DL2 Interview Questions

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Technical Support Interview Questions – 2

A) Tell me something about yourself.

Tell about your eductaion, place you belong to, some struggle in life which shows that you have
positive attitude and will to fight the odds.

1. What is BIOS?
Ans: BIOS stands for Basic Input-Output System and is pronounced as “Bye-Ose“. The BIOS is
available on all the computers. It makes sure that all the components of the computer can function
together. It has information about all the hardware components in the Computer. BIOS can also be
called as a Special Software that interfaces the major hardware components of a computer with the
Operating System. It is usually stored in a Flash Memory Chip on the Motherboard.

Some functions of BIOS:

1. Performs a POST (Power-On Self Test) for all the different Hardware Components in the
System to make sure everything is working properly.
2. Activating other BIOS Chips on different cards installed in the computer, for example, SCSI
and Graphics Cards.
3. Provides a set of low-level suiting that the Operating System uses to interface different
Hardware devices. BIOS manages things in your computer like the Keyboard, Monitor, Serial and
Parallel Ports especially when the computer is Booting up.
4. Manage the settings for Hard-disk drives, System Clock etc.

Sequence of things done by the BIOS when you turn on your Computer:
1. Check the CMOS for Custom Settings
2. Load the interrupt Handlers and Device Drivers
3. Initialize Registers and Power Management
4. Perform POST (Power On Self Test)
5. Display System Settings
6. Determine which devices are Bootable
7. Initialize the Bootstrap sequence

2. What are the Hardware Components of a Desktop Computer / Laptop?

Ans: The Hardware Components of a Desktop Computer / Laptop are as follows:

1. The Processor (CPU)
2. Motherboard
3. RAM (Random Access Memory)
4. Power Supply – SMPS (Switch Mode Power Supply)
5. Hard-disk Drives
6. CD/DVD-ROM Drives
7. Floppy Disk Drive
8. Sound Card
9. Graphics (Display) Card
10. Keyboard
11. Mouse
12. Monitor

3. What are Hard-Disk Partitions?

Ans: Partitions are used to Divide a Hard-disk drive into smaller segments as required by the user and
for better management of the space in it.

4. Difference between RAM and ROM?

Ans: RAM (Random Access Memory) – is used to temporarily store information that the computer is
currently working on.
ROM (Read Only Memory) – This is a Permanent type of memory storage used by computers for
important data which never changes. (Example: BIOS)

5. What would you check if there is no sound from your computer? (Audio not working)

1. Check for cable connections

2. Check for power to the speakers
3. Check for volume control
4. Check for device drivers

6. If a Customer complains that his computer is working really slow, what are the things you would

1. Check if it is taking longer than usual to start up

2. Check if it is slow with one / any particular application or slow overall.
3. Check for Spyware/Malware/Virus in the computer
4. Check the available Hard-Disk Drive Space in the computer.

7. What is the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD)? .

Ans: A Blue Screen of Death (or just a Blue Screen Error) is an indication of a Critical System Problem
wherein the Computer freezes altogether and does not respond to anything.
To rectify this problem, try Restarting the computer or Booting into Safe Mode. For more
information, read this.

8. Why are Device Drivers required?

Ans: A Device Driver (or just Driver) is a piece of software which is requied to run every Hardware
Component present in the computer.

9. Name one of the latest Computer Processors (CPU) ?

Ans: Intel Pentium Quad Core, Intel I3, I5, I7 processors.

10. What is Ping?

Ans: Ping is a command that checks the connectivity with an IP address. For more read this article

11. What is a Data Cable?

Ans: A Data Cable is a Thin Plastic band-like cable used to connect the Data-Devices like Hard-disk
drives, Floppy Disk Drives, CD/DVD-ROM drives with the motherboard. Data Cables are primarily
used for Data Transfer.
12. Lights on a Modem / LAN Card:

Ans: Generally, there are 04 lights. They indicate the following:

1. Power Light: Shows if the device (Modem)is getting Power Supply or not.
2. Link Light: Indicates if the device is getting broadband/internet signals properly from the ISP
3. Data Light: Indicates wether the internet is working or not.
4. Connectivity Light: Indicates the Modem is connected to a PC or not.

