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Comparative Presentation of ICC, ICJ and ITLOS

International Criminal International Court of International Tribunal on

Court (ICC) Justice (ICJ) the Law of the Seas
Members Composed of 18 judges Composed of 15 judges 21 independent members
elected by secret ballot
Term of office Serves 9-year, non- Elected to nine-year terms The terms of one third of
renewable terms of office by the United the members expire every
Nations General Assembly three years.
and the Security Council
Jurisdiction The Court has jurisdiction Twofold jurisdiction: it The jurisdiction of the
in accordance with this decides, in accordance Tribunal comprises all
Statute with respect to with international law, disputes and all
the following crimes: disputes of a legal nature applications submitted to
(a) The crime of genocide; that are submitted to it by it in accordance with the
(b) Crimes against States (jurisdiction in Convention. It also
humanity; contentious cases); and it includes all matters
(c) War crimes; gives advisory opinions on specifically provided for in
(d) The crime of legal questions at the any other agreement
aggression. request of the organs of which confers jurisdiction
the United Nations, on the Tribunal (Statute,
specialized agencies or article 21). The Tribunal
one related organization has jurisdiction to deal
authorized to make such a with disputes
request (advisory (contentious jurisdiction)
jurisdiction). and legal questions
(advisory jurisdiction)
submitted to it.
Source Statute of the Rome Statute UNCLOS
International Court of

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