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January 2019

This edition of China IASB news and updates

Accounting Alert provides ► IASB Update for December 2018
news and updates about
The December 2018 issue of the IASB Update contains the IASB staff summary of the
IFRS, financial reporting in
IASB meeting held on 11 and 13 December 2018 when the board discussed:
Mainland China and EY
publications. ► Insurance Contracts
► Updating a Reference to the Conceptual Framework (Amendments to IFRS 3)
► Provisions
► Dynamic Risk Management
► Business Combinations under Common Control
► Primary Financial Statements
► Research Program
► Pension Benefits
► IBOR Reform and its Effects on Financial Reporting
► Rate-regulated Activities
► Disclosure Initiative: Accounting Policies
► Implementation matters—Accounting Policy Changes
Mainland news and updates ► MOF issues Notice of the Ministry of Finance on Issuing
the Revised Presentation of Consolidated Financial
► MOF issues Notice on Issuing the Revised Presentation
Statements for 2018 (Cai Kuai [2019] No. 1)
of Financial Statements for Financial Institutions for
2018 (Cai Kuai [2018] No. 36) For the phased implementation of the new financial
instrument standard and the new revenue standard
The Ministry of Finance (MOF) has issued Notice on
starting 1 January 2018, the MOF has issued Notice of the
Issuing the Revised Presentation of Financial Statements
Ministry of Finance on Issuing the Revised Presentation of
for Financial Institutions for 2018 (Cai Kuai [2018] No. 36)
Consolidated Financial Statements for 2018 (Cai Kuai
(the “Notice”) to provide further guidance on the
[2019] No. 1) (the “Notice”) following Notice of the
presentation of financial statements for financial
Ministry of Finance on Issuing the Revised Presentation of
institutions. The revision is based on the new changes in
Financial Statements for General Business Enterprises for
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, such as
2018 (Cai Kuai [2018] No. 15) and Notice of the Ministry
the new financial instrument standard, the new revenue
of Finance on Issuing the Revised Presentation of
standard, the standard on government grants and the
Financial Statements for Financial Institutions for 2018
standard on assets held for sale, and their implementation.
(Cai Kuai [2018] No. 36).
According to the Notice, financial institutions are:
The Notice is applicable to business groups which have
1. required to prepare financial statements in
applied the new financial instrument standard and the new
accordance with Accounting Standards for Business
revenue standard. Only the revision of the presentation of
Enterprises and the requirements of the Notice if
consolidated financial statements is included in the
they have adopted both of the new financial
appendix Presentation of Consolidated Financial
instrument standard and the new revenue standard;
Statements for 2018 to the Notice. The revised
2. required to prepare financial statements with presentation format and related items are applicable to
reference to the Notice if they have adopted the new the parents and their subsidiaries which engage in various
financial instrument standard but not yet adopted the operations, including general business enterprises,
other new standards; and commercial banks, insurance companies and securities
3. not required to apply the requirements of the Notice companies, etc. New presentation items can be added for
if they have adopted the other new standards but not separate presentation by an enterprise according to the
yet adopted the new financial instrument standard. principle of materiality and the actual circumstances if
necessary; presentation items that do not correspond to
Presentation of Financial Statements for Financial its business can be removed. For business groups which
Institutions for 2018 (the “Revision”) revises and adds mainly consist of financial institutions, consolidated
new presentation requirements for financial institutions financial statements should be prepared based on the
based on the new changes in Accounting Standards for presentation of financial statements for financial
Business Enterprises. According to the Revision, the institutions, with adjustments to related items in order to
carrying amounts of some items of financial assets be in companies with the presentation of financial
included in the financial statements may reflect multiple statements for general business enterprises and the
measurement bases, and the accounting dimensions of requirements of the Notice.
some accounts may also change. Presentation items that
do not correspond to the businesses of the financial
institutions can be removed according to the principle of In addition, the Accounting Department of the CSRC has
materiality and the actual circumstances, and if necessary, proposed Special Provisions on Preparation of Notes to
new presentation items can be added for separate Financial Statements for Securities Companies (2018) (the
presentation. “Provisions”) (Kuai Ji Bu Han [2018] No. 590) based on
Financial institutions adopting the requirements of the Presentation of Financial Statements for Financial
Notice are no longer required to present financial Institutions for 2018 issued by the MOF. The Provisions
statements under Accounting Standard for Business are applicable for the annual disclosure of securities
Enterprises – Application Guidance (Cai Kuai [2006] No. companies that have adopted the new financial instrument
18) issued by the MOF on 13 October 2006. standard, and provide detailed guidelines and templates
for purposes such as the collective disclosure of financial
instruments with different measurement bases.

