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Statement of purpose

"Management is, above all, a practice where art, science, and craft meet" - Henry Mintzberg.
I couldn’t agree more with the above statement from what I have seen in the last 16 years of
my education. Management has always been a subtle part of everybody’s life. Whether be it
managing your academics or executing your plan throughout the day, strategizing in a game
or running an organization, without appropriate management it would be inconsequential.
Just like how most of the individuals future depends on what they have been influenced by in
their childhood, my case was the same. Since when I was in my cradle, my parents used to
buy me toy cars for my amusement. At every stage of my life, I got more and more fascinated
about cars or one can say ‘machines’.My affection towards machines started to surge when
my uncle brought me a train set. From that moment on I was constantly into technology and
inventions which inspired me in pursuing engineering as a career. For my love of
automobiles, I joined an internship in ‘Sai service Maruti Suzuki’ during engineering. I got
good exposure to work experience and hands-on training in the automobile sector. That drove
me to enhance my knowledge of machines further in-depth. So, the next year I joined the
college team for the national event of Quad torc. We had to build a 4-wheeler off-roading
bike to compete. I never had imagined this to be one of the greatest events in my life.
Everything was built from scratch designing, assembling and testing. My role was to do
comprehensive market research and material procurement. Many complications arrived
during the assembling phase but we stood our ground. I was given the most crucial
assignment of wayfaring from place to place to get the right tools and components so that the
bike could meet its deadline. After all the hardships we faced, we went for the competition
and notched 15th rank overall out of 34 competing teams. Being the Logistics Head of the
team, few juniors were under my instruction. The experience of this event opened my mind
for further consideration in management studies.
My final year project was ‘Optimization of Thermal Utilities in Textile Industry’ in
Siyaram’s silk mills Pvt. Ltd. Our task was to optimize the boiler for better efficiency. For
that, we had to understand the process cycle of water, coal, and power being used. I had
analyzed and calculated and suggested that by using an economizer the current boiler will
have an improvement in the efficiency of about 4% more. Although the project proved to be a
tedious one, it taught me its in-depth industry’s production process and its management. It
also made me aware of the crucial importance of the finance required to run the firm. During
my bachelor’s I had subjects like Operations Research, Quality Management, Metrology, and
quality engineering, Industrial Engineering and management, etc. The experiences of my
academics demonstrated to me the gravity of engineering in the modern business world, as
well as the crucial role played by management in the ultimate direction and success of a
company. Engineering has taught me a lot more than academics, it improved my inter-
personal skills like the art of conversing with unknown people, presentation skills, leadership
qualities, increase self-confidence, etc. It is difficult to understate the importance of
engineering in companies and the business world as a whole.
The first management exposure I got was in 2015 when I participated in the Green
Revolution organized by ICCE (International Centre for culture and education). Our job was
to make people aware of the current environmental crisis going on by keeping workshops or
by doing flash mobs and to promote the use of cloth bags instead of plastic bags. I joined the
International NGO Lions club later. A young part of the organization known as the Leo club
of Mumbai Metro where I was given the responsibility of Treasurer is the origin where I felt
the need to acquire management skills. I have always believed that leaving back the darkness
does not make it go away and I was forever inspired to change that. So, I participated in many
events held by the lion’s club as a supporting role to manage the events. There were blood
donation camps, tree plantation drives, and health checkup camps. I also volunteered for the
NGO titled U&I. There we had to teach underprivileged kids subjects like Mathematics,
English and made them do activities that would help them build their personality and improve
their performance.
I bring with my candidature a strong amalgamation of the best and the worst living conditions
and how it can effectively change the world we live in. I think studying in the UK will not
only make me brighter but also acquaint me with the latest and international business
practices and I will get a better understanding of the varied and diverse cultures. For gaining
more professional skills, practical knowledge, experiencing the different cultures of the world
and for self- a development I apply for the Master’s Programme in your esteemed university
to fulfill my dreams under the guidance of your prestigious faculty. I know the completion of
this course will be an added advantage to me and will help me grab good opportunities in the
corporate world. As the above shows, I am highly motivated and ambitious in pursuing my
master’s degree in the UK. By studying in your master’s program, I hope to extend my vision
and improve my English proficiency. Since the UK is home to thousands of international
students, it will be a great opportunity for me to meet and study with people from different
parts of the world and learn from them.
I am fully convinced that I have already been well prepared and qualified for meeting the
upcoming challenges with great courage and confidence. Our decision decides our life and
once in everyone's life, one has to take such a decision. You live life every day and die once.
So, in my mind, its true meaning dwells in facing up to the challenges until you eventually
come out as a winner. I wish to further pursue my studies in the field of Engineering
Management. I believe my concern for the quality of attaining a good education and for a
new concept of management in the global environment will be helpful and instrumental to me
in achieving my goals in life. Project Management is with an understanding that it is effective
in managing any affairs and any activity that could be helpful for better working, better
productivity, and better results. Keeping this in mind, joining your university seems to me as
an excellent step in climbing the ladder of success. I look forward to an intellectually
inspiring and fruitful association with your university. Thank you for your consideration.

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