13. Name some of the Ports available in a Computer

Ans: Some of the commonly available ports in a Computer are as follows:
1. Keyboard & Mouse Ports – Also known as PS/2 ports
2. USB Ports
3. VGA Ports
4. Sound Ports
5. LAN Port – Also known as Ethernet Port

14. What does the term USB stand for?

Ans: USB stands for Universal Serial Bus. It allows devices to be connected or disconnected from a
computer without shutting down or restarting the computer. The current version of USB is 2.0

15.What is the difference between CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) and LCD (Flat Screen Monitors)?

Ans: CRT Monitors: The Monitor has a picture tube and uses a light-gun to highlight pixels on the
LCD Monitors: These monitors do not have a picture tube and contain a layer of liquid crystals on an
Electronic Board.

16.What is an IP Address?

Ans: An IP address is a unique numerical identifier of every device on a network. A typical IP address
can look like this: To detect a computer’s IP Address, go to Start – Run – Type in CMD
in the Run Dialogue Box and click OK or hit <Enter> – In the Command Prompt Screen that comes up,
type in IPCONFIG and hit <Enter>

17. What is DHCP?

Ans: DHCP stands for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. It is used to generate & provide IP
addresses to the computers on a network.

18. What is DNS?

Ans: DNS stands for Domain Name Services – it is used to convert URLs into IP addresses and vice-

19. Mention a sample computer configuration:


1. Intel Pentium Core 2 Duo – 3.0Ghz

2. 2 GB RAM
3. 300GB HDD
4. DVD Writer
5. 17 inches LCD Monitor
6. Keyboard
7. Mouse

20. Name any Five Microsoft Office Applications:


1. MS Word
2. MS Excel
3. MS Powerpoint
4. MS Access
5. MS Outlook
21. What are RJ45 and RJ11 connectors?
Ans: RJ45 connectors are used for LAN/Ethernet connections and RJ11 connectors are used for
Telephone Cable connections.

22.What is a Parallel Windows installation?

Ans: When the first installation of Windows fails to boot for some reason, another copy of Windows
is installed in teh same drive but in a different directory (so that the customer can access to and
backup his old data). This is called Parallel Installation of Windows.

23.Name some of the versions of Windows XP.

Ans: Windows XP Home Edition, Professional, Media Center Edition, Tablet PC Edition, Mobile

24.What are the components needed to setup a Basic Home Network?

Ans: LAN Cards, LAN Cables, Router/Hub

25. Difference betwen a WORKGROUP and a DOMAIN?

Ans: In a Workgroup, all the computers function as Peers. But in a Domain, One computer is the
Server and the others are Clients.

26. What is the difference between FAT32 and NTFS file systems?
Ans: 1. NTFS allows compression and file encryption. FAT32 does not. 2. NTFS is more secure than

27. What does BOOT.INI do?

Ans: Boot.ini lists all the Operating Systems present in the computer and provide information about
which partitions they are located on.

Technical IT & desktop support interview questions and answers

What is the purpose of Device Drivers?

Device Drivers are the software required to run hardware components.

What is one of the latest Computer Processors (CPU)?

The Intel Pentium Quad Core Intel I3, I5 and I7 processors.

What does USB stand for?

Universal Serial Bus – the current version is 2.0. It allows the
connection of peripherals without the need to shut down the computer.

Which desktop operating systems are you familiar with?

You will need to have familiarised yourself with the system used by the organisation you are hoping
to join. Focus your answer on those systems, but also mention other systems with which you have

What are the disadvantages of using imaging software?

This question is designed to test your familiarity with imaging software. Describe image testing and
the attributes of particular software to show your familiarity with imaging.

Define Hard-Disk Partitions?

Hard disk partitions divide the hard disk drive into smaller segments to enable
better space management. Each partition on the disk can then be considered as a separate disk
allowing different file systems to be used on each.

What is the difference between RAM and ROM?

