Σx= Σy= Σxy = Σx = Σy =: 1) n (n (di) 6 1 r

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Problem 1. A sample of 6 children was selected, data about their age in years and weight in kilograms
was recorded as shown in the following table. It is required to find the correlation between age and

Serial N. Age (years) Weight (kg) xy X2 Y2

x y
1 6 11
2 5 8
3 7 11
4 4 9
5 5 10
6 8 12
Total Σx = Σy = Σxy = Σx2 = Σy2 =

 xy   n
x y
x   .  y  
 ( x)   2
( y) 2

2 2

 n  n 
  

Problem 2. In a study of the relationship between level education and income the following data was
obtained. Find the relationship between them and comment.

Sample X Y Rank x Rank y di di2

A Preparatory 30
B Primary 15
C Illiterate 13
D Secondary 15
E University 20
F Illiterate 55
G Secondary 65
Σdi2 =
6 (di) 2
rs  1 
n(n 2  1)

Problem 3. A sample of 6 persons was selected the value of their age ( x variable) and their weight is
demonstrated in the following table. Find the regression equation and what is the predicted weight
when age is 5 years.

Serial N. Age (years) Weight (kg) xy X2 Y2

x y
1 8 13
2 7 10
3 9 13
4 6 11
5 7 12
6 10 14
Total Σx = Σy = Σxy = Σx2 = Σy2 =

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