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Measure of central Tendency

practice questions
1. A sample of college students was asked how much they spent monthly on a cell phone
plan (to the nearest dollar). Find mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean.
Monthly Cell Phone Plan Cost ($) Number of Students
10 - 19 8
20 - 29 16
30 - 39 21
40 - 49 11
50 - 59 4

Find the mean, G.M, and H.M of the following distribution and show that X  G  H .

(a) The age of 20 boys in a locality is given below.

Age in Years 12 10 15 14 8
Number of Boys 5 3 2 6 4

(b) Marks obtained by 40 students in an exam are given below.

Marks 25 30 15 20 24
Number of Students 8 12 10 6 4

(d) The daily wages of 50 employees in an organization are given below:

Daily wages (in $) 100 - 150 150 - 200 200 - 250 250 - 300
Number of Workers 12 13 17 8

(e) The marks obtained by 40 students out of 50 in a class are given below in the table.

Marks (in $) 42 36 30 45 50
Number of Students 7 10 13 8 2

(f) The number of rupee notes of different denominations are given below in the table.

Denominations (Rs) 10 20 5 50 100

Number of Notes 40 30 10 25 20
2. A sample of college students was asked how much they spent monthly on a cell phone
plan (to the nearest dollar). Find mean, median, and mode. Also find the lower and upper
quartiles, 3rd decile, and 90th percentiles.
Monthly Cell Phone Plan Cost ($) Number of Students
10 - 19 8
20 - 29 16
30 - 39 21
40 - 49 11
50 - 59 4

3. You grew fifty baby carrots using special soil. You dig them up and measure their lengths
(to the nearest mm) and group the results:

150 - 154 5
155 - 159 2
160 - 164 6
165 - 169 8
170 - 174 9
175 - 179 11
180 - 184 6
185 - 189 3

Find mean, median and mode of the lengths. Also describe the shape of data with respect to mean,
median and mode relationship. Also find the lower and upper quartiles, 7th decile, and 89th

4. The mean of the following distribution is 26. Find the value of p and also the value of the

xi 0 1 2 3 4 5
fi 3 3 p 7 p-1 4
5. The ages of the 112 people who live on a tropical island are grouped as follows:

Age Number
0-9 20
10 - 19 21
20 - 29 23
30 - 39 16
40 - 49 11
50 - 59 10
60 - 69 7
70 - 79 3
80 - 89 1

Find the mean, median and mode of the ages.

6. The number of days that students were missing from school due to sickness in one year
was recorded. Find median, mode, Q1, Q3, D7, and P20.

No of days off sick 3 8 13 18 23

No. of students 12 11 10 4 3

7. A salesman keeps a record of the number of shops he visits each day. Find median, Q1,
Q3, mode, D3, and P8.

Shops visited 9 10 11 12 13

Frequency 3 8 24 60 21

8. The marks obtained by 20 students in a class test are given below.

Marks obtained 6 7 8 9 10
No. of students 5 8 4 2 1

Find the mean, median, Q1, Q3, and mode of marks obtained by the students.
9. The durations of the telephone calls made by an employee were recorded for a month.
The results are shown in the following table:

Duration minutes Number of calls

0-3 45
3-6 59
6-9 38
9 - 12 31
12 - 15 19
15 - 18 0
18 -21 8
Find A.M, G.M and H.M of the duration of telephones calls.

10. The distances that students in a year group travelled to school is recorded.

Distance (km) 0 ≤ d < 0.5 0.5 ≤ d < 1.0 1.0 ≤ d < 1.5 1.5 ≤ d < 2.0

Frequency 30 22 19 8

Find the mean, median and mode also define the relationship between mean, median and mode.
Measure of Dispersion

practice questions

1. A sample of college students was asked how much they spent monthly on a cell phone
plan (to the nearest dollar).
Monthly Cell Phone Plan Cost ($) Number of Students
10 - 19 8
20 - 29 16
30 - 39 21
40 - 49 11
50 - 59 4

Find range, and quartile deviation.

2. The following table represents the distribution of the annual number of days over 100
degrees Fahrenheit for Dallas-Fort Worth for a sample of 80 years from 1905 to 2004.
Days Above 100 Degrees Number of Years
0-9 25
10 - 19 33
20 - 29 14
30 - 39 5
40 - 49 2
50 - 59 1

Find the mean deviation from mean and median.