RAM stands for Random Access Memory. It is used for the temporary storage of data that is being
worked on. ROM is Read-Only Memory and is used for permanent storage of data that should never
be changed, like BIOS for example.

If the audio for your computer is not working, what would you check?
Check the following: Speaker volume, cable connections, power to the speakers and device drivers.

What are the lights on a Modem/LAN Card and what do they indicate?
The lights are:

- Power light – indicates if the power is on.

- Link light – indicates if the modem is receiving broadband or Internet signals from the ISP.
- Data light – indicates if the Internet is working.
- Connectivity light – indicates if the modem is connected to a computer.

What are some of the Ports available in a computer?

Common ports are: PS/2 ports, for keyboard and mouse. USBports. Sound ports.LAN or Ethernet
ports. VGA ports.
What does DHCP stand for and what is its purpose?
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol – it assigns dynamic IP addresses to network devices allowing
them to have a different IP address each time they are
connected to the network.

What does DNS stand for and what is it used for?

Domain Name Service (or System or Server) – it translates domain names into IPaddresses.

List five Microsoft Office applications.

MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Outlook and MS Access

What are some versions of Windows XP?

XP Professional, XP Home, Media Centre, Tablet PC and Mobile

What components are needed to set up a Basic Home Network?

Router/Hub, LAN cards and LAN cables.

What is the purpose of BOOT.INI?

Boot.ini is used to decide which operating system options are displayed during the start-up process.

Identify a few Firewalls.

There are two basic types of firewall – network layer, which make decisions based on source and
destination addresses, and application layer, which are hosts run on proxy servers and allow no direct
traffic between networks. Comodo and Zone Alarm are two commonly used firewalls.
Personal IT & desktop support interview questions and answers

How do you feel about your abilities as a manager? Focus on how you achieve results while
maintaining good staff relations. Use examples of your successes and how you have learned from
mistakes. Emphasise your energy and experience.

What is your style of management?

Tailor your answer to the management style of the company to show that your style will complement
it. A good maxim to remember is ‘task needs, group needs and individual needs’. You might also
mention motivation and delegation.

What qualities do you look for when you hire people?

Mention ability and experience and interpersonal skills. You should also mention initiative and future

In our industry, what are some important trends that you see?
This question is intended to test your knowledge of the industry. You will need to have done some
homework. You might look at topics like technological developments, economic challenges and
changes in the market.

What are your reasons for leaving your previous/present job?

Be honest and brief but avoid answers suggesting personality conflicts or that you were dismissed.
Try to present the move in a positive light.

Have you ever had to fire someone? If so, why did you have to do so, and how did you approach
the situation?
Mention that the task was not pleasant but that you got through by explaining the position and
reasons for dismissal to the individual and being as sympathetic as possible.

Your resume shows that you may be over-qualified for this position. What is your opinion of this?
You hope to work long term with the company and hope that good work performance will open up
new opportunities within it. You can mention that strong companies always need well-qualified staff
and that with your qualifications the employer will see a good and rapid return on his investment.

What, in your opinion, is the most difficult aspect of being a manager or executive?
Identify one of the most difficult tasks as being the motivation of staff in trying circumstances.You can
include planning and completing objectives on time and within budget.

What do you feel is an appropriate salary for this position?

Salary is a delicate question. You can answer in several ways. You can give a figure based on industry
norms for the position or else you could say that you cannot give a realistic answer until you know
more details of the job. Do not undersell yourself - you will regret giving a figure that is too low.
Equally, if the figure is too high, you will put off the employer. It is best to avoid being too specific but
do not give the impression that salary is unimportant.

How do you remain abreast of new developments in technology?

You could mention seminars, courses, trade journals and technology magazines. You could also
mention the value of social networking.

Describe yourself professionally in a few words.

This is not an invitation to give your life story. Give a brief mention of your highest education level,
say where you have worked and your role focussing on your most recent, and then refer to your
future goals. You should devote no more than one sentence to each aspect.

