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Asset Price Dynamics

Real Estate Rules of the Game: How and Why it’s different
by Dr Megan Walters and Dr David Rees
Asset pricing dynamics in real estate have come under scrutiny since QE was implemented following the global financial crisis. A recent
paper prepared under the auspices of the World Economic Forum by Dr David Rees at JLL provide an in-depth survey and a suite of case
studies examining specific examples of real estate boom/bust cycles across a range of sectors and markets.
One of the features of the case studies and report is that ‘no one size fits all’ in terms of why, where and when real estate bubbles occur.
However, common patterns do emerge from the case studies which we have depicted in the illustrated model.

How does the illustrated model work?

The academic background for identifying the patterns in the case studies Here we provide a snapshot to explain key points of our adapted model. characteristics of a location and economic conditions. For example planning
is grounded in the work of Nobel prize-winning economists Ronald Coase, rules and restrictions arise and are enforced to different degrees, depending
Douglass North, Robert Shiller and George Akerloff. This body of work, on the capacity and resources of the government or regulator to provide the
often described as “Institutional Economics”, emphasizes social interaction Land Supply rules and enforce them. In Johannesburg, South Africa, for example, the
in markets and firms, and identifies the “rules of the game”, both formal case study record how failing attempts to regulate population movements
Starting on the left hand side, real estate markets have physical
and informal, as key determinants of the performance of markets and the led to the “hijacking” of residential and commercial buildings which were
characteristics that affect the availability of land supply – and can influence
behavior of market participants. then abandoned by the legal owners.
the speed with which supply can meet investor demand for real estate. In
The theories behind asset price bubbles are complex, with Alan Greenspan Hong Kong land is limited due to topography. In the so-called sand states The extent to which a real estate market operates a landlord and tenant
famously claiming it is impossible to spot them. However, Professor of the United States - Arizona, California, Nevada and Florida - additional system as oppose to an owner occupier system has a material effect
Robert Shiller, author (with George Akerloff) of Animal Spirits and Irrational land for housing is readily available, providing for a highly elastic supply when a market is transitioning from predominantly owner occupied to one
Exuberance, suggests there are signals we can look for to anticipate response when house prices rise. Where land is restricted a “bubble” can where private landlord and tenant rights can occur (as in the Shanghai
emerging bubbles: high levels of liquidity, rising numbers of transactions build where excess demand cannot be met by additional supply – Hong case study).
and rapid turnover of ownership. Kong, for example. Conversely- where there is unlimited land a “bust” can
occur as over supply can arise relatively quickly. Either way, the physical
Price bubbles can be created by lack of market transparency, both from Macro-economic environments
characteristics of land have a fundamental effect on the ultimate outcome of
‘money illusion’ – whereby the face (nominal) value of money is mistaken
real estate pricing.
for its purchasing power (real value) – from inflation and investors trading The real estate market operates within an economic framework – shown
‘stories’ of beliefs that markets will go higher, along with a high rate of deal on the right hand side of the picture. Decisions on interest rates, easier
turnover and high liquidity. A common, but dangerous, observation about Market rules and social customs availability of debt, lower cost of debt, relative returns in other asset classes
emerging bubbles is the common belief that “this time it’s different”. and foreign exchange rates were all found to have played a role in at
The middle part of the graphic shows the operation of the property market - different times in most of the real estate bubblesanalysed. Typically a shift
a combination of formal rules, statutes and regulations and informal custom in one of the factors in the macro environment provides a displacement in
Why is real estate different? and social practice. There rules operate at three broad levels: government, the real estate cycle that triggers the start of a boom, following the classic
organizations and individuals. In the JLL/WEF asset pricing paper examples Minsky-Kindleberger cycle (see page 11 in WEF/JLL report).
Real estate markets differ from stock markets because real estate has a
of formal rules might be the legislation to limit new office development in
physical component that influences participants’ behavior. Work on common To quote Reinhart and Rogoff after Rees ‘While real estate figures in many
the United Kingdom in 1965, and the repeal of these policies in the early
property resources by Eleanor Ostrom (another Nobel prize winner) market crises, debt is widely identified as a critical ingredient: “If there is one
1970s. Informal custom and practice might be decisions by Japanese
and Ronald Oakerson is helpful in identifying the impact of the physical common theme to the vast range of crises we consider… it is that excessive
banks to provide loans in anticipation of future price growth in the late
constraints of property on market activity. debt accumulation… often poses greater systemic risks than it seems
1980s. In Mumbai, for example, office development is often speculative
during a boom.”’
Our illustrated model work, adapted from Oakerson’s model, shows how whereas in Bangalore “developers usually commit to commercial buildings
commercial real estate markets operate to illustrate the findings from the in consultation with occupiers…” The rules in the real estate market,
JLL/ WEF paper. whether formal or informal, arise from an inter play between the physical
It would be alright if it weren’t for other people Contacts

The patterns of interaction between the economic framework and real estate markets take place via market participants – organizations and people. Shiller
and Akerloff identified five forces that drive markets. Along with ‘confidence’ they identified: fairness, corruption, money illusion and “stories”.
Stories are the anecdotes we hear about- the expat who made millions buying a flat in Hong Kong at the bottom and selling at the top and retiring to Dorset
on the proceeds. The reinforcing nature of stories is amplified by TV programmes on buying and renovating property, and seminars on buying in foreign
cities with guaranteed income returns. We believe these stories and conveniently forget those who bought at the height of the market and saw their flat fall
Dr Megan Walters Dr David Rees
by half in value. People usually do not discuss their losses – only their gains, giving a one sided view of market dynamics- that markets only go up.
Head of Research, Asia Pacific Head of Research, Australia
In real estate pricing dynamics, money illusion (the inability to assess the time value of consumer price inflation) and “stories” are two of the most important. Capital Markets
What starts as a natural response to increased pricing due to a supply demand mismatch can escalate into large fluctuations in pricing.

And back to physical characteristics

The final part of the graphic shows how rules and market practice in the real estate market interact with economic conditions and pass through the filter of
human psychology. The overlay to this and the part from Oakerson’s model that is particularly pertinent is the fact that real estate has a physical component.
Acres of empty housing that have been foreclosed exert negative externalities on the urban environment. Empty commercial buildings or, worse, half-
completed development projects may have negative land value – far more costly than if no development had taken place.
The JLL/ WEF report and case studies show how complex and multi-faceted the issue of real estate bubbles is. The graphical diagram highlights some of
the dimensions: the physical landscape; the local real estate market rules and customs; the economic conditions and psychology of human action.
The complex machinery of asset price cycles is itself a warning that simple solutions are unlikely to be effective. Macro-economic policies and regulatory
strategies have important roles to play. But the human dimension also points to research and education as worthwhile investments as well. Finally, the
multi-dimensional feature of the typical boom/bust cycle is itself cause for optimism – there are many avenues by which cycles can be interdicted and even
defused even if there is no “one-size-fits-all” panacea.

Click here to view the Emerging Horizons in Real Estate, An Industry Initiative on Asset Price Dynamics Report
Click here to view Emerging Horizons in Real Estate, An Industry Initiative on Asset Price Dynamics Executive Case Studies
Jones Lang LaSalle
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FOOTNOTE: Oakerson, Ronald J. 1992. “Analyzing the Commons: A Framework.” Making the Commons Work: Theory, LaSalle. All information contained herein is from sources deemed reliable; however, no
Practice, and Policy, ed. Daniel W. Bromley. San Francisco, CA: Institute for Contemporary Studies. representation or warranty is made as to the accuracy thereof.

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