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XenDesktop troubleshooting

Self-paced exercise guide

Table of Contents

Table of Contents .............................................................................................................................................. 2

Overview............................................................................................................................................................. 3

Required Lab Credentials ................................................................................................................................. 3

How to log into the lab environment ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Exercise 1: Troubleshooting VDA Registration with XDPing and CDFControl ................................... 4

Exercise 2: HDX Monitor Diagnostics Tool .............................................................................................. 11

Exercise 3: HDX Monitor and Desktop Director (Alternate for Exercise 2)........................................ 16

Exercise 4: Troubleshooting XenDesktop with PowerShell .................................................................... 23

Exercise 5: VDA High Availability Feature and Troubleshooting .......................................................... 27

Exercise 6: XenDesktop General Database Troubleshooting .................................................................. 32

Exercise 7: Citrix Scout & TaaS Auto Support ........................................................................................... 39

Hands-on Training Module
This training module has the following details:

Objective  Provide hands-on experience with common troubleshooting scenarios in

XenDesktop 5.x
 Provide hands-on experience with common tools in XenDesktop used by Citrix
Audience  Primary: Citrix Partners and XenDesktop Administrators

Lab Environment Details

This section is used to describe the lab environment and the virtual machines that are used

VM Name IP Address Description

AD.Training.lab Windows Server 2008 R2. Domain controller for training.lab,
DNS, DHCP services, and license server.
SQLServer Windows Server 2008 R2. SQL Server 2008 R2 hosting the
Provisioning Services and XenDesktop databases.
Win7MAS Windows 7 VDA master image
Win7MCS01 Windows 7 VDA provisioned by Machine Creation Services
XD5x_DDC_1 XD 5.6 Controller
XD5x_DDC_2 XD 5.6 Controller
XD5x_VDA Windows 7 VDA for XenDesktop 5.6

Required Lab Credentials

Below are the login credentials required to connect to the workshop system and complete the lab

Domain/Machine Username Password Description

Training.lab Administrator Citrix123 Domain Administrator
XenServer See note below XenServer User
Training.lab User1 Citrix123 XenDesktop Test User

Note: After entering the Class Code and Business Email Address to connect to the training environment,
you will be assigned an IP address and credentials for the XenServer needed for the labs. Please note the
IP address, username, and password you will need when XenCenter launches and you click Add Server .

Citrix Virtual
Exercise Classroom
1: Troubleshooting VDA Registration
with XDPing and CDFControl
The Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent (VDA) registration process is critical, because it ensures a healthy
relationship between the Desktop Delivery Controller (DDC) so that new sessions can be brokered against
the VDA. In this lab, we will explore a scenario where the VDA fails to register with an available DDC.

Step-by-step guidance
Estimated time to complete this lab: 20 minutes
Step Action

1. In XenCenter, select XD5x_DDC1 and then click the XenCenter button.

2. Select XD5x_VDA and click the XenCenter button

3. Click the Console tab for XD5x_VDA and when the machine is ready log on as:
User: Training\Administrator

4. Click on the CitrixTools icon on the desktop

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Citrix Virtual Classroom
Step Action

5. Run the following command to display information to the screen

C:\CitrixTools> xdping

Note: The output can be sent to a file and reviewed with notepad using the following
C:\CitrixTools> xdping > output.txt & notepad output.txt

6. Review the output. Were there any errors or warnings?

7. Launch CDFControl from the Desktop

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Citrix Virtual Classroom
Step Action

8. In the menu, click Tools -> Options, and then click checkbox in the Real-time viewing
section to Enable real-time viewing while capturing trace, and then click Save

9. In the Trace Categories drop-down, select All Modules, and then click Start Tracing

10. Click Start, type services.msc in the search field, and then press Enter

11. Select the Citrix ICA Service and click the Restart icon .

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Citrix Virtual Classroom
Step Action

12. When the Citrix ICA Service has restarted, switch back to CDFControl and click Stop

13. Click Tools -> Expert Control to review the error information
Can you find the relevant error message?
Tip: Look for messages that contain “Could not register…” or “Failed to register…” or
“TCP error” reported by CdsWorkerAgent.