If your previous manager was in the room with us, what do you think he would have to say about
Always try to be positive. Give answers like: “ They would say that I was an enthusiastic, hard
worker” or “ I was the most reliable and efficient member of the team’ or “I was an excellent
problem solver.”

What are some questions you would ask to help isolate a user’s problem?
This question examines your problem-solving ability. You could say that you would ask the following

- Describe the problem. Was there an error message? If so, what?

- Have you had a similar problem or other problems before? Give details.
- What were you doing when the system failed?
- Has any new hardware been added to the system?
- Has any new software been added to the system?
- Have you downloaded anything from the Internet?
- What, if anything, have you done to fix the problem yourself?
- Are you the only user who has access to the system?

What is your favourite aspect of desktop support?

The question is a test of motivation. You need to match your answer to the job. Mention aspects like
the challenges of working with new systems and meeting new people.

How capable do you think you are at handling stress?

Here you need to acknowledge that sometimes work and life can be stressful. You need to show
what techniques you use to reduce and control stress – careful time management, exercise, time out,
setting priorities are all methods you could discuss.
Scenario interview questions and answers

A customer complains that his computer is working slowly. What things should you check?
Check the following:
- Is start-up time longer than usual?
- Is it slower with one particular application or slower overall?
- Are there any viruses, malware or spyware?
- Available Hard Disk space.

What is your troubleshooting process?

The basic troubleshooting process is:
- Identify the problem.
- Consider likely causes.
- Test theories to localise the cause.
- Formulate and implement a plan to solve the problem.
- Verify that the problem is solved and take steps to prevent a reoccurrence.
- Record your findings, what action you took and the outcome.

What is your least favourite aspect of desktop support?

This is designed to see how well you will fit with the present team. A good answer would be along
the lines of being unable to solve a problem due to factors outside you control, like hardware failure
for instance.

Describe a situation where you have had to deal with a difficult person and how you handled it?
Do you think you should have done anything differently?
This question is best answered by reference to a successful outcome to a difficult situation that you
have encountered. In general terms, you could say that you understand the frustration of end users
and that good communication often goes a long way to resolving issues.

Would you describe yourself as a problem solver? If so, why? Can you give any example
You should obviously give a positive answer. You should give examples that show that you can think
critically and highlight your skills.

The company interview questions and answers

What do you know about our company and our products?

To answer this question, you must have done your homework and to show it. You will need to know
what the company does and something about its products. You will also need to be aware of recent
developments and know a little about the leading figures in the company.

Why do you want to work for this organisation?

Let the interviewers know that you have done some homework by saying that in your job search
their company stood out from the rest because “….” You should also mention the company’s history,
products, philosophy, reputation etc.

What are your reasons for wanting to work with us?

From your research on the company, you should be able to spell out what has attracted you to apply
for the position – perhaps they focus on an area of
research that you enjoy or would like to become involved with; maybe they offer opportunities that
competitors do not; or possibly they are active in a field that interests you. Be careful, though, do not
pretend to have an interest in something that you do not – your deception will be noticed.
1. What desktop operating systems are you familiar with?
Well! I am familiar with Windows operating system on my desktop computer. Basically I am using
Windows 8 on my desktop pc and this version of windows is the latest and best version of Windows
operating system.
2. Have you used any software distribution tools? If so, which ones and how were they used?
Yes I use WinInstall the latest software distribution tool for my windows operating system. Basically
WinInstall provides latest features for better and consistent user interaction. It is a perfect easy to
use windows application that can package .exe files (Executable Files) for distribution.
3. Can you describe to me the extent of your experience, if any, as a desktop support? What do you
like most about desktop support? What do you like the least about it? If you do not have desktop
support experience, what do you think are the important skills one must have in order to be
successful in it?
By having the access to the company whom computer products we are using like it may be software
or hardware etc. is called desktop support. What really the good thing about desktop management
for me is to perform all the challenging tasks impressively like working with new people in different
domains and to understand their problems and the environment where they are working. Also
through this we can be able to learn new operating systems and their configurations.
What I feel a least thing about desktop management is the following: Sometimes we totally
understand the user’s system configuration, operating system and the fault in the system but
suddenly we fail to resolve the system’s fault or trouble just because of any hardware failure like
assume the hard disk of the system will be heat up and can’t be able to load anything on your PC.