3. The following table shows the distribution of the number of hours worked each week (on
average) for a sample of 100 community college students.
Hours Worked per Week Number of Students
0-9 24
10 - 19 14
20 - 29 39
30 - 39 18
40 - 49 5

Find (i) quartile deviation, (ii) mean deviation from median

4. A maintenance manager has recorded the time taken by maintenance staff to repair a
particular type of equipment fault. The following table shows the time taken in minutes to
repair 250 recent faults.
Time taken Frequency
0-9 28
10 - 19 54
20 - 29 81
30 - 39 57
40 - 49 23
50 - 59 6
60 -69 1
Calculate range, quartile deviation

5. The following data on earnings in a company are supplied.

Daily earnings Rs. Number of employees
40 -49 2
50 -59 15
60 -69 21
70-79 30
80-89 20
90 -99 9
100-109 3
Calculate the following from these data.
The mean deviation from mean, The mean deviation median

6. Find the variance and the standard deviation for the frequency distribution of the data. The
data represent the average profitability of the sales outlet (in Rs.) during one week.

Class Frequency
5.5-10.5 1
10.5-15.5 2
15.5-20.5 3
20.5-25.5 5
25.5-30.5 4
30.5-35.5 3
35.5-40.5 2
7. Find the standard deviation of the following ungrouped data with frequency.

Number of
Weight of students (kg)
students (frequency)

25 15

26 20

27 25

28 30

29 30

30 20

31 10

8. Find variance and standard deviation for the following data:

Size of orders 20- 30 30- 40 40 -50 50- 60 60- 70

No. of orders 3 8 12 6 1

9. Weekly hours of work per week of full time employees in non-manual occupations are:

Hours (for men) Men Hours (for women) Women

34 6 34 10
36 18 36 24
40 56 40 59
44 9 44 5
48 5 48 2
50 2 50 3
52 4 52 1

(i) Which gender has long working hours?

(ii) Which data has less variation in working hour (using coefficient of mean deviation from
10. Lifetime of bulbs by produced by two factories A and B are given below:


13. Find the coefficient of quartile deviation for each data.

14. Find the standard deviation by the transform formula (change of origin and scale)

15. Find the standard deviation by the transform formula (change of origin and scale)

16. The weight of coffee in 70 jars is shown in the following table. Determine the variance
and standard deviation.
Weight (in grams) Frequency
200-201 13
201-202 27
202-203 18
203-204 10
204-205 1
205-206 1
17. A patient’s blood pressure measured daily over several weeks averaged 182 with a
standard deviation of 12.6, while that of another patient averaged 124 with a standard
deviation of 9.4. Which patient’s blood pressure is relatively more variable?

18. The weights of three items X, and Y vary independently and have the following means
and standard deviations.
# Mean weight (kg) Standard deviation (kg)

X 10 2
Y 14 2

Calculate which item is more dispersed.

19. Mean and standard deviation of 100 items are 50 and 4, respectively. Find the sum of all
the item and the sum of the squares of the items.

20. A company owns two retail outlets. The weekly sales of the two stores during the past
five years is as follows:
Weekly sales Rs. in 000 Number of weeks
Store- I Store- II
11-15 25 15
16-20 40 20
21-25 90 60
26-30 55 150
31-35 50 15

Compute the coefficient of variation and find out which store has more stable sales.

21. The following table gives the distribution of expenditure on food per month among
working class families in two localities. Find the coefficient of mean deviation from
median of expenditure of both places and find which place is less variate in expenditure.

Rate of expenditure No of families

in rupees per month Place A Place B
1300-1600 26 40
1600-1900 300 290
1900-11200 400 900
11200-11500 215 200
11500-11800 60 50
11800-12100 20 25
12100-12400 5 10
22. Goals score by two teams A and B in a football season were as follows:
No. of goals No. of matches
score in a Team A Team B
0 27 17
1 9 9
2 8 6
3 5 5
4 4 3
Which team may be considered more consistent?
23. A patient’s blood pressure measured daily over several weeks averaged 182 and with a
standard deviation of 12.6. while that of another patient averaged 124 with a standard
deviation of 9.4. which patient’s blood pressure is relatively more variate?
24. A manufacturer of television tubes has two types of tubes, A and B respectively, the tubes
have mean lifetime of 1495 hours and 1875 hours and standard deviation of 280 hours and
310 hours. Which tube has the greater (i) absolute dispersion (ii) relative dispersion?
25. An analysis of monthly wages paid to workers in two firms A and B belonging to the same
industry gives the following results:
Firm A Firm B
No. of wage earners 586 648
Average monthly wage in Rs. 52.6 47.5
Variance of wages 100 121

26. A group of 7-year old boys has a mean height of 45 inches with S.D of 2.5 inches; as mean
weight of 50 pounds with a S.D of 6 pounds. In which trait is this group more variate?
27. In automobile salesman made profit of $245 on a subcompound model for which the
average profit has been $200 with S D of $50. Late on the same day he made a profit of
$620 on a large luxury model for which the average profit has been $500 with S D of $150.
For which of these models is the salesman’s profit relatively higher? For which of these
models is the salesman’s profit relatively lower dispersed?

