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Factors affecting post- implemented ERP system

ERP is a business hub that deals with all business functions. All departments are linked together
and information and data storage are made possible in uniform manner in interlinked platform.
Several organizations use ERP system to makes business profitable. Some organizations initiate
ERP implementation process but soon fail to attempt desired result due to factors affecting post
implementation process of ERP system. Here are following factors that can affect system
quality, service quality and information quality of ERP implementation success.

a. Top Management Support

ERP is a strategic tool to makes decisions before time on the basis of information or data
and previous history. If top management is ambitious and have acknowledged the
significance of ERP project scope then it will make post implementation process
smoothly. The top management should be clarity of vision, real time ERP timelines,
makes timely decisions.

b. Project Management Team

To manage ERP system, the organization should hire capable software consultant as well
as trained internal staff. Lack of motivation and team work, fails to mitigate risk, fail to
prioritize tasks, unrealistic project plans and milestones, by the management helps to
make failure of ERP system.

c. Training and Education

The staff and user are reluctant to adopt new system. It needs to provide awareness and
should arrange training secessions to ERP system effective. If user and staff are feeling
shy or unknown to system, it will not provide better result. Regular training of staff and
awareness with change should be given.

d. Business process
There should be clarity in system requirement design and specification, and minimal
customization to run ERP system smoothly. Adequate funds are required to run ERP
system. Missing data, incomplete information or improper formats cannot provide
required results.

e. Vendor management
The organization should have good relationship with software developer and consultant
so they should approach timely if ERP system needs configuration, testing,
customization, error mitigation or any software problem. Delays can be fatal as all
business functions will be stopped.

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