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1. De Guia v. Commission on Elections G.R. No.

78687, [January 31, 1989], 251 PHIL 764-772

G.R. No. 104712, [May 6, 1992], 284 PHIL 565-57
OBJECT. — No law is ever enacted that is intended to be meaningless, much less inutile. provision, it is explicit that only three classes of persons are bestowed the right to repurchase
We must therefore, as far as we can, define its meaning, its significance, its reason for being. - the applicant-patentee, his widow, or other legal heirs. Consequently, the contention of the
As it has oft been held, the key to open the door to what the legislature intended which is private respondent sustained by the respondent appellate court that the petitioners do not
vaguely expressed in the language of a statute is its purpose or the reason which induced it belong to any of those classes of repurchasers because they acquired the property not through
to enact the statute. If the statute needs construction, as it does in the present case, the most inheritance but by sale, has no legal basis. The petitioners-spouses are the daughter and son-
dominant in that process is the purpose of the act. Statutes should be construed in the light in-law of the Encisos, patentees of the contested property. At the very least, petitioner Elena
of the object to be achieved and the evil or mischief to be suppressed, and they should be given Salenillas, being a child of the Encisos, is a "legal heir" of the latter. As such, and even on this
such construction as will advance the object, suppress the mischief, and secure the benefits score alone, she may therefore validly repurchase. This must be so because Section 119
intended. A construction should be rejected that gives to the language used in a statute a of the Public Land Act, in speaking of "legal heirs," makes no distinction. Ubi lex
meaning that does not accomplish the purpose for which the statute was enacted, and that non distinguit nec nos distinguere debemos.
tends to defeat the ends which are sought to be attained by the enactment.
2. ID.; ID.; ID.; PURPOSE. — To indorse the distinction made by the private respondent
FACTS: Congress passed R.A. 7166, signed into law by the President on November 26, 1991. and the appellate court would be to contravene the very purpose of Section 119 of the Public
It is “An Act Providing for Synchronized National and Local Elections and for Electoral Land Act which is to give the homesteader or patentee every chance to preserve for himself
Reforms, Authorizing Appropriations Therefor, and for Other Purposes.” Respondent and his family the land that the State had gratuitously given him as a reward for his labor in
COMELEC issued Resolution No. 2313, adopting rules and guidelines in the apportionment, clearing and cultivating it.
by district, of the number of elective members of the Sangguniang Panlalawigan in provinces
with only one (1) legislative district and the Sangguniang Bayan of municipalities in the FACTS: The parents of Elena Salenillas, petitioners, were grantees of free patent. The
Metro Manila Area for the preparation of the Project of District Apportionment by the subject property was later sold to her and her husband. The property of petitioners was
Provincial Election Supervisors and Election Registrars, Resolution No. 2379, approving the mortgaged to Philippine National bank as security for a loan. For failure to pay their loan,
Project of District Apportionment submitted pursuant to Resolution No. 2313, and Resolution the property was foreclose by PNB and was bought at a public auction by private respondent.
UND. 92-010 holding that pars. (a), (b) and (c), and the first sentence of par. (d), all of Sec. 3, Petitioner maintains that they have a right to repurchase the property under Sec. 119 of the
R.A. 7166, apply to the May 11, 1992 elections. Petitioner imputes grave abuse of discretion Public Land Act. Respondent states that the sale of the property disqualified petitioner from
to COMELEC in promulgating the aforementioned resolutions, and maintained that election being legal heirs vis-a-vis the said property.
of Sanggunian members be “at large” instead of “by district”.
Issue:W/N petitioners have the right to repurchase the property under Sec. 119 of
ISSUE: Whether or not the petitioner’s interpretation of Sec.3 of R.A. 7166 is correct thePublic Land Act.
in assailing the aforementioned COMELEC Resolutions.
RULING: YES. Sec. 119 of the Public Land Act provides that "every conveyance of land
HELD: NO. Petition was dismissed for lack of merit acquired under the free patent or homestead provisions shall be subject to repurchase by the
applicant, his widow or legal heirs within a period of five years from the date or conveyance."
Spirit and purpose of the law – The reason for the promulgation of R.A. 7166 is shown in The provision makes no distinction between the legal heirs. Ubi lex non distinguit nec nos
the explanatory note of Senate Bill No. 1861, and that respondent COMELEC is cognizant of distinguere debemos. The distinction made by respondent contravenes the very purpose of
its legislative intent. the act. Between two statutory interpretations, that which better serves the purpose of the
law should prevail.
No law is ever enacted that is intended to be meaningless, much less inutile. We must
therefore, as far as we can, divine its meaning, its significance, its reason for being. As it has Invoking the provision made under Section 119 of the Public Land Act, the petitioners, being
oft been held, the key to open the door to what the legislature intended which is vaguely legal heirs, had the right to repurchase the said property as long as the 5-year period had not
expressed in the language of a statute is its purpose or the reason which induced it to enact yet proscribed. The Court held that when the petitioners expressed their desire to repurchase
the statute. the property in 1984, it was evident that the 5-year period had not yet proscribed, the public
auction having been in 1981 and the issuance of the Final deed in 1983.
The true import of Par. (d) is that Sangguniang Panlungsod of the single-district cities and
the Sangguniang Bayan of the municipalities outside Metro Manila, which remained single- Considering that petitioner Salenillas is a daughter of the spouses Florencia H. Enciso and
districts not having been ordered apportioned under Sec. 3 of R.A. 7166 will have to continue Miguel Enciso, there is no gainsaying that allowing her (Elena) and her husband to
to be elected at large in the May 11, 1992, elections, although starting 1995 they shall all be repurchase the property would be more in keeping with the spirit of the law. We
elected by district to effect the full implementation of the letter and spirit of R.A. 7166. have time and again said that between two statutory interpretations, that which better serves
the purpose of the law should prevail.
2. Salenillas v. Court of Appeals
3. Commendador vs. Gen. Demetrio been to restrict its meaning and confine its terms and benefits to those expressly mentioned
G.R. No. 78687, [January 31, 1989], 251 PHIL 764-772 or casus omissus pro omisso habendus est — A person, object or thing omitted from an
enumeration must be held to have been omitted intentionally.
FACTS: The petitioners are officers of the Armed Forces of the Philippines facing prosecution
for their alleged participation in the failed coup d'etat that took place on December 1 to 9, 9. ID.; ID.; DOCTRINE OF NECESSARY IMPLICATION; APPLICABLE IN CASE AT
1989. A Pre-Trial Investigation (PTI) Panel had been constituted pursuant to Office Order BAR. — The maxim of expressio unius est exclusio alterius should not be the applicable
No. 16 to investigate the petitioners. The PTI Panel issued a uniform subpoena individually maxim in this case but the doctrine of necessary implication which holds that: "No statute
addressed to the petitioners. The petitioners acknowledged receipt of a copy of the charge can be enacted that can provide all the details involved in its application. There is always an
sheet, sworn statements of witnesses, and death and medical certificates of victims of the omission that may not meet a particular situation. What is thought, at the time of enactment,
rebellion. to be an all-embracing legislation may be inadequate to provide for the unfolding events of
the future. So-called gaps in the law develop as the law is enforced. One of the rules of
At the first scheduled hearing, the petitioners challenged the proceedings on various grounds, statutory construction used to fill in the gap is the doctrine of necessary implication. The
prompting the PTI Panel to grant them 10 days to file their objections in writing through a doctrine states that what is implied in a statute is as much a part thereof as that which is
Motion for Summary Dismissal. The PTI Panel denied the motion and gave the petitioners 5 expressed. Every statute is understood, by implication, to contain all such provisions as may
days to submit their respective counter-affidavits and the affidavits of their witnesses. be necessary to effectuate its object and purpose, or to make effective rights, powers,
privileges or jurisdiction which it grants, including all such collateral and subsidiary
May 15, 1990, the petitioners manifested that they were exercising their right to raise consequences as may be fairly and logically inferred from its terms. Ex necessitate legis. And
peremptory challenges against the president and members of GCM No.14 by invoking Article every statutory grant of power, right or privilege is deemed to include all incidental power,
18 of Com. Act No. 408. GCM No. 14 ruled, however, that peremptory challenges had right or privilege. This is so because the greater includes the lesser, expressed in the maxim,
been discontinued under P.D. No.39. in eo plus sit, simper inest et minus."

