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Edited by -^-^ ^^^^


Edited by

James A. Peters
E C3
(0- Associate Professor
2? =
San Fernando Valley State College
= rn

Englewood Cliffs, N. J.


Editors: William D. McElroij and Carl P. Swanson


Editors: William D. McElroy and Carl P. Swanson




ADAPTATION, by Bruce Wallace and A. M. Srb

ANIMAL BEHAVIOR, by Vincent Dethier and Eliot Stellar
ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY, by Knut Schmidt-Nielson
THE CELL, by Carl P. Swanson
HEREDITY, by David M. Bonner
MAN IN NATURE, by Marston Bates
THE PLANT KINGDOM, by Horold C. Bold

Current printing (last digit)

16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

© 1959, by Prenfice-Hall, Inc.

Englewood Cliffs, N. J.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by
mimeograph or any other means, without pennission in writing from the pub-
lishers. L.C. Cat. Card No.: 59-14106. Printed in the United States of America.

Each paper in this collection has each author was as new to biology at
been selected for one or more reasons. the time of writing as to any reader
It may have served to focus attention meeting it for the first time today.
on a particular facet of genetics. It may This collection of papers served as
well the impact the study of
illustrate the basis for a course in introductory
genetics has on biology or on social biology taught for two years at Brown
and racial relationships. It may have University. Many of these students had
embodied a particular idea unique at had no previous training in biologv%
the time of publication that has led to but they demonstrated most satisfac-
extensive research by other geneticists, torily that a neophyte in science can
in many cases still continuing today. read, understand, and profit from a
It may provide a brilliant example of direct experience with the original
the use of the scientific method. It may literature of a particular field. Some
furnish a clear-cut, concise illustration guidance was necessary, and much was
of incisive reasoning. One or two have given in class. It is presented here in the
the added virtue of having been writ- form of an introduction to each paper.
ten in an entertaining style. Little or no interpretation of the paper
In each case, they are evidence of will be found in the introduction, how-
work considered to constitute "classic" ever, for this interferes with the rela-
contributions to the science of biology. tionship between the author and the
Taken as a unit, they have done much reader. All authors attempt to express
to give form and direction to genetic their ideas clearly to the reader, and it
research. Their vitality is unimpaired is only fair to let them do so if they

by age, and their repeated citation in can. At the same time, the reader who
bibliographies of current literature or follows an author's logic can feel that
on seminar reading lists testifies that he has received his information from
they are still important sources of in- the primary source, and he is no longer
formation. dependent upon second hand interpre-
You should not expect, and will not tation of research.
find, any attempt by an author to It is my pleasure to acknowledge the
"write down" to the level of his permission granted by the publishers
readers, for the primary concern is and authors to reproduce the papers in
neither popularization nor condensa- this volume. Citations to the original
tion, but rather, adequate presentation. source are included with each paper.
There is an assumption by the authors All of the journals are still being pub-
that the reader has some biological lished except the Report of the Evolu-
background. Lack of this background tion Committee of the Royal Society,
should not handicap anyone in follow- and they contain a continuing record
ing the development of the basic ideas. of recent activities and researches. It
Most of the major steps in the develop- would repay the reader to look over
ment of the gene theory are here, and them occasionally to see what solutions
the nature of the material discussed by have been oflFered to the many ques-
tions left unsolved by the authors in- discussing, and understanding these
cluded in this book. papers. A student who generates an
It is also mv pleasure to thank my interest in the subject he is studying is
students at Brown University for their a joy forever, and I found myself
work and study expended in reading, blessed with a bountiful crop of them.

Note: All page references co72tai?ied hi the individual papers have been carried
over into this volimie froju the original publications, for any value th^y ?nigbt have
for the researcher. Page mnnbers cited iji the text do Jiot refer to pages i?i this volume
unless specifically so stated.
Table of Contents

Preface \^ ^ ^^ iii

1865 • Gregor Mendel

Experiments in Plant Hybridization 1

Heredity in Populations and Pure Lines 20

1903 • Walter S. Sutton

The Chromosomes in Heredity 27

1905-1908 • W. Bateson and R. C. Punnett

Experimental Studies in the Physiology of Heredity 42
Poultry, 44. Sweet Peas, 54.

1908 • G. H. Hardy
Mendelian Proportions in a Mixed Population 60

1910 • T. H. Morgan
Sex Limited Inheritance in Drosophila 63

1913 • A. H. Sturtevant
The Linear iVrrangement of Six Sex-linked Factors
in Drosophila, as Shown by their Mode of Association 67

1917 • Sewall Wright

Color Inheritance in Mammals 78

1921 • L. C. Dunn
Unit Character Variation in Rodents 92

1922 • H. J. MuLLER
Variation Due to Change in the Individual Gene 104

1925 • Calvin B. Bridges

Sex in Relation to Chromosomes and Genes 117

1925 • A. H. Sturtevant
The Effects of Unequal Crossing Over at the Bar Locus
in Drosophila 124

1927 • H. J. MuLLER
Artificial Transmutation of the Gene 149
1931 • Harriet S. Creighton and Barbara McClintock
A Correlation of Cytological and Genetical Crossing-
over in Zea mays 155

1933 • T. S. Painter
A New Method for the Study of Chromosome Re-
arrangements and Plotting of Chromosome Maps 161

1936 • Calvin B. Bridges

The Bar "Gene" a Duplication 163

1941 • G. W. Beadle and E. L. Tatum

Genetic Control of Biochemical Reactions in Neuro-
spora 166

1944 • O. T. Avery, C. M. A/IacLeod, and Maclyn McCarty

Studies on the Chemical Nature of the Substance
Inducing Transformation of Pneumococcal Types 173

1946 •
J. Lederberg and E. L. Tatum
Gene Recombination in Escherichia coli 192

1947 • Genetics Conference, Committee on Atomic

Casualties, National Research Council
Genetic Effects of the Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima
and Nagasaki 194

1950 • Barbara A4cClintock

The Origin and Behavior of Mutable Loci in Maize 199

1951 • N. H. Horowitz and Urs Leupold

Some Recent Studies Bearing on the One Gene-One
Enzyme Hypothesis 209

1952 • N. D. Zinder and J. Lederberg

Genetic Exchange in Salmonella 221

1953 •
J. D. Watson and F. H. C. Crick
Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids 241

1954 • L. J. Stadler
The Gene 244

1954 • A. H. Sturtevant
Social Implications of the Genetics of Man 259

1955 • H. Fraenkel-Conrat and R. C Williams

Reconstitution of Active Tobacco Mosaic Virus from
its Inactive Protein and Nucleic Acid Components 264

1955 • Seymour Benzer

Fine Structure of a Genetic Region in Bacteriophage 271
Experiments in Plant-Hybridization


This paper needs no introductioji. It is the original classic paper o?i

the theory of the gene, a?jd the coriierstone of the sciejice of genetics.
The paper njoas translated from Gerfimn i?ito English by William
Bateson, and has beeji reprifited several ti?nes.
MendeVs and straightforward
results are presented in a clear-cut
fashion, ajid his paper is read a?id understand. There
fairly easy to
have been comments made that Mendel was either very lucky or
tampered with his data, because his restdts are abnost miracidously
close to perfect. Persofially, I think both of these charges are arrant
nonsense. Luck has little to do with results slowly accumulated over
eight years'" time. The results are the consequence of painstakingly
i?itellige?it analysis of a mass
careful attejition to detail, followed by
of accumulated data. As to the second charge, that he light have

arranged his data so as to shed the best possible light on his con-
clusions, I believe that the only way he might have ma7iipzdated his
data is through oviissioyi of certain results that woidd have led to un-
necessary complications. When Mendel specified that his experime?its
were to deal with ^^consta?itly differe?itiating characters'^ that oc-
curred in pairs, he relieved himself of the necessity of considering
some of the interrelatio7iships that exist in genetic phenomena, and
which will be discussed in the Bateson and Punnett papers (see pp.
44 and 54). Mendel probably knew of these interrelationships, be-
cause he tested many characters before selecting the seven pairs he
used. The fact that he chose to utilize only those characteristics that
fitted hisconcepts ca?mot be interpreted as an act of dishonesty on
his part. As
I see it, he recognized several of the basic cojicepts of
heredity, a?id prese?ited as Jimch of his data as was necessary to
validate those co?icepts.
I have not included the last few pages of MendeVs original paper,

which dealt with experi?ne?its on hybrids of other species of plants,

and with re?narks on certain other questions of heredity. These
paragraphs have little bearijig on the prificiples MeJidel proposed in
this paper, arid I have found fro?n experience with my students that
these pages sei've primarily to confuse rather tha?i to clarify.
introductory remarks ^
tion that among all the numerous ex-
Experience of artificial fertilisa- periments made, not one has been
tion, such as is effected with orna- carried out to such an extent and in
mental plants in order to obtain new such a way as to make it possible to
variations in colour, has led to the ex- determine the number of different
periments which will here be discussed. forms under which the offspring of
The striking regularity with which the hybrids appear, or to arrange these
same hybrid forms always reappeared forms with certainty according to
whenever fertilisation took place be- their separate generations, or definitely
tween the same species induced further to ascertain their statistical relations.^
experiments to be undertaken, the ob- It requires indeed some courage to

ject of which was to follow up the undertake a labour of such far-reach-

developments of the hybrids in their ing extent; this appears, however, to
progeny. be the only right way by which we
To object numerous careful ob-
this can finally reach the solution of a
servers,such as Kolreuter, Gartner, question the importance of which can-
Herbert, Lecoq, Wichura and others, not be overestimated in connection
have devoted a part of their lives with with the history of the evolution of
inexhaustible perseverance. Gartner organic forms.
especially, in his work "Die Bastarder- The paper now presented records
zeugung im Pflanzenreiche" (The Pro- the results of such a detailed experi-
duction of Hybrids in the Vegetable ment. This experiment was practically
Kingdom), has recorded very valu- confined to a small plant group, and
able observations; and quite recently is now, after eight years' pursuit, con-

Wichura published the results of some cluded in all essentials. WTiether the
profound investigations into the hy- plan upon which the separate experi-
brids of the Willow. That, so far, no ments were conducted and carried out
generally applicable law governing- the was the best suited to attain the de-
formation and development of hybrids sired end is left to the friendly decision
has been successfully formulated can of the reader.
hardly be wondered at by anyone who
is acquainted with the extent of the
task, and can appreciate the difficulties
with which experiments of this class The value and utility of any experi-
have to contend. A final decision can ment are determined by the fitness of
only be arrived at when we shall have the material to the purpose for which
before us the results of detailed ex- it isused, and thus in the case before
periments made on plants belonging to us cannot be immaterial what plants

the most diverse orders. are subjected to experiment and in

Those who survey the work in this what manner such experiments are
department will arrive at the convic- conducted.

1 This translation was made by the Royal

The of the plant group

Horticultural Society of London, and is re- which experiments of

shall serve for
printed, by permission of the Council of the this kind must be made with all pos-
Society, with footnotes added and minor
changes suggested by Professor W. Bateson, 2 [It is to the clear conception of these
enclosed within I 1. The original paper was three primary necessities that the whole suc-
published in the Verb, vatiirf. Ver. in Brmm, cess of Mendel's work is due. So far as I
Abhandlungen, iv. 1865, which appeared in know this conception was absolutely new in
1866. his day.]

sible care if it be desired to avoid from organs are closely packed inside the
the outset every risk of questionable keel and the anther bursts within the
results. bud, so that the stigma becomes cov-
The experimental plants must neces- ered with pollen even before the
sarily— flower opens. This circumstance is of
1. Possess constant differentiating especial importance. As additional ad-
characters. vantages worth mentioning, there may
2. The hybrids of such plants must, be cited the easy culture of these plants
during the flowering period, be pro- in the open ground and in pots, and
tected from the influence of all foreign also their relatively short period of
pollen, or be easily capable of such growth. Artificial fertilisation is cer-
protection. tainly a somewhat elaborate process,
The hybrids and their offspring but nearly always succeeds. For this
should suffer no marked disturbance purpose the bud is opened before it is

in their fertility in the successive gen- perfectly developed, the keel is re-
erations. moved, and each stamen carefully ex-
Accidental impregnation by foreign tracted by means of forceps, after
pollen, if it occurred during the experi- which the stigma can at once be dusted
ments and were not recognized, would over with the foreign pollen.
lead to entirely erroneous conclusions. In all, thirty-four more or less dis-
Reduced fertility or entire sterility of tinct varieties of Peas were obtained
certain forms, such as occurs in the from several seedsmen and subjected
offspring of many hybrids, would to a two years' trial. In the case of one
render the experiments very difficult were noticed, among a
variety there
or entirely frustrate them. In order to number of plants all alike, a few
discover the relations in which the forms which were markedly different.
hybrid forms stand towards each other These, however, did not vary in the
and also towards their progenitors it following year, and agreed entirely
appears to be necessary that all mem- with another variety obtained from the
bers of the series developed in each same seedsman; the seeds were there-
successive generation should be, with- fore doubtless merely accidentally
out exception, subjected to observa- mixed. All the other varieties yielded
tion. perfectly constant and similar off-
At the ver\' outset special attention spring; at any rate, no essential differ-
was devoted to the Legimiinosae on ence was observed during two trial
account of their peculiar floral struc- years. For fertilisation twenty-two of
ture. Experiments which were made these were selected and cultivated
with several members of this family during the whole period of the experi-
led to the result that the genus Pisum ments. They remained constant with-
was found to possess the necessary out any exception.
qualifications. Their systematic classification is dif-
Some thoroughly distinct forms of ficult and uncertain. If we adopt the
this genus possess characters which are strictest definition of a species, accord-
constant, and easily and certainly rec- ing to which only those individuals
ognizable, and when their hybrids are belong to a species which under pre-
mutually crossed they yield perfectly ciselv^the same circumstances display
fertile progeny. Furthermore, a dis- precisely similar characters, no two of
turbance through foreign pollen can- these varieties could be referred to one
not easily occur, since the fertilising species. According to the opinion of

experts, however, the majority belong do not permit of sharp and certain
to the speciesPisum sativimi; while the separation, since the differenceis of a

rest are regarded and classed, some as "more or less" nature, which is often
sub-species of P. sativimi, and some as difficult to define. Such characters
independent species, such as P. quadra- could not be utilised for the separate
turn, P. saccharatum, and P. umbella- experiments; these could only be ap-
tum. The positions, however, which plied to characters which stand out
may be assigned to them in a classifica- clearly and definitely in the plants.
tory system are quite immaterial for Lastly, the result must show whether
the purposes of the experiments in they, in their entirety, observe a reg-
question. It has so far been found to ular behaviour in their hybrid unions,
be just as impossible to draw a sharp and whether from these facts any con-
line between the hybrids of species and clusion can be come to regarding those
varieties as between species and vari- characters which possess a subordinate
eties themselves. significance in the type.
The characters which were selected
DIVISION AND ARRANGEMENT for experiment relate:
OF THE EXPERIMENTS 1. To the difference in the form of
If two plants which differ constantly the ripe seeds. These are either round
in one or several characters be crossed, or roundish, the depressions, if any,
numerous experiments have demon- occur on the surface, being always
strated that the common characters are only shallow; or they are irregularly
transmitted unchanged to the hybrids angular and deeply wrinkled (P. qua-
and their progeny; but each pair of dratwn)
on the other
differentiating characters, 2. To the difference in the colour of
hand, unite in the hybrid to form a the seedalbumen (endosperm).^ The
new character, which in the progeny albumen of the ripe seeds is either pale
of the hybrid is usually variable. The yellow, bright yellow and orange
object of the experiment was to ob- coloured, or it possesses a more or less

serve these variations in the case of intense green tint. This difference of
each pair of differentiating characters, colour is easily seen in the seeds as
and to deduce the law according to [= if] their coats are transparent.
which they appear in the successive 3. To the difference in the colour of
generations. The experiment resolves the seed-coat. This is either white,
itself therefore into just as many sepa- with which character white flowers
rate experiments as there are con- are constantly correlated; or it is grey,
stantly differentiating characters pre- grey-brown, leather-brown, with or
sented in the experimental plants. without violet spotting, in which case
The various forms of Peas selected the colour of the standards is violet,
for crossing showed differences in the thr.t of the wings purple, and the stem
length and colour of the stem; in in the axils of the leaves is of a reddish
the size and form of the leaves; in tint. The grey seed-coats become dark
the position, colour, and size of the brown in boiling water.
flowers; in the length of the flower 4. To the difference in the for/n of
stalk; in the colour, form, and size of the ripe pods. These are either simply
the pods; in theform and size of the
3 [Mendel uses the terms "albumen" and
seeds;and in the colour of the seed- "endosperm" somewhat loosely to denote the
coats and of the albumen [cotyle- cotyledons, containing food-material, within
dons]. Some of the characters noted the seed.!

inflated, not contracted in places; or 1st trial 60 fertilisations on 15 plants.

they are deeply constricted between 2nd

the seeds and more or less wrinkled
(P. sac charatimi)
5. To the dijference m the colour of

the imripe pods. They are either light

to dark green, or vividly yellow,, in
which colouring the stalks, leaf-veins,
and calyx participate.*
6. To the difference in the position
of the flowers. They are either axial,
that is, distributed along the main
stem; or they are terminal, that is,
bunched at the top of the stem and
arranged almost in a false umbel; in
this case the upper part of the stem
is more or less widened in section (F.
imibellatimi) .-^
1 . To the difference in the length of
the stem. The length of the stem ^ is
very various in some forms; it is, how-
ever, a constant character for each, in
so far that healthy plants, grown in the
same soil, are only subject to unimpor-
tant variations in this character.
In experiments with this character,
in order to be able to discriminate with
certainty, the long axis of 6 to 7 ft. was
always crossed with the short one of
% ft. to 1 Vi ft.
Each two of the differentiating
characters enumerated above were
united by cross-fertilisation. There
were made for the
4 One species possesses a beautifully
brownish-red coloured pod, which when
ripening turns to violet and blue. Trials with
this character were only begun last year. [Of
these further experiments it seems no account
was published. Correns has since worked
with such a variety.!
^ [This is often called the Mummy Pea. It
shows slight fasciation. The form I know has
white standard and salmon-red wings.]
* [In my account of these experiments
(R.H.S. Journal, vol. xxv. p. 54) I misunder-
stood this paragraph and took "axis" to mean
the floral axis, instead of the main axis of the
plant. The unit of measurement, being indi-
cated in the original by a dash ('), I care-
lessly took to have been an inch, but the
translation here given is evidently correct.]
to the introduction of foreign pollen. deed, is nearly always to be seen; in
It occurs, for instance, in some rare other cases, however, one of the two
cases that certain parts of an otherwise parental characters is so preponderant
quite normally developed flower that it is difficult, or quite impossible,
wither, resulting in a partial exposure to detect the other in the hybrid.
of the fertilising organs. A defective This is precisely the case with the
development of the keel has also been Pea hybrids. In the case of each of the
observed, owing to which the stigma seven crosses the hybrid-character re-
and anthers remained partially uncov- sembles ^° that of one of the parental
ered.^ It also sometimes happens that forms so closely that the other either
the pollen does not reach full perfec- escapes observation completely or can-
tion. In this event there occurs a not be detected with certainty. This
gradual lengthening of the pistil dur- circumstance is of great importance in
ing the blooming period, until the the determination and classification of
stigmatic tip protrudes at the point of the forms under which the offspring
the keel. This remarkable appearance of the hybrids appear. Henceforth in
has also been observed in hybrids of this paper those characters which are
Phaseolus and Lathy rus. transmitted entire, or almost un-
The risk of false impregnation by changed in the hybridisation, and
foreign pollen is, however, a very therefore in themselves constitute the
slight one with Pisiim, and is quite in- characters of the hybrid, are termed
capable of disturbing the general re- the dojmijant, and those which become
sult. Among more than 10,000 plants latent in the process recessive. The ex-
which were carefully examined there pression "recessive" has been chosen
were only a very few cases where an because the characters thereby desig-
indubitable false impregnation had oc- nated withdraw or entirely disappear
curred. Since in the greenhouse such a in the hybrids, but nevertheless reap-
case was never remarked, it may well pear unchanged in their progeny, as
be supposed that Bruchi/s pisi, and pos- will be demonstrated later on.
sibly also the described abnormalities It was furthermore shown by the

in the floral structure, were to blame. whole of the experiments that it is

perfectly immaterial whether the dom-
[Fi] THE FORMS OF THE HYBRIDS inant character belongs to the seed-
Experiments which in previous years bearer or to the pollen-parent; the
were made with ornamental plants form of the hybrid remains identical
have already afforded evidence that in both cases. This interesting fact was
the hybrids, as a rule, are not exactly also emphasised by Gartner, with the
intermediate between the parental remark that even the most practised
species. With some of the more strik- expert is not in a position to determine
ing characters, those, for instance, in a hybrid which of the two parental
which relate to the form and
size of species was the seed or the pollen
the leaves, the pubescence
of the plant."
several parts, &c., the intermediate, in- Of the differentiating characters

[This also happens in Sweet Peas.] ^^ [Note that Mendel, with true penetra-
Alendel throughout speaks of his cross-
^ f tion, avoidsspeaking of the hybrid-character
bred Peas as "hybrids," a term which many as "transmitted"by either parent, thus escap-
restrict to the offspring of two distinct ing the error pervading the older views of
species. He, as he explains, held this to be heredity.]
only a question of degree.] 11 [Gartner, p. 223.]
which were used in the experiments following year in such plants as have
the following are dominant: been raised from the crossed seed.
1. The round or roundish form of
the seed with or without shallow de-
2. The yellow
colouring of the seed In this generation there reappear, to-
albumen [cotyledons]. gether with the dominant characters,
3. The grey, grey-brown, or leather- also the recessive ones with their pecu-

brown colour of the seed-coat, in asso- liarities fully developed, and this
ciation with violet-red blossoms and occurs in the definitely expressed aver-
reddish spots in the leaf axils. age proportion of three to one, so that
4. The simply inflated form of the among each four plants of this genera-
pod. tion three display the dominant char-
5. The green
colouring of the un- acter and one the recessive. This relates
ripe pod in association with the same without exception to all the characters
colour in the stems, the leaf-veins and which were investigated in the experi-

the calvx. ments. The angular wrinkled form of

6. The distribution of the flowers the seed, the green colour of the albu-
along the stem. men, the white colour of the seed-
7. The greater length of stem. coats and the flowers, the constrictions
of the pods, the yellow colour of the
With regard to this last character it
unripe pod, of the stalk, of the calyx,
must be stated that the longer of the
and of the leaf venation, the umbel-like
two parental stems is usually exceeded
form of the inflorescence, and the
by the hybrid, a fact which is possibly
dwarfed stem, all reappear in the nu-
only attributable to the greater luxuri-
merical proportion given, without any
ance which appears in all parts of
essential alteration. Transitional forms
plants when stems of very diff^erent
were not observed i?i any experijfient.
length are crossed. Thus, for instance,
Since the hybrids resulting from re-
in repeated experiments, stems of 1 ft.
ciprocal crosses are formed alike and
and 6 ft. in length yielded without ex-
present no appreciable diff^erence in
ception hybrids which varied in length
their subsequent development, conse-
beu\'een 6 ft. and 7 Yz ft.
quently the results [of the reciprocal
The hybrid seeds in the experiments
crosses] can be reckoned together in
with seed-coat are often more spotted,
each experiment. The relative numbers
and the spots sometimes coalesce into
which were obtained for each pair of
small bluish-violet patches. The spot-
diflFerentiating characters are as fol-
ting also frequently appears even when
it is absent as a parental character.
Expt. 1. Form of seed.— From 253
The hybrid formsof the seed-shape
hybrids 7,324 seeds were obtained in
and of the albumen [colour] are de-
the second trial year. Among them
veloped immediately after the artificial
were 5,474 round or roundish ones and
fertilisation by the mere influence of
1,850 angular wrinkled ones. There-
the foreign pollen. They can, there-
from the ratio 2.96 to 1 is deduced.
fore, beobserved even in the first year
Expt. 2. Colour of albumen.— 258
of experiment, whilst all the other
plants yielded 8,023 seeds, 6,022 yel-
characters naturally only appear in the
low, and 2,001 green; their ratio, there-
12 [This refers to the coats of the seeds fore, is as 3.01 to 1.

borne by F^ plants.] In these two experiments each pod

yielded usually both kinds of seeds. In ber of experimental plants they show
well-developed pods which contained that very considerable fluctuations
on the average six to nine seeds, it may occur. In counting the seeds, also,
often happened that all the seeds were especially in Expt. 2, some care is
round (Expt. 1) or all yellow (Expt. requisite, since in some of the seeds
2); on the other hand there were never of many plants the green colour of
observed more than five wrinkled or the albumen is less developed, and at
five green ones in one pod. It appears first may be easily overlooked. The

to make no difi'erence whether the cause of this partial disappearance of

pods are developed early or later in the green colouring has no connec-
the hybrid or whether they spring tion with the hybrid-character of the
from the main axis or from a lateral plants, as it likewise occurs in the
one. In some few plants only a few parental variety. This peculiarity
seeds developed in the first formed [bleaching] is also confined to the in-
pods, and these possessed exclusively dividual and is not inherited by the
one of the two characters, but in the ofi^spring. In luxuriant plants this ap-
subsequently developed pods the nor- pearance was frequently noted. Seeds
mal proportions were maintained which are damaged by insects during
nevertheless. their development often vary in colour
As in separate pods, so did the dis- and form, but, with a little practice in
tribution of the characters vary in sorting, errors are easily avoided. It is

separate plants. By way of illustration almost superfluous to mention that the

the first ten individuals from both pods must remain on the plants until
series of experiments may serve. they are thoroughly ripened and have
become dried, since it is only then that
Experiment 1. Experiment 2. the shape and colour of the seed are
Form of Seed. Color of Albumen. fully developed.
Plants Round Angular Yellow Green
Expt. 3. Colour of the seed-coats.—
1 45 12 25 11 Among 929 plants 705 bore violet-red
2 27 8 32 7 flowers and grey-brown seed-coats;
3 24 7 14 5
224 had white flowers and white seed-
4 19 16 70 27
coats, giving the proportion 3.15 to 1.
5 32 11 24 13
Expt. 4. Form of pods.— Of 1,181
6 26 6 20 6
7 88 24 32 13 plants 882 had them simply inflated,
8 22 10 44 9 and in 299 they were constricted. Re-
9 28 6 50 14 sulting ratio, 2.95 to 1.

10 25 7 44 18 Expt. Colour of the unripe pods.


—The number of trial plants was 580,

As extremes in the distribution of of which 428 had green pods and 152
the two seed characters in one plant, yellow ones. Consequently these stand
there were observed in Expt. 1 an in- in the ratio 2.82 to 1.

stance of 43 round and only 2 angular, Expt. 6. Position of flowers.— Among

and another of 14 round and 15 angu- 858 cases 651 had inflorescences axial
lar seeds. In Expt. 2 there was a case and 207 terminal. Ratio, 3.14 to 1.
of 32 yellow and only 1 green seed, Expt. 7. Length of stem.— Out of
but also one of 20 yellow and 19 green. 1,064 plants, in 787 cases the stem was
These two experiments are impor- long, and in 277 short. Hence a mutual
tant for the determination of the aver- ratio of 2.84 to 1. In this experiment
age ratios, because with a smaller num- the dwarfed plants were carefully

lifted and transferred to a special bed. the same ratio as the hybrid forms,
This precaution was necessary, as while only one-X.\\\vd remains with the
otherwise they would have perished dominant character constant.
through being overgrown by their tall The separate experiments yielded
relatives. Even in their quite young the following results:
state they can be easily picked out by Expt. 1. Among 565 plants which
their compact growth and thick dark- were raised from round seeds of the
green foliage. ^^ first generation, 193 yielded round
If now the results of the whole of seeds only, and remained therefore
the experiments be brought together, constant in this character; 372, how-
there is found, as between the number ever, gave both round and wrinkled
of forms with the dominant and re- seeds, in the proportion of 3 to 1. The
cessive characters, an average ratio of number of the hybrids, therefore, as
2.98 to 1, or 3 to 1. compared with the constants is 1.93
The dominant character can have to 1.

here a dozible signification— vh.. that of Expt. 2. Of 519 plants which were

a parental character, or a hybrid-char- raised from seeds whose albumen was

acter.^'* which of the two significa-
In of yellow colour in the first genera-
tions appears in each separate case
it tion, 166 yielded exclusively yellow,
can only be determined by the follow- while 353 yielded yellow and green
ing generation. As a parental character seeds in the proportion of 3 to 1. There
it must pass over unchanged to the resulted, therefore, a division into hy-
whole of the offspring; as a hybrid- brid and constant forms in the propor-
character, on the other hand, it must tion of 2.13 to 1.
maintain the same behaviour as in the For each separate trial in the follow-
first generation [Fo]. ing experiments 100 plants were se-
lected which displayed the dominant
[f3] the second generation character in the first generation, and
[bred] from the hybrids in order to ascertain the significance of
Those forms which in the first gen- this, ten seeds of each were cultivated.
eration [Fo] exhibit the recessive char- Expt. 3. The offspring of 36 plants
acter do not further vary in the second yielded exclusively grey-brown seed-
generation [F3] as regards this char- coats, w^hile of the offspring of 64
acter; they remain constant in their plants some had grey-brown and some
offspring. had white.
It is otherwdse with those which Expt. 4. The offspring of 29 plants
possess the dominant character in the had only simply inflated pods; of the
first generation [bred from the hy- offspring of 71, on the other hand,
brids]. Of these fiiJO-thirds yield off- some had inflated and some con-
spring which display the dominant and stricted.
recessive characters in the proportion Expt. 5. The offspring of 40 plants
of 3 to 1, and thereby show exactly had only green pods; of the offspring
of 60 plants some had green, some yel-
13 [This is true also of the dwarf or low ones.
"Cupid" Sweet Peas.l Expt. 6. The offspring of 33 plants
14 [This paragraph
presents the view of
the hybrid-character as something incidental
had only axial flowers; of the offspring

to the hybrid, and not "transmitted" to it — of 67, on the other hand, some had
true and fundamental conception here ex- axial and some terminal flowers.
pressed probably for the first time.] Expt. 7. The offspring of 28 plants
inherited the long axis, and those of characters [respectively^ in equal
72 plants some the long and some the numbers.
short axis.
In each of these experiments a cer- the subsequent generations
tain number of the plants came con- [bredI from the hybrids
stant with the dominant character. For The proportions in which the de-
the determination of the proportion in scendants of the hybrids develop and
which the separation of the forms with split up in the first and second genera-
the constantly persistent character re- tions presumably hold good for all sub-
sults, the two first experiments are of sequent progeny. Experiments 1 and 2
especial importance, since in these a have already been carried through six
larger number of plants can be com- generations, 3 and 7 through five, and

pared. The ratios 1.93 to 1 and 2.13 to 1 4, 5, and 6 through four, these experi-
gave together almost exactly the aver- ments being continued from the third
age ratio of 2 to 1. The sixth experi- generation with a small number of
ment gave a quite concordant result; plants, and no departure from the rule
in the others the ratio varies more or has been perceptible. The offspring of
less, as was only to be expected in view the hybrids separated in each genera-
of the smaller number of 100 trial tion in the ratio of 2:1:1 into hybrids
plants. Experiment 5, which shows the and constant forms.
greatest departure, was repeated, and If A be taken as denoting one of the
then, in lieu of the ratio of 60 and two constant characters, for instance
40, that of 65 and 35 resulted. The the dominant, a, the recessive, and Aa
average ratio of 2 to 1 appears, there- the hybrid form in which both are
fore, as fixed with certainty. It is conjoined, the expression
therefore demonstrated that, of those
forms which possess dominant
A + lAa + a

character in the first generation, two- shows the terms in the series for the
thirds have the hybrid-character, while progeny of the hybrids of two differ-
one-third remains constant with the entiating characters.
dominant character. The observation made by Gartner,
The ratio of 3 to 1, in accordance Kolreuter, and others, that hybrids are
with which the distribution of the inclined to revert to the parental forms,
dominant and recessive characters re- is also confirmed by the experiments
sults in the first generation, resolves described. It is seen that the number
itself therefore in experiments into
all of the hybrids which arise from one
the ratio of 2 1 1 if the dominant char-
: : fertilisation, as compared with the
acter be differentiated according to its number of forms which become con-
significance as a hybrid-character or stant, and their progeny from genera-
as a parental one. Since the members of tion to generation, is continually di-
the first generation [F2I spring di- minishing, but that nevertheless they
rectly from the seed of the hybrids could not entirely disappear. If an
[Fi], it is ?20iv clear that the hybrids average equality of fertility in all plants
forvi seeds havifig one or other of the in all generations be assumed, and if,
two differ entiatifig characters, and of furthermore, each hybrid forms seed
these one-half develop again the hy- of which one-half yields h\'brids again,
brid while the other half yield
foriJi, while the other half is constant to both
plants which remain constant and re- characters in equal proportions, the
ceive the dominant or the recessive ratio of numbers for the offspring in
each generation is seen by the follow-
ing summary, in which A
and a denote
again the two parental characters, and
Aa the hybrid forms. For brevity's
sake it may be assumed that each plant
in each generation furnishes only 4


315 round and yellow,

101 wrinkled and yellow,
108 round and green,
32 wrinkled and green.

All were sown the following year.

Eleven of the round yellow seeds did
not yield plants, and three plants did
not form seeds. Among the rest:

38 had round yellow seeds AB

65 round yellow and green seeds ABb
60 round yellow and wrinkled
yellow seeds AaB
138 round yellow and green,
wrinkled yellow and green
seeds AaBb

From the wrinkled yellow seeds 96 re-

sulting plants bore seed, of which:

28 had only wrinkled yellow seeds aB

68 wrinkled yellow and green seeds aBb.

From 108 round green seeds 102 re-

sulting plants fruited, of which:

35 had only round green seeds Ab

67 round and wrinkled green seeds Aab.

The wrinkled green seeds yielded 30

plants which bore seeds all of like char-
acter;they remained constant ab.
The offspring of the hybrids ap-
peared therefore under nine different
forms, some of them in very unequal
numbers. When these are collected and
co-ordinated we find:

38 plants
A + 2Aa + a
B + 2Bb + b.

Expt. 2.

ABC, seed parents;

A, form round;
B, albumen yellow;
C, seed-coat grey-brown.
abc, pollen parents;
a, form wrinkled;
b, albumen green;
c, seed-coat white.

This experiment was made in pre-

cisely the same way as the previous
one. Among all the experiments it de-
manded most time and trouble.
From 24 hybrids 687 seeds were ob-
tained in all: these were all either
spotted, grey-brown or grey-green,
round or wrinkled.^* From these in the
following year 639 plants fruited, and,
as further investigation showed, there
were among them:
8 plants ABC 22 plants ABCc 45 plants ABbCc
relation of each pair of different char- simultaneously. Also, during the whole
acters in hybrid union is independent flowering period, the more important
of the other differences in the two variations in temperature must be
origifial parental stocks. taken into account, and the partial
If n represents the number of the hastening or delaying of the flowering
differentiating characters in the two which may result therefrom. It is clear
original stocks, 3" gives the number of that this experiment presents many dif-
terms of the combination series, 4" the ficulties to be overcome and neces-

number of individuals which belong to sitates great attention.

the series, and 2" the number of unions If we endeavour to collate in a brief

which remain constant. The series form the results arrived at, we find
therefore contains, if the original that those differentiating characters,
stocks differ in four characters, 3^ = 81 which admit of easy and certain rec-
classes, 4"* = 256 individuals, and 2^ = ognition in the experimental plants, all

16 constant forms; or, which is the behave exactly alike in their hybrid
same, among each 256 offspring of the associations. The offspring of the hy-
hybrids there are 8 1 different combina- brids of each pair of differentiating
tions, 16 of which are constant. characters are, one-half, hybrid again,
All constant combinations which in while the other half are constant in
Peas are possible by the combination equal proportions having the char-
of the said seven differentiating char- acters of the seed and pollen parents
acters were actually obtained by re- respectively. If several differentiating
peated crossing. Their number is given characters are combined by cross-fer-
by 2'^ = 128. Thereby is simultane- tilisation in a hybrid, the resulting off-
ously given the practical proof that spring form the terms of a combination
the constant characters which appear series in which the combination series
if? the several varieties of a group of for each pair of differentiating char-
plants may be obtained w all the asso- acters are united.
ciatio?Js which are possible according The uniformity of behaviour shown
to the [mathematical] laws of com- by the whole ojF the characters sub-

binatio?i, by means of repeated artifi- mitted to experiment permits, and fully

cial fertilisation. justifies, the acceptance of the prin-

As regards the flowering time of the ciple that a similar relation exists in the
hybrids, the experiments are not yet other characters which appear less
concluded. It can, however, already be sharply defined in plants, and there-
stated that the time stands almost ex- fore could not be included in the
actly between those of the seed and separate experiments. An experiment
pollen parents, and that the constitu- with peduncles of different lengths
tion of the hybrids with respect to this gave on the whole a fairly satisfactorv^
character probably follows the rule result, although the differentiation and
ascertained in the case of the other serial arrangement of the forms could
characters. The forms which are se- not be effected with that certainty
lected for experiments of this class which is indispensable for correct ex-
must have a difference of at least periment.
twenty days from the middle flower-
ing period of one to that of the other; THE REPRODUCTIVE CELLS
furthermore, the seeds when sown OF THE HYBRIDS
must all be placed at the same depth in The results of the previously de-
the earth, so that they may germinate scribed experiments led to further ex-
periments, the results of which appear form of the seed and the colour
in the
fitted to afford some conclusions as of the albumen were united by ferti-
regards the composition of the egg and lisation.
pollen cells of hybrids. An important If the differentiating characters are
clue afforded in Pisimi by the cir-
is again indicated as A, B, a, b, we have:
cumstance that among the progeny of
the hybrids constant forms appear, and AB, seed parent;
that this occurs, too, in respect of all A, form round;
combinations of the associated char- B, albumen yellow.
acters. So far as experience goes, we ab, pollen parent;
find it in every case confirmed that a, form wrinkled;
constant progeny can only be formed b, albumen green.
when the egg cells and the fertilising
pollen are of like character, so that The artificially fertilised seeds were
both are provided with the material for sown together with several seeds of
creating quite similar individuals, as is
both original stocks, and the most
the case with the normal fertilisation vigorous examples were chosen for the
of pure species. We
must therefore reciprocal crossing. There were ferti-
regard it as certain that exactly similar lised:
factors must be at work also in the
production of the constant forms in
1. The hybrids with the pollen of
the hybrid plants. Since the various
constant forms are produced in ojie
2. The hybrids with the pollen of
plant, oreven in ojie flower of a plant,
the conclusion appears logical that in
the ovaries of the hybrids there are
3. AB with the pollen of the hy-
formed as many sorts of egg cells, and
4. ab with the pollen of the hybrids.
in the anthers as many sorts of pollen
cells, as there are possible constant
combination forms, and that these egg For each of these four experiments
and pollen cells agree in their internal the whole of the flowers on three
plants were fertilised. If the above
composition with those of the separate
forms. theory be correct, there must be de-
In point of fact it is possible todem- veloped on the hybrids egg and pollen
cells of the forms AB, Ab, aB, ab, and
onstrate theoretically that this hypo-
thesis would fully suffice to account
there would be combined:

for the development of the hybrids in

the separate generations, if we might 1. The egg AB, Ab,
cells aB, ab with
at the same time assume that the vari- the pollen cells AB.
ous kinds of egg and pollen cells were 2. The egg cells AB, Ab, aB, ab with
formed in the hybrids on the average the pollen cells ab.
in equal numbers. ^^ 3. The egg cells AB with the pollen
In order to bring these assumptions cells AB, Ab, aB, ab.
to an experimental proof, the follow- 4. The egg cells ab with the pollen
ing experiments were designed. Two cells AB, Ab, aB, ab.
forms which were constantly different
17 [This and the preceding paragraph con-
From each of these experiments
tain the essence of the A'lendelian principles there could then result only the fol-
of heredity.] lowing forms:
1. AB,ABb,AaB,AaBb. the theory be justified. In the second
2. AaBb,Aab,aBb,ab. and fourth experiments, on the other
3. AB,ABb,AaB,AaBb. hand, one union is hybrid in form and

4. AaBb,Aab,aBb,ab. in colour, and consequently the seeds

are round and yellow; another is hy-
If, furthermore, the several forms of brid in form, but constant in the reces-
the egg and pollen cells of the hybrids sive character of colour, whence the
were produced on an average in equal seeds are round and green; the third is

numbers, then in each experiment the constant in the recessive character of

said four combinations should stand in form but hybrid in colour, conse-
the same ratio to each other. A perfect quently the seeds are wrinkled and
agreement in the numerical relations yellow; the fourth is constant in both
was, however, not to be expected, since recessive characters, so that the seeds
in each fertilisation, even in normal are wrinkled and green. In both these
cases, some egg cells remain unde- experiments there were consequently
veloped or subsequently die, and many four sorts of seed to be expected— viz.
even of the well-formed seeds fail to round and yellow, round and green,
germinate when sown. The above as- wrinkled and yellow, wrinkled and
sumption is also limited in so far that, green.
while it demands the formation of an The crop fulfilled these expectations
equal number of the various sorts of perfectly. There were obtained in the
egg and pollen does not require
cells, it
1st Experiment, 98 exclusively round
that this should apply to each separate yellow seeds;
hybrid with mathematical exactness. 3rd Experiment, 94 exclusively
The first and second experiments round yellow seeds.
had primarily the object of proving
In the 2d Experiment, 31 round and
the composition of the hybrid egg
yellow, 26 round and green, 27 wrin-
cells, while the third and fourth ex-
kled and yellow, 26 wrinkled and
periments were to decide that of the
green seeds.
pollen cells.^* As is shown by the above
In the 4th Experiment, 24 round and
demonstration the first and third ex-
yellow, 25 round and green, 22 wrin-
periments and the second and fourth
kled and yellow, 26 wrinkled and
experiments should produce precisely
green seeds.
the same combinations, and even in the
second year the result should be par-
There could scarcely be now any
doubt of the success of the experiment;
tially visible in the form and colour
the next generation must afford the
of the artificially fertilised seed. In the
first and third experiments the domi-
final proof. From the seed sown there
resulted for the first experiment 90
nant characters of form and colour, A
and B, appear in each union, and are plants, and for the third 87 plants

also partly constant and partly in hy-

which fruited: these yielded for the

brid union with the recessive char- 1st Exp. 3rd Exp.
acters a and b, for which reason they 20 25 round yellow seeds . AB
must impress their peculiarity upon 23 19 round yellow and
the whole of the seeds. All seeds should
green seeds ABb
IS 22 round and wrinkled
therefore appear round and yellow, if
yellow seeds AaB
18 [To prove, namely, that both were 22 21 round and wrinkled
similarly differentiated, and not one or other green and yellow
only.] seeds AaBb

In second and fourth experi-

the ab,whence the hybrid aBb. In the sec-
ments the round and yellow seeds ond year, for further fertilisation, the
yielded plants with round and wrin- hybrid Aab was used as seed parent,
kled yellow and green seeds, AaBb. and hybrid aBb as pollen parent.
From the round green seeds, plants
resulted with round and wrinkled Seed parent, Aab.
green seeds, Aab. Possible egg cells, Ab, ab.
The wrinkled yellow seeds gave Pollen parent, aBb.
plants with wrinkled yellow and green Pollen cells, aB, ab.
seeds, aBb.
From the wrinkled green seeds From the fertilisation between the
plants were raised which yielded again possible egg and pollen cells four com-
only wrinkled and green seeds, ab. binations should result, viz.,
Although in these two experiments
likewise some seeds did not germinate, AaBb + aBb + Aab + ab.
the figures arrived at already in the
previous year were not affected From this it is perceived that, ac-
thereby, since each kind of seed gave cording to the above theory, in the
plants which, as regards their seed, third year of the experiment out of all
were like each other and different from the plants
the others. There resulted therefore
from the Half should have violet-red flowers
(Aa), Classes 1, 3.
2d Exp. 4th Exp. Half should have white flowers (a).
31 24 plants of the form AaBb Classes 2, 4.
26 25 " " " " Aab Half should have a long axis (Bb),
27 22 " " " " aBb
Classes 1, 2.
26 27 " " " " ab
Half should have a short axis (b),
Classes 3, 4.
In all the experiments, therefore,
there appeared all the forms which the
From 45 fertilisations of the second
proposed theory demands, and they
year 187 seeds resulted, of which only
came in nearly equal numbers. 166 reached the flowering stage in the
In a further experiment the char-
third year. Among these the separate
acters of flower-colour and length of
classes appeared in the numbers fol-
stem were experimented upon, and se-
lection was so made that in the third
year of the experiment each character Color
ought to appear in half of all the plants Class of flower Stem
if the above theory were correct. A, 1 violet-red long 47 times
2 white long 40 "
B, a, b serve again as indicating the
3 violet-red short 38 "
various characters.
4 white short 41 "

A, violet-red flowers a, white flowers There subsequently appeared

B, axis long. b, axis short.

The violet-red flower-colour (Aa)

The form Ab was with ab,
fertilised in 85 plants.
which produced the hybrid Aab. Fur- The white flower-colour (a) in 81
thermore, aB was also fertilised with plants.
The long stem (Bb) in 87 plants. separate egg cell. According, however,
The short stem (b) in 79 plants. to the law of probability, it will always

happen, on the average of many cases,

The theory adduced is therefore satis- that each pollen form, A
and a, will
factorily confirmed in this experiment unite equally often with each egg cell
also. form, A and a, consequently one of the
For the characters of form of pod, two pollen cells A in the fertilisation
colour of pod, and position of flowers, willmeet with the egg cell A and the
experiments were also made on a small other with an egg cell a, and so like-
scale, and results obtained in perfect wise one pollen cell a will unite with
agreement. All combinations which an egg cell A, and the other with egg
were possible through the union of the cell a.
differentiating characters duly ap-
peared and in nearly equal numbers. Pollen cells
Experimentally, therefore, the
theory is confirmed that the pea hy-
brids form egg a?id pollen cells which,
in their coTistitiition, represent in eqiial
numbers all constant forms which re-
sult from the combinatioji of the char-
acters united iji fertilisation.
The difference of the forms among
the progeny of the hybrids, as well as
the respective ratios of the numbers in
which they are observed, find a suffi-
cient explanation in the principle above
deduced. The simplest case is afforded
by the developmental series of each
pair of differentiating characters. This
series is represented by the expression
A + lAa + a, in which A and a sig-
nify the forms with constant differ-
entiating characters, and Aa the hybrid
form of both. It includes in three dif-
ferent classes four individuals. In the
formation of these, pollen and t^^ cells
of the form A and a take part on the
average equally in the fertilisation;
hence each form [occurs] twice, since
four individuals are formed. There
participate consequently in the ferti-

The pollen cells A + A + a + a

The egg cells A + A + a + a.

It remains, therefore, purely a mat-

ter of chance which of the two sorts
of pollen will become united with each

A a
+ 2Aa + a.
of these will on the average figure four
times in the fertilisation, since sixteen
individuals are included in the series.
This represents the average result of Therefore the participators in the fer-
the self-fertilisation of the hybrids tilisation are
when two differentiating characters
are united in them. In individual Pollen cells AB + AB + AB + AB
flowers and in individual plants, how- + Ab + Ab + Ab + Ab
ever, the ratios in which the forms of + aB + aB + aB + aB
the series are produced may suffer not + ab + ab + ab + ab.
inconsiderable Apart
fluctuations.^^ Egg cells AB + AB + AB + AB
from the fact that the numbers in + Ab + Ab + Ab + Ab
which both sorts of egg cells occur in + aB + aB + aB + aB
the seed vessels can only be regarded + ab + ab + ab + ab.
as equal on the average, it remains
purely a matter of chance which of the In the process of fertilisation each pol-
two sorts of pollen may fertilise each len form unites on an average equally
separate egg cell. For this reason the often with each egg cell form, so that
separate values must necessarily be each of the four pollen cells AB unites
subject to fluctuations, and there are once with one of the forms of egg cell
even extreme cases possible, as were AB, Ab, aB, ab. In precisely the same
described earlier in connection with way the rest of the pollen cells of the
the experiments on the form of the forms Ab, aB, ab unite with all the
seed and the colour of the albumen. other egg cells. We
obtain therefore
The true ratios of the numbers can
only be ascertained by an average de- AB
duced from the sum of as many single AB
values as possible; the greater the num-
ber, the more are merely chance effects
The developmental series for hy-
brids in which two kinds of differen-
tiating characters are united contains,
among sixteen individuals, nine differ-
ent forms, viz.,

AB + Ab + aB + ab + lABb + laBb
+ lAaB -f 2Aab + '\AaBb.
Betu^een the differentiating characters
of the original stocks, Aa and Bb, four
constant combinations are possible, and
consequently the hybrids produce the
corresponding four forms of egg and
pollen cells AB, Ab, aB, ab, and each
characters are conjoined in them. The ment of the hybrids, finds therefore its

hybrids form eight various kinds of foundation and explanation in the prin-
egg and pollen cells— ^BC, ABc, AbC, ciple enunciated, that the hybrids pro-
Abc, aBC, aBc, abC, abc—iLnd each duce egg cells and pollen cells which
pollen form unites itself again on the in equal numbers represent all constant
average once with each form of egg forms which result from the combina-
cell. tions of the characters brought to-
The law of combination of different gether in fertilisation,
characters, which governs the develop-

Heredity in Populations and Pure Lines

A Contribution to the Solution of the Outstanding Questions in Selection


Translated from Ueber Erblichkeit in Fopula-

tionen und in reinen Linien, published by Gus-
tav Fischer, Jena, 1903.

/ have translated here only the final swfrmary and discussion fro?n
Johannsen's lo?]g paper on pure lines, which was written in German.
This thorough and meticidous ifjvestigation of the true significa?7ce of
selection was a bombshell to evolutio?iary thought. The efficacy of
selection in the production of fiew species had beeji one of the main-
stays of Darwin's theory of evolution. Johajmsen's studies deinon-
strated conclusively that selectiofj coidd not extend the limits of
previously This fact became important iii
established variability.
arguments against Darwinism, and led to a period when selection was
discredited as evolutionarily sig?iifica?Jt. The mutatiojj theory became

thenew basis for expla?iation of evolutionary pheno7nena.

As has often happened in biology, the final solution of the problem
involved a reconciliatio?i of the two viewpoints. Mutation (as a
source of varia?its) and selection (as a method of elimination of some
but not all variants) provide the modern basis for explanation of the
process of evolution. We owe to Joha?msen our modern viewpoint of
selectio?i as a primarily passive process, which eliminates but does
not produce variations.
Although Johamisen uses the German word "Typus" throughout
his paper with reference to his pure lines, 1 have substituted his own
term, ''genotype'' inve?ited at a later date. To Johannsen goes the
credit as well for inventing the word ''gene.''' It shoidd be ?ioted that
he wrestles with the various 7james that had bee?! proposed for the
hereditary particles in this paper, on p. 26, but does not at this time
suggest the term gene.

summary and conclusions the direction of the selection in the

course of each generation, therefore
All that will be discussed here depends upon step-wise progression in
gives at one and the same time a com- each generation of the differing lines
plete confirmation and a total elucida- concerned. It is now easily understood
tion of Galton's well-known law of that the action of selection cannot go
regression, which concerns the rela- beyond the known limits— it must stop
tionship between parent and offspring. when the purification, or, practically
Other regression relationships do not speaking, the isolation of the most
concern us here. strongly divergent pure line is com-
Insofar as my research material is plete, in this connection it must be
concerned, it agrees very well with pointed out that one can never ascer-
Galton's Law. This law states that in- tain with certainty the existence of
dividuals differing from the average only a single genotype in a sample
character of the population produce solely on the basis of concordance be-
offspring which, on the average, differ tween the table or curve of variation
to a lesser degree but in the same direc- shown by that sample and the numer-
tion from the average as their parents. ical proportions of the binomial for-

Selection within a population causes a mula. The variation curve of indi-

greater or lesser shift in the direction viduals, representing a racially pure
of the selection of the average for the population in the ordinary sense,
characteristics around which the in- frequently, indeed perhaps in most in-
dividuals concerned are fluctuating. stances, can be shown to be the result
While as a consequence of this I am of numerous genotypes representing
not able to continue to regard the the various pure lines of the popula-
population as completely uniform, tion. The average value thus does not
nevertheless my material can be bro- always have the significance of a true
ken up into "pure lines." It has been genotype. A great deficiency of a
demonstrated that in all cases within purely statistical approach is obvious
the pure lines the retrogression men- in this regard.
tioned above has been completed: Se- For this reason, I have attempted
lection within the pure lines has pro- throughout this paper to distinguish
duced no new shift in genotype. sharply between the concept of the
The shift in the average for a char- mean (average character, average
acteristic, which selection in a popula- values, and so on) and the concept of
tion can usually produce, is thus an the genotype. The confusion of these
indication that the total population— at two thoroughly different concepts has
least in my material— consists of differ- only too frequently caused misunder-
ent "lines" whose genotypes can be standing and erroneous inferences,
more or less differentiated. In the perhaps not only in the field of hered-
course of ordinary selection a popula- ity. It must be conceded that it can
tion would become impure; this result often be extremely difficult to dis-
is a consequence of the incomplete tinguish between these two concepts
isolation of these lines, whose geno- without detailed analysis; and in pure
rs'pes cause deviation of the average lines the two concepts frequently
character of the population in their cover the same area. The numerical
directions. expression of a genotype is frequently,
The typical, well-known results of but by no means always, an average
selection, that is, step-wise progress in value.
In the case of morphological char- directly the distinctions between geno-
acters—at least with the entire series of types, and the average value will be
those whose value in systematic in- erroneously regarded as that of a single
vestigations has been generally recog- genotype. In cases such as these it is
nized—the distinction between the dif- impossible to distinguish the genotype
ferent genotypes is such that the single to which a single individual belongs.
individual can usually be recognized, Table 1 is a good illustration of this
in spite of its variations, as belonging' point.
to one or another of the most narrow It is for these reasons, which have
systematic categories (for example, the been more or less clearly recognized
"subspecies" of Jordan). or just sensed, that the study of the
These morphological types can usu- characters I might call "truly" mor-
ally be organized into precise variation phological, described above, have pro-
series only with great difficulty, for a vided the center of gravity for sys-
mixture of individuals of different tematics. The more physiological
genotypes might be combined with a characters have entered into the sphere
series of individuals which belong to of interest of the systematist only in
a unique genotype. A mixture such as recent years, particularly with regard
the Oenothera forms of de Vries or to lower forms. These reasons also
Raunkiaer's Taraxacum "Geschlech- explain why the students of mutation
ter" ^ gives with regard to the essential have found the mainstay of their re-
morphological characteristics a differ- searches in true morphological char-
ent picture than a pure culture of a acters. On the other hand, these char-
single form. acteristics, which essentially determine
With regard to all sorts of char- the entire habitus of the plant, either
acters of a more physiological sort— cannot or can only partially be ex-
the non-botanical characters of Hj. pressed in numerical measures, and this
Nilssons— such as, for example, most almost invariably reduces their value
height and other proportions, bio- to within the limits of the exact
chemical properties, reliable numerical methods of measurements and calcula-
relationships, and others, we have a tion.
different situation. The distinct, ac- Biometrical research, that is, the in-
tually existant genotypes, easily dem- vestig^ation of the laws of variation and
onstrated through isolated cultivation, heredity, has thus included primarily
show only quantitative differences, so the more physiological characters or
that the variation curves of the differ- in j^eneral the characters Bateson
ent genotypes overlap, and one has the called "meristic," that is, those \\hich
transgressive curves of Hugo de Vries. can be expressed clearly in numbers,
A mixture of individuals, which belong such as size or weight. And here,
to genotypes clearly distinct with re- where comparisons of individual with
spect to one of these characteristics individual does not enable one to dis-
(compare small and large, as well as tinguish differences in genorv^pe from
narrow and broad beans) can very the manifestations of a fluctuating var-
easily form so continuous a variation iability, is the stronghold of the Gal-
series that it is not possible to recognize ton-Pearson concept: Here one must—
if one fails to consider pure lines—
1 Raunkiaer, C, "Kinidannelse uden Be- necessarily come to the conclusion that
frugtning hos Maelkebotte" {Botan. Tids-
skrift, Bd. XXV, Kopenhagen, 1903), pp.
selection of strongly variant individ-
109-119. uals (either plus or minus variants)
not been positively demonstrated— the tant instance for the explanation of the
statements of biometricians apply, as relationship just discussed.)
has been frequently pointed out, to Hugo de Vries has included in his
populations which are not but could Mutationstheorie (vol. 1, p. 368 ff.) a
be divided into pure lines. The burden separate chapter concerning "Nourish-
of proof for this possibility lies upon ment and Natural Selection" in which
those who would wish to verify the the consequences of a rich or scanty
efficacy of this kind of selection. nourishment by the maternal plant is
Second we must consider cross- discussed. I have no doubt that actual
breeding—to take part in which the or imaginary differences in nourish-
pure lines must forfeit their pure con- ment occurring simultaneously with
dition! The whole hybrid question is the presence or absence of selection
not, however, part of our discus- would account for de Vries' example.
sion. Also, the phase of ontogeny which de
Third we come to mutations, the Vries called the "sensitive period" is of
possibility of irregular changes in gen- particular interest. I could cite a similar
otype. To define them would be pre- phenomenon in my research material
mature in the greatest degree. Their only with the greatest difficulty. It
existence in a greater diversity of should be understood that it is not my
organisms must first be substantiated. intention to try to explain through the
That they do so occur cannot be "principle of pure lines" and nothing
doubted, in my opinion; I hope to else all the differences in characteristics
present specific, positive proof in a which selection in conjunction with
later publication. No more will be said extreme or experimentally designed
here than that a mutation in a given habitats might produce. In this regard,
direction cannot be specifically iden- which is of strong interest to Neo-

on the basis of offspring

tified strictly Lamarckians, there is still very much
of individuals which deviate irregu- research to be done— and certainly
larly in that direction. with the use of genuinely pure lines
At point I must refer to the
this as a research material.
ticklishproblem of what might explain My primary purpose is to shed some
the statement of de Vries that one fre- light on the Galtonian regression be-
quently observes "minus" variations tween ancestors and descendants, and
are predominant in newly discovered I believe that my material, which evi-

genotypes— an event that not without dently has its natural peculiarities
reason has aroused the skepticism of analogous to those of Galton, has its
biometricians. It is to be hoped that value as a basis for analysis of the
the studies presented here will shed Galtonian laws applying to popula-
some light on this problem, which per- tions. My statements conflict neither
haps only appears to detroy the wiih Galton's statements nor with
boundary between fluctuating varia- those of de Vries.
tion and mutation. If my investigations are sound, and
(Postscript: In the final part of his their significance is grasped beyond the
Mutationstheorie — which appeared special case here discussed, the general
during the editing of this work— de work would form a not
results of this
Vries (I.e., pp. 503-504) has shown in unimportant support for the modern
a most ingenious way how in most concepts of Bateson and de Vries on
cases mutations are first expressed. the great significance of "discontinu-
Therein lies an outstandingly impor- ous" variations, or "mutations," for
the theorv' of evolution. For a selec- possibility of mutation; for thereby
tion in cases such as mine is effective even the strongest correlative relation-
only in so far as it selects out repre- ship could be destroyed. I do not wish
sentatives of an already existant geno- to take up question at this time; in
type. These genotypes would not be a later publication I hope to shed more

successively originated through the re- light on it, using the principle of pure
tention of those individuals which vary lines as the basis for the research.
in the desired direction; they would I would be sorry indeed if the reader

merely he found and isolated. of this work would come to feel that
The knowledge that has been gained the value of the significant work of
from studies on pure lines, combined Galton, Pearson, and other biometrical
with a knowledge of hybridization, research workers were to be placed in
must serve as the starting point in the doubt. I would not have the audacity
case of studies on heredity within to criticize the treatment which Pear-
population in which pure lines can not son in particular has given to the ques-
be completely isolated as a conse- tion of the ancestral influence within
quence of the necessity of constant a specific population. I do think, how-
cross-fertilization or hybridization. ever, that the principle of pure lines
This knowledge is, as has been pointed in the hands of a man such as Pearson
out earlier, in complete agreement can carry biometric studies much far-
with the basic ideas in the great work ther along than his studies of popula-
of de \^ries— as has been seen, my con- tions. Obviously the relationships
cepts have been arrived at via a some- studied by Pearson have great scientific
what different path than that followed significance and they have consider-
by de Vries, and it is also important to able practical value as well— but they
note, based on a different kind of in- are not suitable to illuminate com-
formation. pletely the fundamental laws of hered-
In addition the important question it)\
of correlative variation takes on a And what particularly affects Gal-
somewhat changed character depend- ton's research, in my estimation, is that
ing upon whether one works with the results presented here support in a
pure lines or with populations. In the beautiful way the basic ideas of Gal-
latter case a given "ratio of correla- ton's "Stirp" theory,^ which was al-
tion" (Pearson's term) will not neces- ready worked out in 1876. This law
sarily represent a strongly legitimate includes almost all that is of actual
relationship, as I have sought to dem- value in the more recent Weismann
onstrate earlier. An indicated correla- theory on the "Continuitv' of the
tive relationship is much more signifi- Gerniplasm." That the speculation of
cant within a pure line. My
summation Weismann ^ could overshadow the
table speaks very well for this concept,
in that it was not possible to change 3 Galton's theory is known to me from his
original paper in Revue Scientifique, vol. 10,
through selection within pure lines the
1876, p. 198 ("Theorie de I'heredite").
correlation between length and width •*
position of biometricians on "Weis-
of the beans, while it was simple to mannism" has been clearly evaluated by
isolate truly different genot\^pes, as for Pearson in his characterization of this move-
example narrow and broad forms, ment in "Socialism and Natural Selection"
{Fortnightly Review, July, 1894. Reprinted
from the original population, which in Pearson's Chafices of Death, vol. 1, 1897,
appeared to be entirely homogeneous. p. 104) . I do not plan to go further into this
Again, we have to, reckon with the question at this time.
more simply put but no less ingenious Should the present publication be
and quite original idea of Galton's is successful in bringing the principle of
perhaps due to some extent to Galton pure lines recognition as an absolutely
himself, for he has not seen fit in his necessary principle in truly intensive
more recent publications to adhere to research in the study of heredity, then
his Stirp theory in the light of research its highest purpose would be achieved.

progress. The Stirp theory does not Later publications will attempt to illu-
correlate too well with Galton's Law minate the activity of lines which vary
of Regression, it is true, but it could polymodally. I have investigated only
scarcely be better supported or illus- unimodal variation in this paper,'^ in
trated than by the results which I have order to present my concept in its
described: a usually complete regres- simplest instance.
sion to the genotype of a pure line The train of thought which under-
seems to me the most beautiful evi- lies this investigation is expressed in
dence for a slightly modified Stirp its simplicity most clearly by the often
concept. It is true that Galton's Stirp cited words of Goethe:
concept cannot be maintained un-
"Dich im UnendHchen zu finden
changed. Although Weismann •'
Musst unterscheiden und dann
recently regarded Galton as the ^
"voice" of cellular limitation through
"Determinants" — or however one
Vilmorin has emphasized the differ-
might name these theoretical hered-
entiation of the parts, Galton has dem-
itary corpuscles, de Vries deserves the
onstrated the legitimate basis for re-
great credit for having recognized the
combination; I have tried here to
unitary nature of hereditary particles,
combine the points of view for which
which he called "pangenes"— a concept
these two ingenious investigators are
he first published in 1889 ^ and further
advanced in the "Mutationstheorie." It
seems to me that the Galton-de Vries
theory is the only truly useful theory de Vries has publislied a special case con-

of heredity. cerning heredirv' in a pure "bimodal" line in

his Mutatio?2Stheorie (vol. 2, p. 509), based
5 Weismann, Vortriige iiber die Descen- on a short communication of mine.
8 "Before the infinite can be thine
denztheorie, 1902, p. 421.
6 de Vries, "Intracellulare Pangenesis," You must first break it down and then
Jena, 1889. re-combine."
The Chromosomes in Heredity


Reprinted by publisher's permission from Bio-

logical Bulletin, vol. 4, 1903, pp. 231-251.

It has often happened that two people have nmde practically iden-
tical discoveries ajid published their findi?jgs ahiost simnltajieoiisly.
This has bee?i particidarly true in getietics, which fiiids its 7?ioder?i

origiji in the tripartite publicity MendePs paper received at the turn

of the century. hypothesis adva?iced in this paper by Sutton was

also cojiceivedby Boveri and published m
the same year. As a con-
sequence, the theory that the hereditary particles are borne by the
chromosomes is known as the "'Sutton-Boveri Hypothesis."
Sutton does not provide any original data m
this paper. It repre-
different type of co?itribution from that seeji iji the first two
sejits a
papers in this collection, which are priinarily aiialyses of research
results. Suttoji has performed a vital fimction here; 07ie that is almost
Whe?i a?i author takes
as vital as research itself in biological progress.
a series of apparently unrelated facts ajjd ideas from two areas of
investigatio??, combines them so that they make ?iew se??se, and
develops a new hypothesis from the combination, he not only aids
in the advance of both fields but also is quite likely to open up a ?iew
one. This is Darwin made i?i his ^'Origi?i of
the kind of contribution
Species,'" which is almost a correlation a?id syjithesis of
several diverse groups of facts. In Sutton's paper you will see this
developmeiit of relatiojiships betwee?j the fields of cytology and
heredity, which, at the time Sutton wrote, were cojisidered to be
fairly diverge?it fro?n each other, iji that ?io research techniques were
shared. Today the permanently li?iked, many research
two fields are
methods have developed to handle mutual problems, and Sutton's
paper can be considered the begmning of the field called cyto-
You shoidd note as you read the sequence and develop?nejit of
Sutton's arguments, and the clear logic and reasoning he employs.
This paper is a good model to follow in the preparation of a study
ifivolvijig synthesis and correlation. It is comparatively easy to read
and understand. Caution shoidd be used in the last few pages, for
Sutton gets involved in generalities that go well beyond the limits of
his analysis. The value of this paper lies in the thoroughness with
which Suttoji demonstrates the validity of his hypothesis, and not
in the attejnpts to explain many other problems through the use of
the hypothesis.
In a recent announcement of must look to the organization of the
some results of c critical study of the germ-cells for the ultimate determina-
chromosomes in the various cell-gen- tion of hereditary phenomena. Mendel
erations of Brachystola ^ the author fully appreciated this fact and even
briefly called attention to a possible instituted special experiments to de-
relation between the phenomena there termine the nature of that organiza-
described and certain conclusions first tion. From them he drew the brilliant
drawn from observations on plant hy- conclusion that, while, in the organism,
brids by Gregor Mendel - in 1865, and maternal and paternal potentialities are
recently confirmed by a number of present in the field of each character,
able investigators. Further attention the germ-cells in respect to each char-
has already been called to the theoret- acter are pure. Little was then known
ical aspects of the subject in a brief of the nature of cell-division, and
communication by Professor E. B. Mendel attempted no comparisons in
Wilson.^ The present paper is devoted that direction; but to those who in re-
to a more detailed discussion of these cent years have revived and extended
aspects, the speculative character of his results the probability of a relation
which may be justified by the attempt between cell-organization and cell-
to indicate certain lines of work calcu- division has repeatedly occurred. Bate-
lated to test the validity of the conclu- son clearly states his impression in

sions drawn. The

general conceptions this regard in the following words: "It
here advanced were evolved purely is impossible to be presented with the
from cytological data, before the au- fact that in Mendelian cases the cross-
thor had knowledge of the Mendelian bred produces on an average equal
principles, and are now presented as numbers of gametes of each kind, that
the contribution of a cytologist who is to say, a symmetrical result, without

can make no pretensions to complete suspecting that this fact must corre-
familiarity with the results of experi- spond with some symmetrical figure
mental studies on heredity. As will of distribution of the gametes in the
appear hereafter, they completely sat- cell divisions by which they are pro-
isfy the conditions in typical Mende- duced."
lian cases, and it seems that many of Nearly a year ago it became appar-
the known deviations from the Men- ent to the author that the high degree
delian type may be explained by easily of organization in the chromosome-
conceivable variations from the nor- group of the germ-cells as shown in
mal chromosomic processes. Brachystola could scarcely be without
It has long been admitted that we definite significance in inheritance, for,
as shown in the paper ^ already re-
1Sutton, Walter S., "On the Morphology
of the Chromosome Group in Brachystola ferred to, it had appeared that:
magna," Biol. Bull, IV., 1, 1902.
2 Mendel, Gregor Johann, "Versuche iiber 1. The chromosome group of the
Pflanzen-Hybriden," Verb, naturf. Vers, in presynaptic germ-cells is made up of
BrUnn IV., and in Osterwald's Klassiker der two equivalent chromosome-series,
exakten Wissevschajt. English translation in
and that strong ground exists for the
]oiirn. Roy. Hon. Soc, XXVI., 1901. Later
conclusion that one of these is paternal
reprinted with modifications and corrections
in Bateson's "Mendel's Principles of Hered- and the other maternal.
ity," Cambridge, 1902, p. 40.
3 Wilson, E. B., "Mendel's Principles of » Bateson, W., "Mendel's Principles of
Heredity and the Maturation of the Gemi- Heredity," Cambridge, 1902, p. 30.
Cells," Science, XVI., 416. ^ Sutton, W. S., loc. cit.
2. The process of synapsis (pseudo- breeding could accomplish more than
reduction) consists in the union in the condition of a first-cross.
pairs of the homologous members 2. If any animal or plant has but two

(i. e., those that correspond in size) of categories of germ-cells, there can be
the two series.^ only four different combinations in the
3. The first post-synaptic or ma- offspring of a single pair.
turation mitosis is equational and hence 3. If either maternal or paternal
results in no chromosomic differentia- chromosomes are entirely excluded
tion. from every ripe germ-cell, an individ-
4. The second post-sv^naptic divi- ual cannot receive chromosomes (qual-
sion is a reducing division, resulting in ities) from more than one ancestor in
the separation of the chromosomes each generation of each of the parental
which have conjugated in synapsis, lines of descent, e. g., could not inherit
and their relegation to different germ- chromosomes (qualities) from both
cells. paternal or both maternal grandpar-
5. The chromosomes retain a mor- ents.
phological individuality throughout
the various cell-divisions. Amoved by these considerations a
It is well known that in the eggs of more careful study was made of the
many forms the maternal and paternal whole division-process, including the
chromosome groups remain distinctly positions of the chromosomes in the
independent of each other for a con- nucleus before division, the origin and
siderable number of cleavage-mitoses, formation of the spindle, the relative
and with this fact in mind the author positions of the chromosomes and the
was at first inclined to conclude that diverging centrosomes, and the point
in the reducing divisions all the ma- of attachment of the spindle fibers to
ternal chromosomes must pass to one the chromosomes. The results gave no
pole and all the paternal ones to the evidence in favor of parental purity
other, and that the germ-cells are thus of the gametic chromatin as a whole.
divided into two categories which On the contrary, many points were
might be described maternal and as discovered which strongly indicate ^
paternal respectively. But this concep- that the position of the bivalent chro-
tion, which is identical with that mosomes in the equatorial plate of the
recently brought forward by Cannon,'^
was soon seen to be at variance with 8 Absolute proof is impossible in a pure-
.many well-known facts of breeding; bred form on account of the impossibility
thus: of distinguishing between maternal and pa-
ternal members of any synaptic pair. If,
however, such hybrids as those obtained by
1. germ-cells of hybrids are
If the
Moenkhaus (Moenkhaus, W. J., "Early De-
of pure descent, no amount of cross- velopment in Certain Hybrid Species," Re-
port of Second Meeting of Naturalists at
® The conclusion that synapsis involves a Chicago, Sciefice, XIII., 323), with fishes can
union of paternal and maternal chromosomes be reared to sexual maturity absolute proof
in pairs was first reached bv Montgomery in of this point may be expected. This observer
1901. was able in the early cells of certain fish hy-
Montgomery, T. H., Jr., "A Study of the brids to distinguish the maternal from the
Chromosomes of the Germ-Cells of Me- paternal chromosomes by differences in
tazoa," Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc, XX. form, and if the same can be done in the
Cannon, W. A., "A Cytological Basis for maturation-divisions the question of the dis-
the A-Iendelian Laws," Bull. Torrey Botanical tribution of chromosomes in reduction be-
Club, 29, 1902. comes a very simple matter of observation.
reducing division is purely a matter of of the synaptic pairs, but there are
chance— that is, that any chromosome sixteen possible combinations of ma-
pair may lie with maternal or paternal ternal and paternal chromosomes that
chromatid indifferently toward either will form a complete series, to wit: a,
pole irrespective of the positions of B, C, D; A, b, C, D; A, B, c, D; A, B,
other pairs— and hence that a large C, d; a, b, C, D; a, B, c, D; a, B, C, d;
number of different combinations of a, b, c, d; and their conjugates A, b, c,
maternal and paternal chromosomes d; a, B, c, d; a, b, C, d; a, b, c, D; A, B,
are possible in the mature germ-prod- c, d; A, b, C, d; A, b, c, D; A, B, C, D.
ucts of an individual. To illustrate this, Hence instead of two kinds of gametes
we may consider a form having eight an organism with four chromosomes in
chromosomes in the somatic and pre- its reduced series may give rise to 16

synaptic germ-cells and consequently different kinds; and the offspring of

four in the ripe germ-products. The two unrelated individuals may present
germ-cell series of the species in gen- 16 X 16 or 256 combinations, instead
eral may be designated by the letters of the four to which it would be
A, B, C, D, and any cleavage nucleus limited by a hypothesis of parental
may be considered as containing chro- purity of gametes. Few organisms,
mosomes A, D from the father
B, C, moreover, have so few as 8 chromo-
and from the mother. Synap-
a, b, c, d, somes, and since each additional pair
sis being the union of homologues doubles the number of possible com-
would result in the formation of the binations in the germ-products ^ and
bivalent chromosomes Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, quadruples that of the zygotes it is

which would again be resolved into

their components by the reducing ^ The number of possible combinations in

division. Each of the ripe germ-cells the germ-products of a single individual of

any species is represented by the simple
arising from the reduction divisions
formula 2" in which n represents the number
must receive one member from each of chromosomes in the reduced series.

Table 1


plain that in the ordinary form having larvae actually lacking in certain chro-
from 24 to 36 chromosomes, the pos- mosomes of the normal series, which
sibilities are immense. Table below1 seem to leave no alternative to the
shows the number of possible com- conclusion that the chromosomes
binations in forms having from 2 to 36 differ qualitatively and as individuals
chromosomes in the presynaptic cells. represent distinct potentialities. Ac-
Thus if Bardeleben's estimate of six- cepting this conclusion we should be
teen chromosomes for man (the lowest able to find an exact correspondence
estimate that has been made) be cor- between the behavior in inheritance of
rect, each individual is capable of pro- any chromosome and that of the char-
ducing 256 different kinds of germ- acters associated with it in the organ-
products with reference to their ism.
chromosome combinations, and the In regard to the characters, Mendel
numbers of combinations possible in found that, if a hybrid produced by
the offspring of a single pair is 256 X crossing two individuals differing in
256 or 65,536; while ToxopJieitstes, a particular character be self-fertilized,
with 36 chromosomes, has a possibility the offspring, in most cases, conform
of 262,144 and 68,719,476,736 differ- to a perfectly definite rule as regards
ent combinations in the gametes of a the differential character. Represent-
single individual and the zygotes of a ing the. character as seen in one of the
pair respectively. It is this possibility original parents by the letter A and
of so great a number of combinations that of the other by a, then all the
of maternal and paternal chromosomes offspring arising by self-fertilization of
in the gametes which serves to bring the hybrid are represented from the
the chromosome-theory into final rela- standpoint of the given character by
tion with the known facts of heredity^; the formula 2 Aa AA
aa.— that is, one
: :

for Mendel himself followed out the fourth receive only the character of
actual combinations of two and three one of the original pure-bred parents,
distinctive characters and found them one fouith only that of the other;
to be inherited independently of one while one half the number receive the
another and to present a great variety characters of both original parents and
of combinations in the second genera- hence present the condition of the hy-
tion. brid from which they sprang.
The constant size-differences ob- We have not heretofore possessed
served in the chromosomes of Brachy- graphic formulae to express the com-
jtola early led me to the suspicion, binations of chromosomes in similar
which, however, a study of spermato- breeding experiments, but it is clear
genesis alone could not confirm, that from the data already given that such
the individual chromosomes of the re- formulae may now be constructed. The
duced series play different roles in reduced chromosome series in Brachy-
development. The confirmation of this stola made up of eleven members, no

surmise appeared later in the results two of which are exactly of the same
obtained by Boveri ^^ in a study of size. These I distinguished in my pre-
vious paper by the letters A, B, C, . . .

Boveri, Th., "Ueber Mehrpolige Alitosen K. In the unreduced series there are
als Mittel zur Analyse des Zellkems," Verb,
d. Phys.-Med. Ges. zu Wurzbiirg, N. F., Bd.
XXXV., 1902. It appears from a personal ducible from his experiments and the results
letter that Boveri had noted the correspond- —
on plant hybrids as indicated also in foot-
ence between chromosomic behavior as de- note 1, /. c, p. 81.
twenty-two elements which can be ^^ which would yield four combinations,
seen to make up two series like that of
the mature germ-cells, and hence may
As + A9 = AA
be designated as A, B, C K -h A, . . .
As + a 9 = Aa
as + A9 = aA
B, CK. Synapsis results in the
. . .

union of homologues and the produc-

aS + a 9 = aa
tion of a single series of double-ele- Since the second and third of these are
ments thus: AA, BB, CC KK, . . .
would be expressed by
alike the result
and the reducing division affects the the formula AA
2Aa aa which is the
: :

separation of these pairs so that one same given for any character
as that
member of each passes to each of the in a Mendelian case. Thus the phe-
resulting germ-products. ?iomejia of germ-cell divisio?i and of
There is reason to believe that the heredity are see?i to have the same
division-products of a given chromo- essential features, viz., purity of units
some in Brachystola maintain in their {chromosomes, characters) and the in-
respective series the same size relation depeiident transijussion of the saine;
as did the parent element; and this, while as a corollary, it follows in each
taken together with the evidence that case that each of the two antagonistic
the various chromosomes of the series units (chromosomes, characters) is
represent distinctive potentialities,
contained by exactly half the gametes
make it probable that a given size-
relation is characteristic of the physical
The observations which deal with
basis of a definite set of characters.
characters have been made chiefly
But each chromosome of any reduced upon hybrids, while the cytological
series in the species has a homologue in
data are the result of study of a pure-
any other series, and from the above bred form; but the correlation of the
consideration it should follow that
two is justified by the observation of
these homologues cover the same field
Cannon ^- that the maturation mitoses
in development. If this be the case
of fertile hybrids are normal. This
chromosome A
from the father and its being the case it is necessary to con-
homologue, chromosome a, from the clude, as Cannon has already pointed
mother in the presynaptic cells of the out, that the course of variations in
offspring may be regarded as the phys-
hybrids either is a result of normal
ical basesof the antagonistic unit-char- maturation processes or is entirely in-
acters A
and a of father and mother dependent of the nature of those divi-
respectively. In synapsis, copulation sions. If we conclude from the evi-
of the homologues gives rise to the dence already given that the double
bivalent chromosome Aa, which as is
basis of hybrid characters is to be
indicated above would, in the reducing found in the pairs of homologous chro-
division, be separated into the com-
mosomes of the presynaptic germ-
ponents A and a. These would in all cells, then we must also conclude that
cases pass to different germ-products in pure-bred forms likewise, the paired
and hence in a monoecious form we arrangement of the chromosomes indi-
should have four sorts of gametes. cates a dual basis for each character.

