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Assignment name: Bad UI Examples 16201519-(005) September 15, 2019

CS-106 Human Computer Interaction


Submitted to:
Dr Umar Shoaib

Submitted by:
Muhammad Hadi (16201519-005)


Spring 2019

Department of Computer Science

Faculty of Computing and Information Technology

University of Gujrat

Hafiz Hayat Campus

Assignment name: Bad UI Examples 16201519-(005) September 15, 2019

CS:Human Computer Interaction

Fall 2016 – Computer Science Department, University of Gujrat

1. Yales School of Arts

This is the announcement site of Yales School of Art being on of the most popular schools of the world. This
webpage fails to cover all UI/UX principles.

1. Website is not responsive not mobile friendly and not adoptable to smaller screens
2. The website lacks the structure that tells a story
3. The layout is not informative and very distracting which will waste a lot of user time
4. This design lacks contrast
5. Text orientation is quite random some text is rotated and hence highly unreadable and does not follow
UI/UX guidelines at all
6. Background is repeating and totally unrelatable to the content of the website
7. Also website fails to use the whole size of screen intelligently and total content is concentrated on one
side of the screen

Assignment name: Bad UI Examples 16201519-(005) September 15, 2019

2. Joomla CMS

Joomla is a php based content management system (CMS). Joomla was one of the primary competitors of
wordpress in early days. But failed to keep up with wordpress due to inconsistent design patterns.

1. The admin dashboard is not very fluent and accessibility is very low
2. Interface is not user friendly and it seems like all the details of the website are placed in one place
3. The content looks congested
4. The UI fails to stand out in terms of colors and fonts
5. However, the page is responsive but it fails to place the content in such a way that it is easier for user
to access it without getting lost on the site


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