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Biology  specialized tissues that gather information about the

conditions inside and outside the body.

Animal Tissues  They transmit nerve impulses from cell to cell to allow
the body to respond appropriately to changes in internal
 Trillions of cells that comprise the human body and external environmental conditions.
 These cells form aggregates or group together as Neuron
 Neuron is the basic unit of structure and function in the
 Generally classified into four types. nerve. Neurons are specialized cells designed to receive,
integrate and transmit information to other nerve cells,
Epithelial Tissues muscles or glands.
 are tissues that line surfaces and cavities of all organs in
 There three type of neurons according to function,
the body
 Examples: skin,the lining of the food tube and, the lining
of the air tubes · sensory neurons, usually associated with sensory organs,
 Can also form glands that synthesize secretory products they receive information in the form of stimuli from the
 Compactly arranged and avascular external environment and convert these into internal electrical
Connective tissues
· interneurons, found in the brain and spinal cord, they
 are made up of cells, mostly fibroblasts, which secrete a integrate information in the form of electrical impulses and
large amount of extracellular material (protein fibers, relay these signals between sensory and motor neurons to
glycoproteins, produce an appropriate response.
 Connect and bind parts together
 They include loose and dense connective tissues, · motor neurons control effector muscles or glands for an
cartilage, bone, lymph and blood. appropriate movement or action in response to the external
Muscle Tissues
 Neuroglia, also called glial cells, are cells in the nerve
 are made up of cells that can respond to stimuli by tissue that protect and support neurons.
contracting, thus they function for movement.
 classified into three types according to location and  They provide mechanical support to neurons.
· Because of their non-conducting nature, the glial cells act as
Skeletal Muscles insulators between the neurons and prevent neuronal
impulses from spreading in unwanted directions.
 attached to bones and are responsible for voluntary
movement of the body. · They can remove the foreign material and cell debris by
 striated, with multinucleated (with many nuclei) cells that phagocytosis.
possess numerous mitochondria.
 Enables animals to move their bodies at will (voluntary) · They can repair the damaged areas of nervous tissue by
proliferation, they form glial scar tissue, and fill the gaps left
Smooth Muscle by degenerated neurons.

 made up of fusiform (spindle-shaped) mononucleated Plant Tissues

(with one nucleus) myocytes.
 They are found in the digestive tract, uterus, urinary  Any plant maybe composed of a number of different
bladder and blood vessels. tissues, each of which is classified according to structure,
 They are responsible for involuntary movement that origin, and function.
propels materials from one part of the body to another.  Based on origin, plant tissues maybe classified into:
 Non - striated
o Meristematic / Embryonic Tissues
Cardiac muscles
o Permanent / Non – Meristematic Tissues
 are found in the heart, which are made of mononucleated
Meristematic Tissues
 They control heart movement that pumps blood  tissues primary concerned with protoplasmic synthesis
continuously through the blood vessels. and formation of new cells by division.
 Striated and involutary

Nerve tissues
1. Apical meristems - a group of meristemtic cells found at the  Specialized cellular modifications are modifications that
tips of the plant, whose division contributes to an increase in make a cell different from another type of cell.
height (shoot apical meristem) or length (root apical
meristems) of the plant.
 A cilium (plural cilia) is an organelle found in eukaryotic
2. Lateral meristem – a group of actively cells.
dividing cells occupying a lateral position,  Cilia are slender protuberances that project from the much
larger cell body.
parallel with the sides of stems and roots, contributing mainly
to an increase in Flagella:
width, diameter or girth, e.g. vascular  It is a tail-like projection that protrudes from the cell body
of certain prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells, and functions
cambium and phellogen or cork cambium
in locomotion.
3. Intercalary meristem – meristematic tissue derived from the
Flagella v/s cilia:
apical meristem but continuing meristematic activity at some
distance from the apical meristem. May be intercalated
 Though eukaryotic flagella and motile cilia are
between tissues that are more or less mature. ultrastructurally identical, the beating pattern of the two
organelles can be different.
Permanent Tissues

 tissues that ceased to divide, have gained new parts or lost  In the case of flagella (e.g. the tail of a sperm) the motion
old ones to perform specialized permanent functions. is propeller-like.