A$ In a hypothetical species breeding ab-

A9 a9 solutely true, therefore, all the chro-
mosomes or subdivisions of chromo-
11 Disregarding the accessory chromosome
which takes no part in synapsis. 12 Cannon, W. A., loc. cit.
somes representing any given character forms, and that their parthenogenetic
would have to be exactly alike, since offspring will exactly resemble the im-
the combination of any two of them mediate parent.
would produce a uniform result. As a In cases of natural parthenogenesis
matter of fact, however, specific char- which are accompanied by the reen-
acters are not found to be constant trance of the second polar body and its
quantities but vary within certain fusion with the egg-nucleus (or its
limits; and many of the variations are failure to form) there must be
a double
known to be inheritable. Hence it chromosome but we may dis-
seems highly probable that homolo- tinguish two classes according as the
gous chromatin-entities are not usually reducing process is accomplished in
of strictly uniform constitution, but the first or the second maturation divi-
present minor variations correspond- sion. ^^ If reduction is accomplished in
ing to the various expressions of the the first division, one half the chromo-
character they represent. In other somes of the oogonia are thrown out
words, it is probable that specific dif- and lost in the first polar body. The
ferences and individual variations are second division, being equational,
alike traceable to a common source, would result in a polar body which
which is a difference in the constitu- would be the exact duplicate of the
tion of homologous chromatin-entities. egg-nucleus as far as chromosomes are
Slight differences in homologues concerned and which accordingly, by
would mean corresponding, slight its reentrance would add nothing new

variations in the character concerned— to the egg-series. The series after

a correspondence which is actually fusion would, therefore, be repre-
seen in of inbreeding, where
cases sented by the letters A, B, C, D . . .

variation well known to be mini-

is N + A,B,C^D . . . N.U such a type
mized and where obviously in the case of parthenogenesis follow were to
of many of the chromosome pairs both sexual reproduction, the genera- first
members must be derived from the tion of offspring might be expected to
same chromosome of a recent common differ materially from the parent by
ancestor and hence be practically iden- reason of the casting out, in the first
tical. polar body, of chromosomes repre-
In the various forms of partheno- senting certain dominant characters,
genesis we meet the closest kind of and the consequent appearance in the
inbreeding and a brief consideration offspring of the corresponding reces-
of the variability to be expected in sives.Subsequent parthenogenetic gen-
each, from the standpoint of the chro- erations, however, would in each case
mosome theory, may serve as a guide be endowed with a chromosome series
to such research as will test the valid- exactly similar to that of the immediate
ity of the latter. The simplest form, of parent and accordingly might be ex-
which chemical parthenogenesis in sea- pected to show the same characters.
urchins is an example, is that in which In case the second division of a par-
the organism has only a single chro-
mosome series, to be represented by 13 Either must be regarded as possible in
A, B, C, D N. Thus far no rec-
. . . cases where we have no definite knowledge
ognized cases of this type have been since it regularly described as the second

in the Orthoptera (McClung, Sutton) and

reared to sexual maturity, but it is to
Copepoda (Riickert, Hacker) while in the
be expected that no reducing division Hemiptera-Heteroptera it is believed to be
will be found in the maturation of such the first (Paulmier, Montgomer}') •
thenogenetic egg were the reducing what as Weismann assumes), which
division, the reentrance or suppression represent the allelomorphs and may
of the second polar body would ac- be dominant or recessive independ-
complish the restoration of the oogo- ently. In this way the same chro-
nial chromosome-series. In this case the mosome might at one time represent
first parthenogenetic generation might both dominant and recessive allelo-
be expected to duplicate the characters morphs.
of the parent (if environmental condi- Such a conception infinitely in-
tions remained unchanged) and little creases the number of possible com-
or no variability would be expected binations of characters as actually seen
as long as parthenogenesis persisted. in the individuals and unfortunately at
In relation to these problems there is the same time increases the difficulty
great need of a simultaneous study of of determining what characters are in-
the germ-cell divisions and the varia- herited together, since usually reces-
tion of periodically parthenogenetic sive chromatin entities (allelomorphs?)
forms. constantly associated in the same chro-
have seen reason, in the fore- mosome with usually dominant ones
going considerations, to believe that would evade detection for generations
there is a definite relation between and then becoming dominant might
chromosomes and allelomorphs or ^"^
appear as reversions in a very confus-
unit characters but we have not before ing manner.
inquired whether an entire chromo- In their experiments on Matthiola,
some or only a part of one is to be Bateson and Saunders ^^ mention two
regarded as the basis of a single allelo- cases of correlated qualities which may
morph. The answer must unquestion- be explained by the association of their
ably be in favor of the latter possibil- physical bases in the same chromo-
ity, for otherwise the number of some. "In certain combinations there
distinct characters possessed by an was close correlation between (a)
individual could not exceed the num- green color of seed and hoariness, (b)
ber of chromosomes in the germ-prod- brown color of seed and grabrousness.
ucts; which is undoubtedly contrary In other combinations such correlation
to fact. We must, therefore, assume was entirely wanting." Such results
that some chromosomes at least are may be due to the association in the
related to a number of different allelo- same chromosomes of the physical
morphs. If then, the chromosomes bases of the two characters. When
permanently retain their individuality, close correlation was observed, both
it follows that all the allelomorphs may be supposed to have dominated
represented by any one chromosome their homologues; when correlation
must be inherited together. On the was wanting, one may have been
other hand, it is not necessary to as- dominant and the other recessive. In
sume that all must be apparent in the the next paragraph to that quoted is
organism, for here the question of the statement: "The rule that plants
dominance enters and it is not yet with flowers either purple or claret
known that dominance is a function of arose from green seeds was universal."
an entire chromosome. It is conceiv- Here may be a case of constant domi-
able that the chromosome may be
divisible into smaller entities (some-
15 Bateson and Saunders, Experimental
Studies in the Physiology of Heredity (Re-
ports to the Evolution Committee, I., Lon-
^* Bateson's term. don, 1902) p. HI, paragraphs 11 and 12.

nance of nvo associated chromarin- in seeds,and of yellow over green in

entities. cotyledons; but it is worthy of note
Dominance is not a conception that here, as in most Mendelian experi-
which grows out of purely cytological ments, only two antagonistic char-
consideration. Cytology merely shows acters have been used. Investigations
us the presence in a cell of two chro- on varieties, in general similar, but
mosomes, either of which is capable of exhibiting different expressions of
producing some expression of a given some particular character, will cer-
character, and it is left to experiment tainly yield instructive results. Bate-
in each case to show what the effect of son's observations on crosses between
this combined action will be. The ex- single-, pea-combed fowls,
rose- and
periment has shown that any one
^^ represent a simple form of such a case
of the three theoretical possibilities and may be expected on completion
may be realized, viz: (1) One or the to add much to our knowledge of the
other may dominate and obscure its nature of dominance.
homologue. (2) The result may be a In addition to themany examples
compromise in which the effect of brought forward by Bateson in sup-
each chromosome is to be recognized. port of the Mendelian principle he
(3) The combined action of the two cites three types of cases which are to
may result in an entirely new cast of be regarded as non-Mendelian. These
character. In cases belonging to the are:
first category, the visible quality (alle-
lomorph, chromatin-entity) was de- 1. The ordinary blended inheritance
scribed by Mendel as dominant and of continuous variation.
the other as recessive, and the experi- 2. Cases in which the form resulting
ments of Bateson and Saunders and from the first cross breeds true.
others, as well as those of Mendel, 3. The "false hybrids" of Millardet.
have shown that in many cases a domi-
nant character tends to remain domi- 1. Blejided hiheritajice.—ln treating

nant during successive generations if of this class Bateson clearly states the
the environment is not materially possibility that the case may be one
changed. Nevertheless, some experi- entirely "apart from those to which
ments cited by Bateson " go to show Mendel's principles apply," but goes
that dominance may be variable or on to show how it may possibly be
defective. Furthermore, it is not only brought into relation Math true Men-
conceivable, but highly probable that delian cases. He says in part: "It must
in most, if not all cases, there are be recognized that in, for example, the
many different expressions of each stature of a civilized race of man, a
character (/. e., many different allelo- typically continuous character, there
morphs as suggested by Bateson in must certainly be on any hypothesis
regard to human stature), which on more than one pair of possible allelo-
various combinations would neces- morphs. There may be many such
dominance. The
sarily exhibit relative pairs, but we have no certainty that
experiments with peas show an almost the number of such pairs and conse-
constant dominance of certain allelo- quently of the different kinds of
morphs, such as round over wrinkled gametes are altogether iinlhiiited, even
in regard to stature. If there were even
^^ Cf. Bateson and Saunders, loc. cit.
so few as, say, four or five pairs of
1" Ibid. possible allelomorphs, the various
homo- and heterozygous combinations morph were alone produced by the
might, on seriation, give so near an ap- male and the other by the female we
proach to a continuous curve that the should have a species consisting only
purity of the elements would be un- of heterozygotes," which would come
suspected, and their detection prac- true as long as bred together, at first
tically impossible." This hypothesis, sight seems logically applicable to
which presents no difficulties from the these cases.For such an idea, however,
point of view of the chromosome we can find no cytological justifica-
theory, is sufficient in the present state tion, since if any reduction occurs
of our knowledge to bring many cases both chromosomes occur in both male
of apparently continuous variation and female germ-cells in equal num-
into definite relation with strictly bers; and further, the evidence is in
Mendelian cases; but, on the other favor of a great variety of combina-
hand, it seems probable, as already tions of maternal and paternal chro-
noted (p. 221), that the individual mosomes in the germ-cells so that the
variation in many characters now exact chromosome group of a hybrid
thought to be strictly Mendelian may parent could hardly be duplicated ex-
prove to be due to the existence in the cept by fusion of the very pair of cells
species of many variations of what separated by the reducing division. A
may be regarded as the type allelo- more plausible explanation from the
morphs, accompanying similar varia- cytological standpoint is that the union
tions of the homologous chromatin of the chromosomes in synapsis is so
entities representing those types. firm that no reduction can take place,
First Crosses that Breed Tnie.—\t
2. /. e., that in each case, a paternal and

is obvious that in the germ-cells of a maternal chromosome fuse perma-

true-breeding hybrids ^^ there can be nently to form a new chromosome
no qualitative reduction. In the nor- which subsequently divides only equa-
mal process synapsis must be ac- tionally. The result must be germ-cells
counted for by the assumption of an which are identical with one another
affinity existing between maternal and and with those of the parents, and
paternal homologues, and conversely hence self-fertilization would produce
reduction is the disappearance of that offspring practically without variation.
affinity or its neutralization by some If this explanation be the correct one
greater force. Now in Hieracium the the process is distinctly pathological

characters of the hybrid are frequently and hence it is not surprising that such

intermediate between those of the two cases, noted by Bateson, should

parents, showing that both allelo- often present "a considerable degree
morphs (or chromatin-entities) are at of sterility."
work, but on self-fertilization there 3. The ''False Hybrids'' of Mil-
is no resolution of allelomorphs (re- /^nY^f.— Millardet, de Vries and Bate-
duction division). On the contrary, son. have all described experiments in
all the germ-cells are equivalent, as which the offspring resulting from ;i

shown by the fact that all combina- cross between dissimilar individuals
tions produce similar offspring which showed the character of one parent
in turn are similar to the parent. The only, those of the other parent being
suggestion made by Bateson in an- shown by further experiment to be
other connection, that "if one allelo- lost permanently. The obvious cyto-
logical explanation of such a phenome-
18 Cf. Mendel's experiments on Hieracium. non is hinted at by Bateson in the

words "Such phenomena may perhaps says: "Unless an original sport

this is

be regarded as fulfilling the conception on the part of the individual, such a

of Strasburger and Boveri, that fer- phenomenon may be taken as indicat-
tilization may consist of two distinct ing that the germ-cells may also have
operations, the stimulus to develop- been mosaic." I must confess my fail-
ment and the union of characters in ure to comprehend just what is here
the zygote." ^^ Division of the egg meant by mosaic germ-cells. I have
without fusion of the pronuclei is a attempted to show that in all probabil-
well-known phenomenon having been itv^ the germ-cells are normally a mo-

observed in eggs treated with chloral saic of maternal and paternal chromo-
(Hertwig brothers) or ether (Wil- somes, but very evidently this is not
son) and may be supposed to occur Bateson's meaning.
under certain unusual conditions in From the standpoint of the chromo-
nature. In the experiments mentioned, some theory I would suggest a possible
however, both pronuclei continue to explanation of the conditions as fol-
divide separately, while for a cytologi- lows: Wehave already assumed that
cal explanation of the occurrence of the somatic chromosome group, hav-
"false hybrids" it is necessary to con- ing a similar number of members to
ceive not only the failure of the nu- that of the cleavage nucleus and de-
clei to copulate but the entire disap- rivedfrom it by equation divisions, is
pearance of one of them. Such a case made up in the same way of pairs of
would be comparable to that of chem- homologous chromosomes. Every so-
ically induced parthenogenesis or to matic cell, by this conception, must
the fertilization of enucleate egg-frag- contain a double basis in the field of
ments, according as the nucleus re- each character it is capable of express-
maining was maternal or paternal. Mendelian cases one of
ing. In strictly
Speculation in this connection, how- the homologues is uniformly dominant

ever, is unprofitable excepting so far throughout the parts of the organism

as it may serve as a guide to research. in which the character is exhibited. As
A careful study of the fertilization of already noted, however, it is unlikely
such cases as Millardet's strawberries, that all the descendants of a dominant
de Vries's Oenothera and Bateson's chromatin entity will be dominant.
Matthiola crosses will no doubt be This is shown by the experiment of de
productive of immediate and positive Vries with sugar beets, which are nor-
results. mally biennial but always produce a

Mosaics.— A fourth class of non- small percentage of annual plants or
Mendelian cases, the "mosiacs" or "pie- "runners," which latter are regarded
balds" constitute a group in relation to as recessives. The percentage of these
which, as I believe, only negative evi- runners may be increased by rearing
dence is to be expected from direct the plants under unfavorable condi-
cytological study. A good example of tions and this is taken as evidence that
the class is the "mosaic" fruit of Da- the recessive allelomorphs may be-
tura obtained by Bateson and Saun- come dominant under such condi-
ders, which, although in general ex- tions.^^
hibiting the thornless recessive condi- If each cell contains maternal and
tion, showed in exceptional cases a paternal potentialities in regard to each
thorny patch. Of this case Bateson character, and if dominance is not a

19 Bateson and Saunders, loc. cit., p. 154. 20 Cf. Bateson and Saunders, pp. 135, 136.
common function of one of these, group, is thrown out by the reduction-
there is nothing to show why as a division in each generation.
result of some disturbing factor one In considering the behavior of the
body of chromatin may not be called two chromosomes forming the basis of
into activity in one group of cells and any given character, it was noted that
its homologue in another. This would in some cases the heterozygote char-
produce just the sort of a mosaic which acter resulting from the combinations
Bateson and Saunders found in Dattira of dissimilar allelomorphs is sometimes
or as Tchermak's pied yellow and totally unlike either of the latter. Thus
green peas obtained by crossing the Mendel found that in crosses between
Telephone pea with yellow varieties. peas respectively 1 and 6 feet in height
Correns describes the condition as the offspring ranged from 6 to VA
poecilodyjimnous and his conception of feet. In discussing similar cases, Bate-
the causes of the phenomenon as I un- son calls attention to which
the light
derstand it is parallel with that which would be thrown on the phenomenon
I have outlined above. The logical if weventured to assume that the
possibility suggested by Bateson ^^ that bases two allelomorphs con-
of the
the recessive islands in such cases as cerned are chemical compounds; and
the mosaic pea may be due to recessive he compares the behavior of the allelo-
allelomorphs in the paired state does morphs to the reaction of sodium and
not accord with the theory of a chro- chlorine in the formation of salt. The
mosomic basis for those allelomorphs, results of chemical analysis show that
since the chromosome groups, both of one of the most characteristic features
cells showing the recessive character of chromatin is a large percentage
and of neighboring cells showing the content of highly complex and variable
dominant one, are derived, so far as we chemical compounds, the nucleo-pro-
know, by longitudinal or equation teids, and therefore if, as assumed in
division from the chromosomes of the the theory here advanced, the chromo-
same original cleavage nucleus and somes are the bases of definite heredi-
hence must be alike. tary characters, the suggestion of Bate-
The application of the theory here son becomes more than a merely in-
suggested may be put to test by an teresting comparison.
experiment in which hybrids of dis- We have seen reason in the case of
similar true-breeding parentage are the true-breeding hybrids to suspect
crossed and a third generation of that the transmission by the hybrid
"quarter-bloods" produced. Mosaics of heterozyo-ote characters may be due
occurring in such an organism, if this to permanent union of the homologous
theory be correct, would show one chromosomes. From this it is but a
character resembling that of one of the short step to the conclusion that even
maternal grandparents and one resem- if, as is normally the case, the chro-

bling that of one of the original pure- mosomes do not fuse permanently, the
breds of the paternal side. If both very fact of their association in the
characters of the mosaic should be same liquid medium may allow a pos-
clearly paternal or maternal the theory sibility of a certain degree of chemical
as outlined is proven inadequate, since interaction. This must normally be
one of each pair of chromosomes, and slight, since its effects do not appear
hence the corresponding character- to be visible in a single generation; but
the slightest of variation as a result of
21 Bateson and Saunders, p. 156. repeated new association, even though
it tend in diverse directions, must in that division must be conceived as a
time, guided by natural selection, re- true reduction. A number of observa-
sult in an appreciable difference in a tions supporting this view will be
definite direction bet\veen a chromo- brought forward in my forthcoming
some and its direct descendant and work on Brachystola.
hence between the characters asso- A^ain, if the normal course of in-
ciated with them. In this we have a heritance depends upon the accurate
sus^S^estion of a possible cause of in- chromatin-division accomplished by
dividual variation in homologous chro- mitosis, it would appear that the inter-
mosomes which we have already seen jection, into any part of the germ
reason to suspect (pp. 221 and 226). cycle, of the gross processes of amitosis
Finally, we may briefly consider could result only in a radical deviation
certain observations which seem at first from that normal course. Such an oc-
sight to preclude the general applica- currence has actually been described
bility of the conclusions here brought by Meves, McGregor and others in the
out. If it be admitted that the phe- primary spermatogonia of amphibians.
nomenon of character-reduction dis- In these cases, however, it appears that
covered by Mendel is the expression fission of the cell-body does not neces-
of chromosome-reduction, it follows sarily follow^ amitotic division of the
that forms which vary according to nucleus. I would suggest, therefore,
Mendel's law must present a reducing the possibility that the process may be
division. But the vertebrates and of no significance in inheritance, since
flowering plants— the very forms from by the disappearance of the nuclear
which most of the Mendelian results membranes in preparation for the first
have been obtained— have been re- mitotic division, the original condition
peatedly described as not exhibiting a is restored, and the chromosomes may
reducing division. Here, therefore, is enter the equatorial plate as if no
a discrepancy of which I venture to amitotic process had intervened.^^
indicate a possible explanation in the There is one observation in connec-
suggestion first made by Fick -- and tion with the accessory chromosome
more recently by Montgomery.-^ This which deserves mention in any treat-
is to the eff^ect that in synapsis as it ment of the chromosomes as agents in
occurs in vertebrates and other forms heredity. This element always divides
possessing loop-shaped chromosomes, longitudinally and hence probably
the union is side by side instead of equationally. It fails to divide in the
end-to-end as in Arthropods. In ver- first maturation mitosis, in which the

tebrates, two parallel longitudinal ordinary chromosomes are divided

splits, the forerunners of the two fol- equationally, but passes entire to one of
lowing divisions, appear in the chro- the resulting cells. In the second mat-
mosomes of the primary spermatocyte uration division, by which the reduc-
prophases. Both being longitudinal,
-^ It is of interest in connection with this
they have been described as equation
question that there occurs regularly in each
divisions, but if it shall be found pos-
of the spermatogonial generations in Brachy-
sible to trace one to the original line stola a condition of the nucleus which sug-
of union of the two spermatogonial which in reality is nothing
gests amitosis but

chromosomes side by side in synapsis, more than the enclosure of the different
chromosomes in partially separated vesicles.
" Fick, R., "Mittheilung ueber Eireifung Cf. Sutton, W. S., "The Spermatogonial
bei Amphibien," Supp. Afiat. Anz., XVI. Divisions in Brachystola Magna," Kans. Univ.
23 Montgomery, T. H., Jr., loc. cit. Quart., IX., 2.
tion of the ordinary chromosomes is the reduction division might contain
effected, the accessory divides longi- the series A, b, c, D, in which case its

tudinally.-^ sister-cell would receive the conjugate

observations in regard to the series a, B, C, d. It is plain that these
accessory chromosome lend support to conjugates, differing from each other
the hypothesis of McClung ^^ that of in every possible character, represent
the four spermatozoa arising from a the most widely different sperms the
single spermatocyte, those
primary organism can produce. Now if reduc-
two which contain this element enter tion in the sex-determining chromatin
into the formation of male offspring, also took place in this division it is
while the other two, which receive apparent that these two diametrically
only ordinary chromosomes take part opposite series would enter into in-
in the production of females. If this dividuals of different sexes; but if the
hypothesis be true, then it is plain sex-reduction is previously accom-
that in the character of sex the reduc- plished by the asymmetrical distribu-
tion occurs in the first maturation mi- tion of the accessory in the first divi-
tosis, since it is this division which sion, then both the members of each
separates capable of producing
cells conjugate pair must take part in the
only males from those capable of pro- production either of males or of
ducing only females. Thus we are con- females and thus all extremes of chro-
fronted with the probability that mosome combination are provided for
reduction in the field of one character within the limits of each sex.
occurs in one of the maturation divi-
sions and that of all the remaining
characters in the other division. The The interesting and important com-
significance of such an arrangement, munication of Guyer ^^ on "Hybrid-
though not easy of perception, is ism and the Germ-Cell" is received too
nevertheless great. As regards their late for consideration in the body of
chromosome groups, the two cells re- this paper. This investigator also has
sulting from each reduction mitosis are applied conclusions from cytological
conjugates and, therefore, opposites data to the explanation of certain phe-
from the standpoint of any individual nomena of hereditv% and his compara-
character. Thus if we consider a hypo- tive observations on the spermato-
thetical form having eight chromo- genesis of fertile and infertile hybrids
somes comprising the paternal series are an important contribution to the
A, B, C, D and the maternal series a, cytological study of the subject. The
b, c, d, one of the cells resulting from conclusions drawn are of great inter-
est but, I think, in some cases, open to
25 The chromosome .r of Frotenor, which
criticism. Inassuming that there is a
of all chromosomes in non-orthopteran forms
most closely resembles the accessory, is also "segregation of maternal and paternal
described by Alontgomery (1901) as dividing chromosomes into separate cells, which
in the reducing division, and failing to divide
may be considered 'pure' germ-cells
in the equation division —
a fact which is the
containing qualities of only one
more remarkable because in Frotenor, as in
all Hemiptera-Heteroptera thus far de- species" (p. 19), he repeats the error
scribed, reduction is accomplished in the of Cannon which has alreadv" been
first maturation division.
2^ McClung, C. E., "The Accessory Chro-
mosome — Sex Determinant?" Biol. Bull., III., 2" Guyer, M. F., "Hybridism and the
1and 2, 1902. "Notes on the Accessory Chro- Germ-Cell," Bulletin of the University of
mosome," Anat. Anz., XX., pp. 220-226. Cincinnati, No. 21, 1902.
dealt with in the early part of this division would be permanent and the
paper. No
mention is made in the effect of repetitions of the operation
paper of Mendel's law but in consider- upon the descendants of a single chro-
ing the inbred pigeon hybrids from mosome group (which he regards as
which his material was obtained, the transmitted as a whole) would be so
author expresses his familiarity with marked a depletion of chromatic sub-
manifestations of the Mendelian prin- stance as must lead soon to malfunc-
ciple by the statement that "in the tion and ultimately to sterilit)\
third generation there is generally a As already noted (p. 216) the first
return to the original colors of the of these two explanations of the causes
grandparents." In cases which seem to of variation would allow only four
resemble one grandparent in all partic- possible combinations of chromosomes
ulars it is clear that the conception of in the offspring of a single pair. But
pure germ-cells may be strictly ap- we know that except in the case of
plied, but the author was familiar with identical twins, duplicates practically
cases of inbred hybrids which plainly never appear in the offspring of a pair
show mixtures. These he is inclined to however numerous the progeny.
explain in two ways as follows: (1) Therefore, whatever the number of
"Union of two cells representing each the offspring, the variations of all ex-
of the two original species would yield cept the few provided for by the four
an offspring of the mixed type." (2) normal chromosome combinations
"Besides through the mixing just indi- must be accounted for by obviously
cated, variability may be due also in pathological division processes, which
some cases to the not infrequent in- tend strongly in the direction of steril-
equalities in the division of individual ity. But in the report of Bateson and
chromosomes, through which varying Saunders to the Evolution Committee
proportions of the chromatin of each we find the statement: "We know no
speciesmay appear in certain of the Mendelian case in which fertility is

mature germ-cells" (p. 20). impaired" (p. 148). When we reflect

The first of these explanations would that the vast majority of cases studied
accord with the result of Mendelian by these observers were Mendelian and
experiment but for the fact that it is connect this piece of evidence with
erroneously applied (and without the testimony of Cannon ^^ that the
cytological grounds) to all the char- maturation processes of variable cot-
acters or chromosomes instead of to ton-hybrids are either normal or so
individuals. As for the second passage distinctly abnormal as to entail sterilit\'
quoted, there can be little doubt that and with Guyer's own admission that
irregular division of chromosomes the abnormalities in mitosis increase
would be likely to produce marked with the degree of sterility, the bal-
variation, but as Guyer himself ob- ance is strons^ly against the efficacy of
serves, these irregiihwities increase with pathological mitoses as factors in nor-
the degree of infertility. It seems nat- mal hybrid variation.
ural to conclude, therefore, that they I take pleasure in acknowledging my
are not only pathological but perhaps indebtedness to Professor E. B. Wilson
in part the cause of the infertile condi- for invaluable counsel in the presenta-
tion. Furthermore, on the hypothesis tion of a subject offering many diffi-
of individuality
of chromosomes, culties.
which Guyer accepts, the loss of a
portion of a chromosome by irregular 28 Cannon, W. A., loc. cit.
Experimental Studies in the Physiology of Heredity


Reprinted from Reports to the Evolution Com-

mittee of the Royal Society, Reports 2, 3, and 4,

One of the first questiojjs to arise from a study of Mender s experi-

ments 071peas is whether or not the demo7istrated indepe?idence of
i?jheritance always holds true, hi the series of experimejjts described
i?i these papers Bateson a?id Pimnett show that neither the inherited

particles (which we now kfjow as genes) nor the characteristic ex-

pressions of these particles always show independence. These papers
are the first of a long and contmiiing series that show the geneticist
how to derive informatio77 about the actio?Js of the genes through
careful study of the ki?ids and proportions of the phenotype, that
is, the visible expressio?i of the gene action iji the characteristics of

the organism.
Bateson and Pimnett experienced great difficidty in the analysis of
their experimental residts. For one familiar with the work, the inter-
pretation is obvious, but it must be remejnbered that these men were
pioiieers in virgin territory. In each of their reports it will be easier
to understand just what has taken place by ignoring the conclusions
the authors draw, and investigatiiig the experimeiital residts. The
data themselves show the way to the reader, and atte?npts to follow
the authors'' lead result i?i confusion and misijiterpretation. It is not a
common occurrence to fi^id that an experiment points the way, but
the author does 7Wt follow the arrow. It does soinetimes happen,
however, ajid shoidd always be looked for by a reader. One cannot
challe?ige an authors data except through repetition of his experi-
ments, but his conclusions are always subject to the tests of analysis
a?id logic.
In the analysis of the combs cf poultry, Batesoji and Fimnett use a
termmology entirely theirown: It is not unusual to have several
symbolic systems during the early development of a field, with all
but one eventually dropped. This particular experiment, with con-
ventional syjnbols, has been used in many if not all genetics texts,
but will be ufifamiliar to almost everyone iji Bateson and Puiinetfs
language. 0?ie of the challenges in reading the original literature,
however, lies in the fact that no one but the original author is placing
an interpretatio?! on the inaterial.
The poultry paper is important in that it demonstrates the inde-
pende?7ce of particle (gejie) wheritance, although the final expression
of the two indepe7ide7it pairs of gejies depejids iipoji an interde-
pendent action. All we have learned of the mode of gene action since
the tifne of this paper indicates that this is by far the most commoii
situation, and that co777pletely i7idependc7it actio7i of a pair of genes
at a single locus is rare i7jdeed. It is perhaps imfortimate that most
people whose knowledge of ge7ietics comes fro77i high school courses
or a ge7ieral university course are exposed principally to the atypical
results of Me7idel rather tha7i to a7i a7ialysis of the mode of actio?! of
the gene.
In their original paper Bateso72 a7id Punnett included eight pages of
data 071 their experime7its. I have deleted most of these tables, and
have retained only those experiments necessary for the aiialysis
(Table 1). I have removed all notes 07i the extra toe character, which
are 7iot pertijient to our a7ialysis. I have added an extra column to
those of Bateson and Pu7mett so that the reader can test his imder-
stafiding of the experiment by filling in the mati77g as sy7nbolized by
conve7itio7ial 7nethods.
The first part of the poultry paper includes the authors^ i7Jterpre-
tatio7i of their residts. Carefid reading will show that it is almost
co77ipletely erroTieous. This was realized by the authors, and the
second part of the paper co7nes fro77i a later vohm7e of the Reports.
Here the authors correct thetjtselves, and re-evaluate their residts.
Again the sy77ibolis772 is likely to be but the Pimnett
square 07i p. 51 becomes Tnore clear if the reader imderstands that
''''no P" or '''no 7?" actually refers to the occurrence of a recessive

allele, such as "p" or "r."

Bateso7i arid Pinmetfs work 07i the sweet pea is significant for
several reasons. The paper demo7istrates first of all that heredity in
the sweet pea is C07isiderably more complicated tha7i it appeared in
Me7idePs work with a closely related species, the garden pea. It also
demonstrates that the indepe7idence of passage of the genes betweevi
ge7ieratio7iscan be lost. Again, it is necessary to i7ispect the authors^
data, a7id 720t to allow their co7iclusions to lead to confusion. The
authors appear anxious to have their residts express some general rule
through the occurrence of sig7nfica7it proportions, as was the case
with M.e72deVs experiments. Their first example, utilizing the char-
acteristics of height and growth patter?!, is typically Me7!delia7!,
with independence of the ge?ies both in their mode of tra?!smissio?!
and i?! their expression. The second example, utilizing the hooded
sta?idard a7id flower color, is similar to that of the poultry, i?! that it
shows i77terrelatio7!ships between two sets of alleles in the formatio?!

of a specific expressio?!. Their third example is the most sig7!ifica?!t

for our purposes. Their use of the term '''partial gametic coupli?ig'''
as an explanation of the situatio?! they found with pollen shape and
flower color does 7iot, of course, explai?! anything. It is a typically
human faiVmg to feel that one u?!derstands somethi7!g whe72 one has
been able to na77ie it. Bateson and Pu7!nett do not make this 7nistake,
for, although they assign names to each situation as it arises, they
ack?iowledge on page 59 that have jwt perceived any circum-
stance to which the can be attribute d^ I have noticed
that my students are often satisfied with a name and do not always
require an explajiation as well.
The clue to under sta?iding this paper lies in the data presented in
the table on page 58. These data show that both pairs of genes are
completely independent i7i themselves., aiid show results to be antici-
pated under the laws of chance. When the results are combined^
however., the data deviate so greatly from that expected in the
independent assortment of units that it is necessary to conclude that
the iiidependence has been lost. Bateson and Punnett do not satisfac-
torily explain this loss, although inf ormatio?i in the literature would
have enabled them to do so. Suttojfs 1902 paper (page 21) suggested
that there must be more than a single gene on each chro?noso?ne as
a C07isequence of the greater ?iumber of characteristics tha?i chro-
mosomes. Sutton, however, could not prove this conjecture. Bateson
and Fumiett have the data which do so, but did not recognize this
fact. The need to keep up with the current literature is a paramount
one in biology The data demonstrate most satisfactorily the exist-

efice of non-independe?it loci, which we now call ^''linked,''' and

the existence of crossing over between the loci through the excha?7ge
of chromosome parts, for their data show that the loci can be sepa-

POULTRY — is extracted recessive in F2.

The following table shows the

results obtained respecting comb char- The asterisk (*) means that the bird
acters and extra toes. The numbers had some special origin,which can be
prefixed to the experiments enable the ascertained from the breeding. R*, for
reader to trace the relationships in the instance, may mean R from DR X R,
case of all cross-bred birds. To save or R appearing in Fi (see Report 1,

space the relationships of the pure- p. 116), etc. These must

bred birds are not given. No case was be indicated, but they do not seem to
seen in which this was found to influ- affect the results.
ence the result. Slight and equivocal p.p., r.r., mean that the bird was
indications of a change of "prepo- proved to be pure pea or pure rose;
tency" due to in-breeding were men- i.r., i.p. and p.s., that it was proved to

tioned in Report 1. Fuller experience contain single.

strongly suggests that these appear- Doub. means the longitudinally split

ances were due to accidental fluctua- described later.


tions. r.p. is the rose-pea, or "walnut"

comb, whether natural (Malay) or
In u tables,
the u^
T^r> •

DR — r— are,
The same bird is given as DD in its

matings with a single, and as r.r. or

respectively, heterozygous and homo- p.p., in its matings with one of the
zygous dominants in Fo. dominants.

C bo
>. c



o bo
<u C .-; eri Q
Q Pi X

U ^

E ^

1) o

I ^


An example of a
Comb-characters S extracted pure

DRbirds, r. or p., produced in vari-

ous ways, bred with R birds (s.c.) of
various origins gave 449 D to 469 R.
DR X DR gave a total of 211 D to
83 R. These totals ^ are not very far
from the 1 D 1 R or 3 D 1 R sever-
: :

ally expected. Individually, however,

there are some wide departures from
these expectations, and it is practically
certain that in several cases there was
distinct numerical inequality of D and
R gametes, as seen in the case of Peas
and elsewhere. On the other hand
there is no indication that individ- DR
uals themselves are capable of sub-
division into classes, and all the figures
available point to a monomorphic dis-
tribution of the aberrant individuals
round the mean case of equality in
output of D and R. There is also dis-
tinct evidence that the proportional
output of D and R may change at
different times in the life of the same
individual. There no clear
is, as yet,
which a DR $
case, unfortunately, in
giving an aberrant number with one
s.c. 9 was simultaneously bred with
another s.c. 9 . It is practically certain,
nevertheless, that the irregularity did
not, in any way, depend on the reces-
sives, for the same bird often gave
regular numbers with 1 DR and aber-
rant numbers with another. In these
comments it is assumed that no gametic
selection occurs.
"Extraction" had no influence on
the proportions, as may be seen from
the table.

An example of a
$ extracted pure
dominant (rose)
occurs in Experiment 103 and 157
types of comb, viz., s.s. singles, r.s. of 1903 with various s.c. birds (Ex-
roses, p.s. peas,and finally r.p. combs, periments 163-170, 174, 176, 176a-b),
the latter being a type not before seen and gave—
in the course of the work.^ It is char-
comb that it is wide
acteristic of their r.p. r. p. s.

though much less papillose

like a rose, 139 142 112 141 + 2 doubtful.
and with no posterior point or "pike"; Simple
expectation 133 133 133 133
but the most singular feature of it is
the presence of small bristles or iiiiinite
Four "artificial" r.p. $ 's with simi-
feathers on the posterior third. Often
lar 5's gave (Experiments 162, 172
these feathers form a narrow band
and 173, 175)-
crossing the comb from side to side in
front of the posterior third. Sometimes,
however, there is no definite band, but r.p. r. p. s.

the feathers are either generally dis- 95 26 38 16

tributed over the back or on the pos- Simple expectation! 99 33 33 11
terior sides comb. No such
of the
bristles or feathers ever occur on We have, therefore, in the first case
singles, roses, or peas. Their existence a fairapproach to equality, and in the
raises a morphological problem of second, figures not very far removed
some interest, but this cannot be from 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 . It is, therefore, clear
treated as yet. In front of the feathered that the artificial r.p. birds were giving
part of the comb is often a well- off approximately equal numbers of
marked transverse groove. On ap- gametes, r.p., r., p., s. The individual
proaching maturity the part anterior results show some irregularities, espe-
to the groove generally widens out cially 176b, which gave 10, 17, 7, 8,
(especially in males) and becomes cor- but the average result unmistakable.
rugated, the posterior part remaining These facts show two points of in-
narrow and flat. terest, first, some gametes are
This peculiar comb is the structure bearing r.p. unsegregated; secondly,
known as the "walnut" comb, proper that s. is evidently present though it is
to Malays and to no other breed of presumed that in the parental gametes
fowls. As stated, it was here first of the r.s. and p.s. birds the s. elements
formed indirectly by crossing r.s. X had been eliminated by segregation.
p.s.and it has since been made directly At first sight it seemed that the pres-
by breeding both pure r. and extracted ence of s. indicated a failure of segre-
F2 r.r. with pure p. Sometimes it is gation. Further experiment, however,
distinctly larger than in pure Malays, has shown that r.p. birds raised from
but the walnut comb is often
artificial pure r. and pure p. birds are in exactly
indistinguishable from the pure Malay the same condition as those raised from
type. r.s. X P-s. This latter observation,
The results from the "artificial" wal- which will be described with the work
nut combs were as follows. Three such of 1904, proves that s. gametes may in
r.p. 's were bred through the season
some way be formed by resolution of
the product of the cross r. X p-
3 The features of the 3 forms of dominant The next step was to investigate the
were not satisfactorily distinguished in the
properties of the true Malay walnut,
earlier chicks from Experiment 124. They
arc therefore given collectively as 68 r., r.p.,
or natural r.p. comb, and especially to
p. and 24 s. determine whether it could be re-
solved into r. and p. Mr. Edgar Bran- r.p., 1 r., 1 p.,1 s. The r. was irregular,

ford, of Woodbridge, who has a long and the s. was very low. In the light
experience of the breed, was kind of later experience, it is perhaps pos-
enough to give much help in this mat- sible that both were wrongly classi-

ter, and further assistance was also fied. Both were dead in the shell, and
received from Mr. Wootten, a breeder at that date the distinctions were not
of White Malays. It appears that familiar to us.
Malays bred inter se sometimes pro- In these results there are still certain
duce true peas as well as the normal points obscure. The "artificial" r.p.

walnut. Occasionally in certain strains birds are giving off the four types of
peas come often, but generally speak- gamete. Therefore there must be five
ing thev are uncommon. Whether types of r.p. comb possible, namely r.
pure Malays ever throw actual roses or X p., r.p. X r-p-, r.p. X r., r.p. X p-,
singles is not quite certain, but if they r.p. X but owing to the fact stated

do, these occurrences must be exces- above, that s. may be created afresh by
sively rare. at least one of the combinations into
pure black-red Malay $ and two which it does not directly enter, the
pulletswere obtained from Mr. Bran- subsequent analysis becomes very
ford. The had been used by him in
$, complex.
1902 with pure hens, and certainly A further difficulty is suggested by
then gave no rose or single, though the behavior of the natural r.p.
possibly occasional peas. Though the $ r.p. with s. 9 's gave
The Malay $ was bred with 5 s.c. the four forms in equal numbers, it is
hens of various origins and gave (Ex- practically certain that in Malay breed-
periments 188-191) — ing, if r.c. and s.c are ever seen, they
are excessive rarities; whereas if there
r.p. r. s. were gametic equality on both sides,
22 21 20 20 3 in 16 should be r.c, and 1 in 16
should be s.c. For some time the con-
clusion seemed irresistible that the ap-
the equality types of
of the four
pearance of these forms on crossing
gamete being evident. The Malay hens
with s. must be due to some imperfec-
are notoriously bad layers and only
tion of fertilisation, leading to a partial
gave small totals. Each was bred with
monolepsis and this account was pro-
a s.c. cock and the result was
visionally adopted. At that time the
diflFerence between reciprocal crosses
• r-P- P- was not fully appreciated; but after a
14 13, no true r.c. or s.c.
critical study of their material it is

more likely that the true explanation

Of the pea-combs, 3 were of the lies in a difference of constitution be-
high, intermediate type, inclining to tween the $ 's and 9 's.

s.c, but none was a true s.c. Of the It is 's with wal-
possible that only $
r.p. group, 1 on hatching was regarded nut combs produce all four kinds of
as an irregular rose, but it developed gamete, r.p., r., p., s., other males giv-
into a fairly ordinary type of walnut ing only r.p., or r.p. and p., or r.p. and
comb, though having two rather prom- r.; while r.p. 9 's give either r.p. and p.,

inent knobs behind. or r.p. only. If this conclusion is sub-

In Experiment 171 a Malay 9 is re- stantiated, it will be possible to give a
corded as giving X artificial r.p. $ , 3 complete account of this curious case.


POULTRY R.). Consequently the zygote formed
by the union of r. and p. has the con-
Comb- characters
stitution R. no P. : P. no R., and the
Relatioji of Rose-comb to Fea-co7nb appearance of the walnut form must
In the preceding Report we showed be regarded as due to the presence in
that, judged by the criterion of the zygote of the 2 unit characters R.
gametic output, 4 kinds of r.p. birds and P. which belong to distinct allelo-
exist, viz., r. X p-, r.p. X r.p., r.p. X r., morphic pairs. From such a zygote 4
and r.p. X p- Birds of the constitution sorts of gametes must be produced in
r. X p- gave, on mating with single equal numbers, viz., R.P., R. no P.,
comb, equal numbers of the 4 types P. no R., and no R. ?J0 P. Since the
r.p., r., p., and s. Birds of the consti- single on this view must be homo-
tution r.p. r. and r.p. p. gave when zygous and producing gametes of the
crossed with s. equal numbers of r.p. constitution no R. no P., it follows that
and r., and of r.p. and p. respectively, an r.p. bird such as we are considering
whilst a pure r.p. bird gave only r.p. will, when mated with a single, give
when similarly crossed. suggested We rise to 4 zygotic types in equal num-
that a fifth type of r.p. bird was con- bers. Constitutionally these will be ( 1

ceivable, i.e., one giving off equality R. no R. no P., (2) R. no R. no P.

: P. :

of r.p. and s. gametes. In order to test no P., (3) P. no P. : no R. no R., and

this possibility a pure r.p. 9 was mated (4) no R. no R. : no P. no P., and visi-
with a single comb $ (Experiment bly such birds will be r.p., r., p., and
268). Three $s. resulting from this s. respectively. Again, when mated to-

cross were in the following year mated gether, 2 such r.p. birds will produce
with their father (Experiments 342 r.p., r., p., and s. birds in the ratio

and 343). From these matings all the 9:3:3:1. The constitution of such
4 types of comb resulted. In other birds is set forth in the accompanying
words, the gametic output of birds table (p. 13), which shows that the r.p.
produced by the union of r.p. with s. birds may be of 4 sorts, viz. ( 1 ) homo-
cannot be distinguished from that of zygous for both R. and P.; (2) homo-
birds produced by mating r. with p. zygous for R. and heterozygous for
Judged, therefore, by gametic output, P.; (3) homozygous for P. and hetero-
only 4 types of comb are known to z\'gous for R.; and (4) heterozygous
exist. for both R. and P. The relative pro-
Since the publication of the last Re- portions of birds belonging to the 4
port we have been led to alter our classes (1), (2), (3), and (4) will be
views as to the nature of the r.p. comb, 1 2
: 2 :4. As the table shows, one of

and have recently pointed out ^ that the 3 roses and one of the peas will be
the case may be looked upon as one of homozygous.
simple dihybridism. On this view the We have already pointed out - that
allelomorphic pairs are ( ) Rose and 1
the.proportion of the different combs
no-rose; (2) Pea and no-pea— the first in the various matings affords no cri-
member of the pair being in either terion for judging between this view
case dominant to the second. The and the one previously suggested. The
rose-comb is, therefore, in constitu- new view, however, explains the iden-
tion Rose +
no-pea {R. no P.) and tity of the combs produced by the
the pea-comb Pea -\- no-rose (P. no crossing of r. with p. and of r.p. with

1 Proc. Comb. Phil. Soc, 13, p. 167. 2 Loc. cit.


to 307, 309, 311 to 313, 315, 317 to 320, 1904) was originally mated with 3

323 to 327, 329, 331 to 332, 334, 342 to single combed 9 s. to test the nature
343, 345 to 348, 359, 361 to 365, 373 to of his comb. Later on a black Andalu-
374, 382, 386.) sian 9 and 2 Wh. L. 9 s. were intro-
Of the 1,251 birds produced in the duced. Theturned out to be giving
above experiments 373 were r.p., 425 off all 4 kinds of gametes, giving with
pea, 413 rose, and 440 single, expecta- the 3 original 9 s. and the black An-
tion in each case being 413. There is dalusian 18 s., 26 r., 26 p., and 25 r.p.
a marked deficiency of r.p. and a dis- With the 2 White Leghorn hens, how-
tinct excess of singles. These disturb- ever, he gave an extraordinary defi-
ances in the expected ratio of equality ciency of r. and r.p., the numbers
we are inclined to attribute to the being 17 s., 2 r., 17 p., and 3 r.p.
behaviour of the 4 5 s. used in Experi- In the case of each of these 4 birds
ments 306, 347 to 349, and 373 to 374- the numbers are so aberrant that we
cases which must be considered in can for the present hardly avoid re-
rather more detail. garding them as due to some disturb-
The $ s. Experiments 306 and
in ing circumstances. The number of
349 gave only 10 r.p. birds out of a chickens involved is 309, viz., 107 s.,

total of 93, i.e., only half the number 75 r., 86 p., and 41 r.p. Subtracting
expected, although the total number these numbers from the sum totals
of chicks hatched was fairly large. given above, we are left with 333 s.,
These cases were not followed up, but 338 r., 329 p., and 332 r.p., which is
when the same phenomenon reap- a very close approach to the expected
peared in Experiment 373, the $ bird ratio of equality.
was mated also to 4 pure Br. L. 9 s.
(Experiment 374). Again, there was a Rose Pea-combs Mated Together.
marked deficiency of r.p. chicks, Zygote R. ?w P. P. no R. zygote X
pointing to something unusual hap- R. no P. P. no R. In the last Report (p.
pening among the gametes of this $ . 110) were mentioned four experiments
The bird has been kept in order that of this nature in which the figures ob-
further experiments may be made next tained were not far removed from the
year. expected ratio of 9 3 3 1. : : :

Experiments 347 to 348 seem to Further experiments of the result of

point to a disturbance of a somewhat this type of mating were made in 1904,
different nature. The $ (No. 144 of and are set out in the table below:

The result discloses a distinct excess singles and 8 peas. In Experiment 228
of singles and peas, together with a an extracted p.c. S was bred with 3
deficiency of r.p.s. Examination of the extracted p.c. 9 s., and gave 20 singles
table shows that whilst the result in to 34 peas, the expectation being 13*5 :

certain cases (e.g., Experiments 201, 40*5. Such an aberration from the ex-
205, 216, 245) fits closely with ex- pected ratio may easily be the result
pectation, it is in other cases far re- of chance, though it is possible that
moved from it. Thus in Experiment it may be due to the prevalence of

204 we should have expected not more intermediate pea-combs.

than 2 singles, whereas the actual num- Intennediate Pea-combs.— In certain
ber is 10. Yet the subsequent Experi- families where the pea-comb was con-
ments 212 and 300 prove that the 9 cerned, heterozygote (p.s.) birds oc-
was then giving off all four sorts of curred with some frequency showing
gamete in equal numbers, whilst Ex- so little of the pea character that as
periments 208 and 303 show that the young chicks they could easily be
same was also true of the It is con- c? . taken for singles. The median ridge is
ceivable, of course, that the numbers very high, approaching the single
in Experiment 204 be the result of may comb, whilst the lateral ridges are
chance, but, having regard to the fact much reduced. Such a comb requires
that wherever any serious disturbance very close scrutiny in the newly
of the ratio 9 3 3 1 occurs it is
: : : hatched chick to distinguish it from a
generally accompanied by both excess single. In one case such a bird, re-
of singles and deficiency of r.p.s., we corded as a single when a chick,
are more inclined to attribute such evenutally grew up with one of these
aberrations to the presence of some intermediate pea-combs. Experiments
disturbing circumstance hitherto un- with reference to the nature of this
determined. comb are still in progress, and until
they are complete we propose to defer
''Extractecf Combs jrom Mating our detailed account. We
have alluded
r.p. X ^-P- to the case here because it may have
Singles "extracted" from the cross some bearing on the excess of singles
r.p. X r.p- were mated together in Ex- in Experiments 231 and 357. At the
periments 209, 210. 247, "and 248. Of time of that experiment we had not
the 144 chicks resulting, all were fully grasped the distinction between
single. the intermediate pea and the single
Seven extracted roses were tested, comb, and it may very well be that
with the result that one turned out to some of the combs then recorded in
be homozygous (Experiment 273) and certain families as single were in reality
the rest heterozygous (Experiments of the intermediate type.
246, 263 to 266, and 274). With single
combed S s. produced
these 6 birds The Malay Comb
176 chicks, of which 92 were single In the last Report (p. Ill) we drew
and 84 rose. Extraction has clearly attention to the paradox that real rose
no influence upon the behaviour of and single combs are not known to
rose and single combs. occur among Malays when bred pure,
An extracted $ pea-combed bird and we suggested as a possible explana-
produced (in Experiment 230) 2 tion that the $ s. only are capable of
singles and 3 peas with a Br. L. 9 In . producing all four forms of gamete.
Experiment 231 an extracted pea- In a subsequent note (p. 112) we al-
combed 9 gave, with an s.c. S , 5 luded to a 9 Malay which was re-
corded to have given (with a single ilarly, the erect or branching Cupid
combed $) 2 s.c 1 r., 1 p. and 1 r.p.
is more stunted in its length than the

This 9 was again tested in 1905 (Ex- ordinary or non-branching Cupids.

periment 334) and gave with a Br. L. The allelomorphs concerned are evi-
$ 7 s., 2 r., 2 p., and 3 r.p. There is, dently:—
therefore, no doubt that 9 Malays as
well as 6 s. can give off all four kinds Dominant Recessive
of gamete. Unfortunately we were un- 1. Tallness (T) Dwarf ness (t)
able to procure a $ Malay of this 2. Prostrate: Erect: branch-
nature in 1905, and the absence of non-branching ing (p)
roses and singles in pure Malays must, (P)
for the present, remain unexplained.

SWEET PEAS The ordinary tall is TTPP, the

Bush X Cupid Cross prostrate Cupid is ttPP, and the Bush
Pea, a form not
isTTpp. When Bush is crossed with
The Bush Sweet
Cupid the two complementarv^ factors,
previously used in these experiments,
has a conformation. After
T and P, necessary to the production
of the full height, meet each other and
reaching a height of about 8 inches it
the "reversion on crossing" occurs.
branches profusely from its lower
In Fo, besides the three forms al-
nodes. Of the stems thus formed about
10—15 grow on, eventually reaching a
ready mentioned with which we were
familiar, there appears also, in conse-
height of some 3 Vz feet. The produc-
quence of the recombination of the
tion of branches continues, but those
factors, a new type— the erect dwarf
formed later remain short and slender.
(ttpp). These little plants have a very
In an ordinary tall Sweet Pea only
singular appearance, being extremely
about four or five stems attain any
short and erect, somewhat resembling
considerable extension (without spe-
cial treatment). The stems of the Bush
The numbers in the Fo generation
are thin and rather wiry, especially at
from six Fi plants were:
the base, and the plants, till they reach
a height of about 1 8 inches, can almost
maintain themselves erect without
sticks. By that time the stems are mu-
tually entangled their tendrils, and
the compact bush-like form is very
pronounced, entirely distinguishing
them from any other sort of Sweet
In both the ordinary tall plants and
the ordinary Cupids there appears to
be some factor which restrains the
production of branches, and thus en-
ables the plant to attain a greater
length. The non-branching tall plant
attains a height 2 or 3 feet greater
than that of the Bush, which must be
regarded as a branching "tall." Sim-

Table I

Fig.1. Diagrammatic representation of the three coloured types which occur in F2

from Blanche Burpee (hood white) X E. Henderson (erect white), giving F^ purple
erect. I. Painted Lady; II. Purple Invincible; III. Duke of Westminster.

The erect type of standard is dominant (some being whites, others P. L., ac-
to the hooded type. cording to the factorial composition of
The original cross with which we the parents), and it is from such plants
started was made 1904 between the
in and their offspring that the data put
two whites, Blanche Burpee ( long pol- together in Table II were obtained.
len,hooded) and Emily Henderson From the four Fi plants 773 plants
(round pollen, erect standard). The were raised in Fo, with the following
majority of the Fi plants were P. I. results:

Erect purples Hooded purples Erect reds Whites (erect

and hooded)
232 83 112 346
^ '

315 [326] [109] [338]

427 [435J

As was to be expected, the purples and the coloured are to the whites as
are three times as numerous as the reds. 9:7. From the F^ generation families


were raised in F.^ and F4, as is recorded is devoid of the blue factor. Conse-
inTable II. The striking feature about quently, for these two pairs of factors,
this series of experiments is that among only two of the four conceivable
the coloured flowers hoods are only classes gamete exist, viz., blue
found on the purples. Among some hooded gametes, and non-blue erect
thousands of plants, not a single gametes. The spurious allelomorphism
hooded red has appeared. Neverthe- (see p. 4), which we must assume to
less, the existence of hooded red t>'pes exist between blue and hood on the
is well known in Sweet Peas. We are one hand, and between non-blue and
therefore led to suppose that we are erectness on the other, does not allow
dealing with a strain in which the fac- of the formation of purple erect, or
tor for erect standard is alternative in of red hooded gametes. If this assump-
the gametes to the factor for blue: and, tion is correct, there should follow
conversely, that every gamete which certain consequences which may be
carries the factor for the erect standard tested by the data given in Table II.

1. Every hooded purple must be homo- In Experiments 48-53, six hooded purples,
zygous for the blue factor. although from families in which reds occur,
bred true to purple (except in so far as
whites might appear)
2. Every red must be homozygous for the In Experiments 54-59, six reds were bred
erect standard. from, and proved to be all homozygous for
the erect standard.
Every erect purple must be hetero-
3. The erect purples, whose offspring are
zygous for both the erect standard and for recorded Experiments 1-47, all gave
blueness, and must therefore give hooded hooded purples and erect reds. Of their 3707
purples, erect purples, and reds, in the ratio coloured offspring, 902 were hooded purples,
1:2:1. 939 were erect reds, and 1920 were erect
4. Every hooded white must be homo- In the only two cases in which the cross
zygous for the blue factor. between a hooded white and a red has suc-
ceeded, the coloured offspring have been
purple. Wehope to obtain further results in
the present year.
5. Since every hooded plant is homozygous So far only two round hooded purples and
for purple, and since long pollen is partially one round hooded white have been met with
coupled with the blue factor, it follows that in families heterozygous for hood and purple
round pollen should be much rarer among (Experiments 1-47). With this point we shall
the hooded than among the erect purples. deal later, in connection with partial coupling
(see p. 13).

The phenomenon of association of hooded forms exist. Experiments with

hood with purple was also witnessed in these types are in progress, but have
the F2 families resulting from the not yet been carried far enough to give
Bush X Cupid cross, with which we positive results.
have already dealt in another connec-
tion (p. 2). Here, again, the hood oc- Partial Gametic CoiipVmg
curred in Fo, and only on the purples. A. Betiveeji Pollen a?id Colour.— In
The numbers— 48 hooded purples, 89 our last Report, we show ed that the
erect purples, and 47 erect reds— are distribution of pollen characters, long
very close to the expected ratio, 1 : grains and round grains, was affected
2 : 1. by that of the colour characters, ac-
As stated above, in other strains red cording to a definite system, and we
pointed out that the experimental re- of the pollen fits in with this scheme,
sults were explicable on the assump- as the following numbers show:
tion that in plants, heterozygous for
colour and pollen, the gametes were
produced in a series of 16, viz., 7 pur-
ple long, 1 purple round, 1 red long,
and 7 red round. Purple is associated
with long pollen and red with round,
but in neither case is the coupling
In the four Fi families from the cross
Blanche Burpee X Emily Henderson
(Table II, Exps. 1—4), the distribution

From one of these Fo families (No.

2), ten erect purples were chosen and
6), we obtained a much more definite adding together the results of these
result. From it eight families, hetero- nine families, we obtain the following
zygous in colour and pollen, were numbers:
raised (Table II, Nos. 20-27). On
hooded whites are homozygous for 15:1, and that in others it follows the
purple, on our '^new we should look system 7:1. There are also families
for one with round pollen out of 64. which cannot confidently be referred
Actually, one white hooded plant with to either class. Since the F2 derived
round pollen occurred among the 18 from Bl. Burpee by E.H. round fol-
F2 families, where the hood was re- lowed the 7:1 system, the hetero-
corded (Nos. 1 and 4). Where ex- zygosis between erectness and hood
pectation demands 1 in 64, experiment cannot be regarded as the direct cause
gave 2 hooded rounds in 101. of the 15:1 distribution. The families
however, the coupling is on the
If, showing that distribution came in F3
15 : 1 115 basis, the proportion of
: : and later generations from this cross,
rounds among the hooded purples and and the 15:1 system seems, therefore,
whites should be only 1 in 32- -f- 4, i.e., to have been brought into operation
1 in 256. In No. 6 and its descendants, by the omission of something which
Nos. 20-27, only one of the 209 hooded may be supposed to be carried on in
purples had round pollen. those collateral families which follow
These complicated facts may be the 7:system. Scrutiny of the various

summarised thus: From an examina- groups however, failed to discover

tion of the families where the hooded any consistent difference between
standard occurs, it is quite clear that those of the 7: 1 type and those of the
in some of them the coupling of blue 15:1 type. In the case of the Bush X
factor with long pollen is definitely Cupid cross the 15:1 system appeared
distributed according to the system at once in F^.

Mendelian Proportions in a Mixed Population


Reprinted by publisher's permission from Sci-

ence, vol. 28, 1908, pp. 49-50.

This short paper has more of the air of a kindly old professor
gently reprijnanding an irrepressible stude?it inclined to go off half-
cocked tha?i that of a major contribution to genetic thought. Hardy
had noted the tendency of Ji07i-mathematically inclined biologists to
make assumptions a?id draw cojiclusions based upo?i erroneous in-
terpretatiojis of the statistics i?i McfidePs work, a?id wrote this letter

to the editor of Science to correct these errors. The cojisequences of

the paper have been quite far-reaching, however, for it gave rise to
the field of population genetics, which fonm o7ie of the primary

bases for the co?itribution of genetics to evolutionary thought.
Hardy, as a mathej/iaticiaji, did not differentiate between the individ-
ual and the genes that individual carries, so he based his calculatioris
of frequency on the nmnbers of honiozygotes and heterozygotes in
the popidation. Because of the redistribution of genes between iji-
dividuals, his first generation, which was made up entirely of ''''pure'"
individuals, differs i?j proportio?7S fro?n his second ge?ieratiojj, which
ijic hidesheterozygotes. Geneticists soo?i recogjiized that the cojj-
stancy and stability Hardy observed after his second gejieration ex-
isted equally m
the transitioji from first to seco7id, if one compares
the total number of "^" afid 'V genes in the population, rather than
the innnbers of different kinds of individuals. A direct co7isequence
of this awareness is the ^^gene-pooV^ concept, which is cojicerned
primarily with the total number of genes and their proportions in a
population, and not with the appearance of the individuals carrying
those genes. From the viewpoint that the number of genes in a gene
pool tends to remain stable and unchanging comes the concept of
evolution defined as any situatioii which tends to change the propor-
tional distribution of genes in a gene pool. Hardy perceived several
of the factors that coidd affect the 'proportional distribution, and
pointed them out in his cojicluding paragraph. He jnissed one of the
prijnary forces, however, i?i that the fruit of Darwiji's thought,
fiatural selectioji, is 07mtted.
The concept of stability of gene proportions in a populatio7i has
come to be kfiown as the ^''Hardy-Weifjberg Law,^'' as a conseqitence
of another of those dramatic coincidences that were pointed out
earlier,for Wei?jberg (Uber den Nachweis des Verebung beim
Menschen, 1908) pointed out the same facts at much the same time
as didHardy. This law still forins the core about which the field of
population genetics revolves today.

To THE Editor of Science: i am tors, to get three brachydactylous per-

reluctant to intrude in a discussion con- sons to one normal."
cerning matters of wiiich I have no It is not difficult to prove, however,
expert knowledge, and I should have that such an expectation would be
expected the very simple point which quite groundless. Suppose that Aa is
I wish to make to have been familiar to a pair of Mendelian characters, A
biologists. However, some remarks of being dominant, and that in any given
Mr. Udny Yule, to which Mr. R. C. generation the numbers of pure domi-
Punnett has called my attention, sug- nants (AA), heterozygotes (Aa), and
gest that it may still be worth making, pure recessives (aa) are as p:2q:r.
In the Proceedings of the Royal So- Finally, suppose that the numbers are
ciety of Medicine (Vol. I., p. 165) Mr. fairly large, so that the mating may be
Yule is reported to have suggested, as regarded as random, that the sexes are
a criticism of the Mendelian position, evenly distributed among the three
that if brachydactyly is dominant "in varieties, and that all are equally fertile,
the course of time one would expect, A little mathematics of the multiplica-
in the absence of counteracting fac- tion-table type is enough to show that
in the next generation the numbers will which will, of course, occur in every
be as generation. Such a distribution as
pi:2<7i:ri, which satisfies the condi-
(p + qy:2(p + q)(q + r):(q + r)^,
tion qi^ = piTi, we may call a stable
or as pi'.Iqi :ri, say. distribution. In actual fact we shall
The interesting question is— in what obtain in the second generation not
circumstances will this distribution be pi:2qi:ri, but a slightly different dis-
the same as that in the generation be- tribution pi:2qi:ri, which is not
fore? It is easy to see that the condition "stable." This should, according to
for this is q^ = pr. And since ^i^ = theory, give us in the third generation
piTi, whatever the values of p, q and r a "stable" distribution p2-2q2'-r2, also
may be, the distribution will in any differing slightly from pi:2qi:ri; and
case continue unchanged after the so on. The sense in which the distribu-
second generation. tion pi:2qi:ri is "stable" is this, that if
Suppose, to take a definite instance, we allow for the effect of casual de-
that A is brachydactyly, and that we viations in any subsequent generation,
start from a population of pure brachy- we should, according to theory, obtain
dactylous and pure normal persons, at the next generation a new "stable"
say in the ratio of 1:10,000. Then distribution differing but slightly from
p = 1, ^ = 0, r = 10,000 and pi = 1, the original distribution.
qi = 10,000, n = 100,000,000. If I have, of course, considered only
brachydactyly is dominant, the pro- the very simplest hypotheses possible.
portion of brachydactylous persons in Hypotheses other than that of purely
the second generation is 20,001:100,- random mating will give different re-
020,001, or practically 2:10,000, twice sults, if, as appears to
and, of course,
that in the first generation; and this be the case sometimes, the character
proportion will afterwards have no is not independent of that of sex, or

tendency whatever to increase. If, on has an influence on fertility, the whole

the other hand, brachydactyly were question may be greatly complicated.
recessive, the proportion in the second But such complications seem to be
generation would be 1 100,020,001, or : irrelevant to the simple issue raised
practically 1:100,000,000, and this by Mr. Yule's remarks.
proportion would afterwards have no P.S. understand from Mr. Pun-

tendency to decrease. nett that he has submitted the sub-

In a word, there is not the slightest stance of what I have said above to
foundation for the idea that a domi- Mr. Yule, and that the latter would
nant character should show a tendency accept it as a satisfactory answer to
to spread over a whole population, or the difficulty that he raised. The "sta-
that a recessive should tend to die out. bility" of the particular ratio 1:2:1 is

I ought perhaps to add a few words recognized by Professor Karl Pearson

on the effect of the small devia- \Phil. Trans' Roy. Soc. (A), vol. 203,
tions from the theoretical proportions p. 60].
Sex Limited Inheritance in Drosophila


Reprinted by publisher's permission from Sci-

ence, vol. 32, 1910, pp. 120-122.

Perhaps no other organism has contributed quite so much to man's

kfiowledge of genetics as has the common fruit fly, Drosophila
melanogaster. T. H. Morgafi recognized the virtues of this animal
as a subject of genetic experiments at an early date, and began to
breed pure cultures shortly after the turn of the cefitury. After a
short period one of the most momentous occassions in the history
of genetics took place. A white-eyed male appeared in a pure culture,
and the study of genetic variation and its causes begafi. Morgarfs
paper discusses the experimental results of breeding tests usi?ig this
male and his offspring.
Again the specter of terminology causes difficulties. What Morgan
refers to as ''sex limited'''' is fiozu known as sex linked. The term sex
limited is now restricted to characteristics that occur only in a single
sex. Morgan also discusses the occurrence of a ''sex factor X" and, as
in Bateson and Punnett, refers to the characteristic as be'mg "X" or
"710 X." Other authors at much the same time had de?nonstrated that
sex i?i the fruit fly was a consequence of imequal distributiofi of
chromosomes, and Morgan actually demo?istrates the prese?ice of
genes on the sex chromosome. At no time does he say this in his
paper, however.
Two very i?nportant cofitributions are made in this paper. First
is the discovery of a striking variant which breeds true in successive

gejierations. Second is the possibility of assignment of a specific gene

locus to a specific chromosome. An enormous and fertile field of
opeiied up as a result, as we shall see i?i subseque?it

In a pedigree culture of Drosoph- red-eyed sisters, produced 1,237 red-

ila which had been running for nearly eyed offspring, (Fi), and 3 white-eyed
a year through a considerable number males. The occurrence of these three
of generations, a male appeared with white-eyed males (Fi) (due evidently
white eyes. The normal flies have to further sporting) will, in the pres-
brilliant red eyes. ent communication, be ignored.
The white-eyed male, bred to his The Fi hybrids, inbred, produced:
2,459 red-eyed females, WX-W(male)
1,011 red-eyed males, RX-RX (female)
782 white-eyed males. RWXX (50%) RWX(50%)
Red female Red male
No white-eyed females appeared.
The new character showed itself
When these Fi individuals are
mated, the following table shows the
therefore to be sex limited in the sense
expected combinations that result:
that it was transmitted only to the
grandsons. But that the character is not
incompatible with femaleness is shown
by the following experiment.
The white-eyed male (mutant) was
later crossed with some of his daugh-
ters (Fi), and produced:

129 red-eyed females,

132 red-eyed males,
88 white-eyed females,
86 white-eyed males.

The results show that the new char-

acter, white eves, can be carried over
to the females by a suitable cross, and
is in consequence in this sense not
limited to one sex. It will be noted that
the four classes of individuals occur
in approximately equal numbers (25
per cent.).
An Hypothesis to Account for the
Results.— The results just described can
be accounted for by the following
hypothesis. Assume that all of the
spermatozoa of the white-eyed male
carrv the "factor" for white eyes
"W"; that half of the spermatozoa
carrv a sex factor "X," the other half
lack it, e., the male is heterozvgous

for sex. Thus the symbol for the male

is "WWX," and for his two kinds of

spermatozoa WX—
Assume all of the eggs of the
red-eyed female carry the red-eyed
"factor" R; and that all of the eggs
(after reduction) carrv one X each,
the svmbol for the red-eved female
will be therefore RRXX and that for
her eggs will be RX— RX.
When the white-eyed male (sport)
is crossed with his red-eyed sisters, the

following combinations result:


All of the offspring should be white, to a wild, red-eyed male, /. e., to an
and male and female in equal numbers; individual of an unrelated stock. The
this in fact is the case. anticipation was that wild males and
Second Verification. — As stated, females alike carry the factor for red
there should be two classes of females eyes, but the experiments showed that
in the Fo generation, namely, RRXX all wild males are heterozyCTous for red

and RWXX. This can be tested bv eyes, and that all the wild females are
pairing individual females with white homozygous. Thus when the white-
males. In the one instance (RRXX) all eyed female is crossed with a wild red-
the offspring should be red— eyed male, all of the female offspring
are red-eyed, and all of the male off-
RX-RX (female) spring white-eyed. The
results can be
WX-W(male) accounted for on the assumption that
RWXX - RWX the wild male is RWX. Thus:

and in the other instance (RWXX) RX-W (red male)

there should be four classes of individ- WX - WX (white female)
uals in equal numbers, thus: RWXX (50%) -WWX (50%)
RX-WX (female) The converse cross between a
WX-W(male) white-eyed male RWX
and a wild,
RWXX—WWXX - RWX—WWX red-eyed female shows that the wild
female is homozygous both for X and
Tests of the Fo red females show^ in for red eyes. Thus:
fact that these two classes exist.
Third Verification.— T\\t red Fi fe- WX-W (white male)
males should all be RWXX, and should RX-RX (red female)
give with any white male the four RWXX (
- RWX 50%
50% ) (

combinations last described. Such in

fact is found to be the case. The results give, in fact, only red
Fojirth Verification.— The Fi red males and females in equal numbers.
males (RWX) should also be hetero-
zygous. Crossed with white females
(WWXX) all the female offspring The most important consideration
should be red-eyed, and all the male from these results is that in every point

offspring white-eyed, thus: they furnish the converse evidence

from that given by Abraxas as worked
RX-W (red male) out by Punnett and Raynor. The two
WX - WX (white female) cases supplement each other in every
RWXX - WWX way, and it is significant to note in this
connection that in nature only females
Here again the anticipation was of the sport Abraxas lacticolor occur,
verified, forof the females w'ere
all while in Drosophila I have obtained
red-eyed and all of the males were only the male sport. Significant, too,
white-eyed. is the fact that analysis of the result
show^s that the wild female Abraxas
CROSSING THENEW TYPE WITH grossulariatais heterozygous for color
WILD MALES AND FEMALES and sex, while in Drosophila it is the
A most surprising fact appeared male that is heterozygous for these
when a white-eyed female was paired two characters.
Since the wild males (RWX) are heterozygous female (Fi)) can there-
heterozygous fcr red eyes, and the fore be expressed as follows:
female (RXRX) homozygous, it seems OX -O (white male)
probable that the sport arose from a RX- OX (Fi female)
change in a single egg of such a sort RXOX— RXO - OOXX— OOX
that instead of being RX (after reduc- Red Red White White
tion) the red factor dropped out, so female male female male
that RX became WX or simply OX. It now becomesevident why we found
If this view is correct it follows that it necessary to assume a coupling of
the mutation took place in the egg of R and X in one of the spermatozoa of
a female from which a male was pro- the red-eyed Fi hybrid (RXO). The
duced by combination with the sperm fact is that this R and X are combined,
carrying no X, no R (or W in our and have never existed apart.
formulae). In other words, if the for- It has been assumed that the white-
mula for the eggs of the normal female eyed mutant arose by a male-produc-
is RX— RX, then the formula for the ing sperm (O) fertilizing an egg (OX)
particular egg that sported will be that had mutated. It may be asked
WX; /. e., one R dropped out of the what would have been the result if a
egg leaving itWX (or no R and one female-producing sperm (RX) had
X), which may be written OX. This fertilized this egg (OX)? Evidently a
egg we assume was fertilized by a heterozygous female RXOX would
male-producing sperm. The formula arise, which, fertilized later by any
for the two classes of spermatozoa is normal male (RX— O) would produce
RX— O. The latter, O, is the male-pro- in the next generation pure red females
ducing sperm, which combining with RRXX, red heterozygous females
the egg OX (see above) gives OOX RXOX, red males RXO, and white
(or WWX), which is the formula for males OOX
(25 per cent.). As yet I
the white-eyed male mutant. have found no evidence that white-
The transfer of the new character eyed sports occur in such numbers.
(white eyes) to the female (by cross- Selective fertilization may be involved
ing a white-eyed male, OOX to a in the answer to this question.
The Linear Arrangement of Six Sex-Linked

Factors in Drosophila, as Shown by Their

Mode of Association


Reprinted by author's and publisher's permission

from Journal of Experimeiital 7.oology, vol. 14,
1913, pp. 43-59.

Sturtevanf s paper takes advantage of the previous researches of

many differejJt people, adds to them a series of detailed experiinetits,
a?id results in defi?iite proof that the factors (genes) are arranged
in a linear sequence alo?ig the chrofnosome. Actually, Sturtevant
regarded his work as a substa?itiatio7i of the hypothesis that the genes
were carried by the chromoso?Jtes, pri??mrily as a consequence of the
linear fiattire of their arrangeineiit, for the only possible iJiethod of
lijiear arrajigeinejit withifi a cell would be along the length of the

The work provided the basis for the co7istruction of chromosome
maps i?i many species besides Drosophila, because the ?nethod used is

applicable any species in which linkage groups have been dis-


covered. should be kept in mifid that these are proportioTial loca-

tiojjs, and therefore show o?ily relative, not actual, positiofis.

Sturtevanfs paper is brief, concise, and to the point. It has the

added virtue of careful presejitatio?i of the problems created as a
conseque?Jce of the research, and the ajjalysis of possible objections
to the residts. Carefzd study of this paper will greatly repay anyone
i?iterested m the tech?iique of presejitatio?i of research residts.

historical 81). In this paper and others Boveri

brought forward considerable evi-
The parallel between the behav- dence from the field of experimental
ior of the chromosomes in reduction embryology indicating that the chro-
and that of Aiendelian factors in segre- mosomes play an important role in
gation was first pointed out by Sutton development and inheritance. The first
('02) though earlier in the same year attempt at connecting any given so-
Boveri ('02) had referred to a possible matic character with a definite chro-
connection (loc. cit., footnote 1, p. mosome came with McClung's ('02)
suggestion that the accessory chromo- of these facts Morgan ('11 c, '11 d)
some is a sex-determiner. Stevens ('05) has made a suggestion as to the phys-
and Wilson ('05) verified this by ical basis of coupling. He uses Jans-
showing that in numerous forms there sens' ('09) chiasmatype hypothesis as
is a sex chromosome, present in all the a mechanism. As he expresses it (Mor-
eggs and in the female-producing gan '11 c):
sperm, but absent, or represented by
a smaller homologue, in the male-pro- If the that represent these
ducing sperm. A further step was made factors contained in the chromo-
somes, and if those that "couple" be near
when Morgan ('10) showed that the
together in a linear series, then when the
factor for color in the eyes of the
parental pairs (in the heterozygote ) con-
fly Drosophila ampelophila follows the
jugate like regions will stand opposed.
distribution of the sex-chromosome al-
There is good evidence to support the
ready found in the same species by view that during the strepsinema stage
Stevens ('08). Later, on the appearance homologous chromosomes twist around
of a sex-linked wing mutation in Dro- each other, but when the chromosomes
sophila, Morgan ('10 a, '11) was able to separate (split) the split is in a single
make clear a new point. By crossing plane, as maintained by Janssens. In con-
white eyed, long winged flies to those sequence, the original materials will, for
short distances, be more likely to fall on
with red eyes and rudimentary wings
the same side of the split, while remoter
(the new sex-linked character) he ob-
regions will be as likely to fall on the
tained, in Fo, white eyed rudimentary
same side as the last, as on the opposite
winged flies. This could happen only side. In consequence, we find coupling in
if 'crossing over' is possible; which certain characters, and little or no evi-
means, on the assumption that both of dence at all of coupling in other char-
these factors are in the sex-chromo- acters, the difference depending on the
somes, that an interchange of materials linear distance apart of the chromosomal
between homologous chromosomes materials that represent the factors. Such

occurs (in the female only, since the an explanation will account for all the
male has only one sex-chromosome).
many phenomena that I have observed
and will explain equally, I think, the
A point not noticed at this time came other cases so far described. The results
out later in connection with other sex- are a simple mechanical result of the loca-
linked factors in Drosophila (Morgan tion of the materials in the chromosomes,
'11 d). It became evident that some of
and of the method of union of homolo-
the sex-linked factors are associated, gous chromosomes, and the proportions
i.e., that crossing over does not occur that result are not so much the expression
freely between some factors, as shown of a numerical system as of the relative
by the fact that the combinations pres- location of the factors in the chromo-

ent in the Fi flies are much more fre-

quent in Fo than are new combinations
of the same characters. This means, on SCOPE OF THIS INVESTIGATION
the chromosome view, that the chro- It would seem, if this hypothesis be
mosomes, or at least certain segments correct, that the proportion of 'cross-
of them, are more likely to remain overs' could be used as an index of the
intact during reduction than they are distance between any two factors.
to interchange materials.^ On the basis Then by determining the distances (in
the above sense) between A and B and
1 It is interesting to read, in this connec-
tion, Lock's ('06, p. 248-253) discussion of between B and C, one should be able
the matter. to predict AC. For, if proportion of
cross-overs really represents distance, O. Flies recessive with respect to
AC must be approximateh', cither AB 0(o) have eosin eyes. The relation
plus BC, or AB minus BC, and not any between C and O has been explained
intermediate value. From purely math- by Morgan in a paper now in print
ematical considerations, however, the and about to appear in the Proceedings
sum and the difference of the propor- of the Academy of Natural Sciences
tion of cross-overs between A and B in Philadelphia.
and those between B and C are only P. Flies with p have vermilion eyes
Ihnithig values for the proportion of instead of the ordinary red (Morgan
cross-overs between A and C. By using 'II d).
several pairs of factors one should be R. This and the next factor both
able to apply this test in several cases. affect the wings. The normal wing is
Furthermore, experiments involving RM. The vM wing is known as minia-

three or more sex-linked allelomorphic ture, the Rm

as rudimentary, and the
pairs together should furnish another rm rudimentary-miniature. This
and perhaps more crucial test of the factor R is the one designated L by
view. The present paper is a prelimi- Morgan ('11 d) and Morgan and Cat-
nary report of the investigation of tell('12). The L of Morgan's earlier
these matters. paper ('11) was the next factor.
I wish to thank Dr. Morgan for his M. This has been discussed above,
kindness in furnishing me with ma- under R. The miniature and rudimen-
terial for this investigation, and for his tary wings are described by Morgan
encouragement and the suggestions he Cl'la).
has offered during the progress of the The relative position of these factors
work. I have also been greatly helped
by numerous discussions of the theo-
is B,-^, P, R, M. C and O are placed at

retical side of the matter with Messrs. the same point because they are com-
H. J. Aluller, E. Altenburg, C. B. pletely linked. Thousands of flies had
Bridges, and others. Mr. Muller's sug- been raised from the cross CO (red)
gestions have been especially helpful by CO (white) before it was known
during the actual preparation of the that there were two factors concerned.
paper. The discovery was finally made be-
cause of a mutation and not through
THE SIX FACTORS CONCERNED any crossing over. It is obvious, then,
In this paperI shall treat of six sex- that unless coupling strength be vari-
linked factors and their inter-relation- able, the same gametic ratio must be
ships. These factors I shall discuss in obtained whether, in connection with
the order in which they seem to be other allelomorphic pairs, one uses CO
arranged. (red) as against co (white), Co
B stands for the black factor. Flies (eosin) against co (white), or CO
recessive with respect to it (b) have (red) against Co (eosin) (the cO com-
yellow body color. The factor was bination is not known).
first described and its inheritance given


C is a factor which allows color to OF ASSOCIATION
appear in the eyes. The white eyed fly method used
In oder to illustrate the
(first described by Morgan '10) is now for calculating gametic ratio I
known to be always recessive with re- shall use the factors P and M. The
spect both to C and to the next factor. cross used in this case was, long
4 I —

winged, vermilion-eyed female by without complication by the F2 males,
rudimentary winged, red-eyed male. since the male-producing sperm of the
The analysis and results are seen in Fi male bore no sex-linked genes.
Table 1. There are in this case 349 males in the
It is of course obvious from the non-cross-over classes and 109 in the
figures that there is something peculiar cross-overs. The method which has
about the rudimentary winged flies, seemed most satisfactory for express-
since they appear in far too small num- ing the relative position of factors, on
bers. This point need not detain us the theory proposed in the beginning
here, as it always comes up in connec- of this paper, is as follows. The unit
tion with rudimentary crosses, and is of 'distance' taken as a portion of the

chromosome of such length that, on

Table 1
the average, one cross-over will occur
Long vermilion 9— MpX MpX in it out of every 100 gametes formed.
Rudimentary red ^—mPX That is, per cent of cross-overs, is used
as an index of distance. In the case of

MpX mPX—long red 9

P and M
there occurred 109 cross-

MpX —long vermilion $

overs in 405 gametes, a ratio of 26.9 in
100; 26.9, the per cent of cross-overs,
Gametes F^ is considered as the 'distance' between
Eggs —MPX mPX MpX mpX P and M.
Spenn— MpX
MPXMpXl J o^L<i
mPXMpXJ-^^^g^^'i ^^^^

Table 2 shows the proportion of

cross-overs in those cases which have
mpXMpxH°"g^^™'l'«" 5-417 been worked out. The detailed re-
MPX —long red 5—105
mPX —rudimentary red S — 33 sultsof the crosses involved are given
MpX — long vermilion $ — 316 at the end of this paper. The 16287
mpX —rudimentary vermilion $ — cases for B and CO
are from Dexter
('12). Inasmuch C and O are com-
being investigated by Morgan. The pletely linked have added the num-

point of interest at present is the link- bers for C, for O, and for C and O
age. In the F2 generation the original taken together, giving the total re-
combinations, red rudimentary and sults in the lines beginning (C, O) P,
vermilion long, are much more fre- B (C, O), etc., and have used these
quent in the males (allowing for the figures, instead of the individual C, O,
low viability of rudimentary) than or CO results, in my calculations. The
are the two new or cross-over com- fractions in the column marked 'pro-
binations, red long and vermihon rudi- portion of cross-overs' represent the
mentary. obvious from the anal-
It is number of cross-overs (numerator) to
ysis that no evidence of association can total available gametes (denominator).
be found in the females, since the M As will be explained later, one is

present in all female-producing sperm more likely to obtain accurate figures

masks m when it occurs. But the ratio for distances if those distances are
of cross-overs in the gametes is given short, i.e., if the association is strong.
B c P R M
-1-1 1 — 57.6

0.0 1.0 30.7 33.7

factors.Thus, B (C, O), (C, O) P,
Table 2
PR, and PM form the basis of the dia-
gram. The figures on the diagram rep-
Proportion Per Cent resent calculated distances from B.
Factors Concerned of of
Of course there is no knowing
Cross-overs Cross-overs
whether or not these distances as
193 drawn represent the actual relative
BCO ... 1.2
16287 spacial distances apart of the factors.