14. Click Start, type regedit in the search field, and press Enter. Then navigate to
Note the value for ListOfDDCs

Do you see the problem?

15. Click Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features and then select and right-click
Citrix Virtual Desktop Agent and select Change
When the following change dialog appears, select Reconfigure the VDA

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Citrix Virtual Classroom
Step Action

16. In Manually enter controller location(s), add a space and to the
list of Controllers.
Note: A space is required to separate each controller in the list.

Click Check to verify the names can be resolved.

Note: This check only verifies the list of Controllers can be resolved by DNS; it does not
attempt to connect to the Controllers.

Click Next, and then Close to save the changes.

Note: If you switch back to the Registry Editor and press F5 to refresh the display, you
will see the ListOfDDCs now contains both controllers.

17. From the Services control panel, select the Citrix ICA Service and then click the Restart
icon .

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Citrix Virtual Classroom
Step Action

On the desktop launch the Windows Event Viewer using the icon.

Click Windows Logs -> Application and double-click Event ID 1012 to see that the
VDA has successfully registered with

19. Log off from XD5x_VDA and then select and start XD5x_DDC1 using the XenCenter
Start button.


Both XDPing output and the CDF trace revealed a VDA registration exception when attempting to
communicate with an available DDC. In this exercise, the list of Controllers (ListOfDDCs) only
contained a single Controller. All available controllers should be entered in the Controllers location field
when installing the Virtual Desktop Agent.

Knowledge about the registration configuration leads into the proper path of investigation. Reviewing the
registry settings revealed an incorrect setting on the VDA machine. Restarting the Citrix Desktop Service
on the VDA triggered the registration process to make tracing easier. A firewall could have also interfered
with port communication, so that should also be investigated in the real world scenario; however, it was
not a problem here.

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Virtual Classroom
The key takeaways for this exercise are:
 Learn how to use XDping to identify possible VDA registration issues.
 Learn how to trigger a VDA registration from a running VDA so that it can
be traced easier
 Learn how to perform real-time CDF trace analysis using the Dynamic
TMF Download feature (TMF files are automatically downloaded as
needed and temporarily stored in the user‟s temp directory. These files are
deleted automatically after use.)
 Learn how to use CDFControl's ExpertControl feature to easily find errors
 Learn about registry based VDA registration and some of the underlying
communication that occurs via CDF tracing
CTX123278: XDPing
CTX111961: CDFControl

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Citrix Virtual
Exercise Classroom
2: HDX Monitor Diagnostics Tool
This lab demonstrates how HDX Monitor can be used to fine tune and troubleshoot HDX settings in a
XenDesktop 5 environment.

Step-by-step guidance
The following procedure outlines the process to use XDPing and HDX Monitor for common problem types.

Estimated time to complete this lab: 15 minutes.

Step Action

1. In the XenCenter console log into SQLServer

2. Open Internet Explorer Browser to the XD 5.6 Web Interface

3. Log in and launch the virtual desktop named Windows 7

User: Training\Administrator

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
4. Click on HDX Monitor 2.0 located on desktop, select XD5VDA, and then click the Open

5. Note the HDX Index Score and review the status icons.

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
6. Click the Alerts link to see which HDX settings can be changed to optimize the user

7. Close HDX Monitor and log off from the VDA session.

8. Switch to XD5x_DDC_1 and launch Desktop Studio from the Windows task bar.

Navigate to HDX Policy -> Users and select the HDX Optimization policy.

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
9. Click Edit, and then click the Settings tab and add the following:
 ICA -> USB Devices: Client USB device redirection = Allowed
 ICA -> Visual Display –> Still Images: Extra Color Compression = Enabled
 ICA -> Visual Display –> Still Images: Lossy compression level = Low

Click OK to save the settings. The policy should now appear as shown in the screenshot.