1. Dermal Tissue - outer covering tissue of the plant that  Beating of motile cilia consists of coordinated back-and-
includes the epidermis and the periderm. forth cycling of many cilia on the cell surface.

a. Epidermis – outermost layer of cells of all young Function of flagella:

 Flagella serve for the propulsion of single cells (e.g.
b. Periderm – added protection and usually found in swimming of protozoa and spermatozoa), and motile cilia
mature plants for the transport of fluids (e.g. transport of mucus by
stationary ciliated cells in the trachea). However, cilia are
2. Vascular Tissue - the conducting tissue of the plant which also used for locomotion (through liquids) in organisms
functions for food, water and mineral distribution in the plant such as Paramecium .
A. Xylem - the principal water-conducting tissue in
vascular plants basically composed of vessels,  Microvilli (singular: microvillus) are microcopic cellular
tracheids, xylem fibers and xylem parenchyma. membrane protrusions that increase the surface area of
B. Phloem - the principal food-conducting tissue of
vascular plant3 composed of sieve element, Location of microvilli:
companion cells, phloem fibers and phloem
parenchyma  Thousands of microvilli form a structure called the brush
border that is found on the apical surface of some
3. Fundamental Tissue - the entire complex of ground tissues, epithelial cells,
that is, other than the dermal and vascular tissues, namely the
tissues comprising the cortex and the pith Stem Cells

 Parenchyma tissue  Unspecialized and have the ability to develop into

specialized cells for specific organs or to develop into
 Collenchyma tissue tissues

 Sclerenchyma tissue  Able to divide and replicate many times – repair of tissue

Cell modifications Fat Cells (ADIPOCYTES)

 Not every cell in a multicellular organism is the same.  Contain droplets of stored fat (triglycerides) that can be
 Cells need to be modified to carry out specialized used for energy
 Swell and becomes round when fat is stored
 Shrink in size when fat is used o M Phase which can be by
o Mitosis or Meiosis
 Also has endocrine function
 Cytokinesis – cytoplasmic division involving the
Skin Cells formation of cleavage furrow and cell plate

 Composed of a layer of epithelial tissue (epidermis), DIVIDING STAGE

supported by connective tissue (dermis), and an
underlying subcutaneous layer. Mitosis is the process whereby cells divide to form new cells
(daughter cells) which are identical to the original cell (parent
 Protects the internal structures of the body, prevents cell). The process includes 5 stages
dehydration, acts as a barrier against microorganisms,
stores fats, produces vitamins and hormones. 1) Prophase

Endothelial Cells 2) Prometaphase

 Endothelium refers to cells that line the interior surface 3) Metaphase

of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels, forming an
interface between circulating blood or lymph in the lumen 4) Anaphase
and the rest of the vessel wall.
5) Telophase
 Responsible for angiogenesis, regulation of movement of
Key Roles in Cell Division
substances, as well as blood pressure regulation
- The cell division process is an integral part of the cell
Nerve Cells cycle
 Long - The continuity of life is based on the reproduction of cells
or cell division
 Connections at each end
- Cell division conainues to function in renewal and repair,
 Can carry electrical signals replacing cells
 To carry nerve impulses to different parts of the body Eukaryotic Cell division
Egg cell - Mitosis is a type of nuclear division that produces
daughter nuclei that contain exactly the same number of
 Large the chromosomes as that of the parent nucleus.
 Contains lots of cytoplasm - Meiosis is a type of division that produces gametes that
have only one set of chromosomes. Called reduction
 To join with male cell, and then to provide food for the division, it produces nuclei that contain only half the
new cell that's been formed chromosome number of the parent nucleus.
Sperm cell Keeping Cells Identical
 Long tail for swimming The instructions for making cell parts are encoded in the
DNA, so each new cell must get a complete set of the DNA
 Head for getting into the female cell molecules
 To reach female cell, and join with it DNA Replication
The Cell Cycle  DNA must be copied or replicated before cell division
INTERPHASE - the time when the cells are NOT dividing.  Each new cell will then have an identical copy of the
The process has 3 stages; DNA
1) G1 phase Eukaryotic Chromosomes
2) S phase  All eukaryotic cells store genetic information in
3) G2 phase
 Most eukaryotes have between 10 and 50 chromosomes in
their body cells
 Karyokinesis – nuclear division
 Human body cells have 46 chromosomes or 23 identical  Synthesis stage
 DNA is copied or replicated
Compacting DNA into Chromosomes
Interphase – G2 Stage
 DNA is tightly coiled around proteins called histones
 2nd Growth Stage
Chromosomes in Dividing Cells
 Occurs after DNA has been copied
 Duplicated chromosomes are called chromatids & are
held together by the centromere  All cell structures needed for division are made (e.g.
 Both organelles & proteins are synthesized
 A picture of the chromosomes from a human cell
arranged in pairs by size Mitosis

