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As a marketer, it’s the buying power of the generation that makes it loud, clear and

obviousEvery generation brings a new set of challenges for marketers. As

technologies evolve, culture changes and demographics shift, marketers must
rethink their strategies in order to remain relevant. Today millennials are the rising

Defined as those born between the late 1980s and the early 2000s, American
millennials are projected to have $1.4 trillion in purchasing power by the year 2020,
and are thus rapidly redefining the modern economy. No business can survive
without marketing to millennials, yet many do not know how to appeal to them. By
paying close attention to their values, habits, and characteristics, marketers can
create content that leaves millennials engaged and eager to try the product.

you need to understand the keys to marketing to millennials.

Millennials are the first generation to have grown up with the internet, which they
rely on for most of their news and information. Marketers have the best chance of
reaching this generation through online and mobile advertising

To say millennials use the internet more than previous generations is not to imply
they interact with their peers any less often. On the contrary social media is
a powerful tool for interactions, allowing millennials to communicate with each other
in real time no matter where they are.

These online interactions affect their shopping habits. Millennials are more likely to
purchase a product if a close friend, family member or other peer that they trust has
recommended it. If this person recommends the product on social media, there is no
limit to the number of new customers they might bring in.

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