4. When you solve a desktop problem, do you prefer to work with the end-user, your peers, or on
your own?
Well! Definitely I’ll first of all prefer myself to solve the desktop problem as I will apply all my
experience and skills to solve that specific desktop issue and I believe that a person should first try
his/her best to solve the desktop problem if he/she really knows how to solve the matter? But when
I’ll feel that now I can’t solve it myself then I’ll prefer to work with a group with end users, vendors
and peers.
5. How important is lifelong learning to you and how do you apply this in learning new
Lifelong learning is always of real importance for a technical person who wants to become successful
in his field. So for me it’s always of 100% importance. And I don’t only learn new technologies but
more importantly I apply all my new learning technologies in solving various matters and issues of
people’s desktop pc. For me theory is nothing without practical so I prefer practical work with new
6. If you receive three simultaneous calls from three Senior Vice Presidents of the company
needing immediate IT assistance, how will you handle this situation? Which one will you prioritize?
Well as a matter of fact I am always a good time manager. I always perform all my daily’s task by
prioritizing my daily activities. So definitely I’ll look at all 3 Senior Vice Presidents issues then I will
prioritize all three tasks in a way so that I can save time and in a better way I can solve the problems
of all these 3 people. But it depends upon the problems. Like my 1st priority is to solve an easy and
trivial task, then 2nd slightly tough task then as compare with the 1st one and similarly I’ll do the 3rd
one which I’ll think that it will take much time.

7. How do you deal with users who keep on misdiagnosing their PC issues?
In this situation I will need to be extremely attentive while acknowledging the user’s diagnosis. Then I
will ask them to produce the same problem again and this way judging my user very carefully I will
surely find a meaningful and definite solution that perfectly works.

8. When isolating or troubleshooting a user’s PC problem, what questions do you usually ask?
Well based on my skills and previous practice I usually ask the following described some of the
- Who uses this system?
- When the problem did exactly starts?
- Did the system work properly before the problem occurred?
- What new hardware or software you have installed recently?
9. What kind of virus issues have you encountered before? What did you do to prevent these virus
Well based on my previous work experience I have encountered with different viruses like some virus
affect the system by means of inserting a flash drive usb (universal serial bus), infected memory card
reader, internet downloads and such other factors etc.
To overcome such troubles I always use an anti-virus program. I have separate antivirus for u.s.b and
card readers and also for secure internet download. I always update my antivirus software so it can
not only detect the viruses but also remove all those viruses which causes great disturbances for our

Q. What is an operating system?

A. Operating system works as an interpreter between computer Hardware and application. Operation
system works as a user

Q. Types of Operating systems?

A. There are two types of operating systems

1. SOS: Simple Operating System as for example- Windows 95,98, ME

2. NOS: Network Operating System as for example- Windows NT, 2000, 2003.

Q. What is server?

A. Server are computer that provides the services. As for Example:-

1. DNS Server

2. WINS Server

3. DHCP Server

4. RAS Server

5. VPN Server

Q. What is RAS Server?

A. RAS stands for Remote Access Server. It is basically use for mobile user in the network. This server
provides the access
connectivity for mobile user. In this way all of the mobile users are connected to server through
telephone line. This server also

provides the connectivity between two more offices in the network.

Q. What is VPN Server?

A. VPN Stands for Virtual Private Network. It is basically use for mobile user in the network. This
server provides the remote

access connectivity for mobile user. In this way all of the mobile users are connected to server
through internet. This server also

provides the connectivity between two or more office in the network. VPN is cost effective (No

Q. What is IAS Server?

A. IAS stands for Internet Authentication Services. IAS server is also known as RADIUS Server. IAS
Server provides the

centralized management of multiple RAS & VPN Server in the Network. On this Server Remote Access
Policy and Remote Access

logging options are available.