 First 22 pairs are called autosomes  Division of the nucleus

 Last pair are the sex chromosomes  Also called karyokinesis

 XX female or XY male  Only occurs in eukaryotes

Cell Reproduction  Has four stages

Types of Cell Reproduction  Doesn’t occur in some cells such as brain cells

 Asexual reproduction involves a single cell dividing to Four Mitotic Stages

make 2 new, identical daughter cells
 Prophase
 Mitosis & binary fission are examples of asexual
reproduction  Metaphase

 Sexual reproduction involves two cells (egg & sperm)  Anaphase

joining to make a new cell (zygote) that is NOT identical
to the original cells  Telophase

 Meiosis is an example Prophase

The Cell Cycle  Chromatin in nucleus condenses to form visible

Five Phases of the Cell Cycle
 Mitotic spindle forms from fibers in cytoskeleton or
 G1 - primary growth phase centrioles (animal)

 S – synthesis; DNA replicated Prometaphase

 G2 - secondary growth phase  Nuclear membrane & nucleolus are broken down

collectively these 3 stages are called interphase  Chromosomes continue condensing & are clearly visible

 M – karyokinesis (mitosis)  Spindle fibers attach to kinetochores at the centromere of

each chromosome
 C - cytokinesis
 Spindle finishes forming between the poles of the cell
Cell Cycle
 Prometaphase
Interphase - G1 Stage
 st
1 growth stage after cell division
 Chromosomes, attached to the kinetochore fibers, move to
 Cells mature by making more cytoplasm & organelles the center of the cell

 Cell carries on its normal metabolic activities  Chromosomes are now lined up at the equator

Interphase – S Stage Anaphase

 Occurs rapidly occurs in the Fallopian tube. Fertilization results in the
formation of the Zygote. (fertilized egg)
 Sister chromatids are pulled apart to opposite poles of the
cell by kinetochore fibers Sperm + Ovum (egg) ------------------- Zygote

Telophase Fertilization

 Single-stranded chromosomes reach opposite poles • The fusion of a sperm and egg to form a zygote.

 Spindle disassembles • A zygote is a fertilized egg

 Nuclear envelope forms around each set of single- Chromosomes

stranded chromosomes
• If an organism has the Diploid number (2n) it has two
 Nucleolus reappears matching homologues per set. One of the homologues
comes from the mother (and has the mother’s DNA).…
 Chromosomes reappear as chromatin the other homologue comes from the father (and has the
father’s DNA).
• Most organisms are diploid. Humans have 23 sets of
 Cytoplasmic division occurs simultaneously with last chromosomes… therefore humans have 46 total
stage of mitosis chromosomes….. The diploid number for humans is 46
(46 chromosomes per cell).
 Division of cell into two daughter cells
Homologous Chromosomes
 In plant cells, cell plate forms
• Pair of chromosomes (maternal and paternal) that are
 In animal cells, cleavage furrow similar in shape and size.
Uncontrolled Mitosis • Homologous pairs (tetrads) carry genes controlling the
same inherited traits.
 If mitosis is not controlled, unlimited cell division occurs
causing cancerous tumors • Each locus (position of a gene) is in the same position on
 Oncogenes are special proteins that increase the chance
that a normal cell develops into a tumor cell • Humans have 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes.
Organisms that reproduce Sexually are made up of two • 22 pairs of autosomes
different types of cells
• 1 pair of sex chromosomes
1. Somatic Cells are “body” cells and contain the normal
number of chromosomes ….called the “Diploid” number Homologous Chromosomes (because a homologous pair
(the symbol is 2n). Examples would be … skin cells, consists of 4 chromatids it is called a “Tetrad”)
brain cells, etc.
 Humans have 23 Sets of Homologous Chromosomes
2. Gametes are the “sex” cells and contain only ½ the Each Homologous set is made up of 2 Homologues.
normal number of chromosomes…. called the “Haploid”
number (the symbol is n)….. Sperm cells and ova are Autosomes (The Autosomes code for most of the offspring’s
gametes. traits)
n = number of chromosomes in the set… so….2n means 2  In Humans the “Autosomes” are sets 1 - 22
chromosomes in the set…. Polyploid cells have more than two
chromosomes per set… example: 3n (3 chromosomes per set) Sex Chromosomes
The Sex Chromosomes code for the sex of the offspring.
Gametes ** If the offspring has two “X” chromosomes it will be a
• The Male Gamete is the Sperm and is produced in the ** If the offspring has one “X” chromosome and one “Y”
male gonad the Testes. chromosome it will be a male.
• The Female Gamete is the Ovum (ova = pl.) and is Meiosis
produced in the female gonad the Ovaries. is the process by which ”gametes” (sex cells) , with half the
number of chromosomes, are produced.
During Ovulation the ovum is released from the ovary and
transported to an area where fertilization, the joining of the During Meiosis diploid cells are reduced to haploid cells
sperm and ovum, can occur…… fertilization, in Humans,
Diploid (2n)  Haploid (n) • CrossingOver creates variation (diversity) in the
offspring’s traits.
If Meiosis did not occur the chromosome number in each new
generation would double…. The offspring would die. Metaphase I

