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B.Sc. Nursing
(4 Years Program)

2018 – 2019 Revised

R.V. Nagar, Kalapet
Pondicherry -605 014
Placement : Second Year Time : Theory 60 Hours

Course Description: This course is designed to introduce the concepts of sociology related to
community and social institutions in India and its relationship with health, illness and nursing.

Unit Time Learning Objectives Content Teaching Assessment

(Hrs) Learning method
I 1 • State the Introduction • Lecture • Essay type
importance of • Definition of Sociology Discussion • Short answers
sociology in • Nature and Scope of the
Nursing discipline
• Importance and application
of sociology in Nursing
II 3 • Describe the inter- Individual & Society • Lecture • Essay type
relationship of • Society and Community Discussion • Short answers
individual in • Nature of Society
society and • Difference between society
community and community
• Process of socialization and
• Personal disorganization

III 3 • Describe the Culture • Lecture • Essay type

influence of culture • Nature of culture Discussion • Short answers
on health and • Evolution of culture • Panel
disease • Diversity and uniformity of Discussion
• Culture and socialization
• Transcultural society
• Influence on health and
• Biodiversity and its
Definition: Genetics
species and ecosystem
classification of India
Value of Biodiversity:
consumptive use,
Productive use, Social ,
ethical, aesthetic and
option values
Bio diversity at global,
national and local levels.
India has a mega –
diversity nation.
Hot-spots of biodiversity
Unit Time Learning Objectives Content Teaching Assessment
(Hrs) Learning method
Threats to bio-diversity:
habitat loss, poaching of
wild life, man, wild life
Endangered and endemic
species of India
Conservation of
biodiversity: in-situ and
ex-situ conservation of
IV 4 • Identify various Social groups and processes • Lecture • Essay type
social groups and • The meaning and Discussion • Short answers
their interactions classification of groups
• Primary & Secondary
• In-group V/s. Out-group,
Class Tribe, Caste
• Economic, Political,
Religious groups, Mob,
Crowd, Public and
Audience Interaction &
Social Processes
• Co-operation, Competition,
• Accommodation,
Assimilation & Isolation
Social Issues
• Social Issues and
From unsustainable to
sustainable development
Urban problems and
related to energy
Water conservation, Rain
water harvesting, water
shed management
Resettlement and
rehabilitation of people:
its problems and concerns
– case studies
Environmental ethics:
Issues and possible
solutions, climate change,
Global warming, acid rain,
ocean layer depletion,
Nuclear accident and Holo
caust – Case studies
Consumerism and waste
products, waste and
Unit Time Learning Objectives Content Teaching Assessment
(Hrs) Learning method
V 6 • Explain the growth Population • Lecture • Essay type
of population in • Society and population Discussion • Short answers
India and its impact • Population distribution in • Community • Assessment of
on health India- Demographic Identification report on
characteristics community
• Malthusian theory of identification
• Population explosion in India
and its impact on health
• Family welfare programmes
VI 5 • Describe the Family and Marriage • Lecture • Essay type
institutions of • Family – Functions Discussion • Short answers
family and marriage • Types-Joint, Nuclear, • Family case • Assessment of
in India Blended and extended study family case
family: Characteristics study
• The Modern Family –
Changes, Problems – Dowry
etc., Welfare Services
• Changes & legislations on
family and marriage in India
– marriage acts
• Marriage: Forms and
functions of marriage,
• Marriage and family
problems in India
• Family, marriage and their
influence on health and
health practices
VII 7 • Describe the class Social Stratification • Lecture • Essay type
and caste system • Meaning & types of social Discussion • Short answers
and their influence stratification • Community • Assessment of
on health and health • The Indian Caste system – Survey report on
practices origin & features community
• Features of caste in India survey
• Social Class system and
• Social Mobility – Meaning &
• Race as a biological concept,
criteria of racial classification
• Salient features of Primary
• Influence of Class, Caste and
Race on health and health
VIII 6 • Describe the types Types of Communities in India • Lecture • Essay type
of communities in (Rural, Urban and Regional) Discussion • Short
India, their • Features of village • Visits to answers
Unit Time Learning Objectives Content Teaching Assessment
(Hrs) Learning method
practices and the community & rural and • Assessment
impact on health characteristics of Indian urban of report on
villages – panchayat system, community community
social dynamics survey
• Community Development
project & planning
• Changes in Indian Rural life
• Availability of health
facilities in rural and its
impact on health and health
• Urban – Community –
• The growth of cities:
• Urbanisation and its impact
on health and health
• Major urban problems –
Urban slums
• Region : Problems and
impact on Health
IX 4 • Explain the process Social Change • Lecture • Essay type
of social change • Nature and process of social Discussion • Short
change answers
• Factors influencing social
change:Cultural change,
Cultural lag.
• Introduction to Theories of
social change: Linear,
Cyclical, Marxian,
Role of nurse – Change agents
X 4 • Describe the social Social organization and social • Lecture • Essay type
system and inter – system Discussion • Short
relationship of • Social organization: • Observatio answers
social organizations elements, types n visits • Assessment
• Democratic and of visit
authoritarian modes of reports
• Voluntary associations
• Social system : Definition
and Types of social system
• Role and status as structural
elements of social system
• Inter-relationship of
XI 2 • Explain the nature Social Control • Lecture • Essay type
and process of • Nature and process of Discussion • Short answers
social control social control • Community • Assessment of
• Political, Legal, Religious, Survey report on
Unit Time Learning Objectives Content Teaching Assessment
(Hrs) Learning method
Educational, Economic, community
Industrial and survey
Technological systems,
& Values – Folkways &
Mores Customs, Laws and
Role of nurse
XII 15 • Describe the role of Social Problems • Lecture • Essay type
the nurse in dealing • Social disorganization Discussion • Short answers
with social • Control & planning : • Institutiona • Assessment of
problems in India Poverty, housing, illiteracy, l visits visit reports
food supplies, prostitution,
rights of women &
children, vulnerable
groups: Elderly,
handicapped, minority
groups and other
marginalized groups, child
labour, child abuse,
delinquency and crime,
substance abuse, HIV/
AIDS – Value Education
• Social Welfare
programmes in India
Role of nurse
• Role of information
technology I environment
and human health-case

Internal assessment: (25 Marks- refer to regulations)

Three Unit test marks 45%

Two Assignment marks 25%
Model Exam 25%
Attendance 5%
Total 100%

Reference :

1. Bhushan (V), Introduction to Sociology, Kitab Mahan, 2002.

2. Madan (GR), Indian Social Problems, Allied Publishers, Chennai.

3. Mehta (SA), Study of Rural Sociolgy in India, Chand & Co.

4. Ogbern (F), Handbook of Sociology, Eurasoa Publishing, New Delhi.

5. Majmudar (DN), An Introduction to Social Anthropology, Asia Publishing House,


6. Indrani (TK), Textbook of Sociology for Nurses, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, 2006.

7. Neeraja (KP), Textbook of Sociology for Nursing Students, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi,
Rao (SD), Psychology and Sociology for Paramedicals, Jaypee Brothers, New Delhi, 2006
8. Agarwal, K.C. Environmental Sciences, Nidi publishers, 2001.

9. Bharucha Erach, The Biodiversity of India, Mapin Publication, 2001.

10. Brunner RC, Hazardous waste incineration, McGraw Hill Publishers, 1989.


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