ISSUE: WHETHER OR NOT PETITIONERS CAN MANIFEST THE RIGHT TO FACTS: Republic Act No. 6683 provided benefits for early retirement and voluntary
PEREMPTORY CHALLENGE. separation from the government service as well as for involuntary separation due to
reorganization. Deemed qualified to avail of its benefits are those enumerated in Sec. 2 of the
RULING: YES. The petitioners have the right to peremptory challenge. The right to Act. Petitioner Lydia Chua believing that she is qualified to avail of the benefits of the
peremptory challenge was originally provided under Article 18 of Com. Act No. 408 (Articles program, filed an application with respondent National Irrigation Administration (NIA)
of War). which, however, denied the same; instead, she was offered separation benefits equivalent to
one half (1/2) month basic pay for every year of service commencing from 1980, or almost
November 7,1972, when President Marcos promulgated P.D. No. 39 (Governing the fifteen (15) years in four (4) successive governmental projects. A recourse by petitioner to the
Creation, Composition, Jurisdiction, Procedure, and other matters relevant to military Civil Service Commission yielded negative results, citing that her position is co-terminous
Tribunals). This decree disallowed the peremptory challenge. with the NIA project which is contractual in nature and thus excluded by the enumerations
under Sec.3.1 of Joint DBM-CSC Circular Letter No. 89-1, i.e. casual, emergency, temporary
January 17,1981, President Marcos issued Proc. No. 2045 proclaiming the termination of or regular employment. Petitioner appealed to the Supreme Court by way of a special civil
the state of martial law throughout the Philippines. With the termination of martial law action for certiorari.
and the dissolution of the military tribunals created there under, the reason for the
It is a basic canon of statutory construction that when the reason of the law ceases,
the law itself ceases. Cessante rationelegis, cessat ipsa lex. Applying these rules, we RULING: YES. Petition was granted. Petitioner was established to be a co-terminous
hold that the withdrawal of the right to peremptory challenge in P.D. No. 39 became employee, a non-career civil servant, like casual and emergency employees. The Supreme
ineffective when the apparatus of martial law was dismantled with the issuance of Court sees no solid reason why the latter are extended benefits under the Early Retirement
Proclamation No.2045, As a result, the old rule embodied in Article 18 of Com. Act No. 408 Law but the former are not. It will be noted that Rep. Act No. 6683 expressly extends its
was automatically revived and now again allows the right to peremptory challenge. benefits for early retirement to regular, temporary, casual and emergency employees. But
specifically excluded from the benefits are uniformed personnel of the AFP including those of
4. Chua v. Civil Service Commission the PC-INP. It can be argued that, expressio unius est exclusio alterius but the applicable
G.R. No. 88979, [February 7, 1992], 282 PHIL 970-990 maxim in this case is the doctrine of necessary implication which holds that “what is implied
in a statute is as much a part thereof as that which is expressed”.
EXCLUSIO ALTERIUS AND CASUS OMISSUS PRO OMISSO HABENDUS EST; The Court believes, and so holds, that the denial by the respondents NIA and CSC of
CONSTRUED. — Specifically excluded from the benefits are uniformed personnel of the AFP petitioner’s application for early retirement benefits under R.A. No. 6683 is unreasonable,
including those of the PC-INP. It can be argued that, expressio unius est exclusio alterius. unjustified, and oppressive, as petitioner had filed an application for voluntary retirement
The legislature would not have made a specific enumeration in a statute had not the intention within a reasonable period and she is entitled to the benefits of said law. In the interest of
substantial justice, her application must be granted; after all she served the government not Because of this, the lower court dismissed the case against him. The Solicitor General
only for two (2) years — the minimum requirement under the law but for almost fifteen (15) appealed.
years in four (4) successive governmental projects.
5. People v. Manantan, G.R. No. L-14129 SECTION 54 OF THE REVISED ELECTION CODE
[July 31, 1962], 115 PHIL 657-671)
RULING: YES. Although petitioner argues that when Section 54 of the Revised Election
1. ELECTIONEERING; OFFICERS PROHIBITED FROM ENGAGING IN POLITICS; Code omitted the words “justice of peace” from the Revised Administrative Code
JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. — A justice of the peace is included among the officers provision from which it was taken and thus making the intention of the legislature
enjoined from active political participation by Section 54 of the Revised Election clear in the omission, the word judge in the former provision was qualified or modified
Code. There was no need of including justices of the peace in the enumeration in by the phrase “of first instance.” The term “judge” in Section 54 is not modified or qualified,
said Section 54 because the Legislature had availed itself of the more generic and making it broader and more generic to comprehend all kinds of judges, like judges of
broader term "judge." the Courts of First Instance, Courts of Agrarian Relations, Courts of Industrial Relations
and justices of the peace. The rule of casus omissus has no applicability to the case at bar for
2. ID.; ID.; TERM "JUDGE" CONSTRUED. — The term "judge" not modified by any the maxim only applies and operate if and when the omission has been clearly
word or phrase, is intended to comprehend all kinds of judges, like judges of the established
courts of First Instance, judges of the courts of Agrarian Relations, judges of the
courts of Industrial Relations, and justices of the peace.


