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1) What is the ' next ' field of structure node in the Queue?

a. Results into the storage of queue elements.

b. Results into the storage of address of next node by holding the next element of queue.
c. Results into the memory allocation of data elements to next node.
d. Results into the address allocation data elements to next node.

ANSWER: Results into the storage of address of next node by holding the next element of queue.

2) Which among the below mentioned assertions is / are mainly associated with the feature of Spooling?

a. Scheduling of processes
b. Maintenance of a queue of jobs to be printed
c. A queue of client processes awaiting to gain the service from the service process
d. All of the above

ANSWER: Maintenance of a queue of jobs to be printed

3) Where is the root directory of a disk placed?

a. Anywhere on the disk.

b. At a fixed location on the system disk.
c. At a fixed address in main memory.
d. None of the above.

ANSWER: At a fixed location on the system disk.

4) From where does the insertion and deletion of elements get accomplished in Queues?
a. Front & Rear ends respectively
b. Rear & Front ends respectively
c. Only Front ends
d. Only Rear ends

ANSWER: Rear & Front ends respectively

5) Which among the below mentioned entities is / are essential for an Array Representation of a Queue?

a. An array to hold queue elements

b. A variable to hold the index of front element
c. A variable to hold the index of rear element
d. All of the above

ANSWER: All of the above

6) Which value is assigned/set at front and rear ends during the Initialization of a Queue?
a. 0
b. 1
c. - 1
d. infinity

7) What should be the value of rear (end) if the queue is full (elements are completely occupied )?
a. 1
b. - 1
c. MAX + 1
d. MAX - 1
e. zero (null)


8) Which among the below specified condition is applicable if the Queue is non - empty?
a. rear > front
b. rear < front
c. rear = front
d. Unpredictable

ANSWER: rear > front

9) Where the elements are stored in accordance to the representation of Queue by a Linked Structure?
a. mesh
b. node
c. both a & b
d. none of the above

ANSWER: node

10) Which of the following ' C ' functions is precise to verify the emptiness of a Queue?
int empty(Q*P)
if (P->R==-1)
return (1);

int full (Q*P)

int empty (Q*P)
if (P<-R==-1)
int full (Q*P)

int empty(Q*P)
if (P->R==-1)
return (1);

11) How are the elements with the same priority get processed according to the Priority Queue mechanism?
- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. Before the processing of other elements with lower priority

b. After the processing of other elements with highest priority
c. On the basis of 'First-Come-First Served' priority
d. None of the Above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: On the basis of 'First-Come-First Served' priority

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12) Which linear structure has a provision of Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) mechanism for its elements?
- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. Stack
b. Queue
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation


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13) Which function plays an important role in returning the address of memory block allocated to locate / store a
node especially while declaring ' top ' in the linked representation of the Stack?
- Published on 28 Aug 15

a. galloc ()
b. falloc ()
c. malloc ()
d. calloc ()
Answer Explanation
ANSWER: malloc ()

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14) Stacks do not find their applicability for ____________.

- Published on 28 Aug 15

a. Simplification of an arithmetic expression in postfix form

b. Recursion Implementation
c. Conversion of Infix to its equivalent Postfix Form
d. Allocation of Resources by an Operating System
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Allocation of Resources by an Operating System

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15) Which step is associated with an initialization process while converting a recursive into non - recursive

- Published on 28 Aug 15

a. Declaration of Stack
b. Pushing of all local variables and parameters into the stack
c. Assigning the values of formal parameters
d. Popping of return address
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Declaration of Stack

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16) How do the nested calls of the function get managed?

