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shelvinp is often
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cornpuler equipment

powerand / 13 g/
sockets required

2 Study desk/open carrel (2.39m2 but 2.5-3.0m2 preferred):

note (1) research workers traditionally require enclosed
carrel or small room, area 3.5 m2 approximately; (2) larger
dimensions are for where computing equipment is required

Note that planning must allow for noisy areas. It is

also important for libraries to be easily accessible for
those with disabilities (including sight- and hearing-
impaired people).
A public library “should encourage the following
uses: browsing, seeking, studying, meeting, and
borrowing. Major trends likely to influence library
design in the foreseeable future include: a 30%
increase in pensioners by 2025, and a significant
diminution in those of working age; a significant
increase in those with a higher education; more part-
time work; more jobs in knowledge-based areas, and
access route between different activity
book security point (i.e. to prevent theft)
fewer in manufacturing. 8 security point (separation of public and
staff, or isolation for out-of-hoursuse)
SCHEDULE OF ACCOMMODATION AND 3 Schematic arrangement: ground floor
Public services
A central library may serve in the region of one
million customers per year, with a peak daily count of
approximately 5000 to 6000 people and a peak
hourly count of up to 400. The following service areas
may be provided (see schematic layouts in 3,4).
Branch library May be included as a discrete
section of a central library, probably near the
entrance, and cater for more popular books and
related material. There will be only a few thousand
volumes, acting as a ‘taster’ invitation to what is
available elsewhere in the library.
The library may be divided into subject areas (see
below), perhaps with defined enquiry points. Study
spaces, browsing areas, and publicly available
computer terminals can also be provided in each
subject area. The various areas may be open plan,
but must be visually defined (possibly by variations
in lighting, different finishes and planting).
Older teenage section An area for this group is
desirable (fiction and non-fiction) and should be
located between the children’s library and main
lending library (literature and humanities sections).
Children’s library Occupying approximately 300 mz, out-d-1-haurUI.d w i l yd
d out
with roughly 12000 volumes for ages up to 14 and @ooo~ooo+
mOn ddnghour

their carers, this area should have its own identity,

and demonstrate to all children that visiting the 4 Schematic arrangement: upper floor(s)
library is a safe and enjoyable experience. There (3& 4 reproduced from information provided by NPS Architectural
must be good visibility to maximise child security Setvices and Library and Information Setvice, Norfolk County Council)

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