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I. Read the story, find the following words and phrases from the vocabulary list, write
them out giving Russian equivalents, recall the situations in which they are used:

it is worth while doing sth (sth is worth doing) (p. 238), to go with sth (p. 241), he isn’t the
sort of man to do sth (p. 243), to be ill-read/well-read (p. 245), the conversation turned to…
(p. 246), a commonplace man (p. 247), to indulge in sth (p. 249), she was the sort of woman
who… (p. 253), to make the most of sth (p. 256), to have one’s money worth (p. 257), to call
it a day (p. 257), to live thriftily (p. 259), to know one’s own mind (p. 260), to give smb
notice (p. 263).

II. Paraphrase the following using the vocabulary of the list:

1) I want a hat to match this dress.
2) These new curtains do not suit the wallpaper.
3) Mr. Pickwick did not belong to people who keep themselves to themselves.
4) I’m going to spend my summer vacation as best as I can.
5) There was nothing out of the ordinary about Mr. Smeeth.
6) He occasionally allowed himself the pleasure of having a glass of port.
7) – Are you pleased with your stay in London? – Oh yes, I’ve seen everything I planned to
8) At the end of the working day the foreman said, “Let’s knock off work.”
9) There are people and people: some throw their money about, others are very careful with
10) – Do you ever regret having bought a colour TV set? It’s so terribly expensive. – Oh, no!
I’m enjoying it greatly, and I feel I’ve made a good investment.
11) I strongly recommend you to see this film, you won’t regret it.
12) Mr. Brown let his employers know that he was going to leave them.

III.Translate the following using the vocabulary of the list:

1) Однажды в гостиной леди Брокуэй разговор зашел о том, что такое счастье.
2) Если у вас плохое горло, стоит провести отпуск на море.
3) После обеда Бэббит с удовольствием выкуривал сигару.
4) Мартин Иден был человеком, который твердо знал, чего он хочет.
5) Джону нечем было заплатить за квартиру, и хозяйка уведомила его, что ему
придется съехать.
6) Хиггинз относился к категории людей, которые пренебрегают условностями.
7) С Томом трудно иметь дело, он сам не знает, чего хочет.
8) Вернувшись домой холодным зимним вечером, мистер Грин иногда с
удовольствием принимал горячую ванну.

IV. Translate into Russian:

p. 238 the opening paragraph of the story
p. 239 the third paragraph from the top
p. 266 the last sentence
V. Paraphrase the following:
p. 238 …some repine, looking upon themselves as round pegs in square holes.
p. 241 I was so intent on the scene…
p. 241 The get-up was picturesque.
p. 242 Donna Lucia… passed the time of the day with us.
p. 243 I should put him down as an absolutely normal man of business.
p. 253 I was cut up at the time.
p. 254 What’s wrong with chucking it all up…
p. 262 …his landlord… was content to let things slide for several months.
p. 262 …he was no longer in complete possession of his faculties.
p. 265 He grudges the cost of his keep.
p. 265 He brought it on himself.

VI. Comment on the following:

p. 260 I don’t know whether he was a fool or a wise man.
p. 261 The will needs obstacles in order to exercise its power; when it is never
thwarted, when no effort is needed to achieve one’s desires, because one has placed
one’s desires only in things that can be obtained by stretching out one’s hand, the will
grows impotent. If you walk on a level all the time the muscles you need to climb a
mountain will atrophy.

VII. Discussion points:

1) What is the author’s way of introducing the main character? Support your answer
with illustrations from the text.
2) Under what circumstances did the narrator make the acquaintance of Thomas
Wilson? How did Wilson strike him?
3) Comment on Wilson’s words about leisure and work.
4) Sum up Wilson’s philosophy of life. Explain your acceptance or rejection of it.
5) Tell summarily what you have learnt about Wilson’s life prior to the time he came
to Capri for good.
6) What sort of life did Thomas live on the island?
7) What were Wilson’s plans for the future? What went wrong with them?
8) The author says, “His only object was happiness, and it looks as though he
attained it.” Do you think he did? Explain.
9) There exist various definitions of happiness. Which of those you’ve come across
appeals to you most and why?
10) Have you ever met people who have taken the course of their lives into their own
hands? Speak about them.
11) What role do descriptions of nature play in this narrative? Do they seem boring to
you or the other way around? Explain why.
12) Do you believe in falling in love with a place at first sight? Is the experience
familiar to you?
13) What was the author trying to suggest about the protagonist by his choice of the
14) What can you say about the personality of the narrator on the basis of the story?
15) What elements of the author’s style do you find especially attractive. Give
16) If you did not know the name of the author, would you feel the hand of W.S.
Maugham? Explain why.
17) Drawing on your reading experience give a few examples from world literature to
illustrate the theme of escape.

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