The Use of Pea Starch As Main Component in Making Bio Plastic in Barangay Saimsim, Calamba City

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The Use of Pea Starch as main component in making Bio Plastic in

Barangay Saimsim, Calamba City

Prepared by:

Arquio, Joyce Anne

Arsenio, Carl Aldrin

Bermejo, Luigi

Escriba, Kyla Cassandra

Malabanan, Erick John

STI College Calamba

September 2019

Problem and Its Setting

This chapter contains the Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Research

Hypothesis, Significance of the Study, Scope and Limitations, Conceptual Framework,

and Definition of Terms.

Background of the Study

Plastic is a synthetic polymer substitute natural materials in almost every aspect of

life and become an essential part of the society. It is versatile, hygienic, lightweight,

flexible and highly durable material with a wide range of applications making it a very

useful material. It is used in numerous packaging applications including containers,

bottles, drums, trays, boxes, cups and vending packaging, baby products and protection

packaging. And as the generation continue to develop; its uses are likely to increase with

ongoing developments in the plastic industry. It is already part of daily lives but it does

not mean that it is safe or responsible.

Plastic waste is a growing concern of the world today. According to Barnes et al.,

(2009) plastic is still a relatively new material, which means the problem of plastic waste

has only recently been realized, as has knowledge about its environmental persistence.

Even more recent is the discovery of possible health and environmental effects, such as

the impacts of the chemicals contained in plastics. Toxic chemical release during

manufacture is a significant source of the negative environmental impact of plastics. A

whole host of carcinogenic, neurotoxic, and hormone-disruptive chemicals are standard

ingredients and waste products of plastic production, and they inevitably find their way
into ecology through water, land, and air pollution. The monitoring of plastic waste and

research into its impacts are still in their infancy, but so far the implications are worrying.

As problems about plastic continue, government and researchers proposed

different ways to address plastic pollution. One of this and the very common one is to

change mindsets and habits with this controversial but nonetheless very useful material:

reuse, reduced, and recycles. Plastic may cause pollution when poorly managed but it has

lots of advantages too, such as being resistant. Many plastic items can therefore be reused

or used for different purposes. Before throwing plastic items, it is important to consider

how they can be reused. Next, to efficiently reduce plastic pollution, there is an evident

need of reducing usage of plastic. It means changing everyday behaviors and not using

plastic when there is a better alternative to it and only using plastic when strictly

necessary. Lastly, plastic recycling consists of collecting plastic waste and reprocessing it

into new products, to reduce the amount of plastic in the waste stream.

Traditional plastic is made from petroleum-based raw materials. Some say bio

plastics—made from 20 percent or more of renewable materials—could be the other

solution to plastic pollution. The often-cited advantages of bio plastic are reduced use of

fossil fuel resources, a smaller carbon footprint, and faster decomposition. Bio plastic is

also less toxic and does not contain bisphenol A (BPA), a hormone disrupter that is often

found in traditional plastics. A team of researchers led by Cliff Hedley and Tanya

Bogracheva at the John Innes Centre investigated the potential of producing ‘bio-plastic’

film made from dried pea seeds, as well as some related medical end-uses.

Currently, bio-plastics account for approximately 5-10% of the plastic market.

However, with increasing concerns over the amount of plastic being released into the
environment, as well as the reduction in oil resources (plastics currently consume 6% of

global oil production), it is believed that the demand for replacing synthetic plastic

packaging and films with renewable plant-derived materials will significantly increase.

Pea starch is an excellent bio-plastic candidate since the material is renewable and can

biodegrade harmlessly under the right conditions.

Conceptual Framework


1. The level of
performance of the Pea
Starch based Bio Plastic:
1.1 Availability
1.2 Efficiency
1.3 Disposal
1. Data Collection

2. The level of
performance of Ordinary 2. Data Organization
Plastic: Derived application of the
2.1 Availability 3. Data Analysis study
2.2 Efficiency
2.3 Disposal 4. Interpretation

3. The significant
difference between Pea
Starch based Bio Plastic
and Ordinary Plastic

Figure 1. Research Paradigm
This research conceptualized by I-P-O System which serves as the structure of the

research. The Input, Process, and Output System.