- Published on 28 Aug 15

a. Through Queues
b. Through Stacks
c. Through Trees
d. Through Graphs
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Through Stacks

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17) Which data structures find their applications in BFS and DFS Traversal mechanisms on a Tree respectively?
- Published on 28 Aug 15
a. Graph & Stack
b. Queue & Stack
c. Queue & Graph
d. None of the Above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Queue & Stack

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18) How many elements are present in the stack if the variable top exhibits pointing towards the topmost element
in the Array?
- Published on 28 Aug 15

a. top +1
b. top - 1
c. zero
d. infinite
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: top +1

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19) What should be the growing direction of two stacks while implementing them in a similar array so as to reduce
the overflow chances?
- Published on 28 Aug 15

a. Forward
b. Backward
c. Opposite
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Opposite

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20) Which expressions are also regarded as ' Reverse Polish Notations '?
- Published on 28 Aug 15

a. Prefix
b. Postfix
c. Infix
d. All of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Postfix
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21) Which is the correct algorithmic sequence for the conversion of an expression from Infix to Prefix?

A. Change of every '(' (opening bracket) by ')' (closing bracket) and vice-versa.
B. Reversal of an infix expression.
C. Conversion of the modified expression into postfix form.
D. Reversal of postfix expression.
- Published on 28 Aug 15

a. A, B, C, D
b. C, A, D, B
c. B ,A, C, D
d. D, B, A, C
Answer Explanation


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22) Which direction of scanning is suitable for the evaluation of a prefix expression?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Left to Left
b. Right to Right
c. Left to Right
d. Right to Left
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Right to Left

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23) When is the pop operation on Stack considered to be an error?

- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Only when the stack is empty

b. Only when the stack is full
c. When the stack is neither empty nor full
d. Cannot be predicted
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Only when the stack is empty

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24) What does the push operation top = top +1 indicate while representing the stack in one - dimensional array?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Stack Growing
b. Stack Shrinking
c. Stack Stability
d. Stack Instability
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Stack Growing

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25) What happens if an expression tree reads the symbol in the form of an Operand?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. One node tree is created and a pointer is pushed towards it on the stack.
b. Pointer is pop to two trees in order to generate a new tree with root as its operator.
c. Both a & b
d. None of the Above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: One node tree is created and a pointer is pushed towards it on the stack.

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26) Which of the following techniques represents the precise sequence of an In - Order Traversal of a Binary Tree?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Visit the Root, Traverse Left Subtree, Traverse Right Subtree

b. Traverse Left Subtree, Visit the Root, Traverse Right Subtree
c. Traverse Left Subtree, Traverse Right Subtree, Visit the Root
d. None of the Above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Traverse Left Subtree, Visit the Root, Traverse Right Subtree

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27) Which balance factor is stored in the new field introduced by an AVL tree for the representation of a node?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Length
b. Height
c. Width
d. Information
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Height
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28) How is an insertion of a node into an AVL tree carried out?

- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. By treating an AVL tree as a binary search tree

b. By updating the balance factors working upward from insertion point to the root
c. Both a & b
d. None of the Above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Both a & b

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29) Which value is assigned to leaf of game tree if the board position corresponds to the ' draw ' result for the
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. 1
b. 0
c. -1
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation


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30) Which is the correct sequential order of constructing a binary tree for the expression a + b * c + d * e ?

A. Moving the operator at the center of the group.

B. Inversion of the Structure.
C. Grouping of elements as per the sequence of Evaluation.
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. A, B, C
b. B, C, A
c. B, A, C
d. C, A, B
Answer Explanation


31) What do the leaves of an expression tree represent?

- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Operand
b. Operator
c. Operation
d. All of the Above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Operand

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32) What would happen if the balance factor of a node in an AVL tree is ' 1 '?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Heights of left and right subtrees become equal

b. Height of left subtree is one more than the height of right subtree
c. Height of left subtree is one less than the height of right tree
d. None of the Above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Height of left subtree is one more than the height of right subtree

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33) How is the failure node represented by replacing each empty subtree in an Extended Binary Tree ?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. *
b. Δ
c. o
d. â–¡
Answer Explanation


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34) What does a node possessing zero degree in Trees known as?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Branch Node
b. Root Node
c. Leaf Node
d. Trunk Node
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Leaf Node

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35) Which extra element / s is / are present at the head of the list?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Antinel
b. Sentinel
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Sentinel

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36) Which type of linked list comprises the adjacently placed first and the last elements?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Singly Linked List

b. Doubly Linked List
c. Circular Linked List
d. All of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Circular Linked List

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37) Traversal of a linked list always starts from the __________.

- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. First Node
b. Middle Node
c. Last Node
d. None of the Above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: First Node

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38) Which type of linked list / s comprise / s a node containing a pointer to predecessor as well as successor?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Doubly Linked List

b. Circular Linked List
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Both a & b

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39) Which strategy of memory allocation yields the smallest free block size greater than or equal to the requested
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. First - fit
b. Best - fit
c. Worst - fit
d. Next - fit
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Best - fit

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40) Doubly Linked List is especially applicable, for which of the following implementation?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Double Ended Queue

b. Linear List of Integers
c. Variable Length String Data Structure
d. All of the Above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: All of the Above

41) What will happen if the node to be deleted is the last node pointed by ' p ' in a Doubly Linked List?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Head will be advanced to next node

b. No node will be present to its right
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: No node will be present to its right

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42) Which is the most suitable construct utilized for traversing in a Circular Linked List?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. do - while
b. while
c. if
d. for
Answer Explanation
ANSWER: do - while

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43) Which of the following is / are the Applications of a Linked List?

- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Polynomial
b. Set
c. Sparse matrix
d. All of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: All of the above

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44) How many pointers are necessarily changed for the insertion in a Linked List?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Five
Answer Explanation


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45) How many edges are present in a Complete Graph with ' N ' Vertices?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. N - 1
b. N - 1 / 2
c. N ( N - 1 ) / 2
d. ( N - 1 )2
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: N ( N - 1 ) / 2

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46) The concept of topological sorting significantly deals with an ordering of Vertices in _________.
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. A Directed Cyclic Graph

b. An Undirected Cyclic Graph
c. A Directed Linear Graph
d. An Undirected Linear Graph
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: A Directed Cyclic Graph

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47) Which kind of Special Vertex is not required while treating a Tree as a Graph?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Branch
b. Node
c. Root
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation


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48) Which algorithm should not be used for a Dense Graph?

- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Prim's algorithm
b. Kruskal's algorithm
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Kruskal's algorithm

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49) Which Vertex exhibits its In - degree and Out - degree to be ' 1 ' & ' 0 ' respectively?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Pendant Vertex
b. Isolated Vertex
c. Cut-Vertex
d. Labeled Vertex
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Pendant Vertex

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50) Which value of degree is specified / defined for an Isolated Vertex?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Zero
b. One
c. Infinity
d. Unpredictable
Answer Explanation


51) Which among the below mentioned graph elements represents a simple path that begins and terminates at the
same vertex?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Path
b. Cycle
c. Node
d. Edge
Answer Explanation


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52) How many nested loops are present in Prim's Algorithm?

- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Infinite
Answer Explanation


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53) Which algorithm specifies the addition of edges to the Spanning Tree in an increasing order of cost?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Prim's Algorithm
b. Kruskal's Algorithm
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Kruskal's Algorithm

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54) What is the timing complexity of Prim's Algorithm for a graph comprising ' n ' vertices?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. O(n)
b. O(n2)
c. O(n3)
d. O(n-1)2
Answer Explanation


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55) Which graphs are distinctively known by the existence of a path between every pair of its vertices?
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Weighted graphs
b. Connected graphs
c. Subgraphs
d. Multigraphs
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Connected graphs

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56) A path in which all the vertices are distinct excluding the initial and final vertices is known as _________.
(Data Structure)
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Simple
b. Compound
c. Complex
d. Distinct
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Simple

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57) Which graph consists of an unordered pair of vertices representing the similar edge? (Data Structure)
- Published on 27 Aug 15

a. Directed Graph
b. Undirected Graph
c. Both a & b
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Undirected Graph

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58) A Vertex comprising only incoming edges without any outgoing edges, specifically known as _________.
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Source
b. Sink
c. Isolated
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation


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59) In graphs, A hyperedge is an edge that is allowed to take on any number of _____________.
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. vertices
b. edges
c. both a and b
d. labels
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: vertices

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60) Which of the following sorting methods would be most suitable for sorting a list?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Bubble Sort
b. Insertion Sort
c. Selection Sort
d. Quick Sort
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Bubble Sort

61) Which of the following is the Worst-case of Quick Sort?

- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. O (n log n)
b. O (N2)
c. O (log n)
d. O (n2 / 4)
Answer Explanation


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62) Which of the following is the depth of a Complete Binary Tree?

- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Dn = n log2n
b. Dn = n log2n + 1
c. Dn = log2n
d. Dn = log2n + 1
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Dn = log2n + 1

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63) What is the postfix form of the following prefix expression?

A / B * C $ DE
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. ABCDE $ * / -
b. A - BCDE $ * / -
c. ABC $ ED * / -
d. A - BCDE $ * /
Answer Explanation


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64) If a binary tree of depth is “ d †then when can we say that it is an almost complete binary tree?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Each leaf in the tree is either at level “ d †or at level “ d –1 †.
b. For any node “ n †in the tree with a right descendent at level “ d †all the left descendants of “ n
†that are leaves, are also at level “ d â€
c. Both A and B.
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Both A and B.

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65) What time is required for deleting a node ' x ' from a Doubly Linked List whose having ' n ' nodes?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. O (n)
b. O (log n)
c. O (1)
d. O (n log n)
Answer Explanation


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66) If ' h ' is a hashing function and it is used to hash ' n ' keys into a table of size ' m ' where n <= m . What is the
expected number of collisions involving a particular key ' x ' ?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. less than 1.
b. less than n.
c. less than m.
d. less than n / 2.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: less than 1.

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67) Which of the following data structure is not a Linear Data Structure?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Arrays
b. Linked lists
c. Both of these
d. None of these
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: None of these

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68) When the time factor determining the efficiency of the algorithm is measured?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Counting microseconds
b. Counting the number of key operations
c. Counting the number of statements
d. Counting the kilobytes of algorithm
Answer Explanation
ANSWER: Counting the number of key operations

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69) The operation of processing each element in the list is known as, _________.
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Sorting
b. Merging
c. Inserting
d. Traversal
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Traversal

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70) You have to sort a list L consisting of a sorted list, followed by a few “ random †elements. Which of
the following sorting methods would be especially suitable for such a task?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Bubble sort
b. Selection sort
c. Quick sort
d. Insertion sort
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Insertion sort

71) What is the difference between Linear Array and a Record?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. An array is suitable for homogeneous data but the data items in a record may have different data type.
b. In a record, there may not be a natural ordering in opposed to linear array.
c. A record form a hierarchical structure but a linear array does not
d. All of above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: All of above

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72) Why the elements of an Array are stored successively in Memory Cells?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. by this way computer can keep track only the address of the first element and the addresses of the other elements
can calculated
b. the architecture of computer memory does not allow arrays to store other than serially
c. Both of above
d. None of above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: by this way computer can keep track only the address of the first element and the addresses of the other
elements can calculated

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73) What should we call a binary tree whose every node has either zero or two children?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Complete Binary Tree

b. Binary Search Tree
c. Extended Binary Tree
d. None of Above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Extended Binary Tree

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74) If every node ' u ' in ' G ' is adjacent to every other node ' v ' in ' G ', A graph is said to be ___________.
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. isolated
b. complete
c. finite
d. strongly connected
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: complete

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75) Which of the following is the fastest ways to store and retrieve data?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Sorting
b. Hashing
c. Indexing
d. both A and C
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Hashing

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76) From where the insertion starts with a B tree?

- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Root node
b. Any node
c. Could be A or B
d. Leaf node
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Leaf node

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77) B Tree is an acronym for Binary Tree.

- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. True
b. False
Answer Explanation


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78) A graph with n vertices will definitely have a parallel edge or a self loop if the total number of edges is
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. greater than n –1

b. less than n ( n – 1 )
c. greater than n ( n – 1 ) / 2
d. less than n2 / 2
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: greater than n –1

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79) Which of the following is / are the Applications of B Tree’s?

- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Databases
b. File Systems
c. Both A and B
d. Memory
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Both A and B

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80) The Element Indices of an array can compute at ___________.

- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Cannot be computed
b. Compile time
c. Run time
d. Both A and C
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Run time

81) R Tree’s are typically used in which way that are differing from B Tree's?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Spatial access methods

b. Vectors
c. Both A and B
d. FAT
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Both A and B

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82) Which type of Arrays are used to store the information in a matrix form? (Data Structure)
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Multidimensional Arrays
b. Arrays
c. Dimensional Arrays
d. Both A and C
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Multidimensional Arrays

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83) Which method is used to remove the elements from a Stack?

- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Push()
b. Remove()
c. pop()
d. Ispop()
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: pop()
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84) Which of the following is the fastest sorting algorithm to sort a list?
- Published on 26 Aug 15

a. Quick sort
b. Bubble sort
c. Binary sort
d. Linear sort
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Quick sort

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85) Which among the following belongs to the category of a Pre-order Traversal?
- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. Root -> Left Sub Tree -> Right Sub Tree

b. Root -> Right Sub Tree -> Left Sub Tree
c. Right Sub Tree -> Left Sub Tree -> Root
d. Left Sub Tree -> Right Sub Tree -> Root
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Root -> Left Sub Tree -> Right Sub Tree

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86) In a heap the element with the greatest key is always located in which node?
- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. leaf
b. root
c. first node of left sub tree
d. first node of right sub tree
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: root

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87) Which principle works on Stack?

- Published on 25 Aug 15

Answer Explanation


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88) Which of the following is the faster operation in AVL Trees?

- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. Insertion
b. Deletion
c. Updation
d. Retrieval
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Retrieval

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89) Which Linked List have the last node of the list pointing to the first node?
- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. Circular Doubly Linked List

b. Circular Linked List
c. Circular Singly Linked List
d. Doubly Linked List
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Circular Singly Linked List

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90) In _____________, the heights of the two child subtrees of any node differ by at most one.
- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. Binary Tree
b. Red Black Tree
c. Splay Tree
d. AVL Tree
Answer Explanation


91) Where can we use Breadth First Search(BFS)?

- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. Binary trees
b. Stacks
c. Graphs
d. Both a and c
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Graphs

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92) Which of the following statements is true for Binary search Trees?
- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. The left subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key.
b. The right subtree of a node contains only nodes with keys greater than the node's key.
c. Both a and b above
d. Both left and right subtree nodes contains only nodes with keys less than the node's key.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Both a and b above

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93) Key value pair is usually seen in __________.

- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. Hash Tables
b. Heaps
c. Both a and b
d. Skip list
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Hash Tables

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94) Which among the following belongs to the category of an In-Order Traversal?
- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. Root -> Left Sub Tree -> Right Sub Tree

b. Root -> Right Sub Tree -> Left Sub Tree
c. Right Sub Tree -> Left Sub Tree ->Root
d. Left Sub Tree -> Root -> Right Sub Tree
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Left Sub Tree -> Root -> Right Sub Tree

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95) ________ is a tree where each parent node have only one associated child node.
- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. Balanced Binary Tree

b. Rooted Complete Binary Tree
c. Complete Binary Tree
d. Degenerate Tree
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Degenerate Tree

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96) A tree cannot contain cycles.

- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. True
b. False
Answer Explanation


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97) Can Linked List be implemented using Arrays?

- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. Yes
b. No
Answer Explanation


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98) Can Stack be described as a Pointer?

- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. Yes
b. No
Answer Explanation


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99) What is the pecularity of Red - black Trees?

- Published on 25 Aug 15
a. In red-black trees, the root do not contain data.
b. In red-black trees, the leaf nodes are not relevant and do not contain data.
c. In red-black trees, the leaf nodes are relevant but do not contain data.
d. Both a and c above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: In red-black trees, the leaf nodes are not relevant and do not contain data.

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100) An empty list is the one which has no _________ .

- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. nodes
b. data
c. both a and b
d. address
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: both a and b

101) Which principle works on Queue?