Meiosis • Shortest phase

 Meiosis is Two cell divisions (called meiosis I and • Tetrads align on the metaphase plate.
meiosis II) with only one duplication of chromosomes.
 Meiosis in males is called spermatogenesis and produces • INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT OCCURS:
1. Orientation of homologous pair to poles is
 Meiosis in females is called oogenesis and produces ova.
Interphase I
2. Variation
• Similar to mitosis interphase.
3. Formula: 2n
• Chromosomes replicate (S phase).
Anaphase I
• Each duplicated chromosome consist of two identical
• Homologous chromosomes separate and move towards
sister chromatids attached at their centromeres.
the poles.
• Centriole pairs also replicate.
• Sister chromatids remain attached at their centromeres.
• Nucleus and nucleolus visible.
Telophase I
Meiosis I (four phases)
• Each pole now has haploid set of chromosomes.
• Cell division that reduces the chromosome number by
• Cytokinesis occurs and two haploid daughter cells are
• four phases:
Meiosis II
a. prophase I
• No interphase II
b. metaphase I
(or very short - no more DNA replication)
c. anaphase I
• Remember: Meiosis II is similar to mitosis
d. telophase I
Prophase II
Prophase I
• same as prophase in mitosis
• Longest and most complex phase.
Metaphase II
• 90% of the meiotic process is spent in Prophase I
• same as metaphase in mitosis
• Chromosomes condense.
Anaphase II
• Synapsis occurs: homologous chromosomes come
• same as anaphase in mitosis
together to form a tetrad.
• sister chromatids separate
• Tetrad is two chromosomes or four chromatids (sister and
nonsister chromatids). Telophase II
• During Prophase I “Crossing Over” occurs. • Same as telophase in mitosis.
• Crossing Over is one of the Two major occurrences of • Nuclei form.
Meiosis (The other is Non-disjunction)
• Cytokinesis occurs.
• During Crossing over segments of nonsister chromatids
break and reattach to the other chromatid. The Chiasmata • Remember: four haploid daughter cells
(chiasma) are the sites of crossing over. produced.

gametes = sperm or egg

Non-disjunction 1855 – Rudolf Virchow

Non-disjunction is one of the Two major occurrences of - a German physician who did research on cancer cells and
Meiosis concluded “ominis cellula e cellula”

(The other is Crossing Over) - “all cells are from other pre-existing cells”

• Non-disjunction is the failure of homologous 19th Century Advancement

chromosomes, or sister chromatids, to separate during
meiosis. - Much doubted existed around Spontaneous Generation

