Infinite Dungeon

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Table of Contents
The Infinite Dungeon...........................................................................................................................1
Running the Dungeon......................................................................................................................... 1
Environment.................................................................................................................................... 1
Encounter........................................................................................................................................ 3
Sample Adventure............................................................................................................................... 4
Afterword............................................................................................................................................ 5

DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual,
Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks
of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and other countries. All characters and their distinctive likenesses are property of Wizards of the Coast.
This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material
or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards of the Coast.

©2016 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800
Delémont, CH. Represented by Hasbro Europe, 4 The Square, Stockley Park, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB11 1ET, UK.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.

Introduction Running the Dungeon

Diaclari was a mighty high elf wizard that started a The infinite dungeon is unexplored. Instead, the
bet with the lich, Isenowertz for a magic item dungeon is a set of generated chambers connected
known as the Robe of Planar Walking. by sets of magical doors. The details of the dungeon,
such as what creatures live in the chamber or how
The wager was a competition of magic object the environment affects creatures, is up to the
making. The lich made magical items called Dungeon Master.
"Isenowertz’s Magic Items." Diaclari tried to outfox
When a creature goes through a magic door made
him by creating a dungeon holding an untold
from the Infinite Dungeon, they will enter a new
number of rooms.
chamber. If they go through the door they came,
they will leave the dungeon to the closest
But, the lich won the competition when he unoccupied space they first entered.
explained that a dungeon with infinite chambers is
only a single dungeon. He gave her the Cape of the There are three main parts of any part of the
Mountebeak and cursed her to wander across the dungeon chamber:
planes. Environment. When a creature goes through the
Infinite Dungeon’s magic door, they’ll arrive in a
Diaclari’s Infinite Dungeon wandered the planes, new chamber or environment.
following its master. Magic forces it to appear from
plane to plane and dimension to dimension. The Features. Different features that affect roleplaying
dungeon's doors opened to any adventurer who or combat.
dare step in the dungeon. Encounters. This is what the characters will come
across as they travel across the chamber.
Dungeon masters can use this supplement to add

randomness in their campaign, but can still carve General Features. This dungeon will have following
consistent features:

their own adventures. Diaclari’s Infinite Dungeon

provides a host of rooms and ideas that players can Boundaries. A magical barrier ensures that no one
endure. They don’t even need to enter the dungeon leaves the dungeons except by a door. These

for you to use the tables in the supplement. barriers are unaffected by spells, such as the
anti-magic zone, and indestructible. The barriers
Everything in this supplement can create your own will always be a dome with a 200-mile diameter.
story, dungeon, or a set of randomized rooms. Doors. There will always be 1d4+1 magic doors
made from the infinite dungeon in each chamber.
Each magic door will always be inside the magical
The Infinite Dungeon boundaries.

No one knows how dungeon came to be, scholars Environment

even say Diaclari forgot. They know it wanders with its The environment will affect how parts of the
opens door available to anyone wants. The infinite chamber looks and feels. Rolling on the table for
dungeon is a pocket dimension filled with pocket environments doesn’t mean that’s the only place
dimensions. It draws its power from the chaotic forces the characters see–It’s only where the door leads
of Limbo to create every single room. Magical doors the player characters.
connect the chambers to create the world’s biggest To decide, roll a d100 and check the environment
dungeon. table.
On the outside, Diaclari’s Infinite Dungeon is a mass
of purple, chaotic magic with an iron door leading into
the dungeon. Anyone can enter the dungeon, and
anyone can leave. But when they leave, the Infinite
Dungeon will have moved.

1|Pa g e
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.

d100 Environments d100 Environments

1 Foggy forest with red water 51 A cave with magical fires frozen in ice
2 City fallen into a sinkhole 52 Hallway with stone statues that watch
3 Rocky landscape of fallen meteors 53 Mountain pass blocked by magical winds
4 Land of frozen tidal waves 54 The back of a giant turtle
5 Plains of constant lightning strikes 55 Junkyard of non-magical magic items
6 Sewers with bones in its water 56 In the belly of a continent sized whale
7 Floating islands with connecting bridges 57 City with giant mushroom buildings
8 Junkyard of broken constructs 58 Cliff face constantly having dust storms
9 Flat plains with giant rolling dice 59 Platform floating around a glowing crystal
10 The plane of the Fey Forest 60 Forest of living plants
11 Chamber with a maze of short tables 61 Alleyway that curves upside down
12 Gorge with a bridge made of bones 62 A cornfield maze surrounding an old cabin
13 A town entirely populated by dogs 63 An emptied dragon’s hoard
14 Site of multiple shipwrecks 64 A flooded wine cellar
15 A place where the sky has eyes 65 Forest with passive will-o’-wisps
16 Abandoned city filled with whispers 66 The plane of Shadowfell
17 Desert of red sand and hellfire 67 Ocean of floating coffins
18 Grassland with rainbow colored grass 68 A castle in the shape of a perfect sphere
19 Cave with critters in the walls 69 A place where all the creatures are cards
20 Inside of a giant tree 70 Chamber of a thousand floating doors
21 Jungle of hanging tombstones 71 The torture chambers hidden in the castle
22 Town devastated by magic 72 Near a giant statue of a beholder
23 Graveyard of monster skeletons 73 Area of scorched land
24 A glass dome under the sea 74 Rolling hills with rolling boulders

25 Throne room with a dead king 75 A palace in the eye of a storm


26 Forest of enchanted glyphs 76 A lake of glass and land of crystals

27 Jungle of twisted iron vines 77 The plane of Mechanus
28 Swamp with slime for water 78 The kitchen of an abandoned castle

29 Abandoned mine with wood ore 79 A wizard tower toppled over by giants
30 A place where ropes hang from clouds 80 Arctic with streams of boiling tar
31 A retired necromancer’s garden 81 Underground city lit by mushrooms
32 A land where everything is stone 82 Canyon with furniture in its walls
33 On the armrest of a god’s seat 83 A landscape of crucified vampires
34 Cavern laid with monster eggs 84 Inside the skeleton of a giant monster
35 An arena of pit fighting Tarrasques 85 Forest with choking black clouds
36 A mansion swirling around a whirlpool 86 A slanted church on the edge of a cliff
37 Inside a hallow crystal 87 A chamber where everything is a cubic
38 Chess board with destroyed pieces 88 Monastery dedicated to a devil
39 Mountain of craters and holes 89 Desert that constantly rains more sand
40 Platform held up by a storm giant 90 The palm of a gargantuan statue
41 Temple to some alien deity 91 Lighthouse surrounded by sea monsters
42 Near geysers that shoot out liquid metals 92 Large system of tunnels
43 Sky with clouds you can walk on 93 Near a volcano that erupts white clouds
44 Overgrown mushroom cave 94 Savannah with talking animals
45 Inside the pages of a book 95 Chasm of crying winds
46 Sand dunes made of volcanic ash 96 Inside a massive-city sized ship
47 The plane of the Beastlands 97 A meteorite that grows a single tree
48 A Viking drinking hall 98 Library of living books
49 Landscape of infinitely twisting stairs 99 In a time traveler’s lair
50 Forest of upside-down trees 00 Your house

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