The Figure 1 describes the conceptual framework of the study wherein the input is

consisting of the following: the level of performance of Pea Starch based Bio Plastic in

terms of availability, efficiency, and disposal, the level of performance of Ordinary

Plastic in terms of availability, efficiency, and disposal, and the significant difference

between Pea Starch based Bio Plastic and an Ordinary Plastic.

On the other hand, the process being used are collection of data, organization of

data, analyzing data, and interpretation of data. Lastly, the output will be the derived

application of the study.

Statement of the Problem

The study aims to find evidences to the Use of Pea Starch as main component in making

Bio Plastic in Barangay Saimsim, Calamba City and to determine the ratings and

performance of the product. More especially it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the level of the performance of the Pea-starch based Bio plastic?
1.1 Availability
1.2 Efficiency
1.3 Disposal
2. What is the level of the performance of an Ordinary Plastics?
2.1 Availability
2.2 Efficiency
2.3 Disposal
3. What is the significant difference of Pea-starch based Bio plastic to an Ordinary

4. What are the derived application of the study?
Research Hypothesis

The proponent of the study came up with the following assumption and


H0 : There is no significant difference between Pea Starch based Bio Plastic and an

Ordinary Plastic in terms of its availability, efficiency, and disposal.

Significance of the Study

The following were those who will benefit from the outcome of this study. They

were arranged according to how much they were engaged from the research.

Residence. This research benefits the residence by providing a clean disposable bio

plastic, and with provided parameters, the Pea Starch based Bio Plastic may also be

useful and more considered by the residence themselves for its availability.

Researchers. This research will help them answer their questions and will guide them to

analyze the outcome of the study.

Future researchers. This study is advantageous to them because this will serve as

reference and foundation for their future studies relatively on variables needed. They can

innovate the bio plastic or make another bio plastic from another source.

Scope and Limitations

This study is only limited to the Use of Pea Starch as main component in making

Bio Plastic in Barangay Saimsim, Calamba City. The researcher will focus this study with
the participants from the residents of Barangay Saimsim. The study will be conducted at

Barangay Saimsim, Calamba City, Laguna due to great accessibility of researcher to

conduct the study easily. The participants will be given the same questionnaire.

Definitions of Terms

Bio Plastic. This is a biodegradable plastic derived from biological substance rather than

from petroleum. It is produced from Pea Starch.

Non-Organic. It is a compound or material which do not derived from living mater.

Parameters. It is a limit that affects how the study of Pea Starch based Bio Plastic can be


Polymers. It is a material made of long, repeating chains of molecules. The materials

have unique properties, depending on the type of molecule being bond and how they are

bonded. Some polymers bend and starch, like rubber and plastic.


Review Related Literature

This chapter includes the foreign literatures, local literatures, foreign studies, and local

studies that will help in familiarizing information that are relevant to the study.

Foreign Literature
According to ACS Publication (2019), increase the plastic pollution in the

environment, it is important to be aware of the materials either renewable or

biodegradable. And because it is a massive global issue, there are possible solutions

besides the abstinence of plastic consumption. Particularly, bio plastics could be one part

of the solution. As the Institution of Chemical Engineer, they conducted a largest research

about bio plastic in its preference, choice, attitude and perception in the context of bio

plastic. The politics and economic stakeholders are promoting marketing activities related

to bio plastic products.

Evans (2010), observed the recycling of common plastic; polyethylene and

polystyrene is require most cost as compared to the production of new plastic. The

materials of biodegradable plastics are easily presumable and could maintain a normal

condition. A polymer is completely degraded of living organisms that can convert to

carbon dioxide (Vroman and Tighzert, 2009) The biopolymer physical and chemical has

properties that undergo on deterioration and completely degraded by microbial species

are termed as biodegradable polymer.