BO 2 Thus the distance CP may in reality

373 be shorter than the distance BC, but
1464 what we do know is that a break is far
4551 more likely to come between C and P
115 than between B and C. Hence, either
BR 35.5
324 CP is a long space, or else it is for
260 some reason a weak one. The point I
BM 37.6
693 wish to make here is that we have no
224 means of knowing that the chromo-
COP .... 30.0
748 somes are of uniform strength, and if
1643 there are strong or weak places, then
COR ... 34.6
4749 that will prevent our diagram from
76 representing actual relative distances—
COM ... 47.2
161 but, I think, will not detract from its
247 value as a diagram.
OP 29.4
836 Just how far our theory stands the
183 test is shown by Table 3, giving ob-
OR 34.0
538 served per cent of cross-overs, and
218 distances as calculated from the fig-
OM ....
ures given in the diagram of the
236 chromosome. Table 3 includes all
CR 829
pairs of factors given in Table 2 but
112 not used in the preparation of the
CM 333
214 It will be noticed at once that the
B(C, O) l.O .
21736 long distances, BM, and (C, 0)M,
471 give smaller per cent of cross-overs,
(C, 0)P 29.7 .
1584 than the calculation calls for. This
2062 is a point which was to be expected,
(C, 0)R 6116
33.7 -

and will be discussed later. For the

406 present we may dismiss it with the
(C, 0)M 898
45.2 ~

statement that it is probably due to

PR 17 the occurrence of two breaks in the
573 same chromosome, or 'double cross-
PM 109 ing over.' But in the case of the
405 shorter distances the correspondence
with expectation is perhaps as close as
For this reason I shall, in so far as was to be expected with the small
possible, use the per cent of cross-overs numbers that are available. Thus, BP
between adjacent points in mapping is 3.2 less than BR, the difference ex-

out the distances between the various pected being 3.0. (C, 0)R is less than

Table 3



Table 8 Continned.

Fo: 9 9, g.r. 98;

$ $ , g.r. 59, g.v. 16, y.r. 24, y.v. 33
Back cross, F^ gray red 9 9 from above X yellow vermilion $ $
Fo: 9 9, g.r. 31, g.v. 11, y.r. 12, y.v. 41
5 5, g.r. 23, g.v. 13, y.r. 8, y.v. 21
Pj^:gray vermilion 9 X yellow red $
F^: gray red 9 X gray vermilion $
Fo: 9 9, g.r. 199, g.v. 182

$ $, g.r. 54, g.v. 149, y.r. 1 19, y.v. 41

Pj: yellow vermilion 9 Xgray red $
Fj^: gray red 9 X yellow vermilion $
Fo: 9 9, g.r. 472, g.v. 240, y.r. 213, y.v. 414
$ $, g.r. 385, g.v. 186, y.r. 189, y.v. 324
Fj^: gray vermilion X yellow red (sexes not recorded)
Fj: gray red 9 9 These were mated to yellow vermilion ^ ^ of other stock
Fo: 9 9, g.r. 50, g.v. 96, y.r. 68, y.v. 41
$ $, g.r. 44, g.v. 105, y.r. 86, y.v. 47

Proportion of cross-overs, adding 9 9 from BOPR (below),

BR. Pj: miniature yellow 9 X long gray $

Fj: long gray 9 X miniature yellow $
Fo: 9 9 l.g. 14, l.y. 2, m.g. 7, m.y. 6
$ $ l.g. 10, l.y. 1, m.g. 6, m.y. 8
Pj^: long yellow 9 X miniature gray $

Fj^: long gray 9 X long yellow $

Fo: 9 9, l.g. 148, l.y. 130
5 5, l.g. 51, l.y. 82, m.g. 89, m.y. 48

Proportion or cross-overs,

BM. Pj: long yellow 9 X rudimentary gray $

F^: long gray 9 X long yellow $
F^: 9 9 l.g. 591, l.y. 549

$ S l.g. 228, l.y. 371, r.g. 20, r.y. 3


Pj long gray 9 X rudimentary yellow $


Fr long gray 9 X long gray $

Fo: 9 9, l.g. 152
$ $ l.g. 42, l.y. 29, r.g. 0, r.y.

D •
Proportion orf cross-overs, .^,
' 693

COP. Pj: vermilion 9 X white $

F^: red 9 X vermilion $
Fo: 9 9,r. 320, V. 294
$ $,T. 86, V. 206, w. 211
(7 of the vermilion 9 9 known from tests to be CC, 2 known to be Cc. 7 white
5 5 Pp, 2 pp.)
Back cross, F^ red 9 9 from above X white $ $ gave ,

Fo: 9 9,r. 195, w. 227,

$ $,T. 66, V. 164, w. 184
Out cross, Fj 9 9 as above X white $ $ recessive in P, gave
F2: 9 9,r. 35, V. 65, w. 98
$ $,T. 33, V. 75, w. 95


Table 8 Continued.

Proportion or cross-overs, -

COR. miniature white 9 X long red $


Fj: long red 9 X miniature white $

F2: $ $ l.r. 193, l.w. 109, m.r. 124, m.w. 208

$ S l.r. 202, l.w. 114, m.r. 123, m.w. 174


P^: long white $ X miniature red $

Fj: long red 9 X long white S
Fg: 9 9, l.r. 194, l.w. 160
$ $ l.r. 52, l.w. 124, m.r. 97, m.w. 41

Proportion of cross-overs, ; or, adding such available figures from

Morgan ('11 d) and Morgan and Cattell ('12) as are not complicated

by the presence of yellow or brown flies, _ „

COM. Pj^: long white 9 X rudimentary red $

Fj: long red 9 X long white $
Fg: 9 9,l.r. 157, l.w. 127
$$,\s. 74, l.w. 82, ru.r. 3, ru.w. 2

Proportion of cross-overs, TTT'

OP. Pj^: black red 9 X black eosin-vermilion $

Fj: black red 9 X black red $
Fo: (all black), 9 9 , r. 885
,J 5 , r. 321, V. 125, e. 122, e.-v. 268

Proportion orc cross-overs,

OR. P^: long red 9 X miniature eosin $

Fj: long red 9 X long red $
Fo: 9 9,l.r. 408
$ $, l.r. 145, I.e. 67, m.r. 70, m.e. 100
Pj long
: eosin 9 X miniature red $
F J long
: red 9 X long eosin $
. Fo: 9 9, l.r. 100, I.e. 95
$ $, l.r. 27, I.e. 54, m.r. 56, m.e. 19

n r • 183
Proportion of cross-overs, -rr—

OM. P^: long eosin 9 X

rudimentary red $
Fj^: long red 9 X long eosin $
Fo: 9 9 , l.r. 368, I.e. 266
$ $, l.r. 194, I.e. 146, ru.r. 40, ru.e. 24

r, r 218
^ of cross-overs, ttt-

CR. P]^: long white 9 X miniature eosin $

Fj^: long eosin 9 X long white $
- —


Table 8 Continued.

Fo: 9 9, I.e. 185, l.w. 205

S S, I.e. 54, l.w. 147, m.e. 149, m.w. 42
P^: long eosin 9 X miniature white $
Fj: long eosin 9 X long eosin c^
Fo: 9 9, I.e. 527
S S, I.e. 169, l.w. 85, m.e. 55, m.w. 128

Proportion or cross-overs, —:^

CM. Pj: long white 9 X rudimentary eosin $

F^: long eosin 9 X long white $
F.y. 9 9, I.e. 328, l.w. 371
$ S, I.e. 112, l.w. 217, m.e. 4, ru.w.

Proportion of cross-overs, -r—

PR. P^: long vermilion (yellow) 9 X miniature red (yellow) $

F^ long red yellow 9 X long vermilion yellow S

F^: (ally.) 9 9 l.r. 138, l.v. 110


$ S l.r. 8, l.v. 1 17, m.r. 97, m.v. 1


Pj long vermilion (gray) 9 X miniature red S


Fj^: long red 9 X long vermilion $

Eg: 9 9,l.r. 116, l.v. 110

S $ l.r., 2, l.v. 81, m.r. 96, m.v. 1
Pj^: miniature red 9 X long vermilion $

Fj: long red 9 X miniature red S

Fj: 9 9 l.r. 45, m.r. 49

S $ l.r. 1, l.v. 27, m.r. 26, m.v.


Fj^ long red 9 9 from above X miniature red $ $ oi other stock, gave

Fo: 9 9 l.r. 74, m.r. 52


$ $ ,\s. 3, l.v. 66, m.r. 46, m.v. 1

Proportion of cross-overs, ttt-

PM. P^: long vermilion 9 X rudimentary red $

Fj^: long red 9 X long vermilion i
Fo: 9 9,l.r. 451, l.v. 417
5 (5 l.r. 105,
, l.v. 316, ru.r. 33, ru.v. 4

D •
r 109
Proportion or cross-overs, -rrr

OPR. Pj: long vermilion 9 X miniature eosin $

Fj^: long red 9 X long vermilion $
Fg: 9 9,l.r. 205, l.v. 182
$ $ l.r. , 1, l.v. 109, I.e. 8, l.e.-v. 53, m.r. 49, m.v. 3, m.e. 85, m.e.-v.

BOM. P^: long red yellow 9 X rudimentary eosin gray $

long red gray 9 X
Fj^: long red yellow $
Fg: 9 9,l.r.g. 530, l.r.y. 453
$ $ l.r.g.
, 1, l.r.y. 274, l.e.g. 156, l.e.y. 0, ru.r.g. 0, ru.r.y. 4,
ru.e.g. 4, ru.e.y.
BOPR. P^: long vermilion brown 9 X miniature eosin black $
F^: long red black 9 X long vermilion brown $
Fo: 9 9, 305, 113, 162. 256
$ $, 0, 2, 3, 185, 9, 0,
l.e.-v .bl. 127, 0, 1, 76, 1, 10, 208, 3, 0, m.e.-v .br.
POSSIBLE OBJECTIONS much less viable than the other, and
TO THESE RESULTS this is true only in the case of rudi-
mentary. It is worth noting that the
It will be noted that there appears only serious disagreements between
to be some variation in coupling- observation and calculation occur in
strength. Thus, I found (CO)R to be the case of rudimentary crosses (BM,
36.7; Morgan and Cattell obtained the and (CO)M). Certain data of Mor-
result 33.9; for OR I got 34.0, and for gan's now in print, and further work
CR, 28.5. The standard error for the already planned, will probably throw
difference between (CO)R (all fig- considerable light on the question of
ures) and CR is 1.84 per cent, which the position and behavior of this fac-
means that a difference of 5.5 per tor M.
cent probably significant (Yule '11,

p. 264). The observed difference is SUMMARY

6.1 per cent, showing that there is
It has been found possible to ar-
some complication present. Similarly,
range six sex-linked factors in Dro-
BiM gave 37.6, while OAl gave 54.0-
sophila in a linear series, using the
and BOAI gave 36.7 for BM, and 36.5
for OM. There obviously some is
number of cross-overs per 100 cases
as an index of the distance between any
complication in these cases, but I am
inclined to think that the disturbing
two factors. This scheme gives con-
sistent results, in the main.
factor discussed below (viability) will
explain this. However, experiments A source of error in predicting the
strength of association between un-
are now under way to test the effect
tried factors is found in double cross-
of certain external conditions on cou-
ing over. The occurrence of this phe-
pling strength. It will be seen that on
the whole when large numbers are
nomenon is demonstrated, and it is
obtained in different experiments and
shown not to occur as often as would
be expected from a purely mathemat-
are averaged, a fairly consistent
ical point of view, but the conditions
scheme judgment on this
results. Final
governing its frequency are as yet not
matter must, however, be withheld
worked out.
until the subject can be followed up
These results are explained on the
by further experiments.
basis of A4organ's application of Jans-
Another point which should be con-
sens' chiasmatype hypothesis to asso-
sidered in this connection is the effect
of differences in viability. In the case
They form a new
ciative inheritance.
argument in favor of the chromo-
of P and M, used above as an illustra-
tion, the rudimentary winged flies are
some view of inheritance, since they
strongly indicate that the factors in-
much less likely to develop than are
vestigated are arranged in a linear
the longs. Now if the viability of red
series, at least mathematically.
and vermilion is different, then the
longs do not give a fair measure of
the linkage, and the rudimentaries,
being present in such small numbers, Boveri, T., 1902 "Ueber mehrpolige Mitosen
als iMittel zur Analyse des Zellkems."
do not even up the matter. It is prob-
Verb, Phys.-Med. Ges Wurzbiirg., N.F.,
able that there is no serious error due
Bd. 35, p. 67.
to this cause except in the case of rudi-
Dexter, J. S., 1912 On coupling of certain
mentary crosses, since the two sides sex-linked characters in Drosophila. Biol.
will tend to even up, unless one is very Bull, vol. 23, p. 183.
Janssens, F. A., 1909 La theorie de la chias- 1911 d An attempt to analyze the constitu-
matypie. La Cellule, torn. 25, p. 389. tion of the chromosomes on the basis of
sex-limited inheritance in Drosophila.
Lock, R. H., 1906 Recent progress in the Exp. "Zool., vol. 11, p. 365.
study of variation, heredity, and evolu-
Morgan, T. H. and Cattell, E., 1912 Data for
tion. London and New York.
the study of sex-linked inheritance in Dro-
McClung, C. E., 1902 The accessory chro- sophila. jour. Exp. Zool., vol. 13, p. 79.
mosome — sex determinant? Biol. Bull., vol.
Stevens, N. M., 1905 Studies in spermato-
3, p. 43.
genesis with special reference to the "ac-
Morgan, T. H., 1910 Sex-limited inheritance cessory chromosome." Carnegie Inst.
in Drosophila. Science, n.s., vol. 32, p. 1. Washingtofi Publ., 36.

1910 a The method of inheritance of two 1908 A

study of the germ-cells of certain
sex-limited characters in the same animal. Diptera. Jour. Exp. Zool., vol. 5, p. 359.
Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med., vol. 8, p. 17. Sutton, W. S., 1902 On the morphology of
1911 The
application of the conception of the chromosome group in Brachystola
pure lines to sex-limited inheritance and magna. Biol. Bull., vol. 4, p. 39.
to sexual dimorphism. Amer. Nat., vol. 45, Wilson, E. B., 1905 The behavior of the
p. 65. idiochromosomes in Hemiptera. Jour. Exp.
1911 a The origin of nine wing mutations Zool., vol. 2, p. 371.
in Drosophila. Science, n.s., vol. 33, p. 496. 1906 The sexual differences of the chro-
1911 b Theorigin of five mutations in eye mosome-groups in Hemiptera, with some
color in Drosophila and their modes of considerations on the determination and
inheritance. Science, n.s., vol. 33, p. 534. inheritance of sex. Jour. Exp. Zool., vol.
1911 c Random segregation versus coup- 3, p. 1.

ling in Mendelian inheritance. Science, Yule, G. U., 1911 An introductio7i to the

n.s., vol. 34, p. 384. theory of statistics. London.

Color Inheritance in Mammals


Reprinted by author's and publisher's permission

from Journal of Heredity, vol. 8, 1917, pp. 224—

All of the emphasis during the early history of the field of genetics
was placed upon the kijid of researches dealt with in the first papers
of this collectio?i. The authors were concerned primarily with what
was inherited and how. Their informatio?i came principally from the
final stages of the organism's development, whe?j it was fidly adidt,
and all of its perma72ent characteristics were fixed ajid recognizable.

All of this assumes a direct relationship between the gene and its
characteristic expression, but the pathways the ge?ie took in produc-
ing that expression had not been i?]vestigated, primarily because of
the lack of adequate tools and research methods to permit such
studies.There was little questio?i that the gene played an important
part in growth and development, but as little ijiformatio?! as to how
it did it.

Wright takes advantage of the findings of biochemistry and his-

tology in the development of his hypothesis concerjiing the produc-
tio7i of coat color in animals. He investigates the actual mechanism

of color formatio?!, and ijidicates the mode of actio?j of the gene i?i
this process. This paper lays the foujidatioji for the field of biochem-
ical or physiological ge?ietics, and in fact still remains as the basic
source of informatio?i ajid the startifjg point of ?noder?2 investigatio?i.
Wright conti?Jued his thoughtfid investigations i?i this field for many
and in 1941, he wrote a paper called ""The Physiology of the
Ge?2e," published i?i Physiological Reviews, vol. 21, pp. 487 -S 27.
This paper is too long to reproduce here, but I recommend it most
strongly to the reader.
One of the most m
the history of twe?itieth
sigfiifica?it events
century genetics, in my the shift in emphasis exemplified
opinion, is

by this paper. The focus of attention on the ways the gene goes
about doing what it does, rather tha?j on the ?nechanics of its tra?is-
missio7i plus its idejitification through its terminal expression, has
given ge?ietics a central positio?i iji the u?iderstanding and inter-
pretation of biological phenomena. A thorough knowledge of the
various modes of action of the gene will re-emphasize the imitary
nature of the field of biology. The more we learn about the ge?7e^s
mode of action the more obvious it becomes that the phe?iomena of
embryology, biochemistry physiology, evolutio?i, ajid systematics—

in fact, all major fields of biology— are for the most part only facets
of this one coinmon problem, a?id solutiofi of one aspect of gene
actio?! is likely to have repercussions in several other diverse areas.

Heredity as looked upon since the than it did half a century ago, the
time of Weismann is relatively simple problem of development has become
to understand. It consists merely in the more complex. We see clearly that de-
persistence of a certain cell constitu- velopment is no mere unfolding and
tion (in the germ cells) through an growth of elements already present in
unending succession of cell divisions, the fertilized t^^ or even a sorting out
We see something of the mechanism, of germinal rudiments for parts of the
back of this persistence, in mitosis. We organism. The germ cell has a certain
understand complications brought highly complex constitution, the adult
about by the reduction division and organism another such constitution,'
bv^ the union of two germ cells at and between the two is no simple one-,
fertilization. Thus we no longer puz- to-one relationship. An almost infi- ,

zle over the problem as to how an nitelv complex series of interactions

individual packs his characters into of elements must take place at each
his reproductive cells, the problem stage of development. The difficulty
which led to Darwin's theory of pan- in the study of heredity is that the
genesis. But if heredity seems simpler characters of the germ cell must be
deduced from a study of variation in distributed unchanged from the germ
characters at the other end of the de- other cells.
cell to all
velopmental history. The wonder is The present paper is an attempt to
that with such a method it has been make as simple a classification of color
possible at all to demonstrate unit factors in mammals, based on their
variations in the germ cell. One of the efi^ects, as possible, and to suggest a
most remarkable results of recent working hypothesis which will relate
genetic work has been the detailed the biochemical knowledge concern-
correlation of these hypothetical char- ing melanism with this classification
acters of the germ cell with structures and with certain peculiar relations be-
actually observed there. tween the colors. The writer wishes
It remains for genetics to assist em- to emphasize, however, that for the
bryology and biochemistry in filling present the chemical terms are used
in the links in the chain between germ rather for the sake of giving a definite
cell and adult in specific cases. Varia- scheme to which genetic facts may be
tions of adult characters must be referred than for their own sake. Since
traced back through the contributing the earliest work on color inheritance,
causes at each stage of development many geneticists, notably Cuenot,^
until, if possible, something is learned Castle,- and Little,^ have tried to give
of the nature of the ultimate germinal a physiological interpretation to their
factors involved and, on the other results.The hypothesis advanced here
hand, the ramifying influences of unit is based to some extent on their con-
variations in the germ cell must be clusions with modifications intended
traced forward through development. to bring under one point of view cer-
Probably the most favorable point of tain curious new facts.
attack for such work is in color in-
heritance in animals and plants. A
larger number of unit factors have Melanin pigment is found in the
been isolated than in other kinds of skin, fur and eyes of mammals. The
characters and are available for com- present paper will deal largely with
parative study. Much progress has the gross effects as our knowledge of
been made in the chemistry and mode the ultimate differences of the colors
of formation of many of the pigments, very unsatisfactory. Only mam-
is still

notably the melanins, with which we mals are dealt with, as in other classes
are chiefly concerned in the higher on which genetic work has been done
animals. The very fact that it has been masked
the pigment colors are largely
relatively easy to isolate unit factors by structural effects.
in work on color inheritance suggests The mosthighly pigmented condi-
that in this case the chain of processes tion found in the color black. The

between germ cell and adult may be pigment granules in this case are not
relatively simple. Observations which really black but a very dark sepia
indicate that melanin pigment is brown. White in mammals seems al-
formed in the cytoplasm of cells by ways to be a structural color found
the secretion of oxidizing enzymes 1 Cuenot, Arch. Zoo/. Exp. et
L., 1903.
from the nucleus suggest that the Gen. (4), vol. et Revue, p. 33.
i. Notes
may be 2 Castle, W. E., H. E. Walter, R. C. Mul-
\ chain very short indeed when
lenix and S. Cobb, 1909. Cam. Inst. Wash.
it is remembered that genetic factors
Pub!., 114.
are probably characters of the chro- Wash.
3 Little, C. C, 1913. Cam. Inst.
mosomes and that these seem to be Piibl, 179.
in the absence of all pigment. There Finally there are intergrades of vari-
are two distinct series by which black ous sorts between the different sepia
may be reduced toward white. There and yellow series. A coarse-grained
is first the type of dilution found in mixture gives the effect of bay, dun,
brown and tow-colored human hair, or sooty yellow depending on the in-
or in dilute black guinea-pigs, which tensity^ of the colors. A finer t\'pe of
reveals the sepia color of the pigment. intergrade seems to be present in the
A very different kind of dilution of chocolate color of brown mice, rab-
black is to be seen in the so-called bits, guinea-pigs and liver-colored
blue or maltese mammals— blue mice dogs. These browns, however, are
and rabbits, maltese cats, etc. The much closer to the sepias than to the
effect is somewhat similar to that in reds and yellows and are not always
blue roans among horses and cattle distinguishable. Genetic evidence
and seems to be due to a similar cause sharply browns which
on a finer scale. Blue roans have an are due to reduction of black toward
intermingling of jet black hairs and white, and browns which are reduc-
white hairs while the maltese mam- tions toward yellow.
mals have dense black pigment masses By combining the different kinds of
alternating with colorless spaces dilution with the different kinds of
within the hair. intergrades between sepia and yellow
The colors which do not enter into an almost infinite variety of colors is
either of these dilution series or their produced, while the complex patterns
combinations are those which have a in which these colors may be dis-
distinct orange-yellow tinge such as is tributed make possible still further
seen conspicuously in red human hair, diversity in color effect.
red and yellow cattle, bay, chestnut Skin color in general corresponds
and dun horses, tan dogs, etc. The roughly with hair color. The pig-
most highly pigmented colors of this ments in the eyes are like those in the
kind are the so-called reds. The pig- skin and fur, but the appearance is
ment granules appear orange-yellow generally much modified by struc-
in such hair, but it does not seem to be tural effects. In dilute human eyes, for
settled whether there is an essential example, the appearance is blue, al-
chemical difference from sepia-brown though the pigment is brown.
granules or merely some structural In the rodents the reflection from the
difference. The appearance of the in- back of the retina gives a red color
tense reds varies somewhat in differ- when the pigment is reduced, which
ent mammals but there seems little in the complete absence of pigment
reason for doubting their essential becomes pink as in albinos.
similarity. Red undergoes different
modes of dilution comparable to those CHEMISTRY OF MELANIN
described for black. Reduction to yel- A amount of work in the last
low or cream is comparable to the twenty years has firmly established
sepia type of dilution of black, while the hypothesis that melanin is an
a more coarsely granular type of dilu- oxidation product of tyrosin or re-
tion comparable to maltese is found in lated products of protein metabolism.
light reds. These light reds are slightly Enzymes have been extracted in a
redder in hue than the yellows of sim- great manyanimals and plants, which
ilar intensity. The two series may, of have the power of oxidizing tyrosin
course, be combined. and related substances to dark brown
pigments closely resembling the nat- of protein nature. He considered it to
ural melanins. Studies of Hooker ^ on be a diffuse coloration of the keratin
cultures in vitro of frog mesenchyme structure, while he identified the in-
pigment granules are
indicate that the soluble type with the granules. In red
formed cytoplasm immediately
in the human hair he found only the acid-
surrounding the nucleus, presumably soluble type. In brown horse hair and
under the influence of oxidizing en- black wool he found both, while in
zymes secreted by the latter. brown and black human hair, black
The nature of the differences be- rabbit hair and black feathers of do-
tween colors is still far from clear. mestic poultry and crows he found
Onslow could find no chemical dif-
^ only the insoluble type. His two types
ferences betAveen pigments extracted evidently correspond more or less
from black and yellow rabbits and closely with yellow and black pig-
considers that they differ merely ment. This difference in solubility does
quantitatively. Most others do find not necessarily indicate that yellow
chemical differences as well as phys- and black are produced from different
ical ones. Black pigment seems always chromogens. Indeed, Gortner has
to be granular, while red may be either shown that the insoluble type may be
granular or diffuse. Lloyd-Jones ® produced from the soluble by treat-
found only granules in both intense ment with strong alkali. In a brief
and dilute black pigeons, and found paper in 1912, however, Gortner ^°
red granules in red pigeons, but merely reports on a more fundamental differ-
a diffuse yellow in the dilute yellows. ence between the insoluble melanin
The Davenports found granules in "^
from black feathers, black rabbit hair
brown and black human hair, but and brown horse hair, and the soluble
merely a diffuse color in auburn hair. melanin from black wool and brown
There is a distinct difference in horse hair. The former yielded some
between the dark colors and
solubility 3% ash consisting largely of iron
yellow. Durham ^ found that
Miss oxide, while the latter yielded little or
yellow granules in yellow mice dis- no ash. This seems to demonstrate a

solve quickly in potash, brown less difference in chromogens in at least

quickly, and black not at all. Gortner these cases. But even here black pig-
was able to separate two pigments in ment may consist of a mixture of
black wool— one easily soluble in very melanins containing iron and melanins
dilute alkali and also soluble in dilute which do not, derived perhaps from
acids, while the other dissolved only the same chromogens as those which
slowly in alkali and not at all in dilute under other conditions produce yel-
acids. This, of course, is a chemical low.
difference. The acid-soluble type was The chemical difference which
Gortner found suggests that the pres-
4 Hooker, D., 1915. Anat. Rec, 9: 393. ence of iron bearing chromogens may
5 Onslow, H., 1915. Proc. Roy. Soc, B-89: be the thing which is determined by
A4endelian factors for black as op-
^Lloyd-Jones, O., 1915. Jojtr. Exper.
ZooL, 18:453. posed to yellow. Such a view, how-
7 Davenport, C. B. and G. C, 1909. Amer. ever, is not in harmony^ with certain
iVfl^, 43:193. other results. A4iss Durham ^^ found
8 Durham, F. M., 1904. Proc. Roy. Soc.
London, 74:310. 10 Gortner, R. A., 1912. Proc. Soc. Exp.
9 Gortner, R. A., 1911. Biochem. Bull, Biol, and Med., 9:3.
1:207. 11 Durham, F. M., he. cit.
an enzyme difference in the skins of mentation. Thus in different animals of
black and yellow guinea-pigs. Ons- a stock or in different areas on the
low ^^ was unable to confirm Miss same animal black and red tend to be
Durham's results, but also found an intense, dilute or absent alike. But in
enzyme difference. He was able to ex- the same area, there is, in general, a
tract a peroxidase from the skins of reciprocal relation. Black and red, it

black but not from yellow

rabbits is true, may
be present together as in
rabbits. It seems unlikely that the same reddish-brown human hair and brown
factor should determine both the horses, but in most cases black obvi-
presence of a particular chromogen ously increases at the expense of red.
and of a particular enzyme. One way This demonstrates either a common
to reconcile Gortner's and Onslow's chromogen or a common enzyme ele-
results is to suppose that a feebly act- ment or both in the production
ing enzyme oxidizes certain chromo- black and yellow. More will be said
gens in the cell giving the appearance of these relations later.
of yellow. In the presence of a more We have noted several very differ-
powerful enzyme these chromogens ent kinds of color variations which
and also others (including some con- Onslow has shown to be due to hered-
taining iron) are thoroughly oxidized itary differences in the enzyme ele-
yielding sepia granules. Such a view ment of the reaction, viz., recessive
fits in excellently with our knowledge yellow, albinism, and a recessive white
of the relations of the colors in hered- pattern. In two other kinds of varia-
ity. tion he obtained a result similar in this
The processes which yield black and respect. In the white parts of English
yellow are not independent of each rabbits and in the white belly of gray
other. Both may be reduced or in- rabbits— the former due to a dominant
hibited by the same factor. Onslow factor for white pattern, the latter to
investigated several such cases in rab- a dominant factor for yellow pattern
bits. He was able to extract peroxidases (the agouti factor)— he was not only
from the skins of black, blue and gray unable to extract oxidizing enzymes,
rabbits which in the presence of hy- but found positive inhibitors to be
drogen peroxide would convert ty- present which prevented pigment pro-
rosin into dark pigments. He was un- duction when peroxidases from other
able to extract such enzymes from the sources were added. Gortner ^^ has
white parts of Dutch rabbits and from shown that certain chemicals actually
albinos, both recessive whites. In both have an inhibitory effect on the reac-
cases (as well as in the case of yellow tion of tyrosinase with tyrosin and
rabbits) the addition of tyrosinase suggested the bearing on the problem
from another source to the solution of of dominant whites. The point of most
extract and tyrosin enabled pigment to interest here
is that color variations of
develop. As the Dutch pattern and nearly every kind have been shown
albinism affect yellow and black stocks to be due genetically to variations in
of rabbits alike, it is evident that our the enzyme element of the reaction
feeble enzyme yellow and the
for which produces pigment.
powerful one for black must contain
some common element the loss of HYPOTHESIS
which prevents either kind of pig- The chemical and histological in-

13 Gortner, R. A., 1911. ]our. Biol. Chem.,

12 Onslow, H., loc. cit. 10:113.
vestigations indicate: first, that mela- enzyme I in another way. It produces

nin produced by the oxidation of

is sepia pigment even when enzyme I is
certain products of protein metabolism at too low a potency to produce any
by the action of specific enzymes; sec- yellow by itself. Above the level at
ond, that this reaction takes place in which enzyme I produces effects, the
the cytoplasm of cells probably by two enzymes, I and I-II, compete in
enzymes secreted by the nucleus; the oxidation of chromogen. Chromo-
third, that various chromogens are gen which is oxidized by enzyme I to
used, the particular ones oxidized de- yellow pigment is incapable of further
pending on the character of the en- oxidation to black. In the mixture the
zymes present; and finally that hered- presence of the relatively pale yellow
itary differences in color are due to color serves mainly to dilute the color
hereditary differences in the enzyme of the hair. This production of yellow
element of the reaction. The following reduces the amount of dark pigment
provisional hypothesis is built around and the apparent intensity of color,
these considerations: both by reducing the amount of en-
First, we will suppose that color de- zyme I which can unite with II to
pends on the rates of production or of form the enzyme for black produc-
potency of two enzymes. Enzyme I is tion and also by using up chromogen
essential to the production of any which would otherwise become black.
color, but by itself only produces That tyrosinase is exhausted in the
yellow. Enzyme II is supplementary production of pigment has been shown
to enzyme I, producing no effect by by Gortner," who also quotes experi-
itself. The compound enzyme, I-lt, ments by Roques (1909) to the same
produces a darker kind of pigment effect.
than enzyme I alone, viz., sepia. En- i4Gortner, R. A., 1912. Proc. Soc. Exp.
zyme I-II is also more efficient than Biol, ajid Med., 9:1.


I. Basic enzyme for color produc-

1 tion. Acting alone on chro-
mogen, produces yellow.

II. Supplementary to I.
Has no effect alone, on chro-
mogen or yellow pigment.

I-II. Oxidizes chromogen to sepia.

Effective below threshold
level for enzyme I alone.
Above this level I and I-II

Fig. 1.

There are three points in tlie dia- ranee of the real physiology. In order
gram (Fig. 1) at which physiological to make wholly clear the relations sup-
processes may affect color-production posed to hold between the different
independently,viz., by influence on colors on the hypothesis, the accom-
chromogen, on enzyme I, and enzyme panying diagram (Fig. 2.) is given. Full
II. In the first two cases color should quantity represented
is by two sym-
be modified regardless of its quality. bols, reduced quantity by a single
But as there is as yet no experimental s\'mbol, reduced potency by a symbol
evidence that genetic factors deter- of small size, and complete inhibition
mine variations in the chromogen ele- or impotency by absence of symbol.
ment it will be convenient at present X^ariations in enzyme I are given hori-
to consider all such cases as due to zontally, variations of enzyme II verti-

influence on enzyme I. cally.

The relations between black, red The classification of color factors
and white in this scheme are obvious. which it is is based
desired to present
Inhibition of enzyme II when enzyme primarily on the difference between
I is present gives red. Inhibition of factors which act as if on enzyme I,
enzyme I gives white regardless of and those which act as if on enzyme II.
whether enzyme II is present or not. A secondary classification is based on
The intergradiuCT colors must be looked the mode of action. There is a wide
upon as resulting from reductions of difference between factors which pro-
various kinds in the activity of the duce no effect in parts of the coat
enzymes. We have recognized two though with maximum effect in other
distinct types of intergrades between parts, i.e., bring out a pattern, and fac-
black and red, the coarsely granular tors which produce the same effect
type of bays and sooty yellows, and throughout fur, skin and eyes. In the
the finer type of chocolate browns. former case increase in the array of
A mere reduction in quantity of en- factors causes extension of the pattern;
zyme II may perhaps be thought to in the latter whatever pattern may be
result in an intermingling of black and present tends to be stationary on in-
red granules as one or the other of the crease in the array of factors. There is
respective enzymes chances to pre- instead a further general change in in-
dominate, while a uniform reduction tensity. The coarsely granular types of
in potency in some other way not intergrades should perhaps form a
involving a reduction in quantity may third subclass in each butmain class,

give the chocolates and the pale for the present they are most con-
browns of the pink-eyed rodents, in veniently put with the pattern fac-
which there seems to be little more tors. They can be considered as deter-
tendency for red to win in competi- mining a fine pattern within the
tion than in intense blacks. Similar individual hairs.
relations with respect to enzyme I may
account for the differences between CLASSIFICATION OF COLOR FACTORS
the maltese and sepia types of dilution 1. Factors which affect distribution
of black and the correlated light red and intensity of color, largely irre-
and cream types of dilution of red. Of spective of the kind of color. (Act as
course, any such definite assignment of if on enzyme I.)

physiological effects to factors is at {a) Factors which affect the dis-

present to be taken mainly as a means tribution of color in contrast with

of visualizing their action in our igno- white.
(b) Factors which affect the inten- course, visible only in colored areas.
sity of color in all colored areas of the (Act as if on enzyme II.)
skin, fur and eyes. {a) Factors which affect the dis-
2.Factors which affect the distribu- tribution of a dark color (black, sepia,
tion and intensity of differentiation brown, etc.) in contrast with a yellow.
from yellow to black— effects, of {b) Factors which affect the inten-

<33 <30 n



<3S <3 <D


^ <3
Fig. 2. Production of coat colors in mammals. The inherited color factors can be
classified as if acting on one or other of two enzymes. For explanation see text.
sity of only the dark color? with consideration of classes lb and 2b. Eye
effects visible wherever such colors color is generally determined wholly
develop in skin, fur and eyes. by these last two classes, but occa-
This classification differs slightly sionally extreme white patterns of
from one previously advanced by the class la invade the eye.
writer ^^ in that classes 2 and 3 of the
earlier paper are brought more closely
together as classes 2a and 2b. Class 1^.— White patterns are very
As an illustration of the classes of common in mammals and most of
factors, consider a guinea-pig which them are obviously determined by fac-
is like a solid black except for the fol- tors of this class even where the mode
lowing factors: Sw Cd Cd A Abb. 2w of inheritance has not yet been thor-
represents unanalyzed hereditary fac- oughly analyzed. The factors which
tors of class la which determine a pat- determine the white face of the red
tern of white regardless of anything Hereford cattle are a good example.
else. Factor A of class 2a puts a yellow The same white face appears in the
band in each colored hair. Factor Cd black cattle from the cross of Here-
of class lb makes the yellow a dilute ford with Aberdeen-Angus. Evidently
yellow instead of red, and makes the the factors involved strike at color in
dark parts of the hair lighter than general regardless of its quality. The
otherwise and perhaps slightly dilutes same is true of the different types of
eye color. Finally factor b of class 2b white patterns found in roan and
further modifies the sepia in the coat in white Shorthorns, in the black and
and eye producing light brown but white Holsteins, and in Dutch belted
does not affect the yellow. The animal cattle. The common white patterns of
is a brown-eyed light brown agouti horses, dogs and cats are similarly in-
with yellowing ticking and a white dependent of the ground colors of the
pattern in the coat. animals. This seems to be true of the
It is often difficult for one who is belt in Hampshire hogs, but is not so
not working in the inheritance of coat certain in other white patterns in hogs
color to understand just what color is which may correspond to extreme
supposed to be determined by a given dilution of yellow patterns. One or
array of factors. Probably this can be more recessive Mendelian factors have
done most easily by considering the
factors in the order just given. First are 1^ Most of the statements in regard to
the factors of class la which determine color inheritance are based on well-known
patterns of color and white. No fac- investigations. Avery detailed review of the
literature to 1913 is given by Lang, 1914
tors considered later can change these
(Experimentelle Vererbungslebre, pp. 467-
white areas. Next to be considered is 888). A discussion of our present knowledge
the pattern of dark and yellow colors on the subject with extensive bibliog-
visible in the colored areas. These are raphy is given by Castle, 1916 (Genetics
determined by class 2a. Finally the and Eugenics). The writer may say that all
of the statements in regard to guinea-pigs
kind of yellow in the vellow areas may can be based on his own experience, and
be seen by noting the factors of class he has also had the opportunity of becoming
lb and the kind of dark color in the directly acquainted with the mode of in-
remaining areas by a simultaneous heritance of most of the color varieties
among rats, mice and rabbits as an assistant
in Professor Castle's laboratory for three
15 Wright, S., 1916. Carn. Inst. Wash. years. Only a few references are cited in
Piibl, 241, part II. this paper.
been demonstrated for the patterns common in mammals. A case which
of piebald mice, hooded rats, and seems to be dominant is found in the
Dutch rabbits, while a dominant fac- factor by which dun, mouse and
tor is responsible for the English pat- cream-colored horses differ from bays,
tern of rabbits and the white blaze in blacks and chestnuts respectively. An
man. imperfectly dominant factor differen-
The mechanism by which such pat- tiates dun and yellow cattle from
terns are determined is interesting to blacks and reds.^^ The sepia and yel-
speculate upon, but very little is vet low guinea-pigs differ from black and
known. In the case of the English red ones by a unit recessive factor.^^
rabbit, Onslow has demonstrated the There are two more allelomorphs of
presence of an inhibitor which pre- this dilution factor. In red-eved dilutes
vents the oxidation of tyrosin bv tyro- vellow disappears entirelv, giving place
sinase. Apparently the power of a cell to white, and eye color becomes dis-
to produce this inhibitor is determined tinctly dilute while in the lowest re-
by a variety of conditions of which cessives of the series— the albinos-
the level of the English factor (absent, sepia as well as yellow nearly disap-
heterozygous or homozygous) is one pears and the eyes become pink.
and differences brought about in re- Rats show a series of three allelo-
gional differentiation another. As a re- morphs which seem to be comparable
sult of the combined effects of these to the guinea-pig albino series. ^^ The
conditions a given cell either has no lowest recessive determines complete
power to produce the inhibitor or can albinism while the second member of
produce sufficient to inhibit anv in- the series is much like red-eyed dilu-
tensitv of color. The extent of white tion in guinea-pigs. Black is diluted,
patterns seems to be the same in gen- vellow is reduced to white and the eve
eral whether the ground color is color to red. Rabbits show a series of
intenseor dilute. In Dutch rabbits three allelomorphs in the complete
Onslow found no enzyme inhibitor albino, Himalavan albino and fullv
but simply an absence of peroxidase. colored varieties. Albinism is found in
Here we must suppose that some es- manv other mammals and alwavs
sential condition in the cells for pro- seems to be recessive in inheritance.
duction of enzyme I is determined bv There are a number of curious fea-
the array of recessive white pattern tures in the albino series in guinea-pigs
factors in conjunction with regional which have had much to do with
differentiation. shaping the hypothesis advanced here.
The maltese type of dilution which The table below shows roughlv the
appears under the microscope in such model grades of intensity^ of vellow
a case as the blue rabbit as due to an and black fur and eve color found
alternation of colorless spaces with in- with each of the ten possible zvgotic
tense pigmentation within each hair formulae. Guinea-pigs of these ten
is put provisionallv in class la. Reces- formulae can easily^ be distinguished
sive factors which determine simul- bv the results of crosses with albinos,
taneouslv maltese dilution of black and the lowest recessives. The full evi-
the homologous kind of dilution of
vellow have been demonstrated in 17 Wilson,
1909. Sci. Proc. Roy. Dub.
Soc, 12:66.
dogs, cats, mice and rabbits.
isCasde, W. E., and S. Wright, 1916.
Class 1/7.— Correlated dilution of Cam. hist. Wash. Publ., 241.
black and yellow is probably very 19 Whiting, P., 1916. Set., n.s., 43:781.
dence has been given in a recent pub-
all cases agouti is dominant over the cannot be made of the agouti pattern.
absence of the pattern in blacks, The latter is greatly modified in extent
browns, Onslow was able to ex-
etc. by conditions which have differential
tract a substance which inhibits the effects on the production of black and
oxidation of tyrosin by tyrosinase, yellow. In pink-eyed guinea-pigs with
from the white belly of gray rabbits, a much reduced potency of enzyme II,
where the agouti factor removes all the agouti band is greatly widened. On
black from the hair. Onslow compared the other hand, the agouti band in
the case with the enzyme inhibitor ordinary intense guinea-pigs can be
which he found in English rabbits but greatly reduced by crossing with ex-
on our interpretation, the latter was an ceptionally intense blacks. Punnett's
inhibitor of enzyme I, the former of density factor in rabbits ^^ eliminates
enzyme II. Since only one genetic the agouti pattern altogether. It is also

factor is involved, it seems likely that more effective in the ordinary black
the same cause which modifies a solid agoutis than in brown agoutis. Thus
black rabbit in such a way that yellow the agouti factor seems to determine
ticking appears on the back is respon- a certain quantity of inhibitor which
sible for the white belly. According to is not as a rule sufficient to eliminate
the hypothesis presented here, white all black and the effect depends not

appears on the belly when black is in- merely on the level of the agouti fac-
hibited not because there is a general tor but also on the level of potency or
inhibition of pigment production but quantity of the substance to be in-
because enzyme I is below the thresh- hibited. The dominant agouti factor
old for the appearance of yellow. (A) and the recessive factor of sooty
There is a parallel case in the white yellow rabbits (e) make an interesting
bellied agouti mice. In this case, how- contrast between two factors of class
ever, it is possible to increase the gen- 2a.In the former case, as we have seen,
eral intensity of pigmentation in the Onslow demonstrated that an enzyme
animal so that yellow appears on the inhibitor was produced, in the latter
belly. In agouti guinea-pigs the belly he was simply unable to demonstrate
is normally yellow but paler than the peroxidase, indicating a reduced quan-
back. Such white patterns as those of tity or potency as compared with
the gray rabbit and white-bellied blacks. The following table shows the
agouti mouse illustrate the possibility effects produced by these factors
of confusing white patterns due really when added to those of a solid black
to yellow pattern factors of class 2a rabbit (aaEE):
acting where enzyme I is below the
yellow threshold with white patterns aaEE
of class la. It is likely that many dark-
eyed whites among mammals are of
the former kind. The polar bear is
probably an example.^^
It has been mentioned that the ex-
tent of white patterns seems to be
independent of the intensity of color
due to enzyme I. A parallel statement

but feeble on the belly in all rabbits able to what an extent black is diluted
due to a regional differentiation. We without bringing out any distinctly
will suppose that enzyme I is below reddish tinge although in red regions
the yellow threshold on the belly. Sec- of the fur as in the agouti band of gray
ond, we will suppose that factor A varieties the red appears in full inten-
determines the production of an in- sity.There is evidently a different sort
hibitor with the same subtraction of reduction of enzyme II from that
effect on enzyme II everywhere, while in the sooty yellow rabbit. A
factor e determines a general propor- quantity of enzyme II but reduced
tional reduction in rate of production potency in some other way would
of enzyme II. On this basis it follows seem to be required in class 2b.
that factor A produces a partial inhibi-
tion of black on the back, revealing
yellow but a complete inhibition of It has been assumed so far that fac-
black on the belly where, however, tors act only on one or the other of
only white can be revealed. Factor e the hypothetical enzymes I and II. In
reduces black on the back sufficiently the great majority of cases this is satis-
to permit yellow to predominate in factory but it is not impossible that a
competition while on the belly, where factor may influence both enzymes in
there is no competition from yellow, the course of development. In fact the
what little of the black producing en- writer will soon publish evidence on
zyme I-II is produced is fully effective one such case in guinea-pigs. Tri-color
and black, or at least blue, results. male guinea-pigs of many different
Class 2b.— The factors which reduce stocks agree in showing a slightly
the intensity of black areas in skin, fur greater average area of color as op-
and eyes without affecting red areas posed to white than their sisters, and
form a clearly defined class. The they also show relatively more black
brown-eyed chocolate mice, guinea- as opposed to red. Maleness seems to
pigs and rabbits; the pink-eyed pale determine a higher level of both en-
sepia or "Hlac" mice, guinea-pigs and zymes I and II as regards pattern. The
rats, and the red-eyed rats of similar effect on color is perhaps due rather
coat color ^^ differ from blacks by fac- to a general metabolic difference in
tors of this class. Among the larger the cells of males and females early
animals the difference between liver- in ontogeny than to any specific modes
colored and black dogs seems to be of of action on the two enzymes. The
this kind. Probably chestnut and liver- same may be true of certain coat pat-
colored horses differ from bays and terns in which it seems necessary to
blacks by such a factor. All of these suppose that the level of enzymes I
factors are recessive. In the pink-eyed and II is raised or lowered simultane-
mice, guinea-pigs and rats it is remark- ously in some respect by regional dif-
ferentiation. We have cited the cases
23 These red-eyed described by
rats first of the rabbit, mouse, and guinea-pig
Castle (1914, A?ner. Nat.) under the name in which it was found convenient to
of yellows must not be confused with the
red-eyed rats described by Whiting (loc.
suppose that both enzymes I and II are
cit.). In the former yellow pigment is un- strong on the back and weak on the
affected and to a large extent gives the color belly. Similar cases are common. An-
to the fur in agoutis, owing to the great other sort of example seems to be
reduction of black. In the latter, yellow is
present in the tiger pattern of cats. In
reduced to white, while black is only slightly
affected. yellow cats the pattern is shown by
alternate orange and cream stripes and classification.
which on our interpretation must indi- Finally the bringing under one point
cate alternate stripes of high and low of view of biochemical and genetic
potency of enzyme I. In tabby cats, the facts would have great intrinsic inter-
intense stripes are solid black, the pale est. The present paper attempts merely
stripes show yellow ticking which to trace the character— coat color-
seems to require that enzyme II also back one stage in development. Instead
be strong in the former, weak in the of considering factors as acting on this
latter. one character, they have been divided
into two sets acting on two characters,
CONCLUSION production of the hypothetical en-
In the present paper an attempt has zymes I and II. Suggestions have been
been made to relate the findings of the made in certain cases in regard to fur-
biochemist in regard to melanin pig- ther tracing back of the action of the
ment with the great mass of curious factors. A more thorough comparison
relations between colors which have than has yet been made of the effects
come to light in genetic work. A of factors in all combinations should
scheme is given which designed to
is yield much data bearing on the process
show the inter-relations of the differ- of pigmentation and give a very much
ent mammalian coat colors and a clas- more complete understanding of the
sification of color factors is suggested. heredity of color than we have at
It is hoped that these will be of use in present. By constant comparison of
organizing our present very extensive the deductions from such work with
knowledge of color inheritance and in the findings of the biochemist, it
aiding in the discovery of new facts, should be possible in the end to estab-
or at least in leading to a better scheme lish a very pretty correlation of results.

Unit Character Variation in Rodents


Reprinted by author's and publisher's permission

from Journal of Mammalogy, vol. 2, 1921, pp.

By the time this paper by Dimn was written, it had become ap-
parent that many of the visible variations that occurred in laboratory
animals could be accoimted for by assuming the existence of minute
These germi?ial variations,
variatiojis in their hereditary materials.
called mutations,became an important part of the Darwinian theory
of evolution, after a period during which they were thought to
demojistrate it to he invalid (see Johajuisev, p. 20). The application

of the mutation theory to the evolutioji of natural popidatiotis, how-

ever, rested solely on hypothesis and extrapolation, until the appear-
ance of Du7m's study. Dobzhansky i?i "Gejietics and the Origin of

Species'' (1941, p. 60) says, "-Dmin was the first to apply the
. . .

above genetic ifiterprctations to the abcrra?it individuals in wild

species. .The aberrations found in Jiature resemble well-k?iow7i
. .

breeds of domestic species (rabbits, mice, and guinea pigs), in which

these characteristics are inherited as Mendelian recessives.'"
The the?i, 7mght be regarded as the begi?nii?ig of efforts to
utilize the knowledge gained from laboratory genetics in the in-
terpretation of phyloge?iy and relationships betwee?i natural popida-
tions. It demofistrates the applicability of genetic theory and evi-
de?ice i?i the expla?iatio?i of evolutionary eve?its, and this has become
one of the major co?itributio?is to biology to arise from the study of

Recent progress ^ in the study of Before detailing the conditions in

the inheritance of coat colors in several the species of rodents which have been
species of rodents has revealed a rather studied, some explanation of the evi-
striking similarity in the variations dence and reasoning which underlie
which have arisen in distinct species of the localization of genes is due to the
that order. This similarity is not only general reader. It is probably recog-
a matter of appearance, which is famil- nized by all students of biology that
iar to allstudents of mammals, but ex- heritable variations arising generally
tends as well to the manner of inherit- bv mutation are transmitted to the off-
ance, and most recently has been spring in accordance with certain
found to characterize the localization definite rules, known familiarly as

of the determinants or genes for similar Mendel's laws of inheritance. The

variations in two species. Such identity chief of these laws states that heritable
of cause of the same variation in two characters are transmitted as discrete
or more species indicates that such units which segregate in the formation
variations are homologous, and that of the germ cells. A second principle
the species which give rise to them asserts that the segregation of the units
have a relationship of a somewhat dif- is independent, resulting in a random
ferent and more intimate kind than distribution of the characters of the
that implied in the theory of relation- parents among their gametes, such that
ship by common descent. when two units are involved the
1 In this paper, which is to be regarded as chances are equal that they will go to-
a cursory survey leading to a consideration gether or separately. The first princi-
of one or two special points rather than as ple probably applies to all inheritance.
an authoritative exposition of variation in
Evidence has been brought forward to
rodents, I have not felt it essential to furnish
The necessary refer-
a detailed bibliography.
show that the factors or genes which
encesmay be found in Castle (1920) and represent the visible characters are not
Morgan (1919) as noted in the bibliography, discrete but variable, and capable of
and an excellent survey in Wright (1917), change by selection, but this evidence
which also considers the physiological and
chemical aspects of color variation and in- has now been found to indicate not
heritance. variability but plurality of units. The
second principle still applies to most of inheritance and the results which
cases of inheritance but has been might be expected if the coupled char-
modified by the finding that two or acters were determined in one chro-
more characters may not always be mosome. The development of this hy-
distributed independently but when pothesis, its proof and very important
entering a cross togethermay tend to extension and generalization, have
stay together, and when entering a been the work of the American biol-
cross separately may tend to remain ogist T. H. Morgan, and of research
separate (in different individuals) in workers associated with him, assisted
inheritance. This peculiarity was first more recently by data gathered by
remarked by Bateson (1906) in the and cytologists working on
case of the inheritance of flower color many species of plants and animals.
and pollen shape sweet peas. In his
in There has resulted from this work the
experiments purple flower (as opposed elaboration of the chromosome theory
to red) and long pollen (as opposed to of heredity, for the details of which,
round) appeared to be associated or and the supporting evidence, the in-
coupled in crosses so that a marked dis- terested reader must be referred to the
tortion was evident in the second gen- original works, especially as sum-
eration ratio of 9:3:3:1 expected on marized in two publications of Morgan
the usual hypothesis of independent and his co-workers (1915 and 1919).
assortment, in favor of the classes For our purpose it is sufficient to
(purple-long and red-round) repre- note in brief that the theory supposes
senting the grandparental combina- that the differential representatives of
tions of these characters. The opposite heritable characters are located in the
phenomenon was noted and named re- nuclear material of the t^^ and sperm
pulsion. Later, Morgan in 1910 found cells, more precisely in those remark-

the same phenomena while studying ably constant and individual organiza-
inheritance of certain characters which tions of chromatin known as chromo-
had arisen by mutation in the vinegar somes, which appear at the time of cell
fly (Drosophila melmiogaster). He division and which probably retain
conceived these two exceptions to their individualityeven in the resting
Mendel's principle of independent as- stages of the nucleus. Of the evidence
sortment as two aspects of a single it must be observed that the interpreta-
phenomenon which he termed Liyikage tion and proof of the theory rest en-
or associated inheritance. tirely on the study of linkage, or asso-
The interpretation of these events ciated inheritance. This phenomenon
has constituted one of the great ad- is observed in the tendency which
vances of biological science. Sutton, in characters exhibit of remaining
1902, suggested that the marked paral- through several generations in their
lelism between the discreteness and as- original combinations, resulting in an
sortment of unit characters and the be- alteration of the expected Mendelian
havior of the chromosomes might be ratios basedon independent assort-
due to the residence in the chromo- ment. This tendency may be absolute,
somes of the determinants or genes in which case linkage is said to be com-
representing unit characters. Immedi- plete. More often it is partial, that is,

ately after Bateson's announcement of characters originally associated may

coupling, Locke (1906) pointed out separate in a certain proportion of in-
the similarity between this new mode stances, or characters originally sepa-
rate may become associated. This a direct comparison of species in
change in the relationships ofgenes is which occur can be
similar variations
known as "crossing-over" and it pro- made on this point alone, even though
vides a quantitative measure of the the species cannot be crossed.
strength of the tendency toward asso- The study of localization of the
ciation. In terms of the chromosome genes for unit character variations is
hypothesis it is interpreted as an inter- attended bv^ numerous limitations. It
change of parts and of the genes which can only be prosecuted through the
the parts carry, between two members experimental breeding of large num-
of a chromosome pair, so that two bers of organisms, exhibiting numer-
genes originally resident in one chro- ous variations. It is dependent even
mosome may come to lie in two chro- under these conditions on the occur-
mosomes and may thence be distrib- rence of linkage, which is by no means
uted to separate gametes and exhibit common. It is a corollary of the loca-
their effects (unit characters) in differ- chromosomes, that the
tion of genes in
ent individuals. For any two characters numbers of groups of linked genes be
the number of times crossing-over number of chromosome
equal to the
occurs is found to have a characteristic Where the number of
pairs present.
value and this value is stated as the chromosomes is large, and the number
percentage of times crossing-over of unit variations known is small, the
occurs as evidenced by the frequency chances are few that any two char-
of individuals possessing the two char- acters will be found to be localized in
acters in the new
combination. One one chromosome pair. Even under
other important aspect of these meas- such limitations, linked genes have
urable breaks in linkage is that from been studied in several insects (chiefly
the linkage strength may be inferred Drosophila) and plants, and most re-
the proportional distance apart of cently in mammals. The general results
linked genes. From cytological evi- of these studies have been to confirm
dence crossing-over is supposed to the chromosome theory and to in-
take place between homologous chro- crease our knowledge of the localiza-
mosomes in the hybrid at the time tion of genes.
when these chromosomes are inti- Correlative evidence has come from
mately twisted one about the other. a brilliant seriesof cytological inves-
Breaks resulting in a separation of tigations on the germ cells of several
characters are then supposed on mere organisms. It has been established that
physical grounds to be more frequent in the cells of each species are to be
between genes located far apart in the found a definite number of chromo-
chromosomes than between those lo- somes, characteristic for the species.
cated near together. The bulk of the This number in germ cells is half the
evidence indicates that the loci of number found in the somatic cells, due
genes are on the same straight line in to the intervention of reducing cell
any chromosome. Numerical strength divisions. The chromosomes them-
of linkage may then be a measure of selves are in general arranged in pairs
the exact localization of the genes in of homologues in the somatic cells and
the germ plasm, and it is to a consider- in the primordial germ cells, one mem-
ation of this point that our whole ber of each pair having come from
discussion has led. For if the genes for each parent, and this duality^ again
unit characters can be thus localized, becomes evidenced in the passage of
one member of each pair into the germ by experimental breeding this fact is
cellswhich form the next generation. noted by an asterisk. This list makes
The individual chromosomes are some- no claim to completeness except in the
times recognizable by peculiarities of cases of variations which have been
shape, etc. More often their constancy studied experimentally. The rest of the
is of numbers only. These cytological variations have been reported as oc-
resultshave been made possible only curring in the wild or are represented
by high development of technique
a by specimens in the Museum of Com-
and can provide even when greatly ex- parative Zoology at Harvard Univer-
tended only correlative evidence on sity, the Museum of the Boston So-
the localization of genes. The geneti- ciety of Natural History, or the
cist more expects to
or cytologist no American Museum of Natural History
behold the gene of which his literature of New York. I am indebted to Dr.
is than the chemist hopes to see
full Glover M. Allen of the Boston Society
the atom of which he speaks with un- of Natural History for help in gather-
abated glibness. The gene remains use- ing this part of the material, and for
ful as a concept and a notation, doubly helpful suggestions and criticism of
so now that it includes an idea of spa- this paper.
tial definition. All of the variations listed appear to
The above is a somewhat pretenti- have arisen, probably by mutation,
ous introduction to a discussion which from the primitive coat color of all
adds so little to the matters mentioned rodents, the dull protective grey pat-
in the opening paragraph, and yet I tern known as "agouti." This color,
hope it has not been without interest which is actually a mosaic, is due to
to those engaged in the study of mam- the presence of three pigments, black,
malian variation and evolution. The brown and yellow, distributed uni-
facts and theories discussed are to have formly over the dorsal surface of the
an important place in general biology, animal. Each dorsal hair is character-
and one may perhaps wish to hear of ized in general by an area of black
progress in a field which has tended next to the skin in which brown
at times to shut itself off^ from its fel- granules are mingled and generally
low branches, by the dialect it has masked by the black, followed by a
been forced to use. band of difi^use yellow. The apex of
Perhaps the best way of presenting the hair is typically black. The belly is

the evidence on unit variation in color always of a lighter shade than the
in the Rodentia is to describe the ap- dorsum, due to a lesser concentration
pearance and genetic behavior of each of black pigment and a wider area of
of the principal variations with a short pale dusky yellow in the hairs. The
list of the species in which it has been "agouti" coat is seen in a typical form
studied, and of the species in which a in the familiar wild house mouse (Aiiis
variation of similar appearance has musnihis), the common rat of this
been reported.- Where the inheritance country {Rattiis jwrvegims), etc. It
of a variation has not been determined characterizes the wild type forms of
all the species included in the follow-
- This proceeding may be expected to lead ing list.
to some errors since similarity of appearance
is not always evidence of similarity in germi- ALBINO
nal constitution, but in the absence of breed-
ing data we must use the only criterion From wild type distinct graded
available. losses of pigment have taken place,
— — —— — —

the extreme of which is complete al- Ratrus norvegicus —
binism, or entire absence of pigment, Common rat.
leaving the fur clear white and the *Microtus pennsylvanicus
eyes pink. The pinkness of the eye is
— Meadow vole.
*Fiber zibethicus
due to the absence of pigment in the
iris, which is typically colored by Peromyscus leucopus
black or brown pigment granules, so noveboracensis Deer —
that the blood in the capillaries on mouse.
the retina is directly visible. This Hystricidce- *Erethizon dorsatum
variation is to be sharply distinguished Canada porcupine.
from "partial albinism," a term which Caviidce — Cavia cobaya — Guinea-
has been applied, unwisely it now ap- Pig-
pears, to the occurrence of white
spotting in animals whose eyes retain
their full color.The color of the eyes The inheritance of the albinism has
isan important point of distinction be- been studied in the rabbit, the house
tween complete albinos and spotted mouse, the house rat, the deer mouse
animals. Cases of true albinism have and the guinea-pig. In all of these it
been reported in nearly ali he families is due to a gene which acts as a Men-

of rodents. Data from only h " of the delian recessive to full color. At the
commonest families are given here, same (albino) locus in the germ plasm
the families being listed roughly in have occurred other mutations. In the
the order of their relationship from the rat, a change in this locus has produced

more primitive to the more special- both albino and its dominant allelo-
ized.^ morphs ruby-eyed dilute, in which
the reduction of the melanic pigments
Leporid<£— Oryctolagus cuniculus isvisible in the generally lighter tone
European "rabbit."
of black, coupled with a complete ab-
Scmridce — *Marmota monax
sence of yellow. In the guinea-pig
three graded variations have occurred:
*Sciurus hudsonicus
( 1 ) dilution, resulting in a reduction
Northern red squirrel.^
*Sciurus carolinensis leu- of all pigments; (2) ruby, resulting in
cotis —American gray the absence of yellow, and the further
squirrel. reduction of black and brown in fur
*Tamias striatus lysteri and eyes to very light shades (prob-
Chipmunk. ably homologous with the ruby varia-
Muridce — Mus musculus House — tion in rats); and (3) Himalayan al-
mouse. binism, which determines the absence
^ I have followed the older order of clas-
of yellow and the restriction of black
sification which includes the Leporids in the and brown to the extremities, ears,
Rodentia. nose, feet, and rump, while the eyes
* Through the kindness of Professor Bar- are pink. These three conditions are
rows of the Michigan Agricultural College
distinct in appearance, do not blend
and Prof. W. E. Castle of Harvard Univer-
sity the writer has learned of the capture of a in crosses and are all alternative allelo-
pair of albino red squirrels by A.
E. Secord, morphs with fullcolor and with each
of Wheeler, Michigan. Breeding experiments other. No complete albinism is known
to test the inheritance of this variation were
in the guinea-pig. In the rabbit two
to have been attempted but expense and
pressure of other work have prevented the changes have taken place: Himalayan
writer from undertaking the project. albinism (probably homologous with
the Himnlayan albinism of guinea- both fur and eyes. A certain amount
pigs)ai:J albinism. These are allelo- of pigment is present in the iris but
morphic with full color and with each not enough to obscure the blood color
other; that is, crosses of full colored of the retina. Yellow pigment is not
animals with albinos produce only full affected. Pink-eyed animals with the
colored young and in the second gen- "agouti" coat pattern therefore appear
eration only colored and albinos. The yellow since the black bases of the
same is true of the cross colored X dorsal hairs are a reduced slaty or
Himalayan, while the cross Himalayan bluish tint and are covered by the fully
X produces only Himalayan
albino intense yellow parts of the hair. Black
and in second generation only
the animals with this variation are slaty or
Himalayan and albino. The occur- bluish all over in mice and a dirty
rence of this variation in several near-white in rats and guinea-pigs. Its
species, its similarities in appearance distinctness from albinism becomes
and in inheritance, and finally the pro- evident when pink-eyed colored ani-
duction at the same locus as indicated mals are crossed with albinos. The first
by allelomorphism of other similarly generation offspring in this case are
appearing variations indicate that the allas fully colored as the wild type

particular locus in the chromatin at and if inbred produce full colored,

which these mutations have occurred pink-eyed colored, and albino young.
is common to a number of widely dif- The variation occurs in the follow-
ferent species and although such a ing species:
statement cannot be proved except by
a study of linkage relations between Sciuridte — *Marmota monax
this and other common loci, it seems Murid<£ — Mus musculus
very probable that albinism is homol- Rattus norvegicus
ogous variation throughout the ro- *Microrus pennsylvanicus
*Fiber zibethicus
dents and in the species studied is due
to homologous genes.^
Caviidce — Cavia cobaya

PINK-EYE Itsoccurrence in the species marked *

This name has been applied by gen- isprobable but is based only on mu-
eticists to a unit character in rodents seum specimens with the coat colors
which is not a form of albinism, as peculiar to pink-eyed animals. The
the pinkness of the eye might indi- eyes in the mounted specimens may or
cate, but a distinct eye and fur char- may not agree with the original.
acter. Animals exhibiting this variation Data on the localization of this vari-
show a general quantitative reduction ation are available in large numbers
in the black and brown pigments in for mice, and in lesser amount for rats
and guinea-pigs. In these species it is
Since this paper was written, a fourth
a simple Alendelian recessive to full
allelomorph in the albino series in rabbits has
color (dark-eye). In rats and mice it
been reported by Castle (Science, vol. 53,
April 22, 1921, p. 387). This variation, now is certainly a homologous variation,
studied genetically for the first time, is in appearance, in inheritance and in
known as "chinchilla" and diflFers from the localization, for a large amount of
wild gray or "agouti" coat color in the ab-
linkage data indicates that the genes
sence of yellow, and its replacement by
white, and in the reduction of black to a for pink-eye and for albinism are
slate blue. located in the same chromosome and
at about the same relative distance Leporid<e — Oryctolagus cuniculus
apart. This localizes both of these Murid^ — *Microtus pennsylvanicus
genes in both species, and leads to Peromyscus maniculatus
some interesting conclusions and spec-
Rattus rattus
ulations which will be more fully con-
*Rattus alexandrinus X R.
sidered later. In guinea-pigs there is
incomplete evidence concerning the Caviidee — Cavia cobaya
location of the gene for pink-eye but
some data which Dr. Sewall Wright The distinction between this yellow
has kindly extracted from his breeding and the second type, about to be de-
records and sent to me indicate that scribed, is made on grounds of the
the locus of pink-eye is not in the mode of inheritance only, for the ap-
albino chromosome but elsewhere. As pearance of the latter type is identical
we shall see, this may prove just as with that of the former. The pelt of
instructive concerning the homologies the second type is yellow and the eyes
between species in germinal constitu- are dark. The gene which differen-
tion as the more definite localization tiates it is however dominant over its
of the gene in rats and mice. allelomorphs agouti and non-agouti.
This dominant yellow is known only
YELLOW in the house mouse and because of its
The or solid yellow coat colora-
self peculiar mode of inheritance has been
tion in rodents appears to be divisible the subject of considerable research
as to its cause into two different cate- through a combination of genetic and
gories. In the first of these may be embryological methods to which
placed those yellow varieties which Castle, Little, Kirkham and others have
have arisen by a change in a gene contributed. Such investigations have
governing the extension of black and established the following facts:
brown to the fur, and the alternative ( 1 ) Yellow house mice do not
(allelomorphic) condition of restric- breed true but when bred together
tion of these melanic pigments to the always produce yellow and non-yel-
eye, while the pelt is yellow. In the low young in the ratio of 2:1.
presence of this gene (restriction [r]) (2) Litters from yellow by yellow
the melanic pigments are probably not are on the average 25 per cent smaller
produced in sufficient amount or to a than litters from non-yellow varieties.
sufficient intensity to invade the fur, (3) In the uteri of yellow females
leaving the residual yellow which is pregnant by yellow males there have
present in all "agouti" animals in pos- been found disintegrating embryos ap-
session of the whole extent of the hair. proaching 25 per cent of the total
This gene is recessive to full extension embryos.
and is distinct in its inheritance from Ordinary heterozygotes (hybrids in
the gene which determines the barring one character) when bred together
of each hair in the agouti pattern. Ani- produce 25 per cent pure dominants,
mals may possess the gene for yellow, 50 per cent heterozygotes, and 25 per
with the gene for "agouti" or with- cent pure recessives. In the offspring
out it. "Agouti" yellows have much of yellow mice the two latter classes
lighter bellies than non-agouti yellows. have appeared in the expected propor-
Restricted yellow occurs in the fol- tions; pure dominant yellows have
lowing rodents: never been disclosed by breeding tests.
100 DUNN
It has therefore been concluded that tain portions of the coat with white.
the 25 per cent missing from the lit- The white areas are as devoid of pig-
ters, the 25 per cent of disintegrating ment as in albinos but here the likeness
embryos, and the 25 per cent of ex- ends. Genetically white-spotting and
pected pure yellows are the same. The albinism are distinct and contrary to
intrauterine death of this class has the popular belief are not quantita-
been supposed to be due to a recessive tively but qualitatively unlike. Albi-
lethal gene which when received from nism is fundamentally the loss or
both parents causes the death of the change of a factor for the development
resulting zygote or individual. In of a peroxidase essential to the produc-
every case this lethal gene has been tion of any pigment (cf. Wright '17)
transmitted with the gene for yellow. and its effects are of a general nature
It may be either completely linked or throughout the pelt and eyes. Spot-
identical with the gene for yellow. At ting appears to be a change in a factor
any rate it is present at the same locus governing the distribution of the pig-
with the gene which determines yel- ments in the pelage. When pigmenta-
low, and any individual which receives tion is present all over the pelt the
yellow from both parents receives condition is known as self or not-
likewise the lethal gene from both spotted. Spotting is inherited inde-
parents and is doomed to death before pendently of albinism, since certain
birth. As to why this combination of albinos crossed with spotted animals
two lethal genes is fatal we are still in throw only selfs, while other albinos
the dark. derived from white-spotted colored
This yellow gene and the lethal as- stocks have given spotted offspring.
sociated with it only in
are known An albino may therefore be genetically
house mice,^ and the restricted yellow either self or spotted although unable
of the other species has not been re- to give evidence of this condition ex-
ported in house mice. They are prob- cept in its offspring by a colored ani-
ably not homologous variations in mal which supplies the gene for the
spite of their similarity in appearance. development of color.
The "yellow" varieties of rats are not On the grounds of its inheritance
really to be classified with other yel- white-spotting in rodents may be clas-
low rodents since they are actually sified in three categories. The first of
"agoutis," differentiated from the wild these is piebald or Dutch spotting, ap-
gray by the pink-eye gene (to which parently due to a gene recessive to
we have referred) or by the very self coloration and probably inde-
similar red-eye gene which act selec- pendent of other coat color unit char-
tively on the melanic pigments to re- acters. It may thence be present with
duce rather than restrict them. albinism, yellow, pink-eye, agouti or
black (see below). Piebald animals
WHITE-SPOTTING may be characterized by a tv^pical
Almost as common as albinism localization of the spotting in a belt
among rodents is the spotting of cer- or collar as in belted mice or Dutch
rabbits; the spotting may be confined
* Several other factors may modify the to the face ("white-face" mice), or it
appearance of yellow in mice; for instance, may be distributed in a fairly uniform
certain darkening factors in the presence of
the yellow gene produce the black-and-tan
dorsal pattern as in hooded rats.^ On
and sable varieties of mice, while intensify- "^
A hooded Microtus has been noticed in
ing factors in the presence of yellow produce the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Har-
the brighter orange or red varieties. vard University.
DUNN 101
allof these types the white-spotting been reported (e.g., Sciiinis finlay-
varies onlv^ within general limits. In so?ii). This last variety is interesting

other piebald mice and in guinea-pigs in that it is less pigmented than any
especially it appears purely at ran- other type of spotting studied, some
dom, in irregular blotches hardly ap- black-eyed white-spotted mice having
proximating any pattern at all. The pigment only in the eyes, while the
spotting may also vary in amount from rest of the pelt is pure white. It is
a few white hairs to over half the sur- discontinuous with piebald spotting,
face of the animal, although in general and is, like yellow, an unfixable hy-
the pigmented areas exceed the white brid, always throwing, when bred
portions in total size. The belly is like- pure, a ratio of two black-eyed whites
wise more susceptible to spotting than to one piebald. The cause of this pecu-
the dorsum. This variation has been liarity has lately been traced to its
noted many times in wild species and association with another lethal factor
I am certain the present list which has which determines the death in utero
been hastily compiled does not repre- of all pure black-eyed white zy-
sent the true distribution of this varia- gotes.
tion among rodents in general.
Leporidie— Oryctolagus cuniculus Oneother color variation is com-
Sciuridte— *Sciurus finlaysoni
mon enough in rodents to make com-
Muridee— Mus musculus
parison profitable. This is the discon-
Rattus norvegicus
tinuous change from the "agouti" coat
*Evotomys gapperi
Caviidie — Cavia cobaya to one which is black all over and it is
probably due in all the species in
In the rabbit, rat, mouse, and which occurs to a gene determining

guinea-pig the similarity of its inherit- the exclusive development of black

ance points toward a homology in and brown pigments. It is always pres-
this variation. Data on its localization ent in wild "agouti" type rodents and
are lacking except that in mice it is its appearance alone is conditioned by

probably not located in the same chro- the change producing non-agouti, or
mosome with albinism and pink-eye, the absence of the "agouti" pattern.
nor with the black-eyed white-spot- Its recessive allelomorph is brown,
ting about to be discussed. In rats and which has occurred in rabbits, mice,
guinea-pigs it is likewise not linked as guinea-pigs and possibly in rats. This
far as is known with any other color gene is probably not linked with any
variation, while in rabbits it may be a of the other known genes in mice, but
property of the same locus at which its relationships in other species have

English or dominant spotting is de- not been studied. The variation from
termined. agouti to black occurs in the follow-
The two other categories of spot- ing species:
ting are peculiar each to a single spe-
cies.The English broken spotting of Leporidce — Oryctolagus cuniculus
domesticated rabbits is a Mendelian *Lepus americanus
dominant to self-color and has no virginianus —
varying hare
probable homologue in other species,
while the black-eyed white-spotting
Sciuridce — *Sciurus hudsonicus
*Sciurus niger ludovicianus
of mice, likewise a dominant, is ap- *Sciurus niger niger
parently peculiar to mice although *Sciurus carolinensis leucotis
wild rodents resembling this type have *Tamias striatus lysteri
102 DUNN
Muridte — Mus musculus tion, producing when acting on black
Rattus norvegicus varieties the familiar maltese color of
*Fiber zibethicus blue rabbits and mice. The maltese cat
Caviidce — Cavia cobaya
is the result of a similar variation from

Specimens of individuals of other black. Dilution is a simple Mendelian

species which are much darker than recessive to full color. The red and
the wild type are often seen in mu- black blotching of guinea-pigs, the
seums, usually labelled "melano" or ticking or banding of the belly hairs in
"melanic variation." Many of these guinea-pigs, and the white bellies of a
should not, I believe, be assumed to fancy variety of "agouti" mice are
represent the true black variation. also known to be Mendelian unit char-
Some, as in "melanic" squirrels of acters.^
various species, prove on close ex-
amination to be only very much SUMMARY
darkened "agoutis" in which the black A summary
of the preceding dis-
portions of each hair have been ex- cussion shows that we have examined
tended at the expense of the yellow five of the commonest variations in
portions. This variation has been rodents: albinism, pink-eye, yellow,
studied by Punnett in the rabbit and white-spotting, and black. In all of

found to be due to a gene distinct these the inheritance is known for at

from black which is allelomorphic least three species, and in general the
with the extension-restriction pair variant is recessive to the wild type.
of allelomorphs. Much darkened Dominant variations have occurred
"agoutis" have been produced in mice often enough (such as "English spot-
by crossing intense blacks or black- ting" in rabbits, and black-eyed white-
and-tans (a darkened form of yellow) spotting and yellow in mice) to make
with wild agouti-colored mice. The us chary about drawing any general
darkness is due in this case to a series of conclusions concerning the occurrence
modifying genes distinct from either of evolution purely by loss mutations
black, "agouti" or yellow which in from type. The generality that does
the presence of these genes bring appear is rather the widespread occur-
about an increase in the amount and rence in this order of similar variations
intensity of the black pigment granules both under domestication when the
and a reduction in yellow. Such ex- animals are saved and bred, and in the
tended or darkened "agoutis" can usu- wild, when usually only the stuffed
ally (though not always) be distin- specimens are preserved. There is im-
guished from black by the lighter belly plied in this similarity, which in cer-
which is typical of the "agouti" pat- tain cases amounts to a homology, a
tern. similarity in that part of the organism
In addition to the coat color and which is responsible for the variations,
pattern variations discussed above, i.e. the germ plasm. It may be that we
many others have occurred in rodents know in these days as little concerning
which have been bred in the labora- the causes of variation as did natural-
tory, though they are as yet known ists in the days of Lamarck or of Dar-
in too few species to make compari- win. We do at leastknow where the
sons profitable. One of these, dilution,
is a unit character in mice and rabbits.
^ For a fuller discussion of these the inter-
ested reader referred to Chapter XII in
In this variation, the pigment granules Castle's Genetics and Eugenics, 1920, and to
are clumped and reduced in distribu- the series of papers by Wright cited above.
DUNN 103

causes are to be sought, and, once pigs are not the same as those in mice
having arisen by a mysterious occur- and rats. It may mean that the chro-
rence called mutation, we have learned mosome which contains both genes in
something of the manner in which the the more primitive Muridae may in
variations are inherited, and by a the more specialized Caviidae be repre-
process of inference have been able to sented by two chromosomes, the sum
localize still more exactly the region of which rather than either one sepa-
of change. The only permissible gen- rately may be homologous with the
erality, then, concerns a general sim- one chromosome of mice and rats. Al-
ilarity in the germ plasm and probably though this will be recognized as
in the individual chromosomes of speculation, there is some slight evi-
these many species of rodents. But in dence that in the evolution of the
one case the similarity between species rodents a fractionation of chromo-
has been found to be more than gen- somes may have occurred, for the
eral. It has been found to be quite a mice and rats have 19 (haploid) while
specific similarit\". the guinea-pigs have 28. In the rabbit
If we examine this case in detail we (Oryctolagus cimiculiis) a member
find that in two distinct, inter-sterile now judged too primitive for the true
species, mice and rats, two similarly rodents and recently placed in the
appearing variations have occurred, al- Lagomorpha with the others of the
binism and pink-eye. In rats the genes old rodent suborder Duplicidentata,
for these variations are linked with a the chromosome number is probably
strength of about 21 per cent, which 12. If this progressive increase in the
is possibly slightly in excess of the number of chromosomes through the
actual. In mice the linkage between order Rodentia is found to be a fact
these genes is something less than 15 and not a chance phenomenon asso-
per cent, which is based on observa- ciated with the smallness of the sample
tions of 6700 animals raised solely for of four species from which our cyto-
the purpose of determining this link- logical evidence is drawn, it may fur-
age and is probably reasonably accu- nish a very important clue to a series
rate. In terms of the chromosome of evolutionary relationships of more
hypothesis these facts mean that these than ordinary interest.
two genes are present in the same In the concluding chapter of his
chromosome in rats and mice, in rats recent book Professor Morgan (1919)
at a distance of 21 units apart, in mice has referred to the possible evolution-
at a distance of about 15 units apart. ary significance of the localization of
The difference in location is so small genes as determined by the study of
that for practical purposes we can say linkage. He has there reviewed some
that they are located at homologous of the work on similar variations in
points in the two species. several species of insects by Metz and
In guinea-pigs where both of these Sturtevant, pointing out the difficulties
variations occur, there is incomplete to be encountered in applying this
evidence, but the data which Doctor method to the analysis of species, chief
Wright has supplied indicate that of which is the necessity of establish-
pink-eye and albinism in guinea-pigs ing the same linear order in each spe-
are probably not linked and may there- cies of the genes for similar variations.
fore be determined in different chro- A species in his point of view, and in
mosomes. This does not prove, how- this he follows De Vries, may ulti-
ever, that these variations in guinea- mately prove to be a "community of
genes." We may expect evidence of of descent in the terms of current
this community in the variations evolutionary theory or to relationship
which arise from time to time within through some other cause is one of
the species, whether they be at the the questions which genetics, aided by
time of specific value or not. Such the chromosome notation, may be ex-
community is not to be inferred from pected at some time to answer.
mere similarity in appearance but must
rest on a more real homology of
germinal cause. This kind of similarity
Castle, W. E. 1920 Genetics and Eugenics.
Harvard University Press, Cambridge,
is now apparent between Miis rmiscu-
lus and Rattus ?iorvegicJis, which have Morgan, T. H., Sturtevant, A. H., Muller,
varied so far from a common type that H. J., and Bridges, C. B. 1915 The Mecha-
thev are now inter-sterile and have nisjn of Mendelian Heredity. Henry Holt
and Co., New York.
been placed recently in different gen-
era. Yet they have retained a genetic
Morgan, T. H. 1919 The Physical Basis of
Heredity. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadel-
constitution so similar that it contains phia and London.
genes common to both species. Wright, S. 1917 "Color Inheritance in Mam-
Whether this is due to a community mals." Journal of Heredity, vol. 8, nos. 5-9.

