the
inspection and test.
c. Give sanction or warning to the SUBCONTRACTOR when the
execution of the work does not appropriate or deviate from
agreed procedures in the project.
Responsibilities : a. Coordinate with QAQC Coordinator reported and discuss the
status of progress Periodically.
b. Reporting of NDT status.
Supervision : a. Conducting monitoring of the inspection work performed by
b. Periodically check the callibration status of feasibility of the
tools used Inspection.

18.7 Traceability
Direct Superior : QA/QC Coordinator
Primary Function : Documents and record control related with QA/QC activities.
Main Duty : a. Initiate and maintain the quality job file to ensure that all
relevant quality documents are in the job file and are
completely accurate.
b. Coordinating scheduled inspection activities among QC
Inspector, COMPANY, third party, and regulatory bodies (if
Authority : a. Perform all in process and final inspections, preparation and
issuance of associated inspection reports, non-conformance
report and corrective action request.
b. Expediting the completion of QA/QC turn-over documents.
c. Ensure that appropriate records are properly controlled.
Manage the proper storage and filing of controlled
Responsibilities : a. Coordinate with QC Engineer reported and discuss the status
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of progress of Inspection Status and reported to Project

QA/QC Coordinator.
b. Review process and QA/QC documentation to release
products for distribution.

Manufacture Data Report (MDR) / Dossier, and Field Inspection Records shall be
maintained by CONTRACTOR. The above Quality Control Documentation shall be a part of
Project Final Documentation.
VENDOR’s/SUBCONTRACTOR’s obligations to submit and provide quality control
documentation in conformance to requirements were stipulated in each Requisition. MDR
subject to CONTRACTOR review and approval prior submit to COMPANY.
CONTRACTOR shall ensure that system is maintained for identification, collection, indexing,
filing, traceability, storage, maintenance and disposition of quality records. All quality
records shall correlate to items/materials/products/works involved and shall be readily
retrievable. The quality records shall be protected against deterioration or damage or loss.


Plan of Submission for construction document 2 weeks after mechanical completions and
Handover of the final documentation for COMPANY review not more 60 days after project
completion stage. Handover of the final documentation can be done partially. Any remarks
raised during review of the transferred documents shall be recorded in a Punch List and the
status of the documentation confirmed in the Handover Notice (Berita Acara).

Appendix A : Quality Policy
Appendix B : QA/QC Organization Chart
Appendix C : Workflow Scheme for Shop Inspection Activities
Appendix D : Workflow Scheme for Field Inspection Activities

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Appendix A
Quality Policy

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Appendix B
QAQC Organization Chart

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Appendix C
Workflow Scheme for Shop Inspection Activities

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Appendix D
Workflow Scheme for Field Inspection Activities

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