A. there is major difference are available between FAT and NTFS file systems Such as:

• FAT Stands for File Allocation Table

• There are three categories in FAT file system.


 FAT-16

 FAT-32

• In FAT Not up to folder level security is available

• Compression option is not available

• Encryption Option is not available

• Disk Quota Option is not available

• FAT supported by all of the Microsoft Based Operating Systems.


• NTFS stands for New Technology File Systems

• There are three categories in NTFS file systems

 NTFS 4.0- NT Operating Systems

 NTFS 5.0- 2000 Operating Systems

 NTFS 6.0- 2003 Operating Systems

• In NTFS up to File level security is available

• Compression option is available

• Encryption option is available

• Disk Quota Option is available

• NTFS supported by only limited Microsoft Based Operating System

Q. What is the difference between Windows NT/2000/2003?

A. There is many differences are available between Windows NT, 2000 and 2003 O/S, such as NT:

• There is no active directory

• There is no tree/forest hierarchical structure is available

• There is no site relationship

• There is no parent domain and child domain concepts are available in the network/

• NT support NTFS 4.0 file system

• NT support NTLM version 2 LAN Authentication Protocol

• In NT by default no trust relationship are configured

• In NT we will use System Policy

• In NT specific Client site Operation system is available i.e. NT Workstation 4.0 Edition

• In NT we will use Exchange 5.5 Server

• In NT we can create only one way trust relationship inside the network


• There is Active Directory

• Tree/Forest Hierarchical Structure are available

• There is Site Relationship is available

• There is parent domain and child domain concept are available

• 2000 Support NTFS 5.0 file system

• 2000 Support Kerberos version 5.0 authentication protocol

• In 2000 by default Two-way Trust Relationship are configured

• In 2000 we will use Group Policy

• 2000 support maximum 32 Processor and 64 GB Ram

• In 2000 Specific client site operating system is available i.e. 2000 Professional

• In 2000 we will use Exchange 2000 server

• In 2000 no stub zone is available in DNS

• In 2000 Resultant Setup Policy is not available

• In 2000 GPMC is not available

• In 2000 Conditional forwarding option is not available

• In 2000 Effective Permission option is not available

• In 2000 only some Administrative Command Line Tools are available

• Active Directory saved query option is not available

• Shadow copy Option is not available in windows 2000 Operating System

• ASR Option is not available in Windows 2000 operating System

• In Windows 2000 we can create Maximum 1 DFS Root on a single DFS Server in the network.

• In 2000 we can create two way trust relationship inside the network


• There is Active Directory

• Tree/Forest Hierarchical Structure are available

• There is site relationship is available

• There is parent domain and child domain concept are available

• 2003 support NTFS 6.0 File system

• 2003 support Kerberos 5.0 Authentication Protocol

• In 2003 we will use group policy

• 2003 support maximum 64 Processor and 64 GB RAM

• In 2003 no specific client site Operating System is available you can use either windows 2000
Professional either Windows

XP Professional in the network

• In 2003 we will use Exchange 2003 Server

• In 2003 Stub Zone is available in DNS

• In 2003 GPMC is available

• In 2003 Resultant Setup Policy is available

• In 2003 Conditional Forwarding option is available

• In 2003 Effective Permission option is available

• Active Directory Saved Query option is available

• Shadow Copy option is available in Windows 2003 Operating System

• ASR Option is available in Windows 2003 Operating System

• In Windows 2003, we can create more than 1 DFS Root on A single DFS Server in the Network

• In 2003 we can create two way Trust Relationship inside the network
Q. What is Active Directory?

A. Active Directory is the main concept of Windows 2000/2003 Network. it stores all of the
information about the whole network

such as users, printers, computers etc.

Q. What is tree?

A. A group of domain is called tree and sharing a contiguous Name Space.

Q. What is forest?

A. A group of tree is called forest and does not sharing a contiguous name space but sharing a
common configuration (Schema).

