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Course Material – SSA II Pipes & Cisterns

Exercise Problems

1. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 20 and 30 [d] 430 gallons
minutes respectively. If both the pipes are used
7. Two pipes A and B can fill a tank in 8 minutes and 14
together, then how long will it take to fill the tank?
minutes respectively. If both the pipes are opened
[a] 12 minutes simultaneously, and the pipe A is closed after 3
minutes, then how much more time will it take to fill
[b] 15 minutes
the tank by pipe B?
[c] 20 minutes
[a] 5 minutes 45 seconds
[d] 25 minutes
[b] 6 minutes 40 seconds
2. A cistern can be filled by a tap in 4 hours while it can
[c] 4 minutes 6 seconds
be emptied by another tap in 9 hours. If both the
taps are opened simultaneously then after how [d] 5 minutes 25 seconds
much time will the cistern get filled?
8. Two taps A and B can fill a cistern in 12 minutes and
[a] 7 1/5 hours 15 minutes respectively. They are opened together
but after few minutes, A is turned off and the rest of
[b] 8 ½ hours
the cistern is filled by B in 5 minutes. After how
[c] 9 hours many minutes was A turned off?
[d] 10 1/7 hours [a] 4 minutes
3. Pipes A and B can fill a tank in 5 and 6 hours [b] 7 minutes
respectively. Pipe C can empty it in 12 hours. If all
[c] 6 minutes
the three pipes are opened together, then the tank
will be filled in? [d] None of these
[a] 4 hours 9. Water flows into a reservoir which is 200 m long and
150 m wide, through a pipe of cross-section (0.3 m x
[b] 3 9/17 hours
0.2 m) at 20 km/h. In what time will the water level
[c] 5 hours be 8?
[d] 6 ½ hours [a] 100 hours
4. Half of the water tank is filled manually. Tap A can [b] 150 hours
fill the tank in 20 minutes and B can empty the tank
[c] 175 hours
in 12 minutes. If A and B are opened together, then
the time taken to empty or fill the tank is: [d] 200 hours
[a] 15 minutes 10. There are 12 pipes that are connected to a tank.
Some of them are fill pipes and the others are drain
[b] 20 minutes
pipes. Each of the fill pipes can fill the tank in 8
[c] 25 minutes hours and each of the drain pipes can drain the tank
completely in 6 hours. If all the fill pipes and drain
[d] 30 minutes
pipes are kept open, an empty tank gets filled in 24
5. A can fill tank in 12 minutes, B in 15 minutes and C hours. How many of the 12 pipes are fill pipes?
empties it in 6 minutes. A and B are opened for 5
[a] 6
minutes then C is also opened. In what time is the
tank empty? [b] 8
[a] 45 minutes [c] 7
[b] 50 minutes [d] 5
[c] 54 minutes
[d] 23 minutes
6. Two pipes can fill a tank in 25 and 30 minutes
respectively and a waste pipe can empty 3 gallons
per minute. All the three pipes working together can
fill the tank in 15 minutes. The capacity of the tank
[a] 560 gallons
[b] 450 gallons
[c] 340 gallons

Department of Placement Training Page 1

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