You Absorb The Nutrients Your Body Need From Food

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1.- What are the life processes and nutrition ?

2.- Name the life processes.


3.-What is the processes of nutrition ?


4.- What are the main processes involved in nutrition ?


5.- choose the correct Word and complete. ( Digestion, Circulation, Respiration, Excretion )

You absorb the nutrients your body need from food.

You breath in air. You need oxigen from air to obtain energy from the food.

Circulacion moves the oxygen and nutrientes thoughout your body.

You expel the waste materials that your body does not use.

6.-Write the sistems involved in nutrition and your organs

7.-What is the process of sensitivity


8.- What are the parts involves in sensitivity

9.- Complete.

The nervous system is made up of ?............................................................................................................................................

The locomotor system is made up of ?........................................................................................................................................

The skeletal system is made up of ?........................................................................................................................................

The muscular system is made up of ?........................................................................................................................................

10.-Look at the pictures and write the sistems involved in the locomotor system and your bones and muscles.

11.- Complete.

The process of ……………………………………………………………………..alows us to have offspring similar to ourselves.

People have........................................................this means a male and a female have to come together to reproduce.

People are........................................................this means that babies develop in the uterus .

10.-Look at the pictures and write the organs involved in the process of reproduction.

12.-Draw the sistems involved in nutrition and your organs

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