Variation Due to Change in the Individual Gene


Reprinted by author's and publisher's permission

from American Nattiralist, vol. 56, 1922, pp. 32-

It is not the practice of scie?itists to expend much effort in making

their co?itributio?is readable. If a paper successfidly comvnmicates
the experimental data a?id the conclusio7is drawn to the reader, the
author is and editors find such work quite acceptable. Once
in a great while, however, science is blessed with an author both
eminently successful at his trade and articulate, so that his contribu-
tiofis are a pleasure to read. Such a man is H. J. Muller. Students in

Tny general biology course found this article the easiest of the entire
collection to read and digest. In Tny opinion, it is the paper that
taught them the most.
We have noted two differ eyit types of papers already; first, the
research paper, and secotid, the paper e?nbodying syjithesis of several
areas of study. Muller' s co?itributio7i is a third type. It is a thoughtful
ajialysis of the progress that had been made in the understanding of
a specific pheno?ne?ion, a summary of our knowledge concenmig it,
and then indicatioji of the pathways that 7night prove fruitful for
future research. This type of contribution is know7i as a '''review
and, whe'n properly done, serves as a primary tool used by

biologists to keep up with progress in fields other than their own.

Midlefs paper not o?ily provided this service for biologists of his
time, but also statids as a valuable reference and a classic surmnary
for anyone interested i7i the developmejit of the theory of the gene.
The validity of Midler's remarks concerfiing future research and its
aims is highlighted by his paper published five years later, i?i which
he announced successful experimental mutatio?i (see p. 149).

x. the relation between the genes larger chromosomes, although the

and the characters of the length of these chromosomes is not
organism over few microns. If, then, we divide
the size of thechromosome by the
The present paper will be con- minimum number of its genes, we find
cerned rather with problems, and the that the latter are particles too small
possible means of attacking them, than to give a visible image.
with the details of cases and data. The The chemical composition of the
opening up of these new problems is genes, and the formulae of their reac-
due to the fundamental contribution tions, remain as yet quite unknown.
which genetics has made to cell physi- We do know, for example, that in
ology within the last decade. This certain cases a given pair of genes will
contribution, which has so far scarcely determine the existence of a particular
been assimilated by the general physi- enzyme (concerned in pigment pro-
ologists themselves, consists in the duction), that another pair of genes
demonstration that, besides the ordi- will determine whether or not a cer-
nary proteins, carbohydrates, lipoids, tain agglutinin shall exist in the blood,
and extractives, of their several types, a third pair will determine whether
there are present within the cell thou- homogentisic acid is secreted into the
sands of distinct substances— the urine ("alkaptonuria"), and so forth.
"genes"; these genes exist as ultra- But it would be absurd, in the third
microscopic particles; their influences case, to conclude that on this account
nevertheless permeate the entire cell, the gene of homogentisic
itself consists

and they play a fundamental role in acid, or any related substance, and it
determining the nature of all cell sub- would be similarly absurd, therefore,
stances, cell structures, and cell activ- to regard cases of the former kind as

ities. Through these cell effects, in giving any evidence that the gene is
turn, the genes afi^ect the entire organ- an enzyme, or an agglutinin-like body.
ism. The reactions whereby the genes pro-
It is not mere guesswork to say that duce their ultimate effects are too
the genes are ultra-microscopic bodies. complex for such inferences. Each of
For the work on Drosophila has not these effects, which we call a "char-
only proved that the genes are in the acter" of the organism, is the product
chromosomes, in definite positions, but of a highly complex, intricate, and
it has shown that there must be hun- delicately balanced system of reac-
dreds of such genes within each of the tions, caused by the interaction of
countless genes, and every organic gene becomes changed, through some
structure and activity is therefore "chance variation," the catalytic prop-
liable to become
increased, diminished, erty of the gene may ^ become corre-
abolished, or altered in some other spondingly changed, in such a way as
way, when the balance of the reaction to leave it still autocatalytic. In other
system is disturbed by an alteration in words, the change in gene structure-
the nature or the relative quantities of accidental though it was— has some-
any of the component genes of the how resulted in a change of exactly
system. To return now to these genes appropriate nature in the catalytic re-
themselves. actions, so that the new reactions are
now accurately adapted to produce
II. THE PROBLEM OF more material just like that in the new
GENE MUTABILITY changed gene itself. It is this paradoxi-
The most distinctive characteristic cal phenomenon which is implied in
of each of these ultra-microscopic par- the expression "variation due to
ticles—that characteristic whereby we change in the individual gene," or, as
identify it as a gene— is its property it is often called, "mutation."
of self-propagation: the fact that, What sort of structure must the
within the complicated environment gene possess to permit it to mutate
of the cell protoplasm, it reacts in such in this way? Since, through change
a way as to convert some of the com- after change in the gene, this same
mon surrounding material into an end- phenomenon persists, it is evident that
product identical in kind with the it must depend upon some general fea-
original gene itself. This action fulfills ture of gene construction— common to
the chemist's definition of "autocatal- all genes— which gives each one a gen-
ysis"; it is what the physiologist would eral autocatalytic power— a "carte
call "growth"; and when it passes blanche"— to build material of what-
through more than one generation it ever specific sort it itself happens to
becomes "heredity." It may be ob- be composed of. This general principle
served that this reaction is in each of gene structure might, on the one
instance a rather highly localized one, hand, mean nothing more than the
since the new material is laid down by possession b\^ each gene of some very
the side of the original gene. simple character, such as a particular
The fact that the genes have this radicle or "side-chain"— alike in them
autocatalytic power is in itself suffi- all— which enables each gene to enter
ciently striking, for they are un- into combination with certain highly
doubtedly complex substances, and it organized materials in the outer proto-
is difficult to understand by what plasm, in such a way as to result in
strange coincidence of chemistry a the formation, "by" the protoplasm,
gene can happen to have just that very of material like this gene which
special series of physico-chemical is combination with it. In that case
effects upon its surroundings which the gene itself would only initiate and
produces— of all possible end-products guide the direction of the reaction. On
—just this which is
particular one, the other hand, the extreme alternative
identical with its own complex struc- to such a conception has been gen-
ture. But the most remarkable feature
1 It is of course conceivable, and even
of the situation is not this oft-noted
unavoidable, that so7?ie tj'pes of changes do
autocatalytic action in itself— it is the destroy the gene's autocatalytic power, and
fact that, when the structure of the thus result in its eventual loss.
erally assumed, perhaps gratuitously, this matter and other matter, which
in nearly all previous theories con- would keep growing wider, with the
cerning hereditar\' units; this postu- increasing complexity, diversit\^ and
lates that the chief feature of the auto- so-called "adaptation" of the selected
catalytic mechanism resides in the mutable material.
structure of the genes themselves, and
that the outer protoplasm does little
more than provide the building ma- CHROMOSOME BF:HAVI0R

terial. In either case, the question as to In thus recognizing the natureand

what the general principle of gene the importance of the problem in-
construction is, that permits this phe- volved in gene mutability have we
nomenon of mutable autocatalvsis, is now entered into a cid de sac, or is
the most fundamental question of gen- there some way of proceeding further
etics. so as to get at the physical basis of
The subject of gene variation is an this peculiar property
of the gene?
important one, however, not only on The problems of growth, variation
account of the apparent problem that and related processes seemed difficult
is thus inherent in it, but also because enough to attack even when we
this same peculiar phenomenon that it thought of them as inherent in the
involves lies at the root of organic organism as a whole or the cell as a
evolution, and hence of all the vital whole— how now can we get at them
phenomena which have resulted from when they have been driven back, to
evolution. It is commonly said that some extent at least, within the limits
evolution rests upon two foundations of an invisible particle? A gene can
—inheritance and variation; but there not effectively be ground in a mortar,
is a subtle and important error here. or distilled in a retort, and although
Inheritance by itself leads to no the physico-chemical investigation of
change, and variation leads to no per- other biological substances may con-
manent change, unless the variations ceivably help us, by analogy, to un-
themselves are heritable. Thus it is not derstand its structure, there seems at
inheritance and variation which bring present no method of approach along
about evolution, but the inheritance this line.
of variation, and this in turn is due There is, however, another possible
to the general principle of gene con- method of approach available: that is,
struction which causes the persistence to study the behavior of the chromo-
of autocatalvsis despite the alteration somes, as influenced b\^ their contained
in structure of the gene itself. Given, genes, in their various physical reac-
now, any material or collection of tions of segregation, crossing over,
materials having this one unusual char- division, synapsis,etc. This may at
acteristic, and evolution would auto- first sight seem very remote from the
matically follow, for this material problem of getting at the structural
would, after a time, through the accu- principle that allows mutability in the
mulation, competition and selective gene, but I am inclined to think that
spreading of the self-propagated varia- such studies of synaptic attraction be-
tions, come to differ from ordinary tween chromosomes may be especially
inorganic matter in innumerable re- enlightening in this connection, be-
spects, in addition to the original dif- cause the most remarkable thing we
ference in its mode of catalysis. There know about genes— besides their mu-
would thus result a wide gap between table autocatalytic power— is the
highly specific attraction which like is due to an attraction between the
genes (or local products formed by solid crystal and the molecules in solu-
them) show for each other. As in the tion caused by the similarity of their
case of the autocatalytic forces, so force field patterns, somewhat as sim-
here the attractive forces of the gene ilarlyshaped magnets might attract
are somehow exactly adjusted so as to each other— north to south poles— and
react in relation to more material of Troland maintains that essentially the
the same complicated kind. Moreover, same mechanism must operate in the
when the gene mutates, the forces be- autocatalysis of the hereditary par-
come readjusted, so that they may ticles. he is right, each different
now attract material of the new kind; portion of the gene structure must-
this shows that the attractive or synap- like a crystal— attract to itself from
tic property of the gene, as well as its the protoplasm materials of a similar
catalytic property, is not primarily de- kind, thus moulding next to the origi-
pendent on its specific structure, but nal gene another structure with sim-
on some general principle of its ilar parts, identically arranged, which
make-up, that causes whatever specific then become bound together to form
structure it has to be auto-attractive another gene, a replica of the first.
(and autocatalytic). This does not solve the question of
This auto-attraction is evidently a what the general principle of gene
strong force, exerting an appreciable construction is, which permits it to
effect against the non-specific mutual retain, like a crystal, these properties
repulsions of the chromosomes, over of auto-attraction,2 but if the main
measurable microscopic distances point is correct, that the autocatalysis
much larger than in the case of the is an expression of specific attractions

ordinary forces of so-called cohesion, between portions of the gene and sim-
adhesion and adsorption known to ilar protoplasmic building blocks (de-
physical science. In this sense, then, pendent on their force-field patterns),
the physicist has no parallel for this evident that the very same forces
it is

force. There seems, however, to be no which cause the genes to grow should
way of escaping the conclusion that in also cause like genes to attract each
the must be of the same
last analysis it other, but much more strongly, since
nature as these other forces which here all the individual attractive forces
cause inorganic substances to have of the different parts of the gene are
specific attractions for each other, ac- summated. If the two phenomena are
cording to their chemical composition. thus really dependent on a common
These inorganic forces, according to principle in the make-up of the gene,
the newer depend upon the
2 It can hardly be true, as Troland in-
arrangement and mode of motion of similar attract each
timates, that all fields
the electrons constituting the mole- other more than they do dissimilar fields,
cules, which set up electro-magnetic otherwise all substances would be autocata-
fields of force of specific patterns. To lytic, and, in fact, no substances would be
soluble. Moreover, if the parts of a molecule
find the principle peculiar to the con-
are in anv kind of "solid," three dimen-
struction of the force-field pattern of sional formation, it would seem that those in
genes would accordingly be requisite the middle would scarcely have opportunity
for solving the problem of their tre- to exert the moulding effect above men-
tioned. It therefore appears that a special
mendous auto-attraction.
manner of construction must be necessary,
Now, according to Troland (1917), in order that a complicated structure like a
the growth of cr)stals from a solution gene may exert such an effect.
progress made in the study of one of it is one of our few conceivable modes
them should help in the solution of of approach to an all-important prob-
the other. lem.
Great opportunities are now open It may also be recalled in this con-
for the study of the nature of the nection that besides the genes in the
synaptic attraction, especially through chromosomes there is at least one sim-
the discovery of various races having ilarly autocatalytic material in the
abnormal numbers of chromosomes. chloroplastids, which likewise may be-
Here we have already the finding by come permanently changed, or else
Belling,that where three like chro- lost, as has been shown by various
mosomes are present, the close union studies on chlorophyll inheritance.
of any two tends to exclude their close Whether this plastid substance is sim-
union with the third. This is very ilar to the genes in the chromosomes
suggestive, because the same thing is we can not say, but of course it can
found in the cases of specific attrac- not be seen to show synaptic attrac-
tionsbetween inorganic particles, that tion, and could not be studied by the
are due to their force field patterns. method suggested above.^
And through Bridges' finding of tri-
ploid Drosophila, the attraction phe- IV. THE ATTACK THROUGH STUDIES OF
nomena can now be brought down to MUTATION
by the intro-
a definitely genie basis, There is, however, another method
duction of specific genes— especially of attack, in a sense more direct, and
those known to influence chromosome not open to the above criticisms. That
behavior— into one of the chromo- is the method of investigating the in-

somes of a triad. The amount of influ- dividual gene, and the structure that
ence of this gene on attraction may permits it to change, through a study
then be tested quantitatively, by gen- of the changes themselves that occur
etic determination of the frequencies in it, as observed by the test of breed-
of the various possible types of segre- ing and development. It was through
gation. By extending such studies to the investigation of the chajiges in the
include the effect of various condi- chromosomes— caused by crossing
tions of the environment— such as over— that the structure of the chro-
temperature, electrostatic stresses, etc. mosomes was analyzed into their con-
—in the presence of the different ge- stituent genes in line formation; it was
netic situations, a considerable field is through study of molecular changes
opened up. that molecules were analyzed into
This suggested connection between atoms tied together in definite ways,
chromosome behavior and gene struc- and it has been finally the rather re-
ture is as yet, however, only a pos- cent finding of changes in atoms and
sibility. It must not be forgotten that investigation of the resulting pieces,
at present we can not be sure that the that has led us to the present analysis
synaptic attraction is exerted by the of atomic structure into positive and
genes themselves rather than by local negative electrons having characteris-
products of them, and it is also prob- tic arrangements. Similarly, to under-
whether the chief part of the
mechanism of autocatalysis resides 3 It may
be that there are still other ele-
within the genes rather than in the ments which have the nature of
in the cell
genes, but as no critical evidence has ever
"protoplasm." Meanwhile, the method been adduced for their existence, it would
is worth following up, simply because be highly hazardous to postulate them.
stand the properties and possibilities of a loss or gain of part of the gene,
of the individual gene, we must study our problem of why the changed gene
the mutations as directly as possible, still seems to be autocatalytic would

and bring the results to bear upon our in the main disappear, but such a situa-
problem. tion is excluded a priori since in that
case the thousands of genes now exist-
(a) The Quality and Quantity ing could never have evolved.
of the Change Although a given gene may thus
In spite of the fact that the drawing change in various ways, it is important
of inferences concerning the gene is to note that there is a strong tendency
very much hindered, in this method, for any given gene to have its changes
on account of the remoteness of the of a particular kind, and to mutate in
gene-cause from its character-effect, one direction rather than in another.
one salient point stands out already. It And although mutation certainly does
is that the change is not always a mere not always consist of loss, it often
loss of material, because clear-cut re- gives effects that might be termed
verse mutations have been obtained in losses. In the case of the mutant genes
corn, Drosophila, Portulaca^ and prob- for bent and eyeless in the fourth
ably elsewhere. If the original muta- chromosome of Drosophila it has even
tion was a loss, the reverse must be a been proved, by Bridges, that the
gain. Secondly, the mutations in many effects are of exactly the same kind,
cases seem not to be quantitative at all, although of lesser intensity, as those
since the different allelomorphs produced by the entire loss of the
formed by mutations of one original chromosome in which they lie, for
gene often fail to form a single linear flies having bent or eyeless in one

series. One case, in fact, is known in chromosome and lacking the homol-
which the allelomorphs even affect ogous chromosome are even more
totally different characters: this is the bent, or more eyeless, than those hav-
case of the truncate series, in which I ing a homologous chromosome that
have found that different mutant genes also contains the gene in question. The
at the same locus may cause either a fact that mutations are usually reces-
shortening of the wing, an eruption sive might be taken as pointing in the
on the thorax, a lethal effect, or any same direction, since it has been found
combination of two or three of these in several cases that the loss of genes—
characters. In such a case we may be as evidenced by the absence of an
dealing either with changes of differ- entire chromosome of one pair— tends
ent types occurring in the same ma- to be much more nearly recessive than
terial or with changes (possibly quan- dominant in its effect.
titative changes, similar in type) oc- The effect of mutations in causing
curring in different component parts a loss in the characters of the organism
of one gene. Owing to the universal should, however, be sharply distin-
applicability of the latter interpreta- guished from the question of whether
tion, even where allelomorphs do not the gene has undergone any loss. It is
form a linear series, it can not be cate- generally true that mutations are much
gorically denied,in any individual more apt to cause an apparent loss in
case, that the changes may be merely character than a gain, but the obvious
quantitative changes of some part of explanation for that is, not because the
the gene. If all changes were thus gene tends to lose something, but be-
quantitative, even in this limited sense cause most characters require for

proper development a nicely adjusted are usually more genes slightly affect-
train of processes, and so any change ing a given character than those play-
in the genes— no matter whether loss, ing an essential role in its formation.
gain, substitution or rearrangement— is The evidence proves that there are
more likely to throw the develop- still more genes whose change does

mental mechanism out of gear, and not affect the given character at all—
give a "weaker" result, than to inten- no matter what this character may be,
sify it. For this reason, too, the most unless it is life itself— and this raises the
frequent kind of mutation of all is the question as to how many mutations
lethal, which leads to the loss of the are absolutely unnoticed, affecting no
entire organism, but we do not con- character, or no detectable character,
clude from this that all the genes had to any appreciable extent at all. Cer-
been lost at the time of the mutation. tainly there must be many such muta-
The explanation for this tendency for tions, judging by the frequency with
most changes to be degenerative, and which "modifying factors" arise,
also for the fact that certain other which produce an effect only in the
kinds of changes— like that from red to presence of a special genetic complex
pink eye in Drosophila—2LTe more fre- not ordinarily present.
quent than others— such as red to
brown or green eye— lies rather in de- (b) The Localizatioji of the

velopmental mechanics than in ge- Change

netics. It is because the developmental Certain evidence concerning the
processes are more unstable in one causation of mutations has also been
direction than another, and easier to obtained by studying the relations of
push "downhill" than up, and so any their occurrence to one another.
mutations that occur— no matter what Hitherto it has nearly always been
the gene change is like— are more apt found that only one mutation has oc-
to have these effects than the other curred at a time, restricted to a single
effects. If now selection is removed in gene in the cell. I must omit from con-
regard to any particular character, sideration here the two interesting
these character changes which occur cases of deficiency, found by Bridges
more readily must accumulate, giving and by Mohr, in each of which it
apparent orthogenesis, disappearance seems certain than an entire region of
of unused organs, of unused physio- a chromosome, with its whole cargo
logical capabilities,and so forth. As of genes, changed or was lost, and also
we. shall see however, the
later, a certain peculiar case, not yet cleared
changes are not so frequent or nu- up, which has recently been reported
merous that they could ordinarily by Nilsson-Ehle; these important cases
push evolution in such a direction stand alone. Aside from them, there
against selection and against the im- are only two instances in which two
mediate interests of the organism. (or more) new mutant genes have
In regard to the magnitude of the been proved to have been present in
somatic effect produced by the gene the same gamete. Both of these are
variation, the Drosophila results show cases in Drosophila— reported by
that there the smaller character Muller and Altenburg (1921)— in
changes occur oftener than large ones. which a gamete contained two new
The reason for this is again probably sex-linked lethals; two cases are not
to be found in developmental me- a greater number than was to have
chanics, owing to the fact that there been expected from a random distri-
bution of mutations, judging by the to change, its mutation must affect all

frequency with which single mutant of the cells in a bloc, that are de-
lethals were found in the same experi- scended from the mutant cell.
ments. Ordinarilv% then, the event that
causes the mutation is specific, affect-
(c) The Co?iditions mider which
ing just one particular kind of gene the Change occurs
of all the thousands present in the cell. But the method that appears to have
That due to a spatial
this specificity is most scope and promise is the experi-
limitation rather than a chemical one mental one of investigating the condi-
is shown by the fact that when the tions under which mutations occur.
single gene changes the other one, of This requires studies of mutation fre-
identical composition, located near by quency under various methods of
in the homologous chromosome of the handling the organisms. As yet, ex-
same cell, remains unaffected. This has tremely little has been done along this
been proved by Emerson in corn, by line. That is because, in the past, a
Blakeslee in Portulaca, and I have mutation was considered a windfall,
shown there is strong evidence for it and the expression "mutation fre-
in Drosophila. Hence these mutations quency" would have seemed a con-
are not caused by some general perva- tradiction in terms. To attempt to
sive influence, but are due to "acci- study it would have seemed as absurd
dents" occurring on a molecular scale. as to study the conditions affecting
When the molecular or atomic mo- the distribution of dollar bills on the
tions chance to take a particular form, You were simply fortunate if
to which the gene is vulnerable, then you found one. Not even controls,
the mutation occurs. giving the "normal" rate of mutation—
It will even be possible to determine ifindeed there is such a thing— were
whether the entire gene changes at attempted.''^ Of late, however, we may
once, or whether the gene consists of say that certain verv^ exceptional bank-
several molecules or particles, one of ing houses have been found, in front
which may change at a time. This of which the dollars fall more fre-
point can be settled in organisms hav- quently—in other words, specially mu-
ing determinate cleavage, by studies table genes have been discovered, that
of the distribution of the mutant char- are beginning to yield abundant data
acter in somatically mosaic mutants. at the hands of Nilsson-Ehle, Zeleny,
If there is a group of particles in the Emerson, Anderson and others. For
gene, then when one particle changes some of these mutable genes the rate
it will be distributed irregularly of change is found to be so rapid that
among the descendant cells, owing to at the end of a few decades half of
the random orientation of the two
halves of the chromosome on the tend not to persist as such, for the occur-
mitotic spindles of succeeding divi- rence of mutation in one particle after the
sions,* but if there is only one particle other would in time differentiate the gene
into a number of different genes consisting
of one particle each.
This depends on the assumption that if
4 5 Studies of "mutation frequency" had of

the gene does consist of several particles, the course been made in the CEnotheras, but as
halves of the chromosomes, at each division, we now know that these were not studies of
receive a random sample of these particles. the rate of gene change but of the fre-
That is almost a necessary assumption, since quencies of crossing over and of chromo-
a gene formed of particles each one of which some aberrations they may be neglected for
was separately partitioned at division would our present purposes.

the genes descended from those origi- an influence upon mutation in this
nally present would have become same gene, caused by developmental
changed. After these genes have once conditions— the mutations from white
mutated, however, their previous mu- to red of the mutable gene studied
tability no longer holds. In addition occurring far more frequently in the
to this "banking house method" there cells of the more mature ear than in

are also methods, emplo\'ed by Alten- those of the younger ear. These two
burg and myself, for— as it were— auto- results at least tell us decisively that
matically sweeping up wide areas of mutation is not a sacred, inviolable,
the streets and sifting the collections unapproachable process: it may be
for the valuables. By these special gen- altered. These are the first steps; the
etic methods of reaping mutations way now lies open broad for explora-

we have recently shown that the ordi- tion.

nary genes of Drosophila— unlike the It is true that I have left out of

mutable genes above— would usually account here the reported findings by
require at least a thousand years— several investigators, of genetic vari-
probably very much more— before half ations caused by treatments with vari-
of them became changed. This puts ous toxic substances and with certain
their stability about on a par with, if other unusual conditions. In most of
not much higher than, that of atoms of these cases, however, the claim has
radium— to use a fairly familiar anal- not been made that actual gene
ogy. Since, even in these latter experi- changes have been caused: the results
ments, many of the mutations prob- have usually not been analyzed gen-
ably occurred within a relatively few etically and were in fact not analyza-
rather highly mutable genes, it is ble genetically; they could just as well
likely that most of the genes have a be interpreted to be due to abnor-
stability far higher than this result malities in the distribution of genes—
suggests. for instance, chromosome abnormal-
The above mutation rates are mere itieslike those which Mavor has re-
first gleanings— we have yet to find cently produced with X-rays— as to be
how difi'erent conditions affect the due to actual gene mutations. But even
occurrence of mutations. There had if they were due to real genie differ-

so far been only the negative findings ences, the possibility has in most cases
that mutation is not confined to one by no means been excluded (1) that
sex (Muller and Altenburg, 1919; these genie differences were present in
Zeleny, 1921), or to any one stage in the stock to begin with, and merely
the liJFe cycle (Bridges, 1919; Muller, became sorted out unequally, through
1920; Zeleny, 1921), Zeleny's finding random segregation; or (2) that other,
that bar-mutation not influenced by
is invisible genie differences were pres-
recency of origin of the gene (1921), ent which, after random sorting out,
and the as yet inconclusive differences themselves caused differences in muta-
found by Altenburg and myself for tion rate between the different lines.
mutation rate at different tempera- Certain recent results by Altenburg
tures (1919), until at this year's meet- and myself suggest that genie differ-
ing of the botanists Emerson an- ences, affecting mutation rate, may be
nounced the definite discovery of the not uncommon. To guard against
influence of a genetic factor in corn either of these possibilities it would
upon the mutation rate in its allelo- have been necessary to test the stocks
morph, and Anderson the finding of out by a thorough course of inbreed-
ing beforehand, or else to have run at lowed, and those in which many
least half a dozen different pairs of homozygous or else genetically con-
parallel lines of the control and treated trolled lines can be run in parallel,
series, and to have obtained a definite either by parthenogenesis, self-fertil-
difference in the same direction be- ization, balanced lethals or other spe-
tween the two lines of each pair; cial genetic means, and later analyzed,
otherwise it can be proved by the through sexual reproduction, segrega-
theory of "probable error" that the tion and crossing over.
differences observed may have been a
mere matter of random sampling V. OTHER POSSIBILITIES

among genie differences originally We can not, however, set fixed

present.Accumulating large numbers limits to the possibiHties of research.
of abnormal or inferior individuals by We should not wish to deny that some
selective propagation of one or two new and unusual method may at any
of the treated lines— as has been done time be found of directly producing
in some cases— adds nothing to the mutations. For example, the phenom-
significance of the results. ena now being worked out by Guyer
At best, however, these genetically may be a case in point. There is a
unrefined methods would be quite in- curious analog>^ betu^een the reactions
sensitive to mutations occurring at of immunity and the phenomena of
anything like ordinary frequency, or heredity, in apparently fundamental
to such differences in mutation rate as and any results that seem to
have already been found in the analyt- connect the two are worth following
ical experiments on mutation fre- to the limit.
quency. And seems quite possible
it Finally, there is a phenomenon re-
that larger differences than these will lated to immunity, of still more strik-
not easily be hit upon, at least not in ing nature, which must not be ne-
the early stages of our investigations, glected by geneticists. This is the
in view of the evidence that mutation d'Herelle phenomenon. D'Herelle
is ordinarily due to an accident on an found in 1917 that the presence of
ultramicroscopic scale, rather than di- dysentery bacilli in the body caused
rectly caused by influences pervading the production there of a filterable
the organism. For the present, then, it substance, emitted in the stools, which
appears most promising to employ or- had and in fact dissolving ac-
a lethal
ganisms in which the genetic composi- tion on the corresponding type of bac-
tion can be controlled and analyzed, teria, if a drop of it were applied to
and to use genetic methods that are
^ refer here to the remarkable specificity
enough to disclose mutations
sensitive I

with which a particular complex antigen

occurring in the control as well as in
calls forth processes that construct for it an
the treated individuals. In this way antibody that is attracted to it and fits it
relatively slight variations in mutation "Hke lock and key," followed by further
frequency, caused by the special treat- processes that cause more and more of the
antibody to be reproduced. If the antigen
ments, can be determined, and from
were a gene, which could be slightly altered
the conditions found to alter the mu- by the cell to form the antibody that neu-
we might finally
tation rate slightly tralized it —
as some enzymes can be slightly
work up which affect it most
to those changed by heating so that they counteract
markedly. The only methods now —
the previous active enzyme and if this anti-
body-gene then became implanted in the
meeting this requirement are those in cell so as to keep on growing, all the phe-
which a particular mutable gene is fol- nomena of immunity would be produced.
a colony of the bacteria that were tally like our chromosome genes, they
under cultivation. So far, there would would give us an utterly new angle
be nothing to distinguish this phe- from which to attack the gene prob-
nomenon from immunity. But he fur- lem. They are filterable, to some ex-
ther found that \\'hen a drop of the tent isolable, can be handled in test-
affected colonv^ was applied to a sec- tubes, and their properties, as shown
ond living colony, the second colony by their effects on the bacteria, can
would be killed; a drop from the sec- then be studied after treatment. It
ond would kill a third colony, and so would be very rash to call these bodies
on indefinitely. In other words, the genes, and yetwe must
at present
substance, when applied to colonies confess no distinction
that there is

of bacteria, became multiplied or in- known between the genes and them.
creased, and could be so increased Hence we can not categorically deny
indefinitely; it was self-propagable. It that perhaps we may be able to grind
fulfills, then, the definition of an genes in a mortar and cook them in a
autocatalytic substance, and although beaker after all. Must we geneticists
it may really be of very different become bacteriologists, phv^siological
composition and work by a totally chemists and physicists, simultaneously
different mechanism from the genes with being zoologists and botanists?
in the chromosomes, it also fulfills Let us hope so.
our definition of a gene.'^ But the
resemblance goes further— it has been I have purposely tried to paint
found by Gratia that the substance things in the rosiest possible colors.
may, through appropriate treatments Actually, the work on the individual
on other bacteria, become changed gene, and its mutation, is beset with
(so as to produce a somewhat differ- tremendous difliculty. Such progress
ent effect than before, and attack dif- in it as has been made has been by
ferent bacteria) and still retain its self- minute steps and at the cost of infinite
propagable nature. labor. Where results are thus meager,
That two kinds of sub-
distinct all thinking becomes almost equivalent
stances—the d'Herelle substances and to speculation. But we can not give up
the genes— should both possess this thinking on that account, and thereby
most remarkable property of heritable give up the intellectual incentive to
variation or "mutability," each work- our work. In fact, a wide, unhampered
ing by a totally different mechanism, treatment of all possibilities is, in such
is quite conceivable, considering the cases, all the more imperative, in order
complexity of protoplasm, yet it that we may direct these labors of ours
would seem a curious coincidence in- where they have most chance to count.
deed. It would open up the possibility We must provide eyes for action.
of tu'o totally different kinds of life, The real trouble comes when spec-
working by different mechanisms. On ulation masquerades as empirical fact.
the other hand, if these d'Herelle For those who cry out most loudly
bodies were really genes, fundamen- against "theories" and "hypotheses"—

D'Herelle himself thought that the sub-

7 whether these latter be the chromo-
stance was a filterable virus parasitic on the some theory, the factorial "hypoth-
bacterium, called forth by the host body. It esis," the theory of crossing over, or
has since been found that various bacteria
any other— are often the very ones
each cause the production of d'Herelle sub-
stances which are to some extent specific for
most guilty of stating their results in
the respective bacteria. terms that make illegitimate implicit
assumptions, which they themselves Mavor, J. W^. 1921 On the Elimination of the
X-chromosome from the egg of Drosoph-
are scarcelyaware of simply because
ila melaiiogaster by X-rays. Science, n.s.,
they are opposed to dragging "spec- 54, pp. 277-279.
ulation" into the open. Thus they may Mohr, O. L. 1919 Character Changes caused
be finally led into the worst blunders by Mutation of an Entire Region of a
of all. Let us, then, frankly admit Chromosome in Drosophila. Genetics, vol.
pp. 275-282.
the uncertainty of many of the pos-

Muller, H. J. 1920 Further Changes in the

sibilities we have dealt with, using
White-eye Series of Drosophila and their
them as a spur to the real work. Bearing on the Manner of Occurrence of
Mutation. Jour. Exp. Zool., vol. 31, pp.
Blakeslee, A. F. 1920 A Dwarf Mutation in Muller, H. J., and E. Altenburg, 1919 The
Portulaca showing Vegetative Reversions. Rate of Change of Hereditary Factors in
Genetics, vol. 5, pp. 419-433. Drosophila. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, and Med.,
Bridges, C. B. 1917 Deficiency. Genetics, vol. vol. 17, pp. 10-14.

2, pp. 445-465. , 1921 A

Study of the Character and
, 1919 The Developmental Stages at Mode of Origin of 18 Mutations in the
which Mutations Occur in the Germ X-chromosome of Drosophila. Anat. Rec,
Tract. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol, and Med., vol. vol. 20, p. 213.
17, pp. 1-2. Nilsson-Ehle, H. 1911 Ueber Falle spontanen
-, 192 1 Genetical and Cytological Proof Wegfallens eines Hemmungsfaktors beim
of Non-disjunction of the Fourth Chromo- Hafer. Zeit. f. Ind. Abst. u. Vererb., vol.
some of Drosophila melanx)gaster. Proc. 5, pp. 1-37.
Nat. Acad. Sci., vol. 7, pp. 186-192. 1920 Multiple Allelomorphe und

D'Herelle, F. 1917 Conjpt. rend. Acad., vol. Komplexmutationen beim Weizen. Hered-
165, p. 373. itas, vol. 1, pp. ni-lll.
1918 Compt. rend. Acad., vol. 167, p. 970. Troland, L. T. 1917 Biological Enigmas and
1918 Compt. rend. Soc. Biol., vol. 81, p. the Theory of Enzyme Action. Amer.
1160. Nat., vol. 51, pp. 321-350.
1919 Conipt. rend. Acad., vol. 168, p. 631. Wollstein, Ai. 1921 Studies on the Phenome-
1920 Compt. rend. Soc. Biol., vol. 83, pp. non of d'Herelle with Bacillus dysentaria.
52, 97, 247. Jour. Exp. Med., vol. 34, pp. 467-477.

Emerson, R. A. 1911 The Inheritance of a Zeleny, C. 1920 The Direction and Fre-
Recurring Somatic Variation in Variegated quency of Mutation in a Series of Multiple
Ears of Maize. Anier. Nat., vol. 48, pp. 87- Allelomorphs. Anat. Rec, vol. 20, p. 210.
115. , The
Direction and Frequency
Gratia,A. 1921 Studies on the d'Herelle of Mutation in the Bar-eye Series of Multi-
Phenomenon. Jour. Exp. Med., vol. 34, pp. ple Allelomorphs of Drosophila. Jour. Exp.
115-126. Zool, vol. 34, pp. 203-233.
Sex in Relation to Chromosomes and Genes


Reprinted by publisher's permission from Amer-

ican Naturalist, vol. 59, 1925, pp. 127-137.

It sometimes happejis biology that a hypothesis that fits all

knoiv?! facts a?id evidence offered and accepted for many years.

It may prove to he so completely satisfactory that it becomes ac-

cepted as fact rather than as hypothesis. This was true of sex deter-
?ninatio?i, which was lojig understood to be a simple matter of the
presence or absence of a particidar chromosome. In maimjials a?id
other groups it ivas a "F" chroinosome^ which, presefit and paired
with an "X" chromosome, gave a male. If the Y was absent, and two
X chromosomes were paired, a female was born. The presence and
absence theory was sufficient to explain sex detertnination in many
different kinds of platits and animals. 0?ily the occurrejice of a situa-
tion the cojicept could ?iot explain led Bridges to fonmilate a differ-
ent theory— that of chromosome balance.
We still do not know today how
widely the balance theory of
sex deter?nination ca?i be applied. Bridges shows in this paper that it
might apply i?i the case of several pla?it species, but this is primarily
on the strength of extrapolated evideyice. But Tnany geneticists today
believe that the hypothesis of the balanced chromosome determina-
tion of sex in the fruit fly is equally valid throughout a wide range
of species, a?id this paper sta?ids as a classic i?i the study of sex de-

During the three years since X-chromosomes and three of each

the report at the Toronto meeting kind of autosome. The possession of an
(Bridges '22) considerable new in- extra X and at the same time of an
formation has accumulated with re- extra set of autosomes does not change
gard to the series of different sex-types this individual in its sexual characters
that has arisen in the breeding work from the normal type of female. How-
WTth Drosophila (Table I). Each of ever, in gametogenesis the 3N group
these different sex-typesis the result is an unstable one. Each egg receives
of a particular combination of chro- a full set of chromosomes and a full
mosomes. They occur principally set goes to the polar body. The mem-
among the offspring of females that bers of the extra set are distributed
are triploids, that is, that have three between the egg and the polar body
in all possible combinations. Thus, a an intersex, that is, into an individual
common type of egg of a 3N female that is neither male or female but an

has an extra set of autosomes. If we intermediate, or rather a mixture of

represent a set of autosomes bv A, this male and female parts, very similar in
egg can be formulated as X+A+A type to the intersexes that Gold-
or X,2A. When such an egg is fertil- schmidt has worked with so exten-
ized by an ordinary sperm, that can be sively in Lyma?itna dispar (Gold-
formulated X + A, the zygote is 2X,- schmidt '20).

3A. This type of zygote develops into The interpretation of these inter-

Table I

Relation of Sex to Chromosomes in Drosophila nielanogaster

Sex Type
namely 2X,2A, the female genes out- among the offspring of 3N females. At
weigh the male and the result is a fe- first none were found; but presently
male. If we represent the net effective- it was discovered that very late in the

ness of the female tendency genes in cultures an occasional example of a

the X by 100, then we should repre- distinct type of male occurred. These
sent the net male effectiveness of a set so-called "supermales" are likewise
of autosomes by some lower number; Recently, cytological proof has

let us say 80. In a 2X,2A individual the been secured that this type of sex has
ratio of female effectiveness to male the constitution X,3A, which agrees
effectiveness 200:160, or 1.25 to 1;
is with the genetical evidence previously
and on this formulation the sex index secured.
of 1.25 corresponds to the normal fe- It was observed that the intersexes

male. In the X,2A individual the ratio showed considerable variation and
of female to male effectiveness is seemed to form a bimodal class. And
100:160; or the sex index of a normal since the cytological investigation had
male is 0.63. In the 2X,3A intersex the showed that some intersexes had three
ratio is 200:240, and the sex index is and others only two of the small round
0.83, whichintermediate between
is fourth chromosome, it was guessed
the indices for female and male. In the that the more male-like mode corre-
3N female the ratio is 300:240, and the sponded to the full trio of fourth
sex index is 1.25, exactly the same as chromosomes, while the more female-
in the normal female. This identity of like mode corresponded to the cyto-
sex indices for the3N and 2N forms logical type that lacked one fourth
corresponds to the observation that chromosome. An effort has been made
there seems to be no strictly sexual to secure cytological evidence on this
differences between them. The larger point. But this evidence is inconclusive;
size, coarser texture of eye, etc., of the as is also that from an attempt to make
3N can be directly attributed to the a genetic test of the number of fourth
changed volume of the nucleus, and chromosomes present through use of
are not sexual in nature. the fourth-chromosome mutant char-
Another type of egg of the 3N 9 is acter eyeless. At present extra fourth
X-l-X+A; and this, fertilized by a chromosomes are being artificially in-
normal XA sperm, gives a 3X,2A in- serted into the intersexes by continu-
dividual with a sex index of 1.88, ally crossing 3N mothers to males
which is 50 per cent higher than that known to have an extra fourth chro-
of the normal female. This constitu- mosome. Contrariwise, in other lines of
tion corresponds in fact to the "super- intersexes,fourth chromosomes are
females" that occur in these cultures being diminished in numbers by con-
and elsewhere. The superfemales are tinually mating 3N mothers to males
much delayed in development, are known to lack one of the two fourth
rarely able to live and are probably chromosomes. Similarly, the superfe-
completely sterile. maleness of the 3X,2A individuals
Conversely, an X-l-A-l-A egg, fer- might be reduced or be increased by
tilized by the type of sperm that does matings with triplo-IV males or with
not carry an X, gives an X,3A zygote haplo-IV males. For this experiment
with a sex-index of only 0.42. This females being used whose two
type of individuals was expected to be X-chromosomes are permanently at-
more male-like than an ordinary male; tached to each other (L. V. Morgan
and such individuals were looked for '22), and hence that give through non-
disjunction a very high proportion of that give the explanation of the origin
3X-superfemales. Present indications, of triploids. In three separate prepara-
from the uncompleted experiments, are tions of ordinary 2N females it was
slightly contradictory, but tend to a found that portion of an ovary was
conclusion which is the opposite of that constituted of markedly larger cells;
earlier reported as probable on the and in two of the individuals some of
basis of the slight evidence then avail- the giant cells were in division, and the
able (Bridges '22). When the number chromosomes could be counted as 4N.
of fourth chromosomes is three the Evidently there had been in some
intersexes are more female-like, and oogonial cell a division of the chro-
u^hen the number is two they are more mosomes that had not been followed
male-like. The fourth chromosome has by division of the nucleus and cyto-
a net female tendency, similar to that plasm. The resulting tissue was tetra-
of the X and different from that of the ploid, and any reduced gamete would
other autosomes. By variation in the be 2N. Such a 2N gamete, fertilized
number of fourth chromosomes it is by a normal sperm, would account for
possible to have a fringe of minor sex- each of the twenty-five recurrences
types about each of the major types of of triploidy.
sex difference. Furthermore, in examining sections
The list of sex-types has been en- of two individuals were
larged by the discovery of tetraploids, found which similar cysts of even
or 4N individuals. These are females, larger cells were present. In one of
quite identical with normal females in these cysts divisions were occurring;
sex characteristics. The tetraploid and the chromosomes were clearly
arose in a stock of triploids; and was 6N. A 6N cyst in a 3N female would
detected only by the strikingly differ- give, upon reduction, 3N eggs, which,
ent offspring given. A female supposed fertilized by X sperm, would give the
to be 3N was selected from the 3N expected 4N type of female.
stock and outcrossed to a normal male. Soon after this first case of 4N fe-
All the offspring were triploid females male a second similar case was found.
(about 30) or triploid intersexes Also L. V. Morgan found a third case,
(about 20). There were no 2N off- and was able to prove by genetic tests
spring or supersexes. It was seen that that four separate X-chromosomes had
this result might be produced if the been present (in press).
mother were 4N instead of 3N. For The fact that 4N individuals are
in that case all the reduced eggs would females, not modified as to sex, has
be 2N; and these fertilized by X-sperm important bearings on our ideas as to
would give 3N females, and fertilized the way in which genes interact to
by Y-sperm would give 2X,3A inter- produce their effect. The view
sexes. adopted here is that in general the
Before the discovery of this 4N in- effectiveness is in proportion to num-

dividual, an expectation that it would ber of genes, and the significant point
occur had arisen from several facts. is the ratio between sets of genes that

Thus, in the three years following the tend to produce alternative effects. On
discovery of triploidy there had been thisview we find a ready explanation
found no less than twenty-five in- of the fact that such diverse forms as
stances of the new occurrence of tri- 2N, 3N and 4N individuals are pre-
ploidy. This very high frequency was cisely alike in their sexual character-
paralleled by cytological observations istics; for in all these forms the cffec-
tiveness of both contending sets of 40 units. strong race both F and
For a
influences has been doubled, trebled M are higher, for example, 100 and
or quadrupled; and the ratio remains 80, but the arithmetical relation be-
constant. tu^een the values of F and A4 would
But a system of formulation differ- still govern the sex of the individual.

ent from the ratio type has been In a cross between a weak female and
adopted by Goldschmidt in dealing a strong male the ZW
individual re-
with the intersexes produced in the ceived an F of 80 from the mother

course of his brilliant work on racial

crosses of Lymmitria dispar. To the
and an M
of 80 from the father. The
values are thus balanced midway be-
male tendency of a particular race he
tw^een the excesses necessary for a fe-
assigns a positive value that is propor-
male on the one hand or a male on the
tional to the strength of the male-de-
other, and the result is an intersex.
termining gene or genes. To the fe-
This far the formulation is satisfac-
male tendency he assigns another value
tory; but when extensive series of
also proportionate to the strength of
crosses are compared, and an attempt
the female-determining gene or genes.
is made to give values to the F and the
He then assumes that when in an in- M of each race that will hold through-
dividual the male value is greater than
out the entire range of experiments, this
the female value the individual is a
attempt is rather unsuccessful. It seems
male, and that, conversely, when the
to me that a reformulation on the ratio
female value is greater than the male
by this same number of units the in-
instead of the algebraic basis would
dividual is a female. The locus of the give a series of consistent indices with-

male tendency gene {M) is in the out running counter to the very valu-
"Z-chromosome" of which two are able physiological ideas that Gold-
present in the male and one in the schmidt has developed.
female. The female tendency is strictly In the table of sex-types of Dro-
maternally inherited; and hence the sophila the haploid individual is en-
locus of the F genes is in the W-chro- tered with the index 1.25, the same
mosome that descends from mother to as that of the 2N, 3N and 4N females.
daughter. The F gene is supposed to Unfortunately the haploid individual
exert its influence on the cytoplasm of has not been discovered. But it is plain
the developing &2,^\ and hence, al- from the view just given that the ex-
though the male has no W-chromo- pectation for a haploid Drosophila
some, he is supposed to have a definite melmiogaster is that it would be fe-
female tendency that was impressed male in sex character. Accordingly, it
upon the cytoplasm of the tgg and is necessary to assume that the sex-

that persists throughout development. determining mechanism here is essen-

For a "weak" race the value assigned tially different from that in the bee
to F is 80, and to M, 60. In the^VZ and similar forms in which the haploid
individual the cytoplasmic F of 80 individual is a male. To me, sex-deter-
| |

mination in the bee is the outstanding

exceeds the M value of 60 by "the
unsolved puzzle, although before the
epistatic minimum" of 20 units, and
development of the idea of genie bal-
the individual is a female. Likewise,
ance it seemed one of the clearest and
in the ZZ individual the |
F |
is 80, but simplest of cases. If it is true that the
the net M twice 60 or 120,
value is male is a haploid individual, then one
with an excess in the male direction of would suppose that the diploid in-
dividual should likewise be a male, At present the difference between
since the ratios among the sex-deter- haploid and diploid sexes must be
mining genes are not different in the referred to the same type of deter-
two cases. mination as that responsible for the
Schrader and Sturtevant have at- larger size, rougher texture of eyes
tempted a reconciliation of the cases and other slightchanges that distin-
of Drosophila and the bee by use of guish the 3N from the 2N individual.
Goldschmidt's algebraic formulation. But outside of the cases like that of
They assign a positive value, e.g., +2, the bee, it seems probable that the

to each A and a negative value e.g., ratiotype of interaction is the general

— 6, to each X. It is then assumed that mode. In evidence of this may be cited
the effective relation is the algebraic the vast array of monoecious plants in
sum of the values of X
and A, as given which the sex relations in the triploid
in the column to the right in Table I. and tetraploid remain the same as in
On this view the haploid might be a the diploid. Of course there high

male. But this system has a difficulty sterility in the triploid forms on ac-
in that the intervals between successive count of the instability of the 3N
indices do not correspond very well group in meiosis, and the consequent
with the observed differences between production of inviable gametes or
the sex grades. Thus the smallest ob- zygotes. Among the most striking con-
served interval in fact, that between firmations of this ratio view of genie
the 3N and 2N individuals, is repre- balance is seen in the mosses, through
sented by a difference of 4 units, while the brilliant work of the Marchals,
the very great interval between the Schweitzer and von Wettstein. For ex-
male and the female is represented by ample, they find in a moss with sepa-
only six units. At that time the 4N type rate sexes that a 2N gametophyte that
was not known; and when addedit is combines 2 female groups of chromo-
to the series, the fit is very poor on somes is a pure female, like the haploid
the algebraic system and very good on female plant (Table II). Likewise the
the ratio system. I repeat that I do not 2N gametophyte that combines two
regard the case of the bee as interpret- male groups of chromosomes is a pure
able on the same basis as Drosophila male plant, like the haploid male plant.
so long as the present account of the But a 2N gametophyte that combines
mechanism for the bee is unchallenged. a male and a female group is no longer

a single-sexed plant but is a protan- although there may be other slightly

drous hermaphrodite. Furthermore, different values that would give a set
the 4N gametophvte that combines 2 of indices whose intervals would cor-
male chromosome groups with 2 fe- respond even more closely to the
male groups (FFA4M) is a hermaphro- observed differences than to those
dite like the ¥M hemiaphrodite. But given.
a triploid form in which two groups The same conformity to the ratio
are female and one is male is a her- rule seems to be true in the haploid,
maphrodite that is strongly protogynic diploid, triploid and tetraploid daturas,
instead of protandrous. On the other as far as can gather. But on the genie

hand, in working with monoecious balance view each of the twelve kinds
mosses where the haploid group is a of chromosomes of Datura might have
hermaphrodite, then all haploid, dip- a distinctive internal unbalance of the
loid, triploid and tetraploid plants sex-controlling genes, similar to the
were hermaphrodite without distinc- unbalance in the fourth chromosome
tion, as they should be from their pos- of Drosophila. In Datura there is a
session of the same ratio of female to full series of forms that differ from the

male determiners. 2N by the addition of a particular

A series of sex-indices, similar to extra chromosome. If any of these
those for Drosophila, can be fitted to twelve kinds of chromosomes contain
the dioecious mosses, as shown in more effective male tendency genes
Table II. Here it is assumed that there than female tendency genes, or vice
is a pair of chromosomes, X and X', versa, then one may well expect to
whose difference accounts for the dif- discover that some of Blakeslee's
ference between the female and male "Apostles" and "Acolytes" have atyp-
types. It is assumed that in both these ical sex-relations.

sexes the net effect of the other chro-

mosomes, that may be represented by
Blakeslee, A. F. 1922 Variations in Datura,
A, is male-determining. Then, since chromosome number.
due to changes in
the X,A type is a female, the value for Avi. Nat., vol. 56, pp. 16-31.
A must be less than that of X, e.g., Bridges, C. B. 1922 The origin of variations
X=100 and A = 80. Likewise, since in sexual and sex-limited characters. A7n.

X',A is a male, the value X' must be Nat., vol. 56, pp. 51-63.

less than that of A, e.g., X'=50. Also, Goldschmidt, R. 1920 Untersuchungen iiber
Intersexualitat. Zeit. bid. Abst. u. Verer.,
since the FM plant is a hermaphrodite f.

vol. 23, pp. 1-197.

that resembles the normal male more
Morgan, L. V. 1922 Non-criss-cross inherit-
than the normal female, X-l-X' < 2 A. ance in Drosophilamelanogaster. Biol.
And, since the FFA4 plant is a her- Bull, vol. 42, pp. 267-274.
maphrodite that resembles the normal Schweitzer, J. 1923 Polyploidie und Ge-
female more closely, X-l-X+X' > schlechterverteilung bei Splachnum spheri-

3A. We have thus five limiting equa- cum Schwartz. Flora, vol. 116, pp. 1-72.
Wettstein, F. v. 1924 Morphologie und
tions for the three values, X, X', and
Physiologie des Formwechsels der Moose
A. As the table shows, the assigned auf genetischer Grundlage. 2.eit. f. ind.
values of 100, 50 and 80 are possible, Abst. 11. Verer., vol. 33, pp. 1-236.

The Effects of Unequal Crossing Over at the Bar
Locus in Drosophila


Reprinted by author's and publisher's permission

from Genetics, vol. 10, 1925, pp. 117-147.

Very often m biological research the greatest co?itributio?i to our

knowledge of a process comes from the discovery of events resulting
in its disruptio?!. Thus, the discovery of mutations gave us co?isider-
able knowledge normal gefie actio?!, a?id the discovery

of lethal mutatio?is provided ijiformation about the process of muta-

tion itself.
In Sturtevajifs paper we see this kind of event. Although the
author set out to study mutatio7i, he e?icoimtered a serious disruptio?!
of a?i ordi?mry process, a?id thereby made a discovery that has led
to co?isiderable alteration i?i the theory of the gene, hi fact, so?ne
authors have gone so far as to suggest that the classical idea of the
gene ?ieeded to be junked co?jipletely as a co?iseque?ice of the events
described i?i this paper. The disrupted process was that of ''crossing-
over,^'' which is the ?necha?2is?n whereby equal parts of ho?nologous
chromosomes are exchanged during meiosis. Sturteva?it found that
the parts exchanged were
always equal, and that the co?ise-
que?ices of the i?iequality of exchange were striking indeed.
I?i Sturteva?ifs simimary you will fl?id the stateme?it that'''. two . .

ge?ies lying i?i the sa?ne chro?noso?ne are more effective on develop-
ment tha?i the same two genes whe?i they lie i?i differe?it chromo-
so?iiesr This concept, a?id exte?isions of it, is now known as ''posi-
tio?i effecf (a tenn used by Sturtevant in this paper, page 141), and

it has destroyed the older concept of genes as "beads on a string,'''

which implies that where the gene is makes no difference i?i the way
it works. Sturteva?7fs work puts a new e?7Tphasis on the role of the

chro???osome i?i ?niclear co?itrol of celhdar ?netabolis?7i, a role perhaps

as important as that of siipervis'mg the per7nane?ice of equ-ality i?i
distributio?i of genes at the time of ?}ieiosis.

INTRODUCTION comes necessary to distinguish changes

that involve whole chromosomes (e.g.,
If one thinks of mutations as non-disjunction or tetraploidy),
being simply inherited changes, it be- changes that involve several adjacent

genes (deficiencies and duplications), round, allelomorph. Zeleny also con-

and what have been called "point- cluded that the reversion probably
mutations" or "frene-mutations." Prob- occurs chiefly (or perhaps exclusively)
ably this last type includes quite in females. His argument, based on
diverse processes. It is therefore im- the sex ratio found among reverted
portant to collect information as to the individuals, is not as convincing as the
nature of specific examples of muta- direct tests that will be described in
tion. For this purpose it will com- this paper, and which verify his con-
monly be necessary to work with a clusion. Zeleny also found that homo-
frequently recurring mutation. Only zygous bar gives rise to a new and
one frequently mutating gene has more extreme allelomorph of bar, that
hitherto been discovered in Drosoph- he has called "ultra-bar." For reasons
ila, namely, bar. Crossing over has that will be developed in this paper,
proved to be the key to the mutation I prefer to call it "double-bar." The

behavior of bar, as will be shown in the eyes of double-bar are distinctly

present paper. The case appears not smaller than those of bar (figure 6).
to be, strictly speaking, a point-muta- Zelenv' has shown that the type is more
tion after all, but a new kind of sec- strongly dominant over round than is
tion mutation, in which the section bar, and also that double-bar is largely
concerned is so short as to include dominant over bar.
only a single known gene, and in Zeleny likewise found that homo-
which unequal crossing over furnishes zygous double-bar stocks revert to
the mechanism for bringing about the round with a frequency not very dif-
new types. ferent from that of homozygous bar
stocks, and that double-bar occasion-
HISTORICAL ally mutates to bar; that is, it can go all
In 1914 Tice (1914) found a single the way back to round at one step, or
male of Drosophila melanogaster that it can give bar, which, in turn, is
had narrow eyes (see figures 1 and 2). capable of reverting to round. Zeleny
The new type, called bar (or "barred" has argued that the three types, round,
in the earlier literature), was found to bar, and double-bar, have the same
depend on a sex-linked gene located at characteristic properties, regardless of
57.0 in the X chromosome. It was fur- their origin. The round eye of re-
ther found that the bar character is verted bar is indistinguishable from
dominant, in the sense that females wdld-type; bar derived from double-
carrying one bar gene have eyes dis- bar does not differ from the original
tinctly different from the wild-type or bar, etc. This point will be considered
"round" eye (figure 3). Because of in more detail in a later section.
this dominance the type has been ex- Sturtevant and Morgan (1923)
tensively used in linkage experiments. showed that double-bar over bar ^ also
A^Iay (1917) reported that the bar gene gives rise to round-eyed individuals.
occasionally reverts to normal (figures They reported three reversions from
4 and 5)— a process that has more re- this combination and three from ho-
cently been extensively studied by
Zeleiiy (1919, 1920, 1921). Zeleny 1 In this paper the constitution of hetero-

found that the frequency of reversion zygotes will be expressed as above in order
to avoid circumlocution or indefiniteness.
is variable, but in many stocks is such
"Double-bar over bar" is to be understood
that about 1 in 1600 offspring from a as: "carrying double-bar in one X chromo-
pure bar stock receives a not-bar, or some and bar in the other X chromosome."
Figs. 1-10. (1) Homozygous bar female. (2) Bar male. (3) Bar-over-round female.
(4) Female homozygous for round, that was obtained by reversion. (5) Male that
carries round, obtained by reversion. (6) Double-bar male. (7) Homozygous infra-
bar female. (8) Infrabar male. (9) Infrabar-over-round female. (10) Double-infrabar


mozvgous bar. In all cases the mothers
had been heterozygous for forked,^ MUTATIONS AND CROSSING OVER
which lies 0.2 units to the left of bar,
The from homozygous bar
and for fused ^ which lies 2.5 units to
were reported by Sturte-
females, that
the right of bar. All six reversions
vant and Morgan, were from females
represented crossovers between forked
-\- R f
and fused, though the total forked of the constitution -7-^5 —. A more
fused crossovers constituted less than J B +
3 percent of the number of individuals efficient type of experiment is that in
examined. Sturtevant and Morgan also which females of the constitution
reported that experiments in which
r T, r are mated to forked bar fused
bar entered only through the males
had failed to give any reversions, males. Table 1 (first row) shows the
though no numerical data were re- results obtained from an extensive
ported. The present paper is based on series of this type. In the second row
the results of a more detailed study of of table 1 are given the results from
the relations first shown by Sturtevant mating a few females of the above
and Morgan (1923). constitution to forked fused males.

Table 1

9 XfBf^S (1st row) orff^ $ (2nd row)


eight reversions, and also both of the mutant individuals are probably over-
double-bars, occurred in gametes that looked, while it is not likely that any
came from crossing over between reversion is overlooked through diffi-
forked and fused, though the total culty of classification.
forked fused crossovers constituted The double-bar over bar experi-
only 2.4 percent of the population. ments reported by Sturtevant and
The one exceptional case, a wild-type Morgan (1923) can be interpreted in
male, is not above suspicion of having the same way: the reversion is here
arisen through contamination rather due to unequal crossing over just as in
than reversion of bar. That he was homozygous bar. In the earlier cul-
really round-eyed was proven by tests. tures of the experiments previously
Only 4 other exceptions to the rule reported, only the reversions were
that mutation in this locus is accom- classified for forked and for fused.
panied by forked-fused crossing over Two of the reversions were in such
have been met with in the work here incompletely classified cultures. Ta-
reported. These will be discussed sepa- ble 2, including all the double-bar over
rately later. bar data for which complete counts
On the basis of these results we may are available, contains one of the pre-
formulate the working hypothesis that viously reported reversions and one
both reversion and the production of new one. This table includes only the
double-bar are due to unequal crossing male offspring, since the BB derived
over. If we suppose that, in a female from the fathers rendered the classi-
+B+ .

crossmg over occurs m


fication of the females uncertain.

T " lu
The process of unequal crossing
a way that the respective points of over might be expected to give rise to
interchange lie to the left of the bar triple-bar from the females that are
locus in one chromosome, but to the double-bar over bar. No individual
right of it in the other one, there will that could be so identified was ob-
result chromosomes of the constitu- tained, though several specimens with
tion jBB+ and -t-f„ (or f-|-
and very small eyes were tested. All those
+ BBfu). The hypothesis is that re- that were fertile proved to be double-
verted round is simply no-bar, and that bar. Apparently triple-bar is either
double-bar is BB,— this being the rea- inviable or sterile. Thisproblem will
son for abandoning Zeleny's name, be discussed again below.
Table 2
This hypothesis makes reverted
round and double-bar complementary
crossovers, and they should accord- 9 XfBBf^ $
ingly be produced with equal fre-
quency. Table 1 agrees with Zeleny's B or BB$
more showing that
extensive data in
round is apparently far more frequent
than double-bar; but such a result was
to be expected for two reasons. Dou-
ble-bar is not as viable as round, so that
fewer of the double-bar mutant indi-
viduals would be expected to survive;
and double-bar is not always clearly
distinguishable from bar, so that some
have found this tv^pe hard to breed
and have therefore not obtained large
numbers of offspring. It may be re-
called that Zeleny has obtained both
bar and round from such females, but
not in experiments in which forked
and fused were present. In table 3,
showinsf the data I have obtained, only
males are recorded, for the same rea-
son as in table 2, and also because the
females could not be classified for

Table 3

9 XfBB S


Table 5

+ Xffu$

Table 7

X r V y. J f^ 6
stitution of the other was tested. All tested. Matings of bar-infrabar males
the experiments here described, on to attached-X females (also differing
"bar-infrabar" (figure 10), concern one other sex-linked gene)
in at least
this mutant gene. The stability of this have produced 9042 non-disjunctional
new type in the male has also been sons,— all of them bar-infrabar.

Table 10

9 XfBh$

culture of this series gave two wild- carried vermilion in her forked fused
tvpe females, one in the first count and X, and the father had also been ver-
another in the last count, ten days milion forked fused. The tested ex-
later. These females give rise to the ceptional female was found to carry
same difficulties as did the wild-type one wild-type X and one forked fused
obtained in the series reported in table X, but did not carry vermilion at all.
7. One of them was tested, and gave Under the circumstances it is open to
unexpected results. The mother had question whether these two excep-

Table 13

firms the sequence of the component shows that the double form obtained
parts of bar-infrabar. It was tested, and there must have had infrabar to the
all the results from double-infrabar left of bar; that is, it was infrabar-bar
reported below were obtained from instead of bar-infrabar. The tests made
descended from it.
flies with appear in table 15.

Examination of the data in table 1 These results show, in fact, that the

Table 15

9 Xffu $

Table 17

9 Xff^S
f in
zygous. It therefore serves to complete
the demonstration of the relation of
crossing over (between forked and The data presented in tables 1 to 19
fused) to mutation in the bar locus. have been examined in an attempt to
The experiment of table 19 was, formulate some general statements as
however, planned for another purpose. to the relative frequency of the vari-
It will be seen that in the mother, ous types of mutation in the bar locus.
... BB' It is probable that homozygous double
which was .
„ , eqjial, crossmg over
types, and double over single show the
might give rise to new types, namely, lowest frequencies of mutation, and
double-bar and double-infrabar. The that double type over round shows the
first could not be distinguished, in highest. Both these results might have
somatic appearance, from the unmu- been expected. There is, however, so
tated double types (BB' and B'B); but much variability among crosses of the
the double-infrabar should be readily same general nature that these conclu-
detected. Such an individual would be sions must be accepted with caution.
forked. It may accordingly be con- For example, the two largest series are
cluded that none of the 35 forked those from homozygous bar (20,438
(not-fused) offspring represented offspring) and from homozygous in-
equal crossing over between the halves frabar (16,918 offspring). The me-
of the rvvo double-type bar allelo- chanical conditions should be alike in
morphs present. It therefore seems the two cases, since both represent
probable that crossing over of this homozygous single types. Yet from
kind is not much, if any, more fre- the first there appeared 0.03 percent
quent than is that between the two of reversions, or 1 in each 2920 off-
elements of a double-type allelomorph spring; from the second there were
when the other chromosome carries 0.11 percent, or 1 in 940 offspring. In
round (tables 4, 5, 12, 13, 15, 16). view of such unexplained differences
Several of the above tables agree as this, and in view of the statistical
with a small series of infrabar over difficulty of determining probable
round, heterozygous for forked and errors for such small percentages, it

showing that infrabar lies

for fused, in does not seem profitable to discuss
between forked and fused. It must further this aspect of the data, except
clearly be either an allelomorph of bar, to note that mutation frequency does
or bar plus a modifier that lies near bar. not appear to be correlated with fre-
The experiments with bar-infrabar quency of forked-fused crossing over.
and with infrabar-bar show that these
two types both contain infrabar as a THE CROSSOVER VALUES FOR FORKED,
unit distinct from bar. BAR AND FUSED
Since bar-infrabar was produced by The experiments recorded in tables
an unequal crossover that occurred 1 to 19 include by far the largest series
very close to the left of infrabar, it of data yet accumulated for the cross-
becomes unlikely that a modifier can over values of the three loci, forked,
lie on that side of the bar locus; infra- bar and fused. These are summarized
bar-bar furnishes similar evidence that in tables 20 and 21. In these tables all
there is no modifier to the right. All the mutant individuals have been
the evidence thus indicates clearly that omitted. Their inclusion would not
the infrabar gene is really a modifica- have affected any of the values ap-
tion of the bar gene itself. preciably. In table 22 the data already

Table 20

f B f„ crossing over

Type of Female Tested


Table 22

Total linkage data

in major modifiers, though it is still able in extent, and may be not at all
possible to interpret some of the minor evident,— in which case the type can
differences observed as being due to not be distinguished with certainty
uneliminated diversity in modifiers. from homozygous round. In other
The temperature control used was where the modifiers
stocks, are differ-
not very exact, but maximum-mini- ent,it often happens that infrabar over

mum daily records show that 25 °C round is regularly conspicuously

was maintained to within about ± 1 °C, roughened and is easily distinguishable
and even these deviations were prob- from round. This roughness of the
ably of short duration. For the main eyes may be taken as evidence that the
bodv of the experiments it has not infrabar gene is qualitatively different
proved possible to detect any sys- from bar, rather than being merely a
tematic effect of the fluctuations in fraction of bar.
temperature that did occur. The few The table shows that in general when
experiments in which such an effect bar and infrabar are both present in an
is perhaps present will be specified individual, the infrabar produces al-
when described. most as great an effect in reducing
The facets of the smaller eyes,— up facet number as would another bar,
to and including homozygous bar,— though absence of bar the infra-
in the
were counted directly under the bin- bar is far less effective. For example,
ocular microscope, usually on ether- B B' B
ized flies, but in some cases on alco- g = 68, g7 = 348; but
= 74. And
holic specimens. The eyes larger than in general, BB' is practically as eflFec-
this were not found to be workable by tive as BB throughout the table. In
this method. Such specimens were two observed differences,
cases the
killed and cleared in KOH. The sur- though surely not significant, indicate
face of each eye was then removed and that BJ5* is more eflfective than BB
mounted on a slide. By the aid of a (that is, the combinations with BB
camera lucida drawing was made,
a and with B*). Similar relations are
representing each facet by a dot, and shown in other parts of the table.
these dots were then counted, each dot The most striking relation shown
being marked by a check as counted. by table 23 is that the relative position
In all cases the right eye alone was of identical genes affects their action
used. on facet number. There are three simi-
The main series of data is shown in lar comparisons to be made:

table shows that homozygous -^

= 68.1 versus —+ = 45.4
infrabar about like bar over round

in facet number, but the two types can -^ = 73.5 versus—— 50.5
be separated by a peculiarity common D +
to all the larger infrabar and double-
^ = 292.6 ' versus —
—= 200.2
infrabar types, namely, a roughened B^ +
appearance of the eye, due to irreg-
ularitiesin the rows of facets. This 7 This value for -^ is different from the
peculiarity is not present in bar eyes, one of table 23. It is based on a series reared
and is almost completely recessive in at the
u same time

as the
u ——
B'S' . ,

with which

bar over infrabar. In infrabar over

is here compared. The difference between
round (which is not far from round in this value and that of the table is probably
facet number) the roughness is vari- due to temperature.

Table 23

Facet numbers of flies carrymg various coj/ibinatiojis of bar allelomorphs

employed here (see below). These Two different rounds by reversion
facts eliminate the possibility of ex- have been introduced into the inbred
plaining the result as due to accidental stocks, by the .same method as used for
genetic or environmental differences. BB' and B'B'. Care was taken never to
The second possible escape from the use flies carrying one of these reverted
conclusion as to the effect of position rounds in the same culture with the
lies in the assumption of an effect pro- old round of the inbred stock, so that
duced by the round allelomorph. This it is certain that these new rounds are

has been tested by determining the really due to reversion,— if not from
effect on facet number of reverted bar the supposed source, then from some
and reverted infrabar. Round obtained of the allelomorphs within the inbred
bv^ reversion from homozygous bar or stock, since a new reversion may have
infrabar stocks cannot carry a normal occurred during the process of getting
allelomorph on the view advanced in the desired modifiers into the reverted
this paper, unless such an allelomorph round stocks. One of the reverted
is already present in the parent stocks. rounds, called "rev. B," came from the
But such a gene is, almost by defini- homozygous bar experiments of table
tion, not an allelomorph of bar; and in 1; the other, called "rev. B'," came
an\' case cannot be supposed to pro- from the homozygous infrabar experi-
duce the effects here under discussion, ments of table 8. The results of these
—— tests are shown in table 24.
since the ^ and the would both
These data suggest that the rever-
carry it. sions,— especially the more thoroughly

Table 24

Facet counts to test iiatnre of reversions

allelomorphs even when two recessive An from bar-infrabar over
allelomorphs and one dominant are round was introduced into
(table 13)
present. Unpublished data collected by the inbred strain by six successive
Bridges (in part verified in an inde- backcrosses, and was then compared
pendently arisen series of triploids in with the old inbred infrabar, both
my own experiments) show that this types being made heterozygous for
relation is a general one for allelo- double-bar. The control (old infra-
morphs that do not produce an ob- bar) value is rather lower than the
viously intermediate diploid heterozy- value given in table 23, probably be-
gote. But Bridges (Bridges and Mor- cause the temperature ran slightly
gan 1923) has shown that a different higher.
relation may occur, even for some of Since the difference between the
the same genes that show the former two means is about 4.5 times its own
relation in triploids. In the example re- probable error, it is probably signifi-
ferred to, a portion of the second cant, but more extensive data will be
chromosome, carrying the normal al- required to establish this point.
lelomorph of plexus (among other A female of the inbred series that
genes) has become attached to a was double-bar over round, mated to
chromosome III. It is possible, there- a round male, gave rise to one bar
fore, to obtain individuals with two male by mutation. This male was
complete second chromosomes, each mated to double-bar-over-round fe-
of these carrying the plexus gene, males, and the resulting double-bar-
while a normal allelomorph of plexus over-bar daughters were compared
is present in the section attached to a with double-bar over the old inbred
chromosome III. Such individuals are bar, derived from cultures made up
plexus in appearance,— not as extreme at the same time and put side by side.
as those in a pure plexus stock, but far Here again there is a slight difference
more like such a stock than like the from the value of table 23, perhaps
ordinary triploids carrying two plexus due to a temperature difference.
and one not-plexus allelomorphs. The difference between the means is

While it is possible that the difference slightly over 3 probable error,

times its

hereis due to a different "balance" of and may be considered as doubtfully

modifying genes in the extra section of significant. Here again, more data are
chromosome II, it seems likely that the needed.
effective agent is a difference in posi- It may be pointed out that in tables
tion. It is to be remembered that in 25 and 26 the derived type is presum-
Drosophila the homologous chromo- ably the larger in both cases. It is pos-
somes lie closely apposed in somatic sible that this result is to be correlated
divisions (see Metz 1916), so that there with that recorded in table 24, namely,
is probably a real difference in relative that round by reversion is perhaps
positions in the two cases. smaller than wild-type. Both relations
Besides the comparison of round are consistent with the view that there
(ultimately from vermilion stock) exists a normal allelomorph of bar that
with round obtained by reversion from has an effect on facet number opposite
bar and from infrabar, two other to, but much weaker than, that of bar;
derived types have been compared (as for both of the derived single types
to facet number) with the correspond- tested were from double type over
ing original types. round, so that these derived forms

Table 25

Facet counts fro?/!-—-
can be shown to have occurred in the observed two other such cases,— both
X chromosomes of males, since it may in D. s'nmdans. The mutant types
be taken as established that crossing dusky and fused (both corresponding
over does not occur between the X to the types of the same names in D.
and the Y of a male. 7}7elaiiogaster) each appeared first in
We have seen earlier in this paper an individual that showed the new
that infrabar arose from bar in a male, character in only one wing; and in
and that its later behavior was not in each case tests showed that some of
agreement with the view that it repre- the X-bearing sperms carried the new
sented a quantitative change in the bar gene, while others did not. In all cases
gene, as it should if due to unequal discussed in the last two paragraphs,
crossing over. I have also obtained genetic tests have established the alle-
yellow, a fused allelomorph, and a lomorphism of the new mutant genes
lozenge allelomorph under the same to the old ones whose names they bear.
circumstances, namely, from mothers There is thus clear evidence that
with attached X's and in experiments mutations have arisen in the follow-
where known sex-linked genes were ing sex-linked loci in the germ-cells
present, so that breaking apart of the of males: yellow (3 times), white
attached X's was known not to have (twice), lozenge (twice), dusky
occurred. (twice), fused (twice), singed (once),
Unpublished data are available for bar (once). It should be noted that all
5 other cases of the same sort, either these loci are among the more mutable
from attached-X or from "high-non- ones of Drosophila.
disjunction" mothers, as follows: rudi- Another class of cases to which the
mentary (C. B. Bridges), a dusky alle- unequal-crossing-over hypothesis is
lomorph (C. B. Bridges), a sable allelo- probably not applicable is that in which
morph (E. M. Wallace), white (L. V. mutation can be shown to have oc-
Morgan), and a new lozenge allelo- curred at some stage other than mat-
morph from lozenge (C. B. Bridges). uration. A number of such instances
In all of these cases, as in that of in- are on record for Drosophila. The
frabar, the mutant type first appeared mosaic males described above are ex-
as a single male. amples, and a longer list of cases for
Muller (1920) reported the occur- autosomal mutant types and for sex-
rence of white as a "somatic" mutation linked mutations in females could
in a male. From a stock in which white easily be compiled. But since there is
was not present he obtained a male evidence that crossing over does very
with one wild-tvpe eye and one white rarely occur at somatic divisions, this
eye. This male also transmitted white evidence can hardly be considered de-
to some (all that were tested) of his cisive. In the case of certain t\'pes of
daughters. In the same paper Muller frequently recurring somatic muta-
described briefly a mosaic male that tions in plants, however, the mutation
was partly yellow, and transmitted the occurs far too often to make an appeal
new character to his offspring. Doctor to somatic crossing over seem plausi-
Bridges informs me that he has a sim- ble. The clearest example of this sort
ilar (unpublished) record for yellow. is the variegated pericarp of maize
Mohr (1923 a) reports a similar case studied by Emerson (1917) and others,
for a singed allelomorph, though here in which a given gene mutates many
some of the X-bearing spemis carried separate times in a single individual
singed, while others did not. I have plant.
Mutations are known in which there do not cross over with
sister strands
appeared to be no crossing over in the each other; or, if they do, that the
region concerned,— both in females crossing over is rarely, if ever, un-
and in males where crossing over does equal.
not normally occur at all. The previ- It is therefore unlikely that apparent
ously cited cases of mutations in the non-crossover mutations in other loci
X chromosomes of males are examples. are to be referred to crossing over be-
These may seem to furnish conclusive tween sister strands.
evidence that mutation need not be
accompanied by crossing over. There "presence and absence" and
is, however, one possibility that needs
quantitative view of mutation
to be considered in this connection. It hypoth-
will be observed that the
Recent results (not yet published, esis advocated in this paper makes
but soon to appear) obtained with bar, double-bar and round by rever-
triploid females (Bridges and Ander- sion (or infrabar, double-infrabar and
son) and with females having unlike round by reversion) represent quan-
attached X's (Anderson, L. V. Mor- titative variations of the same sub-
gan, and Sturtevant) have shown that stance. In the case of bar and round,
crossing over must normally occur the hypothesis is the same as the origi-

when the homologous chromosomes nal and most special type of quantita-
are doubled: that is, in a "four-strand tive view, the "presence and absence"
stage" (in diploid females). These re- hypothesis. But the present scheme
sults show also that crossing over may differsfrom the earlier ones in that it
occur between only two of the strands isbased on definite evidence for the
at a given level. Now, if it be supposed occurrence of unequal crossing over.
that sister strands may cross over with That is, the mechanism whereby the
each other, there will result chromo- quantitative differences are brought
somes in which no rearrangement of about an essential part of the hy-

mutant genes has occurred, since sister pothesis. In the preceding section we
strands come from the division of one have seen that there is definite evi-
chromosome and will be identical in dence to show that unequal crossing
the genes that they carry. Yet it is con- over is not usual in the production of
ceivable that such crossing over might new mutant types. It is especially note-
be unequal, and in such a case might worthy was derived
that this evidence
lead to the production of a new muta- in part from the white locus of Dro-
tion that did not appear to be due to sophila and the variegated locus of
crossing over. maize,— two of the best-known ex-
The data presented in this paper amples of loci that have produced
show that such an eventmust be ex- large series of multiple allelomorphs.
tremely rare in the case of bar, since It is clear,therefore, that the bar case
no clear case was found of bar muta- does not furnish support to the idea
tion (in a female) unaccompanied by that mutations in general are quantita-
evident crossing over between forked tive in nature. Even with respect to
and fused. The few^ exceptional cases multiple allelomorphs, where the
may be accounted for in this way; but, quantitative view has often been urged,
as pointed out when they were de- it is obvious that, at least in the cases

scribed, it seems at least equally prob- of white and variegated, the bar evi-
able that all of them are due to experi- dence does not in any way support
mental errors. We must conclude that that view.
ARE DEFICIENCIES DUE TO UNEQUAL field(1922) records the occurrence
CROSSING OVER? of a notch (probably corresponding
to that of D. melanogaster) in Dro-
The "section-deficiencies" described sophila obscura; the mutation was first
by Bridges (1917, 1919) and by Mohr detected as two females from a pair
(1919, 1923 b) are probably to be in- mating that gave numerous ofi^spring.
terpreted as due to losses of definite In this case the deficiency must have
sections of chromosomes. It will be originated in the gonial cells of one
observed that bar reversion has here parent, unless the two notch females
been treated as due to the loss of a received their notch chromosomes
very short section; it may accordingly from the father, in which case it is
be described as a deficiency that is just possible that they came from two
too short to show the lethal eff^ect and sperms derived from a single sperma-
other properties of the previously de- tocyte. But in this case the hypothesis
scribed deficiencies. When the case is of unequal crossing over remains as
stated in this way, the question at improbable as before. I have observed
once arises: is it probable that notch two cases in D. melmiogaster that
and other deficiencies have also arisen represent "somatic" (i.e., not occur-
through unequal crossing over? If so, ring at the maturation divisions) oc-
the contrary crossover should be a currences of notch. In one case three
chromosome that was double for a re- notch females were produced from a
gion corresponding to the deficient single mother. The X's of the mother
section. Such a chromosome has never were attached, and the notch daugh-
been identified, but it may be doubted ters, like all their sisters, did not carry

if it would be detected even if present. a paternal X. These three females were

Furthermore, it might well be lethal all sterile, so here it was not possible

even in heterozygous females, in which to demonstrate that the new type was
case it would not be capable of detec- actually notch; but the numerous
tion. characters of notch make the iden-
There is evidence that deficiencies tification very probable. The other
may arise in other ways than by un- case also occurred in a line in which
equal crossing over. In at least one the females all had attached X's. A
case (Bridges and Morgan 1923) the female, from a line with no notch
section missing from a second chro- ancestry, was notch in the left wing
mosome was found to be present, but but not in the right. The offspring
attached to a third chromosome. In showed that this female was, like her
this case, then, the deficiency can not mother, heterozygous for several sex-
have been due to unequal crossing linked genes. These included scute, 3
over. The first deficiency described, units to the left of notch, and cross-
that for forked and bar (Bridges 1917), veinless, 10 units to the right of it.
occurred first as a single female that Some of the eggs of the mosaic carried
had obtained the deficient X from her notch, but many of them did not.
father. Here the deficiency arose Furthermore, tests showed that scute
(either in a male or very early in the and crossveinless were in opposite
cleavage of a female zygote) at a time chromosomes in both types of eggs;
when crossing over (and bar rever- that is, the mutation to notch occurred
sion) does not normally occur. In the at a cleavage division, and was not
case of notch, also, there is evidence accompanied by crossing over between
that the deficiency may originate at scute and crossveinless. From these
stages other than maturation. Lance- three instances we may conclude that
the notch deficiency may arise at This result can be explained if it

stages in the cycle at which cross-

life is supposed that such crossovers are
ing over and bar reversion do not unequal, so that one daughter chromo-
normally occur, and, in the third case, some gets two representatives of the
there is definite evidence that crossing bar locus while the other receives
over did not occur. While it may still none.
be supposed that unequal crossing over 3. Only one mutation in this locus
will sometimes give rise to section de- has been shown to have occurred in
ficiencies, the evidence indicates that the germ track of a male. This one
the three best-known examples of sec- gave rise (from bar) to a new and less
tion deficiencies in Drosophila have extreme allelomorph called infrabar.
not arisen in that way. 4. Infrabar does not appear to rep-
resent a quantitative change in the bar
THE EXACT NATURE OF SYNAPSIS 5. When, by unequal crossin£r over,
The data on crossing over have all bar and infrabar come to lie in the
indicated consistently that when two same chromosome, they maintain their
chromosomes cross over they do so separate identities, and may be re-
at exactly corresponding levels. The covered again.
case of bar is the first one in which 6. In such double forms the two

any inequality of crossing-over levels elements also maintain their sequence

has been detected; and we have seen in the same linear series as the rest of
in thepreceding sections that an analy- the genes. It is thus possible to obtain
sisof other possible instances of such bar-infrabar and also infrabar-bar.
an occurrence makes it probable that These two types look alike, but can be
they must be explained in some other distinguished by their origin and by
way. The case of bar is clearly quite the usual tests for determining the se-
exceptional. But it does serve to sug- quence of genes.
gest that the exact correspondence of 7. Facet counts are given for all the
crossover levels, that is so constant, is possible combinations of the following
not to be referred to a property com- members of the bar series: round, in-
mon to all the genes. For unequal frabar, bar, double-infrabar, bar-infra-
crossing over occurs in females that are bar, double-bar.
homozygous for bar or for infrabar, 8. Analysis of these data shows that
and in such females these loci are alike same chromo-
tw^o genes lying in the
in the two X chromosomes that cross some are more effective on develop-
over unequally. It is- difficult to imag- ment than are the same two genes
ine how the chromosomes can pair so when they lie in different chromo-
extremely exactly as they must do, un- somes.
less in some way like genes come to lie 9. A general survey makes it seem

side by side. But the present case indi- improbable that many mutations in
cates that this interpretation will have other loci are to be explained as due
to be applied with some caution. to unequal crossing over.


