FCE Writing: A Letter or Email of Complaint

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FCE writing: a letter or email of complaint

Task 1:

Rearrange the paragraphs to make the coherent email.

Task 2:

Decide if the following statements are true or false:

1) The tone of the letter is polite, but not friendly or light-hearted.

2) It is factual and very formal and clearly expresses disappointment.
3) The first paragraph summarizes the compliant in detail.
4) The letter contains praise of the restaurant.

Task 3:

Look at the points below. Arrange them in the way a letter of complained should be
a) Ask for a relevant action, you might mention that you want a response within
a reasonable time
b) Briefly mention what product/service you will be talking about.
c) Explain in detail what caused your disappointment.
d) End your letter appropriately.

Useful phrases:

Look at the phrases below and insert them into the correct category:

Unless (X happens), I (will/won’t do X...)

I was extremely disappointed to...

I was surprised to experience...

Until recently, I have enjoyed...

...has always been excellent. Recently however, ...

I am very disappointed in...

Due to X, I ask/request that you...

I expect much higher standard of service from...

Because of X, I expect you to...

Dear Sir/Madam,
Dear Mr/Mrs.........,

I am writing to complain about...

My first problem...

My first concern...

The first thing I would like to draw your attention to...

In addition,...

Added to this...

... was also unacceptable

Yours faithfully,

Yours sincerely,

I would be grateful if my money was refunded.

I suggest that you ...(replace the item)

I therefore suggest that I be given...

I look forward to hearing from you.

I look forward to receiving your explanation.

I look forward to a resolution of this problem.

I look forward to receiving a full refund.

Category 1: Reason for writing

Category 2: Introducing the complaint

Category 3: Introducing further complaints

Category 4: Demanding action/ resolving a problem

Category 5: Ending the letter

Category 6: Phrases to show that you are normally used to better service

What grammar should you use when writing a letter of complaint?

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