- Published on 25 Aug 15

d. Both a and b above
Answer Explanation


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102) What is the Complexity of Binary Search Algorithm?

- Published on 25 Aug 15

a. O(n)
b. O(log n)
c. O(n2)
d. O(n log n)
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: O(log n)

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103) Data Structure: What is the infix version of the following postfix expression?
x 12 + z 17 y + 42 * / +

- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. x + 12 + z / 17 + y * 42
b. x + 12 + z / ((17 + y) * 42)
c. (x + 12 + z) / (17 + y * 42)
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: x + 12 + z / ((17 + y) * 42)

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104) Data Structure: K4 and K3 are graphs with the following structure.

Which one of the following statements is TRUE in relation to these graphs?

- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. K4 is planar while Q3 is not

b. Q3 is planar while K4 is not
c. Both K4 and Q3 are planar
d. Neither K4 nor Q3 is planar
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Both K4 and Q3 are planar

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105) Data Structure: A complete binary tree with the property that key value in any node is greater than or equal to
the key values in both its children is called as.
- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. Binary search tree

b. Threaded binary tree
c. Heap
d. AVL tree
Answer Explanation


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106) Data Structure: Preorder and in order of a tree is give

Preorder ----- A B D H E C F I G J K
Inorder -------- D H B E A I F C J G K
What will be the postorder?

- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. H D E B I F J K G C A
b. H D E B F I J K G C A
c. H D E B I F J K CG A
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation


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107) Data Structure: Which amongst the following cannot be a balance factor of any node of an AVL tree?
- Published on 19 Oct 15

a. 0
b. 1
c. –1
d. 2
Answer Explanation


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108) Which of the following is random access protocol?

- Published on 23 Jun 15

b. carrier sense multiple access (CSMA)
c. carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA / CD)
d. All of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: All of the above.

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109) If a complete graph has n vertices then what will be the no of edges?
- Published on 23 Jun 15

a. n-1
b. (n-1)/2
c. (1/2) n (n-1)
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation
ANSWER: (1/2) n (n-1)

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110) If a binary tree has 25 nodes, then how many null branches are there?
- Published on 23 Jun 15

a. 54
b. 27
c. 26
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation


111) What data structure would you mostly likely see in a non recursive implementation of a recursive algorithm?
- Published on 23 Jun 15

a. LinkList
b. Stack
c. Queue
d. Tree
Answer Explanation


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112) What is the most appropriate data structure to implement a priority queue?
- Published on 23 Jun 15

a. Heap
b. Circular array
c. Linked list
d. Binary tree
Answer Explanation


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113) Evaluate the postfix expression 3574-2^*+

- Published on 22 Jun 15

a. 41
b. 45
c. 48
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation


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114) There are different ways of traversing a binary tree. What are those traversing technique?
- Published on 22 Jun 15

a. Prefix, infix, postfix

b. Pre-order, in-order, post-order
c. Pre-traversal, in-traversal, post-traversal
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Pre-order, in-order, post-order

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115) From the given below option find out the linear type data structure.
- Published on 22 Jun 15

a. Strings
b. Lists
c. Queues
d. All of the above
Answer Explanation


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116) If you traverse a tree in the Inorder and find sorted listing of elements then it is a
- Published on 22 Jun 15

a. Binary search tree

b. Binary tree
c. Heap
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Binary search tree

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117) Leaves of which of the following trees are at the same level?
- Published on 22 Jun 15
a. Binary tree
b. B-tree
c. AVL-tree
d. Normal Tree
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: B-tree

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118) Data Structure: The postfix expression PQ + RS – * can be evaluated using a
- Published on 22 Jun 15

a. Stack
b. Tree
c. Queue
d. LinkList
Answer Explanation


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119) Which of the following is/are channelization protocol?

- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. FDMA (Frequency-Division Multiple Access)

b. TDMA (Time-Division Multiple Access)
c. CDMA (Code-Division Multiple Access)
d. All of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: All of the above.