28. Following frequency distribution is the orange juice in liters purchased by a store per day
as follows:
Value Frequency
0- 5 2
5- 8 30
8- 11 10
11- 14 4
14- 17 2

Calculate quartile measure of skewness

29. Calculate Bowley’s measure of skewness from the following income distribution interpret

Monthly income (Rs) Frequency

50-100 9
101-150 51
151-200 120
201-300 240
301-500 136
501-750 33
751-1000 9
1001-1251 2

30. The following data represent the annual rainfall distribution in St. Louis, Missouri, for a
sample of 25 years from 1870 to 2004. Find the Pearson’s 1st coefficient of skewness and
describe the shape of data.
Rainfall (inches) Number of Years
20 - 24 1
25 - 29 3
30 - 34 5
35 - 39 8
40 - 44 5
45 - 49 2
50 - 54 0
55 - 59 1

31. The following data represent the age distribution of a sample of 70 women having
multiple-delivery births in 2002. Find the Pearson’s 2nd coefficient of skewness and
describe the shape of data.
Age Number
15 - 19 1
20 - 24 5
25 - 29 16
30 - 34 28
35 - 39 17
40 - 44 3
32. From the following data apply the Pearson’ 1st measure of skewness.

Age (years) Number of

10-20 12
20-30 17
30-40 20
40-50 27
50-60 19
60-70 12

33. From the following data given below, calculate the Pearson’s 2nd coefficient of skewness
and find out the nature of distribution:

Income per day (in dollars): 0– 10 10– 20 20– 30 30– 40 40– 50

no. of persons: 5 10 15 10 5

34. Following shows the time to travel to work place. Find first four moments about mean
and apply the moments coefficient of skewness, moment coefficient of kurtosis. Also
describe the shape of data.
Time to Frequency
1 – 10 8
11 – 20 14
21 – 30 129
31 – 40 7
41 – 50 8
35. The following data represent the annual rainfall distribution in St. Louis, Missouri, for a
sample of 25 years from 1870 to 2004. Find the first four moments about arbitrary value
and coefficient of skewness, kurtosis and describe the shape of data.
Rainfall (inches) Number of Years
20 - 24 1
25 - 29 3
30 - 34 5
35 - 39 8
40 - 44 5
45 - 49 2
50 - 54 0
55 - 59 1

36. In an experiment, 50 people were asked to estimate the length of a rod to the nearest
centimeter. The results were recorded.

Length (cm) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

Frequency 0 4 6 7 9 10 7 5 2 0

Apply the first four moments about origin(zero) and describe the shape of data.

37. Following tables shows a frequency distribution of daily number of car accidents at a
particular cross road during a month of April.

No. of car accidents (x) 2 3 4 5 6

No. of days (f) 9 11 6 3 1

Compute first four central moments for the above frequency distribution.

38. The following table gives the amount of time (in minutes) spent on the internet each
evening by a group of 56 students. Compute first four moments about arbitrary value for
the following frequency distribution and briefly discuss the shape of data.

Time spent on Internet (x) 10-12 13-15 16-18 19-21 22-24

No. of students (f) 3 12 15 24 2
39. The following data represent the difference in scores between the winning and losing
teams in a sample of 15 college football bowl games from 2004-2005. Compute the first
four moments about zero and measures of skewness and kurtosis.
Point Difference Number of Bowl Games
1-5 8
6 - 10 0
11 - 15 2
16 - 20 3
21 - 25 1
26 - 30 0
31 - 35 1

40. The following table shows the distribution of the number of hours worked each week (on
average) for a sample of 100 community college students. Compute the moments
coefficient of skewness, coefficient of kurtosis and describe the shape of data.
Hours Worked per Week Number of Students
0-9 24
10 - 19 14
20 - 29 39
30 - 39 18
40 - 49 5

41. The following table represents the distribution of the annual number of days over 100
degrees Fahrenheit for Dallas-Fort Worth for a sample of 80 years from 1905 to 2004.
Compute the moments coefficient of skewness, coefficient of kurtosis and describe the
shape of data.

Days Above 100 Degrees Number of Years

0-9 25
10 - 19 33
20 - 29 14
30 - 39 5
40 - 49 2
50 - 59 1

42. The second moment about the mean of three distributions is 4.5, 15.8 and 9.0, while the
fourth moments about the mean are 43.54, 768.92 and 243.00, respectively. Which of the
distributions is?
(a) Leptokurtic (b) Mesokurtic (c) Platykurtic
43. From the marks obtained by 120 students each in section A and B of a class, the following
measures are secured:

Section A Section B
Mean 47 48
Standard deviation 15 15
Mode 52 45

Find out the coefficient of skewness and determine the degree of skewness and in which
distribution, the marks are more skewed.

44. If the coefficient of variation and standard deviation are 60, 21 respectively. What is the
arithmetic mean of the distribution?
45. If variance = 4Sq.ft. Find S.D
46. Find the moment coefficient of skewness and kurtosis from the following data sets.




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