10. Logon to XD5x_VDA and double-click HDX_VCPriority.reg on the Desktop, and the
click Yes and OK.

Note: The .reg file changes the Graphics – Thinwire virtual channel priority to Real Time
as recommended in the Warnings section of the HDX Alerts.

Log off of XD5x_VDA.

11. Switch back to SQL Server and launch the Windows 7 VDA again.

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
12. Launch HDX Monitor 2.0 using the Desktop icon, and note the new HDX Index Score
and Alerts to see the changes.

Exit HDX Monitor and note the message indicating HDX monitor will now run in the
Mouse over the HDX Monitor icon in the notification area to see the quality of the HDX

Log off the VDA session.


The HDX Monitor is a tool to validate the operation of Citrix's HDX stack including the latest HDX
MediaStream for Flash and HDX Real Time features. Use it to view bandwidth usage, session settings and
performance metrics.

Key The key takeaways for this exercise are:

Takeaways  Learn how to monitor session information with HDX Monitor
 Review Alerts for recommendations on how to improve HDX settings.
For more information on HDX Monitor please see the following link.

Related links: CTX124982: How to Optimize XenDesktop Interactivity

Performance on WAN Connections

Page 15
Citrix 3: HDX
Virtual Monitor and Desktop Director
(Alternate for Exercise 2)
This lab demonstrates how the HDX information in Desktop Director can be used to fine tune and
troubleshoot HDX settings in a XenDesktop 5 environment.

Step-by-step guidance
The following procedure outlines the process to use XDPing and HDX Monitor for common problem

Estimated time to complete this lab: 15 minutes.

Step Action

1. In the XenCenter console log into SQLServer

2. Open Internet Explorer Browser to the XD 5.6 Web Interface

3. Log in and launch the virtual desktop named Windows 7

User: Training\Administrator

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
4. Switch to XD5x_DDC_1 and launch Desktop Director

5. Log in to Desktop director as Training\Administrator.

6. Type XD5VDA in the search field and click Training\XD5VDA in the drop down

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
7. Review the HDX section on the right to see if there are any Errors or Warnings .

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
8. Click the items that show an Error or Warning to reveal more details.

For example, click Graphics- Thinwire to review the recommendations in the Warnings
and Hints sections for resolving an error or fine tuning HDX settings

9. Launch Desktop Studio from the Windows task bar.

Navigate to HDX Policy -> Users and select the HDX Optimization policy.

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
10. Click Edit, and then click the Settings tab and add the following:
 ICA -> USB Devices: Client USB device redirection = Allowed
 ICA -> Visual Display –> Still Images: Extra Color Compression = Enabled
 ICA -> Visual Display –> Still Images: Lossy compression level = Low

Click OK to save the settings. The policy should now appear as shown in the screenshot.

11. Logon to XD5x_VDA and double-click HDX_VCPriority.reg on the Desktop, and the
click Yes and OK.

Note: The .reg file changes the Graphics – Thinwire virtual channel priority to Real Time
as recommended in the Warnings section of the HDX Alerts.

Log off of XD5x_VDA.

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
12. Switch back to SQL Server and log off the current desktop session on the Windows 7

Launch the Windows 7 desktop session again.

13. Switch back to XD5x_DDC_1 and refresh the Desktop Director display with the F5 key.

The HDX section should look different now that you have made some changes to the
HDX settings using HDX policy and the registry setting to give higher priority for

14. Switch back to SQLServer and log off the Windows 7 VDA session.


The HDX Monitor component included in Desktop Director is a tool to validate the operation of Citrix's
HDX stack including the latest HDX MediaStream for Flash and HDX Real Time features. Use it to view
bandwidth usage, session settings and performance metrics.

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Virtual Classroom
The key takeaways for this exercise are:
 Learn how to monitor session information with HDX Monitor
 Review Alerts for recommendations on how to improve HDX settings.
For more information on HDX Monitor please see the following link.