China Accounting Alert 2

► Shanghai Stock Exchange releases and revises ► Shanghai Stock Exchange issues Notice on the
Guidelines on Industry Information Disclosure for Listed Preparation of Disclosure of 2018 Annual Reports of
Companies of Certain Industries Listed Companies
Recently, the Shanghai Stock Exchange has released In order to improve the preparation of disclosure of 2018
Circular on Issuing Guidelines on Industry Information annual reports of listed companies, the Shanghai Stock
Disclosure for Listed Companies No. 21-28 and Revising Exchange has issued Notice on the Preparation of
Guidelines on Industry Information Disclosure for Listed Disclosure of 2018 Annual Reports of Listed Companies
Companies of Certain Industries to provide guidance on (the “Notice”), requiring listed companies and auditors to
the disclosure of listed companies’ operating information, perform their duties diligently and effectively improve the
including specific guidelines for integrated circuit industry truthfulness and effectiveness of disclosure of annual
and other seven industries and revised specific guidelines reports. The requirements for disclosure of key financial
for electric power industry and other three industries: information of annual reports cover the following six
1. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.21 - 1. Goodwill impairment: Involve reasonable judgement to
Integrated Circuit identify any indication of impairment, conduct
impairment testing of goodwill in a timely manner,
2. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry
and evaluate the reasonableness of impairment
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.22 -
testing carefully in accordance with Accounting
Aviation, Shipping and Railway Transportation
Regulatory Risk Alerts issued by the CSRC.
Equipment Manufacturing
2. Matters relating to the implementation of new
3. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry
Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises: Focus
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.23 -
on the applicability and implementation of the new
Medical Devices
financial instrument standard and the new revenue
4. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry standard.
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.24 -
3. Misappropriation of funds and external guarantees:
Food Manufacturing
Focus on the decision-making procedures and
5. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry information disclosure of issues such as fund
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.25 - transfers and external guarantees between listed
Gold and Jewelry Accessories companies and their related parties.
6. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry 4. Transactions using the shotgun approach: Pay high
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.26 - attention to the economic substance, decision-making
Film and TV Series procedures, accounting treatment and disclosure of
7. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry transactions related to the divestment of loss-making
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.27 - assets or disposal of non-operating assets, debt
Furniture Manufacturing restructuring, changes in accounting policies and
accounting estimates, correction of errors made in
8. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry prior period, provision for or reversal of asset
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.28 – impairment, significant related party transactions,
Non-ferrous Metals sales using the shotgun approach and other
9. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry transactions and issues.
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.4 - 5. Changes in accounting policies and accounting
Electric Power (Revised in 2018) estimates or correction of material accounting errors:
10. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry Provide information disclosure, audit or special
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.7 - assurance services in accordance with Standards for
Pharmaceutical Manufacturing (Revised in 2018) the Preparation of Annual Reports and Compilation
Rule for Information Disclosure by Companies Offering
11. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry
Securities to the Public No. 19 - Correction of Financial
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.11 -
Information and Related Disclosure (Revised in 2018).
Photovoltaic (Revised in 2018)
6. Matters relating to audit: Focus on information
12. Shanghai Stock Exchange Guideline on Industry
disclosure of key audit matters and modified audit
Information Disclosure for Listed Companies No.12 -
Garments (Revised in 2018)
The above guidelines take effect on 1 January 2019.