Q. Difference between D.C. and A.D.C.?

A. D.C. stands for Domain Controller and A.D.C. stands for Additional Domain Controller. A.D.C. is a
backup of D.C. Only one

different is available between D.C. and A.D.C. i.e. – Operation master Role. On D.C. all of five
Operation Master Roles are


1. Schema Master

2. Domain Naming Master

3. RID Master

4. PDC Emulator

5. Infrastructure Master

But on A.D.C. only Three Operation Master Role are Available:

1. RID Master

2. PDC Emulator

3. Infrastructure Master

Q. What is the benefit of Child Domain?

A. There are many benefits of Child Domain Such As:

1. Security Boundary

2. Administrative Overhead Low

3. Network Traffic Low

Q. What is Group?
A. Group is a collection of user account. It provides the simplified administration in the network.

Q. What is OU?

A. OU stands for Organizational Unit. On OU we define group Policy in the network. Group policy is
basically assigned on active

directory container i.e. Site, domain, OU. When ever we want some users then we put that user in
the OU and assign the

appropriate Group Policy on that OU.

Q. What is Group Policy?

A. Group Policy provides the stream line access to all of the users in the network. Group policy is
basically assigned on active

directory container i.e. Site, Domain and O.U. When ever we want some users in the network do not
use shut down the system,

do not use run command, do not use Control Panel, then we put that user in the OU and assign the
appropriate Group Policy on

that OU.

Q. Difference between permission, rights and policy?

A. Permission: permission is basically assigned on network resources as for example – file, folder,
share folder, printer.

Right: Right is basically assign to users and groups.

Policy: Policy is basically assigned on active directory container i.e. – Site, Domain, OU.

Q What is ISA Server?

A. ISA stands for Internet Security Acceleration. ISA server provides the internet connectivity for all of
the users in network ISA

Server also works as proxy Server in the network. With the help of ISA Server Administrator can
filtering a client request for a

specific web site in the network.

Q. What is Default Gateway?

A. Default Gateway is the IP address of router in the network. When ever any clients want to go to
another network that query will

forward to default gateway.

Q. What is site?

A. A site is a geographical area where all of the domains are available. Site manages the replication
traffic between two or more
different sites in the network.

Q. What is Operation Master Role?

A. Operation Master Role is available on Domain Controller in the Network. There are five types of
operation master roles:-

1. Schema master

2. Domain Naming Master

3. RID Master

4. PDC Emulator

5. Infrastructure Master

Q. Difference between Mixed Mode and Native Mode?

A. There are two types of domain mode:

1. Mixed Mode: In this mode NT, win 2000 and win 2003 D.C. are available.

2. Native Mode: there are two types of native mode.

i. Win 2000 Native Mode: In this mode win 2000 and win 2003 DC are available.

ii. Win 2003 Native mode: in this mode only win 2003 DC are available.
Q. What is SCSI?

A. SCSI stands for Small Computer System Interface. In SCSI the rate of data transmission is fast. SCSI
Hard Disk Speed R.P.M.

is fast in SCSI Data Transmission speed is 320 MBPS in the Network. In SCSI Controller We can
connect Maximum 15 Physical

Devices in the System.

Q. What are A-Host Record and PTR Record?

A. A record is also called host record. This record is basically created in forward lookup Zone

PTR record is also called a Pointer record. This record is basically created in reverse lookup Zone

Q. What is reservation?

A. Reservation is basically used in DHCP Server. When Ever we want this computer is always received
this IP address from DHCP

Server in the network, in the network, in that case we create a reservation in DHCP Server of that
particular computer in the


Q. IP Address Range/Classes?
A. There are two types of IP address:-

1. Class Full IP Address

2. Class Less IP Address

Class Full IP Address – There are five classes:

1. Class A - 0 - 126(127 is reserved for Loop back)

2. Class B - 128 – 191

3. Class C - 192 – 223

4. Class D - 224 - 239

5. Class E - 240 - 255

Q. Difference between Hardware Router & Software Router?

A. Hardware Router: Hardware Router is a dedicated Router. It’s having a lot of feature such as
Security, dedicated routing in

the networking. As for Example Cisco Router.

Software Router: Software Router is not a dedicated router. It provides the different services also
such as DNS Server, DHCP
Server i.e. Windows Based Router.