The application of biomass such as, starch and cellulose are used to substitution

fossil resources for the production of plastic. It is widely accepted strategy towards

sustainable development and this way a significant reduction of renewable energy and

carbon dioxide emission is accomplished. But the most important tool to evaluate the

environmental impact of (bio) plastic is the life cycle assessment is to determine the

overall impact of a plastic in the environment by defining and analyzing several impact

categories like the global warming. (Energy Sources, 2011).

One of the major reason why the call is increasingly switch to polymers based on

renewable resources is their advantages in terms of ecological performance compared to

conventional plastic. This argument and issue started when an assumption arrived that

these polymers are more useful than the other sources, particularly in fossil sources. This

claim needed to provide evidences by looking into the ecological performances of the

polymers by the materials used in it along the whole life cycle of a plastic

(Narodoslawsky, 2015).

There are so many researches about the polylactic acid (PLA), which is the most

famous and promising bio plastic, however there are still few things behind this bio

plastic. The innovation system needs an excellent performance in terms of technology

under the fierce competition of environment. This will lighten up the challenge and

complexities in managing the innovation for the best result. These results will help the

consumer to understand the use of green products such as the bio plastic (Manag, 2009).

Local Literature

As DOST conducted a research, they found that plastic can be as hard as the metal

or as soft as silk and it can take any shape in almost any form due to versatility of carbon.

Despite the various application of plastic, drawbacks have been encountered in three

major points. First, there are certain chemicals used in the manufacture of plastic that

could cause allergic reaction. And that is need to protect humankind from this threat.

Second, since cellulose films are biodegradable, they are readily attacked by bacteria.
And that is starch is natural organic polymer manufactured by green plants through

photosynthesis. It occurs in the form of grains in many parts of the plan. And plastic

production is a new relative technology.

In recent years, global concerns have included zero emissions and increased

recycling. Fiber reinforced plastics. Therefore, FRP are extensively used in a wide range

of fields. And recycling needs to be placed on the situation involving FRP once they have

been dispose. In order to realizea sustainable society, it is essential that environmentally

friendly or totally biodegradable composite materials. Most of the composites comprise

biodegradable plastic and wide variety of natural plant fibers. Some study have examined

the biodegradability behavior and long term durability of a plastics. Also it's durability in

soil or compost is equally as important. (ManilaHemp 2011).

In General Santos City, the local government have been approved the business

letter provided from the business leaders for the complete implementation of the Plastic

bags and Styrofoam Use Ordinance. They banned the use of plastic bags and styrofoams

in terms of using it in packaging waste and carriers by city business establishments. As

the government approved the letter, they allow the community to use the biodegradable

plastic in market, stores and malls before reusing the use of paper bags (Philippine News

Agency, 2018).

Plastics are the most popular material used today. Discussing the materials need to

make it, it wonder that more or less 320 million tons are used all over the world each

year. Because of these past few holidays, there recent events left a many plastics that used

in packaging left over food, gifts, etc. Plastics are also a serious environmental threat. If

plastics were not dispose properly, it will float in the oceans as well as in rivers and it can
live for more than a decades. It is also harmful to terrestrial and aquatic life (Philippine

Daily Inquirer, 2018).

According to Presse (2018), the production process involves the producing of fuel

or natural gas. Raw materials made up the building blocks to make a plastic. Monomers

are more complex because it builds complex molecules called polymers or what we call


Foreign Study

According to Wiley and Sons (2012), Bio plastics are the starch based plastic

which is used to make biodegradable products. These products can help the society to

solve the problem when it comes to nature. Bio plastics and other biodegradable

products can reduce the amount of waste produce by the people, but it can help the

community to increase the numbers of recyclable materials everyday like plastic bottles,

plastic straws and etc.