• Non-disjunction results with the production of zygotes - Conclusively disproved by Louis Pasteur
with abnormal chromosome numbers…… remember….
An abnormal chromosome number (abnormal amount of The Cell Theory
DNA) is damaging to the offspring.
1. All living things are composed of one or more cells.
• Non-disjunctions usually occur in one of two fashions.
(Schleiden & Schwann)(1838-1839)
• The first is called Monosomy, the second is called
Trisomy. If an organism has Trisomy 18 it has three 2. Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in an
chromosomes in the 18th set, Trisomy 21…. Three organism.
chromosomes in the 21st set. If an organism has
(Schleiden & Schwann)(1838-1839)
Monosomy 23 it has only one chromosome in the 23 rd set.
3. Cells come only from existing cells.
Common Non-disjunction Disorders
• Down’s Syndrome – Trisomy 21
Cells are diverse both in size, shape, and internal
• Turner’s Syndrome – Monosomy 23 (X)
• Kleinfelter’s Syndrome – Trisomy 23 (XXY)
Why are cells so small?
• Edward’s Syndrome – Trisomy 18
 Transport – cell volume to surface are ratios favor small
Amniocentesis size.
 Control – Nucleus to Cytoplasm consideration
• An Amniocentesis is a procedure a pregnant woman can  Metabolic Requirements
have in order to detect some genetics disorders…..such as
non-disjunction. How small can a cell be?

Mycoplasmas – bacteria that are 0.1 to 1.0 µm.

1665 - Robert Hooke (1/10 the size of regular bacteria)

- Observed cells in cork. Coined the term “cells” Note: 1.0 µm = one millionth of a meter

1673 – Anton Van Leeuwenhoek All Cells have

- Created a powerful microscope  Plasma (Cell) Membrane

 Nucleus (eukaryotes only)
- used this to observe pond scum and discovered sing-celled  Cytoplasm (an area)
organisms which he called “animalcules”  Organelles (structures with specialized function)
1827 – 1833 - Robert Brown Cell Types
- noticed that pollens in water jiggled around called Prokaryotes – simple cells that do not have internal
“Brownian motion” and discovered the nucleus membranes. e.g.: bacteria
1838 - Matthias Schleiden Eukaryotes – more complex cells that do not have internal,
membrane-bound structures. e.g.: plants and animals.
- A botanist who concluded that all plants are made of cells
1839 – Theodore Schwann
Prokaryotic Organisms: First appeared 3.5 BYA include
- a zoologist who concluded that animals are made of cells bacteria and cyanobacteria.
Eukaryotic Organisms: First appeared 2.0 BYA include × Found on ribosomes and floating throughout the cell
protists, fungi, plants and animals. Mitochondria
× Produces energy through chemical reactions – breaking
Key Differences down fats and carbohydrates
Prokaryotes × Controls level of water and other materials in the cell
× Recycles and decomposes proteins, fats and
 Lack a nucleus and other membrane bounded structures carbohydrates
 Have small ribosomes Golgi Bodies
 DNA is not organized into chromosomes × Protein ‘packaging plant’
 Flagella are not made of microtubules and does not have a × Move materials within the cell and out of cell
9+2 structure Lysosome
 Cell walls are made of peptidoglycan, not cellulose × Digestive ‘plant’ for proteins, fats and carbohydrates
× Transports undigested material to cell membrane for
Eukaryotes removal
× Cell breaks down if lysosome explodes
 Have a nucleus and other membrane bounded structures.
 Have large ribosomes
× Membrane-bound sacs for storage, digestion and waste
 DNA is organized into chromosomes removal
 Flagella are made of microtubules and have a 9+2 × Contains water solution
× Helps plants maintain shape
 Cell walls are made of cellulose
Cell Parts (organelles) × Usually found in plant cells
× Contains green chlorophyll
Surrounding the Cell × Where photosynthesis takes place

Cell Membrane – the outer membrane of cell that controls

movement in and out of the cell. Double layer.

Cell Wall – Most commonly found in plant cells and bacteria.

Supports and protect cells.

Inside the Cell

× Directs cell activities
× Separated from cytoplasm by nuclear membrane
× Contains genetic material – DNA
Nuclear Membrane
× Surrounds nucleus
× Made of two layers
× Openings allows material to enter and leave nucleus
× In nucleus
× Made of DNA
× Contain instructions for traits and characteristics
× Inside nucleus
× Contains RNA to build proteins
× Gel-like mixture
× Surrounded by cell membrane
× Contains hereditary material
Endoplasmic Reticulum
× Moves materials around in cell
× Smooth type: lacks ribosomes
× Rough type: ribosomes embedded on surface
× Each cell contains thousands
× Makes proteins

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