Sixteen different kinds of changes
1. Bridges, C. B. 1917 Deficiency. Genetics 2:
at the bar locus are shown to occur 445-465.
1919 Vermilion deficiency. Jojir. Gen.
exclusively, or nearly so, in eggs that
Physiol. 1: 645-656.
undergo crossing over at or near the 1921 Triploid intersexes in Drosophila
bar locus. melanogaster. Science, n.s. 54: 252-254.
Bridges, C. B., and Morgan, T. H. 1923 The Morgan, T. H., and Bridges, C. B. 1916 Sex-
third chromosome group of mutant char- linked inheritance in Drosophila. Carnegie
acters of Drosopbila vielanogaster. Car- Inst. Washington Publ. Ill, 87 pp. 2pls.

negie hist. Washington Fubl. 327, 251 pp.

MuUer, H. J. 1920 Further changes in the
Emerson, R. A. 1917 Genetical studies of white-eye series of Drosophila and their
variegated pericarp in maize. Genetics 2:
bearing on the manner of occurrence of
1-35. mutation. Jour. Exper. Zool. 31: 443-473.
Hersh, A. H. 1924 The effect of temperature
upon the heterozygotes in the bar series of Seyster, E. W. 1919 Eye facet number as in-
Drosophila. Jour. Exper. Xool. 39: 55-71. fluenced by temperature in the bar-eyed
mutant of Drosophila jnelanogaster. Biol.
Hersh, R. K. 1924 The effect of temperature
Bull. 37: 168-182.
upon the full-eyed race of Drosophila.
]our. Exper. Zool. 39: 43-53. Sturtevant, A. H., and Morgan, T. H. 1923
Krafka, J. 1920 The effect of temperature Reverse mutation of the bar gene cor-
upon facet number in the bar-eyed mutant related with crossing over. Science, n.s. 57:
or Drosophila. Jour. Gen. Physiol. 2 409- : 746-747.
Tice, S. C. 1914 A new sex-linked character
Lancefield, D. E. 1922 Linkage relations of
in Drosophila. Biol. Btdl. 16: 221-230.
the sex-linked characters of Drosophila ob-
scura. Genetics 4: 335-384.
Weinstein, A. 1918 Coincidence of crossing
May, H. G. 1917 Selection for higher and over in Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics
lower facet numbers in the bar-eyed race 3: 135-173.
of Drosophila and the appearance of re-
verse mutations. Bzo/. Bull. 33: 361-395. Zeleny, C. 1919 A change in the bar gene of
Metz, C. W. 1916 Chromosome studies in the Drosophila involving further decrease in
Diptera. The
paired association of chro-
facet number and increase in dominance,
mosomes inDiptera and its signifi-
the Jour. Gen. Physiol. 2: 69-71.
cance. Jour. Exper. Zool. 21: 213-279. 1921 The direction and frequency of muta-
tion in the bar-eve series of multiple allelo-
Mohr, O. L. 1919 Character changes caused
morphs of Drosophila. Jour. Exper. Zool.
by mutation of an entire region of a chro-
34: 203-233.
mosome in Drosophila. Genetics 4: 275-
1922 The effect of selection for eye facet
number white bar-eye race of Dro-
in the
1923 a Asomatic mutation in the singed
sophila melanogaster. Genetics 1: 1-115.
locus of the X chromosome of Drosophila
1923 The temperature coefficient of a
?nelanogaster. Hereditas 4: 142-160.
heterozygote with an expression for the
1923 b A genetic and cytological analysis
value of a germinal difference in terms of
of a section deficiency involving four units
an environmental one. Biol. Bidl. 44: 105-
of the X chromosome in Drosophila
vielanogaster. Zeitschr. indukt. Abstai>mi.
u. Vererb. 32: 108-232. Zeleny, C, and Mattoon, E. W. 1915 The
Morgan, L. V. 1922 Non-criss-cross inherit- effect of selection upon "bar-eye"
ance in Drosophila iiielanogaster. Biol. mutant of Drosophila. Jour. Exper. Zool.
Bull. ^2: 161 -11 ^. 19: 515-529.

Artificial Transmutation of the Gene


Reprinted by publisher's permission from Sci-

efice, vol. 66, 1927, pp. 84-87.

One of the major tunmig points i?i the study of heredity was the
discovery that cha?iges i?j the genes could be i?iduced by artificial
jneans. This short paper by Muller describes the first de?no?istrably
successful attempt to make gefies mutate, and represejits the begin-
7iing of a new epoch in genetic history. Mutagenic methods and ma-
terials are now well know7i and widely used i?i genetic experiments,
and probably represent the most useful know?i tool in research. As a
consequence of this paper, the X-ray machine has become as com-
mon a piece of equipment ifi a genetics laboratory as is the micro-
scope in histology.
It should be noted that Muller recognizes the dangers of X-ray
treatmetit to germifial tissues in this, the first paper o?i i?iduced muta-
tions. Midler's recognition of the dual ?iature of the effects of irradia-
tion is clear cut, for he points out in a paragraph on page 152 that
first there is a direct effect on the cells and tissues, and seco7id there
is a?! ifidirect effect on the desce?idant cells ajid tissues through the
mediatioji of the genes and chro?nosomes. The first of these is tra?7-
siefit (although possibly fatal), while the second is permane?it. It is

an ijiteresting commentary that there is still active and quite acrimo-

nious debate today as to the seriousness and coiisequences of this
afid other ki?ids of irradiatio?i da?nage.

Most modern geneticists will modify decidedly, and in a sure and

agree that gene mutations form the detectable way, this sluggish "natural"
chief basis of organic evolution, and mutation rate. Modification of the in-
therefore of most of the complexities nate nature of organisms, for more di-
of living things. Unfortunately for the rectly utilitarian purposes, has of
however, the study of these
geneticists, course been subject to these same re-
mutations, and, through them, of the strictions, and the practical breeder has
genes themselves, has heretofore been hence been compelled to remain con-
very seriously hampered by the ex- tent with the mere making of recom-
treme infrequency of their occurrence binations of the material already at
under ordinary conditions, and by the hand, providentially supplemented, on
general unsuccessfulness of attempts to rare and isolated occasions, by an un-
expected mutational windfall. To these details of the genetic methods em-
circumstances are due the wide-spread ployed, or of the individual results ob-
desire on the part of biologists to gain tained.
some measure of control over the It has been found quite conclusively
hereditary changes within the genes. sperm with rela-
that treatment of the
It has been repeatedly reported that tivelyheavy doses of X-rays induces
germinal changes, presumably muta- the occurrence of true "gene muta-
tional, could be induced by X or ra- tions" in a high proportion of the
dium rays, but, as in the case of the treated germ
cells. Several hundred
similarly published claims involving mutants have been obtained in this
other agents (alcohol, lead, antibodies, way in a short time and considerably
etc.), the work has been done in such more than a hundred of the mutant
a way that the meaning of the data, genes have been followed through
as analyzed from a modern genetic three, four or more generations. They
standpoint, has been highly dispu- are (nearly all of them, at any rate)
tatious at best; moreover, what were stable in their inheritance, and most
apparently the clearest cases have of them behave in the manner typical
given negative or contrary results on of the A4endelian chromosomal mutant
repetition. Nevertheless, on theoretical genes found in organisms generally.
grounds, it has appeared to the present The nature of the crosses was such as
writer that radiations of short wave to be much more favorable for the
length should be especially promising detection of mutations in the X-chro-
for the production of mutational mosomes than in the other chromo-
changes, and for this and other rea- somes, so that most of the mutant
sons a series of experiments concerned genes dealt with were sex-linked; there
with this problem has been undertaken was, however, ample proof that mu-
during the past year on the fruit fly, tations were occurring similarly
Drosophila mela?iogaster, in an attempt throughout the chromatin. When the
to provide critical data. The well- heaviest treatment was given to the
known favorableness of this species for sperm, about a seventh of the oflFspring
genetic study, and the special methods that hatched from them and bred con-
evolved during the writer's eight years' tained individually detectable muta-
intensive work on its mutation rate tions in their treated X-chromosome.
(including the work on temperature, Since the X forms about one fourth
to be referred to later), have finally of the haploid chromatin, then, if we
made possible the finding of some de- assume an equal rate of mutation in all
cisive efi^ects, consequent upon the ap- the chromosomes (per unit of their
plication of X-rays. The eflfects here length), it follows that almost "every
referred to are truly mutational, and other one" of the sperm cells capable
not to be confused with the well- of producing a fertile adult contained
known eflfects of X-rays upon the dis- an "individually detectable" mutation
tribution of the chromatin, expressed in some chromosome or other. Thou-
by non-disjunction, non-inherited sands of untreated parent flies were
crossover modifications, etc. In the bred as controls in the same way as
present condensed digest of the work, the treated ones. Comparison of the
only the broad facts and conclusions mutation rates under the two sets of
therefrom, and some of the problems conditions showed that the heavy
raised, can be presented, without any treatment had caused a rise of about
fifteen thousand per cent, in the muta- change in appearance; these too occur
tion rate over that in the untreated in numbers rather similar to those of
germ cells. the recessive lethals, and they may
Regarding the t\'pes of mutations hereafter afford one of the readiest
produced, it was found that, as was to indices of the general mutation rate,
have been expected both on theoretical when this is high. The sterility thus
grounds and on the basis of the pre- caused, occurring as it does in the off-
vious mutation studies of Altenburg spring of the treated individuals, is of
and the writer, the lethals (recessive course a separate phenomenon from
for the lethal effect, though some were the "partial sterility" of the treated in-
dominant for visible effects) greatly dividuals themselves, caused by the
outnumbered the non-lethals produc- dominant lethals.
ing a visible morphological abnormal- In the statement that the proportion
ity. There were some "semi-lethals" of "individually detectable mutations"
also (defining these as mutants having was about one seventh for the X, and
a viability ordinarily between about therefore nearly one half for all the
0.5 per cent, and 10 per cent, of the chromatin, only the recessive lethals
normal), but, fortunately for the use and semi-lethals and the "visible" mu-
of lethals as an index of mutation rate, tants were referred to. If the dominant
these were not nearly so numerous as lethals, the dominant and recessive ste-
the lethals. The elusive class of "in- rility genes and the "invisible" genes
visible" mutations that caused an even that merely reduce (or otherwise
lesser reduction of viability, not affect) viability or fertility had been
readily confusable with lethals, ap- taken into account, the percentage of
peared larger than that of the semi- mutants given would have been far
lethals, but they were not subjected to higher, and it is accordingly evident
study. In addition, it was also possible that in reality the great majority of
to obtain evidence in these experiments the treated sperm cells contained mu-
for the first time, of the occurrence of tations of some kind or other. It ap-
dominant lethal genetic changes, both pears that the rate of gene mutation
in the X and in the other chromo- after X-ray treatment is high enough,
somes. Since the zygotes receiving in proportion to the total number of
these never developed to maturity, genes, so that it will be practicable to
such lethals could not be detected in- study it even in the case of individual
dividually, but their number was so loci, in an attack on problems of allelo-
great that through egg counts and morphism, etc.
effects on the sex ratio evidence could Returning to a consideration of the
be obtained of them e7i masse. It was induced mutations that produced visi-
found that their numbers are of the ble effects,it is to be noted that the

same order of magnitude as those of conditions of the present experiment

the recessive lethals. The "partial ste- allowed the detection of many which
rility" of treated males is, to an ap- approached or overlapped the normal
preciable extent at least, caused by type to such an extent that ordinarily
these dominant lethals. Another abun- they would have escaped observation,
dant class of mutations not previously and definite evidence was thus ob-
recognized was found to be those tained of the relatively high frequency
which, when heterozygous, cause ste- of such changes here, as compared
rility but produce no detectable with the more conspicuous ones. The
belief has several times been expressed 3 per cent, were detected in the X-

in the Drosophila literature that this chromosome alone, many accompanied

holds true in the case of "natural" mu- but some unaccompanied by lethal
tations in this organism, but it has been effects), and evidenced specifically by
founded only on "general impres- various cases that were proved in other
sions"; Baur, however, has demon- ways to involve inversions, "deficien-
strated the truth of it in Antirrhminn. cies," fragmentations, translocations,
On the whole, the visible mutations etc., of portions ofchromosome.
caused by raying were found to be These cases are making possible at-
similar, in their general characteristics, tacks on a number of genetic problems
to those previously detected in non- otherwise difficult of approach.
rayed material in the extensive ob- The transmitting action of X-rays
servations on mutations in Dro-
visible on the genes is not confined to the
sophila carried out by Bridges and sperm cells, for treatment of the un-
others. A considerable proportion of fertilized females causes mutations
the induced visible mutations were, it about as readily as treatment of the
is true, in loci in which mutation ap- males. The effect is produced both on
parently had never been observed be- oocytes and early oogonia. It should
fore, and some of these involved be noted especially that, as in mam-
morphological effects of a sort not ex- mals. X-rays (in the doses used) cause
actly like any seen previously {e.g., a period of extreme infertility, which
"splotched wing," "sex-combless," commences soon after treatment and
etc.), but, on the other hand, there later is partially recovered from. It
were also numerous repetitions of mu- can be stated positively that the re-
tations previously known. In fact, the turn of fertility does not mean that the
majority of the well-known mutations new crop of eggs is unaffected, for
in the X-chromosome of Drosophila these, like those mature eggs that man-
melanogaster, such as "white-eye," aged to survive, were found in the
"miniature wing," "forked bristles," present experiments to contain a high
etc., were reobtained, some of them proportion of mutant genes (chiefly
several times. Among the visible muta- lethals, as usual). The practice, com-
tions found, the great majority were mon X-ray therapy, of giv-
in current
recessive, yet there was a considerable ing treatments that do not certainly
"sprinkling" of dominants, just as in result in permanent sterilization, has
other work. All in all, then, there can been defended chiefly on the ground
be no doubt that many, at least, of the of a purely theoretical conception that
changes produced by X-rays are of eggs produced after the return of fer-
just the same kind as the "gene muta- tilitymust necessarily represent "un-
tions" which are obtained, with so injured" tissue. As this presumption is
much greater rarity, without such hereby demonstrated to be faulty it
treatment, and which we believe fur- would seem incumbent for medical
nish the building blocks of evolution. practice to be modified accordingly,
In addition to the gene mutations, it at least until genetically sound experi-
was found that there is also caused by mentation upon mammals can be
X-ray treatment a high proportion of shown to yield results of a decisively
rearrangements in the linear order of negative character. Such work upon
the genes. This was evidenced in gen- mammals would involve a highly elab-
eral by the frequent inherited disturb- orate undertaking, as compared with
ances in crossover frequency (at least the above experiments on flies.
From the standpoint of biological to expectations different from the re-
theor\% the chief interest of the present sults that have been obtained in the
experiments lies in their bearing on present work. It should, on that
the problems of the composition and theory, often have been found here, as
behavior of chromosomes and genes. in the variegated corn and the ever-
Through special methods it
genetic sporting races of D. virilis, that mu-
has been possible to obtainsome in- tated tissue gives rise to normal by
formation concerning the manner of frequent "reversemutation"; more-
distribution of the transmuted genes over, treated tissues not at first show-
amongst the cells of the first and later ing a mutation might frequently give
zygote generations following treat- rise to one, through a "sorting out" of
ment. It is found that the mutation diverse elements, several generations
does not usually involve a permanent after treatment. Neither of these
alteration of allof the gene substance effects was found. As has been men-
present at a given chromosome locus tioned, the mutants were found to be
at the time of treatment, but either stablethrough several generations, in
afi^ects in this wav^ only a portion of the great majority of cases at least.
that substance, or else occurs subse- Hundreds of non-mutated descendants
quently, as an after-effect, in only one germ cells, also, were carried
of treated
of two or more descendant genes de- through several generations, without
rived from the treated gene. An ex- evidence appearing of the production
tensive series of experiments, now in of mutations in generations subsequent
project, will be necessary for deciding to the first. Larger numbers will be
conclusively between these two pos- desirable here, however, and further
sibilities, but such evidence as is al- experiments of a different type have
ready at hand speaks rather in favor also been planned in the attack on this
of the former. This would imply a problem of gene structure, which
somewhat compound structure for the probably can be answered definitely.
gene (or chromosome as a whole) in Certain of the above points which
the sperm cell. On the other hand, the have already been determined, espe-
mutated tissue is distributed in a man- cially that of the fractional effect of
ner that seems inconsistent with a gen- X-rays, taken in conjunction with that
eral applicability of the theory of of the production of dominant lethals,
"gene elements" first suggested by An- seem to give a clue to the especially
derson in connection with variegated destructive action of X-rays on tissues
pericarp in maize, then taken up by in which, as in cancer, embryonic and
Eyster, and recently reenforced by epidermal tissues, the cells undergo
Demerec in Drosophila virilis. repeated divisions (though the opera-
A precociously doubled (or further tion of additional factors, e.g., abnor-
multiplied) condition of the chromo- mal mitoses, tending towards the same
somes (in "preparation" for later result, is not thereby precluded);
mitoses) is all that is necessary to ac- moreover, the converse effect of
count for the above-mentioned frac- X-rays, in occasionally producing
tional effect of X-rays on a given cancer, may also be associated with
locus; but the theory of a divided their action in producing mutations.
condition of each gene, into a number It would be premature, however, at
of (originally identical) "elements" thistime to consider in detail the vari-
that can become separated somewhat ous X-ray effects previously con-
indeterminately at mitosis, would lead sidered as "physiological," which may
now receive a possible interpretation this question is settled, for a wide
in terms of the gene-transmuting range of dosages and developmental
property of X-rays; we may more ap- stages, we shall also be in a position
propriately confine ourselves here to to decide whether or not the minute
matters which can more strictly be amounts of gamma radiation present
demonstrated to be genetic. in nature cause the ordinary mutations
Further facts concerning the nature which occur in wild and in cultivated
of the gene may emerge from a study organisms in the absence of artificially
of the comparative effects of varied administered X-ray treatment.
dosages of X-rays, and of X-rays ad- As a beginning in the study of the
ministered at different points in the effect of varying other conditions,
lifecycle and under varied conditions. upon the frequency of the mutations
In experiments herein reported,
the produced by X-rays, a comparison has
several different dosages were made been made between the mutation fre-
use of, and while the figures are not quencies following the raying of
yet quite conclusive they make it sperm in the male and in the female
probable that, within the limits used, receptacles, and from germ cells that
the number of recessive lethals does were in different portions of the male
not vary directly with the X-ray genital system at the time of raying.
energy absorbed, but more nearly with No decisive differences have been ob-
the square root of the latter. Should served. It is found, in addition, that

this lack of exact proportionality be aging the sperm after treatment, be-
confirmed, then, as Dr. Irving Lang- fore fertilization, causes no noticeable
muir has pointed out to me, we should alteration in the frequency of detec-
have to conclude that these mutations table mutations. Therefore the death
are not caused directly by single rate of the mutant sperm is no higher
quanta of X-ray energy that happen than that of the unaffected ones; more-
to be absorbed at some critical spot. over, the mutations can not be re-
If the transnuting effect were thus garded as secondary effects of any
relatively indirect there would be a semi-lethal physiological changes
greater likelihood of its being influ- which might be supposed to have oc-
enceable by other physico-chemical curred more intensely in some ("more
agencies as well, but our problems highly susceptible") spermatozoa than
would tend to become more com- in others.
plicated. There is, however, some Despite the "negative results" just
danger in using the total of lethal mentioned, however, it is already cer-
mutations produced by X-rays as an tain that differences in X-ray influ-
index of gene mutations occurring in ences, by themselves, are not suflicient
single loci, for some lethals, involving to account for all variations in muta-
changes in crossover frequency, are tion frequency, for the present X-ray
probably associated with rearrange- work comes on the heels of the deter-
ments of chromosome regions, and mination of mutation rate being de-
such changes would be much less likely pendent upon temperature (work as
than "point mutations" to depend on yet unpublished). This relation had
single quanta. A re-examination of the first been made probable by work of
effect of different dosages must there- Altenburg and the writer in 1918, but
fore be carried out, in which the dif- was not finally established until the
ferent types of mutations are clearly completion of some experiments in
distinguished from one another. When 1926. These gave the first definite evi-
dence that gene mutation may be to afforded them by the use of X-rays, of
any extent controllable, but the mag- creating in their chosen organisms a
nitude of the heat effect, being similar series of artificial races for use in the
to that found for chemical reactions study of genetic and "phaenogenetic"
in general, too small, in connection
is phenomena. If, as seems likely on gen-
with the almost imperceptible "nat- eral considerations, the effect is com-
ural" mutation rate, for it, by itself, to mon to most organisms, it should be
provide a powerful tool in the muta- possible to produce, "to order,"
tion study. The result, however, is enough mutations to furnish respec-
enough to indicate that various factors table genetic maps, in their selected
besides X-rays probably do affect the species, and by the use of the mapped
composition of the gene, and that the genes, to analyze the aberrant chro-
measurement of their effects, at least mosome phenomena simultaneously
when in combination with X-rays, will obtained. Similarly, for the practical
be practicable. Thus we may hope that breeder, it is hoped that the method
problems of the composition and be- will ultimately prove useful. The time
havior of the gene can shortly be is not ripe to discuss here such pos-
approached from various new angles, sibilities with reference to the human
and new handles found for their in- species.
vestigation, so that it will be legitimate The writer takes pleasure in ac-
to speak of the subject of "gene physi- knowledging his sincere appreciation
olog\%" at least, if not of gene physics of the cooperation of Dr. Dalton
and chemistry. Richardson, Roentgenologist, of Aus-
In conclusion, the attention of those tin, Texas, in the work of administer-
working along classical genetic lines ing the X-ray treatments.
may be drawn to the opportunity,


A Correlation of Cytological and Genetical

Crossing-Over in Zea mays


Reprinted by authors' and publisher's f>ermis-

sion from Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, vol. 17, 1931, pp. 492-497.

The Siitton-Boveri Hypothesis (page 21) has beeji successively

stre?igthejied by several of the papers in this collection. First Bateson
afid Punnett unknoivitigly demoiistrated linkage, a phenome?wn best
expla'med by the hypothesis. The?! Morgan showed that a specific
locus could be assigjied to a specific chro?noso?}ie. Sturtevanfs dem-
onstration of a lifiear arrangement of ge?jes added another link to the
proof, and his 'work on bar-eye also substantiated the hypothesis
(how completely will be see?i in Bridges' paper on page 163). Now
we come to afi analysis that puts the final lijik i?i the chai?i, for here
we see correlatio?is betwee?i cytological evidence and genetic residts
that are so strong and obvious that their validity cannot be denied.
This paper has been called a landmark in experijuental genetics.
It is more tha?i that— it is a cornerstone. It is not an easy paper to
follow, for the iterns that require retentio?i throughout the analysis
are many, and it is fatal to one''s understanding to lose track of any
of them. Mastery of this paper, however, can give one the strong
feeling of being able to master almost ajiythijig else he ?mght have
to wrestle with m

A REQUIREMENT FOR THE GENETICAL not on its homologue, the knob renders
Study of crossing-over is the hetero- the chromosome pair visibly hetero-
zygous condition of two allelomorphic morphic.
factors in the same linkage group. The In a previous report ^ it was shown
analysis of the behavior of homologous that in a certain strain of maize an
or partially homologous chromosomes, interchange had taken place between
which are morphologically distin- chromosome 8 and 9. The inter-
guishable at two points, should show changed pieces were unequal in size;
evidence of cytological crossing-over. the long arm of chromosome 9 was
It is the aim of the present paper to increased in relative length, whereas
show that cytological crossing-over the long arm of chromosome 8 was
occurs and that it is accompanied by correspondingly shortened. When a
genetical crossing-over. gamete possessing these two inter-
In a certain strain of maize the sec- changed chromosomes meets a gamete
ond-smallest chromosome (chromo- containing a normal chromosome set,
some 9) possesses a conspicuous knob meiosis in the resulting individual is

at the end of the short arm. Its distribu- characterized by a side-by-side synap-
tion through successive generations is sis of homologous
parts. Therefore, it
similar to that of a gene. If a plant should be possible to have crossing-
possessing knobs at the ends of both over between the knob and the inter-
of its 2nd-smallest chromosomes is change point.
crossed to a plant with no knobs, cy- In the previous report it was also
tological observations show that in the shown that in such an individual the
resulting Fi individuals only one mem- only functioning gametes are those
ber of the homologous pair possesses which possess either the two normal
a knob. When such an individual is chromosomes (N, n) or the two inter-
back-crossed to one having no knob changed chromosome (/, /'), i.e., the
on either chromosome, half of the off- full genom in one or the other ar-
spring are heterozygous for the knob rangement. The functional gametes
and half possess no knob at all. The therefore possess either the shorter.
knob, therefore, is a constant feature
of the chromosome possessing it. 1 A^IcClintock, B., Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.,
When present on one chromosome and 16:791-796, 1930.
normal, knobbed chromosome (w) or
the longer, interchanged, knobbed
chromosome (/). Hence, when such a
plant is crossed to a plant possessing
the normal chromosome complement, N
the presence of the normal chromo-
some in functioning gametes of the
former will be indicated by the ap-
pearance of ten bivalents in the pro-
phase of meiosis
of the resulting
individuals. The
presence of the inter-
changed chromosome in other gametes
will be indicated in other Fi individ-
uals by the appearance of eight bi-
valents plus a ring of four chromo-
somes in the late prophase of meiosis.
gamete possessing a normal
If a
chromosome number 9 with no knob,
meets a gamete possessing an inter-
changed chromosome with a knob, it
isclear that these two chromosomes
which synapse along their homologous Fig. 1. (above) Diagram of the chromo-
parts during prophase of meiosis in the somes in which crossing over was studied.
resulting individual are visibly differ- (below) Diagram of chromosome t\'pes
ent at each of their two ends. If no found in gametes of a plant with the
crossing-over occurs, the gametes constitution shown above.
formed by such an individual will con- — Knobbed, interchanged chromo-

tain either the knobbed, interchanged

b — Knobless, interchanged chromo-
chromosome (a, Fig. 1) or the normal
chromosome without a knob (d, Fig.
c — Knobbed, normal chromosome
1). Gametes containing either a d — Knobless, normal chromosome
knobbed, normal chromosome (c. Fig. a and d are non-crossover types.
1 ) or a knobless, interchanged chro- b and c are crossover types.
mosome (b, Fig. 1) will be formed as
a result of crossing-over. If such an valents and a single knob associated
individual is crossed to a plant possess- with bivalent chromosome 9 or (2) a
ing two normal knobless chromo- ring of four chromosomes with no
somes, the resulting individuals will be knob, indicating that crossover gam-
of four kinds. The non-crossover etes of types c and b, respectively,
gametes would give rise to individuals have functioned. The results of such a
which show either ( 1
) ten bivalents at cross are given in culture 337, table 1.
prophase of meiosis and no knob on Similarly, if such a plant is crossed to
chromosome 9, indicating that a a normal plant possessing knobs at the
gamete with a chromosome of type d ends of both number 9 chromosomes
has functioned or (2) a ring of four and if crossing-over occurs, the re-
chromosomes with a single conspicu- sulting individuals should be of four
ous knob, indicating that a gamete of kinds. The non-crossover types would
type a has functioned. The crossover be represented by (1) plants homo-
types will be recognizable as individ- zygous for the knob and possessing
uals which possess either (1) ten bi- the interchanged chromosome and (2)

Table 1

Knob-interchanged Knobless-normal, culture 337 and

Knobless-normal Knobbed-normal cultures A125 and 340
coming from colorless, waxy (c-wx) (17) possessed in one chromosome the
kernels should be knobless. Although knob, the genes C and tvx and the in-
the data are few they are convincing. terchanged piece of chromosome 8.
It isobvious that there is a fairly close The other chromosome was normal,
association between the knob and C knobless and contained the genes c and
To obtain a correlation between cy- Wx. This plant was crossed to an in-
tological and genetic crossing-over it dividual possessing two normal, knob-
is necessary to have a plant hetero- less chromosomes with the genes c-Wx

morphic for the knob, the genes c and and c-wx, respectively. This cross is
zvx and the interchange. Plant 338 diagrammed as follows:

Wif Vx

The results of the cross are given in ing a knob, whereas all the colorless
table 3. In this case all the colored kernels gave rise to individuals show-
kernels gave rise to individuals possess- ing no knob.

Table 3

Knob-C-ii).Y-interchanged Knobless-t-TFx-normal
Knobless-c-lF.r-normal Knobless-c-ti'x-normal

Plant number
The amount of crossing-over be- they therefore represent non-cross-
tween the knob and the interchange over types. An equal number of non-
point is approximately 39% (table 1), crossover types are expected among
between c and the interchange ap- the normal Wxnjox class. Plants 1, 2, 4,
proximately 33%, between wx and the 1 1 and 12 may be of this type. It is pos-

interchange, 13% (preceding paper). sible but improbable that they have
With information in mind it is
this arisen through the union of a c-Wx
possible to analyze the data given in gamete with a gamete resulting from
table 3. The data are necessarilyfew a double crossover in region 2 and 3.
since the ear contained but few ker- Plants 5 and 8 are single crossovers
nels. The three individuals in class I in region 3, whereas plants 3 and 7
are clearly non-crossover types. In probably represent single crossovers
class II the individuals have resulted in region 2 or 3.
from a crossover in region 2, i.e., be- The foregoing evidence points to
tween c and 'wx. In this case a cross- the fact that cytological crossing-over
over in region 2 has not been accom- occurs and is accompanied by the ex-
panied by a crossover in region 1 (be- pected types of genetic crossing-over.
tween the knob and C) or region 3 Co?wb{sio7is.— Pairing chromosomes,
(between vjx and the interchange). All heteromorphic in two regions, have
the individuals in class III had normal been shown to exchange parts at the
chromosomes. Unfortunately, pollen same time they exchange genes as-
was obtained from only 1 of the 6 in- signed to these regions.
dividuals examined for the presence of The authors wish to express appre-
the knob. This one individual was ciation to Dr. L. W. Sharp for aid in
clearly of the type expected to come the revision of the manuscripts of this
from a gamete produced through and the preceding paper. They are in-
crossing-over in region 2. Class IV is debted to Dr. C. R. Burnham for fur-
more difficult to analyze. Plants 6, 9, nishing unpublished data and for some
10, 13, and 14 are normal and WxWx; of the material studied.
A New Method for the Study of Chromosome
Rearrangements and Plotting of Chromosome


Reprinted by author's and publisher's permis-

sion from Sciet2ce, vol. 78, 1933, pp. 585-586.

A contributio?! to sciejice ca?i be made ifi many ivays. I have

pomted out examples of three different kinds of scientific paper in
the previous pages of this collection. Faintefs paper represe?its still
another kind, for it is a report on the discovery of a 7iew techjiique
a?id the light throw?i on proble?ns of lojig standing as a consequence.
The and activities of the ejilarged, elongated, midtiple,
salivary gland chromosomes, and the facility with which they can be
studied utilizing Paintefs techtiiques, have led to increased knowl-
edge of the structure of chromoso?nes a?7d their behavior at rneiosis.
A thorough review of the hiowledge gained from the use of this
technique is given by Pai?iter in his paper, ''Salivary Chromosomes
and the Attack on the Ge?ie,'' Journal of Heredity, vol. 2S, 1934, pp.

has long been known that in

It matrix. The same chromosomes, or
the functioning salivary glands of may easily
characteristic parts thereof,
manv^ dipteran larvae the chromosomes be recognized in different cells of an
show an elongated and annulated individual, or in different individuals
structure. For the past year the writer of a species. If the position of one or
has been studying such chromosomes, more segments is shifted, by some
principally by acetocarmine
the form of dislocation (translocation, in-
method, in larvae of Drosophila mela- version, etc.), the exact morphological
nogaster. From this study the follow- point (or points) of breakage can be
ing conclusions are warranted: determined and the segments iden-
(1)Each of the chromosomes has a tified in their new position. This dis-
definite and constant morphology and covery places in our hands, for the
is made of segments, each of which first time, a qualitative method of
has a characteristic pattern of chro- chromosome analysis and once the
matic lines or broader bands, which normal morphology of any given ele-
appear to run around the achromatic ment is known, by studying chro-
mosome rearrangements of known deficient, at some point, the two mates
genetic character, we
can give mor- unite except at the point of deficiency
phological positions to gene loci and where the normal element usually
construct chromosome maps with far buckles. Thus we can readily deter-
greater exactness than has been hereto- mine exactly how much of the one
fore possible. chromosome is probable
missing. It is

(2) In old larvae, homologous chro- that the force which causes homo-
mosomes undergo process of somatic
a logues to unite in salivary glands is the
synapsis. This union is more than a same that operates in meiosis, and
simple apposition, for the elements pair while, so far asis known, these special-

up line for line in the most exact way ized chromosomes never divide, we
and form one apparent structure. If can at least study how aberrant chro-
one of the homologues carries an in- mosomes unite at synapsis, a fact
verted section we get typical inversion which should prove of great value to
figures, such as we would expect in geneticists.
meiosis. If one of the homologues is (3) In salivary glands the two arms

of the V-shaped autosomes appear as The accompanying figure is a draw-

independent elements with no obvious ing of the X-chromosome made by
connection between them. As a result, uniting camera lucida sketches of vari-
after somatic synapsis, we find six ele- ous regions. Fine details are omitted.
ments in the nucleus, not the haploid Above the figure, a crossover map
number. having the same length as the X is
(4) The inert region of the X-chro- shown. The symbols of gene loci,
mosome does not appear as an organic which have been located, are given
part of this element, nor does it show together with lines showing their ap-
in any other as yet recognized form in proximate morphological positions.
the nucleus. Likewise, the only part of The points of breakage are indicated
the Y-chromosome which has been on the X, with the name of the break
identified is a short piece which, mor- given below. Thus, deletion 14 (at the
phologically, is homologous to part of left) broke the X between the loci of
the right-hand end segment of the X. scute and broad. The morphological
This part of the X
(see figure) carries point of breakage is shown on the
the normal allelomorph of bobbed. drawing, and, of course, scute must lie
Either the inert material of both the to the left of the break and broad to the
X and Y has been eliminated during right. In a similar way the position of
ontogeny, by diminution or some sim- other gene loci has been determined.
ilar process, or this material exists in Geneticists will be interested to note
the salivary nuclei in some unrecog- the morphological (and genetic) limits
nized form not visibly connected with of ClB and delta 49 inversions as
the chromosomes. The inert area com- shown by the figure, and in the close
prisesabout Ys of the volume of the correspondence between the cytologi-
oogonial metaphase chromosomes. cal and crossover maps.

The writer has two articles in press, studies of the autosomes have been
one dealing with the technique and under way for some time, and a num-
the general morphological characters ber of students are at work on various
of the salivary chromosome, the sec- cytological and genetic problems
ond, a detailed study of the X-chro- opened up by the new method of at-
niosome from which the drawing pre- tack.
sented herewith was taken. Similar


The Bar "Gene" a Duplication


Reprinted by publisher's permission from Sci-

ence, vol. 83, 1936, pp. 210-211.

The facts of a field of scie?ice are similar to the pieces of a child's

i?2terlocking puzzle. All have their place, and it is usually if not al-
ways impossible to get them to go together out of seqeunce. On the
other hand, zuheji properly arranged, they fit very snugly indeed,
and present a complete figure. This paper by Bridges combines the
techfiique described by Painter (page 161) with the kifid of i?ives-
tigation brillia?itly carried out by Creighton and McClintock (page
155) and gives as a residt a more detailed and iji formative explanation
of the proble?n first investigated by Sturtevant (page 124). This is
the way a science grows, bit by bit, and fact by fact.

The nature of the bar gene has of the mutant is that occasionally the
been the subject of extensive investiga- homozygous stock gives rise to a fly
tion and speculation since February, indistinguishable in appearance and ge-
1913, when Tice ^ found this reduced- netic behavior from wild-type.^ More
eye mutant as a single male in the rarely the stock gives rise to an even
progeny of normal-eyed parents. The more extreme reduction in eye-size, a
eye-reduction behaves as a sex-linked type which was called Ultra-Bar by
dominant, with a locus at 57.0, and has Zeleny,^ who found it.

been one of the most important of all

the sex-linked characters of D. me-
lanogaster. A remarkable peculiarity 2 May, H. G., Biol. Bull. 33:361-95, 1917.
3Zeleny, C, Jour. Exp. Zoo/. 30:293-324,
1 Tice, S. C, Biol. Bull. 26:221-51, 1914. 1920.
Sturtevant and Morgan and Sturte- "*
a stock of Bar (forked Bar) showed
vant ^ found that these two-way that an extra, short section of bands is

changes were the result of a novel type present in excess of the normal com-
of "unequal" crossing-over, by which plement, forming a duplication. The
the two genes originally present in the insertion point of this duplication is in
two parental chromosomes both the bulbous "turnip" segment, not far
emerged in the same chromosome from the basal end of the X.^
(Bar-double) while the other resultant The exact point of the insertion is

chromosome was without Bar (Bar- ambiguous, for a reason which will
reverted). The change from Bar to appear below. The normal X in this
Bar-double was considered to be a region (see revised map below)
single gene duplication, while the con-
verse change, from Bar to Bar-re- BAR- REVERTED
verted, corresponds to a one-gene
deficiency. Since the Bar-reverted type
proved to be indistinguishable from
the normal unmutated wild-type, the
gene present in Bar and lost in Bar-
reverted must have itself corresponded
to a new addition or one-gene duplica-
Sturtevant ^ found the unexpected
relation two Bar genes in the
same chromosome (BB/B-I-) gave a
greater reduction in the size of the
shows in sub-section 16A a heavy
Bar eye than did two Bar genes in
band, which in well-stretched chro-
opposite chromosomes (B/B), an in-
mosomes, or with certain fixations, is
tensification of action which he formu-
a clear doublet, usually with the halves
lated as a "position effect." Dobzhan- united in a capsule, but occasionally
sky '^
interpreted his allelic Baroid completely separate. This is followed
mutant as a position effect due to the
by a very faint dotted line, which can
substitution of material at or near the
be seen only in the most favorable
Bar-locus (in the normal X) by ma-
conditions. Next follows a fairly weak
terial translocated from the right limb
line which is distinctly "dotted" in
of chromosome 2, and the reduction
texture, with the separate dots loosely
in the Bar eye to the interaction be-
connected across the width of the
tween a gene in the X chromosome chromosome. Next follows closely a
and the duplication. fainter, continuous-tex-
still diffuse,
A chance to clear up some of the tured doublet, with the doubleness
puzzles as to the origin and behavior
generally appearing as mere broaden-
of Bar was offered by the salivary
ing. The last line of sub-section 16A
chromosomes. Study of the banding in
is again a very faint dotted singlet.

Sub-section 16B starts with a sharply

* Sturtevant, A. H., and Morgan, T. H.,
discontinuous line of fairly heavy dots
Science 57:746-7, 1923.
or vesicles and is a line very easy to
•^Sturtevant, A. H., Genetics 10:117-47,
1925, see 67 this vol.). recognize. The greatest width of the
( p.
« Wright, S., A?ner. Nat. 63:479-80, 1929. bulbous segment 16A is at the two
^ Dobzhansky, Th., Genetics 17:369-92,
1932. 8 Bridges, C. B., Jour. Hered. 26:60-4, 1935.

fairly weak bands, while a very sharp banding and irregularity and oblique-
change in size occurs at the transition ness of the synapses. These disturb-
from 15F to 16A. ances were greatest in the miudle one
In the Bar chromosome the condi- of the three seriations.
tion may
be described observationally These findings enable the Bar "gene"
as the repetition of section 16A, with to be reinterpreted as a section of in-
the exception of the final very faint serted genes— a duplication. The pro-
dotted line. But the whole region of duction of Bar-double and of Bar-
this bulb has undergone changes in the reverted is seen to be the insertion of

Bar chromosome as follows: the "puff" this extra section twice, or conversely,
of the bulbous segment is more pro- its total loss— both presumably by a

nounced and its size is increased; the process of unequal crossing-over. That
banding is more discontinuous by the section of bands should behave as
being broken into blocks and vesicles, a unit in this process is perhaps ac-
and the regularity of synapsis is dis- counted for by the observation of
turbed by oblique junctions. Thus, in oblique synapsis, especially frequent
Bar the heavy doublet following the in Bar-double, where presumably one
last faint dotted line of 15F is more entire sequence synapses with another
segmented than normal and more of a different position in the series of
rarely shows its doubleness clearly. three. The oblique synapses were even
This tendency is more pronounced in more frequent in BB/B + where one

the heavy broken line of the repeat series in B+ has a choice of three series
seriation to the right. All the lines of in BB, apparently usually synapsing
the repeat seriation to the right differ with one or the other end series.
from the corresponding lines of the According to this interpretation the
initial seriation by being somewhat less source of the duplication is the ma-
intense, more broken, more diffuse and terial directly adjacent to the repeat.
more confused in their synapsis rela- But whether the point of insertion
tions. preceded the heavy doublet of 16A1
In a forked non-Bar stock recently or the very faint final singlet of 16A5,
derived from the above forked Bar can not be determined. If Bar is itself a
stock by breeding from the rare Bar- repeat, a reason is thereby provided

reversions, the banding was found to for its unique behavior of giving rise
be precisely identical with that of un- to Bar-double and Bar-reverted by
related normals as far as could be ob- oblique synapsis. Perhaps half of the
served in excellent permanent prepara- Bar-reversions carry the original series
tions of well-stretched chromosomes. and the other half the subsequent re-
In a forked Bar-double stock, sim- peat restored to its original position.
ilarly derived from the same f B stock On this interpretation, the "position
by breeding from the very rare "Ultra- effect"— the reinforcement of the ac-
Bar" type of eye, it was found that tion of one Bar gene by another in di-
the extra section observed in Bar was rect sequence next to it— has a visible
present still again, giving a thrice-re- cytological accompaniment in the in-
peated seriation in direct sequence. creased size and puffiness, and the
The changes differentiating Bar from change in the character of the banding
normal were carried further in Bar- of both series in Bar as compared with
double, as follows: The size and puffi- normal and of all three series in Bar-
ness of the bulbous regions was still double as compared to Bar itself. Part
greater, as well as the blockiness of the of this is presumably due to the
"rounding-up" tendency of the synap- Study of the Baroid translocation
tic attraction alojig the chromosome in apparently shows that the break in X
addition to the oblique attractions and comes between the two halves of the
the straight-across attractions. heavy doublet of 16A1. The break in
The Bar-eye reduction is thus seen 2R follows directly after the heavy
to be interpretable as the effect of in- capsular doublet of 48C1. Thus a de-
creasing the action of certain genes by monstrable basis is laid to Dobzhan-
doubling or triplicating their number— sky's interpretation of the Baroid eye-
a genie balance effect. But "position reduction as a position effect.^
effects" are never excluded when du- The previously reported finding * of
plications or other rearrangements are the presence of "repeats" as a normal
wedging further
present, either in the part of the chromosomes of D. me-
apart of genes normally closer, or by lauogaster, and the suggestion that un-
the interaction with new neighbors. equal crossing-over is probably the
The respective shares attributable in mechanism of production of some
the total effect to the genic-balance short repeats, thus have received ample
change and to the position-effect verification bv^ these direct observa-
change seems to be at present a matter tions on these processes in the case of
of taste. Bar and its derivatives.

Genetic Control of Biochemical Reactions

in Neurospora


Reprinted by authors' and publisher's permis-

sion from Proceedi?7gs of the National Academy
of Sciences, vol. 27, 1941, pp. 499-506.

In my
remarks on Sewall Wright''s paper (page 18) I pointed out
that the approach implicit in that work was one of the most promis-
ing aspects of genetic research. The problems facing Wright ajid his
students were enormous, however, and ?nost of them ste?fm?ed fro7n
the difficidties of working with the mouse. It is practically impossible
to tamper with the mouse'' s enviro7iment experimentally ajid it is ,

ah/jost as bad to try to achieve uniformity of genotype in a large

sample. The problevn of the biochemistry arid physiology of the
gene required a new orga?iis77t for successfid ijivestigation, although
Wright's methods were still proving fruitful.


Beadle and Tatimi found this nein organism i?i Neurospora, and
solved both of the difficidties. This mold is easily groivn, repro-
duces rapidly asexiially, which assures a plentiful supply of individ-
uals of identical genotypes, a?id is excellent 7iiaterial for showing
biochemical necessities, by varying the envirojimental supply. A later
develop77ient in the techjiicjue has the virtue of demonstrating bio-
chemical sequejices in cellular metabolism. As a residt, Neurospora
has proveji ijivaluable in both geiietic and biochemical research, ajid
another vast area of study has opened up.

From the standpoint of physio- fermentation of sugars by yeasts ^ and

logical genetics thedevelopment and a number of other instances,^ has estab-
functioning of an organism consist es- lished that many biochemical reactions
sentiallyof an integrated system of are in fact controlled in specific ways
chemical reactions controlled in some by specific genes. Furthermore, inves-
manner by genes. It is entirely tenable tigations of this type tend to support
to suppose that these genes which are the assumption that gene and enzyme
themselves a part of the system, con- specificities are of the same order.
trol or regulate specific reactions in There are, however, a number of lim-
the system either by acting directly as itations inherent in this approach. Per-
enzv'mes or by determining the specifi- haps the most serious of these is that
cities of enzymes.^ Since the compo- the investigator must in general con-
nents of such a sv^stem are likely to be fine himself to a study of non-lethal
interrelated in complex ways, and heritable characters. Such characters
since the synthesis of the parts of in- are likely to involve more or less non-
dividual genes is presumably depend- essential so-called "terminal" reac-
ent on the functioning of other genes, tions.^ The selection of these for ge-
it would appear that there must exist netic study was perhaps responsible
orders of directness of gene control for the now rapidly disappearing be-
ranging from simple one-to-one rela- lief that genes are concerned only with
tions to relations of great complexity. the control of "superficial" characters.
In investigating the roles of genes, the A second difficulty, not unrelated to
physiological geneticist usually at- the that the standard approach
first, is

tempts to determine the physiological to the problem implies the use of the
and biochemical bases of already characters with visible manifestations.
known hereditary traits. This ap- Many such characters involve morpho-
proach, as made in the study of an- logical variations, and these are likely
thocyanin pigments in plants,^ the
^VVinge, O. and Laustsen, O., Compt.
1 The possibility that genes may act rend. Lab. Carlsberg, Serie physiol. 22:337-
through the mediation of enzymes has been 352, 1939.
suggested by several authors. See Troland, 4 See Goldschmidt, R., Physiological Ge-
L. T., A?mr. Nat. 51:321-350, 1917; Wright, netics, McGraw-Hill, pp. 1-375, 1939; and
S., Genetics 12:530-569, 1927; and Haldane, J. Beadle, G. W. and Tatum, E. L., Amer. Nat.
B. S., in Perspectives hi Biochemistry, Cam- 75:107-116, 1941, for discussion and refer-
bridge Univ. Press, pp. 1-10, 1937, for dis- ences.
cussion and references. ^ See Sturtevant, A. H. and Beadle, G. W.,
~ Onslow, Scott-Moncrieff and others, see An Introduction to Genetics, Saunders, pp.
review by Lawrence, W. J. C, and Price, 1-391, 1931; and Beadle, G. W. and Tatum,
J. R., Biol. Rev. 15:35-58, 1940. E. L., loc. cit., footnote 4.
to be based on systems of biochemical this mutant would then be unable to
reactions so complex as to make analy- grow on a medium containing sucrose
sisexceedingly difficult. as a sole carbon source but should be
Considerations such as those just able to grow on a medium containing
outlined have led us to investigate the some other normally utilizable carbon
general problem of the genetic control source. In other words, it should be
of developmental and metabolic reac- possible to establish and maintain such
tions by reversing the ordinary proce- a mutant strain on a medium contain-
dure and, instead of attempting to ing glucose and detect its inability to
work out the chemical bases of known utilize sucrose by transferring it to a
genetic characters, to set out to deter- sucrose medium.
mine if and how genes control known Essentially similar procedures can
biochemical reactions. The ascomycete be developed for a great many meta-
Neiirospora offers many advantages bolic processes. For example, ability to
for such an approach and is well suited synthesize growth factors (vitamins),
to genetic studies.^ Accordingly, our amino acids and other essential sub-
program has been built around this stances should be lost through gene
organism. The procedure is based on mutation our assumptions are cor-

the assumption that x-ray treatment rect. any such meta-

will induce mutations in genes con- bolic deficiency can be "by-passed" if
cerned with the control of known the substance lacking can be supplied
specific chemical reactions. If the or- in the medium and can pass cell walls
ganism must be able to carry out a and protoplasmic membranes.
certain chemical reaction to survive In terms of specific experimental
on a given medium, a mutant unable practice, we have devised a procedure
to do this will obviously be lethal on in which x-rayed single-spore cultures
this medium. Such a mutant can be are established on a so-called "com-
maintained and studied, however, if it plete" medium, i.e., one containing as
will grow on a medium to which has many of the normally synthesized con-
been added the essential product of the stituents of the organism as is prac-
genetically blocked reaction. The ex- ticable. Subsequently these are tested
perimental procedure based on this by transferring them to a "minimal"
reasoning can best be illustrated by medium, i.e., one requiring the organ-
considering a hypothetical example. ism to carry on all the essential syn-
Normal strains of Neurospora crassa theses of which it is capable. In prac-
are able to use sucrose as a carbon tice the complete medium is made up
source, and are therefore able to carry of agar, inorganic salts, malt extract,

out the specific and enzymatically yeast extract and glucose. The minimal
controlled reaction involved in the medium contains agar (optional), in-
hydrolysis of this sugar. Assuming this organic salts and biotin, and a disac-
reaction to be genetically controlled, charide, fat or more complex carbon
it should be possible to induce a gene source. Biotin, the one growth factor
to mutate to a condition such that the that wild-type Neurospora strains can-
organism could no longer carry out not synthesize,^ is supplied in the form
sucrose hydrolysis. A strain carrying
In so far as we have carried them, our
investigations on the vitamin requirements
« Dodge, B. O., Jour. Agric. Res. 35:289- of Neurospora corroborate those of Butler,
305, 1927;and Lindegren, C. C, Bull. Torrey E. T., Robbins, W. J., and Dodge, B. O.,
Bot. Club 59:85-102, 1932. Science 9'i:262-26i, 1941.
of a commercial concentrate contain- the induced metabolic defect been in-
ing 100 micrograms of biotin per cc.** vestigated. For this reason detailed
Any loss of ability to synthesize an es- accounts of the thiamine-deficient and
sential substance present in the com- p-aminobenzoic acid-deficient strains
plete medium and absent in the minimal will be deferred.
medium is indicated by a strain grow- Qualitative studies indicate clearly
ing on the first and failing to grow on that the pyridoxinless mutant, grown
the second medium. Such strains are on a mediumcontaining one micro-
then tested in a systematic manner to gram or more of synthetic vitamin Be
determine what substance or sub- hydrochloride per 25 cc. of medium,
stances they are unable to synthesize. closely approaches in rate and char-
These subsequent tests include at- acteristics of growth normal strains
tempts to grow mutant strains on the grown on a similar medium with no
minimal medium with ( 1 ) known vita- Be. Lower concentrations of Be give
mins added, (2) amino acids added or intermediate growth rates. A prelimi-
(3) glucose substituted for the more nary investigation of the quantitative
complex carbon source of the minimal dependence of growth of the mutant
medium. on vitamin Be in the medium gave the
Single ascospore strains are individ- results summarized in table 1. Addi-
ually derived from perithecia of N. tional experiments have given results
crassa and N. sitophila x-rayed prior essentially similar but in only approxi-
to meiosis. Among approximately 2000
Table 1

such mutants have been

strains, three
found that grow essentially^ normally Growth of Pyridoxinless Strain of N. sito-
phila on Liquid Medium Containing Inor-
on the complete medium and scarcely
ganic Salts,» r/o Sucrose, and 0.004 Micro-
at all on the minimal medium with gram Biotin per Cc. Temperature 25 °C.
sucrose as the carbon source. One of Growth Period, 6 Days from Inoculation
these strains {N. sitophila) proved to with Conidia
be unable to synthesize vitamin Be
(pyridoxine). A second strain {N.
Be per
sitophila) turned out to be unable to 25 cc. medium
synthesize vitamin Bi (thiamine). Ad-
ditional tests show that this strain is
able to synthesize the pyrimidine half
of the Bi molecule but not the thiazole
half. If thiazolealone is added to the
minimal medium, the strain grows es-
sentially normally.A third strain {N.
crassa) hasbeen found to be unable to
synthesize para-aminobenzoic acid.
This mutant strain appears to be en-
tirely normal when grown on the
minimal medium to which p-amino-
benzoic acid has been added. Only in
the case of the "pyridoxinless" strain
has an analysis of the inheritance of

* The biotin concentrate used was ob-

tained from the S. M. A. Corporation, Cha-
grin Falls, Ohio.
mate quantitative agreement with growth factors. Tubes of about 13
those of table 1. It is clear that addi- mm. inside diameter and about 40 cm.
tional study of the details of culture in length are used. Segments of about
conditions is necessary before rate of 5 cm. at the two ends are turned up

weight increase of this mutant can be at an angle of about 45°. Agar medium
used as an accurate assay for vitamin is poured in so as to fill the tube about

Be. half full and is allowed to set with the

It has been found that the progres- main segment of the tube in a horizon-
sion of the frontier ofmyceUa of Neii- tal position. The turned up ends of the
rospora along a horizontal glass culture tube are stoppered with cotton plugs.
tube half filled with an agar medium Inoculations are made at one end of
provides a convenient method of in- the agar surface and the position of
vestigating the quantitative effects of the advancing front recorded at con-

Fig. 1. Growth of normal (top two curves) and pyridoxinless (remaining curves)
strains of Neurospora sitophila in horizontal tubes. The scale on the ordinate is
shifted a fixed amount for each successive curve in the series. The figures at the
right of each curve indicate concentration of pyridoxine (B^) in micrograms per
25 cc. medium.

venient intervals. The frontier formed progression is clearly^ a function of

by the advancing mycelia is remark- vitamin B^ concentration in the me-
ably well defined, and there is no dif- dium.^" It is likewise evident that there
ficulty in determining its position to is no significant difference in rate be-

within a millimeter or less. Progression tween the mutant supplied with Be

along such tubes is strictly linear with and the normal strain growing on a
time and the rate is independent of medium without this vitamin. These
tube length (up to 1.5 meters). The results are consistent with the assump-
rate is not changed by reducing the tion that the primary physiological
inside tube diameter to 9 mm., or by difference between pyridoxinless and
sealing one or both ends. It therefore normal strains is the inability of the
appears that gas diffusion is in no way former to carry out the synthesis of
limiting in such tubes. vitamin Be. There is certainly more
The results of growing the pyridox- than one step in this synthesis and ac-
inless strain in horizontal tubes in cordingly the gene differential in-
which the agar medium contained volved is presumably concerned with
varying amounts of Be are shown only one specific step in the biosyn-
graphically in figures 1 and 2. Rate of thesis of vitamin Be-



o o
0.002 0.004 0.008 0015 003 006 012 025 5 1.0

Micro|rams Bj per 25 cc.

Fig. 2. The relation between growth rate (cm./day) and vitamin Bg concentration.

In order to ascertain the inheritance were isolated and their positions in the
of the pyridoxinless character, crosses asci recorded. For some unknown rea-
between normal and mutant strains !*> It is planned to investigate further the
were made. The techniques for hy- possibility of using the growth of Neuro-
bridization and ascospore isolation spora strains in the described tube as a basis
have been worked out and described of vitamin assay, but it should be emphasized
that such additional investigation is essential
by Dodge, and by Lindegren.^ The in order to determine the reproducibility
ascospores from 24 asci of the cross and reliability of the method.
son, most of these failed to germinate. tiated by growing them on a Be defi-
From seven asci, however, one or more cient medium. On this medium the
spores germinated. These were grown mutant cultures grew very little, while
on a medium containing glucose, malt the non-mutant ones grew normally.
extract and yeast extract, and in this The results are summarized in table
they all grew normally. The normal 2. It is clear from these rather limited

and mutant cultures were differen- data that this inability to synthesize

Table 2

Results of Classifying Single Ascospore Cultures from the Cross of

Pyridoxinless and Normal N. sitophila

discover and maintain x-ray induced apparently differentiated by a single
mutant strains which are character- gene from the ability of the organism
ized by their inability to carry out to elaborate this essential growth sub-
specific biochemical processes. stance.
Follow ing this method, three mutant Note: Since the manuscript of this
strains have been established. In one paper was sent to press it has been
of these the ability to synthesize vita- established that inability to synthesize
min Be has been wholly or largely lost. both thiazole and aminobenzoic acid
In a second the ability to synthesize is inherited as though differen-
the thiazole half of the vitamin Bi tiatedfrom normal bv single genes.
molecule is absent, and in the third Work supported in part by a grant
para-aminobenzoic acid is not syn- from the Rockefeller Foundation. The
thesized. It is therefore clear that all authors are indebted to Doctors B. O.
of these substances are essential growth Dodge, C. C. Lindegren and W. S.
factors for Neurospora}^ Malloch for stocks and for advice on
Growth of the pyridoxinless mutant techniques, and to Miss Caryl Parker
(a mutant unable to synthesize vitamin for technical assistance.
Be) is a function of the Be content of
themedium on which it is grown. A
method is described for measuring the 11 The
inference that the three vitamins
growth by following linear progres- mentioned are essential for the growth of
normal strains is supported by the fact that
sion of the mycelia along a horizontal
an extract of the normal strain will serve as a
tube half filled with an agar medium. source of vitamin for each of the mutant
Inability to synthesize vitamin Be is

Studies on the Chemical Nature of the Substance

Inducing Transformation of Pneumococcal Types
Induction of Transformation by a Desoxyribonucleic
Acid Fraction Isolated from Pneumococcus Type III



Reprinted by authors' and publisher's permis-

sion from Journal of Expermiejital Medicine,
vol. 79, 1944, pp. 137-158.

This paper is indicative of one of the curre?it tre?jds in genetics,

which has developed niaiiy divergent pathways. The reader who has
followed the sequence of papers in this volume will find hijuself
plunged into an entirely new vocabulary and terminology by this
work. The genetic facts and phenomena he has become familiar with
in the other papers are all here, but their setting is unfamiliar. It
is like encoimtering a traffic policeman in a foreigji country. His

duties are similar to those at hojne, but the details of his performance
are ?iovel, and slightly cofifusing. One must understand the local
situation before he drives successftdly, and so it is here. The effort
necessary to follow the intricacies of bacteriological detail is re-
warded by a new i?isight into ge?ietic ?nechanis?m and structure.
This will be foimd equally true of the paper by Benzer o?i p. 211.
This paper is of outstaTidijig importance to ge?ietics, of course, for
the precise way m which it shows DNA
to be a primary hereditary
material. For the first time a definable chemical co?npoimd plays a
role i?i changing the hereditary makeup of an organisjn, and, once
it has played this role, shows also that it is capable of reproducing

itself precisely, ^Hn amounts far in excess of that originally added"

(p. 190). The experi?ne?2tal data and evidence the authors have mar-
shalled to prove this poi?it are quite impressive, and the reader should
note the multitude of techniques a?id apparatus involved. Genetic
investigations on micro-organisms are exceedingly complex, but are
also exceedingly rewardifig.

Biologists have long attempted by Griffith found that mice injected

chemical means to induce in higher subcutaneously with a small amount of
organisms predictable and specific a living R culture derived from Pneu-
changes which thereafter could be mococcus Type II together with a
transmitted in series as hereditary large inoculum of heat-killed Type III
characters. Among microorganisms the (S) cells frequently succumbed to in-
most striking example of inheritable fection, and that the heart's blood of
and specific alterations in cell structure these animals yielded Type III pneu-
and function that can be experimen- mococci in pure culture. The fact that
tally induced and are reproducible un- the R strain was avirulent and incapa-
der well defined and adequately con- ble by itself of causing fatal bacteremia
trolled conditions is the transformation and the additional fact that the heated
of specific types of Pneumococcus. suspension of Type III cells contained
This phenomenon was first described no viable organisms brought convinc-
by Griffith (1) who succeeded in ing evidence that the R forms growing
transforming an attenuated and non- under these conditions had newly ac-
encapsulated (R) variant derived from quired the capsular structure and bio-
one specific type into fully encap- logical specificity of Type III pneu-
sulated and virulent (S) cells of a mococci.
heterologous specific type. A typical The original observations of Griffith
instance will suffice to illustrate the were later confirmed by Neufeld and
techniques originally used and serve to Levinthal (2), and by Baurhenn (3)
indicate the wide variety of transfor- abroad, and by Dawson (4) in this
mations that are possible within the laboratory. Subsequently Dawson and
limits of this bacterial species. Sia (5) succeeded in inducing transfor-
mation m vitro. This they accom- a more detailed analysis of the phe-
plished by growing R cells in a fluid nomenon of transformation of specific
medium containing anti-R serum and types of Pneumococcus. The major
heat-killed encapsulated S cells. They interest has centered in attempts to
showed that in the test tube as in the isolate the active principle from crude
animal body transformation can be bacterial extracts and to identify if
selectively induced, depending on the possible its chemical nature or at least
type specificity of the S cells used in to characterize it sufficiently to place
the reaction system. Later, Alloway it in a known chem-
general group of
(6) was able to cause specific trans- ical For purposes of study,
formation in vitro using sterile ex- the typical example of transformation
tracts of S cells from which all formed chosen as a working model was the one
elements and cellular debris had been with which we have had most experi-
removed by Berkefeld filtration. He ence and which consequently seemed
thus showed that crude extracts con- best suited for analysis. This particular
taining active transforming material in example represents the transformation
soluble form are as effective in induc- of a non-encapsulated R variant of
ing specific transformation as are the Pneumococcus Type II to Pneumo-
intact cells from which the extracts coccus Type III.

were prepared.
Another example of transformation EXPERIMENTAL
which is analogous to the intercon- Transformation of pneumococcal
vertibility of pneumococcal types lies types ill vitro requires that certain cul-
in the field of viruses. Berry and De- tural conditions be fulfilled before it is

drick (7) succeeded in changing the possible to demonstrate the reaction

virus of rabbit fibroma (Shope) into even in the presence of a potent ex-
that of infectious myxoma (Sanarelli). tract. Not only must the broth medium
These investigators inoculated rabbits be optimal for growth but it must be
with a mixture of active fibroma virus supplemented by the addition of serum
together with a suspension of heat-in- or serous fluid known to possess cer-
activated myxoma and produced
virus tain special properties. Moreover, the
in the animals the symptoms and path- R variant, as will be shown later, must
ological lesions characteristic of infec- be in the reactive phase in which it has
tious myxomatosis. On subsequent ani- the capacity to respond to the trans-
mal passage the transformed virus was forming stimulus. For purposes of con-
transmissible and induced myxomatous venience these several components as
infection typical of the naturally oc- combined in the transforming test will
curring disease. Later Berry (8) was be referred to as the reaction system.
successful in inducing the same trans- Each constituent of this system pre-
formation using a heat-inactivated sus- sented problems which required clar-
pension of washed elementary bodies ification before it was possible to ob-
of myxoma virus. In the case of these tain consistent and reproducible re-
viruses the methods employed were sults. The various components of the
similar in principle to those used by system will be described in the follow-
Griffith in the transformation of pneu- ing order: (1) nutrient broth, (2)
mococcal types. These observations serum or serous fluid, (3) strain of R
have subsequently been confirmed by Pneumococcus, and (4) extraction,
other investigators (9). and chemical nature of
The present paper is concerned with the transforming principle.
1. Nutrie?n Broth.— Beef heart infu- gested that factors other than R anti-
sion broth containing 1 per cent neo- bodies are involved.
peptone with no added dextrose and It has been found that sera from

adjusted to an initial pH of 7.6-7.8 is various animal species, irrespective of

used as the basic medium. Individual their immune properties, contain an
lots of broth show marked and unpre- enzyme capable of destroying the
dictable variations in the property of transforming principle in potent ex-
supporting transformation. It has been tracts. The nature of this enzyme and
found, however, that charcoal adsorp- the specific substrate on which it acts
tion, according to the method de- will be referred to later in this paper.
scribed by MacLeod and Mirick (10) This enzyme is inactivated by heating
for removal of sulfonamide inhibitors, the serum 60°-65°C., and sera
eliminates to a large extent these varia- heated at temperatures known to de-
tions; consequently this procedure is stroy the enzyme are often rendered
used as routine in the preparation of effective in the transforming system.
consistently effective broth for titrat- Further analysis has shown that certain
ing the transforming activity of ex- sera in which R antibodies are present
tracts. and in which the enzyme has been in-
2. Serum or Serous Fluid.— \n the activated may nevertheless fail to sup-
first successful experiments on the in- port transformation. This fact suggests
duction of transformation in vitro, that still another factor in the serum is
Dawson and found that it was
Sia (5) essential. The content of this factor
essential to add serum to the medium. varies in different sera, and at present
Anti-R pneumococcal rabbit serum itsidentity is unknown.
was used because of the observation There are at present no criteria
that reversion of an R pneumococcus which can be used as a guide in the
to the homologous S form can be in- selection of suitable sera or serous
duced by growth in a medium con- fluids except that of actually testing
taining anti-R serum. Alloway (6) their capacity to support transforma-
later found that ascitic or chest fluid tion. Fortunately, the requisite prop-
and normal swine serum, all of which erties are stable and remain unimpaired
contain R antibodies, are capable of over long periods of time; and sera that
replacing antipneumococcal rabbit se- have been stored in the refrigerator for
rum in the reaction system. Some form many months have been found on re-
of serum is essential, and to our knowl- testing to have lost little or none of
edge transformation in vitro has never their original effectiveness in support-
been effected in the absence of serum ing transformation.
or serous fluid. The recognition of these various
In the present study human pleural factors in serum and their role in the
or ascitic fluid has been used almost reaction system has greatly facilitated
exclusively. It became apparent, how- the standardization of the cultural con-
ever, that the effectiveness of different ditions required for obtaining consist-
lots of serum varied and that the dif- ent and reproducible results.
ferences observed were not necessarily 3. The R Strain (R36A).-i:\\t un-

dependent upon the content of R anti- encapsulated R strain used in the pres-
bodies, since many sera of high titer ent study was derived from a virulent
were found to be incapable of support- "S" culture of Pneumococcus Type
ing transformation. This fact sug- II.It will be recalled that irrespective

of type derivation all "R" variants of cialtechniques outlined earlier in this

Pneumococcus are characterized by paper. Under these conditions, the
the lack of capsule formation and the enzymatic synthesis of a chemically
consequent loss of both type specificity and immunologically different cap-
and the capacity to produce infection sular polysaccharide is specifically
in the animal body. The designation oriented and selectively determined by
of these variants as R forms has been the specific type of S cells used as
used to refer merely to the fact that source of the transforming agent.
on artificial media the colony surface
is "rough" in contrast to the smooth, In the course of the present study it

glistening surface of colonies of en- was noted that the stock culture of R36
capsulated S cells. on serial transfers in blood broth under-
goes spontaneous dissociation giving rise
The R strain referred to above as to a number of other R variants which
R36A was derived by growing the parent can be distinguished one from another by
S culture of Pneumococcus Type II in colony form. The significance of this in
broth containing Type II antipneumo- the present instance lies in the fact that
coccus rabbit serum for 36 serial passages of four different variants isolated from
and isolating the variant thus induced. the parent R culture only one (R36A)
The strain R36A has lost all the specific is susceptible to the transforming action

and distinguishing characteristics of the of potent extracts, while the others fail
parent S organisms and consists only of to respond and are wholly inactive in this

attenuated and non-encapsulated R vari- regard. The fact that differences exist in
ants. The change S -* R is often a re- the responsiveness of different R variants
versible one provided the R cells are not to the same specific stimulus emphasizes
too far "degraded." The reversion of the the care that must be exercised in the
R form to its original specific type can selection of a suitable R variant for use
frequently be accomplished by successive in experiments on transformation. The
animal passages or by repeated serial sub- capacity of this R strain (R36A) to re-
culture in anti-R serum. When reversion spond to a variety of different transform-
occurs under these conditions, however, ing agents is shown by the readiness with
the R culture invariably reverts to the which it can be transformed to Types I,
encapsulated form of the same specific III, VI, or XIV, as well as to its original

type as that from which it was derived type (Type 11), to which, as pointed out,
R36A has become relatively it has never spontaneously reverted.
(11). Strain
fixed in the R
phase and has never spon- Although the significance of the fol-
taneously reverted to the Type II S form. lowing fact will become apparent later
Moreover, repeated attempts to cause it on, it must be mentioned here that pneu-
to revert under the conditions just men- mococcal cells possess an enzyme capable
tioned have in all instances been unsuc- of destroying the activity of the trans-
cessful. forming principle. Indeed, this enzyme
has been found to be present and highly
The reversible conversion of S^R active in the autolysates of a number of
within the limits of a single type is different strains. The fact that this intra-

quite different from the transforma- cellular enzyme released during auto-

tion of one specific type of Pneumo-

lysis may explain, in part at least, the
observation of Dawson and Sia (5) that
coccus into another specific type
it is essential in bringing about transfor-
through the R form. Transformation mation in the test tube to use a small
of types has never been observed to inoculum of young and actively growing
occur spontaneously and has been in- R cells. The irregularity^ of the results
duced experimentally only by the spe- and often the failure to induce transfer-
mation when large inocula are used may cedure avoids the loss of active substance
be attributable to the release from auto- which may occur when the solution is

lyzing cells of an amount of this enzyme passed through a Berkefeld or is filter

sufficient to destroy the transforming heated at the high temperatures required

principle in the reaction system. for sterilization.
To the charcoal-adsorbed broth de-
In order to obtain consistent and re- scribed above is added 10 per cent of the
producible results, two facts must be sterile ascitic or pleural fluid which has
previously been heated at 60°C. for 30
borne in mind: first, that an R culture
minutes, in order to destroy the enzyme
can undergo spontaneous dissociation
known to inactivate the transforming
and give rise to other variants which
principle. The enriched medium is dis-
have lost the capacity to respond to tributed under aseptic conditions in 2.0
the transforming stimulus; and sec- cc. amounts in sterile tubes measuring
ondly, that pneumococcal cells contain 15 X 100 mm. The sterilized extract is

an intracellular enzyme which when diluted serially in saline neutralized to

released destroys the activity of the pH by addition of 0.1 n NaOH,
transforming principle. Consequently, or it may
be similarly diluted in m/40
it is important to select a responsive
phosphate buffer, pH 7.4. 0.2 cc. of each
dilution is added to at least 3 or 4 tubes
strain and to prevent as far as possible
of the serum medium. The tubes are then
the destructive changes associated
seeded with a 5 to 8 hour blood broth
with autolysis.
culture of R36A. 0.05 cc. of a 10-^ dilu-
Method of Titration of Transform- tion of this culture is added to each tube,
ing Activity.— In the isolation and and the cultures are incubated at 37°C.
purification of the active principle for 18 to 24 hours.
from crude extracts of pneumococcal
The anti-R properties of the serum
cells it is desirable to have a method
in the medium cause the R cells to ag-
for determining quantitatively the
glutinate during growth, and clumps
transforming activity of various frac-
of the agglutinated cells settle to the
bottom of the tube leaving a clear
The experimental procedure used is as supernatant. When
transformation oc-
follows: Sterilization of the material to curs, the encapsulated S cells, not be-
be tested for activity is accomplished by ing affected by these antibodies, grow
the use of alcohol since it has been found diffusely throughout the medium. On
that this reagent has no effect on activity.
the other hand, in the absence of trans-
A measured volume of extract is pre- formation the supernatant remains
cipitated in a sterile centrifuge tube by
clear,and only sedimented growth of
the addition of 4 to 5 volumes of absolute
ethyl alcohol, and the mixture is allowed R organisms occurs. This difference in
to stand 8 or more hours in the refrigera- the character of growth makes it pos-
tor in order to effect sterilization. The sible by inspection alone to distinguish
alcohol precipitated material is centri- tentatively between positive and nega-
fuged, the supernatant discarded, and the tive results. As routine all the cultures
tube containing the precipitate is allowed are plated on blood agar for confirma-
to drain for a few minutes in the inverted tion and further bacteriological iden-
position to remove excess alcohol. The
tification. Since the extracts used in the
mouth of the tube is then carefully
present study were derived from Pneu-
flamed and a dry, sterile cotton plug is

inserted. The precipitate is redissolved

mococcus Type III, the differentiation
in the originalvolume of saline. Steriliza- between the colonies of the original R
tion of active material by this technique organism and those of the transformed
has invariably proved effective. This pro- S cells is especially striking, the latter
being large, glistening, mucoid colo- A typical protocol of a titration of
nies typical of Pncumococcus Type the transforming activity of a highly
III. Figs. 1 and 2 illustrate these differ- purified preparation is given in Table
ences in colony form. IV.

Figs. 1 and 2. (1) Colonies of the R variant (R36A) derived from Pneumococcus
type II. Plated on blood agar from a culture grown in serum broth in the absence of
the transforming substance. X3.5. (2) Colonies on blood agar of the same cells after
induction of transformation during growth in the same medium with the addition
of active glistening, mucoid colonies shown are characteristic of Pneumococcus Type
III and readily distinguishable from the small, rough colonies of the parent strain R
illustrated in Fig. 1. X3.5. (The photograph was 7nade by Mr. Joseph B. Haiilenbeek.)