Related links: CTX124982: How to Optimize XenDesktop Interactivity

Performance on WAN Connections

Page 22
Citrix 4: Troubleshooting
Virtual Classroom XenDesktop with
In this exercise we will explore several PowerShell SDK commands to diagnose and troubleshoot various
XenDesktop components.

Step-by-step guidance
The following procedure outlines the key steps to trouble with PowerShell commands.

Estimated time to complete this lab: 10 minutes.

Step Action

1. In XenCenter, select XD5x_DDC1 and login at the console.

2. Click the CitrixTools icon on the Desktop.

3. To initialize the PowerShell environment, type: PowerShell

4. To check for VDA registration events on the virtual machine from the controller, run the
following command.

Get-WinEvent -Computer XD5VDA -Old -Prov 'Citrix Desktop Service' | fl

Alternatively, you can run the following script. Note: You may need to execute the
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned command to allow scripts to run.


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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
5. i To check the status of the broker service, run the following command to first load the
t Citrix snap- ins.

Add-PSSnapin Citrix*

6. f To check the health of the broker, and to verify it can connect to the database, run the
f following command:
f Get-BrokerServiceStatus
f Example: If the Database is unavailable the status PendingFailure is displayed; the
f status would transition to Failed if the connection is not restored in 5 minutes.
r The amount of time is controlled by the following registry key which if not set
r defaults to 300 seconds (5 minutes):
ConnectivityLossSecs; DWORD 300 (Seconds)

This is the maximum elapsed time over which an SQL command batch can be
retried when database connectivity appears to have been lost, and determines the
maximum period that the broker service reports state „PendingFailure‟ via the SDK
before transitioning to „Failed‟

CTX126704: Registry Entries Used by XenDesktop 5.x Broker Service

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
7. GTo view the database configuration setup, run the following command:
t Get-BrokerDBConnection

The following command will display the broker information useful for troubleshooting.
- LastActivityTime is the last time the broker polled for information.
- LastStartupTime is when the service was last started.


The following command will display the Hypervisor State and indicates the preferred
controller and the capabilities of this host connection object.


New in XenDesktop 5.6 to view the user Connection history for the past 48 hours, run the
following command:


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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
8. The following command tests whether or not a given license server can be used by the
broker service.


Command Results
Compatible The license server is compatible with the Broker service.
Incompatible The license server is incompatible with the Broker service.
Inaccessible The license server is inaccessible; it may be shut down, unreachable, or
Internal Error The server cannot be used due to an internal error. A required licensing
component on the license server may not be installed, configured, or
working correctly.


PowerShell SDK commands allow you to diagnose and troubleshoot various XenDesktop components.

Key The key takeaways for this exercise are:

Takeaways  Learn how to review VDA registration messages and errors in the event log
 Learn how to verify the Broker service configuration and state as well as the
connection history by using PowerShell commands.
For more information please see the following resources:
XenDesktop 5 PowerShell SDK Primer
CTX128057: Getting Started with PowerShell in XenDesktop 5
CTX127254: XenDesktop 5 SDK Cmdlet Help

Page 26
Citrix Virtual
Exercise Classroom
5: VDA High Availability Feature and
The High Availability feature in the Virtual Desktop Agent (VDA) allows users to connect directly to the
VDA if all available controllers fail. In this mode, the VDA accepts direct ICA connections from users,
rather than the normal connections brokered by a controller. This feature is designed for use on the rare
occasion that a controller fails. This method is not an alternative for other forms of HA.

Step-by-step guidance
The following procedure outlines the key steps to setup and troubleshoot the VDA high availability

Estimated time to complete this lab: 15 minutes.

Step Action

1. In the XenCenter console select XD5x_DDC1 and XD5x_DDC2 and click the XenCenter

2. Select XD5x_VDA, click the Console tab and log in as Training\Administrator.

3. Run regedt32 and verify the following registry value:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Citrix\ VirtualDesktopAgent,
(REG_DWORD): HighAvailability with a value 1

Note: This key doesn‟t exist by default – it has been added already for this lab exercise.