APPLICABLE. — The rule of "casus omisus pro omisso habendus est" can operate
and apply only if and when the omission has been clearly established. In the case
at bar, the Legislature did not exclude or omit justices of the peace from the
enumeration of officers precluded from engaging in partisan political activities.
Rather, they were merely called by another term - "judge." The rule, therefore, has
no applicability to the instant case.


penal statutes are given strict construction is not the only factor controlling the
interpretation of such laws, instead, the rule merely serves as an additional, single
factor to be considered as an aid in determining the meaning of penal laws. (3
Sutherland Statutory Construction, p. 56). The court may consider the spirit and
reason of a statute, as in this particular instance where a literal meaning would
lead to absurdity, contradiction, injustice, or would defeat the clear purpose of the
lawmaker (Crawford Interpretation of Laws, Sec. 78, p. 294).

5. ID.; ID.; RULE OF EXCLUSION. — Where a statute appears on its phase to limit
the operation of its provisions to particular persons or things by enumerating
them, but no reason exist why other persons or things not so enumerated should
not have been included and manifest injustice will follow by not so including them,
the maxim expresio unius est exclusio, alterius, should not be invoked. (Blevins vs.
Mullally, 135 p. 307, 22 CAL. A pp. 519).


DEFENSE. — As defendant neither raised the issue of double jeopardy by way of
resisting the appeal of the state, nor argued in his brief the said plea, he is deemed
to have waived this defense.

FACTS: Defendant Guillermo Manantan was charged with a violation of the Section
54 of the Revised Election Code which provides that “No justice, judge, fiscal.... shall aid any
candidate in any manner in any election, except to vote.” Defendant contends that this
provision excludes justice of the peace and as such, he is excluded from this prohibition.

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