Preparative Methods oughly emulsified. The glass vessel con-

creamy suspension of
Source Material. —In the present inves- taining the thick,
cells is immersed in a water bath, and the
tigation a stock laboratory strain of Pneu-
temperature of the suspension rapidly
mococcus Type III (A66) has been used
as source material for obtaining the active
raised to 65 °C. During the heating process
the materialis constantly stirred, and the
principle. A4ass cultures of these organ-
isms are grown in 50 to 75 liter lots of temperature maintained at 65 °C. for 30
plain beef heart infusion broth. After 16 minutes. Heating at this temperature in-
to 18 hours' incubation at 37°C. the bac- activates the intracellular enzyme known
terial cells are collected in a steam-driven to destroy the transforming principle.
sterilizable Sharpies centrifuge. The cen- Extraction of Heat-Killed Cells. —Al-
trifuge is equipped with cooling coils im- though various procedures have been
mersed in ice water so that the culture used, only that which has been found
fluid thoroughly chilled before flowing
is most satisfactory will be described here.
into the machine. This procedure retards The heat-killed cells are washed with
autolysis during the course of centrifuga- saline 3 times. "Jhe chief value of the
tion. The sedimented bacteria are re- washing process is to remove a large ex-

moved from the collecting cylinder and cess of capsular polysaccharide together
resuspended in approximately 150 cc. of with much of the protein, ribonucleic
chilled saline (0.85 per cent NaCl), and acid, and somatic "C" polysaccharide.
care is taken that all clumps are thor- Quantitative titrations of transforming
activity have shovv^n that not more than polysaccharide in dilutions as high as
10 to 15 per cent of the active material 1:6,000,000. The enzymatic breakdown of
is lost in the washing, a loss which is small the polysaccharide is usually complete
in comparison to the amount of inert sub- within 4 to 6 hours, as evidenced by the
stances which are removed by this pro- loss of serological reactivity. The digest
cedure. is then precipitated in 3 to 4 volumes of

After the final washing, the cells are ethyl alcohol, and the precipitate is re-
extracted in 150 cc. of sahne containing dissolved in 50 cc. of sahne. Deprotein-
sodium desoxycholate in final concentra- ization by the chloroform process is
tion of 0.5 per cent by shaking the mix- again used to remove the added enzyme
ture mechanically 30 to 60 minutes. The protein and remaining traces of pneumo-
cells are separated by centrifugation, and coccal protein. The procedure is repeated
the extraction process is repeated 2 or 3 until no further film of protein-chloro-
times. The desoxycholate extracts pre- form gel is visible at the interface.
pared in this manner are clear and color- —
Alcohol Fractionation. Following de-
less.These extracts are combined and proteinization and enzymatic digestion of
precipitated by the addition of 3 to 4 the capsular polysaccharide, the material
volumes of absolute ethyl alcohol. The isrepeatedly fractionated in ethyl alcohol
sodium desoxycholate being soluble in as follows. Absolute ethyl alcohol is
alcohol remains in the supernatant and is added dropwise to the solution with con-
thus removed at this step. The precipitate stant stirring. At a critical concentration
forms a fibrous mass which floats to the varying from 0.8 to 1.0 volume of alcohol
surface of the alcohol and can be re- the active material separates out in the
moved directly bv lifting it out with a form of fibrous strands that wind them-
spatula. The excess alcohol is drained selves around the stirring rod. This pre-
from the precipitate which is then re- cipitate is removed on the rod and
dissolved in about 50 cc. of saline. The washed in a 50 per cent mixture of al-
solution obtained is usually viscous, cohol and saline. Although the bulk of
opalescent, and somewhat cloudy. active material is removed by fractiona-
Deprotei7iizatio7i a?id Re?fioval of Cap- tion at the critical concentration, a small
sular —
Polysaccharide. The solution is but appreciable amount remains in solu-
then deproteinized by the chloroform tion. However, upon increasing the con-
method described by Sevag (12). The centration of alcohol to 3 volumes, the
procedure is repeated 2 or 3 times until residual fraction is thrown down together
the solution becomes clear. After this with inert material in the form of a floc-
preliminary treatment the material is re- culent precipitate. This flocculent pre-
precipitated in 3 to 4 volumes of alcohol. cipitate is taken up in a small volume of
The precipitate obtained is dissolved in saline (5 to 10 cc.) and the solution again
a larger volume of saline (150 cc.) to fractionated by the addition of 0.8 to 1.0
which is added 3 to 5 mg. of a purified volume of alcohol. Additional fibrous
preparation of the bacterial enzyme capa- material is obtained which is combined
ble of hydrolyzing the Type 111 capsular with that recovered from the original
polysaccharide (13). The mixture is in- solution. Alcoholic fractionation is re-
cubated at 37°C., and the destruction of peated 4 to 5 times. The yield of fibrous
the capsular polysaccharide is determined material obtained by this method varies
by serological tests with Type III anti- from 10 to 25 mg. per 75 liters of culture
body solution prepared by dissociation of and represents the major portion of ac-
immune precipitate according to the tive material present in the original crude
method described by Liu and Wu (14). extract.
The advantages of using the antibody —
Effect of Temperature. As a routine
solution for this purpose are that it does procedure all steps in purification were
not react with other serologically active carried out at room temperature unless
substances in the extract and that it selec- specifically stated otherwise. Because of
tively detects the presence of the capsular the theoretical advantage of working at
low temperature in the preparation of crease in solubility and loss of activity.
biologically active material, the purifica- The activity of the transforming
tion of one lot (preparation 44) was car- principle in crude extracts withstands
ried out in the cold. In this instance all
heating for 30 to 60 minutes at 65 °C.
the above procedures with the exception
Highly purified preparations of active
of desoxycholate extraction and enzyme
material are less stable, and some loss
treatment were conducted in a cold room
maintained at 0-4 °C. This preparation
of activity occurs at this temperature.
proved to have significantly higher activ- A quantitative study of the effect of
ity than did material similarly prepared heating purified material at higher
at room temperature. temperatures has not as yet been made.
Desoxycholate extraction of the heat- Alio way (6), using crude extracts pre-
killed cells at low temperature is less pared from Type III pneumococcal
efficient and yields smaller amounts of cells,found that occasionally activity
the active fraction. It has been demon-
could still be demonstrated after 10
strated that higher temperatures facilitate
minutes' exposure in the water bath to
extraction of the active principle, al-
temperatures as high as 90°C.
though activity is best preserved at low
temperatures. The procedures mentioned above
were carried out with solutions ad-
Analysis of Purified Traiisforjjiifig justed to neutral reaction, since it has
Material been shown that hydrogen ion con-
General Properties.—SaVme solutions centrations in the acid range result in
containing 0.5 to 1.0 mg. per cc. of progressive loss of activity. Inactiva-
the purified substance are colorless and tion occurs rapidly at pH 5 and below.
clear in diffuse light. However, in Qualitative Cheiuical Tests—'Xht
strong transmitted light the solution is purified material in concentrated solu-
not entirely clear and when stirred ex- tion gives negative biuretand Millon
hibits a silky sheen. Solutions at these tests.These tests have been done di-
concentrations are highly viscous. rectly on dry material with negative
Purified material dissolved in physi- results. The Dische diphenylamine re-
ological salt solution and stored at 2- action for desoxyribonucleic acid is

4°C. retains its activity in undimin- strongly positive. The orcinol test
ished titer for at least 3 months. How- (Bial) for ribonucleic acid is weakly
ever, when dissolved in distilled water, positive. However, it has been found
it rapidly decreases in activity and be- that in similar concentrations pure
comes completely inert within a few preparations of desoxyribonucleic acid
days. Saline solutions stored in the of animal origin prepared by different
frozen state in a CO2 ice box ( — 70°C.) methods give a Bial reaction of cor-
retain full potency for several months. responding intensity.
Similarly, material precipitated from Although no specific tests for the
saline solution by alcohol and stored presence of lipid in the purified ma-
under the supernatant remains active terial have been made, it has been
over a long period of time. Partially found that crude material can be re-
purified material can be preserved by peatedly extracted with alcohol and
drying from the frozen state in the ether at — 12°C. without loss of activ-
lyophile apparatus. However, when ity. In addition, as will be noted in the
the same procedure is used for the preparative procedures, repeated alco-
preservation of the highly purified hol precipitation and treatment with
substance, it is found that the material chloroform result in no decrease in bi-
undergoes changes resulting in de- ological activity.
Elementary Chemical
Ayialysis}— results are presented in Table I. The
Four were ana-
purified preparations nitrogen-phosphorus ratios vary from
lyzed for content of nitrogen, phos- 1.58 to 1.75 with an average value of
phorus, carbon, and hydrogen. The 1.67 which is in close agreement with

Table I

Elementary Chemical Ajialysis of Purified Preparations of the Transforming Substance

Preparation No.
tested. The alkaline phosphatase activ- is compared with their capacity to
ity of these preparations was deter- destroy the transforming principle.
mined by their action on yS-glycero- Analysis of these results shows that
phosphate and phenyl phosphate, and irrespective of the presence of phos-
the esterase activity by their capacity phatase or esterase only those prepara-
to split tributyrin.Since the highly tions shown to contain an enzyme
purified transforming material isolated capable of depolymerizing authentic
from pneumococcal extracts was samples of desoxyribonucleic acid
found to contain desoxyribonucleic were found to inactivate the trans-
acid, thesesame enzymes were tested forming principle.
for depolymerase activity on known Greenstein and Jenrette (18) have
samples of desoxyribonucleic acid iso- shown that tissue extracts, as well as
latedby Mirsky ^ from fish sperm and the milk and serum of several mam-
mammalian tissues. The results are malian species, contain an enzyme sys-
summarized in Table II in which the tem which causes depolymerization of
phosphatase, esterase, and nucleode- desoxv^ibonucleic acid. To this en-
polymerase activity of these enzymes zyme system Greenstein has later

Table II

The hiactivation of Trajisformiyig Principle by Crude Enzy?fie Freparations

minutes, and the third was used unheated ing protocol were mixed in Ostwald vis-
as control. Apartially purified prepara- cosimeters with 4.0 cc. of the aqueous
tion of transforming material which had solution of the nucleate. Determinations
previously been dried in the lyophile ap- of viscosity were made immediately and
paratus was dissolved in saline in a con- at intervals over a period of 24 hours dur-
centration of 3.7 mg. per cc. 1.0 cc. of this ing incubation at 37°C.
solution was mixed with 0.5 cc. of the
various samples of heated and unheated The results of this experiment are
diluted sera, and the mixtures at pH 7.4 graphically presented in Chart 1. In
were incubated at 37°C. for 2 hours. the case of unheated serum of both
After the serum had been allowed to act dog and rabbit, the viscosity fell to
on the transforming material for this that of water in 5 to 7 hours. Dog se-
period, all tubes were heated at 65 °C. for rum heated at 60°C. for 30 minutes
30 minutes to stop enzymatic action.
brought about no significant reduction
Serial dilutions were then made in sahne
and tested in triplicate for transforming
in viscosity after 22 hours. On the

activity according to the procedure de-

Differential Heat Inactivation
scribed under Method of titration. The of Desoxyribonucleodepolymerase
results given in Table III illustrate the of Dog and Rabbit 5er>um

differential heat inactivation of the en-

Dog serum
zymes in dog and rabbit serum which de-
stroy the transforming principle. Heated 60° for 30'

Heated 65° for 30'

From the data presented in Table III

it isevident that both dog and rabbit
serum in the unheated state are capable
of completely destroying transforming
activity. On the other hand, when
samples of dog serum which have been
heated either at 60°C. or at 65 °C. for
30 minutes are used, there is no loss of
transforming activity. Thus, in this
species the serum enzyme responsible
for destruction of the transforming
principle is completely inactivated at
60°C. In contrast to these results, ex-
posure to 65 °C. for 30 minutes was
required for complete destruction of
the corresponding enzyme in rabbit
The same samples of dog and rabbit
serum used in the preceding experi-
ment were also tested for their de-
polymerase activity on a preparation
of sodium desoxyribonucleate isolated
by Mirsky from shad sperm.

A highly viscous solution of the nu-

cleate in distilled water in a concentra-
tion of 1 mg. per cc. was used. 1.0 cc.
amounts of heated and unheated sera
diluted in saline as shown in the preced-

Table III

Differential Heat Inactivation of Enzymes in Dog and Rabbit Senim

Which Destroy the Transfortning Substance
Similarly ithas been found that fluo- ultracentrifuge. The material gave a
ride in the same concentration also in- single and unusually sharp boundary
hibits the enzymatic depolymerization indicating that the substance was
of desoxyribonucleic acid. homogeneous and that the molecules
Thefact that transforming activity were uniform in size and very asym-
is destroyed only by those prepara- metric. Biological activity was found
tions containing depolymerase for de- to be sedimented at the same rate as the
soxyribonucleic acid and the further optically observed boundary, showing
fact that in both instances the enzymes that activity could not be due to the
concerned are inactivated at the same presence of an entity much different
temperature and inhibited by fluoride in size. The molecular weight cannot
provide additional evidence for the be- be accurately determined until meas-
lief that the active principle is a nucleic urements of the diffusion constant and
acid of the desoxyribose type. partial specific volume have been
Serological Analysis.— In the course made. However, Tennent and Vil-
of chemical isolation of the active ma- brandt (20) have determined the dif-
terial it was found that as crude ex- fusion constant of several preparations
tracts were purified, their serological of thymus nucleic acid the sedimenta-
activity in Type antiserum progres-
III tion rate of which is in close agreement
sively decreased without correspond- with the values observed in the present
ing loss in biological activity. Solutions study. Assuming that the asymmetry
of the highly purified substance itself of the molecules is the same in both
gave only faint trace reactions in pre- instances, it is estimated that the mo-
cipitin tests with high titer Type III lecular weight of the pneumococcal
antipneumococcus rabbit serum.^ It is preparation of the order of 500,000.

well known that pneumococcal pro- Examinationof the same active

tein can be detected by serological preparation was carried out by elec-
methods in dilutions as high as 1 50,000 : trophoresis in the Tiselius apparatus
and the capsular as well as the somatic and revealed only a single electropho-
polysaccharide in dilutions of at least retic component of relatively high
1:5,000,000. In view of these facts, the mobility comparable to that of a nu-
loss of serological reactivity indicates cleic acid. Transforming activity was
that these cell constituents have been associated with the fast moving com-
almost completely removed from the ponent giving the optically visible
final preparations. The fact that the boundary. Thus in both the electrical
transforming substance in purified and centrifugal fields, the behavior of
state exhibits or no serological
little the purified substance is consistent
reactivity is in striking contrast to its with the concept that biological ac-
biological specificity in inducing pneu- tivity is a property of the highly poly-
mococcal transformation. merized nucleic acid.
Physicochemical Studies.^— A pur- Ultraviolet absorption curves
ified and active preparation of the
transforming substance (preparation 5 Studies on sedimentation in the ultracen-
44) was examined in the analytical trifuge were carried out by Dr. A. Rothen;
the electrophoretic analyses were made by
4 The Type antipneumococcus rabbit
III Dr. T. Shedlovsky, and the ultra-violet ab-
scrum employed in this studv was furnished sorption curves by Dr. G. I. Lavin. The
through the courtesy of Dr. Jules T. Freund, authors gratefully acknowledge their in-
Bureau of Laboratories, Department of debtedness to these members of the staff of
Health, City of New York. The Rockefeller Institute.
sho\\'ed maxima in the region of 2600 formation in amounts ranging from
A and minima in the region of 2350 0.02 to 0.003/xg. Preparation 44, the
A. These findings are characteristic of purification of which was carried out
nucleic acids. at low temperature and which had a
Quantitative Detemmiation of Bio- nitrogen-phosphorus ratio of 1.58, ex-
logical Activity.— In its highly purified hibited high transforming activity. Ti-
state the material as isolated has tration of the activity of this prepara-
found to be capable of inducing trans- tion is given in Table IV.

Table IV

Titration of Transfomiing Acitivity of Preparation 44

specific transformation been experi- duced in turn are chemically distinct
mentally induced hi vitro by a chem- and biologically specific in their ac-
ically defined substance. tion and that both are requisite in
Although the observations are lim- determining the type specificity of the
ited to a single example, they acquire cell of which they form a part.
broader significance from the work of The experimental data presented in
earlier investigators who demonstrated this paper strongly suggest that nu-
the interconvertibility of various pneu- cleic acids, at least those of the desoxy-
mococcal types and showed that the ribose type, possess different specifi-
specificity of the changes induced is evidenced by the selective ac-
cities as
in each instance determined by the tion of the transforming principle.
particular type of encapsulated cells Indeed, the possibility of the existence
used to evoke the reaction. From the of specific differences in biological
point of view of the phenomenon in behavior of nucleic has pre-
general, therefore, it is of special in- viously been suggested (23, 24) but
terest that in the example studied, has never been experimentally demon-
highly purified and protein-free ma- strated owing in part at least to the
terial consisting largely, if not exclu- lack biological methods.
of suitable
sively, of desoxyribonucleic acid is The techniques used in the study of
capable of stimulating unencapsulated transformation appear to afford a sen-
R variants of Pneumococcus Type II sitive means of testing the validity of
to produce a capsular polysaccharide this hypothesis, and the results thus
identical in type specificity with that far obtained add supporting evidence
of the cells from which the inducing in favor of this point of view.
substance was isolated. Equally strik- If it is ultimately proved beyond
ing is the fact that the substance reasonable doubt that the transforming
evoking the reaction and the capsular activity of the material described is
substance produced in response to it actually an inherent property of the
are chemically distinct, each belonej- nucleic acid, one must still account on

ing to a wholly different class of a chemical basis for the biological spe-
chemical compounds. cificity of its action. At first glance,
The inducing substance, on the basis immunological methods would appear
of its chemical and physical properties, to offer the ideal means of determin-
appears to be a highly polymerized ing the differential specificity of this
and viscous form of sodium desoxy- group of biologically important sub-
ribonucleate. On the other hand, the stances. Although the constituent units
Type III capsular substance, the syn- and general pattern of the nucleic acid
thesis of which is evoked by this trans- molecule have been defined, there is
forming agent, consists chiefly of a as yet relatively little known of the
non-nitrogenous polysaccharide con- possible effect that subtle differences
stituted of glucose-glucuronic acid in molecular configuration may exert
units linked in glycosidic union (22). on the biological specificity of these
The presence of the newly formed substances. However, since nucleic
capsule containing this type-specific acids free or combined with histones
polysaccharide confers on the trans- or protamines are not known to func-
formed cells all the distinguishing tion antigenically, one would not an-
characteristics of Pneumococcus Type ticipate that such differences would be
III. Thus, evident that the induc-
it is revealed by immunological techniques.
ing substance and the substance pro- Consequenth', it is perhaps not surpris-
ing that highly purified and protein- However, from a bacteriological point
free preparations of desoxyribonucleic of view, numerical estimations based
acid,although extremely active in in- on colony counts might prove more
ducing transformation, showed only misleading than enlightening because
faint trace reactions in precipitin tests of the aggregation and sedimentation
with potent Type III antipneumococ- of the R cells agglutinated by the anti-
cus rabbit sera. serum in the medium. Attempts to
From these limited observations it induce transformation in suspensions
would be unwise to draw any conclu- of resting cells held under conditions
sion concerning the immunological inhibiting growth and multiplication
significance of the nucleic acids until have thus far proved unsuccessful, and
further knowledge on this phase of the it seems probable that transformation

problem is available. Recent observa- occurs only during active reproduc-

tions by Lackman and his collaborators tion of the cells. Important in this con-
(25) have shown that nucleic acids of nection is the fact that the R cells, as
both the yeast and thymus type de- well as those that have undergone
riv^ed from hemolytic streptococci and transformation, presumably also all
from animal and plant sources precipi- other variants and types of pneu-
tate with certain antipneumococcal mococci, contain an intracellular en-
sera. The reactions varied with diflFer- zyme which is released during auto-

ent lots of immune serum and occurred lysis and in the free state is capable of
more frequently in antipneumococcal rapidly and completely destroying the
horse serum than in corresponding sera activity of the transforming agent. It
of immune rabbits. The irregularity would appear, therefore, that during
and broad cross reactions encountered the logarithmic phase of growth when
led these investigators to express some cell division is most active and auto-
doubt as to the immunological signifi- lysis least apparent, the cultural con-
cance of the results. Unless special ditions are optimal for the maintenance
immunochemical methods can be de- of the balance between maximal re-
vised similar to those so successfully activity of the R
cell and minimal
used in demonstrating the serological destruction of the transforming agent
specificity of simple non-antigenic through the release of autolytic fer-
substances, it appears that the tech- ments.
niques employed in the study of trans- In the present state of knowledge
formation are the only ones available any interpretation of the mechanism
at the present for testing possible dif- involved in transformation must of
ferences in the biological behavior of necessity be purelv^ theoretical. The
nucleic acids. biochemical events underlying the
Admittedly there are many phases phenomenon suggest that the trans-
of the problem of transformation that forming principle interacts with the R
require further study and many ques- cell giving coordinated series
rise to a
tions that remain unanswered largely of enzymatic reactions that culminate
because of technical difficulties. For in the synthesis of the Type III capsu-
example, it would be of interest to lar antigen. The experimental findings
know the relation between rate of re- have clearly demonstrated that the in-
action and concentration of the trans- duced alterations are not random
forming substance; the proportion of changes but are predictable, always
transformed to those that remain
cells corresponding in type specificity to
unaffected in the reaction system. that of the encapsulated cells from
which the transforming substance was some specific protein that serves as a
isolated. Once transformation has oc- "pabulum" and enables the R form to
curred, the newly acquired character- manufacture a capsular carbohydrate.
istics are thereafter transmitted in More recently the phenomenon has
series through innumerable transfers been interpreted from a genetic point
in artificial media without any further of view (26, 27). The inducing sub-
addition of the transforming agent. stance has been likened to a gene, and
Moreover, from the transformed cells the capsular antigen which is produced
themselves, substance of identical
a in response to it has been regarded as
activity be recovered in
can again a gene product. In discussing the phe-
amounts far in excess of that originally nomenon of transformation Dobzhan-
added to induce the change. It is evi- sky (27) has stated that "If this trans-
dent, therefore, that not only is the formation is described as a genetic
capsular material reproduced in suc- mutation— and it is difficult to avoid
cessive generations but that the pri- so describing it— we are dealing with
mary factor, which controls the oc- authentic cases of induction of specific
currence and specificity of capsular mutations by specific treatments. ."
. .

development, is also reduplicated in the Another interpretation of the phe-

daughter cells. The induced changes nomenon has been suggested by Stan-
are not temporary modifications but ley (28) who has drawn the analogy
are permanent alterations which per- between the activity of the transform-
sistprovided the cultural conditions are ing agent and that of a virus. On the
favorable for the maintenance of cap- other hand. Murphy (29) has com-
sule formation. The transformed cells pared the causative agents of fowl
can be readily distinguished from the tumors with the transforming prin-
parent R forms not alone by serolog- ciple of Pneumococcus. He has sug-
ical reactions but by the presence of gested that both these groups of agents
a newly formed and visible capsule be termed "transmissible mutagens" in
which is the immunological unit of order to differentiate them from the
type specificity and the accessory virus group. Whatever may prove to
structure essential in determining the be the correct interpretation, these
infective capacity of the microorgan- differences in viewpoint indicate the
ism in the animal body. implications of the phenomenon of
It is particularly significant in the transformation in relation to similar
case of pneumococci that the experi- problems in the fields of genetics,
mentally induced alterations are defi- virology, and cancer research.
nitely correlated with the development It is, of course, possible that the

of a new morphological structure and biological activity of the substance

the consequent acquisition of new anti- described is not an inherent property
genic and invasive properties. Equally of the nucleic acid but is due to mi -
if not more significant is the fact that nute amounts of some other substance
these changes are predictable, type- adsorbed to it or so intimately associ-
and heritable.
specific, ated with it as to escape detection. If,
Various hypotheses have been ad- however, the biologically active sub-
vanced in explanation of the nature of stance isolated in highly purified form
the changes induced. In his original as the sodium of desoxyribonucleic
description of the phenomenon Grif- acid actually proves to be the trans-
fith ( 1
) suggested that the dead bac- forming principle, as the available evi-
teria in the inoculum might furnish dence strongly suggests, then nucleic

acids of this type must be regarded not 4. Evidence is presented that the

merely important hut as

as structurally chemically induced alterations in cellu-
functionally active in determining the lar structure and function are predic-
biochemical activities and specific table, type-specific, and transmissible
characteristics of pneumococcal cells. in series. The various hypotheses that
Assuming- that the sodium desoxvri- have been advanced concerning the
bonucleate and the active prmciple are nature of these changes are reviewed.
one and the same substance, then the
transformation described represents a CONCLUSION
change that is chemically induced and
specifically directed by a known chem- The evidence presented supports the
belief that a nucleic acid of the desoxy-
ical compound. If the results of the
ribose type is the fundamental unit of
present study on the chemical nature
of the transforming principle are con-
the transforming principle of Pneumo-
firmed, then nucleic acids must be re-
coccus Type III.

garded as possessing biological specifi-

city^ the chemical basis of which is as BIBLIOGRAPHY
yet undetermined. L Griffith, F., /. Hyg., Cambridge, Eng.,
1928, 27:113.
SUMMARY 2. Neufeld, F., and Levinthal, W., Z. hn-
mimitatsforsch., 1928, 55:324.
1. From Type III pneumococci a 3. Baurhenn, W., Centr. Bakt., 1. Abt.,
biologically active fraction has been Orig., 1932, 126:68.
isolated in highly purified form which 4. Dawson, M. H., /. Exp. Med., 1930, 51:
in exceedingly minute amounts is cap- 123.

able under appropriate cultural condi- 5. Dawson, M. H., and Sia, R. H. P., /. Exp.
Med., 1931, 54:681.
tions of inducing the transformation of
6. Alloway, J. L., /. Exp. Med., 1932, 55:91;
unencapsulated R variants of Pneu-
mococcus Type II into fully encap-
7. Berry, G. P., and Dedrick, H. M., J.
sulated cells of the same specific type Bact., 1936, 31:50.
as that of the heat-killed microorgan- 8. Berry, G. P., Arch. Path., 1937, 24:533.
isms from which the inducing material 9. Hurst, E. W., Brit. J. Exp. Path., 1937,
was recovered. 18:23. Hoffstadt, R. E., and Pilcher,
K. S., /. Infect. Dis., 1941, 68:67. Gard-
2. Methods for the isolation and
ner, R. E., and Hyde, R. R., /. Infect.
purification of the active transforming Dis., 1942, 71:47. Houlihan, R. B., Proc.
material are described. Soc. Exp. Biol, and Med., 1942, 51:259.

3. The data obtained by chemical, 10. MacLeod, C. M., and Mirick, G. S., /.
Bact., 1942, 44:277.
enzymatic, and serological analyses
together with the results of prelimi-
11. Dawson, M. H., /. Exp. Med., 1928, 47:
577; 1930, 51:99.
nary studies by electrophoresis, ultra-
12. Sevag, M. G., Biochevi. Z., 1934, 273:419.
centrifugation, and ultraviolet spec- Sevag, M. G., Lackman, D. B., and
troscopy indicate that, within the Smolens, J., /. Biol. Chem., 1938, 124:
limits of the methods, the active frac- 425.

tion contains no demonstrable protein, 13. Dubos, R. J., and Averv, O. T., /. Exp.
Med., 1931, 54:51. Dubos, R. J., and
unbound lipid, or serologically reactive
Bauer, J. H., /. Exp. Med., 1935, 62:271.
polysaccharide and consists princip-
14. Liu, S., and Wu, H., Chinese J. Physiol.,
ally, if not solely, of a highly polymer-
1938, 13:449.
ized, viscous form of desoxyribonu- 15. Martland, M., and Robison, R., Biochetn.
cleic acid. J., 1929, 23:237.
16. Albers, H., and Albers, E., Z. physiol. 24. Mirsky, A. E., in Advances in enzym-
Cheni., 1935, 232:189. ology and related subjects of bioche?n-
17. Levene, P. A., and Dillon, R. T., /. Biol.
istry, (F. F. Nord and C. H. Werkman,

Che?n., 1933, 96:461. editors), New York, Interscience Pub-

lishers, Inc., 1943, 3:1.
18. Greenstein, J. P., and Jenrette, W. Y., /.
Nat. Cancer Inst., 1940, 1:845. 25. Lackman, D., Mudd, S., Sevag, M. G.,
Smolens, J., and Wiener, M., /. hn-
19. Greenstein, J. P., /. Nat. Cancer Inst.,
munol., 1941, 40:1.
26. Gortner, R. A., Outlines of biochemistry.
20. Tennent, H. G., and Vilbrandt, C. F., /.
New York, Wiley, 2nd edition, 1938,
Am. Che?}!. Soc, 1943, 65:424. 547.
21. Thompson, R. H. S., and Dubos, R. J., 27. Dobzhansky, T., Genetics and the origin
/. Biol. Chem., 1938, 125:65. of the species. New York, Columbia
22. Reeves, R. E., and Goebel, W. F., Biol. University Press, 1941, 47.
Chefn., 1941, 139:511. 28. Stanley, W.
M., in Doerr, R., and Hal-
23. Schultz, J., in Genes and chromosomes. lauer, Handbuch der Virusfor-
Structure and organization, Cold schung, Vienna, Julius Springer, 1938,
Spring Harbor symposia on qumitita- 1:491.
tive biology. Cold Spring Harbor, 29. Murphy, J. B., Tr. Assn. Am. Physn.,
Long Island Biological Association, 1931, 46:182; Bull. Johns Hopkins
1941, 9:55. Hosp., 1935, 56:1.

Gene Recombination in Escherichia Coli


Reprinted by authors' and publisher's permis-

sion from Nature, vol. 158, 1946, p. 558.

In selectijjg papers for this vohmie I have deliberately ojjiitted iriost

of the papers published prior to 1952 in the highly specialized field
of study known as '''microbial genetics,'' because of the availability of
the book ^'Papers in Microbial Genetics,''' edited by J. Lederberg arid
published by the University of Wisconsin Press. That book serves
the same function for that area of genetics as does this volume for
much of the rest of the field.
Omitted fro?n that volume, however, is this short note on the
occurrence of sex in a bacterium. It is of far-reaching importance in
that it is the initial announcement of an entirely new and unsuspected
phenomenon. The importayit role of sex in hereditary and evolu-
tionary processes has been evident from the time of publication of
the first paper i?i this series by Mendel, and has been repeatedly
emphasized by Sutton, Bridges, Sturtevant, and Morgan, among

Others. Sex plays its greatest role in heredity in that it provides for
the recombination of genes into new., ^^experimentar series, which
jnake up the raw 'material itpoji which natural selection acts. Leder-
berg and Tatinn reverse the origi?ial procedure in that they utilize
the phenonie7wn of recombiTiation to demo?istrate the existe?ice of
sex i?i bacteria. Since bacteria reproduce rapidly and abu?ida?nly the ,

discovery of sexual processes in their reproduction made them as

important and valuable as a research tool as Drosophila and Neu-
rospora. A co??siderable series of papers followed this original a?j-
nouncement, and the interested reader can find many of them in
the book cited above.

Analysis of mixed cultures of of colonies of various nutritional types.

nutritional mutants has revealed the This procedure readily allows the de-
presence of new types which strongly tection of very small numbers of cell
suggest the occurrence of a sexual types different from the parental
process in the bacterium, Escherichia forms.
coli. The only new types found in 'pure'
The mutants consist of strains which cultures of the individual mutants were
differ from parent wild type,
their occasional forms which had reverted
strain K-12, in lacking the ability to for a single factor, giving strains which
synthesize growth-factors. As a result required only two of the original three
of these deficiencies they will only substances. In mixed cultures, how-
grow in media supplemented with been found.
ever, a variety of types has
their specific nutritional requirements. These include wild-type strains with
In these mutants single nutritional re- no growth-factor deficiencies and
quirements are established as single single mutant types requiring only
mutational steps under the influence of thiamin or phenylalanine. In addition,
X-ray or ultra-violet.^ -^ By successive double requirement types have been
treatments, strains with several re- obtained, including strains deficient in
quirements have been obtained. the syntheses of biotin and leucine,
In the recombination studies here biotin and threonine, and biotin and
reported, two triple mutants have been thiamin respectively. The wild-type
used: F-10, requiring threonine, leu- strains have been studied most inten-
cine and thiamin, and F-24, requiring sively, and several independent lines of
biotin, phenylalanine and cystine. evidence have indicated their stability
These strains were grown in mixed and homogeneity.
culture in 'Bacto' yeast-beef broth. In other experiments, using the
When grown, the cells were
fully triplemutants mentioned, except that
washed with sterile water and in- one was resistant to the coli phage Tl
oculated heavily into synthetic agar (obtained by the procedure of Luria
medium, to which various supplements and Delbriick ^), nutritionally wild-
had been added to allow the growth type strains were found both in sensi-
tive and in resistant categories. Sim-
1 Tatum, E. L., Froc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 31:
ilarly, recombinations between bio-
215, 1945.
2 Tatum, E. L., Cold Spring Harbor Syjn-
posia Quant. Biol., vol. 11, (in the press, 3 Luria, S. E. and Delbriick, M., Genetics,

1946). 28:491, 1943.

chemical requirements and phage re- cultures by the use of sterile filtrates
sistance have frequently been found, have been unsuccessful.
These types can most reasonably be The fusion presumably occurs only
interpreted as instances of the assort- rarely, since in the cultures investi-
ment of genes in new
combinations, gated only one cell in a million can be
In order that various genes may have classified as a recombination type. The
the opportunity to recombine, a cell hypothetical zygote has not been de-
fusion would be required. The only tected cytologically.
apparent alternative to this interpreta- These experiments imply the occur-
tion would be the occurrence in the rence of a sexual process in the bac-
medium of transforming factors ca- terium Escherichia coli; they will be
pable of inducing the mutations of reported in more detail elsewhere,
genes, bilaterally, both to and from This work was supported in part by
the wild condition. Attempts at the a grant from the Jane Coffin Childs
induction of transformations in single Memorial Fund for Medical Research.

Genetic Effects of the Atomic Bombs in

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Genetics Conference, Committee on Atomic Casualties,
National Research Council

Reprinted by publisher's permission from Sci-

ence, vol. 106, 1947, pp. 331-333.

Up to this point, many of the papers that have been included have
already demojistrated their sigjiificance by the ways in which they
have affected the directions a?id aijiis of the field of ge?ietics. They
have created new problems, pointed out new pathways, and pro-
vided new methods that proved fruitful i?i genetic analysis and
understanding. Obviously, it is difficult to select such papers from
the literature of the past few years, because a certain amount of
time is always necessary to permit a paper to reveal its basic impor-
This paper arid the one by Sturteva?it (p. 259) strongly indi-
cate the existence of still another aspect of genetics, the sigjiificance
of which lies in the relationship of man to mankind. The geneticist
has suddefily found hi?/iself in possession of infovDiation of the
utmost importance in our moder?i world, and at the saiJie time finds
himself pai?ifidly lacking in information most urgently needed for
decisions of far-reaching social significance. Biologists, for the most
part, lead rather sheltered lives. Their discoveries are of interest
prificipally to their inmiediate colleagues, although coimnercial as-
pects of many biological have beco7ne increasingly
important. This is no longer true of the geneticist. His activities are

of public interest; his debates are reported in the world'' s press. His
discoveries are widely publicized, and are often misinterpreted and
garbled in the transmission. He has moved, ivilly-nilly, into the
public eye. The consequences to society of discoveries that are likely
to affect the hwnan genetic constitution ?nust be i?ivestigated and
determined, and the Jieiv trend for genetic research is clear-cut.
The first of these two papers illustrates another general biological
phenofnenon, that of team research. This is the report of a group
of research workers, not of a single man. Research today in any
area is likely to demand too much specialized k?iowledge and back-
groimd for afiy i?idividual to encompass, a?id as a consequence several
specialists cooperate to bring their pooled knowledge to bear on a
This paper introduces the proble?n of the effects of the atomic
bomb on the genetics of mankind. It is perhaps one of the most
active and most heavily supported areas of research today.

The Atomic Energy Commission re- tion, a five-man commission composed of

cently formally signified its intention of representatives of the Council, the Army,
supporting long-range medical studies of and the Navy left for Japan for the pur-
the survivors of the atomic bombings pose of determining the current status of
in Japan, to be conducted by the Com- Japanese work on atomic bomb casualties,
mittee on Atomic Casualties of the Na- evaluating the feasibility of American
tionalResearch Council. One aspect of participation in continued research on
these studies will concern the much- these casualties, and indicating the lines
discussed potential genetic effects of the along which such studies should proceed.
bombs. The background of this program This commission, known as the Atomic
begins after Japan's surrender,
shortly Bomb Casualty Commission and com-
when a Joint Army-Navy Commission posed of Austin Brues, Paul S. Henshaw,
made extensive observations in Hiro- Lt. Melvin Block, M.C., AUS, Lt. James
shima and Nagasaki on the survivors of V. Neel, M.C., AUS, and Lt (j.g.) Fred-
the bombings. At the conclusion of the erick Ullrich, (MC) USNR, submitted a
Commission's work its chairman, Col. A. report of its findings to the Council in
W. Oughterson, M.C., AUS, recom- January 1947.
mended to the Surgeon General of the The June 1946 conference group had
Army that the Council be requested to recommended that appropriate action be
undertake a long-range study of the taken to obtain a Presidential Directive
medical and biological effects of the authorizing the National Research Coun-
atomic bomb, and this recommendation cil to initiate a long range study of the
was transmitted by Surgeon Gen. Nor- atomic bomb effects. This Directive was
man T. Kirk to Lewis H. Weed, chair- issued at the request of the Secretary of
man of the Division of Medical Sciences. the Navy, James T. Forrestal, in Novem-
As a result, inJune 1946 a conference ber 1946, and on its authorit}^ the Coun-
group was convened by the Council, and cil, in January 1947, established a Com-
in November, following its recommenda- mittee on Atomic Casualties, composed


of Thomas M. Rivers (chairman), This memorandum is essentially a
George W. Beadle, Detlev W.
Bronk, partial summary of the material pre-
Austin Brues, George M. Lyon, C. P. sented by Lt. James V. Neel at the
Rhoads, Shields Warren, Stafford L.
meeting of the Conference on Ge-
Warren, George H. Whipple, and Ray-
netics convened by the Committee on
mond E. Zirkle.
The potential genetic effects of the Atomic Casualties of the National Re-
atomic bomb were apparent to all inter- search Council on June 24, 1947, but
ested students from the day the first with certain additional considerations
bomb was dropped — in fact, to some, which grew out of the deliberations of
well before that time. A consideration of the Conference.
genetic studies was one facet of the work It must be recognized that, inas-
of the Atomic Bomb Casualty Commis- much majority of mutations oc-
as the
sion, and a section of its January 1947
curring in animals are recessive, only
report was devoted to this subject. This
the relatively small proportion of mu-
phase of the work was to a large extent
tations which are dominants may be
the responsibilit)^ of Lt. James V. Neel.
On June 24, 1947, the Committee on expected to show effects in the first
Atomic Casualties arranged a conference postbomb generation. The potential
on the potential genetic effects of the range in their effects is very wide.
atomic bombs. At this meeting, which Dominant mutations with large, clear-
was attended by George W. Beadle cut manifestations can be expected to
(chairman), Donald R. Charles, Charles be much rarer than those with smaller,
H. Danforth, Herman J. Muller, Lau- but possibly quite significant, effects
rence H. Snyder, and Lt. Neel, the latter
on bodily dimensions, life span, etc.
submitted a report of preliminary genetic
studies, based on his observations in Japan
But the detection of these latter is a
during the preceding six months. Follow- matter of great difficulty with present
ing a thorough appraisal of the problem, techniques. For practical considerations
the conference voted to recommend to investigation will have to be concen-
the Committee on Atomic Casualties that trated chiefly on the class with such
a program be undertaken in Japan along large effects as may lead to stillbirths,
the lines sketched out in the Neel report. to live births with gross external ab-
This recommendation was accepted at a
normality, or to internal defects caus-
meeting of the Committee on June 26,
ing death or serious illness in infancy.
1947. The conference also recommended
Since there is no general agreement
that a statement be prepared, briefly sum-
marizing the current status of the prob- as towhat proportion of cases of ab-
lem. This statement follows. normal fetal development is genet-
ically determined, and what propor-
Whether the atomic bombs tion due to nongenetic factors, an

dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki increased incidence of morphologi-

will have detectable genetic effects on cally abnormal fetuses following irra-
the Japanese is a question of wide- diation may not be used as an index
spread interest. The purpose of the of the frequency of genetic change
present note is to show briefly that ( 1 until the nongenetic effects of this
many difficulties beset any attempt to irradiation on the reproductive history^
obtain a valid answer to this question of the mother have been determined.
and (2) even after a long-term study, This point will be very difficult to
such as that outlined below, it still may evaluate.
not be possible to determine just how It is obvious that in this case the
much genetic damage was done at approach to the problem of genetic
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. effects is the statistical one. It is un-
likely thatany individual and specific statistics, arethus necessary if data of
pathology in a post-irradiation gen- value are to be obtained. In this con-
eration can ever be attributed with nection it is important to bear in mind
certainty to the effects of the bomb, that the available children born to
but if there is a definite increase in parents who received significant
the occurrence of abortions, miscar- amounts of irradiation will probably
and abnormal prod-
riages, stillbirths, not exceed 12,000 or 13,000 within the
ucts of conception, one may surmise next 10 years.
that this is related to the bombing— The Japanese had recognized the
although some of the effects need not importance of genetic studies and,
necessarily be genetic. Appropriate under great difficulties, were organiz-
control studies in other Japanese cities ing a program in Hiroshima when the
are therefore of the utmost impor- Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission
tance. arrived. They had planned to com-
The survivors of the bombing re- pare the present and future frequency
ceived amounts of irradiation ranging of abnormal births in Hiroshima with
from negligible to just short of lethal. the frequencies reported in their med-
It is impossible to say on a priori ical literature and dur-
vital statistics
grounds whether an adequate number ing the prew^ar years. But it is by no
of people absorbed sufficient radiation means sure either that the prewar
to produce enough dominant muta- figures were sufficiently accurate or
tions to result in detectable effects. that the present reporting of vital
However, comparison of this situation statistics would be wholly effective in
with the experimental data on infra- detecting rare effects of the atomic
human material suggests that these bomb radiations. It cannot be too
effects, if detectable, will be small. strongly emphasized that there is at
The median lethal dose for whole present absolutely no reliable evidence
body irradiation inman is probably on which to base any opinion concern-
in the neighborhood of 500 Roentgen ing the absolute or relative frequency
units (Shields Warren. Physiol. Rev., of congenital abnormalities among
1944, 24:225-238). It is likely that children being born in Hiroshima and
many individuals Hiroshima and
in Nagasaki. Unfortunately, a good deal
Nagasaki who received high but sub- of misinformation is currently in cir-
lethal of irradiation sustained
doses culation.
other injuries which, in combination Two independent programs, one
with the radiation damage, resulted in Japanese and one American, would
death. Thus, the mean radiation dose involve needless duplication of effort.
received by the surviving population A joint undertaking is therefore indi-
will be lower than expected from a cated. In view of the fact that the
consideration of the median lethal dose Japanese are actively attempting to
alone. In terms of radiation genetics initiate genetic studies, it seems that
this a small exposure, expected from
is any American efforts which may ma-
data on animals to produce a fre- terializeshould contemplate coopera-
quency of dominant mutations which tion with the Japanese in an attempt
would increase the normal frequency to ensure an efficient and satisfactory
of abnormal offspring by so small a program. The Neel report contains the
proportion as to be difficult to demon- following seven specific recommenda-
strate. Large-scale studies, utilizing all tions as to the organization of a pro-
available material, plus accurate vital gram:
( 1 ) Organize, in Hiroshima, Nagasaki, more likely to occur in Japan than in
and a control area or areas, a modified this country, because probably less
system of pregnancy registration, this to than 10 per cent of Japanese births
include the irradiation history of the
occur in hospitals as these are defined
in the United States. To what extent
(2) Obtain as complete information as
stillbirths and malformations occurring
possible on the outcome of each regis-
tered pregnancy. outside a hospital will be recorded de-
(3) Follow up each report of an ab- pends on the vigor with which the
normal termination of pregnancy or a problem is pursued. It will be difficult
congenital malformation with detailed to get evenly matched teams of inves-
family studies. tigators for bombed and control areas.
(4) Develop a system of checking on Furthermore, once people living in
the completeness and accuracy of regis- Hiroshima and Nagasaki learn that
tration of births and deaths, such as re-
and malformations may pos-
quiring at intervals dual registration by
sibly be attributed to the effects of the
both the family and the obstetrician or
bomb, they will probably lose some of
their reluctance to report such matters,
(5) Conduct these studies on a suffi-
ciently large scale that the results will whereas this will not be the case in
have statistical significance. a control area.
(6) Integrate this program with a sys- Japan is now a defeated and oc-
tem of periodic examination of the off- cupied country, under severe postwar
spring of irradiated persons and with stress, whose people have a very dif-
careful death certification, so that genetic
effects not apparent at birth but detected
ferent psychology from our own. A
program such as that under considera-
subsequently may be recorded. In partic-
tion will proceed much more slowly
ular, causes of infant mortality should be
accurately recorded. there than it would in this country.
(7) Place this program in competent In order to reduce the possibility
Japanese hands, through the Japanese that a negative result of the investiga-
Government, with only enough Ameri- tion on Japanese material be inter-
can supervision and cooperation, includ- preted by the medical and lay public
ing supplies, to facilitate a successful as meaning that important genetic
program. effects were not produced, it is essen-
This program must extend over a tial that a comparable effort be ex-
period of 10-20 years before a signifi- pended in experimentation on other
cant amount of data can be accumu- mammalian material, in which genetic
lated, and quite possibly an even effects of different kinds can much
longer period of study, extending to more readily be brought to light. In
the second and subsequent generations, this way
it should be possible to throw

will be indicated. light upon the proportion of the total

Certain practical limitations of the genetic effects produced by the radia-
program may be considered at this tion that would have been detectable
point. The most difficult problem will by the methods used in the investiga-
be to obtain the necessary complete- tion on the human material, and the
ness of reporting. This will require serious danger of misinterpretation of
constant effort, a wide educational would be minimized.
the latter results
program, and frequent cross-checks. Recognizing the difficulties briefly
Congenital malformations occurring touched upon in the foregoing para-
within Japanese families may some- graphs, the Conference on Genetics
times not be reported. This is perhaps voted unanimously to record the fol-
lowing expression of its attitude Japanese material. In contrast to labo-
toward the genetic program: "Al- ratory data, this material is too much
though there is every reason to infer influenced by extraneous variables and
that genetic effects can be produced too little adapted to disclosing genetic
and have been produced in man by effects. In spite of these facts, the con-
atomic radiation, nevertheless the con- ference feels that this unique possibil-
ference wishes to make it clear that it ity for demonstrating genetic effects
cannot guarantee significant results caused by atomic radiation should not
from this or any other study on the be lost."

The Origin and Behavior of Mutable Loci in Maize


Reprinted by author's and publisher's permis-

sion from Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, vol. 36, 1950, pp. 344-355.

A point that has been neglected m the introductions to these

papers has been the give a?id take that exists between the two
branches of biology, which is implicit in the study of genetics. Me?2-
dePs original work was based 07i a pla?it species. Cuenot discovered
that Mendel's laws applied equally well and were readily observable
in the mouse. Since this beginning the botanists and zoologists have
had to keep a close eye on each other, with discoveries of genetic
pheyjomena in one kingdom rapidly extrapolated into the other. It
has long been obvious that the differences between plajits afid ani-
mals were, not extrejfiely significa?it on the level of the gene, a7id that
genetics is properly a scietice of biology, reqiaring a knowledge of
both botany and zoology.
McClintock''s paper deals with a phenome?wn thoroughly studied
in Drosophila, which she found occurrifig i?i cor?i. The value of this
paper lies in the fact that she was obviously not satisfied solely with
the discovery of a comynon phenomenon between plant and animal,
but then worked out the way in which the evejjts took place. The
existence of a?i ^''activatof gene, which expresses itself primarily by
influencifig the mutation of a second gejie, was new and interesti?ig.
This paper establishes the jnutagenic effect of one jnember of the
gene co?nplex upo?i another, and provides an internal as well as the
more widely demonstrated and fajniliar external source of mutation.
In the course of an experiment many other organisms. The behavior
designed to reveal the genie composi- of these new mutable loci in maize
tion of the short arm of chromosome cannot be considered peculiar to this
9, a phenomenon of rare occurrence organism. The author believes that the
(or recognition) in maize began to mechanism underlying the phenome-
appear with remarkably high fre- non of variegation is basically the same
quencies in the cultures. The terms in all organisms. The reasons for this
mutable genes, unstable genes, variega- conclusion will be made apparent in
tion, mosaicism, mutable loci or "posi- the discussion.
tion-effect" have been applied to this The initial appearance of the burst of
phenomenon. Its occurrence in a wide newly arising mutable loci occurred in
variety of organisms has been recog- the progeny coming from the self-pol-
nized. The most extensive investiga- lination of about 450 plants which had
tions of this phenomenon have been each undergone a series of events in
undertaken in Drosophila 7f7ela?70- their early development where the
gaster} In this organism, the condi- short arm of chromosome 9 was sub-
tions associated with the origin of jected to drastic structural modifica-
genie instability have been well de- tions. These events took place during
fined. The part played by the hetero- the "chromosome type" of breakage-
chromatic materials of the chromo- fusion-bridge cycle. ^ The modifica-
somes, in inducing and controlling the tions that mechanism produces
type of variegation and its time and are: one or more duplications of seg-
frequency of occurrence, has been es- ments of the short arm, deficiencies of
tablished. It has not been generally one or more segments of various
recognized that the instability of genie lengths, structural modifications of the
expression in other organisms may be heterochromatic knob substance, du-
essentially the same as that occurring plications of the knobs with or with-
in Drosophila. out structural modifications, and vari-
As stated above, a large number of ous combinations of these several types
mutable loci have recently arisen in the of modifications. The chromosome
maize cultures and are continuing to complement of over 150 of these plants
arise anew. The loci affect variegation were examined at pachytene to deter-
for many different kinds of plant char- mine the nature of the structural
acters, locus being concerned
each modifications that had occurred. In
with a particular character or occa- addition to the modifications of the
sionally several characters. Some of short arm of chromosome 9 listed
these loci are c, yg-z, 'wx, ao, y, pyd, above, some of the plants had other
which well-investigated units in
are modifications, many
of which are par-
maize.2 Others involve previously un- ticularly significant because they in-
known genetic units. The same types volve the substances in the chromo-
of genie instability appearing in the some that are believed to be respon-
maize cultures have been described in sible for the origin and behavior of
mutable loci— the heterochromatic
1 Lewis, E. B. Advances in Genetics, 3:73-
knobs and centromeres. Altogether, 48
115, 1950.
2 The symbols refer to genes affecting the
such structural modifications have
parts of the plant as follows: c, aleurone pig- been analyzed, most particularly in the
ment; jgo, chlorophyll; wx, composition of above-mentioned plants but also in
starch in pollen and endosperm; a<>, aleurone
pigment; y, starch composition of endo- 3 McClintock, B., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.,

spemi; pyd, chlorophyll. 28:458-463, 1942.

some other plants that had received a the breakage-fusion-bridge cycle or
chromosome 9 with a newly broken some of the structural modifications
end. Fourteen involved modifications resulting from it were responsible for
of chromosome 9 other than those conditions that produced this burst.
above (telocentric chromosomes,
listed That some of the mutable loci were
isochromosomes, extra chromosomes located in or associated with chromo-
9 with particular modifications, etc.). some 9 was realized in the first tests.
Four arose from fusion of the centro- Other mutable loci, on the other hand,
mere of chromosome 9 with the cen- did not show any obvious association
tromere of another chromosome. Four with chromosome 9.
resulted from fusion of the knob sub- The mutable loci fall into two major
stance of the short arm of chromosome classes: (1) those that require a sepa-
9 with the centromere of chromosome rate activator factor for instability to
9. Twenty-four resulted from fusions be expressed, and (2) those that are
of the knob substance of the short arm autonomous with respect to the factor
of chromosome 9 with other regions that controls the onset of mutability.
in the chromosome complement: They also may be subdivided on a
eighteen were with other knobs or quite different basis. This is related to
with regions very close to these knobs, the types of expression of the muta-
four were insufficiently analyzed as to tions that occur. The following types
the positions of the fusion, and two are present: (a) Changes from the
did not involve a known knob region. mutant to, or close to, the wild-type
In two cases, inversions were present expression. After such a mutation, the
in other chromosomes. The regions in- locus may be permanently stabilized.
volved were the knob and centromere It may no longer show evidence of the
in one of these chromosomes and the instability phenomenon, (b) A sec-
nucleolus organizer and the centro- ond group, similar to (a) except that
mere in the other chromosome. There the mutation to wild-type does not
can be no question that these "sponta- produce stability of the locus. The
neous translocations" are nonrandom wild-type-producing locus, in turn,
with respect to the location of the may mutate to give the recessive ex-
breaks and fusions. The heterochro- pression, (c) A third type where the
matic knob and centromere regions mutations give rise to a series of alleles
are mainly involved. of the affected loci. These alleles are
In the cultures arising from self-pol- distinguished by different degrees of
had under-
lination of the plants that quantitative expression of the normal
gone the chromosome type of break- phenotype. Most of these are relatively
age-fusion-bridge cycle in their early stable; only rarely does instability
development, about 40 different mu- again appear, (d) A fourth type, sim-
table loci were recognized. The ma- ilar to (c). Most of the alleles, how-
such mutable loci could not
jority of ever, are not stable for they, in turn,
have been present in the parents of can mutate in the direction of a higher
from which
these plants, for the stocks or lower grade of quantitative expres-
they arose had been under investiga- sion of the phenotype. Mutable loci
tion for some years without showing showing these different types of ex-
evidence of the presence of such a pression of mutation are found in both
large number of unstable loci. It was the major classes, that is, in the activa-
concluded, therefore, that either some tor-requiring class and in the auto-
part of the mechanism concerned with nomous class.
The accumulated observations and Ds locus has indicated the reason for
data from of a number of
a study this relationship and has produced the
these mutable loci are so extensive that information required to interpret the
no short account would give sufficient events occurring at mutable loci. It has
information to prepare the reader for been concluded that the changed phe-
an independent judgment of the nature notypic expressions of such loci are
of the phenomenon. It is realized that related to changes in a chromatin ele-
this isunfortunate. iManuscripts giving ment other than that composing the
full accounts of some of this phenome- genes themselves, and that mutable
non are in preparation. Since this task loci arise when such chromatin is in-
will require much time to fulfill, the serted adjacent to the genes that are
author has decided to present this showing the variegated expression.
short account of the general nature of The events occurring to this inserted
the study, and the conclusions and chromatin are reflected in a changed
interpretations that have been drawn. expression of the neighboring genes,
In this account only short summaries or sometimes in a loss of these genes.
will be given of some of the pertinent It is the inserted material that is under-

information that has led to the con- going the "mutational" events. The Ds
clusions to be presented. These conclu- locus is composed of this kind of ma-
sions are concerned with the origin of terial.

mutable loci, the events occurring at Various types of alterations are ob-
these loci that result in a change in served as the consequence of events
phenotypic expression, the reasons for occurring at the Ds locus. Some of
changes in the frequency of visible these alterations resemble the effects
mutations at these loci, the factors con- produced by x-rays, ultra-violet light,
trolling the time when mutations will chemicals, etc. They involve chromo-
occur, the production of mutations at some breakage and fusion. The breaks
the ai locus in maize without Dt being are related, however, to events occur-
present, and heterochromatin as the ring at this one specific locus in the
probable controlling factor. chromosome— the Ds locus. The Ds
A fortunate discovery was made designation was given to this locus be-
early in the study of the mutable loci cause the dissociation, now known to
which proved to be of singular im- be related to dicentric and associated
portance in showing the kinds of acentric chromatid formation, was
events that are associated with their recognized before the other events oc-
origin and behavior. A
locus was found curring at Ds had been disclosed. Some
in the short arm of chromosome 9 at of the events occurring at Ds, when
which breaks were occurring in considered without reference to all the
somatic cells. The time and frequency known events, would not by them-
of the breakage events occurring at selves suggest that changed conditions
this Ds (Dissociation) locus appeared at this locus are associated with a
to be the same asthe time and fre- breakage-inducing phenomenon. All
quency of the mutation-producing of them can be explained, however, by
events occurring at some of the mu- the assumption that one kind of altera-
table loci.^ An extensive study of the tion of the inserted chromatin (the
4 The annual reports of the author, ap- chromatin of the Ds locus) takes place,
pearing Yearbooks of the Carnegie //z-
in the and that the various kinds of changes
stitutionof Washington, 41-48, 1942-1949, observed represent consequences of
contain more detailed summaries of some of
this one altered condition. This condi-
the observations that are described in this
papyer. tion is assumed to be a stickiness of the
materials composing the Ds locus, (6) above, and those with less of this
which arises only at precise times in material showing high frequencies of
the development of a tissue. The con- consequence (2) above.
trol of the timing of this changed It is from the transpositions of Ds
condition will be considered shortly. that some of the new mutable loci may
The reasons for assuming the change arise. The mechanism of transposition

to be a stickiness will be obvious from has received considerable study. Some

the following list of known events that cases of transposition of Ds are asso-
involve the Ds locus. These are: (1) ciated with a gross chromosomal re-
Dicentric chromatid formation with arrangement. In these cases, two chro-
fusion of sister chromatids at the loca- mosome breaks occur to give rise to
tion of Ds. This is accompanied bv the rearrangement; one break marks
formation of an acentric fragment the known position of Ds in the chro-
composed of the two sister segments mosome, before the rearrangement oc-
of this arm, from Ds to the end of the curred, and the second break marks
arm. (2) Loss of detectable Ds activity^ the new position of Ds activity. Sister
without visible alteration of the chro- chromatids are affected at each of
mosome. In some cases, the loss of Ds these two positions of breakage. It has
activity is presumably due to loss of been determined for several of these
the locus itself. (3) Deletions of chro- cases that the appearance of Ds activ-
matin segments of various lengths ad- ity at the new position most probably
jacent to Ds, usually with concomitant arose at the time of origin of the gross
loss of Ds activity but occasionally chromosomal rearrangement. One case
without loss of this activity. (4) Re- of transposition of Ds has been of par-
ciprocal translocation involving chro- ticular importance because it illustrates
mosome 9 in which one breakage point how new mutable loci, associated with
is at Ds. (5) Duplications of segments changes in genie expression, can arise.
of chromosome 9, inversion or ring This transposed Ds locus appeared in
chromosome formations involving a single gamete of a plant carrying
chromosome 9 with one break at the chromosomes 9 with the dominant C
Ds locus. (6) Transposition of Ds ac- allele. This gamete carried a Ds locus
tivity from one position to another in that had been transposed from a
the chromosomal complement with or known position in the chromosome 9
without an associated gross chromo- to a new position in the same chromo-
somal rearrangement. (7) Changes at some. The chromosome having Ds at
the Ds locus itself which result in this new position was morphologically
precise changes in the relative fre- normal in appearance. This new posi-
quency of occurrence of the above tion of Ds corresponded to the known
types of events in future cell and plant location of C (C, colored aleurone,
generations. This last event, which is dominant to c, colorless aleurone). All
of considerable importance, has been of the above-enumerated events were
termed "change in state" of the Ds now occurring at this ne\\- position.
locus. From a study of the progression Significantlv% the appearance of Ds ac-
of changes in state of Ds through cell tivity at this new location was corre-
and plant generations, it appears that lated with the disappearance of the
the various states may reflect the normal action of the C locus. The re-
quantity of the inserted chromatin, the sulting phenotype was the same as that
Ds loci with larger quantities of this produced by the known recessive, c.
material showing a high frequency of It has been determined from previous
consequences (1), (3), (4), (5) and studies that a deficiency of the C locus
will give rise to a c phenotype. That cases, the mechanism associated with
the c phenotype in this case was asso- this removal results in restoration of
ciated with the appearance of Ds at the former genie organization and ac-
the C locus, and was not due to a de- tion. The Ds material and its behavior
ficiency, was made evident because are responsible for the origin and the
mutations at this locus from a c to a expression of instability of the mutable
full C phenotypic expression occurred. c locus. The mutation-producing
It could be shown that when C action mechanisms involve only Ds. No gene
reappeared, the Ds action concomi- mutations occur at the C locus; the
tantly disappeared from this locus. restoration of its action is due to the
The restored action of C was perma- removal of the inhibiting Ds chroma-
nent; no further Ds-type events oc- tin.The possible nature of the inserted
curred at this C locus. In most cases, material will be considered later.
the event giving a restored C action In the cultures having Ds, other mu-
did not result in an altered morphology table loci continue to arise. They show
of chromosome 9. Loss of Ds activity types of behavior similar to that de-
without concomitant structural altera- scribed for the mutable c locus. This
tions of the chromosome result from mutable c locus (called c-ml because
event (2) above. it was the first of the mutable c loci
The other enumerated events asso- isolated in these cultures) belongs to
ciated with Ds activity were also oc- the (a) group of mutable In some loci.

curring at this mutable c locus. The of the progeny of the original self-
dicentric chromatid formations were pollinated cultures, other mutable c
not associated with the appearance of loci have arisen from previously nor-
a C phenotype, suggesting that the in- mal C loci. One of these, c-7ii2, shows
serted inhibiting material composing the type (c) expression of variegation,
Ds may be situated proximal to the C which difi^ers markedly from that
locus. Several cases of transposition of shown by c-7nl. A wide range of
Ds from this location to still another quantitative expression, for at least two
location in the short arm of chromo- difi'erent reactions associated with
some 9 were recognized. In each case, aleurone pigment formation, appears as
a restored C action was associated with the consequence of various mutations
a disappearance of Ds activity at the C at this locus. The intermediate alleles,
locus and the appearance of Ds activ- full wild-type alleles and some alleles
ity at the new position. The changes showing even stronger phenotypic ex-
in state of Ds at this mutable c locus pressions than the wild-type from
(event (7) above) are particularly sig- which it arose, are produced by muta-
nificant since it has been determined tions at c-m2.The mutations are often
that a specific change in state of Ds expressed twin sectors, the depth of
is often accompanied by a specific color in one sector being greater than
change in the frequency of c to C mu- that in the sister sector. These twin
tations. sectors may reflect a single mutation-
The origin and behavior of this mu- producing event at the c-?n2 locus that
table c locus has been interpreted as involved both sister chromatids. It has
follows: Insertion of the chromatin also been determined that chromosome
composing Ds adjacent to the C locus breakage may occur at this locus.
is responsible for complete inhibition The phenotypic expressions result-
of the action of C
Removal of this ing from mutations of c-uil and c-ml
foreign chromatin can occur. In many are clearly quite different. That this
difference may be related to differ- present in a nucleus, no mutation-pro-
ences in the inserted chromatin is sug- ducing events occur at c-ml, c-ni2 or
gested by the appearance of a mutable "tcx-fnl; nor are any chromosome
wx locus arising from a IVx locus in a breakas^e events detected at Ds, for no
gamete of a plant carrying c-7n2 U'a', ( such events occur. As an example of
starch of endosperm stains blue with this interaction it may be stated that
iodine; wx, recessive allele, starch stains c-uil has been maintained in cultures
red with iodine; located in short arm of having no Ac locus for several genera-
chromosome 9, proximal to C). The tions, and has given completely color-
type of variegation expressed by this less aleurone with no evidence of c to

mutable ivx locus (wx-ml) is strik- C mutations. Similarly, the various

ingly similar in all respects to that quantitative alleles arising from mu-
occurring at c-in2. It could not be de- tations or wx-7}il may be
of c-7n2
termined in this case that transposition maintained without giving mutations,
to the Wx locus of the same inhibiting if Ac is removed from the nucleus by

substance that induced c-7}?2 had oc- appropriate crosses. Thus a series of
curred. Such an event is suspected stable recessive mutations or stable
from the known transposition ca- alleles of a mutable locus may be iso-
pacities of this material. lated and maintained (if the chromo-
In thisreport, Ds, c-ml, c-m2 and some complement is normal, see be-
ixix-vil have been used as illustrations low). When Ac is returned to the nu-
of newly arising mutable loci because cleus, however, instability may again
all of them require an activator and appear.
all respond to the same activator. This The dosage action of Ac may be
activator has been designated Ac. Ex- studied in the diploid plant or in the
tensive studies of Ac have shown that endosperm tissue of the ker-
it is inherited as a single unit. It shows, nels. When
marked dosage effects are
however, a very important character- produced by a particular state of Ac,
istic not exhibited in studies of the they are registered alike in both the
inheritance of the usual genetic fac- plant and the endosperm tissues; the
tors. This characteristic is the same as higher the dose of Ac, the more de-
that shown by Ds. Transposition oi Ac layed is the time of occurrence of mu-
takes place from one position in the tations at the /ic-controlled mutable
chromosomal complement to another— loci. Ac determines, therefore, not
very often from one chromosome to only the mutation process at these mu-
another. Again, as in D^, changes in table loci but also the time at which the
state may occur at the Ac locus. These mutations occur, the different states of
changes in state are of two main types: Ac giving different times of occur-
either changes that resemble the rence in 1, 2 or 3 doses. The action of
known effects produced by different Ac on the mutable loci it controls has
doses of the Ac locus from which it been described. It is believed that this
was derived, or changes that result in action produces a stickiness of the in-
a decidedly altered time of action and hibiting materials adjacent to the af-
dosage response of Ac. Ac may be fected loci. With reference to Ds, the
detected and its action studied by ob- observed consequences of this sticki-
serving the mutations occuring at the ness have been enumerated. This
mutable loci requiring its presence for physical change probably takes place
mutability to be expressed. It should in the inserted inhibiting materials at
be emphasized that when no Ac is all the .(4^-controlled mutable loci at
the same time in the same cell. This frequency of appearance of visible
latter conclusion rests on the observa- mutations.The study of Ac has indi-
tion that mutations occur concomit- cated the nature of the control of the
antly at two or more /^c-controlled time when the mutations will occur at
mutable loci when these are present these mutable loci. The different
in the same nucleus. The similarity in doses oi Ac together with the changed
the type of inheritance and the be- states of Ac control the time of occur-
havior of Ds and Ac has been indicated rence of these mutations. The changes
above. Another similarity is that in time of occurrence of visible mu-
changes in state, loss or transposition tations are thus reflections of changes
of Ac occur at the same time that in dosage or changes in state of Ac.
changes take place at the Ac-con- The mutable loci that require no ac-
trolled mutable loci. It would appear tivator show the same kinds of expres-
that the changes in the physical prop- sion of variegation as do the activator-
erties of the specific inhibiting chro- requiring mutable loci. It has been
matin at the mutable loci and at Ac shown that the changes occurring at
itself are of the same nature, and that Ac are much the same as those occur-
all are expressions of the primary gene- ring at Ds. Thus, Ac or Ac-Yike. loci,
tic action of the material composing could be responsible for the origin of
Ac. It is suspected that Ds and Ac are new mutable loci when transposed to
composed of the same or similar types a position adjacent to a gene whose
of material. The possible composition inhibited action could be detected by a
of this material will be considered visible change in phenotype. Dosage
shortly. action could be exhibited by such
The study of Ac and the ^^-con- autonomous mutable loci, as well as
trolled mutable loci has made it possi- various "changes in state," reflected
ble to interpret the many patterns of by changes in the phenotype expres-
variegation exhibited by mutable loci. sion and the time and frequency of
The variegated pattern an expression
is occurrence of visible mutations of the
of the time and frequency of occur- affected genes. The study of the be-
rence of visible changes in the pheno- havior of Ds in its several states makes
type. The frequency of appearance of it possible to reinterpret the variega-
a visible mutation need not reflect the tion patterns in Drosophila, which in
frequency of the events that occur at some cases appear to be associated with
a mutable locus, as the study of c-7fil loss of segments of chromosomes and
has clearly revealed. The muta-
visible in other cases appear to be associated
tions reflect only the frequency of one with changes in the degree of action
or several particular consequences of of the genes involved. It also makes it
one primary type of event occurring possible to interpret the reported "po-
to the inhibiting material adjacent to sition-effect" in Oenothera, because
the affected gene. The changes in state the events responsible for the changes
of this inhibiting material that arise as in phenotype and the appearance of
one of the consequences of the pri- duplications and deficiencies in this or-
mary event, lead to changes in the ganism appear to be the same or simi-
relative frequency of the consequences lar to those described for Ds in maize.'^
of this event when it again occurs in The possible composition of Ac may
future cell and plant generations. Such •">
Catcheside, D. G., /. Genet. 38:345-352,
changes in state are reflected either in 1939; Ibid. 48:31-42, 1947; Ibid. 48:99-110,
increases or decreases in the relative 1947.
now be considered. Until recently, the phila appear to affect the functioning
investigation was not focused on this of the centrically placed heterochro-
problem. It is believed, however, that matin. For example, some of the Mi-
this material is probably heterochro- nutes bring about chromosome elimi-
matin. This statement is based, in part, nation and "somatic-crossinijover,"
on the evident homologies in the ex- both of which may well be related to
pression of variegation in maize and adhesions of specific heterochromatin
Drosophila, but is more convincingly that occur at certain times in develop-
suggested by the results of a prelimi- ment. To answer the above questions,

nary experiment focused on the induc- plants homozygous for a] and having
tion of mutations at the ai locus in no Dt locus (designated dt by
maize when the known Dt (Dotted) Rhoades) were crossed by plants sim-
locus is absent. The action of Dt in ilarly constituted with reference to a^
chromosome 9 on the ai locus in chro- and dt but carrying a rearrangement of
mosome 3 is very much the same as the the short arm of chromosome 9 that
action of Ac on the mutable loci it would introduce a chromosome 9 with
controls.® The similarities are too great a newly broken end into many of the
to be dismissed as being due to causally primary endosperm nuclei in the given
unrelated phenomena. The Dt locus cross.^ Breakage-fusion-bridge cycles
activates the ^i locus;mutations to involving such a chromosome 9 with a
higher Ai alleles occur (A^, colored newlv^ broken end would occur during
aleurone; a\, colorless aleurone, reces- the development of the kernels. Some
sive to Ax). Without Dt in the nucleus, of these broken chromosomes 9 would
^1 has been shown to be completely carry a knob, and this knob could then
stable. Dt is located in the heterochro- be subjected to modifications as a
?}iatic knob terminating the short arm consequence of the breakage events.
of chromosome 9. The suspicion is im- If some of these modifications gave rise
mediately aroused: Is Dt action caused to the same conditions that were pres-
by some modification of the hetero- ent at Dt, mutations from a^ to A^
chromatic knob in chromosome 9? If could appear in some of the kernels re-
so, could this modification be produced sulting from the cross. A
large number
anew by subjecting 9
a chromosome of crosses of this type were made. The
to the breakage-fusion-bridge cycle? results were positive with respect to
Would the effective alterations of the inducing mutations of a-i to A^. A small
knob arise directly because of the in- number of from
the kernels resulting
duced changes, or would they be pro- these crossesshowed mutations of a^
duced secondarily by some other in- MO Ax. Often, only a single small Ax
duced structural alteration, either spot was present on the kernel. Sev-
within the short arm of chromosome 9 eral of the kernels, however, had a
or elsewhere, that would upset, in pattern of mutations of ai to Ax that
some way, the normal functioning of was indistinguishable from that pro-
the knob substance and thus bring duced by Dt. These kernels could not
about an alteration in its action? This have arisen by contamination, for
last question is pertinent because some stocks with the known Dt locus had
of the structural alterations in Droso- never been obtained and thus no plants
with this locus could have been pres-
«Rhoades, M. M., Genetics 23:377-397,
1938. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia Quant.
Biol. 9:138-155, 1941; ¥roc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 7 Stern, C, Genetics, 21:625-730, 1936.
31:91-95, 1945. 8 McClintock, B., Ibid. 26:234-282, 1941.
ent in the field. Furthermore, the stock and the relative effectiveness of genie
having ai and dt, originally obtained action. There can be little question that
from Rhoades, had been grown for transpositions of both Ds and Ac oc-
several years. A number of sib crosses cur and that the time of their occur-
were made each year and no muta- rence in the development of a tissue is
tions of ai to Ai were observed in the under precise control. This control is
kernels on these ears. determined by the number of Ac loci
The facts (1) that Dt is located in present and their organization and pos-
the heterochromatic knob of chromo- sibly their position in the chromosome
some 9, (2) that the effect it produces complement. Is this transposition of
can be recreated by subjecting chro- heterochromatin? Is it a reflection of a
mosome 9 to the breakage-fusion- process that normally occurs in nuclei?
bridge cycle, (3) that Ac appeared in Is it responsible for controlling the

stocks that had undergone this cycle, rates and types of exchange that occur
and (4) that Ac and Dt are alike in between nucleus and cytoplasm? Is it
their respective actions, all point to usually an orderly mechanism, which
heterochromatin as the material com- is related to the control of the pro-
posing Ac. The burst of new mutable cesses of differentiation? If so, induced
loci which appeared in the self-pol- disturbances in quantity and organiza-
linated progeny of plants that had been tion of the heterochromatic elements
subjected to the chromosome type of of the chromosome could give rise to
breakage-fusion-bridge cycle becomes a of alterations reflected both
comprehensible if it is considered that in chromosome structure and behavior
the alterations in the quantity or struc- and in genie reactions that could
ture of heterochromatic elements dur- markedly alter phenotypic expres-
ing this cycle were primarily respon- is well known that the vari-
sions.^^ it
sible for the initial appearance of these ous knobs and centromeres may co-
mutable loci. This report has shown alesce in the resting nuclei. This co-
that, once suchloci arise, other mut- alescence is also frequently observed
able loci through transposition
arise both in the somatic and the meiotic
of the inhibiting chromatin substances prophases. Are the transpositions and
to other loci which in turn become the changes in state of Ac products of
mutable. this coalescence? This is suspected be-
Why should altered heterochroma- cause of the frequent transpositions of
tin be responsible for initiating such a Ac from one chromosome to another.
chain of events? To answer this ques- It may be considered that these
tion, attention must be centered on the speculations with regard to hetero-
action of heterochromatin in the nor- chromatin behavior and function have
mal nucleus. That it is associated with been carried further than the evidence
the exchange of materials between nu- warrants. This may be true; but it
cleus and cytoplasm has been indi- cannot be denied that one basic kind
cated.^ Changes in quantity, quality or of phenomenon appears to underlie the
structural organization of heterochro- expression of variegation in maize.
matic elements may well alter the kind
and/or degree of particular exchanges 10 This report deals only with the origin

that occur, and in this way control the and behavior of mutable loci arising in these
cultures. A number of other heritable
chromosome organization and the kind changes are also arising. Many are associated
with marked alterations in morphological
» Vanderlyn, L., Bot. Rev. 15:507-582, 1949. characters.
In many cases, there can be little qucs- sion of variegation in Drosophila. That
tion about the similarities in expression a heterochromatic element likewise is
of variegation in Drosophila and responsible for the origin and behavior
maize. A heterochromatic element has of variegation in maize has not been
repeatedly been found to be basically proved, although it is indicated, as the
associated with the origin and expres- analysis of Dt has shown.

Some Recent Studies Bearing on the One Gene

One Enzyme Hypothesis


Reprinted by authors' and publisher's permis-

sion from Cold Spring Harbor Sy?nposia on
Quantitative Biology, vol. 16, 1951, pp. 65-72.

As Beadle and Tatinn pointed out (see p. 166) in their introduc-

of Neurospora to genetics, the concept of the direct one-to-one

relationship of genes and enzyvies had bee?! suggested and hijited at

by many authors prior to themselves. There can be little doubt,
on the bioche?nical syntheses of Neurospora
honjcever, that the %vork
rapidly became the most solid and believable basis for the one gene-
one enzyme hypothesis. Careful reading of the Beadle and Tatum
paper, particidarly i?i the experimental procedures, will show it
was to be anticipated that these tests would residt in evide?ice of a
one gene-one enzyme relationship, because more complicated rela-
tionships would not be demonstrable by these procedures. This
difficulty was disturbing even to the supporters of the hypothesis.
hi the following paper, Horowitz and Leupold describe a series of
experiments which elimifiate the essentially negative aspect of pre-
vious studies, and which give conclusive and positive evidence as to
the frequency of occurrence of the ujiitary relatiojiships of genes
and enzymes. It is delightful to note the way their evidence supple-
ments earlier knowledge, and at the sauie time implements further
ifivestigation. Thus, indeed, does a science grow.

