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Unit 10

PL/SQL Concepts
Nested if-else

Program to find the largest of three given numbers:

If-Elsif Ladder

Switch Case

 Can return only one variable.

 Can be called through a select statement or a PL/SQL block.
 Must return a variable.

Function to check whether the given three sides form a triangle or not:

Calling a function using select statement:

Calling a function using a PL/SQL block:

a number := &a;
b number := &b;
c number := &c;
answer varchar(5);
answer := is_triangle(a, b, c);
if answer = 'True' then
dbms_output.put_line('a = ' || a || 'b = ' || b || 'and c = ' || c|| ' form a triangle');
dbms_output.put_line('a = ' || a || 'b = ' || b || 'and c = ' || c|| ' do not form a triangle');
end if;

 Can return multiple variables.

 Cannot be called in the select statement.

PL/SQL procedure to print number of projects assigned to an employee, find the department of
an employee and print the first name and last name of an employee given his/her employee id:

The following database is used:


create or replace procedure emp_details

(empid in employees.employeeid%type, proj_count out number, total_time out number) is


select count(projectid), sum(nvl(assignedtime, 0))

into proj_count, total_time from

employees left outer join workson using(employeeid)

where employeeid = empid

group by employeeid;


Calling the procedure:


Uses the following:

1. %found: Is true if query executes on one or more rows and false otherwise.
2. %notfound: Is false if query execute on one or more rows and true otherwise.
3. %rowcount: Counts the number of rows affected by the query.
4. %isopen: Is true if the cursor is open and false otherwise.

Implicit Cursor
Consider the following employee table:


Explicit Cursor:

Employee relation and emp_del relations:

Performing the delete query:

Employee relation and emp_del relations after delete query is executed:

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