Biodegradable plastics are an innovative solution to improve the quality of

recycling and to separate the waste collection. It can also facilitate the separation of the

chemical recycling and the organic recycling. Organic recycling is the process where in

the plastics are made by the strong raw materials in the market. The contamination of an

organic waste is highly recommended that can lead to solve a real problem to the negative

effects of waste in an environment (European Standard, 2011).

Alternatives like bio plastics are evolved during the development of some of the

renewable resources. Renewable resources like agriculture ways in many different

environments allow the polymers to be easily accepted than the conventional plastics.

The biodegradability of bio plastics can affect by their physical and chemical structure.

However, the environment where in they are located, will plays a vital role in their

biodegrading (Emadian et al.., 2017).

As cited to Shah et al.., (2014), biodegradable plastics have attracted a lot of

attention of the people since it is easily degraded by microorganisms in the environment.

The development of aliphatic-aromatic co-polyester has combined an excellent

mechanical property with biodegradability and an ideal replacement of the conventional

non-degradable thermoplastics. The microorganisms which degrade this polyester are

distributed in many environments. Although, many various microorganisms have been

known, studied and characterized there are still microorganisms that are rare and waiting

to discover.

In accordance with Patel (2015), Bio based plastics or also known as Bio plastics

are found as a good alternative for petroleum based-plastics. Protein, extracted from

deflated cake is better than petroleum as natural polymer because it is a renewable

resources and environmentally friendly. Polymeric materials is made out of rapeseeds or

groundnut defatted cake are the major ingredients of a bio plastic.

Local Study

The production of starch based bio plastics from cassava peel made with micro-

crystalline cellulose and with the use of sorbitol as plasticizer were already investigated

physical properties of bio plastics were the density water uptake and tensile strength. The

production of bio plastics are the innovation to solve the environmental problem by using
the renewable resources and it is also provide more effective bio plastic (Maulida et al..,


According to Narayan (2009), packaging waste forms a significant part municipal

solid waste and has caused to increase the environmental concern. Among all packaging

materials, an oil-based polymer are currently used as packaging instrument but not all of

it is non-biodegradable. Some materials are hard to recycle and reuse because of the raw

materials of it. The process has been made in the development of producing

biodegradable materials with the same functions and roles by an oil-based polymer.

According to Agustin et al.., (2014), there is step for the isolation of cellulose

nanocrystal or CNC: delignification, sulfuric, and hydrolysis and sonication. This process

afford a short rod-like CNC, it has a particle diameter of 10-12 nm and its crystallinity

index of 76.1%. There are bio plastics made from different starch compare to CNC, and it

was prepared by solution casting and evaporation method.

Bio plastic is more strong, healthy and flexible than ordinary plastics. Mango

peelings and seaweed was used to create these bio plastics. Montinola chose these

components because he believed that raw sources and both are very sustainable in the

Philippines. He said that Philippines are the leading exporters of mangoes and seaweeds,

that’s why he wanted to maximize the production of it (Montinola, 2019).

According to Cataquis (2019), plastic is the major toxic pollutants that threatens

the environment. This study aims to examine some of the indigenous plats used in bio

plastic such as the potato tuber, cassava tuber, and gabi. The effect of glycerine to its

density and strength was already investigated and the formation of layers are now visible.
There are different textures of bio plastic based on what component uses. The bio plastic

that made from cassava, taro, and potato are glossy and translucent. Others like mangoes,

seaweeds and rice straws are rough.


The stated related literature and studies above built the concrete foundation of the

study. The information gathered are the necessary facts and ideas to support the entire


Plastic waste is a growing concern of the world today. According to ACS

Publication (2019) and Energy Souces (2011), the number of plastic pollution in

environment is increasing because of the materials made from the plastics. The

environment is suffering from pollution. The impacts of this to the environment is not

good because it can harm the living organisms in environment.