The assumption that a given gene production of but a single enzyme has
is involved, in a primary way, in the been implicit in most speculations on
the nature of gene action since Cue- pression of a mutation is necessarily
not's time. As a result of the investiga- restricted to a particular structure or
tions of the last ten years stemming function of the organism. The ulti-
from the discovery of nutritional mu- mate effect of a mutation is the result
tants in Nemospora by Beadle and of an enormous magnification of the
Tatum (1941), one is now in a position initial gene change, brought about
to scrutinize this supposition more through a system of reactions which,
closely than was previously possible. originating at the gene, rapidly
Specifically, we are in a better position branches out in various directions and
to trace the consequences of the hypo- coalesces with similar networks deriv-
thesis and of its various alternatives, ing from other loci to form a reticu-
and to appraise the evidence which lum of as yet indeterminate extent and
may have a bearing on it. In this paper complexity. It is impossible to decide
we propose to examine some of the from the end-effects alone whether the
evidence, deriving from studies on gene has one or many primary func-
Neiirospora, and E. coli,^ which re- tions, since on either assumption a
lates to thisproblem. complex pattern of effects is expected
Before considering the experimental in most cases. In the biochemical mu-
findings, it may be useful to define tants of Neiirospora and other micro-
more explicitly the meaning of the one organisms, the end effects would, if
gene-one enzyme hypothesis. The they could be analysed, undoubtedly
concept is that of a gene whose sole prove to be exceedingly numerous. A
activity aside from self-duplication is mutation which induces a deficiency
that of functioning in the synthesis of of an amino acid, for example, must
a particular enzyme or enzyme pre- secondarily affect the synthesis of
cursor. It not thereby implied that
is virtually every protein of the cell, and
genes at other loci may not also func- an exhaustive enumeration of the end
tion directly in the formation of the effects might well include every struc-
enzyme. This is a completely inde- ture and function of the organism.
pendent problem with which we are It turns out, however, that it is pos-
not concerned here, and regarding sible in such a case to prevent the sec-
which there is little evidence in Neu- ondary damage and the consequent
rospora one way or the other; all that death of the mutant by supplying the
can be said with assurance is that if lacking amino acid. When given a suf-
two or more genes do, in fact, co- ficient quantity of the amino acid the
operate in the production of a given mutant becomes normal in growth
enzyme, then their respective contri- rate, morphology, and fertility. It is
butions must be different. Nor does difficult to escape the conclusion that
the one gene-one enzyme hypothesis the sole function of the gene in this
imply that the final phenotypic ex- case is to play some essential role in
the synthesis of the amino acid. When
1 The studies on E. coltreported in this biochemical analysis of the mutant is
paper were supported by a Grant-in-Aid
carried farther, it is discovered that
from the American Cancer Society upon
recommendation of the Committee on the field of action of the gene is even
Growth of the National Research Council; more circumscribed than might have
by a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation; been supposed: it is restricted to sen-
and by a contract between the Office of
sibly a single chemical step of the
Naval Research, Department of the Navy
and the California Institute of Technology synthesis. Apparently a single reaction
(NR 164010). is abolished in the mutant, while all
Others proceed normally. It is inferred a sequence of reactions; and it is vir-
that the role of the gene is to function tually excluded in those cases where it

in the synthesis of the enzyme which has been possible, by enzyme studies,
catalyses this reaction. to define the reaction precisely.
It has not yet been possible to ana- A second ground for suspicion of
lyse all, or even the majority, of the the one gene-one enzyme interpreta-
known Neurospom mutants in the de- tion rests on the fact that closer study
tail we have just outlined, while in a of the mutants shows that they are
few cases the analysis has been carried not in all cases restored to a fully nor-
still farther by showing that the mu- mal phenotype when supplied with
tants are in fact lacking in particular the required growth substance. While
enzymes (Mitchell and Lein, 1948; all of the lethal consequences of the

Fincham, in press). Out of approxi- mutation are avoided, a residue of

mately 500 nutritional mutants which non-lethal effects may remain. In some
are, or have been, in the Pasadena cases, these residual effects are readily
collection, 84 per cent require sin- accounted for— partial sterility, for ex-
gle, known chemical substances for ample, when the mutant carres a chro-
growth. The remaining 16 per cent mosomal rearrangement. Others are
have not responded to any of the in- not so easily understood. One of the
dividual substances tested, but do grow commonest residual effects is a sensi-
on complex media. It is very likely that tivity toward certain sub-
many of the strains in this unanalysed stances—frequently amino acids. The
group require individual compounds first reported instance of this phenome-
which have not been tested, others non was that described by Doermann
may have multiple requirements re- (1944), who found that growth of all
sulting from multiple mutations, while of the then known lysine-requiring
some may have multiple requirements mutants— a series involving at least
resulting from the mutation of multi- three loci— is competitively inhibited
functional genes. by L-arginine in the medium. The
The one gene-one enzyme hypo- growth of wild type Neurospora is not
thesis has been suggested as the sim- affected by arginine. Many similar
plest interpretation of the large class cases are now known. A significant
of mutants whose growth requirement feature of this phenomenon is that the
is known by a single
to be satisfied may, as
inhibition in the case cited, ex-
growth factor. Are there any grounds tend to a whole class of genetically
for suspecting that these mutants may different, but biochemically related
not, in spite of appearances, represent mutants, indicating that the effect is
mutations of unifunctional genes? not locus-specific but is inherent in the
One basis for criticism of the one mechanism of utilization of theexog-
gene-one enzyme interpretation is the enously provided growth substance.
difficulty of excluding in every in- A third residual effect which has been
stance the alternative hypothesis that encountered is sterility in crosses in
the given gene controls not one, but which both parents carry the same
several sequential steps in the affected mutant allele. One interpretation is

pathway. This interesting idea appears that in these cases the gene performs a
rather improbable, however, in view specific function, possibly independent
of the cumulative evidence from series of its vegetative biochemical function,
of mutants which shows that each gene in connection with zygote formation
can be assigned to a particular step in or maturation. Some recent prelimi-
nary results which have been obtained suspect that the so-called residual ef-
in our laboratory by Mr. Henry fects are to a large extent the irrepar-
Gershowitz, working with certain me- able side-effects of the primary block.
thionine-requiring strains, indicate, (For further discussion, see Emerson,
however, that the sterility can be over- 1950.)
come by supplementing the medium
with a large quantity of the amino acid THE SELECTION PROBLEM
—at least twice as much as is required At the Cold Spring Harbor Sym-
to produce optimal growth of vegeta- posium of 1946, Delbriick raised a
tive cultures. This suggests that the question as to whether incompatibil-
sterility may result from a high meta- ities with the one gene-one enzyme

bolic requirement for the growth fac- hypothesis could be detected even if
tor during the sexual process, or to a they occurred (see Discussion follow-
lowered permeability to it. A fourth, ing paper by Bonner, 1946b). Del-
and relatively rare, residual effect is briick's argument was based on the
failure of the mutant to attain a normal recognized fact that not all of the mu-
growth rate. This also can characterize tations which are produced can be
an entire class of mutants, as in a cer- detected by the methods usually em-
tain group of strains of the cysteine- ployed for this purpose. Principally
methionine series now under investiga- three classes of biochemical mutants
tion in our laboratory. are not recoverable: (1) those requir-
Everything considered, it is perhaps ing a substance which is absent from
surprising that residual effects are not the so-called "complete" medium used
observed more frequently, since in no for recovering nutritional mutants,
event is it possible, even in theory, to (2) those requiring a substance which
avoid all of the consequences of a is unable to diffuse into the cell, and

mutation by supplying the deficient (3) those requiring a substance which,

metabolite. The block in the synthetic though present and diffusable, is not
pathway still remains, and it can have utilized because of the inclusion in the
an influence quite apart from the ef- medium of an inhibitor of the mutant
fects of the nutritional deficiency. It in question. We
shall refer to mutants

has been shown in numerous instances which, for the above, or for any other
that metabolic intermediates may ac-
reasons, are incapable ofgrowing on
cumulate behind the block, sometimes complete medium as mutants which
have lost an indispensable junction.
in spectacular quantities (for review,
The point of Delbriick's argument
see Horowitz, 1950). It would be sur-
was that if any gene has more than one
prising if the presence of abnormal
primary function, it is likelv' that at
concentrations of metabolic intermedi-
least one of these an indispensable
ates in the cells did not at times pro-
function; in which case mutation of
duce deleterious side-effects. Actually, the gene would not be detected.
evidence has been obtained both in Now the validity of this argument
Neurospora (Bonner, 1946a) and in depends on the relative frequency of
E. colt (Davis, 1950; Umbarger and indispensable functions. If this fre-
Mueller, 1951) that accumulated inter- quency very high, then the probabil-

mediates may exert a lethal action by ity of recovering a mutation of a

interfering with reactions in other gene with several primar\' functions
metabolic pathways. This leads one to will be very low. Thus, if 90 per cent
of gene functions are indispensable, sort,and it seems not unlikely that this
and if dispensable and indispensable will be found to be generally true.
functions are randomly distributed The usefulness of these mutants for
among the genes, then the probability the present problem is based on the
of detecting a mutation in a gene with expectation that the mutant will be
two primary functions is only one per recoverable in the temperature range
cent. On the other hand, if the fre- within which it has no growth factor
quency of indispensable functions is requirement, regardless of whether a
low, then the chance of detecting dispensable or an indispensable func-
multifunctional genes will be much tion has been lost. This expectation is
better. The determination of the pro- borne out by the fact that a group of
portion of indispensable functions is temperature mutants which fails to
thus critical for the one gene-one en- grow on complete medium at the mu-
zyme concept. The question is how tant temperature is, in fact, known.
this quantity is to be determined. It Of the 26 temperature mutants known
w ould seem almost by definition to be in Nejirospora, 12 are of this type,
unknowable, in which case the one while 14 grow on complete medium
gene-one enzyme idea must be ban- in the temperature range within which
ished to the purgatory of untestable they have a requirement. In other
hypotheses, along with the proposition words, roughly one-half of these mu-
that a blue unicorn lives on the other tants has lost an indispensable function.
side of the moon. In using the temperature mutants as
a sampling device it is assumed that
THE FREQUENCY OF INDISPENSABLE genes controlling indispensable func-
FUNCTIONS IN NEUROSPORA tions are just as likely to yield tem-
What is needed is a method for de- perature alleles as those controlling
tecting mutations which result in loss dispensable functions. This assumption
of an indispensable function and for is supported by two considerations.
comparing their frequency to that of In the first place, the two classes of

mutations which cause loss of a dis- functions are in no sense natural cate-
pensable function. It occurred to one gories, but depend largely on the com-
of us (Horowitz, 1948, 1950) that the position of the complete
so-called "temperature mutants" of medium which employed. There is

Neiirospora might form the basis of thus no reason to assume that the genes
such a method. Temperature mutants governing these functions differ from
are a class in which the mutant pheno- one another in any fundamental way.
type is fully expressed only in a par- In the second place, among the tem-
ticular temperature range. Generally, perature mutants whose specific re-
such mutants exhibit a growth factor quirement is known there is no indica-
requirement when cultured at 35°, tion that any one kind of nutritional
but grow in its absence at 25°; in a requirement is favored over others.
few cases this relationship is reversed Mutation to temperature alleles ap-
—i.e., the growth factor is required at pears to occur at random among genes
the lower, but not at the higher, tem- controlling known biochemical syn-
perature. In three instances it has been theses (Horowitz, 1950).
found that particular temperature mu- With the information that the fre-
tations behave as alleles of mutations of quency of indispensable gene func-
the usual, temperature-independent tions constitutes approximately 50
per cent of the total, it becomes pos- too small to give an accurate estimate
sible to estimate the intensity of the of the frequency of indispensable
selection which operates against the functions. It is to the last point that
detection of multifunctional genes. we now turn.
With a random distribution of func-
tions, one-half of genes with a single THE FREQUENCY OF INDISPENSABLE
function will be detectable by the FUNCTIONS IN E. COLI
usual methods, one-fourth of bifunc- It was clearly desirable to obtain a

tional genes, and, in general, (Yi)^ of more reliable estimate of the fre-
72-functional genes. The original mini- quency of indispensable functions, but
mal estimate of 84 per cent of unifunc- to even double the existing number
tional genes, based on the observation of temperature mutants in Neurospora
that this fraction of the mutants re- would be a formidable operation. We
sponds to single growth substances can therefore turned to E. coli K-12, with
now be corrected. A sufficiently close the expectation of recovering large
approximation is given by neglecting numbers of temperature mutants by a
genes with more than two functions, modified penicillin technique (Davis,
and we obtain 73 per cent as the cor- 1948; Lederberg and Zinder, 1948).
rected frequency of unifunctional Providentially, thismethod proved to
genes: be unsuited to our purpose: al-

Observed frequency = though temperature-independent mu-

^"^ tants were obtained, the yield of tem-
= 0.84
84 + 16 perature mutants was zero. This was a
Corrected frequency = fortunate circumstance, since it forced
84 X 2 us to adopt a more direct method, one
84 X 2 + 16 X 4 which introduces fewer uncontrolled
The exact value is given by the first selective variables into the experiment
term of a Poisson distribution, and is than would the penicillin technique.
equal to 0.71 (see Appendix). The method is simply that of plating

This value is so high, that in spite of out U.V.-treated cells on minimal me-
the uncertainties in its determination dium and incubating them for 48 hours
it may be regarded as strongly sup- at 40°. The plates are transferred to
porting the conclusion that at least the 25° for an additional 5 days, and the
majority of genes controlling biosyn- colonies which come up during this
thetic reactions in Neiirospora are uni- second period— so-called secondary
functional. There are several obvious colonies— are picked off and tested.
sources of uncertainty in the calcula- This procedure was made feasible by
tions. First, they should be based on a visual method devised by Dr. Leu-
the number of genetically different pold which makes it easier to detect a
mutations, rather than on the total few secondary colonies on a plate con-
number of occurrences; this cannot be taining hundreds of primary colonies.
done at the present time. Second, the Altogether 161 temperature mutants
assumption was made that all of the were obtained by this method. Of
unanalysed mutants, 16 per cent of these, only 37, or 23 per cent, were un-
the total, represent
multi-functional able to grow on the Neurospora com-
genes; this is almost certainly incorrect plete medium at 40° and therefore
and biases the calculations against the represent losses of indispensable func-
one gene-one enzyme theory. Finally, tions. The statistics are shown in Ta-
the number of temperature mutants is ble 1.

Table 1

Statistics of E. colt Study

No. of irradiated cells 1.7 X 109 (approx.)

No. of surviving cells 2.4 X 10« (approx.)
Secondary colonies
isolated 2157
No. of temperature
mutants 161
Type D40 124
Type 140 37

The remaining 124 mutants, those

which grow on complete medium at
40°, were tested by the auxanographic
method to determine their growth re-
quirements. Seventv-nine per cent of
these mutants were classifiable in this
way. A variety of requirements was
found (Table 2), indicating again that

Table 2

Syntheses Known To Be Affected

in E. colt Temperature Mutants

Amino A(
Abscissa Colonies/plate

Ordinate ^ • = Secondary colonies/lo^ survivors

6000— o = Temperoture mutcnts/lo* survivors



Fig. 1. Frequency of secondary colonies (solid circles) and of temperature mutants

(open circles) per 10*' survivors as functions of population density.

chemical mutants which have been fed essential growth factors. The first two
"syntrophicallv" by the wild types. mechanisms are probably mainly re-
Figure 2 shows that the composition sponsible for the rapid decrease in the
of the population of secondary colo- yield of secondary colonies with in-
nies is also influenced by the popula- creasing plate densities. Their intensity
tion density. It is seen that the yield is evidently quite remarkable. They
of temperature mutants per hundred are unspecific forces, however, and
secondary colonies decreases with in- cannot be expected to influence sys-
creasing densities, indicating that the tematically the relative frequencies of
yield of temperature mutants decreases the two types of temperature mutants
even more rapidly than does the yield which we set out to find. The third
of secondary colonies in general. influence, cross-feeding, is much more
At least three selective forces are dangerous in this respect, although its
at work in these populations: ) com- ( 1 direction and intensity are difficult to
petition for food, (2) probably more predict. The effect of cross-feeding on
important, mutual inhibition by-prod- the selective isolation of the two kinds
ucts of metabolism, and (3) superim- of temperature mutants depends on
posed on these but acting in the both the quantity and quality of the
opposite direction, cross-feeding, or output of growth factors bv^ wild type
syntrophism, the mutual exchange of E. coli. For example, let us assume that
Abscisso Colonies/plate
Ordinate Temperature mutants/
lo^secondory colonies





Fig. 2. Frequency of temperature mutants per hundred secondary colonies as a func-

tion of population density.

the growth factor excretion by the two classes of temperature mutants is

wild type is qualitatively similar to the deducible from our data. In Figure 3
composition of complete medium. is plotted the fraction of temperature

Large amounts of such enrichment mutants which were found to belong

would tend to support the growth of to the class, together
temperature mutants which had lost a with the within which the
dispensable function, up to the point values would be expected to fall in 95
of visible colony formation, and would per cent of trials, against the popula-
thus remove them from the isolation tion density. With the exception of
procedure. On the other hand, smaller one experiment, the data are consistent
quantities of the same enrichment with the assumption that these are
might give these same mutants an ad- random samples drawn from a homo-
vantage in the struggle for survival geneous population of temperature
during the first 48 hours at the mutant mutants in which the frequency of
temperature and during the second mutants of the indispensable class is
period at the lower temperature when between 20 and 25 per cent. In short,
they begin to grow against the heavy- with the exception of a single experi-
competition of established wild type ment in the middle range of popula-
colonies. The actual situation would tion densities, there is no indication
be far more complex, in that the sign that population density influences the
and magnitude of the selection would relative frequencies of the two classes
differ from mutant to mutant. of temperature mutants: the various
In spite of the indisputable occur- selective forces appear to affect both
rence of cross-feeding on the plates, classes equally.
however, it can be said that no sys- We may summarize the E. coli re-
tematic selection favoring either of the sults, then, by saying that the fre-
1.0-1 Abscissg: Colonies/plate
Ordinate: Frequency of indispensable functions




0.2- "1

5oo loco l5oo

Fig. 3. Frequency of temperatnjre mutants of the indispensable class as a function of

population density. Vertical lines show the range within which the experimental
points would be expected to fall in 95 per cent of similar experiments. The broken
line shows the weighted mean of the distribution.

quency of indispensable functions, as CONCLUSION

revealed by the temperature mutant
method, is even lower than was indi- In concluding this paper, we should
cated by the less extensive series of like to make some brief observations
temperature mutants in Neiirospora. on the significance of the low fre-
Actually, the two results— 46 per cent quency of indispensable functions and
of indispensable functions in Neiiro- the one gene-one enzyme hypothesis.
spora, compared to 23 per cent in E. Our results indicate that the effect
coli—zvc not very different, consider- of most lethal mutations in Neiirospora
ing the great differences in the respec- and E. coli is to block the synthesis of
tive organisms. The intensity of the metabolites which are replaceable by
selection which opposes the recovery nutritional means; that is to say, of low
of multifunctional genes in the usual molecular weight substances such as
screening procedures is thus of a rather might be expected to diffuse into the
low order and is incapable of account- cell and of which the complete me-
ing for the fact that the genes detected dium is chiefly, if not exclusively, com-
by these procedures appear to be pre- posed. This situation appears to con-
ponderantly of the unifunctional type. trast markedly with that encountered
in Drosophila, where lethal mutations, of growth by accretion of peptide
as well as visibles, result in irreplace- fragments it seems unlikely that a one
able losses, frequently organ-specific in gene-one enzyme relationship could
character. In some measure this may be found, even if it existed, since loss
reflectfundamental biological difi^er- or modification of any peptide frag-
ences between Drosophila and Neuro- ment would be expected to result in
spora or E. coli, but also, and to an loss or modification of a particular
indeterminate extent, it reflects the dif- group of enzymes; namely, those
ferences in methodological approach which contain this fragment in their
to these organisms. It would not be structures. Unless the fragment could
surprising to find that non-difl^usible be introduced into the cells, the result
products play a more important role would be the frequent occurrence of
in the development of a highly differ- multiple unrelated biochemical defi-
entiated organism like Drosophila than ciencies among the mutants. This has
in relatively undifferentiated ones like not been found. We
find considerable
Neiirospora and E. coli. But on the appeal in the notion that the proposed
other hand, it must be recognized that mechanism of enzyme synthesis may
the methods of Drosophila culture are underlie the results we have obtained.
such as virtually^ to exclude the pos-
sibility of detecting nutritional mu-
tants even if they occur. The one gene-one enzyme hypo-
The results we have obtained from thesis is supported by the following
the microorganisms suggest that in evidence:
the great majority of cases the meta- The great majority, at least 84 per
bolic function of the gene is to pro- cent, of the known nutritional mutants
duce an enzyme which catalyzes the of Neurospora require single chemical
formation of a low molecular weight substances as essential growth factors.
product. If there exists a large class Provision of the essential factor re-
of enzymes whose function is other sults in a normal phenotype in most
than this, we must conclude either that cases; where a fully normal phenotype

they are not individually essential to is not attained, the evidence indicates
survival, or else that they are independ- that this is to be accounted for on the

ent of the genes for their production. basis of secondary effects unrelated to
There is a strong suggestion in this the mode of gene action.
result that the mechanism of biosyn- Biochemical analysis of the mutants
thesis of large molecules, especially has indicated in many instances that
proteins, is not an enzymatic mechan- the effect of the mutation is to block
ism in the usual sense. That is to say, sensibly a single step in the pathway
the protein molecule may not be built, of synthesis of the growth factor. In a
cathedral-like, by a process of accre- few cases it has been possible to show
tion; but rather may be made directly that the mutants are lacking in the
from the amino acids or their simple specificenzyme involved.
derivatives by a single catalyst. question of whether the known
It is interesting to note that such a biochemical mutants are a highly se-
mechanism provides a simple explana- lected sample from which multifunc-
tion of another our
essential feature of tionalmutants are excluded by virtue
findings; namely, the mutual independ- of the screening procedure employed
ence of the pathways of synthesis of has been attacked by the temperature
different enzymes. On the hypothesis mutant method. Evidence has been
presented which indicates that this then given by e^'', the first term of a
method makes possible the recovery of Poisson distribution. Of these, the
mutants without regard to the nature fraction (1— i) are recoverable. The
of the induced biochemical deficiency fraction of recoverable unifunctional
or the composition of the (complete) genes is therefore
Application of this method has
Pa= (l-i)e-<^
shown that the proportion of biochem-
ical mutants not recoverable by the
Similarly, the fraction of all genes, uni-
usual screening tests may be less than
functional and multifunctional, which
50 per cent in Neurospora and less
can be recovered is
than 25 per cent in E. coli. It is calcu-
lated that this rate of loss does not
produce a sufficiently intense selection Pa+b= (l-i)e--
of unifunctional mutations to account
for the high frequency of such muta- The frequency of unifunctional genes
tions actually found. among those recovered is therefore
Finally, it is suggested that the re-
sults can be simply accounted for on
Pa/Pa + b = e-^<l-''
the hypothesis that the synthesis of a
protein molecule is accomplished by a
working directly on the
single catalyst Equating this expression to the ob-

constituent amino acids or their simple served value, 0.84, and substituting 0.5
derivatives. for i, one finds c = 0.34. The cor-
rected frequency of unifunctional
APPENDIX genes is then e"^^** = 0.71.
The corrected value of the fre-
quency of unifunctional genes can be REFERENCES
computed from a Poisson distribution Beadle, G. W. and Tatum, E. L. 1941 Ge-
as follows: netic control of biochemical reactions in
Assume that each gene has one func- Neurospora. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Wash.
tion to begin with and that there is in
Bonner, D., 1946a Further studies of mutant
addition number of functions, m,
Neurospora requiring isoleucine
strains of
randomly distributed among the genes. and valine. /. Biol. Che???. 166:545-554.
The fraction i of all gene functions is
1946b Biochemical mutations in Neuro-
indispensable. Letting spora. Cold Spr. Harbor Syniposiin?!
Quant. Biol. ll:l+-24.
n= the number of genes Davis, B. D. 1948 Isolation of biochemically
Then n -I- m= the number of gene deficient mutants of bacteria by penicillin.
functions, /. Af/ier.Chem. Soc. 70:4267.
m/n = c = the mean number of 1950 Studies on nutritionally deficient bac-
additional functions terial mutants isolated by means of penicil-
lin. Experientia 6:41-50.
per gene,
Doermann, A. H. 1944 A lysineless mutant of
And ic = the mean number of Neurospora and its inhibition by arginine.
indispensable addi- Arch. Biochevi. 5:373-383.
tional functions per Fmerson, S. 1950 Competitive reactions and
gene. antagonisms in the biosynthesis of amino
acids bv Neurospora. Cold Spr. Harbor
The fraction of genes with no addi- Symposiuvi Quant. Biol. 14:40-48.
tional functions— i.e., unifunctional— is Fincham, J. R. S., /. Gen. Microbiol, in press.
Horowitz, N. H. 1948 The one gene-one en- Mitchell, H. K. and Lcin, J. 1948 A
zyme hypothesis. Genetics 33:612-613. spora mutant deficient in the enzymatic
synthesis of tryptophan. /. Biol. Chem.
1950 Biochemical genetics of Neurospora.
Advances in Getietics 3:33-71.
Umbarger, H. E. and Mueller, J. H. 1951
Lederberg, and Zinder, N. 1948 Concentra-
J. Isoleucine and valine metabolism of Es-
tion of biochemical mutants of bacteria cherichia colt. I. Growth studies on amino
with penicillin. /. Avier. Che?n. Soc. 70: acid-deficient mutants. /. Biol. Che?fi. 189:
4267. 277-285.

Genetic Exchange in Salmonella


Reprinted by authors' and publisher's permis-

sion from Journal of Bacteriology, vol. 64, 1952,
pp. 679-699.

The strikmg discovery of sex in bacteria (p. 192) ivas followed

a few years later by this paper, which demonstrates an eve?i more
unusual phenomenon. Evidence is prese?ited to show that hereditary
materials from one strain of bacterium can be carried to a second
strain by a completely different organism— a virus. The materials so
carried are then traiismitted by the second strain in a normal heredi-
tary seque?ice, through many ge?ieratioj2s. The relationship between
this phenomena?! and the occurreyice of uncontrolled and prese?itly
uncontrollable outbursts of genetic activity in higher organisins is
of great sig?iificance in medical research, as evidenced by the recog-
fiition of Dr. Lederberg's work o?i this and sexual recombination in
bacteria by the Nobel Prize Committee in 1958.

Genetic investigations with many bacteria. This paper ^ presents the re-
different bacteria have revealed paral-
1 Department of Genetics, paper no. 479.
lelisms and some contrasts with the
This investigation was supported by research
biology of higher forms. The success-
grants (E72) from the National Microbi-
ful application of selective ological Institute of the National Institutes of
techniques to the study of gene re- Health, Public Health Service, from the
combination in Escherichia coli (Ta- Rockefeller Foundation and from the Re-
search Committee of the Graduate School
tum and Lederberg, 1947; Lederberg from funds supplied by the Wisconsin
et al., 1951) suggested that a similar Alumni Research Foundation. This work has
approach should be applied to other been submitted by the senior author to the
suits of such experiments with Sal- in
g per L: sodium lactate, 2.5;
monella typhijjnirium and other Sal- (NHi)oS04, 5; NaCl, 1; MgS04, 1;
mo7iella serotypes. The mechanism of K2HPO4, methylene blue hydro-
genetic exchange found in these ex- chloride, 0.05; eosin Y, 0.3; and agar,
periments differs from sexual recom- 15. Difco products, penassay broth,
bination in E. coli in many respects so and nutrient agar, were employed as
as to warrant a new descriptive term, "complete" media.
transduction. Unless otherwise stated, all cultures
were incubated at 37C, and plates
were scored after 24 and 48 hours.
Most of the strains of S. typhimii-
riiim were provided by Lilleengen EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
(1948) as representative of his 21 Direct crosses: platings of mixed
"phage types", LT-1 through LT-22. cultures. In E. coli., recombinants
Most if not all strains of 5. typh'mni- were detected selectively by plating
riimi are lysogenic (Boyd, 1950), and various auxotrophs together on mini-
these have provided 12 lines of mal agar. Both parents are suppressed
bacteriophage. Other cultures were on this medium and, barring various
obtained from F. KaufTmann, E. K. experimental errors, colony formation
Borman, and P. R. Edwards. All cul- is confined to prototrophic recom-
tures were maintained on nutrient agar binant cells. Such errors can be de-
slants. tected by appropriate controls but are
Specific growth factor dependent best mitigated by the use of double
mutants (auxotrophs) were obtained nutritional mutants (diauxotrophs).
from ultraviolet irradiated cell suspen- These are obtained by the iterated iso-
sions subjected to the penicillin method lation of mutants in previously estab-
for selective isolation (Davis, 1950^; lished auxotroph lines.
Lederberg and Zinder, 1948). Similar Oneof Lilleengen's strains was
mutants have been obtained in Sal- refractory to our techniques of mutant
monella by Plough et al. (1951) and isolation.Two-step mutants with mu-
Bacon et (1951). Other methods for
al. tually complementary nutritional re-
the isolation and characterization of quirements were prepared from each
auxotrophic and fermentation mutants of the remaining twenty types. Of the
have been documented elsewhere two hundred possible pairwise com-
(Lederberg, 1950; Lederberg and Led- binations, including "selfed" crosses,
erberg, 1952). Streptomycin resistant one hundred were tested. Each com-
mutants were selected by plating bination was studied by mixing and
dense, unirradiated cell suspensions plating 10^ washed cells of the two
into agar containing 500 mg per L of parents on a minimal agar plate. Fif-
dihvdrostreptomycin. teen mixture plates and five control
"Complete" indicator medium plates for each parent by itself were
(EMB) was made up from the same inoculated in each test. Fifteen com-
formula as for E. coli (Lederberg, binations yielded prototrophs in con-
1950). The defined eosin methylene trast to barren controls. Strain LA-22
blue medium ("EML agar") contained was the most "fertile", especially with
LA-2 (see table 1). This cross yielded
University of Wisconsin as a dissertation for
about one prototroph per hundred
the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. His
present address is Rockefeller Institute for
thousand parental cells plated. Crosses
Medical Research, New York, New York. in which LA-22 was not involved gave

Table 1

Mutant strains mid symbols used

produced agent (FA), under
a filtrable plate. The decline at high cell den-
stimulation from LA-22, that could sities was probably due to overcrowd-
elicit prototrophs from LA-22. Fil- ing and inhibition of colony forma-
trates of LA-22 cultures, containing tion, and at lower densities to physical
substantial amounts of phage (PLT- separation of cells and agent or to the
22) active on LA-2, also stimulated FA saturation of susceptible cells.

production from LA-2. The role of lO'* cells LA-22 were plated with
this phage will be discussed later. serial dilutions of FA. Over a consider-
To help the further exposition of able range a linear relationship was
our experiments, we shall use the term found between the yield of proto-
transduction for genetically unilateral trophs and amount of FA (figure 1).
transfer in contrast to the union of The efi^ect of higher concentrations of
equivalent elements in fertilization. FA will be discussed in a later section.
The working hypothesis that 5^;/- A
unit of FA may be defined as the
monella FA is an agent of genetic content of a filtrate that will elicit a
transduction provides a useful frame single prototroph from an optimum
of reference for our discussion. concentration of LA-22 cells. Filtrates
Assay of FA. Stock FA was pre- from mixed cell preparations usually
pared by growing LA-22 and LA-2 in contain about 2,500 such units per ml.
mixed culture in broth. After 48 hours, Cheffiical reactivity of FA. With
the cells were sedimented and the the development of a standardized
supernatant passed through a sintered assay it was possible to compare the
pyrex filter. The sterility of a filtrate effects of various treatments on FA
was verified by inoculating samples and bacterial cells. The latter are steri-
into broth at the time of preparation lized by shaking with such agents as
and by platings in agar as controls for chloroform, toluene, alcohol, and
particular experiments. This precau- formalin. Of these only formalin in-
tion was taken although complete activates FA. The bacteria are steri-
sterility is not critical to most experi- lized by heating at 56 C for 30 minutes.
ments since more than a million cells Temperatures of 70 C are necessary
of LA-2 per plate are needed to inter- for detectable effects on FA. It is

act with LA-22 to give prototrophs rapidly inactivated only when 100 C
in the "direct crosses". These prepara- is approached.
tions have been stored in the refrigera- FA is quantitatively precipitated
tor for several months without loss of from broth by one to two volumes of
activity. cold alcohol or half saturated ammo-
A standard procedure for assay of nium sulfate. A heavy floe appears in
FA was developed for further work. both cases which, for the most part,
LA-22 was grown on nutrient agar remains water insoluble; FA, however,
plates and harvested in dense saline redisperses.
suspension. The viable count was ob- None of several enzymes tested
tained by plating suitable dilutions on affected FA. They were added di-
nutrient agar. Various dilutions of cells rectly to the active filtrates and in-
were plated with a constant volume cubated for two hours. The tests in-
of an FA
preparation on minimal agar. cluded pancreatin (100 mg/ml), tryp-
Prototrophs appeared at 24 hours and sin (100 jLtg/ml), Taka-diastase (100
were counted after 48 hours. Figure 1 mg/ml), ribonuclease (10 fig/ml), and
shows that a constant response was desoxyribonuclease (20 jxg/ml). The
found with about 10^ to lO^*' cells per failure of desoxyribonuclease to inac-

Fig. 1. Assay of FA. FA (LT-2) and cells (LA-22) were mixed at various dilutions

and plated on minimal agar. Prototrophs were counted after 48 hours.

tivate FA was of particular interest. variety of treatments was applied to

Enzymatic activity was verified by resting and growing cells of LT-2
testing samples of the reaction mixture strains. FA was not detected in the
for reduction of the viscosity of thy- filtrates of young cultures or after
mus nucleic acid (kindly supplied by autolysis with benzene, extraction of
Dr. R. D. Hotchkiss). Similar controls dried cells, treatment with high con-
were not done for the other enzymes. centrations of antibiotics (penicillin,
Evocation of FA. The properties of bacitracin,and aureomycin), or com-
phages latent in Salmojiella have been plete phage lysis. Dilute antibiotics,
summarized by Burnet and McKie lithium chloride, and crystal violet
(1929) and Boyd (1951). Lysogenic yielded variable FA. High activity is
phages, i.e., those obtained from lyso- most readily detected in the filtrates of
genic bacteria, poorly lyse sensitive cultures treated with lysogenic phages.
cultures and readily provoke second- These results indicate that FA is not
ary resistant lysogenic forms. Visible released by mechanical, chemical, or
lysis of sensitive cells is observed only biological disruption of cells. How-
at low multiplicities of infection. With ever, various deleterious agents elicit
higher multiplicities there is little evi- its appearance in a way that may
dence of lysis. When phage is added parallel the action of latent phage. The
to broth cultures, the tube does not most effective concentrations of these
and the bacteria grow at a re-
clear, reagents were those which only
duced but significant rate. PLT-22 is slightly inhibited the cells. FA has also
typical of these phages. been detected aged cultures when
To determine whether PLT-22 was autolysis sets in. This may be due to
unique in its FA evoking activity, a the action of mutant lysogenic phage.
The production of FA in response tions FA is, therefore, of more than
to chemical stimuli has not yet been macromolecular dimensions. Filtration
sufficiently controlled to give consis- through a series of gradocol mem-
tent yields needed for experimental branes (obtained through the cour-
use.However, when a filtrate contain- tesy of Dr. S. E. Luria) was also used
ing little or no FA is prepared after to estimate the particle size. Ten to
treatment of LA-2 with such agents as twenty per cent of FA were retained
crystal violet or penicillin and rein- by a membrane of A.P.D. 420 niju, sev-
oculated into broth with LA-2, FA enty per cent at 230 and 170 m^, and
is released in large amounts. This pro- ninety-nine per cent at 120 m,n. These
cedure has been carried through for results indicate a particle size slightly
five cycles. The apparent regenera- less than 0.1 ^ (Bawden, 1950).
tion of FA was probably due to a lyso- FA
preparations exhibit numbers of
genic phage which had been released small, barely resolvable, granules un-
in the first treatment. The lack of a der the phase contrast microscope.
reliable indicator for this phage has Electron micrographs show granules
hindered the analysis of this reaction. whose size is in rough agreement with
However, it has been a useful tool for the estimates of FA from filtration ex-
the evocation of FA from a single periments (figure 2). Some of the
strain without the introduction of granules agglutinatedanti-O with
extraneous bacteria or viruses. serum. Visible floccules which can be
Morphological a?id physical studies. removed by centrifugation appeared
FA has been quantitatively sedimented in the reaction tube. However, the ac-
and recovered in the Spinco ultracen- tivity remained intact in the super-
trifuge at 100,000 G for 30 min. Partial natant. Upon incubation with anti-
sedimentation occurred in the Inter- serum, some of the granules enlarge
national centrifuge with multispeed and by four hours have attained sizes
head at 20,000 G. In these prepara- of 5 to 8 ;i (see figure 11, Lederberg

, "»


^ I' ' » ^

% » * ^

1 .

» » > r

Fig. 2. A partuli)- punhcd actnc liltratc, 4U,U(JU X. (Electron //ncrograph by Dr.

Paul Kaesberg.)


et ai, 1951). These "large bodies" grown in mixed culture with each of
formed mixed floccules with added fifty different wild type (streptomycin
bacterial cells. sensitive prototrophs) S. typhijmiriiim
Treatment of Salmonella with FA- and the mixture plated on mini-
elicitingphage or penicillin results in mal agar containing 500 mg per L of
the formation of chains after one and streptomycin. Twenty-eight of the
one-half hours of incubation, and by crosses yielded evident recombinants,
three hours only "snakes" with swol- showing that FA could probably be
len bulbular central portions are pres- produced by many strains.
ent (Fleming et al., 1950). Debris and FA has been isolated from each of
small granules are also seen. FA has twenty-five tested strains of S. typhi-
also been produced by this time. The muriuni w^hen the proper stimulus was
supernatants of these cultures were found. PLT-22 served for the many
difficult to sterilize by conventional strains susceptible to it, which prob-
means. Filtration through eight or ably explains the success of the SRP
fourteen pound test Mandler candles crosses, while other lysogenic phages
resulted in filtrates with a viable count (from the Lilleengen series) stimu-
of about 100 per ml. Comparable fil- lated other strains resistant to PLT-22.
trates of untreated cultures have regu- In general, inoculation of 10^ cells of
larly proven to be sterile. Sintered py- 5. ty phiinuriiim and 10^ to 10^ par-
rex "UF" filters were found to be ticles of a lysogenic phage to which it

suitable for sterile filtration of active is susceptible into 10 ml of fresh broth

filtrates. will yield FA after four hours of in-
These observations are reminiscent cubation. Penicillin in low concentra-
of the L-forms of bacteria particularly tions (one to five units per ml) was
as by Klieneberger-Nobel
interpreted successful for some cultures.
(1951), Dienes and Weinberger Ademonstration of recombination
(1951), and Tulasne (1951). There" is, in Salmonella was initially sought and
however, no evidence of a functional found in terms of the recovery of pro-
relationship between L-forms and totrophs from mixed platings of auxo-
transduction. We
have not yet suc- trophs. A more complete proof of
ceeded in obtaining L-colony growth typical sexualitv^ would depend upon
from our cultures that would permit the occurrence of new combinations
more direct tests, nor have other of "unselected markers" (Lederberg,
workers made genetic analyses of L- 1947). SW-478 (LA-22 Gal- Xyl-
type growth to fortify speculations on iMtl-, SO was crossed with SW-414
their role in a life cycle. (LA-2 Gal+, Xyl + Mtl + SO on, ,

Sources a?id range of activity of FA. EML agar containing one of the vari-
FA has been defined thus far as a spe- ous sugars so that one unselected fer-
cific product of strain LA-2 with the mentative character could be scored
single capacit\' of transducing a par- directly on the cross plate. Of some
ticular mutant of LT-22. However, 20,000 prototrophs screened, none dif-
other direct crosses involving LA-2 fered from SW-478 except in their
had given prototrophs. To determine nutrition. In addition to mutational
if FA could be obtained from other differences, LA-22 and LA-2 differed
strains, a simplified test was applied, intrinsically in ability to utilize malate,
involving the selection of streptomycin alanine, or succinate as the sole carbon
resistant prototrophs, "SRP" (Leder- source required for growth. All of the
berg, 1951a). SW-435 (LA-22 SO was prototrophs resembled LA-22. With a
total of eight unselected markers there there first appeared a thin film of
was no evidence of co-segregation. growth (pink and hence nonferment-
These experiments were repeated with ing) and then small outcroppings or
active filtrates from LT-2 and gave the papillae which fermented the galactose
same result. or xylose. These papillae grow quite
Genetic transfers for each of three large (figures 3 and 4) because of their
markers (one nutritional and two fer- utilization of the sugar when other nu-
mentative) were observed when ex- trients are depleted. The xylose-nega-
periments were set up in such a way as tive mutant gave some due topapillae
to select for them. SW-435 (Aux, spontaneous reversion but not enough
Gal—, Xyl— S"") was plated with FA
, to interfere with the scoring of the
(from LT-2 Prot, Gal + Xyl + S«) on , , test. The galactose negative mutant is

minimal, EMB galactose and EA4B more stable and has only rarely re-
xylose agar. Upon the EMB media verted. The number of papillae on

•• • • • • •
• • • •

Figs. 3 and 4. SW-435 plated on EMB galactose agar with heat inactivated (3) and
active (4) FA.

EMB or prototrophs on minimal agar for different selected characters may

(table 2) was approximately the same be uniform. However, the unselected
so that the efficiency of transduction markers remained unaltered; that is, all

Table 2

SW-435 and FA Jipon different selective media

prototroph selections were nonfer- structural differences in the chromo-
menters and the papillae selections somes of the parents. Alternatively,
acted only upon the one sugar and FA might have been considered in
were auxotrophic. All of the trans- terms of a nonspecific mutagen with
duced cells were still streptomycin re- independent action on different fac-
sistant. tors. Further experiments have disqual-

The foregoing experiment was re- ified both of these views beyond
peated on double sugar agar. Individ- reasonable doubt.
ual papillae fermented either galactose LT-7 served as an efficient donor
or xylose and were all auxotrophic. and receptor of FA and was chosen for
Because of a slight difference in tex- the study of the intrastrain transfers
ture it was possible to differentiate the and to test these considerations (see
two kinds of papillae directly on the table 1 for its markers). To be certain
indicator Entire papillae were
plate. of the source of the FA employed, it
picked and transferred to the alterna- was prepared (as described previ-
and to minimal agar. Among
tive sugar ously) without external bacterial oi
the many
tested, no mixed papillae FA was prepared from
viral influences.
were found. Any such could be de- SW-184 (prolineless), SW-188 (me-
tected by this rigid selection. thionineless), and SW-191 (leucine-
From these experiments, we con- less). Each preparation was assayed for
clude that an FA filtrate has many transduction from auxotrophy to
activities, producing many different prototrophy of each of the three LT-7
transductions (but no more than one auxotrophs and LA-22 (control for the
per cell) that result in singly trans- presence of any activity). The prepa-
duced clones. rations had fairly uniform activity on
We have observed no linked segre- LA-22. However, FA from each of
gations such as had been found in E. the three LT-7 auxotrophs could
roll recombination. The singular
D ac- transduce the other two but not its
tivity of FA mig^ht still be reconcilable source culture (table 3). FA thus con-
with a gametic interpretation if the forms to the genotype of the cells
failure to show linkages were due to from which it comes. Several galac-

Table 3

The effect of FA from LT-7 and its derivatives upon LT-7 derivatives

with each of the three auxotrophs in by FA from their parental wild type.
similar experiments. In the course of FA from these mutants gave diverse
transduction, there was no Hnked seg- results. The mutants were never trans-
regation or association of these three duced by their own FA, but they could
nutritional markers with each other or be transduced by FA from some of the
with fermentative markers. Strepto- other mutants. These interactions pro-
mycin resistance provided still an- vided a basis for grouping the mutants
other marker that remained unaltered with respect to allelism or genie iden-
in cells transduced for other char- tity (table 4).
acters. All of the transductions discussed
Several galactose-negative mutants thus far have been in the direction of
were transducible to galactose-positive mutant to wild type. It is difficult, as

Table 4

The effect of FA fro?n several galactose-negative umtayits upon these sajne jmitants

It is now
evident that the particular ber of exchanges. After a heat shock
FA for which an assay has been de- at 56 C to destroy any unsedimented
fined is just one of several coexisting cells, the supernatants were assayed

functions of a given filtrate. are We with LA-22 for unadsorbed FA. A4od-
entitled to refer to FA for any of the erate amounts of FA were completely
genetic factors so far studied, and the adsorbed within the time necessary for
range of action of a given filtrate can centrifugation (15 minutes) and were
be designated in the same way as the recovered quantitatively in the pre-
genotype of the culture from which cipitated cells.
it is obtained: e.g., Prot, Gal-|-, Xyl + ,
All tested smooth strains of S.
S' for SW-514 (figure 5), as we'll as typhiiimrhmi adsorbed FA. Cells of
for the FA derived from it. Unless the donor strain adsorbed as efficiently
otherwise qualified, however, FA will as the others, consistently with the
continue to refer to the transduction success of intrastrain transfers. Disin-
assayed on LA-22. fection b\' boiling or ultraviolet ir-
Adsorption of FA. The first step in radiation (to leave an extremely small
transduction must be the adsorption of viable fraction) did not aff^ect adsorp-
FA on competent cells. LA-22 was tion. Rough cultures, selected by ag-
harvested from nutrient agar plates. ing in broth (Page et al., 1951) did not
Aliquots were suspended in one ml of adsorb. These results indicated that the
an active filtrate for various intervals. site of adsorption is heat stable, is not

The cells were sedimented and plated afi^ected by the death of the cell, and
on minimal agar to determine the num- may be related to the somatic antigen.

FA (SW-5l4i PROT, GAL + .XYL + .S'')





aliquots. Except for a small systematic was exposed to an excess of FA from
loss, probably mechanical, all units of M— cells for fifteen minutes. FA from
FA are accounted for either in the LT-7 (M-I-) was then added to the
supernatant or the sediment. sedimented cells for an additional fif-
The interference in adsorption im- teen minutes before the cells were
plied by saturation was demonstrated again sedimented. The M+
FA was
more explicitly in a blocking experi- not bound, nor was the SW-188 trans-
ment. SW-188 (methionineless, M— duced. This verifies the blocking con-

32 r




4 -

Fig. 6. Adsorption of FA. of LA-22 were exposed to FA (LT-2) for 15

IQi"^ cells

to 30 minutes. Supernatants and sediments were collected after centrifugation and

assayed, respectively, for residual FA and for transductions already initiated.

cept and indicates that the adsorption lO^VS or 1.3 X 10*'. A maximum num-
is irreversible after the fifteen minutes ber of particles per ml is set by the fact
allowed for saturation. that the active filtrate showed no tur-
Since adsorption of FA is so rapid biditv" as might be expected with more
it appears safe to assume that the large than 10^^ particles per ml.
proportion of the individual bacteria So many unverified postulates are
are capable of adsorbing it. canWe required that a detailed discussion of
make an approximate minimum esti- possible models for the kinetics of
mate of the number of adsorbable par- adsorption would be unprofitable here.
ticles per ml of this filtrate by dividing" It may be pointed out, however, that

number of bacteria by the

the total the low or zero frequency of double
number of ml required to saturate exchanges does not imply that one
them (one particle per bacterium); species of FA particle excludes an-

other. If most or the bacteria are com- from xylose negative to positive. The
petent to be transduced, the frequency order in which these transfers were ac-
of a particular transduction will be the complished made no difference. There
probability that any of the particles was no loss of efficiency with the ite-
adsorbed will have a particular effect. rated transductions as compared to the
Double transductions will occur in the single transduction of SW-351 for
same ratio to single exchanges as the any of the characters.
absolute frequency of the latter, and Specificity of adsorption of FA. The
this is too low (ca lO^^^) for double adsorption experiments had indicated
exchanges to be detected in our ex- a correlation of adsorptive ability and
periments. However, if transduction is immunological specificity. Preliminary
limited to a small proportion of com- experiments with some dozen Salmo-
petent cells, dual transductions would nella serotypes confirmed and nar-
not have independent probabilities, rowed this correlation to the presence
and further assumptions such as mutual of somatic antigen XII. Broth cultures
exclusion w^ould be required to ac- of the serotypes to be tested were
count for the low frequency of ob- sedimented and one ml of FA was
served dual events. added. Adsorption proceeded for fif-
The following picture appears to be teen minutes, and then the reaction
most consistent with the observations tubes were heat shocked at 56 C for
to date. An active filtrate contains a one hour to sterilize the cells. Pre-
population of numerous species of liminary experiments with known ad-
granules, each corresponding to a sorbing cells had shown that FA once
genetic effect although some may be adsorbed was not eluted by this pro-
intrinsically inert. Each bacterium may cedure. The mixtures were assayed on
absorb a limited number of particles, LA-22 for free FA. Some fifty' differ-
in the possible range from one to per- ent serotypes have been tested in this
haps one hundred. Each adsorbed manner. Although some types with
particle has a fixed, independent prob- XII are inert, none of the tv^pes with-
ability of exerting its particular trans- out XII adsorbed. This correlation is
ductive effect. The low frequency of maintained with the ''Sahtwnella coli"
single, and particularly of double types. The XII carrying strains that
transductions, is limited by the total adsorbed were: S. paratyphi B, S.
number of particles that may be ad- typhimiiriiim (25 strains), 5. Stanley,
sorbed as well, perhaps, as by the low S. heidelberg, S. Chester, S. san-diego,
probability that an adsorbed particle S. aborti/s-ovis, S. typhi W, S. typhi V,
will complete its effect. 5. enteritidis, S. moscozv, S. blegdam,
Serial transduction. Dual transduc- S. eastboiirjie, S. sejidai, S. abony, E.
tion has never been observed in a sin- coli 3, E. coli 4, 5. kaapstad, S. salinatis,
gle experiment. That this is due to the S. pullonim, and S. gallinanim. The
considerations described previously following XII types did not adsorb:
rather than some intrinsic limitation is S. paratyphi A and S. abortns-bovis,
shown by serial transfers. Once a cell presumably owing to the absence of
has been transduced it can be grown the XII2 component. The nonadsorb-
out, reexposed to FA, and selected for ing, non-XII types tested were: 5.
other changes. SW-351 (Aux, Gal—, typhiimiriimi (rough variant), 5.

Xyl— ) has been serially transduced cholerae-siiis, S. Jiewport, S. london,

from auxotrophy to prototrophy, from S. se7ifte?jberg, S. aberdeen, S. poona,
galactose negative to positive, and S. worthington, S. hvittingfoss, S. ken-
tucky, S. Wichita, S. urbana, S. habana, Using a streptomycin resistant mutant
S. altendorf, S. vejle, S. montevideo, of S. typhimiiriimi as the source of FA,
E. coli 1, E. coli 2, E. colt 5, E. coli it has been possible to transfer this
K-12, S. bonariensis, S. florida, and 5. character to 5. typhi. Attempts to pro-
madelia. duce aerogenic fermentation of glucose
Inter-type transductions. It is not by 5. typhi by treatment with FA have
known whether the adsorption of FA ail met with failure, possibly owing to

issufficient to indicate susceptibility to insufficiently selective conditions to

genetic transfer, but preliminary data detect cells transduced for this char-
identify a possible receptor group, acter.
among which inter-type transductions 5. typhi is antigenically character-
may be possible. ized IX, XII: d, (monophasic)
typhi and S. typhimiiriiim differ
5. while typhimurium is I, IV, V, XII:
in a number of cultural and serological / — 1, 2, 3. 5". typhi was exposed to FA

characters. The latter ferments both from S. typhimurium, and transduction

arabinose and rhamnose while the of the flagellar antigen was selected
former does not ferment and is in- for. A tube based upon the myco-
hibited by either of these sugars. 5. logical growth tube (Ryan et al., 1943)
typhi Watson V
was exposed to FA was half filled with soft agar contain-
from S. ty phimuriiim and inoculated ing diluted anti-<^ serum (1/200 of
into Durham fermentation tubes con- serum titrating to 1/5,000). The cells
taining one per cent of either sugar in w^ere heavily inoculated at one side of
nutrient broth. After 24 hours a more the tube and watched for migration.
luxuriant growth appeared in the FA In one experiment, two out of four
treated cultures, and acid was pro- experimental tubes showed migration
duced by 48 hours. From these tubes while the three control tubes showed
cultures were isolated that differ from complete fixation of the inoculum.
S. typhi only in their ability to fer- There was a sharp delineation between
ment these sugars. The control cul- the migrating cells and the fixed inocu-
tures, without FA, show little evidence lum. The former were fished from the
of growth and no evidence of fermen- uninoculated end of the tube and
tation. Although 5. typhifmiriimi pro- tested culturally and serologically.
duces gas from rhamnose and ara- Both of the resem-
isolates culturally
binose, these new forms remain typic- bled 5. typhi. One
of them reacted
ally anaerogenic. The experiment has with anti-i serum while the other did
alsobeen conducted on agar. Treated not react with either 5. typhi or S.
cellswere plated on EMB arabinose typhimurium flagellar antiserum and
and EMB rhamnose. S. typhi occasion- was diagnosed as a phase (KaufT-

ally noninhibited form

mutates to a mann, 1936). The analysis of these two
(Kristensen, 1948) which was repre- strains was confirmed by Dr. P. R.
sented by white papillae which were Edwards. Transduction of the anti- /'

observed on both the experimental and gen was obtained from twelve of
control plates. However, the purple thirty-one tested inocula of 10^ FA
(fermenting) papillae were observed saturated 5. typhicells, "f phases have

only on the experimental plates. Cul- appeared occasionally in both experi-

turally they resembled the fermenting mental and control tubes. No / phases
strains isolated after transduction in were detected in 50 control tests with-
broth. These results have been repeated out FA. The complete antigenic analy-
with tv^'o other strains of S. typhi. sis of the "hybrids" is IX, XII: /', .
Unlike typhi?nurium, from which
S. FA and phage have a common filtra-
the / phase was derived, phasic
flagellar tion end point; ninety-nine per cent
variation has not been found in these of both are retained by a membrane of
"hybrids". Experiments are now in A.P.D. 120 niju. They have a common
progress seeking transduction of other specificity of adsorption on Salmonella
flagellar and somatic antigens. serotypes, correlated with somatic
The trarisduced cell. Prototrophs antigen XII. In adsorption on 5.
produced by transduction \FA (LA- typhimuriimi both reach saturation at
2) on LA-22 have been tested for
1 the same point, and the phage to FA
their stability both in vegetative re- ratio remains constant. During the
production and further transduction. course of purification, FA and phage
After isolation from the experimental remain together. In short term experi-
plate they were purified by streaking. ments, FA and phage are released
Five single colonies were grown in simultaneously from phage infected
complete broth and plated. Two hun- bacteria. Electron micrographs show a
dred colonies from each were picked morphological similarity of particles
and retested on minimal agar: all were of proper size.
prototrophic. The transduced culture That the phage particle can be only
was reexposed to FA, and another a passive carrier of the transductive
change was selected (galactose nega- genetic material is shown by the fol-
tive to positive). Of some 1,500 colo- lowing experiments. From single phage
nies tested by replica plating, all re- particles grown on bacterial cells there
tained the initial transduction to proto- are obtained high titered phage and a
trophv^ population of FA encompassing the
The transduced culture does not re- entire genotype of the parental cells
lease FA during its growth nor is FA but capable of only one transduction
obtainable from it by any other means per bacterial cell. Single phage par-
than those employed for the parent ticles, from this filtrate, can be grown
culture. Some difficulty has been en- on bacterial cells from the same orig-
countered in this respect with the inal parent but of diff^erent genotype.
products of intrastrain transduction. The FA produced is comparable to the
They were all resistant carriers of the genotype of the secondary donor.
phage associated with active filtrates In the section on the evocation of
and some new phage was needed to FA, mention was made of the apparent
evoke FA from them. Phage resistance regeneration of FA by transfer. This
also reduces the efficiency of iterated was explained as being due to the asso-
transduction, presumably because of ciation of FA with phage which served
impaired adsorption of FA. to continuously stimulate its produc-
Spontaneous reverse-mutations re- tion. To test this, A-, B + C+
, cells
gain the ability to transduce their mu- were treated with penicillin. The fil-
tant parents as do transduced rever- trate was transferred with the same
sions. That is, when a cell goes from cells to yield FA (A-, B + C+) and ,

A— to A+
by either means, it can a phage which could be assayed on
again produce A+ agent. Mutation in these same cells. When added to A-I-,
free FA has not yet been studied. B — C+ cells (from the same original

The relationship between bacterio- parent), the FA obtained was A-I-,

phage ajid FA. Several recent converg- B-, C-h. All of the B-l- agent was ad-
ent lines of evidence point to the iden- sorbed and lost, and agents paralleling
tity of FA particles and bacteriophage. the genotype of the B— cells obtained.
FA had not propagated as such but trophs. The hypothesis of FA as a
rather was associated with the neces- genetic complex rather than a unit
sary stimulus for further production, might be maintained if the singular ef-
the phage. fects produced depended on a small
chance of release of any particular ac-
DISCUSSION tivity from a complex particle or on
Genetic exchange in 5. typhimurium some localized nonheritable happen-
is mediated by a bacterial product stance in the cell that ordinarily left
which we have called FA (filtrable only one function sensitive to trans-
agent). An individual active filtrate duction. Still the originally singly
can transfer (transduce) many heredi- transduced cell develops as an isolated
tary traits from one strain to another. clone. Since the clone is composed of
Although the total activity of this fil- some 10^ bacteria, one might expect
trate encompasses the genotype of its that a complex residuum of an FA par-
parental culture, each transduction ticle, if viable, would transduce some
transmits only a single trait per bac- one of the daughter cells for another
terium. This contrasts with genetic ex- character during the growth of the
change in E. coli, strain K-12, where clone. However, each FA particle pro-
there is unrestricted recombination of duces only a single transduced clone.
the several markers that differentiate This speaks for the simplicity of its
two parental lines. constitution as well as of its genetic
FA may be considered as genetic effect.
material which enters the fixed hered- When LA-22 is transduced from
ity of the transduced cell. We may ask auxotrophy (phenylalanineless and ty-
whether this transfer is a simple super- rosineless; tryptophanless) to proto-
addition or a substitutive exchange and trophy, we have an apparent dual
replacement of the resident genetic change. If this mutant is plated on
factors. If streptomycin resistance is a minimal agar supplemented with
recessive mutation, as inferred from phenylalanine and tyrosine, it occa-
studies of heterozygous diploids in E. sionally^ reverts to the first step auxo-
coli (Lederberg, 1951/?), the transduc- trophic condition. However, when
tion of resistance disqualifies the sim- LA-22 is transduced on this medium,
ple addition mechanism. no more first step auxotrophs are
Two aspects of FA must be care- found than can be explained by spon-
fully distinguished: the biological na- taneous reversion. The majority of the
ture of the particles themselves and selected colonies are prototrophs. We
their genetic function. There is good have not been able to affect more than
reason to identify the particle with one trait in any other inter- or intra-
bacteriophage. Nevertheless, the phage strain transductions. It seems likely
particle would function as a passive LA-22 was deter-
that the nutrition of
carrier of the genetic material trans- mined by two successive mutations at
duced from one bacterium to another. the same genetic site. Davis' (1951)
This material corresponds only to a scheme for aromatic biosynthesis cor-
fragment of the bacterial genotype. roborates this notion. Although the
For example, when FA from a marked mutant LA-22 can revert spontane-
prototroph is plated with an auxotroph ously to an intermediate allele, trans-
on minimal agar, the genotype of the duction brings about a substitution of
presumed "donor nucleus" is not ob- the wild type gene for full synthesis.
served among the transduced proto- The most plausible hypothesis for

the FA granules is that they are a the more pertinent ones should suffice
heterogeneous population of species at this time. Wollman and WoUman
each with its own competence— in (1925) reported the acquisition of
other words, each carries a "single Sabnonella immunological specificity
gene" or small chromosome fragment. by E. coli via filter passing material.
Regardless of the nature of the FA Similar material (which can be ob-
particles, some mechanism must be tained by phage been impli-
lysis) has

postulated for the introduction of the cated in the change of penicillin re-
transduced genetic material to the sistant staphylococci and streptococci
fixed heredity of the recipient cell. to relative penicillin sensitivity (Vou-
Muller's (1947) analysis of type trans- reka, 1948; George and Pandalai,
formation in the pneumococcus is 1949). Shigella paradyse?7teriae (Weil
apropos here: ". . . there were, in ef- and Binder, 1947) acquired new im-
fect, still viable bacterial chromosomes, munological specificity when treated
or parts of chromosomes, floating free with extracts of heterologous types.
in the medium used. These might, in Boivin (1947)reported a similar
my opinion, have penetrated the cap- change in E. Unfortunately his

suleless bacteria and in part taken root strains have been lost and confirmation
there, perhaps, after having undergone is impossible. Bruner and Edwards
a kind of crossing-over with the chro- (1948) in a report of variation of so-
mosomes of the host." matic antigens of Salmonella grown in
In a preliminary report on the 5^/- the presence of specific serum com-
monella recombination system (Leder- mented on the possibility that bacterial
berg et al., 1951) it was suggested that products dissolved in the serum were
FA might be related to bacterial L- responsible for the changes.
forms (Klieneberger-Nobel, 1951). These systems, provocative as they
The occurrence of swollen "snakes", documented for
are, are insufficiently
filtrable granules, and large bodies in detailed comparison with Salmonella
response to certain agents is character- transduction. The transformations in
istic both of FA and L-forms. Except the pneumococcus (Avery et al., 1944;
for the suggestion of viable filter pass- AicCarty, 1946) and Hemophilus in-
ing granules we have not repeated the (Alexander and Leidy, 1951)
reported cycles. The visible agglutin- have been studied more completely.
able granules and the antiserum-in- The genetic "transformation" of the
duced swollen form are not necessary capsular character of the pneumococ-
for FA activity. However, this failure cus depends on a specific bacterial
to fit all of the elements to a simple product (pneumococcus transforming
scheme may be due to a system more principle, FTP). Originally inter-
complex than we are now aware. preted as a directed mutation, it is now
The bacteriological literature has regarded as a variety of genetic ex-
numerous reports of results which change (Ephrussi-Taylor, 1950). Thus
might be interpreted as transduction far transformations have been achieved
(see reviews by Luria, 1947, and for the full capsular character (Grif-
Lederberg, 1948). These experiments fith, 1928), a series of intermediate
have been criticized or neglected be- capsular characters (Ephrussi-Taylor,
cause of difficulties in their reproduc- 1951), Mprotein character (Austrian
tion and quantitization but might now and MacLeod, 1949), and penicillin
be reinvestigated in light of the find- resistance(Hotchkiss, 1951). As in
ings presented. A citation of some of Salmonella each character is trans-
formed independently. However, The agent of recombination in E. coli
there are several differences between isalmost certainly the bacterial cell.
the two systems. FA must be evoked The cells apparently mate, forming
while the FTP is extractible from zygotes from which parental and re-
healthy cells. The resistance of FA to combinant cells may emerge following
various chemical treatments has given meiosis, in which linkage is a promi-
only negative evidence of its chemical nent feature (Lederberg, 1947). The
nature. The role of desoxyribonucleic combination of genomes within a sin-
acid in the FTP was verified by its in- gle cell has been confirmed by the
activation by desoxyribonucleic acid- exceptional occurrence of nondisjunc-
ase. Retention of activity by gradocol tions which continue to segregate both
membranes has given comparable esti- haploid and diploid complements
mates for the size (about 0.1 fi) of the (Zelle and Lederberg, 1951). Although
FA particles affecting two different lysogenicity plays a critical role in
characters. On the other hand, while transduction in Sahnonella, all combi-
the particle size of the FTP has been nations of lysogenic and nonlysogenic
variously estimated from an average cultures of E. coli cross with equal
centrifugal mass of 500,000 (Avery facility (Lederberg, E. M., 1951).
et 1944) to an ionizing irradiation
al., Owing to the lack of recombination
sensitive volume equivalent to a mole- of unselected markers, transduction is
cular weight of 18,000,000 with high a less useful tool than sexual recombi-
asymmetry (Fluke et al., 1951), it is nation for certain types of genetic
considerably smaller than the FA par- analysis. However, as FA may corres-
ticle. Pneumococci must be sensitized pond to extracellular genetic material,
by acomplex serum system for ad- such problems as gene reproduction,
sorption of FTP. The low but poorly metabolism, and mutation may be more
determined frequency of transforma- accessible to attack. Sexual systems
tions has been thought to be due to the usually provide for the reassortment
low competence of the bacteria. In of genetic material and given an im-
the absence of adsorption experiments portant source of variation for the
a system similar to Salmojiella has not operation of natural selection in or-
been ruled out. Important information ganic evolution. Both sexual recombi-
is still lacking in both systems and time nation and transduction, because of
may resolve these apparent differences. their low frequency, allow only
The relationship of transduction in limited gene interchange in bacteria.
Sahfiofiella to sexual recombination in Transductive exchange is limited both
E. coli obscure. Transduction has
is in frequency and extent.
not been found in crossable E. coli nor too early to assess the role that
It is

sexual recombination in Salmonella. transduction may have played in the

These genera are extremely closely re- development of the immunologically
lated taxonomically but seem to have complex Salmonella species. White
entirely different modes of genetic (1926) speculated that the many sero-
exchange. types evolved by loss variation from a
Sexual recombination was first dem- single strain possessing all of the many
onstrated in E. coli, strain K-12. With possible antigens. Bruner and Edwards
the development of an efficient screen- (1948) obtained specific examples of
ing procedure, two to three per cent loss variation with contemporary
of E. coli isolates were proved to cross species. Transduction provides a
with strain K-12 (Lederberg, 1951^). mechanism for transfer of some of the
variation developed spontaneously and creatin, trypsin, ribonuclease, and des-
independently between the "descend- oxyribonuclease. The size of the FA
ing" lines. The genus Salmojiella in- particle, determined by filtration
cludes a group of serotypes which through gradocol membranes, is about
share a receptor for S. typhnnurium 0.1 micron. Adsorption of FA is rapid
FA. Other receptor groups have yet to and, among various serotypes tested,
be sought. Within such groups it is correlated with the presence of so-
should be possible to evolve in the matic antigen XII.
laboratory other new serot^-pes com- The maximum frequency of trans-
parable to the antigenic hybrid of S. duction for any one character has been
typhi and S. typhijmirium. 2 X 10-^, a limit set by saturation dur-

Several different bacterial genera ing adsorption. Some inter-type trans-

have been intensively studied with re- fers have been observed. For example,
gard to modes of genetic exchange. the / flagellar antigen from SalmoJiella
Each of the several known systems dif- typhimiirmm has been transduced to S.
fers in details that enlarge our notions typhi to give a new serotype: IX, XII;
of bacterial reproduction and heredity. /, — Genetic transduction in Salmo-

nella is compared and contrasted with

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS "type transformation" in Hemophilus
The authors are indebted to a num- and the pneumococcus and with sexual
ber of workers cited in the text for recombination in Escherichia coli.
providing cultures and other materials.
They are especially obligated to Dr. REFERENCES
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Molecular Structure of Nucleic Acids

A Structure for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid

J. D. WATSON and f. h. c. crick

Reprinted by authors' and publisher's permis-

sion from Nature, vol. 171, no. 4356, 1953, pp.

Although I remarked earlier (page 194) that it is difficult to be

sure which of the current a?id recefit papers are likely to become
classics, this paper by Watso?i and Crick is certainly off a?id ruiming
with the best of them. The hypothetical structure of DNA, and from
this of course the hypothetical structure of a self-reproducing mole-
cule, has captured the imagifiatio?i of geneticists as few other ideas
ever did. The ''Watsoji-Crick ModeV has found its way into popular
articles, textbooks, and lectures in genetics courses more rapidly
than is usual. Directions for cofistruction of a model for high-school
biology courses have appeared in the American Biology Teacher.
This paper is the initial report of one of the outsta?iding achieve-
ments of modern genetics.

We wish to suggest a structure vance of publication. Their model

for the salt of deoxyribose nucleic acid consists of three intertwined chains,
(D. N. A.). This structure has novel with the phosphates near the fibre axis,
which are of considerable bio-
features and the bases on the outside. In our
logical interest. opinion, this structure is unsatisfactory
A structure for nucleic acid has al- for two reasons: (1) We believe that
ready been proposed bv Pauling and the material which gives the X-ray
Corey (1953). They kindly made diagrams is the salt, not the free acid.
their manuscript available to us in ad- Without the acidic hydrogen atoms it
is not clear what forces would hold press). In hismodel the phosphates are
the structure together, especially as on the outside and the bases on the
the negatively charged phosphates inside, linked together by hydrogen
near the axis will repel each other. (2) bonds. This structure as described is
Some of the van der Waals distances rather ill-defined, and for this reason
appear to be too small. we shall not comment on it.
We wish to put forward a radically
different structure for the salt of de-
oxyribose nucleic acid. This structure
has two helical chains each coiled
round the same axis (see diagram). We
have made the usual chemical assump-
tions, namely, that each chain consists
of phosphate diester groups joining
^-D-deoxyribofuranose residues with
3', 5' linkages. The two chains (but not

their bases) are related by a dyad per-

pendicular to the fibre axis. Both
chains follow right-handed helices, but
owing to the dyad the sequences of
the atoms in the two chains run in
opposite directions. Each chain loosely
resembles Furberg's (1952) model No.
1; that is, the bases are on the inside

of the helix and the phosphates on the

outside. The configuration of the sugar
and the atoms near it is close to Fur-
berg's 'standard configuration,' the
sugar being roughly perpendicular to
the attached base. There is a residue
on each chain every 3.4 A. in the z-di-
rection. We have assumed an angle of
36° between adjacent residues in the
same chain, so that the structure re-
peats after 10 residues on each chain,
that is, after 34 A. The distance of a
phosphorus atom from the fibre axis
is 10 A. As the phosphates are on the

outside, cations have easy access to

The structure is an open one, and its
Fig. 1. This figure purely diagram-
water content is rather high. At lower
matic. The two ribbons symbolize the
two phosphate-sugar chains, and the hori- water contents we would expect the
zontal rods the pairs of bases holding the bases to tilt so that the structure could
chains together. The vertical line marks become more compact.
the axis. The novel feature of the structure
isthe manner in which the two chains
Another three-chain structure has are held together by the purine and
also been suggested by Fraser (in the pyrimidine bases. The planes of the
bases are perpendicular to the fibre acid are insufficient for a rigorous test
axis. They
are joined together in pairs, we can tell,
of our structure. So far as
a single base from one chain being it isroughly compatible with the ex-
hydrogen-bonded to a single base from perimental data, but it must be re-
the other chain, so that the two lie garded as unproved until it has been
side by side with identical z-co-ordi- checked against more exact results.
nates. One of the pair must be a purine Some of these are given in the follow-
and the other a pyrimidine for bond- ing communications. We
were not
ing to occur. The hydrogen bonds are aware of the details of the results pre-
made as follows: purine position 1 to sented there when we devised our
pyrimidine position 1; purine position structure, which rests mainly though
6 to pyrimidine position 6. not entirely on published experimental
assumed that the bases only
If it is data and stereochemical arguments.
occur in the structure in the most It has not escaped our notice that

plausible tautomeric forms (that is, the specific pairing we have postulated
with the keto rather than the enol immediately suggests a possible copy-
configurations) it is found that only ing mechanism for the genetic ma-
specific pairs of bases can bond to- terial.
gether. These pairs are: adenine (pu- Full details of the structure, includ-
rine) with thymine (pyrimidine), and ing the conditions assumed in building
guanine (purine) with cytosine (py- it, together with a set of co-ordinates

rimidine). for the atoms, will be published else-

In other words, if an adenine forms where.
one member of a pair, on either chain, We are much
indebted to Dr. Jerry
then on these assumptions the other Donohue for advice and
member must be thymine; similarly criticism, especially on interatomic
for guanine and cytosine. The se- distances. We
have also been stimu-
quence of bases on a single chain does lated by a knowledge of the general
not appear to be restricted in any way. nature of the unpublished experimen-
However, if only specific pairs of bases tal results and ideas of Dr. M. H. F.
can be formed, it follows that if the Wilkins, Dr. R. E. Franklin and their
sequence of bases on one chain is given, co-workers at King's College, London.
then the sequence on the other chain One of us (J. D. W.) has been aided
isautomatically determined. by a fellowship from the National
It has been found experimentally Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.
(Chargafi"; Wyatt, 1952) that the ratio
of the amounts of adenine to thymine,
Pauling, L. and Corey, R. B. Nature, 171:
and the ratio of guanine to cytosine, 346, 1953; Proc. U. S. Nat. Acad. Sci. 39:84,
are always very close to unity for de- 1953.
oxyribose nucleic acid. Furberg, S., Acta Chem. Scand. 6:634, 1952.
It is probably impossible to build Chargaff, E., for references see Zamenhof, S.,
this structure with a ribose sugar in Brawerman, G., and Chargaff, E., Biochiffi.
et Biophys. Acta 9:402, 1952.
place of the deoxyribose, as the extra
Wyatt, G. R., /. Gen. Physiol. 36:201, 1952.
oxygen atom would make too close a
Astbury, W. T., Synip. Soc. Exp. Biol. I,
van der Waals contact.
Nucleic Acid, 66 (Cambridge Univ. Press,
The previously published X-ray 1947).
data (Astburv% 1947; Wilkins and WUkins, M. H. F., and Randall, J. T., Bio-
Randall, 1953) on deoxyribose nucleic chim. et Biophys. Acta 10:192, 1953.
The Gene


Reprinted by publisher's permission from Sci-

ence, vol. 120, 1954, pp. 811-819.

This paper by Stadler is interesting in several respects. As the

editors of Science cormnented in a footnote to the original paper,
''Dr. Stadler, before his death o?i 12 May, asked that this paper be
sent to Science. It is the valediction, and a re?narkable one, of a great
geneticist.'" It can be considered the distillate of Stadler's long a?id
successful years of genetic investigatiofi, a?7d isvaluable even if it
were no more than that.
But it is considerably more. For Stadler registers here his objec-
tions to the kind of research that has beefi done 07i the gene and its
actions, points out some of the basic fallacies of current concepts in
his opinion, and indicates njoays and vieans through which a changed
viewpoint might be developed. It is too early to say what impact the
paper will have on genetic research. Certainly some of the sugges-
tions made by Stadler cannot be implemented with the research tools
currently in use. But his ideas are provocative, and his recommenda-
tiofis deserve to be tested. It woidd be good for genetics, and equally

so for all other fields of biology, if more of those workers with long
years of experience would set down their accumulated concepts a?id
research ideas as retirement approaches, as did Stadler. All too often
a man's accumulated knowledge dies with him.