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120) If the maximum amplitude of a sine wave is 4 units, then minimum amplitude is.
- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. 4
b. 2
c. 3
d. -4
Answer Explanation

121) The signal rate is called as
- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. pulse rate
b. modulation rate
c. baud rate
d. All of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: All of the above.

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122) An analog signal has a bit rate of 6000 bps and a baud rate of 2000 baud. How many data elements are
carried by each signal element?
- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. 0.336 bits/baud
b. 3 bits/baud
c. 120,00,000 bits/baud
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: 3 bits/baud

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123) What is the postfix form of the following prefix *+pq-rs

- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. pq+rs-*
b. pqrs+*-
c. pq+*rs-
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: pq+rs-*

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124) The search time in hashing is

- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. O(n)
b. O(logn)
c. O(nlogn)
d. O(1)
Answer Explanation

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125) For evaluation the postfix expression which data structure you will use?
- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. Stack
b. Queue
c. List
d. Tree
Answer Explanation


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126) In a binary tree you have deleted a node that have two children then it is replaced by its
- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. Preorder predecessor
b. Inorder predecessor
c. Inorder successor
d. None of the above
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Inorder successor

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127) If a binary tree has height 10 then what is the maximum number of nodes in that tree?
- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. 1000
b. 1023
c. 1024
d. 1002
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: 1023

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128) In which tree, for every node the height of its left subtree and right subtree differ almost by one?
- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. Binary search tree

b. AVL tree
c. Threaded Binary Tree
d. Complete Binary Tree
Answer Explanation


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129) What will you get when propagation speed is multiplied by propagation time?
- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. Distance a signal or bit has travelled

b. Throughput
c. Latency
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Distance a signal or bit has travelled

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130) If you increase the frequency, the period of signal will be.
- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. No effect
b. Increases
c. Decreases
d. Double
Answer Explanation

131) Before data can be transmitted in a network, they must be transformed to.
- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. Binary
b. Electromagnetic signals
c. Radio signal
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: Electromagnetic signals

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132) Bandwidth can be described as:

- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. The range of frequencies in a composite signal.

b. The range of frequencies that a channel can pass.
c. The number of bits per second that a channel can transmit.
d. All of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: All of the above.

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133) Which unit measures the relative strength of two signals?

- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. decible
b. hertz
c. picko
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: decible

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134) What is the complexity of the function f(n)= nlogn+logn+1

- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. O(logn)
b. O(nlogn)
c. O(n)
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: O(nlogn)

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135) Match the following List-1 with List-2

List-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - List-2
P. Greedy algorithm - - - - - - - - - - - -1. Merge sort, quick sort
Q. Divide and Conquer - - - - - - - - - - 2.Eight Queens Problem.
R. Backtracking - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.Dijkstra’s algorithm, prim’s algorithm

- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. P-3, Q-1, R-2

b. P-1, Q-3, R-2
c. P-1, Q-2, R-3
d. None of the above.
Answer Explanation
ANSWER: P-3, Q-1, R-2

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136) The number of possible binary trees with 5 nodes is.

- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. 40
b. 41
c. 42
d. 32
Answer Explanation


If there are n nodes then the number of possible binary trees is (1/n+1)*(2nCn)

137) It is a set of data values and associated operations that are specified accurately, independent of any particular
- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. Stack
b. ADT
c. Graph
d. Tree
Answer Explanation


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138) Which of the following is/are non-primitive data structures?

- Published on 17 Jun 15

a. Arrays, Linklist
b. Stack, Queue
c. Tree, Graph
d. All of the above.
Answer Explanation

ANSWER: All of the above.

No explanation is available for this question!

139) From the following which data structure is used to perform recursion?
- Published on 16 Jun 15

b. Stack
c. Binary Trees
d. Query
Answer Explanation


It has a LIFO property which helps it to remember the caller which helps it to return when the function returns.

140) What are the minimum number of queues required to implement the priority queue?
- Published on 16 Jun 15

a. 3
b. 2
c. 1
d. 5
Answer Explanation


ANSWER: Decrease

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