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Question 21 to 26

If r1 = (aa + bb) and r2 = ( a + b)

then r1+r2 = (aa + bb) + (a + b)

r1r2 = (aa + bb) (a + b) = (aaa + aab + bba + bbb)

(r1)* = (aa + bb)*


RE= (aab)*(bb)*

Step 1: aab and bb is in L

Step 2: If x is in L then s(x) is also in L, where s belongs to L

Step 3: No strings except those constructed in above, are allowed to be in L


Two differences and one similarity between Moore and Melay machine.

The Melay Machine is similar to Moore machine. One of the similarity in both is, they have finite set of
states q0, q1, q2, … where q0 is the initial state and both machines will be started from the state where
it was let off.

In the Mealy model and the Moore model. They differ only in the way the output is generated.
In the Mealy model, the output is a function of both the present state and the input.
In the Moore model, the output is a function of only the present state.

True or false
Kleen’s star and Kleen’s closure are different (true)
Length of output string is one less than that of input string in mealy machine. (False)

What operation could be performed using the increment mealy machine

Mealy machine perform the addition of binary numbers. Beforere the incrementing machine is
constructed, consider how 1 is added to a binary number. Since, if two numbers are added, the addition
is performed from right to left, so while increasing the binary number by 1, the string (binary number)
must be read by the corresponding Mealy machine from right to left, and hence the output string
(binary number) will also be generated from right to left. Consider the following additions a) 100101110
b) 1001100111 + 1 + 1 100101111 1001101000
How can we know , what language a certain RE represents?

Step 1: Every letter of Σ including Λ is a regular expression.

Step 2: If r1 and r2 are regular expressions then (r1) r1 r2 r1 + r2 and r1* are also regular expressions.
Step 3: Nothing else is a regular expression.

It may be noted that a language may be expressed by more than one regular expression, while given a
regular expression there exist a unique language generated by that regular expression.

Let L be the language of strings, defined over Σ = {0,1}, ending in 01.

Does ‘1011’ and ‘01100111’ belong to L

The strings 110 and 010011 are distinguishable w.r.t L, as there exists 1 belonging to Σ * s.t. 1101
belongs to L but 0100111 doesn’t belong to L.

as there exists a string z belonging to Σ * s.t. xz ∈ L but yz ∉ L or xz ∉ L but yz ∈ L .

defined over Σ = {a, b} of words having at least one b and double a, may be expressed by a

what is the difference between moore and mealy machine w.r.t. length of input and and output string?

Length of output string is equal the length of input string in mealy machine. While in Moore
machine the length of output string is one more than that of input string.

Number of Strings in a regular language cannot be infinite (TRUE)
Concatenation of a finite letters from the alphabets is called a sigma (TRUE)
There cannot be more than one FA for the the same language (False)
There can be more than one FA for the same language. TRUE

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