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Here’s the keg.

spanking new, never used. Time for the chop!
So I have cut it in half and
fabricated some simple legs to keep it 50mm off the ground, stable and level.

The rear of the legs will

also act as a rest for the lid when open.
Using simple stainless
door hinges I then cut them down and welded them on.

This is me making the grill

from 8mm stainless round bar.
Clamping the grill to the
table to keep it straight while welding.

As you can see, a lot of

Here’s the grill fully TIG
welded and polished. Ready for business.

The 2mm stainless coal

tray done. Its sitting off the keg by around 30mm this will stop the outside getting hot and
burning the deck or grass etc. Also allowing a little air flow.
Here are the air flow
control vents. You could say the bottom one lets the air in to fuel the coals and the top can be
used to trap the heat or smoke if you are using it for smoking.
The finished product.
Ready to go.
Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it.

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