Employee Manual

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Other Benefits

Income Tax Return

Generally, you can expect to receive your state tax refund within 30 days if you filed your tax
return electronically. If you filed a paper tax return, it may take as many as 12 weeks for
your refund to arrive.

Certificate of Employment

If the employee is no longer employed by the employer, the employer usually issues the
Certificate of Employment upon request by the employee and after the employee has been
issued a clearance by the employer. It is usually requested to complete the requirements
for employment with a new employer.

Staff meeting

Staff meetings are used to help keep everyone informed and up to date. Staff
meeting is to inform employees, exchange information and collaborate to
reach business goals. Staff meetings provide the necessary information, tools
and engagement that employees need to be proficient. Employees can also
receive the motivation needed to do a job well during an inspiring staff

Objectives that be covered at a staff meeting include:

 Progress reports of the company
 Urgent announcements
 Introduction of new hires or promotions
 Program status reports
 Earnings announcements
 New policies or procedures
 New clients or contracts
 Awards or recognitions
 Upcoming events

Conducting regular staff meetings:

 Reinforce the company’s vision, values and mission

 Inform and update employees
 Share successes, challenges and updates
 Brainstorm ideas and to gather employee feedback
 Gather all employees together who otherwise would not have an opportunity to meet
 Share important information or news with staff before it goes public
 Provide training to employees
 Ensure a message is conveyed consistently to all employees at the same time.

Suggestion Box

A suggestion box is a holder with an opening slips of paper containing suggestions

for improvement, or for similar feedback.
A suggestion box can be placed in area whether on the employees or on the customer’s side for
ideas that anyone can share. Everyone is free to give their own feedback. This is one way of involving
everybody to participate. Encourage the employees to actively join in giving their suggestions.
A suggestion box allows customers/employees to leave a feedback. Feedback is beneficial to
businesses for improvement of its products and services. It is a chance for employees for any
suggestions for the benefit of the company.
General Policies
Rules and Policies of the Kafe Ta’you are betrothed to lift up the well-groomed and productive
operation, as well as to protect the rights of all employees. Lawbreaking, therefore, shall be account as
a cause of disciplinary action. Employee’s responsible to know the regulation and to remain them and
a lack of knowledge of work ground rules is not an adequate excuse for violation.
Any act of doing something that is not allowed by the rule, an employee of the Kafe Ta’you shall
be subject to punishment for breaking the rule will pasture from a formal written monitory perceived up
to, and comprehend, discharge.
 Stealing
 Seediness of duty
 Using threats or force to another employees
 Act of saying or showing that you will not do, give or accept the employer’s instructions, unless
such instructions are causing of injury to the employee’s health.
 Pretty drunk while on duty
Disciplinary actions are as follows:

1. Verbal warning: employees receive verbal warnings in private. The exact nature of what
took place and why it is in violation of policy, or how it falls short of performance
expectations, should be explained, along with corrective actions.

2. Formal written warning: the manager or supervisor use a write-up form to describe the
incident and corrective actions. The employee should read the form and sign that they
received it.

3. Formal disciplinary meeting: the employee, manager/supervisor, and an HR

representative meet to discuss the problem. HR investigates the problem. The employee is
informed that after this point punitive action may take place, up to, and including

4. Suspension or loss of privileges: the employee may receive penalties, such as a loss of
certain privileges, suspension from some or all duties, a demotion, or other appropriate

5. Termination: the employee is fired for continued violations.


Barista Training Program

The Baristas Training Program provides support, guidance, and training for at-risk youth, helping
to prepare them for employment and increase their health and well-being. It is a highly effective
learning experience for a new barista that quickly enhances confidence and competence in
delivering customer service.

Shift Supervisor Training Program

The Shift Supervisor Training Program focuses on the basics of people guidance;
drill new partners, supervisory deftness, floor surveillance, cash regulator responsibilities,
ensuring the delivery of the Kafe Ta’you. This program includes training on a shift supervisor’s
responsibilities for running a shift and on additional responsibilities for supporting the store
manager in running an effective store. The program uses a combined delivery method of
classroom and in-store training.
External Training & Development
External training is training provided from outside the electoral manager's office or staff using
external consultants, specialists or organizations.

Promotions by Kafe Ta’you are execute to attract additionally customers. These

circumstances simply arrange to bring the best of its thoughtfulness. Correspondingly, they
keep to value the outgrowth of the diversity of the promotions. These procedures are
redeeming to guarantee that the promotions attract more guest to our café.


Employees are given the chance to be recognized and to have a reward for
their appraisal performance to lift-up the workplace relationship. This completed to
keep up the employees dedicated to the Kafe Ta’you.

Uniforms promote a sense of team spirit and a sense of belonging. Employer provided
uniforms save employee’s money, and when provided as part of a rental program,
eliminate employee laundering time and expense.

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