Q. Difference between Hardware Firewall and Software Firewall?

A. Hardware Firewall: It is a dedicated firewall. A lots of security features are available on hardware
based firewall. As for

Example- Cisco Pix Firewall.

Software Firewall: It is a dedicated firewall. It provides the normal security in the network- Check

Q. What is Domain Controller?

A. D.C. stands for Domain Controller. It provides the centralized management of entire domain in the
network. When ever we will

install active directory database on a server side operating system, then after that system becomes a
D.C. Domain controller

manages all security related interaction between users and computers in the network.

Q. What is B Router?

A. B Router stands for Bridge Router. We can say this is a layer three bridge that provides the
communication between two or
more different network ID.

Q. What is a Bridge?

A. Bridge is a layer 2 network device that provides the communication within the same network ID.
In bridge maximum 16 ports

are available.

Q. Difference between Gateway and Router?

A. Router works on same network architecture but Gateway works on different network architecture.

Q. What is POP Server/SMTP Server?

A. POP Stands for Post Office Protocol. It is basically use for mail receiving purpose in the network.

SMTP Stands for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. It is basically use for sending a mail as well as
receiving a mail in the network.

Q. What is Active Directory Partitions?

A. Active Directory Partition is a logical Partition of Active Directory. This Partition is basically use for
replication from D.C. to A.D.

C. & D.C. to G.C.S. (Global Catalog Server) in the network. There are three Types of Active Directory

1. Schema Partition
2. Configuration Partition

3. Domain Partition

Q. Types of Active Directory Partitions?

A. There are Three types of Active Directory Partitions:

1. Schema Partition

2. Configuration Partition

3. Domain Partition

Q. What is the function of Ping Command?

A. Ping provides to check the Physical IP Connectivity between two or more devices in the network.
Ping sends an ICMP request

from source Computer to destination computer and destination computer sends an ICMP reply.

Q. What are Broadcasting, Multicasting and unicasting?

A. Broadcasting – one to all

Multicasting - one to many not all

Unicasting - One to One.

Q. What is Group Nesting?

A. When we add two or more Groups within a Single Group. It is called Group Nesting.

Q. What is FIXMBR?

A. FIXMBR Repair the Master boot record of the Partition Boot Sector.

Q. What is FIXBOOT?

A. FIXBOOT write a new partition boot sector on to the system partition.

Q. What is SID?

A. SID stands for Security Identifier. Every object has a unique ID, it is called SID.

Q. What is RADIUS Server?

A. RADIUS Stands for Remote Authentication Dial-in User Service, RADIUS Server Provides the
Centralized Management of

Multiple RAS & VPN Server in the network. On this Server Remote Access Policy and Remote Access
Logging Options are available.

Q. What is Trusting Domain?

A. In Trusting Domain Resources are available.

Q. What is Trusted Domain?

A. In Trusted Domain User Account’s are available.

Q. What is Microsoft Exchange Server?

A. Microsoft Exchange Server is Software that provides the services such as sending & receiving the

Q. What is Printer?

A. Printer is a Software that Governing the print Device. There are two types of Printer:

1. Local Printer

2. Network Printer

Q. What is Chatting?

Chatting is a Real Time Conversation between two or more people in the network.


Q. What is Directory Services restore mode?

A. When our Active Directory Database is not working properly, then we restart the domain
Controller and press f8 key. Then after

Selecting the Directory services restore mode and then after restoring the active directory database
from the last backup.

Q. What is Normal Backup?

A. Just like a normal backup by default Backup.

Q. What is incremental backup?

A. In incremental backup only incremental parts are backup not full backup.

Q. What is differential backup?

A. In differential backup, we take full backup after the normal backup.

Q. What is packet?

A. A packet is a logical grouping of information that includes a header which contains location
information and user data.

Q. What is forwarder?

A. It is basically use in DNS Server. When client query to the DNS Server. In that case if the DNS is
having a best results then
DNS Server give the best result. To the client computer in the network otherwise DNS

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