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Employee turnover is one of the fastest

ways to lose precious time and resources.
What do you usually do to When your business deals with high
I reassign and designate.
address such concerns? turnover rates, scheduling turns from an
organized process to chasing down
employees for shift replacements.
McNamara (1995) states that finding and
training new employees is a substantial
cost, no matter the size of the
organization. One of the best ways to
retain employees is to reward them for
their work. One of the primary rewards for
working adults is to feel a sense of
meaning or purpose in their work. If
employees feel that they are serving a
Yes, we give money. For intrinsic, we useful purpose, they are much more likely
Are there incentives you give to stay at their current job. However,
say good job since that is a reward
to those with commendable Karpantschof. D (2014), believes that
already and also performance rating.
performance? How about
For those with poor evaluation ratings, motivation is driven by purpose, not
those who have poor
there will be technical assistance, wag monetary incentives. If you reward
evaluation ratings? Are there
mong pababayaan, look out ko rin yan someone, you get more of the behavior
corresponding actions? What
as a chief. I make sure to it that every you want.If you punishing someone, you
are these?
individual is working. get less of the behavior you want. He also
stated that As long as the tasks only
involved mechanical skills, the monetary
incentives work (given more money for
better performance, you will perform
better). Once the task called for
rudimentary cognitive skills, a larger
reward lead to poorer performance.
However, research supports that when
tasks require some conceptual creative
thinking, not only does money not
motivate a person, but it can also hurt

Schreiner. E (2019) states that The task of

supervision within the workplace often
proves challenging as supervisors are
commonly tasked with monitoring a large
I personally supervise them, there is number of employees at one time. This
How do you supervise or what we call macrosupervision proves particularly true within the realm
monitor your staff? wherein you supervise them overall of small business, where the number of
and microsupervision wherein I sit with managerial employees may be limited.
you and look at your work While overseeing a large group of
employees is decidedly more difficult than
monitoring just one or two workers, it is a
task that you can master if you employ
some useful strategies.
Ernest. Dale defines as “the modern
concept of control envisages system that
not only provides a historical record of
what has happened and provides data that
enable the chief executive or the
departmental head to take corrective
steps if he finds he is on the wrong track.”.
Are you applying the Yes, I’m forcing at times, depende, if Most, controls used today are based on
principles of controlling? If you don’t get mad they will not follow the fact that human being make mistakes.
yes, how? you. They are often used as indirect controls
aimed at catching errors, often after the
fact. Where ever is possible, direct
controls aimed at preventing errors should
be used. Improving the quality of
managers can minimize the need for
indirect controls. High quality managers
make very few mistakes and carry out all
their functions to the best advantage.
Control is a basic or primary function of
management. Every manager has to
exercise control over the subordinates’
Yes, for the memorandum, it is for scs performance, no manager can get things
only. I do verbal only, if you are done without the process of controlling.
passionate to your work your Once a plan becomes operational, follow-
Do you find these helpful? controlling measures are effective. up action is required to measure progress,
Dapat dika lax mas maganda na to uncover deficiencies and to take
sabihin mo sa kanila but in the end of corrective actions.
the day I review them.
Therefore, control is an essential
managerial function at every level. The
process of management is incomplete
without controlling.
Controlling factors but at times forcing Control Responsibility: According to this
As a leader, what is the wherein I demand performance. principle, the primary responsibility for
most important principle of the exercise of controls rests in the
controlling? Why? manager charged with the performance of
the particular plans involved. (Dicsha S.
Juneja P (2019) states that Controlling has
In what aspect/instances do got two basic purposes. It facilitates co-
It depends on the situation, case to
you have to apply the ordination and It helps in planning.
case basis.
principle of controlling?
According to Caruso. J (2019) To diagnose
a problem, information, whether written
Feedback mechanism, In every activity or oral, must be gathered and reviewed.
may nag eevaluate,and online This information should be gathered on a
How do you check or
evaluation. Every seminar may nag more frequent basis if the organization is
examine problems?
eevaluate agad, even on the proposal, highly problematic and may be gathered
lahat lahat ineevaluate. through observations, interviews, and
performance evaluations or through
employee surveys.
According to Griffith. D (2017) Discipline
may be warranted, for instance, for overt
and egregious offenses covered by policy
and even for a persistent pattern of less
egregious offenses after the employee has
not responded to the second chances
offered. Whatever the case, if discipline is
For humanitarian appropriate, then impose discipline by all
consideration, Do you give means. As much as employers should be
leeway or chances for your careful and allow for second chances, if
That shall depend upon the situation, the cause is lost because of the
employees to improve if he
But kung maforgive mo, we give
commits violations or employee’s refusal or apparent inability to
chances. Pero depende talaga yon sa
misdemeanours before change, then be decisive. Don’t allow such
strict enforcement of Civil matters to linger and infect the rest of the
Service Commission or workforce. Perhaps it is counterintuitive,
other related laws? but this is the more humane approach.
When the employment relationship is
irrevocably severed, it is best for the
employer, the employee in question, and
other employees impacted by the bad
actor to have the opportunity to move on
to a different and likely better reality than
to remain stuck under the misguided
belief that things will change.
According to United Nations Development
Programme evaluation office ( 2019)
Effective communication is important for
the development of an organization. It is
What are your best
something which helps the managers to
practices in controlling your Effective communication. Job Rotation
perform the basic functions of
employees which you feel and Monitoring and Evaluation
are effective? management. Job Rotation is a
management approach where
employees are shifted between two or
more assignments or jobs at regular
intervals of time in order to expose
them to all verticals of an
organization. Monitoring and
evaluation. Monitoring and
Evaluation (M&E) is a process that
helps improve performance and
achieve results. Its goal is to improve
current and future management of
outputs, outcomes and impact. ()

Supervising Strategies to Manage Many Employees' Work Performance at Once.


Principles of Management Control.

Controlling: Meaning, Nature and Principles.

Controlling Function of Management.

Organizational Problem Identification.

The Case for Offering Second Chances to Misbehaving Employees.

Monitoring and evaluation.

United Nations Development Programme evaluation office - Handbook on Monitoring and Evaluating for Results. Prince Conway II; a M&E specialist from the Ministry of Health
and Social Welfare was one of the those who achieved greatly in the health sector moving the Malaria data from 60% below base line to 85% above

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