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Name : Paskah Aprilia Butarbutar

Academic Number : 17120056
English Department 2017, Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan (UHN)
Email :

The purpose of this paper is as a reference to improve students' critical thinking skills in
learning in the era of revolution 4.0, where human life is always surrounded by technology. In
the present time humans must be able to survive in overcoming every problem they face. One
way that can be done is to improve the ability to think critically in humans, especially students
in understanding something so they can think more creatively and skillfully. That is one reason
why humans must be able to use technology in this revolutionary era 4.0. Even bona fide school
schools have used technology in the teaching and learning process in their schools. Many
toddlers are also smart to use technology. Young people, especially teenagers, are required to
be able to keep up with the times that occur. Even teachers have also been required to be able
to follow every technological development that occurs especially in learning. Teachers must
be able to use technology in the learning process so that the learning process that occurs is
not boring and in accordance with the Indonesian education model.

Keywords : Revolusi 4.0, Critical Thinking, learning industry 4.0 with technology.

Industry 4.0 is the name of automatic trends and the latest exchange of data in factory
technology. Fill in this includes physical-cyber systems, the internet for everything,
cloud computing, and cognitive computing. (Farras, industri 4.0, 2018)
Thinking is a continuing process of interactions between strings of minds and
perceptions. Thinking process happen along with the engagements of our new
experiences and applying knowledge we have learned. Hence, the ability to assume,
give ideas and conducting a valid conclusion, which are thinking and learning process,
are always improving. Critical thinking is a state of mind that exist outside of the
person’s interest, or even group of people, and it is also depend on the standard quality
and the depth of experiences that the thinkers have thought related to a particular or
question (Weber, 2016)
- Critical thinking skills in education are important skill in learning. But, what
are the influence of revolusi 4.0 on critical thinking in everyday life besides?
- How to technology development affect student critical thinking?

Industrial Revolution 4.0 has fundamentally changed human life and work. Unlike the
previous industrial revolution, the 4th generation industrial revolution has a wider scale,
environmental space and complexity. The advancement of new technology that
integrates the physical, digital and biological world has influenced all scientific,
economic, industrial and government disciplines.

And this paper using the library research method, that is research is carried out using
literature (library) in the from of books. In this method is needed:
1. Data and data sources
2. Data collection
3. Data analysis
The research method used is like the research method used to conduct research in other
fields of science, only the subject of research is in the library field.
Data collection is needed in this study, which uses secondary data that has many
objects. Large scale data may be stronger than small scale data. With greater validity,
and the quality of data may be higher than that collected by individuals. Researches
need not worry too much about the challenges of data collection because secondary
data access used is often fast and direct and this has the advantages of timeliness and
spend in dicision making.


After using the library research method that is analyzing data student will know what
happens in learning activities. One example is analysis exam.


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