Due to the growing problem with plastic wastes and pollution, Evans (2010) and

Narodoslawsky (2018) discussed the materials use to make a common & new plastic and

the ecological performance of both in environment. There are many difference between

the both, especially to the materials used to make it. The materials used to make plastic is

petroleum. Raw resources are used to create a new plastic which called a biodegrafable

plastic. Biodegradable plastics are more excellent in its ecological performance because it

can help the environment compare to conventional plastics. While Manag (2009) said that

polylactic acid (PLA) is the most famous bio plastic. It can also give benefits to

community and environment but still the discovery of it is not yet finish.
While the DOST and Presse (2012) discussed the use of plastics based on how

they made. Other plastics were made from different materials like petroleum, nanocrystal

and etc. It can affect the environment on how harm a plastic is depends on what materials

used to make it. In recent days, the production of raw materials are now developing for

the production of bio plastic, this bio plastic is an environmentally friendly and can help

the community to save the environment even though using a kind of plastic.

However, Philippine New Agency (2018) allow the people to use the plastic bag

and Styrofoam in market and “sari-sari” store. That's why the Philippine Daily Inquirer

(2018) discussed the number of the use of the plastics each day. It increases because the

local government allow the people to use plastics bags. While the ManilaHemp (2011)

said that recycling a plastic is more useful to helpful to reduce the waste of plastic used

each day.

And because of that, Wiley and Sons (2012) and Patel (2015) said that

biodegradable plastics that are made from deflated cake is more beneficial than those that

are made by petroleum. This deflated cake is environmentally friendly because it is also

came from environment. While Emadian et al.., (2017) and Shah et al.., (2014) discussed

the existence of the bioplastic, after determining the disadvantage of using plastic.

European Standard (2011) said that the recycling can help to reduce the number of the

used plastic.

In addition to that, Maulida et al.., (2016) and Montinola (2019) said that cassava

peel, mango, and seaweed are one of the ingredients to make bio plastic. These

ingredients are environmentally friendly which help the environment to absorb pollution.

Narayan (2009) discussed the use of bio plastic in packaging of products. This is very
useful than conventional plastic. While Cataquiz (2019) studied the different texture of

bio plastic. Other bio plastic are glossy and translucent while the others are rough. This is

because of the ingredients use to make bio plastic.



This chapter gives information about the methods and procedures engaged by the

researchers. It includes the research design, population of the study, research locale,
sampling technique/method, data gathering procedure, and statistical treatment of data

in order to validate, analyze and examine the principal aims of the study.

Research Design

The researcher used the research method of Descriptive, Qualitative and

Quantitative design. Descriptive research is a scientific method of research that employs

observation and the result will not be manipulated, be used as a complete answer, or to

refuse a hypothesis. The researchers used this research design to use the perceptions of

the participants and generalize the data of the product’s availability, efficiency, and


Population of the Study

The participants of this study came from the vendors at Crossing, Calamba

City, Laguna. Non-probability sampling is used to select participants. The researchers

will have one hundred twenty-six (126) participants.

Locale of the Study

Saimsim, Calamba City was chosen by the researchers to be the local of the study.

The researchers purposively selected individuals who live in Saimsim, Calamba City.

Sampling Method

The researchers used the purposive sampling also known as selective sampling, a non-

probability sampling method that relies on their own judgement when selecting participants for

the study. The researchers believed that with this sampling they can obtain good and
representative sample that could save time. The researchers must be knowledgeable to the

purpose of their study, for it is easy and helpful to select participants for the study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The review survey instruments will be used to achieve the key objective of the

examination. A survey questionnaire along with the three parameters – availability, efficiency, and

disposal – was made and will be given to the picked members. The poll offered was to assess the

item and to decide whether it is powerful as it ought to be.

Statistical Treatment of Data



Availability 4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. The materials needed to create the
Bioplastic is easy to find.

2. The material are not


3. The resources needed are accessible

within my location.

Disposa 4 3 2 1
l (SA) (A) (D) (SD)

4 3 2 1
Efficiency (SA) (A) (D) (SD)

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