The central problem of biology by which the syntheses proceed that

is the physical nature of living sub- provide the materials for growth. The
stance. It is this that gives drive and second is the behavior of the genie
zest to the study of the gene, for the substance, which apparently guides
investigation of the behavior of genie these reactions. It is carried in the
substance seems at present our most chromosomes in fine strands, which
direct approach to this problem. together make up only a minute por-
Current knowledge of the behavior tion of the substance of the cell. These
of living cells presents two striking strands are differentiated along their
pictures. The first is the almost in- length into hundreds of segments of
credibly delicate balance of chemical distinctive action, and, therefore, pre-
reactions occurring in the living cell, sumably of distinctive constitution,
by which energy is made available and which we speak of as the genes. The
genie substance is reduplicated in each This means that gene mutations are
cell generation. Its distinctive seg- essential for such comparisons, since
ments, in many known cases, deter- it is only by gene mutation that we

mine v\ hether or not a specific chem- can identify individuals differing only
ical reaction will occur, presumably, by the effects of a single gene. The
in some cases at least, by determining prospect of determining the properties
the production of a specific catalyst. of the gene is, therefore, depend-
The great bulk of the substance of ent upon the development of valid
the cell apparently consists of ma- methods for the study of gene muta-
terials produced by the aforemen- tion.
tioned guided reactions. The nature It is appropriate to cite here the
and behavior of these materials, so far monumental contributions of H. J.
as we know them, do not require the Muller to the investigation of this
assumption that they have properties problem. More than 30 years ago he
essentially difiFerent from those of non- recognized clearly the unique signifi-
living matter. cance of gene mutation in the study
The genie substance, on the con- of the physical nature of life (1) and
trary, appears to have properties quite boldly attacked the imposing technical
difiFerent from those with which we problems that blocked its experimental
are familiar from our knowledge of investigation.
the physical science of nonliving mat- The difficulties of analysis that have
ter. Modern physical science gives us been mentioned are not different in
no model to explain the reduplication kind from those involved in other
of the gene-string in each cell genera- problems in which the properties of
tion, or to explain the production of hypothetical elements must be in-
eff^ective quantities of specific enzymes ferred from their effects— for example,
or other agents by specific genes. The in the problems of molecular or atomic
precise pairing and interchange of seg- structure. In such studies, the inves-
ments by homologous gene-strings at tigator proceeds by constructing the
meiosis also suggest novel physical simplest model that will fit the known
properties of this form of matter. facts and then attempting to apply
These facts indicate that a knowledge every significant experimental test of
of the nature and properties of the the predictions that may be made from
genie substance might give clues to the the model. By a series of successive
distinctive physical mechanisms of life. approximations, the model finally
The study of the
difficulties in the evolves to a form that seems to pro-
genie substance are obvious. It cannot vide the most plausible mechanism for
be isolated for chemical analysis or the behavior observed. The study of
pure culture. The possibility of direct the physical nature of the gene from
analv^sis of specific segments or in- purely genetic evidence is closely
dividual genes is, of course, even more comparable to this.
remote. The properties of the genes These difficulties of analysis are
may be inferred only from the results mitigated in some degree by the pos-
of their action. sibility of parallel investigation of cer-
Furthermore, a critical study of the tain problems of mutation through di-
eflFects of a single gene may be made rect observation of the chromosomes.
only by comparing individuals wholly Although the gene-string itself is be-
comparable in genotype except for a low the limit of microscopic visibility,
difference in the one gene concerned. its behavior is such that it provides a
visible shadow, so to speak, in the tion, which turns out to be about 1.5
chromosome. Some alterations of the ev. Unstable genes are assumed to have
gene-strings are readily detectable by correspondingly lower activation en-
visible alteration of the chromosomes. ergies, and the fact that temperature
The cytogenetic analysis of individual affects their mutation rate less than
mutations provides a wholesome check that of normally stable genes is in
on hypotheses derived from the statis- agreement with expectation on this
tics of mutation frequencies. basis. The energy spent in one ioniza-
An illuminating example of this is tion is about 30 ev, and it is therefore
afforded by certain interpretations of to be expected that irradiation will
the evidence on mutation rate as cause the mutation of any of the genes,
affected by x-ray treatment and by regardless of their relative stability un-
temperature. At an early stage in the der normal conditions. The propor-
study of x-ray-induced mutations, tional increase in mutation rate will,
Delbrueck (2) constructed a tentative therefore, be much less for genes
"atomic physics model" of the gene, distinctly unstable at ordinary tem^
as inferred from the frequency of point peratures than for genes of normal
mutations observed under varying stability. These expectations also are
physical conditions. This has become realized.
widely known through its application This is an impressive picture, but it

and discussion in the engaging little has been evident for many years that
book What Is Lije? {3), published it has no valid relationship to the ex-

several years later by the eminent the- perimental data from which it was
oretical physicist, Erwin Schrodinger. derived. The detailed analysis of in-
In this view, the geneis considered dividual cases among the x-ray-in-
a molecule, and the observed muta- duced mutations has shown clearly
tions are considered to represent its that many of these result not from a
transitions from one stable state to an- structural change in a gene but from
other, as a result of thermal agitation some alteration external to the gene,
or the absorption of radiant energy. such as physical loss or rearrangement
The linear-dosage curve and the con- of a segment of the gene-string. We
stancy of mutation yield, regardless of have no basis for estimating the pro-
variation in the time factor, show that portion of such extragenic mutations
the x-ray-induced mutations result among the total of mutations observed
from single "hits"; the constant pro- and no ground for assuming that this
portionality of mutation yields to ion- proportion is the same among the mu-
ization, regardless of variation in tations observed under the various ex-
wavelength, shows that the unit "hit" perimental treatments.
is an ionization. Calculation of the vol- The basis of the model is the as-
ume within which these hits must sumption that the statistics of observed
occur to account for the mutations mutation are in fact the statistics of
observed provides a basis for estimat- structural alteration of the molecules
ing the average size of the gene-mole- that constitute the gene-string. The in-
cules postulated. This turns out to be vestigations of specific mutations con-
of the order of 1000 atoms. The rela- tradict this assumption and show that
tive frequency of spontaneous muta- the model has no basis in reality.
tions at different temperatures permits It is interesting to reflect that if the
the calculation of the activation energy determiners of heredity had chanced
required for the occurrence of a muta- to be of a lower order of magnitude,
below the level at which the experi- ("lethals") are probably more fre-
mental study of individual cases is quent than mutations permitting sur-
possible, we might still be constructing vival with modified phenotype ("visi-
more and more refined models of the bles"). In experiments extending over
gene on this pattern. As the predic- the next 10 years (5), he developed
tions made from the model were con- various special techniques by which it

tradicted by experimental results, we was possible to determine the total

would change the various numerical number of lethal mutations for all loci
values, or introduce additional vari- within given chromosome or region.
ables, or perhaps, if necessary, even These total frequencies proved to be
create additional hypothetical units. high enough to permit significant ex-
But the model would remain essen- perimental comparison of mutation
tially an imaginary construct inferred frequencies under different tempera-
from mere numbers of mutations, for tures. The loci yielding lethal muta-
we would have no possibility of con- tions were distributed over the chro-
tradicting the plausible assumption mosomes approximately as expected
that one mutation is as good as an- from the distribution of loci for visible
other. mutants, and it was concluded that the
lethalmutations might legitimately be
WH.'^T IS A GENE? used as an index of gene mutations in
The early studies of gene mutation general.
were concerned mainly with problems Meanwhile, many attempts to in-
of technique arising from the extreme crease the frequency of genetic altera-
rarity of the phenomenon. Although tions by external treatments had been
the mutations of OeJiothera, on which made, including studies with various
the mutation theory was based, had chemical, radiological, and serological
proved illusory, it soon became evident treatments, and studies in which vari-
that mutant alterations do occur that ous plant and animal forms were used.
are inherited as if they were due to None of these experiments gave con-
changes in individual genes. The com- clusive proof of an effect of any ex-
prehensive genetic analysis of Dro- perimental treatment on the frequency
sophila by Morgan and his coworkers of mutation, although in several of the
showed numerous cases of this sort— in experiments there wxre genetic altera-
fact, almost all the loci shown on the tions that may have been induced by
gene-map represented the mutant oc- the treatment. The failure of proof
currence of visible alterations which, was due to two difficulties: (i) that of
on subsequent tests, proved to be in- proving that the genetic alterations ob-
herited in typical Mendelian fashion. served in the progeny of treated in-
These were assumed to be due, in each dividuals were in fact due to the treat-
case, to a change of the wild-type gene ment rather than to some genetic
to an alternative form, producing a irregularity present in the treated
recognizably different phenorv^pic ef- strains, and (ii) that of showing sta-
fect. The frequency of these muta- tistically convincing increases in the
tions, however, seemed far too low to frequency of mutations in the treated
permit experimental investigation of group. What was needed was a genetic
the conditions affecting their occur- technique suitable for the detection of
rence. mutations in adequate numbers in an
Muller {4) pointed out in 1917 that organism in which the gene-deter-
gene mutations resulting in inviability mined inheritance of the mutant char-
acters could be readily demonstrated. accepted definitions and criterions re-
The "ClB" technique with Dro- lated to genes and gene mutations
sophila, designed by Muller, was ad- needed reconsideration.
mirably suited to this purpose, and The purpose of experiments with
x-ray experiments with this technique gene mutation is to study the evolution
(6, 7) demonstrated beyond question of new gene forms. The techniques for
a very strong effect of x-rays on the studying gene mutation are, therefore,
frequency of mutation. The total fre- designed to measure the frequency of
quency of lethals in the X-chromo- these changes in the genes. But a
some was increased more than 100- change in the gene may be recognized
fold. In addition,many visible muta- only by its effects, and it soon became
tionswere found, including dominants clear that various extragenic alterations
as well as recessives, and including might produce the effects considered
mutants previously known from their characteristic of typical gene muta-
spontaneous occurrence as well as tion (/O).
many mutants not previously ob- Thus the working definition of mu-
served. tation necessarily differs from the ideal
These experiments were promptly definition. It is this working definition
followed by others designed to test thatmust be considered in generalizing
more critically the genie nature of the from the experimental evidence. The
induced mutations. The mutant lethals mutations experimentally identified as
might be suspected of being defi- gene mutations may include not only
ciencies; even the visibles could con- variations due to alterations within the
ceivably be due to short deficiency or gene but due to losses
also variations
gene destruction. But if the treatment of genes, to additions of genes, and to
could induce mutation to a variant changes in the spatial relationships of
allele and could, in further applica- genes to one another. To identify these
tions, induce reverse mutation to the mechanical alterations, certain tests
parental allele, it was argued, the two were applicable. But there was no test
mutations could not both be due to to identify mutations due to a change
gene loss. Induced mutation and in- within the gene; it was simply inferred
duced reverse mutation at the same that the mutants that could not be
locus were shown to occur in a num- identified as the result of specific me-
ber of loci of Drosophila in experi- chanical causes were, in fact, due to
ments by Patterson and Muller {8) gene mutation in the ideal sense (//).
and Timof eeff-Ressovskv {9). When we conclude from an experi-
Subsequent experiments with a wide ment that new genes have been evolved
variety of forms among the higher by the action of x-rays, we are not
plants and animals and with micro- simply stating the results of the ex-
organisms showed the broad generality periment. We
are, in the single state-
of the effects of ionizing radiations ment, combining two distinct steps:
upon the frequency of mutation. In (i) stating the observed results of the
later experiments, ultraviolet radiation experiment, and (ii) interpreting the
and various chemical treatments were mutations as due to a specific mecha-
also shown to affect mutation fre- nism. It is essential that these two steps
quency. be kept separate, because the first step
The analysis of the induced muta- represents a permanent addition to the
tions, however, soon indicated that the known body of fact, whereas the sec-
ond step represents onlv^ an inference mutation but in our definition of the
that may later be modified or contra- gene itself, because any definition of
dicted by additional facts. When the gene mutation presupposes a definition
two steps are unconsciously combined, of the gene.
we confusing what we
risk know with The discussion of these difficulties
what we only think we know. and of the possibility of remedying
The widely held belief that the fre- them by more rigorous definition of
quency of gene mutation may be experimental concepts is only an ap-
greatly accelerated by x-ray treatment plication to biology of the operational
was an illusion of this kind. Its basis viewpoint that has become common-
was the use of the term gene 7initatio?i place in modern physics, largely as a
with two distinctly different meanings. result of the critical studies of P. W,
Gene mutation was thought of as a Bridgman {12). As Bridgman notes,
change in the constitution of a unit of this sort of critical reconsideration,
the genetic material, producing a new made necessary in physics by the de-
gene with altered gene action. Gene velopment of relativity, is essential in
mutation was identified in experiments scientific thinking if the methods are
by the occurrence of a mutant char- to be made elastic enough to deal with
acter inherited as if it were due to a any sort of facts that may develop.
change in a gene. The essential feature of the operational
The mischief involved in the use of viewpoint is that an object or phe-
the same term for the two concepts is nomenon under experimental inves-
obvious. To insist that x-rays induce tigation cannot usefully be defined in
gene mutation because the mutants in- terms of assumed properties beyond
duced satisfy all the accepted criterions experimental determination but rather
of gene mutation, and that these mu- must be defined in terms of the actual
tants represent qualitative changes in operations that may be applied in deal-
specific genes because that is what we ing with it. The principle is not a new
mean by gene mutation, is to adopt one; it has been recognized, at least
the dictum of Humpty Dumpty in implicitly, in the work of individual
Through "When
the Look'nig-Glass. scientists from an early period. Wil-
I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, liam James stated it essentially in his
"it means what I choose
just it to lectures on pragmatism {13), illustrat-
mean— neither more nor less." ing it with a quotation from Wilhelm
Now our concept of the gene is Ostwald:
entirely dependent upon the occur-
rence of gene mutations. If there were Chemists have long wrangled over the
no gene mutations, we could not iden- inner construction of certain bodies called
tify individual genes, because the total tautomerous. Their properties seemed
genetic effect of a single chromosome equally consistent with the notion that
would be inherited as a unit. If the an instable hydrogen atom oscillates in-
mutations we interpret as gene muta- side of them, or that they are instable
mixtures of two bodies. Controversy
tions are in fact due to alterations
raged but never was decided. "It would
affecting groups of genes, then the
never have begun," says Ostwald, "if the
entities that we will recognize as genes
combatants had asked themselves what
will be in fact the corresponding
particular experimental fact could have
groups of genes. The significant am- been made different by one or the other
biguity is not in our definition of gene view being correct. For it would then
have appeared that no difference of fact ertiesmentioned are meaningless ques-
could possibly ensue; and the quarrel was tions. On the contrary, they are the
as unreal as if, theorizing in primitive all-important questions that we hope
times about the raising of dough by yeast,
ultimately to answer by the interpreta-
one party should have invoked a 'brownie'
tion of the experimental evidence and
while another insisted on an 'elf as the
true cause of the phenomenon."
by the development of new experi-
mental operations. The operational de-
What is a gene in operational terms? finition merely represents the prop-
In other words, how can we define the erties of the actual gene, so far as
gene in such a way as to separate they may be established from experi-
established fact from inference and in- mental evidence by present methods.
terpretation? The definition may take The inferences from this evidence pro-
into account not merely the evidence vide a tentative model of the hypo-
from experiments on the occurrence of thetical gene, a model that will be
mutations but also the evidence from somewhat different in the minds of
experiments on the inheritance of ge- different students of the problem and
netic differences of any kind, or from will be further modified in the light
any other experiments that bear on the of further investigation.
nature of the gene. The definition may The term ge?ie as used in current
specify attributes of the gene that can genetic literature means sometimes the
be determined by recognized experi- operational gene and sometimes the
mental operations, whether these are hypothetical gene, and sometimes, it
attributesalready established in past must be confessed, a curious conglom-
experiments or attributes that might eration of the two. The resulting con-
be determined in future experiments. fusion may be strikingly illustrated in
I Operationally, the gene can be de- seemingly contradictory statements by
fined only as the smallest segment of two such gifted and clear-sighted ge-
the gene-string that can be shown to neticists as Richard Goldschmidt and
be consistently associated with the oc- A. H. Sturtevant. Goldschmidt, after
currence of a specific genetic effect. It reviewing the evidence on position
cannot be defined as a single molecule, effect, states that genes do not exist
because we have no experimental op- (14), or at any rate that the classical
erations that can be applied in actual theory of the corpuscular gene must
cases to determine whether or not a be discarded (/i). Sturtevant, citing
given gene is a single molecule. It the evidence that chromosomes are
cannot be defined as an indivisible unit, regionally diff^erentiated, that partic-
because, although our definition pro- ular regions are necessary for partic-
vides that we will recognize as separate ular reactions in the organism, and
genes any determiners actually sepa- that these particular regions behave as
rated by crossing over or transloca- units in crossing over, states "These
tion, there is no experimental opera- propositions . . . prove the existence
tion that can prove that further of genes" (16).
separation is impossible. For similar Goldschmidt is essentially correct if,

reasons, cannot be defined as the

it by the gene, we mean the hypothetical
unit of reproduction or the unit of gene, and the particular hypothetical
action of the gene-string, nor can it gene that he has in mind. His positive
be shown to be delimited from neigh- conclusion that the gene does not exist
boring genes by definite boundaries. is prone to misinterpretation but ap-

This does not mean that questions parently means only that this hypo-
concerning the undetermined prop- thetical gene does not exist. His con-
tention that the properties commonly investigation of the mutation of spe-
ascribed to "the classical, corpuscular cific genes. The fact is unpleasant be-
gene" go far beyond the evidence is, I cause the various technical difficulties
think, fully justified. that arise from the very low frequency
Sturtevant is correct if, by the characteristic of mutation are at their
gene, we mean the gene of the opera- worst when the study must be made
tional definition, since this implies no on single genes, particularly on the
unproved properties. If it were true spontaneous mutation of single genes.
that there are no discrete units in the The unpleasant statement is a fact
gene-string, Sturtevant points out, the because, as we have seen, it is hopeless
most direct way of establishing the to identify and exclude the spurious
fact experimentally would still be by or extragenic mutations in experiments
studying the properties and interrela- on mutation rates at miscellaneous un-
tionships of these distinguishable re- specified loci.
^•ions. These are the genes of the op- The chief advantage in focusing the
erational definition. study on the single gene is that this
What is the operational definition makes it possible to substitute the di-
of gene mutation? We
have recog- rect experimental analysis of specific
nized that our studies of gene mutation mutants for the application of general-
have significance for the major prob- assumed to apply to mutations
lem only to the extent that they iden- at all loci. Each mutant studied may
tify and analyze the mutations that add to the background of detailed in-
represent the evolution of new hered- formation available for the diagnosis of
itary units. But it is obvious that no other mutants of the same gene.
operational definition of gene muta- An important further advantage is
tion in this sense can now be formu- that the specific loci selected for study
lated—for these hereditary units are may be loci with unusual technical
not the genes of the operational defini- advantages for the recognition and
tion; they are the hypothetical genes analysis of their mutants. For example,
postulated in our interpretation of the the genes R' and A^ in maize, like
experimental evidence. To say that no other known genes in various species,
operational definition is now possible yield spontaneous mutants that are
isonly to repeat in difl^erent words the clearly distinct from the forms pro-
foregoing statement that "we have no duced by recognizable short defi-
positive criterion to identify mutations ciencies at these loci. This does not
caused by a change within the gene, prove that the spontaneous mutants are
and that the alterations interpreted as not due to still smaller deficiencies, but
gene mutations in experiments are it supplies a convenient screen for
merely the unclassified residue that identifying a large class of deficiencies
cannot be proved to be due to other without further investigation. Another
causes. The major objective in further very useful aid in discriminating be-
investigations must be to develop such tween gene loss and gene alteration is
criterions. available for the recessive allele a. This
allele, although phenotypically dis-
STUDY OF THE MUTATION tinguishable only by the loss of A
OF SPECIFIC GENES action, may be distinguished from gene
The main purpose of this paper {11) deficiency by its response to the mu-
is to emphasize the unpleasant fact that tagenic gene Dotted (Df), in the pres-
significant progress in our understand- ence of which it reverts sporadically to
ing of gene mutation requires the the dominant allele A. The retention
of the Dt response provides a criterion ally unlimited populations would re-
to exclude gene loss in the interpreta- move the difficulty, but unfortunately
tion of experiments on spontaneous these do not provide the critical gene-
and induced mutation of A. A tech- tic background essential to the study.
nical advantage of a different sort is A technique for determining the
provided by the R alleles. The pheno- spontaneous frequency of mutation of
typic effect of R is such that a large specific genes is practicable in maize
number of alleles may be objectively for mutation rates ranging as low as
distinguished by very slight differ- about one per 1 million gametes (18).
ences of plant color intensity and pat- A test of eight genes, unselected ex-
tern. A gene with equally variable cept for the technical advantage of
allelic forms, if identified only by its showing their effects in the endo-
effect on some all-or-none response, sperm, yielded mutations in all but one
would seem to have only two alleles, of the genes tested, the mutation fre-
and its mutations would not be detec- quencies ranging from about one to
table except for those that crossed the about 500 per 1 million gametes tested
linebetween these two distinguishable (19). The genes that yielded mutations
levels of action.Another advantage of in sufficient numbers to permit the
great practical importance is that both comparisons showed rather wide varia-
R and A are genes affecting endosperm tion in mutation frequency in different
characters and are, therefore, suitable cultures. The gene R, for example,
for the identification of mutations in yielded no mutations in large popula-
large populations. Both are apparently tions in some cultures, but its muta-
genes of such trivial effect physiologic- tion rate in other cultures ranged as
ally that their mutants survive with no high as 0.2 percent. Later studies have
detectable loss of viability. shown that such differences are due
The effective analysis of the diverse in part to differences intrinsic to the
genetic phenomena that may result R allele concerned and in part to dif-
in the origin of a Mendelizing varia- ferences caused by factors modifying
tion maynot be impossible in intensive the mutation rate of R (20). Such fac-
studies of the mutations of suitable se- tors are apparently quite common,
lected genes, despite the fact that it since a study in which only strong ef-
seems hopeless in studies of mutation fects could be detected indicated the
at miscellaneous, unspecified loci. occurrence of such modifiers in three
These considerations are of no ac- of the seven regions marked (21).
count if the frequency of spontaneous The average mutation rates deter-
mutation of the single gene is actually mined are rather low for effective ex-
too low to permit effective experi- perimental investigation of factors af-
mental study. We
cannot safely avoid fecting the mutation rate and even for
this difficulty by selecting for study the extraction of adequate samples of
the genes of unusually high mutation mutants for individual study. How-
frequency, because there is no assur- ever, the fact that mutation rates are
ance that the mechanism responsible so readily affected by diverse modi-
for the behavior of "unstable genes" is fiers makes it feasible to extract
representative of the mechanisms con- strains in which the mutations of spe-
cerned in typical gene mutation. The cific genes may be made frequent
use of microorganisms that permit ef- enough to permit direct experimental
fective screening for mutants in virtu- study.
adduced tomorrow to show that geno-
types breed true only as a statistical re-
MUTATIONS sult ofsampling in each generation in
The development of criterions for populations of genes genetically fluc-
identifying gene mutations of evolu- tuating over an imperceptible range,
tionary significance is difficult even in there is nothing in our present knowl-
the study of selected genes of the most edge that would contradict this con-
favorable properties. In past studies, clusion.
the problem has been given a disarm- A study of R alleles of diverse origin
ingly simple appearance by various as- showed the common occurrence of
sumptions, some of which were un- minute differences in the level of plant-
warranted, and some of which have color expression (22). Such allelic dif-
been invalidated by later discoveries. ferences would not be expected if the
For example, we tend to feel that only source of variation in this gene
some of the mutations detected in were mutation of the type that we
our experiments must be qualitative study in our experiments, but they
changes in the genes concerned, for would be expected as a result of sub-
surely qualitatively altered genes have liminal mutation.
arisen in the course of evolution. This If subliminal mutations occur, it is

is mainly responsible for the wide- possible that this type of mutation ac-
spread belief that, even though some of counts largely or wholly for the evo-
the apparent gene mutations identified lution of new gene forms in nature.
are demonstrably false, "true" gene Thus it is quite possible that the
mutations must be included in the un- sharply distinct mutations identified
classified residue. in our experiments may be exclusively
This belief is Granting
fallacious. the result of extragenic phenomena.
that qualitatively changed genes must A
second assumption, or group of
have been evolved by mutation at rates assumptions, is concerned with the
high enough to permit experimental possibility of distinguishing gene mu-
investigation, there is no assurance that tation from gene loss. It was originally
the steps in their evolution are repre- supposed that induced recessive "visi-
sented in the mutants that are found in bles" could safely be considered gene
our mutation experiments. When we mutations, on the assumption that all
setout to identify mutants in a muta- genes were essential to survival. This
tion experiment, we must confine our- was contradicted by various instances
selves to mutations of relatively large of cytologically demonstrable defi-
effect, large enough to set the mutant ciencies viable in haploid tissue or in
beyond the range of varying expres- hemizygous individuals, or viable as
sion due to environmental and genetic homozygotes in diploid individuals.
modifiers. If mutant changes occur Such cases were relatively few, but
within the narrower range, we have no since both the cytological and the
way of identifying them. There is no genetic criterions of deficiency ap-
good evidence against the occurrence proach the limit of their range of ef-
of such subliminal mutations. The as- fective application as the deficient
sumption of the high constancy of the segment becomes smaller, there is

gene is backed by evidence only con- reason to suspect that physical loss may
cerning the rarity of the distinct mu- be responsible for observed mutations
tations. If convincing evidence were also in cases in which deficiency can-
not be demonstrated. As we have be-
come better acquainted with individual
genes and their functions, the assump-
tion that genes, as a rule, are individu-
ally essential to life has lost its plausi-
Mutation to an intermediate allele is
sometimes considered evidence against
loss mutation. This involves another
assumption, that of the unitary nature
of the gene— an assumption made con-
sciously and with careful consideration
in the early development of gene
theory, but one that must be seriously
questioned in the light of later evi-
dence. It is only on the hypothesis that
multiple alleles are variant forms of a
single unit that we may exclude the
possibility of their occurrence by loss
mutation. On the hypothesis that they
represent different mutations in a com-
plex of closely linked genes, we could
account for mutation to different levels
by the loss of different segments of the
The basis for the choice of the uni-
tary hypothesis is perhaps best shown
in the considerations underlying the
classical criterion, of allelism. These
were stated by Morgan in 1919 (23)
as follows:

Probably the most important evidence

bearing on the nature of the genes is that
derived from multiple allelomorphs. Now
that proof has been furnished that the
phenomena connected with these cases
are not due to nests of closely linked
genes, we
can probably appeal to these
as crucial cases. The demonstration
. . .

that multiple allelomorphs are modifica-

tions of the same locus in the chromo-
some, rather than cases of closely linked
genes, can come only where their origin
is known. . . .

1 •

A 3»

theticalgene is unitary by definition. other. They give no cytological or
But the genes identified in our experi- genetic indication of deficiency, and
ments cannot be made unitary by defi- they are wholly normal in develop-
nition. The five genie
elements repre- ment in the haploid gametophyte, as
sented in the diagram are not actually is shown even by the very sensitive

parts of one gene; they are five genes. test of competitive pollen-tube growth
But if certain multiple allelic series in the transmission of the mutant
have a basis of this type, it would be through male germ cells. The cross-
possible to establish the fact experi- over-mutants are wholly indistinguish-
mentally only in the cases most favor- able in appearance and genetic be-
able for analysis. Accordingly, there havior from the noncrossover mutants
might be many cases in which the seg- occurring in the same cultures.
ment of the gene-string identified ex- The occurrence of unequal crossing
perimentally as a single gene might over within the R complex yields some
actually be a cluster of genes of iden- interesting indications of the genetic
tical or similar effect. nature of multiple allelic series and of
notion of the compound gene, the possible role of gene losses in re-
or some equivalent unit, may prove to lation to seemingly qualitative muta-
have significance, since there may be tions. In addition to (P) and (S), there
special relationships among the clus- are other phenotypically recognizable
tered elements that mark them off as genie elements of the R complex. In
a group from adjoining unrelated ele- certain R' alleles of dilute pigmenta-
ments. One of these may be interrela- tion, both plant and seed color are de-
tionships in gene action between the pendent upon a single genie element
clustered elements, which could lead (D). In various i?*" alleles of unusually
to the occurrence of position effects strong pigmentation, there appear to
when members of the cluster are sepa- be additional elements determining
rated by crossing over or transloca- certain aspects of plant-color expres-
tion. This may be a basic factor in the sion. In addition, there are various dis-
explanation of position effect in gen- tinguishable aleurone-eolor types such
eral. Another relationship to be ex- as "Stippled," "Marbled," "Navajo-
pected synaptic equivalence, leading
is spot," and so forth, some occurring
to the opportunity of unequal crossing with plant color and some without.
over. It is the latter that concerns us Each of the distinguishable complexes
here. may be regarded as one of a long series
A striking example of minute defi- of multiple alleles of the gene R.
ciencies simulating gene mutations is Let us pause a moment to clear the
provided by the "crossover-mutants" terminology. To avoid confusion I
of R'^ (24). Certain i?'' alleles consist shall refer to the recognized alleles of
of at least two independently mutating R under their customary italicized
genie elements: (P), determining an- designations (R\ R", r, 'R^\ and so
thocyanin pigmentation of certain forth), although the analysis shows
plant tissues and of the pericarp, and that several of these so-called "alleles"
(S), determining anthocyanin pigmen- are actually complexes of two or more
tation of theendosperm and embryo. genes.
The crossover-mutants 7?" and r^ re- The term gejiic eleme?it will be used
sult from unequal crossing over and for any gene-like constituent identi-
must, therefore, involve the loss of fied as a component of one of the R
(P) in the one case and of (S) in the alleles. The use of this term does not,
in the absence of further evidence, ucts "P P S" and "P S S" were not
necessarily imply that the element is recognizable, but these represented the
unitary.The genie elements are desig- production of potential new alleles
nated by symbols not italicized, such carrying three genie elements instead
as P, S, D, and so forth. of two. By using distinguishable forms
In addition to the crossover mutants of S or P in the original compound, the
there arenumerous noncrossover mu- addition-crossovers may be made rec-
tants. A
noncrossover r^ mutant is ognizable, and by this means it is pos-
presumably of constitution "P s" ible to produce such new synthetic
rather than merely "P." The postu- alleles as R (Stippled-Navajo), and so
lated element (s) is element
a "null" forth. In this manner, it would be ex-
phenotypically but presumably would pected that more complex clusters
function synaptically in the same way would develop by successive steps, un-
as "S." These postulated elements are less the gene is one whose action sets

designated "s," "p," "d," and so forth. a closer limit on the viability of its

The complex may, of course, in- duplications.

clude other null elements from past The great variety of genotypes that
mutations in which the parental ele- might be expected to represent pos-
ments are unknown. These as a class sible members of the allelic series may
are designated as "n." be illustrated by a few examples as fol-
In several instances noncrossover lows:
mutants to intermediate levels of seed-
color expression occurred including 1) s
various dilution and pattern types.
These are designated "S''," "S**," and
so forth.
Once any two of these genie ele-
ments have become established in
neighboring positions in the same chro-
mosome, an opportunity is provided
for unequal crossing over, which may
ultimately lead to the development of
more complex gene clusters. For ex-
ample, the aforementioned crossover
mutants resulted from interchanges as

P S /

P s'^P P S

PS ^P s s
P s

The crossover-product "S" was rec-

ognizable as a crossover mutant R" and
the crossover-product "P" as cross-
over mutant r''. The crossover-prod-
alleleto S?" has no significance, be- critical proof of the induction of in-
cause there is no way in which S" can tragenic alterations. The assumption
be shown any different rela-
to have was definitely contradicted by the evi-
P or to any other
tionship to S than to dence of position This evidence
element of the complex. The same is showed conclusively that a mutation
true of such a question as "Is the ele- did not necessarily represent a trans-
ment (D) proximal or (P)?"
distal to formation or loss of the gene con-
It may be proximal in one stock and cerned; instead, it could be the result
distal in another; in a stock in which of a translocation affecting the expres-
it is proximal, a short series of unequal sion of the unchanged gene.
crossovers will suffice to move it to a The remarkable studies of McClin-
distal position. tock (SO, 31) on mutational behavior
Although difi^erent alleles may have in maize, as affected by the introduc-
widely different numbers of genie ele- tion of a chromosome-9 undergoing
ments, none is actually a deficiency. the breakage-fusion-bridge cycle, have
In terms of the postulated origin of the shown the far-reaching importance of
cluster, all of those with more than a this limitation in the experimental
single element may be considered dup- study of gene mutation. In the pres-
lications. On the other hand, when we ence of this structurally unstable chro-
arbitrarily take as the standard type mosome, many of the type genes pre-
an allele carrying several genie ele- sent, including genes in chromosome-9
ments, other alleles with fewer ele- and genes in other chromosomes, show
ments will appear as deficiencies, and mutation to unstable recessive forms
the mechanisms that produce them as characterized by various types of chro-
mutants from the standard type will mosomal irregularity. The study of
be mechanisms of gene loss. the unstable mutants and their rever-
The same mechanisms proceeding in sion leaves little doubt that the phe-
the case of a gene-complex whose nomenon is due to some reversible in-
separable elements are identical in ac- hibition of the expression of the genes
tion might produce only a linear series concerned.
of multiple alleles showing various In some cases the mutations are ac-
grades of dilution, or they might pro- companied by detectable chromosomal
duce no multiple series of alleles at all. aberrations at or near the locus show-
The increasing number of cases in ing instability, but in other cases no
which clustering of genes of identical cytologically detectable chromosomal
or similar effect proved or indicated
is alteration is associated with the occur-
(2^-27 and others, 28 and 29 for ref- rence of the mutation. In many cases
erences) suggests that unequal crossing the instability of the recessive mutant
over may be a significant factor in the and the occurrence of the associated
production of seemingly qualitative chromosomal irregularities are de-
allelic differences. pendent upon the presence of a com-
Another simplifying assumption was plementary factor designated "acti-
that mutant changes in gene effect vator" (Ac), and when this factor is
must represent some transformation removed the mutant behaves as a
of the gene itself rather than some al- stable recessive with normal chromo-
teration affecting its expression. It was somal behavior.
this assumption that made the demon- McClintock has also shown that the
stration of x-ray-induced mutation control of reverse mutation of the re-
and reversion of the same gene seem cessive a by Dt (Dotted) may be a re-
action of the activator type. In the mutation there ground for the sus-

presence of the aberrant chromosome- picion that may

be due to gene loss,

9 and in the absence of Dt, the stand- while, if itis capable of reverse muta-

ard a allele has given occasional en- tion, there is ground for the suspicion
dosperm dots apparently due to that it may be due to an expression-ef-
mutation to A. This strongly indicates fect. The only escape from this di-
that the standard ^ is a repressed A, lemma is through the more intensive
and, if so, its reversion under the influ- study of the mutations of specific
ence of Dt must also be due to some genes selected as best suited to detailed
modification of conditions affecting genetic analysis, in the hope of de-
gene expression. veloping more sensitive criterions for
Whether or not there is acceptance the identification of gene mutations.
of my hypothesis that these manifesta-
tions of unstable gene behavior are REFERENCES AND NOTES
brought about by the transposition of 1. Muller, H. J., Am. Naturalist 56:32, 1922.
invisible bits of heterochromatin to the 2. Delbrueck, M., Nachr. Ges. Wiss. Got-
locus of the gene affected, this brilliant t'mgen (Math, physik. Kl., Biol.) 1:223,
investigation clearly shows that expres-
may be the actual cause of
sion effects 3. Schrodinger, E., What is Life? (Cam-
bridge Univ. Press, New York, 1944).
apparent gene mutations, even when
4. Muller, H. J., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., U.
the mutation observed shows no indi-
S. 3:619, 1917.
cation of a change of position or of 5. , Gefietics 13:279, 1928.
any associated chromosomal alteration.
6. , Science 66:84, 1927.
resulting difficulty in the analy- 7. ; Z. ind., Suppl. 1:234, 1928.
sisof observed mutations further em- 8. Patterson, T., and Muller, H. Gene-
J. J.,
phasizes the necessity for carrying on tics 15:495, 1930.

the analysis with the advantages of the 9. Timofeeff-Ressovsky, N. W., Natiirwiss.

detailed study of mutation at specific 18:434, 1930.

loci. If we
think of these results in 10. Stadler, L. J., Sci. Agr. 11:645, 1931.
terms of the generalizing assumptions 11. , Froc. 6th Intern. Congr. Genet.
1:274, 1932.
characteristic of the study of mutation
12. Bridgman, P. W., The Logic of Modern
en masse, we may be inclined to apply
Physics (Macmillan, New York, 1927).
the findings to the nature of gene in-
13. James, W., Pragmatism (Longmans,
stability in general, oreven to the na- Green, London, 1907).
ture of mutant alleles in general. If we 14. Goldschmidt, R., Sci. Monthly 46:268,
think of them against the background 1938.

of diverse mutations of some inten- 15. , Experientia 2:1, 1946.

sively studied gene, we are inclined to 16. Sturtevant, A. H., in Genetics in the
20th Century (Macmillan, New York,
make detailed comparisons of the mu- 1950), pp. 101-110.
tants of this category with those of 17. Given as the presidential address, Amer-
other types and other modes of origin ican Society of Naturalists, annual
in the hope of developing criterions meeting, Boston, Mass., Dec. 30, 1953.
It is a report of the cooperative investi-
that distinguish mutants of different
gations of the Field Crops Research
kinds. Branch, Agricultural Research Service,
Meanwhile, in the study of gene mu- U. S. Department of Agriculture, and
tation, we are for the present in an Department of Field Crops, University
of Missouri (Missouri Agri. Expt. Sta.
anomalous position. A mutant may
J., Ser. No. 1409). The work was aided
meet every test of gene mutation, and by a grant from the U. S. Atomic En-
yet, if it is not capable of reverse ergy Commission.
18. Stadler, L. J., Genetics 31:377, 1946. 25. Green, M. M., and Green, K. C, Froc.
Natl. Acad. Sci., U. S. 35:586, 1949.
19. ,Spragg Memorial Lectures 3rd j

ser. (Michigan State College, East Lan- 26. Laughnan, J., ibid. 35:167, 1949.

sing, 1942), pp. 3-15. 27. Silow, R. A., and Yu, C. P., /. Genet.
43:249, 1942.
20. , A?n. Naturalist 82:289, 1948.
28. Green, M. M., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.,
21. , ibid. 83:5, 1949.
U. S. 40:92, 1954.
22. — , Cold Spring Harbor Symposia 29. Stephens, S. G., Advances in Genetics
16:49, 1951. 4:247, 1951.
23. Morgan, T. H., The Physical Basis of 30. AlcClintock, B., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.,
Heredity (Lippincott, Philadelphia, U.S. 36:344, 1950.
1919). 31. , Cold Sprittg Harbor Symposia
24. Lewis, E. B., Genetics 30:137, 1945. 16:13, 1951.

Social Implications of the Genetics of Man'


Reprinted by author's and publisher's permis-

sion from Science, vol. 120, 1954, pp. 405-407.

As I vientioned above (p. 194), this paper and the report of the
Genetics Co?ijerence point a 7iew direction for genetic thought. The
Genetics Conference paper indicates a new trend in inethods as well,
that of team research.
This is not to say that the day of the i?idividual is over. As this
paper de777onstrates, thought is still the prerogative of a si7igle T77i7id.
Intellige7it analysis of a proble7n will always depend up07i a7i i7idi-
vidtiaPs experience, abilities, accim7idated knowledge, a7id logical
reasoning. It is good to have 77ien like Stn7'tevant, Limis Paiding, and
Edward Teller concer7ii7ig thcTnselves with the iTnpact of gefietics
on society. Whether they be right or wrong, their argi(7ne7its and
disciissio7is force lis all to think a little 77iore clearly about the prob-
lems we face as himian beings.

Man is one of the most uxsatis- cessive generations is long, at best in-
factory of all organisms for genetic dividual families are too small to estab-
study. The time interval between suc- lish ratios within and the them,
test-matings that a might geneticist

want cannot be made. Obviously no
Presidential address at the Pacific Divi-
sion of A.A.A.S., Pullman, Wash., June geneticist would study such a refrac-
1954. tory object, were it not for the impor-
tance that a knowledge of the subject for little, genetic differences for nearly
has in other fields. all the observed diversity. In these cir-
One consequence of the difficulty of cumstances it is necessary to examine
the material is that the exact mode of what direct evidence we have.
inheritance is known for very few of At the sensory level there is good
the differences among individuals. It evidence for inherited differences.
is important that suspected cases be There can be no question that such
recorded, in order that other workers things as color-blindness, night-blind-
may check them; but there is an un- ness, or sensitivity to the bitter taste
fortunate tendency to accept such of phenylthiourea are simply inherited;
records as demonstrations rather than and one may confidently suppose that
as suggestions. After examining some other such inherited sensory differ-
of the available published evidence, I ences remain to be discovered. As has
am convinced that, even for some of been pointed out by Blakeslee, we all
the standard textbook examples, the live in different worlds by virtue of
evidence for the accepted mode of in- inherited differences in our sensory
heritance is far from conclusive— and reactions to external stimuli. It should
that it would be recognized as at best further be pointed out that these dif-
suggestive, if any organism other than ferences have effects at the highest
man were concerned. mental levels. About 8 percent of
There are enough unambiguous ex- white males are at least partially red-
amples known to make it clear that the green blind; and when such a man
same principles are at work in man as looks at a painting he does not see what
in other higher animals and plants—
all the artist put there or what other peo-
and even without such evidence, ple see. It is clear that this simple and
enough is known about the cytology rather frequent genetic property has
of human tissues to give us confidence inevitable effects on the esthetic life
that no peculiar kind of inheritance is of the individual.
to be expected in man. In fact, much of These remain rather of
trivial sorts
the argument concerning the practical differences; but there another large

aspects of the genetics of man is best class of inherited mental differences

based on experimental evidence from that is far from trivial. Certain types of
other organisms rather than on what is severe mental derangement, such as
known directly from study of human Huntington's chorea or phenylketo-
populations. nuria, clearly have at least a large in-
The position is especially unsatisfac- herited element in their causation, al-
tory with respect to the heritability of though for most of them the exact
the most important of all human dif- method of inheritance may be re-
ferences—namely, mental ones. It garded as somewhat uncertain.
would be possible to quote recent au- However, what we are really^ most
thorities for rather extreme positions interested in is the vast array of differ-
on each side of this question. To some ences lying between these extremes;
there appears to be no clear evidence and it is just here that the difficulty of
for genetic differences in mental ca- the human material becomes most seri-
pacities among most individuals or ous. When one is dealing with complex
among observed mental di-
races, the characters that vary more or less con-
versity being attributed to environ- tinuously in diverse respects, a genetic
mental effects; to others the position is analysis is difficult in any material; in
reversed— the environment accounts the case of man, a direct attack on the
problem looks even more difficult. This conclusion applies to individual
One thing we want to know is: differences. Analogy with other or-
What portion of existing mental diver- ganisms leads likewise to the conclu-
sities is of genetic origin and what por- sion that there must also be at least
tion is of environmental origin? Un- statistical differences between racial
der these conditions the usual scien- groups. This is a rule that has held
tific procedure is to try to hold one consistently wherever it has been
variable constant, and then study the tested— in many different kinds of ani-
effects of variations in the other one. mals and plants.
This can in fact be approximated in the On general grounds, then, as well as
problem of human mental differences, from some direct evidence, one must
through the study of twins. Ordinary conclude that there are inherited dif-
fraternal twins arise from the separate ferences in mental properties among
fertilization of two eggs and are no individuals and, at least statistically,

more than are broth-

alike genetically among But it is necessary
racial groups.
ers and sisters that are not twins; but to insist that one must not go beyond
the environment to which they are this point. Specifically, one must not
subjected is likely to be more nearly conclude that a particular observed
the same. Identical twins arise from a difference is genetically determined.
single fertilized egg and are genetic- of course, a platitude to say that
It is,

ally identical. If one studies members no one ever does anything for which
of such pairs that were separated in in- he does not have the necessary genes;
fanc\% any observed differences must but one must never forget that there is
be nongenetic. also a necessary environment. It

The difficulty here is in the measure- scarcely needs argument that human
ment of the properties we are inter- behavior is strongly influenced by eco-
ested in. Such studies of separated iden- nomic status,tradition, and training.
tical twins were begun by Muller and After all, most of the members of this
have been greatly expanded by New- society are in the business of teaching
man, Freeman, and Holzinger. I must or, at least, have spent a good deal of
confess to a feeling, however, that time and energy pursuing academic
these studies tell us more about what work; we are therefore all of us wit-
the psychological tests used are really nesses to the obvious fact that men
measuring than they do about the rela- are teachable— that their behavior can
tive effects of heredity and environ- be strongly modified by environmental
ment. stimuli.
There are then inherited differences This caution about attributing ob-
in the sensory components of human served differences to genetic causes,
mentality and also in components lead- rather than to environmental ones, ap-
ing to severe derangements. In the plies with special force to comparisons
area between these extremes the tech- among racial groups, for here the ef-
nical difficulties of getting clear-cut fects of tradition and of public opinion
evidence are still unsurmounted. But are especially strong.
it seems safe to conclude, from what Another thing that must be avoided
we know of the genetics of complex isthe view that one race (usually that
characteristics in other organisms, that to which one himself belongs) is "bet-
any property as complex and as vari- ter" than another. All that can prop-
able as this must have a large amount erly be concluded is that they are in-
of underlying genetic diversity. herently different. It follows that
) a

society would do well to insure that as nant growths, perhaps years after the
many people as possible, of as diverse exposure. There is, in fact, no clearly

racial origins as possible, get an safe dosage— all high-energy radiation,
tunity to show what they can do to even of low intensity and brief dura-
advance civilization. It may confi- tion, must be considered as potentially
dently be expected that individuals of dangerous to the exposed individual.
various races will have the necessary Let us now turn to the effects of ir-
genetic equipment to make unique radiation on the genes in the germ lines
contributions. of exposed individuals. Here again we
I wish to devote the rest of this are handicapped by the special diffi-
paper to the effects of high-energy culties of dealing with the genetics of
radiationon the genetic properties of man, for the quantitative determina-
man. This is a matter that has been of tion of the genetic effects of irradia-
significance chiefly because of the use tion requires much more refined tech-
of x-rays for diagnostic and therapeu- niques than are possible with man—
tic purposes; but with the develop- point that becomes obvious when one
ment of A-bombs and H-bombs it has tries to evaluate the data available con-
become of far more general impor- cerning the survivors of the Hiroshima
tance, for it is already true that all of bomb. There is sufficient evidence that
us have been subjected to irradiation quantitative results obtained with one
from these sources. organism cannot safely be applied to
There are two possible types of ra- a wholly different kind of organism.
diation damage to be considered— dam- However, there are certain general
age to exposed individual, and
the qualitative results that have now been
damage to the genes in his germ cells. so widely confirmed that we may con-
The first will be more or less im- fidently assert that they apply to all

mediate in its manifestation, whereas higher organisms, including man.

the latter will have detectable effects These results are:
only in future generations. This, how-
1 High-energy irradiation produces
ever, is not the most basic distinction. mutations.
Irradiation has a gross effect on tissues, 2) The frequency of induced muta-
resulting in the burns and other symp- tions is directly proportiona! to the dos-
toms recognized as direct effects of age of irradiation. There is almost cer-
heavy dosages; there is also an effect tainlyno threshold value below which
on the genes, leading to mutations. irradiation is ineffective.

former, tissue effect, appears to 3 The effects of successive exposures
are cumulative.
be substantially absent at low doses,
4) The effects are permanent in the
recovery from moderate effects is pos-
descendants of the affected genes. There
sible, and doses spaced well apart in is no recovery.
time have little or no cumulative ef-
5) The overwhelming majority of
fects. It is on the basis of these effects these mutations is deleterious that is, —
that the "permissible" dose, to which they seriously affect the efficiency of in-
it supposedly safe to expose indi-
is dividuals in later generations in which
viduals, is calculated. But there is rea- they come to expression. These deleteri-
son to suppose that gene mutations, in- ous genetic effects may lead to early
duced in an exposed individual, also death or to any of a wide variety of de-
fects, often gross ones.
constitute a hazard to that individual
—especially in an increase in the prob- There is a store of such undesirable
ability of the development of malig- genes already present in any popula-
tion. What irradiation does is to add ... it should be noted that after every
to this store. test we have had, and the Russian tests as
well, there is a small increase in natural
follows from these facts that any
"background" radiation in some localities
large-scale increase in the amount of
within the continental United States. But
irradiation to which human popula-
currently it is less than that observed
tions are subjected is a serious matter.
after some of the previous continental
Even though we cannot say that a and overseas tests, and far below the
given amount of irradiation will have levels which could be harmful in any way
a quantitatively specified effect, we to human beings. [Bull. Atomic
. . .

can say that have some effect.

it will Scientists 10, 164 (May 1954)].
The probability of an effect on the
germ cells of any one individual may Presumably this statement is in-
be very low; but when many millions tended to refer only to immediate
of people are being exposed, it be- effects on exposed individuals; but, as
comes certain that some of them will I have pointed out, there are impor-
be affected. There is no possible escape tant other effects, less immediately ap-
from the conclusion that the bombs parent. Every geneticist familiar with
already exploded will ultimately result the facts knows that any level what-
in the production of numerous defec- ever is certain to be at least genetically
tive individuals— if the human species harmful to human beings when it is
itself survives for many generations. applied to most or all the inhabitants
And every new bomb exploded, since of the earth.
its radioactive products are widely dis- I do not wish to be understood as

persed over the earth, will result in an arguing that the benefits ultimately to
increase in this ultimate harvest of de- be derived from atomic explosions are
fective individuals. Some such defec- outweighed by the biological damage
tives would be present if the bombs they do. It may be that the possible
had never been invented; the point is gains are worth the calculated risk.
that the number due to the bombs will But it must be remembered that the
be added to this irreducible minimum. risk is one to which the entire human
Under these circumstances, I have race, present and future, is being sub-
been disturbed that Chairman Strauss jected. I regret that an official in a
of the Atomic Energy Commission position of such responsibility should
should state, in an official press release have stated that there is no biological
from the White House, on 31 March hazard from low doses of high-energy
1954 irradiation.

Reconstitution of Active Tobacco Mosaic Virus
from Its Inactive Protein and Nucleic Acid


Reprinted by authors' and publisher's permis-

sion from Proceedings of the National Acadefny
of Sciences, vol. 41, 1955, pp. 690-698.

of the most remarkable a?id exciting achievements bio- m
was the reconstitutioji of active
logical research in recent years
tobacco mosaic virus (abbreviated ^''TMV'') from its ina?iimate
co?istitue?it parts by Fraenkel-Conrat and Williams. While the dis-
tinctio?i between "life"" and "jion-life'" is a difficult thing to define
at the level of the virus, this piece of research i?idicates that a sub-
sta?ice considered to be livifig can be artificially cojistructed from
substafices considered to be ?w?i-living. Our bodies perfor?n this
transformatioti daily, of course, but it is the experimejital reproduc-
tion of it that is impressive in this work.
Once more, in this paper, we see the i?}iportance of the introduc-
tion of new weapo?is into the arse?7al of biology. The development
of the electron microscope by the physicists found its greatest use
and significance ifi its application to biological problejtis of ultra-
structure, and it appears likely that it will do much to destroy the
boimdaries betwee?i physics and biology as distinct sciences, just
as the study of the gene has done rmich to eliminate distinctions
between chemistry a?id biology. At certaiji levels of biological in-
vestigation all boundaries disappear, and biology becomes a ques-
tion of physico-chemical relationships.

Much recent evidence from chem- in a definite concept of the structure

ical, physicochemical, electron micro- of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)
scopical, and X-ray studies has resulted particle. ^"^ It appears that about 2,800

1 Harris, J. I.,and Knight, C. A., Nature

* Aided by a grant from the National 170:613, 1952, and /. Biol. Chem. 214:231,
Foundation for Infantile Paralysis and re- 1955; Schramm, G., Z. Naturforsch., lb 112:
search grant No. C-2245 from the National 249, 1947; Watson, J. D., Bioclmn. et biophys.
Cancer Institute of the National Institutes of acta 13:10, 1954; Franklin, R., Nature 175:
Health, Public Health Service. 379, 1955.

protein subunits of a molecular weight is precipitated twice more with 0.25-
near 18,000 are arranged in a helical 0.35 saturated ammonium sulfate, dia-
manner to form a rod with a hollow lyzed,brought to pH 7.0-8.0 with
core. The nucleic acid is believed to NaOH, and finally again freed from
occur as strands in the core. Electron heavy particles, such as undegraded
micrographs which support this con- virus, by ultracentrifugation. The pro-
cept have been obtained of the virus tein gives a water-clear solution at
at various stages of disaggregation.^"^'' pH 7; the masked— SH group is still

A protein isolated from infected plants present. The spectrum resembles that
has been found to reaggregate— first to of a mixture of tryptophan, tyrosine,
short pieces of the presumed helix ly- cysteine, and phenylalanine, simulating
ing on end and resembling disks with the composition of the protein, al-
central holes and then to much longer, though the minimum (at 250 m^i) is not
but inactive, rods of the diameter of quite as low (max./min. = 2.4 versus
the virus vet free from nucleic acid.^ 2.9) (Fig. 1); P analyses (0.01-0.03
It has now been possible to achieve the per cent) indicate removal of about
co-aggregation of inactive virus pro- 95-98 per cent of the nucleic acid.
tein subunits and inactive virus nucleic Evidence for the absence of detectable
acid to give nucleoprotein rods which virus particles will be discussed below.
appear to be infective. The nucleic acid fractions from such
Preparation of Frotein and Nucleic alkali-degraded TA4V are not as effec-
Acid Components— TMY was dia- tive for reconstitution as that obtained
lyzed against pH 10-10.5 glycine by the detergent method. - A virus so-
buffer (0.01 M) or pH 10.5 carbonate- lution (1 per cent) containing 1 per
bicarbonate (0.1 M) at 3° C. for 48-72 cent sodium dodecyl sulfate is adjusted
hours. Undegraded virus was separated to pH 8.5 and held at 40° for 16-20
bv cold ultracentrifugation, and the hours. Following this treatment, am-
supernatant was brought to 0.4 satura- monium sulfate is added to 0.35 satura-
tion with ammonium sulfate. The pro- tion, and the protein precipitate is

tein alone precipitates (optical den- separated by centrifugation. When the

sity 26o m/x/optical density28o mfi = -R = supernate is refrigerated, from 60 to
0.65), leaving only nucleic acid (R = 90 per cent of the nucleic acid precip-
2.0) in the supernatant; if this separa- itates {R = 2.0) and is centrifuged off
tion is not clean, longer alkali treat- the next day, it is further purified by
ment is necessary. The protein moiety repeated resolution in ice water and
precipitation with two volumes of cold
2 Fraenkel-Conrat, H., and Singer,
Am. Chem. Soc. 76:180, 1954.
B., /. ethanol and a few drops of 3 pH M
5 acetate. The nucleic acid solution is
3 Schramm, G., Schumacher, G., and Zillig,
W., Nature 175:549, 1955. finally subjected to cold ultracentrifu-
4 Rice, R. v., Kaesberg, P. and Stahmann, gation to remove any traces of virus.
M. A., Bioch'mi. et biophys. acta 11:337, 1953. The virtual absence of protein is indi-
5 Hart, R. G., these Proceedings 41:261,
cated by a minimum in O.D. near 230
^Takahashi, VV. N., and Ishii, M., Nature m\x (max./min. = 3.0) (Fig. 1).
169:419, 1952; Delwiche, C. C, Newmark, In a few preliminary ultracentrifuge
P., Takahashi, W. N., and Ng, M. J., Bio- experiments, kindly performed by Dr.
cbivi. biophys. acta 16:127, 1955; Com-
Howard K. Schachman, the nucleic
moner, B., Yamada, M., Rodenberg, S. D.,
Wang, F. Y., and Easier, E. Jr., Science 118: acid preparations exhibited one prin-
529, 1953. cipal boundary with a sedimentation
coefficient of about 8 S, resembling the able buffer; 0.01 ml. of pH 6 acetate
preparation of Cohen and Stanley^ (3 M) has given the best results, but
The protein, in pH 9 borate (0.01 M) phosphate (pH 6.3 and 7.0) and pH 6
or in 0.01 M
NaCI at that pH, ex- ammonium acetate have also been used
hibited largely a single boundary with successfully. The samples are held at
a sedimentation coefficient of 4.5 S. 3° for at least 24 hours. They may
At lower pH values larger compo- then be directly diluted and assayed.
nents, presumably due to aggregation, A4ore often they were ultracentri-
were observed. fuged, the pellets redissolved in water,
traces of insoluble material separated

TMV-RNA by centrifugation, and aliquots of the


(59 r/ml) opalescent supernatants diluted for

Max spectrophotometry. Most of the pro-
tein and 40-60 per cent of the nucleic
acid * were in the pellet, and the spec-
trum was that expected for a nucleo-
protein such as TMV
(max. /min. =
about 1.17). On the basis of the O.D.
of TMV
(0.27 at 260 m^i for an 0.01
per cent solution), approximate con-
centrations were calculated, and the
sample was diluted to a ransre of 100
Q to 10 |ig./ml. for assay. For pellets com-
posed of protein only (absorption
maximum at 280 m|i), calculations
were based on the O.D. of the virus
O 0.5 proteins (0.13 per cent
for an 0.01
solution at that wave length). Assays

TMV - Protein were performed on groups of 8-12

(830 r/m\) plants {Nicotimm glutinosa), distrib-
uting each of an equal number of sam-
Max/ Min = 2.4
ples (including at least one standard
and often a solvent blank) over 10
equivalent half-leaves. It was indeed
quite surprising to find that the recon-
220 260 300
stituted nucleoprotein preparations
m PL produced local lesions (from 2 to 30
per half-leaf), when tested at 10-100
Fig. 1. Ultraviolet absorption spectrum
of purified virus protein and nucleic acid. ^Ag./ml., which were indistinguishable
in appearance from those of TA4V
at 0.1 [ig./ml. In contrast, no activity
Re constitution of Active Virus.—
was observed when the protein or nu-
For reconstitution of the virus, 1 ml.
cleic acid alone was tested up to 1,800
of approximately per cent protein

solution is mixed with

0.1 ml. of a 1
per cent nucleic acid solution. Opales- * When less than 6 per cent of nucleic acid
cence appears after addition of a suit- is added to the protein, almost all is incor-
porated in the pellet, but lower infectivitv is
7 Cohen, S. S., and Stanley, W. M., /. Biol. the result. Protein alone also forms pellets
Chem. 142:863, 1942. upon ultracentrifugation at pH 6.
and 52 |.ig./ml., respectively.'^ When When each of the two components
0.005 per cent TMV was held for sev- was diluted for assay to 0.2 and 0.02
eral hours in 5 per cent protein or 0.5 mg./ml., respectively, prior to mixing,
per cent nucleic acid, it was found no activity was generated. Also, when
fully active upon dilution and assay. the complete reaction mixture (5-10
This strongly suggests that the nonin- mg./ml.) was diluted to 0.1 mg./ml.
fectivity of the two components can- one minute after addition of the buffer
not be attributed to inhibition phe- which triggers the aggregation, no ac-
nomena (Table 1). tivity was obtained. About one hour

Table 1

Activity of Three Preparations of Reconstituted Virus and of TMV at

Different Assay Levels; Absence of Inhibitors from Components

Material Tested jig./Ml.

Reconstituted virus:
25,000-rpm. pellet

40,000-rpm. pellet
TMV stock preparation

TMV-protein added at 1000:1

TMV-RNA added at 100:1
specific instance the protein was TMV^ particles per milliliter to the
sprayed upon the specimen screens at reconstituted virus in the highest con-
a concentration of 0.1 per cent and the centration assayed. Additional counts
RNA per cent. These are ten-
at 0.007
fold and sevenfold greater concentra-
tions of the two components than the
highest levels used in the assays of the
reconstituted virus (100 \ig./m\.). The
protein preparation showed no rods of
a length even as great as 100 niji in six

droplet patterns each of which had a

volume of approximately 3 X 10"'" ml.

The RNA material also showed no

rods in six droplets of approximately
this average volume. From these fig-

Fig. 3. Particles of the reconstituted to-

bacco mosaic virus. Their morphology
is identical with that of normal TMV,

except for a greater proportion of short

particles. The longest rod in this field is
about 300 m^ long. X60,000.

made on the standard TMV used as

infectivity control showed that ap-
proximately 7X10** particles per milli-
liter, of typical length, are required to

produce the 10 lesions per leaf custom-

arily obtained. Inasmuch as several
Fig. Electron
2. micrograph of the
preparations of the reconstituted virus
TMV protein used in the reconstitution
experiments. The particles are character- gave about twice that number of
istically disk-shaped, with central holes. lesions at the 100 |Ag./ml. level, we can
XI 20,000. conclude that the starting materials
failed by at least a factor of 30 to con-
ures can be calculated that the con-
it tain enough contaminating TMV^ par-
stituent protein and RNA
solutions ticles to account for the final infec-
contribute fewer than 5 X 10'^ typical tivity. This conclusion rests upon the
supposition that the specific infectivity and the most active reconstituted virus,
of any TMV particles that might re- the 25,000-rpm. pellet described above,
main as contaminants in the protein in order to ascertain the relative bio-
and RNA preparations is the same as logical efficiency of the two materials
that possessed by the untreated control in terms of numbers of particles per
TMV. milliliter per lesions per leaf. The re-
Counts and length distributions were sults of the counts and length distribu-
secured for the particles of both TMV tions are given in Table 3. From this

Table 3

Electron Microscope Counts of Particles of TMV

and Reconstituted Virus
AT Assay Concentration

Assay Con-
centration Lesions/ Total Particles/Ml. of Particles/Ml./
Preparation (M.g./Ml.) Half-Leaf Particles/All. Length 290-3 10 M^ 10 Lesions
Control TMV 0.1 10 1.6 X 109 7.0 X 108 7 X 108
Reconstituted virus
(25,000 rpm.) 10 10 2.2 X 1011 2.0 X 1010 2 X 1010

table it appears that about one-tenth

of the total particles in the reconsti-

tuted virus, representing about one-
third of the total mass, were of length
ca. 300 m|.i, the length of the monomer
of normal TMV.These particles were
therefore only about 3 per cent as in-
fective as the particles of similar length
in the control TMV.
It thus appears

that polymerization of the protein by

nucleic acid to form ~300-m|i. rods is
fairly frequent but that only a fraction
of the rods is reconstituted with the
structural faithfulness necessary for
The length distribution of the rods
of this pelleted material exhibited a
reasonably random character for
lengths less than about 260 m^i, but a
highly uniform length between 290
and 310 m|i^ for the 10 per cent of the
rods falling in this range. Only 3 per
cent of the particles were of lengths
greater than 310 m|i. This is in contrast
to aggregates of X-protein, which
show a complete randomness of dis-
tribution of lengths.
Fig. 4. Particles of reconstituted TMV
treated briefly with hot detergent. Rods
To ascertain whether the nucleic are seen with strands of nucleic acid pro-
acidwas localized in the center of the jecting from their ends. This appearance
newly formed virus rods. Dr. R. Hart is identical with that found for normal
applied his technique of detergent TMV more severely treated. X55,000.
treatment, followed bv electron micro- sisted of rods of the typical diameter
scopical analysis.'' He found the recon- and length of TMV, many, if not all,
stituted rods appreciably more labile to containing a nucleic acid core.
SDS than was standard TMV, but The concentration, time, and pH
after SDS treatment for 10 seconds dependence of virus regeneration is
many rods were degraded
partialH' that of a typical chemical reaction.
and showed a central strand of ma- Freshly prepared RNAis required for

terial protruding from the ends, as appreciable reaction; degraded RNA,

does standard TMV
after 60 seconds or nucleic acids from other sources,
of reaction (Fig. 4). These strands are inactive.
disappeared when ribonuclease was No inhibition was observed if known
added. small amounts of TMV were added to
Sinmi7ary.— The preparation from concentrated solutions of each of the
TA4V of protein and RNA
fractions components and subsequently diluted
which tend to recombine at about pH and assayed.
6 to form a nucleoprotein carrying The evidence thus seems reasonably
virus activity (0.1-1 per cent of that of complete that, under the conditions
TMV) is described. described, TMV nucleic acid enters
An electron microscopic search re- into combination with TMV protein
vealed no TM\^ rods in either of the subunits and aggregation to
two component solutions at a concen- rods, some of which are of sufficient
tration level thirty fold to three hun- length and structural integration to
dred fold greater than those at which carry infectivity.
the reconstituted virus was assayed. In The capable assistance of Mrs. B.
the latter, on the other hand, up to Singer and A4r. J. Toby is gratefully
about one-third of the material con- acknowledged.

Fine Structure of a Genetic Region in



Reprinted by authors and publisher's permis-

sionfrom Proceedings of the National Academy
of Sciences, vol. 41, 1955, pp. 344-354.

The technique introduced in this paper, which provides a method

of jneasiiring the actual size of a genetic unit by the way the or-
ganism reacts iti specified experimejital situations, appears to be quite

* Supported by a grant-in-aid from the tion of the Committee on Growth of the

American Cancer Society upon recommenda- National Research Council.
successful as away to determine the detailed structure of the gene.
When this information is co?nbined with the model of the DNA
molecule provided by Watson and Crick (p. 241), and the knowl-
edge provided by Frae?ikel-Conrat a?id Williams (p. 264) on the
reimion of particles to for?n a functional vims, it can be seeii that
the science of ge?ietics is o?i the verge of a jnajor break-through, if
it hasn't already completed it. Slightly more than 50 years of work

has brought the sciefice to this point. It will be fascinati?ig to review

the classics of the field in a similar fashion SO years hence to see
where it has gone, and who has led it there.

This paper describes a function- Such a feature is offered by the case

ally related region in the genetic of the rll mutants of T4 bacteriophage
terial of a bacteriophage that is finely described in this paper. The wild-type
subdivided by mutation and genetic phage produces plaques on either of
recombination. Th'e group of mutants two bacterial hosts, B or K, while a
resembles similar cases which have mutant of the rll group produces
been observed in many organisms, plaques only on B. Therefore, if a
usually designated as "pseudo-alleles." cross is made between two different rll
(See reviews by Lewis ^ and Ponte- mutants, any wild-type recombinants
corvo.-) Such cases are of special in- which arise, even in proportions as
on the structure
terest for their bearing low as 10"^, can be detected by plat-
and function of genetic determinants. ing on K.
The phenomenon of genetic recom- This great sensitivity prompts the
bination provides a powerful tool for question of how closely the attainable
separating mutations and discerning resolution approaches the molecular
their positions along a chromosome. limits of the genetic material. From
When it comes to very closely neigh- the experiments of Hershey and
boring mutations, a difficulty arises, Chase,-^ it appears practically certain
since the closer two mutations lie to that the genetic information of phage
one another, the smaller is the proba- is carried in its DNA. The amount of
bility that recombination between DNA phage T2 has
in a particle of
them will occur. Therefore, failure to been determined by Hershey, Dixon,
observe recombinant types among a and Chase * to be 4 X 10''' nucleotides.
finite number of progeny ordinarily The amount for T4 is similar.^ If we
does not justify the conclusion that the accept the model of DNA structure
two mutations are inseparable but can proposed by Watson and Crick,^ con-
only place an upper limit on the link- sisting of two paired nucleotide chains,
age distance between them. A high de- this corresponds to a total length of
gree of resolution requires the exami- DNA per T4 particle of 2 X 10^ nu-
nation of very many progeny. This can
best be achieved if there is available a 3 Hershey, A. D., and Chase, M., /. Gen.
selective feature for the detection of Physiol. 36:39-56, 1952.
small proportions of recombinants. 4 Hershey, A. D., Dixon, J., and Chase, M.,
/. Gen. Physiol. 36:777-789, 1953.
1 Lewis, E. B., Cold Spring Harbor Syrn- •'>
Volkin, E. K., personal communication.
posia Quant. Biol. 16:159-174, 1951. « Watson, J. D., and Crick, F. H. C. Cold
2 Ponrecorvo, G., Advances in Enzyinol. Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol. 18:
13:121-149, 152. 123-131, 1953.
cleotide pairs. We wish to translate signed to extend genetic studies to the
linkage distances, as derived from gen- molecular (nucleotide) level.
etic recombination experiments, into r Aiutcmts.—The wild-type phages
molecular units. This cannot be done T2, T4, and T6 produce small plaques
very precisely at present. It is not with rough edges when plated on
known whether all the DNA in a strain B of Escherichia coli. From sec-
phage particle is indispensable genetic tors of clearing in these plaques, mu-
material. Nor is it known whether a tants can be readily isolated which
phage "chromosome" (i.e., the physical produce large, sharp-edged plaques
counterpart of a linkage group iden- (Hershey "). These mutants have been
tified bv" genetic means) is composed designated "r" for rapid lysis; they dif-
of a (duplex)
single fiber or DNA fer from the wild type by a failure to
whether genetic recombination is cause "lysis inhibition" on strain B
equally probable in all chromosomal (Doermann The
wild type has a

regions. For the purpose of a rough selective advantage over r mutants

calculation, however, these notions when the two types grow together on
will be assumed to be true. Thus we B. The genetics of r mutants was
place the total linkage map of T4 in studied by Hershey and Rotman,^^
correspondence with 2 X 10'' nucleo- who found three regions in the link-
tide pairs of DNA. The total known age map of T2 in which various muta-
length of the three linkage groups in '^
tions causing the r phenotype were
phage T4 amounts to some 100 units located, including one large "cluster"
(one unit = 1 per cent recombination of mutants which were shown to be
in a standard cross). In addition, there genetically distinct from one another.
is evidence ^ for roughly another 100 The genetic study of T4 by Doermann
units of length connecting two of the and Hill showed r regions corre-

groups. Therefore, if we assume 200 sponding to two of those in T2. T6

recombination units to correspond to also has at least two such r regions.
2 X 10^ nucleotide pairs, the recom- The rll Group.— For all three
bination per nucleotide pair 10"^ per is phases, T2, T4, and T6, the r mutants
cent. That is to say, given two phage can be separated into groups on the
mutants whose mutations are localized basis of their behavior on strains other
in their chromosomes at sites only one than B. This paper will be concerned
nucleotide pair apart, a cross between only with one group, which will be
these mutants should give rise to a called the "rll group." A^Iutants of the
progeny population in which one par- rllgroup are distinguished from those
ticle in 10^ results from recombination of other groups, and from wild type,
between the mutations (provided, of by a failure to produce plaques on cer-
course, that recombination is possible tain lysogenic strains ^- of E. coli
between adjacent nucleotide pairs). which carry phage As shown in >-.

This computation is an exceedingly Table 1, a mutant of the rll group

rough one and is only intended to in-
dicate the order of magnitude of the
9 Hershey, A. D., Genetics 31:620-640,
scale factor. Some preliminary results 1946.
are here presented of a program de- 10 Doermann, A. H., /. Bacterial. 55:257-
276, 1948.
1 Doermann, A. H., and HUl, M. B., Ge- 11 Hershey, A. D., and Rotman, R., Ge-
Jietics 38:79-90, 1953. netics 34:44^71, 1949.
s Streisinger, G., and Bruce, V., personal 12 Lederberg, E. M., and Lederberg,
communication. Genetics 38:51-64, 1953.
plating are approximately equal on the
Table 1
three strains, except, of course, for rll
Phenotype Plaque Morphology of T4 on K12S (^). The three bacterial
Wild and rll Mutant Plated on strains will be here designated as "B,"
Various Hosts "S," and "K."
Host Strain n
Approximately two-thirds of the in-
E. colt E. colt E. coli dependently arising r mutants isolated
B K12S KUSiX) on B are of the rll type. This group in-
T4 wild type WUd Wild Wild
Wild cludes the "cluster" of r mutants of T2
T4 rll mutant r Type
described by Hershey and Rotman and
produces r-type plaques on strain B, the r47 and r51 mutants described by
wild-type plaques on strain K12S Doermann and Hill in the correspond-
(nonlysogenic strain sensitive to >^), ing map region of T4 but does not in-
and no plaques on K12S (^) (derived clude r mutants located outside that
from K12S by Ivsogenization with 'k). region. Similarly, all newly isolated
The wild-type phage produces similar mutants showing the rll character
plaques on all three strains. In the case have turned out to fall within the
of T4, with which we shall be con- same region, as indicated in Figure 1.
cerned in this paper, the efficiencies of The properties of the rll group are

m r r tu
42 47 51 41

/o =10% rl region

Fig. 1. map of T4 (Doermann), indicating the location of the rll

Partial linkage
region, m and
tu designate "minute plaque" and "turbid plaque" mutations. The cir-
cular inset shows, diagrammatically, the corresponding dimensions of the DNA
chain magnified 1,000 diameters.

especially favorable for detailed gene- very small proportions of wild-type

tic study. An
mutant has three dif-
rll particles due to reversion or due to re-
ferent phenotypes on the three host combination between different rll mu-
strains (Table 1): (1) altered plaque tants.
morphology on B, (2) indistinguish- Fate of Mutants in K.— Wild-
able from wild type on and (3) un- S, type and mutants adsorb equally
able to produce plaques on K. These well to strains S and K. Whereas the
properties are all useful. By virtue of wild type provokes lysis and libera-
their altered plaque type on B, r mu- tion of a burst of progeny on both
tants are readily isolated, and those of strains, the rll mutant grows normally
the rll group are identified by testing only on S. Infection of K with an rll
on K. Where it is desired to avoid a mutant provokes very little (and/or
selective disadvantage compared with very late) lysis, although all infected
wild type, e.g., in measuring mutation cells are killed. The block in grow th of
rates, S can be used as a nondiscrimi- rll mutant is associated with the pres-
nating host. The failure of rll mutants ence of the carried phage ^. The rea-
to plate on K enables one to detect son for this association is unknown.
Quantitative Differences in Phefio-
type.— While all rll mutants show the
same phenotvpic effect of poor multi-
plication on K, thev' differ in the de-
gree of this effect. A certain propor-
tion of K infected with rll actually
liberates some progeny, which can be
detected by plating the infected cells
on R. The fraction of infected cells
\'ieldincT progeny defines a "transmis-
sion coefficient" characteristic of the
mutant. The transmission coefficient is

insensitive the multiplicity of in-

fection but depends strongly upon the
physiological state of the bacteria (K)
and upon temperature. Under given
conditions, however, the coefficient
can be used as a comparative index of
degree of phenotypic effect, a "leaky"
mutant having a high coefficient. As
can be seen in Table 2, a wide range of
values is found.

Table 2

Properties of T4 Mutants of the

rll Group

Mutant Map Transmission (units
Number Position Coefficient of IQ-**)
r47 0.03 <0.01
is very little chance of introducing a infecting a culture of B with equal
wild-type particle present in the multiplicities (three per bacterium) of
stock). If S is used as the host, both rll each type. The yield after lysis con-
mutant and any reversions which arise tains the two parental types and,
if the
can multiply with little selection, as parents are genetically distinct, two
shown by control mixtures. The aver- recombinant types, the double mutant
age fraction of wild-type particles and wild type. In the average yield
present in several lysates is an index from many cells, the recombinant
which can be shown to be roughly types occur in equal numbers. ^^ In all
proportional to the probability of re- cases thus far tested, double rll mu-
version per duphcation of the rll mu- tants, like single mutants, do not pro-
tant. Under the conditions of measure- duce plaques on K. On the assumption
ment the index is of the order of 10- that this is generally true, the propor-
20 times the probability of reversion tion of recombinants in the yield can
per duplication. The plaques appearing be measured simply by doubling the
on K must be tested by picking and ratio of the plaque count on K (which
replating on B. This eliminates the registers only the wild recombinant)
"spurious" plaques produced by par- to the count on B (which registers all
tial reversions and by leaky mutants, types). The percentage of wild type
which show up as r type on B. As may thus measured agrees well with a di-
be seen in Table 2, the reversion in- rect count of plaque types on B.
dices for rll mutants vary over a very In this way, a series of six rll mu-
wide range. One mutant has been tants of T4 (the first sixisolated— not
found which reverts 10 times more selected inany way) have been crossed
frequently than r51, so that the re- with each other and with r47 and r51
version rates cover a known range of (kindly supplied by A. H. Doermann)
over 10-^-fold. in 23 of the 28 possible pairs. The re-
It has not been proved that these sults of these crosses are given in Fig-
apparent reversions constitute a genu- ure 2 and are compatible with the indi-
ine return to the original wild type. cated seriation of the mutants. The dis-
However, the possibility of suppres-
sor mutations distant from the site of
the rll mutation has been ruled out by
backcrosses to the original wild type, ^^^ BA
Krieg ^^ found very few, if any, r-
type recombinants in backcrosses of
several reversions, localizing the re-
verse changes to within a few tenths
of a per cent linkage distance from 321

the original rll mutations. One case of

"partial reversion" has also been tested
by backcrossing, and failure to observe
rll-type recombinants localized the Fig. 2. Larger-scale map of eight rll mu-
tants, including Doermann's r47 and r51.
"partial reverse mutation" to within
Newly mutants are numbered
the rll region.
starting with The recombination
Mapping of the rll Region— A cross value (in per cent) for each cross is ob-
between two rll mutants is made by
tained bv plating the progeny on K and
on B and doubling the ratio of plaque
13 Krieg, D., personal communication. count on K to count on B.
tances are only roughly additive; there tion of double rll mutant plus wild
is some systematic deviation in the type is also presumed to produce lysis
sense that a long distance tends to be The tra?is configuration is
in all cases.
smaller than the sum of its component obtained by infecting K with the pair
shorter ones. Part of this discrepancy of rll mutants in question. This is
is accounted for by the Visconti-Del- found to give lysis or not, depending
briick correction for multiple rounds upon which rll mutants compose the
of mating.^^ Reversion rates were pair. The results are summarized by
small enough to be negligible in these the dotted line in Figure 2, indicating

crosses. Thus, while all rll mutants in a division of the rll region into two
this set fall into a small portion of the segments. If both mutants belong to
phage linkage map, it is possible to the same segment, mixed infection of
seriate them unambiguously, and their K gives the mutant phenotype (very
positions within the region are well few cells lyse). If the two mutants be-
scattered. long to different segments, extensive
Tests for Pseiido-allelisif?.— The lysisoccurs with liberation of both in-
functional relatedness of two closely fecting types (and recombinants).
linked mutations causing similar de- These results are summarized in Fig-
fects may
be tested by constructing ure 3. Thus, on the basis of this test,
diploid heterozv^gotes containing the the two segments of the rll region
two mutations in different configura- correspond to independent functional
tions.^' - The cis form, with both mu- units.
tations in one chromosome, usually be-
haves as wild type, since the second
chromosome supplies an intact func-
tional unit However, the
(or units). octive active presumed
trajis form, containing one of the mu-
tations in each chromosome, may or
may not produce the wild phenorvpe.
If it does, it is concluded that the two inoctive inactive active
mutations in question are located in
separate functional units. Fig. Summary of tests for "position-

In applying this test to the rll mu- effect pseudo-allelism" of rll mutants.

tants, the diploid heterozygote can be

Each diagram represents a diploid hetero-
zygote as simulated by mixed infection
simulated by a mixed infection with
of a bacterium (K) with two types of
two kinds of phage. The rll pheno-
phage containing the indicated mutations.
type is a failure to lyse K, whereas the Active means extensive lysis of the
wild phenotype is to cause lysis. If K mixedly infected cells; inactive means
is mixed ly infected with wild type and very little lysis. The dotted line repre-
rll mutant, the cells lyse, liberating sents a dividing point in the rll region,
both types of phage. Thus the pres- the position of which is defined by these
ence of wild type in the cell supplies results.

the function which is defective in rll

type, and the rll mutation can be con- Actuall\% for mixed infection of K
sidered "recessive." Although it has with two (non leaky) mutants of the
not yet been tested, the cis configura- same segment, a very small proportion
of the cells do lyse and liberate wild
14 Visconti, N., and Delbriick, M., Ge- recombinants, that proportion increas-
netics }8:5-33, 1953. ing with the linkage distance between
the mutations. For two rll mutants plaques are produced. If the two mu-
separated by
per cent linkage dis-
I tants are such that wild recombinants
tance (measured by a standard cross cannot arise between them (e.g., if
on B) the proportion of mixedly in- they contain identical mutations), no
fected K yielding any wild particles is plaques appear. A given rll mutant
about 0.2 per cent. may thus be tested against several
This value has bearing upon the ef- others on a single plate by first seeding
fect upon K/B values of the heterozy- the plate with K plus the mutant in
gous phage particles which arise in a question (in the usual soft agar top
cross between two rll mutants on B. layer) and then spotting with drops
In such a cross between closely linked containing the other rll mutants.
rll mutants, the progeny should in- Inspection of such a plate immedi-
clude about 2 per cent of particles con- ately places the unknown mutant in
taining a tra7is configuration heterozy- the proper segment, since spotting any
gous piece.i^ When one of these is mutant of segment A against any mu-
plated on K, there is a certain chance tant of segment B gives a very clear
that a wild recombinant may form in spot, due to the extensive Ivsis of
the first cycle of infection, leading to mixedly infected bacteria. However,
production of a plaque. If it is assumed for a pair of mutations belonging to
that these are no more likely to do so the same segment, plaques are pro-
than mixed infection of K with two
a duced only by the relatively few
complete mutant particles, it can be mixedly infected bacteria which give
concluded that the efi^ect of these rise to wild recombinants. The greater
heterozygous particles upon the count the linkage distance between the mu-
on K is negligible, provided that both tations, the larger the number of
rll mutants belong to the same seg- plaques that appear in the spot. A
ment. For mutants in diff^erent seg- group of mutants of the same segment
ments, however, the "efficiency" of may thus be seriated by seeding one
the heteozygous particles should be plate with each and spotting with all
much greater, and recombination the others. Given a previously seriated
values measured by the K/B method group, a new mutant can thus be
should run considerably higher than quickly located within the group. This
the true values. The recombination method works best for mutants which
values in Figure 2 for crosses which are stable (i.e., low reversion rate)
transgress the segmental divide are and nonleaky, so that large numbers
probably subject to some correction of phage particles can be plated. Re-
for this reason. versions or pronounced leaking effects
Rough Mapping bv Spot Test.—\{ obviously cause an obscuring back-
a stock of either of two
mutants isrll ground.
plated on K, no plaques arise; but if This test has been applied to a large
both are plated together, some bac- group of stable, nonleaky rll mutants.
teria become infected by both mu- Their approximate locations as de-
tants and, if this leads to the occur- duced from these tests are shown in
rence of wild-type recombinants, Figure 4. Some of the mutants showed
anomalies which made it impossible to
locate them as members of a series.
i"' Hershey, A. D., and Chase, M., Cold
Spring Harbor Symposia Quant. Biol. 16:
They gave very litte recombination

471-479, 1951; Levinthal, C, Genetics 39:169- with any of the mutants located within
184, 1954. a certain span, while behaving nor-
mally with respect to mutants located in Figure 4 by horizontal lines extend-
outside that span. They are indicated ing over the span.

segment A
'^ segment B .^

1^ 7
r r r r r r I r
47 104 101 103 105 106 1
H III HI H I -ttf
/> '\% 1

a b c d

Fig. 4. Preliminary locations of various r II mutants, based upon spot tests.

Spot tests on numerous other mu- whether all mutations involve more or

tants have shown that mutants of less long pieces of the chromosome. It
varied reversion rates, transmission co- must be remembered that the mutants
efficients, and rates of "partial rever- used in these experiments were selected
sion" occur at scattered positions in for extreme stability against rever-
both segments. sion. This procedure would be ex-
Mapping of "Microclusters.''— The pected to enrich the proportion of
spot test enables us to pick out "micro- mutants containing gross chromosomal
clusters,"i.e., groups of very closely alterations. So far as is known, the
neighboring mutations. Four such anomalous observed
cases could
groups selected for further study are equally well be imagined to be due
indicated in Figure 4, and the results to double (i.e., two near-by "point")
of mapping them are given in Figure 5. mutations, inversions, or deletions of
While some intervals show reasonably the wild-type chromosome. In con-
good additivity properties, there are tinuing these experiments, it would
some mutants which give violently seem well advised to employ only mu-
anomalous results. Thus in microclus- tants for which some reversion is ob-
ter a, r47 gives no wild recombinants served.
than 1
(i.e., less in 10'^) with any of the Discussion.— The set of rll mutants
other three mutants, but two pairs of defines a bounded region of a linkage
the three do show recombination. group in which mutations may occur
These results can be understood if it at various locations, all the mutations
is assumed that each mutation extends leading to qualitatively similar pheno-
over a certain length of the chromo- typic eff'ects. The rll region would
some, and production of wild type re- seem, therefore, to be functionally
quires recombination within the space connected, so that mutations arising
between those lengths. According to anywhere within the region affect the
this interpretation, the mutations same phenotype. This effect is ex-
would cover the lengths indicated by pressed, in case strain B is the host, by
the bars in Figure 5. These anomalies failure to produce lysis inhibition; in
resemble those observed in the spot case S is the host, by no consequence;
tests, only they are more limited in and in case K is the host, by inability
span. to multiply normally. The failure of
This observation raises the question an mutant to mature in K can be
of whether there exist true "point" overcome by the presence of a wild-
mutations (i.e., involving an alteration type phage in the same cell. This could
of only one nucleotide pair) or be understood if the function of the


region in the wild-type "chromosome" By extension of these experiments to
were to control the production of a still more closely linked mutations,
substance or substances needed for one may hope to characterize, in mole-
reproduction of this phage in K cells. cular terms, the sizes of the ultimate
The phenotv'pic test for "pseudo- units of genetic recombination, muta-
allelism" leads to the division of the tion, and "function." Our preliminary
region into two functionally distin- results suggest that the chromosomal
guishable segments. These could be elements separable by recombination
imagined to affect two necessary are not larger than the order of a dozen
sequential events or could go to make nucleotide pairs (as calculated from
up a single substance the two parts of the non-zero recombination
which must be unblemished in order v^alue)and that mutations involve vari-
for the substance to be fully active. able lengths which mav extend over
For example, each segment might hundreds of nucleotide pairs.
control the production of a specific In order to characterize a unit of
polypeptide chain, the two chains later "function," it is necessary to define
being combined to form an enzyme. what function is meant. The entire rll
While it is not known whether this region is unitary in the sense that mu-
sort of picture is applicable, a model tations anywhere within the region
of this kind is capable of describing cause the rll phenotype. On the basis
the observed properties of the rll mu- of phenotype tests of trans configura-
tants. The map position of a mutation tion heterozygotes, this region can be
would localize a change in the region subdivided into two functionally sep-
(and also in the "enzyme" molecule), arable segments, each of which is esti-
the reversion rate would characterize mated to contain of the order of 4 X
the type of change involved in the 10^ nucleotide pairs. If one assumes
genetic material, and the degree of that each segment has the "function"
phenotypic effect would be an ex- of specifying the sequence of amino
pression of the degree of resultant acids in a polypeptide chain, then the
change in the activity of the enzyme. specification of each individual amino
A "leaky" mutant would be one where acid can as well be considered a uni-
this latter effect was small. While no tary function. It would seem feasible,
obvious correlation has yet been ob- with this system, to extend genetic
served among these three parameters studies even to the level of the latter
of rll mutants, gne may well show up functional elements.
upon more exhaustive study. Swmnary .—\t has been discovered
"Clustering" of similar mutants sep- that the mutations in the rll region of
arable by crossing-over has been ob- phage T4 have a characteristic in com-
served for several characters in phage mon which sets them apart from the
by Doermann and Hill and appears to mutations in all other parts of the
represent the rule. This may well be map. This characteristic is a host-range
the rule in all organisms, simply be- reduction, namely, a failure to produce
cause functional genetic units are com- plaques on a host (K) lysogenic for
posed of smaller recombinational and phage ^. The mutant phage particles
mutational elements. One would ex- adsorb to and K, but normal lysis

pect to see this effect more readily in and phage release do not occur.
phage because the probability of All mutants with this property are
recombination per unit of hereditary located within a sharply defined por-
material is much greater than for tion of the phage linkage map. Within
higher organisms. that region, however, their locations
are widely scattered. An unambiguous The mutants differ greatly in de-
seriation of the mutants,with roughly gree of residual ability to grow on K.
additive distances, can be accom- There is no evident correlation be-
plished, except for certain anomalous tween map position, reversion rate,
cases. and degree of residual activity of the
The simultaneous presence of a various mutants.
wild-type phage particle in K enables The selective feature of K for wild-
the multiplication of rll mutants to type recombinants offers the possibil-
proceed, apparently by supplying a ity of extending the recombination
function in which the mutant is defi- studies to an analysis of the fine details
cient. A heterozygous diploid in the
of the region.
trajis configuration is simulated bv a
Preliminary studies of this type in-
mixed infection of K with two mu-
dicate that the units of recombination
tant types. The application of the
are not larger than the order of one
phenotype test to pairs of rll mutants
dozen nucleotide pairs and that muta-
leads to the division of the region into
two functionally separable segments.
tions may involve various lengths of

Spontaneous reversion to wild-type "chromosome."

I am much indebted to A. D. Her-
had been observed for most of these
mutants. It remains to be seen whether shey and A. H. Doermann for stocks
these are genuine reversions. Each mu- of their geneticallymapped mutants,
tant reverts at a characteristic rate, but to Sydney Brenner and David Krieg
the rates for different mutants differ for stimulating discussion, and to Max
enormously. Partial reversions to in- Delbriick for his invaluable moderat-
termediate types are also observed. ing influence.










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