China Accounting Alert 3

The Notice also includes requirements for disclosure of ► NEEQ releases Notice on the Preparation of Disclosure of
key non-financial information in annual reports, covering 2018 Annual Reports of NEEQ-listed Companies
11 topics, such as the pledge and freeze of controlling
Recently, the NEEQ has released Notice on the
interests and interests of actual controllers, corporate
Preparation of Disclosure of 2018 Annual Reports of
governance, sub-industry information disclosure, and
NEEQ-listed Companies (the “Notice”) to enhance the
sustained information disclosure of mergers, acquisitions
disclosure of 2018 annual reports of NEEQ-listed
and restructuring.
companies. Preparers of annual reports are required to:
In addition, the Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen
1. Use differentiated templates for disclosure of annual
Stock Exchange have issued Notice on the Preparation of
Disclosure of 2018 Annual Reports of Bond Issuers and
Notice on Matters relating to the Preparation of Disclosure NEEQ-listed companies are required to prepare their
of 2018 Annual Reports of Bond Issuers, respectively, annual reports with templates applicable to the
requiring corporate bond issuers to effectively improve markets on which they are listed and the industries in
the preparation, submission and disclosure of 2018 which they operate (including the templates for
annual reports. disclosure of annual reports of general business
enterprises listed on the Innovative Market and the
Basic Market of the New Third Board, and commercial
► NEEQ releases guidelines on industry information banks, securities companies and other six types of
disclosure for professional and technical services financial companies).
industry and other three industries
2. Apply guidelines on industry information disclosure
The National Equities Exchange and Quotations (NEEQ)
Companies from software and information technology
has recently released Announcement on Releasing
services, pharmaceutical manufacturing,
Guidelines on Industry Information Disclosure for
environmental governance and other industries,
Professional and Technical Services and Other Three
which are listed on the Innovation Market of the New
Industries to provide guidance on the preparation of and
Third Board, are required to fulfill their obligations
information disclosure in public transfer statements,
related to information disclosure of annual reports
annual reports and interim reports of companies listed on
and disclose operating information in accordance with
the NEEQ, including the guideline on information
the guidelines on sub-industry information disclosure.
disclosure for the public transfer statements and the
Companies listed on the Basic Market of the New
guideline on sustained information disclosure for four
Third Board are encouraged to make voluntary
industries, i.e., professional and technical service industry,
retail industry, Internet and related service industry and
computer, telecommunications and other electronic 3. Provide special disclosure of the private fund business
equipment manufacturing industry. The guidelines take NEEQ-listed companies, which are not registered as
effect on 4 January 2019. Among these guidelines, the private fund managers but their subsidiaries in the
guideline on information disclosure for the public transfer scope of consolidated financial statements are
statements is applicable to the companies applying for registered as private fund managers, are required to
NEEQ listing and the guideline on sustained information provide special disclosure of the private fund business
disclosure is applicable to the companies listed on the of such subsidiaries in Section IV “Management’s
Innovation Market of the New Third Board while the Discussion and Analysis” with reference to the
companies listed on the Basic Market of the New Third content and format of “disclosure of special
Board are also encouraged to follow. information” in the template for annual reports of
private equity managers.

China Accounting Alert 4

EY publications
► IFRS Developments Issue 139: Physical settlement of ► Applying IFRS: Impairment considerations when applying
contracts to buy or sell a non-financial item the new leasing standard (IFRS 16)

The IFRS Interpretations Committee discussed the IFRS 16 Leases requires lessees to record a right-of-use
physical settlement of contracts to buy or sell a non- asset and a lease liability for most lease arrangements in
financial item under IFRS 9 Financial Instruments. It their financial statements. They will also be subject to the
tentatively concluded that IFRS 9 neither permits nor impairment requirements of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets.
requires an entity to reverse any gain or loss from Learn more about the practical considerations of the
remeasuring the contracts recorded prior to settlement. interaction between IFRS 16 and IAS 36.
Further details about the discussion are found in EY’s IFRS IFRS 16 is effective for annual periods beginning on or
Developments Issue 139. after 1 January 2019, with limited early application

► IFRS Developments Issue 140: Revenue earned before

an asset is ready for its intended use ► IFRS Update of standards and interpretations in issue as
In November 2018, the IASB decided to proceed with at 31 December 2018
amendments to IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment, This edition of IFRS Update is an overview of upcoming
incorporating certain modifications to the exposure draft changes in standards and interpretations issued by the
issued in June 2017, in respect of the identification of IASB and the IFRIC as at 31 December 2018 that will be
costs related to revenue generated before an asset is effective for the first time for reporting periods ended at
available for its intended use. that date or thereafter. It also summarizes key features of
The Board also plans to propose further changes to selected IASB projects and recent IFRIC agenda decisions.
disclosure and presentation requirements. Further details
about the amendments are found in EY’s IFRS
Developments Issue 140. ► Good Mining (International) Limited - Illustrative
consolidated financial statements (December 2018)
Good Mining (International) Limited is a set of illustrative
► Applying IFRS: A closer look at IFRS 16 Leases financial statements specific to the mining industry for
This edition of Applying IFRS on IFRS 16 Leases includes the year ended 31 December 2018. It was prepared in
changes to address evolving implementation issues. It accordance with IFRS issued as at 30 September 2018.
analyzes the standard and discusses the implementation
issues. It also provides a comparison to the new US GAAP
standard on leases.
It is intended for use by entities that are in the process of
adopting IFRS 16 and those that have already adopted it.

China Accounting Alert 5

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All Rights Reserved. China Accounting Alert is our monthly executive update for Mainland
APAC No. 03007860 China and Hong Kong on recent developments in local and
ED None. international financial reporting, and related hot topics and emerging
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