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
4. Verify the following registry value


VDAOperationalMode with a value 2

Note: A value of 2 means the VDA is in High Availability Mode; this is a read only value.

(REG_DWORD): HaRegistrarTimeout

Note: This key controls time period in seconds that the Virtual Desktop Agent will try
registering with the controller before initiating high availability mode. Default is 5 minutes
and the key is not created by default.

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
5. Click the TCPview icon on the Desktop

Wait (approximately 2 minutes) until ports 1494 and 2598 open and display before moving
on to the next step.

Note: Alternatively, you can use netstat to monitor the ports with the following command:
netstat –an

6. Important: Log off from XD5x_VDA

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
7. Select SQLServer and log in at the console.

Click on the CitrixTools icon on the desktop

Run the following command to verify that port 1494 on the VDA is now accepting
> Ctxprtchk 1494

8. On the Desktop of the SQLServer VM, click on the ha.ica icon

This will allow you to connect the VDA when the Controller is not available.

9. Select XD5x_DDC1 and XD5x_DDC2 and click the XenCenter Start button.

Log off from the desktop session on XD5x_VDA.


VDA HA only works with dedicated desktops; it cannot be configured to work with pooled desktops. A
VDA must contact a controller within 30 days to continue to operate.

Page 30
Key The key takeaways for this exercise are:
TakeawaysVirtual Classroom
 Learn how to implement VDA High Availability mode
 Learn how to troubleshoot VDA High Availability mode
For more information please see the following resources
CTX127564: How to Implement High Availability Features in XenDesktop 5
CTX127392: How to Create ICA Launch Files for High Availability Mode
eDocs: High Availability of the Virtual Desktop Agent

Page 31
Citrix 6: XenDesktop
Virtual Classroom General Database
Understanding how XenDesktop works and leveraging the tools listed in the exercise will allow the
student to more effectively troubleshoot common scenarios.

Step-by-step guidance
The following procedure outlines the key steps to troubleshoot XenDesktop configuration and database

Estimated time to complete this lab: 15 minutes.

Step Action

1. Switch to XD5x_DDC_1 and login at console

2. Click on the CitrixTools icon on the desktop

3. Execute the following command to see if there are any problems and to create a ZIP file
that contains a collection of output files:

xddbdiag windows CitrixXenDesktopDB

Note: There is a batch file called DdDiag.bat in the CitrixTools directory you can
alternatively execute.

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
4. To open an explorer window from the command prompt for the current directory and to
extract output

Type: start .\

Right-click, select Extract All, and then


Double-click the following files to view them in Open Office.

Note: Select Comma in the Separator options –> Seperated by options.

sqlConnectionLogInfoTaaS which will display all connection attempts within the in the
past 48 hours. This will capture connection error as well as brokering resolution timing.

sqlVDAStatesInfoTaaS which will display vda information such as

Version,LastDe-registration Reason, Last Contact Time

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
5. In the XenCenter console log into SQLServer VM

 Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio

 Connect to the local SQL server
 Right click the SQL server Local and select Activity Monitor

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
6. In the Processes section on the right, click the filter arrow and select by
Application Citrix

Note: Any prefix with Citrix indicates a connection from the Controller.

7. In the XenCenter console log into XD5x_DDC_1

Click on the Performance Monitor icon on Desktop

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
8. Click the + icon to add the following performance counter:

Citrix Broker Service -> Database Connected

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Step Action
Citrix Virtual Classroom
9. To see what happens when the Controller loses its connection to the database:
Switch to SQLServer and login.
In Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio the right click the SQL server Local and
select Stop

10. Switch back to XD5_DDC_1 and notice the performance counter Database Connected is
set to a value of 1 when there is a connection to the SQL server. If the connection is
terminated the value will go to 0.

11. Start the Database Service again.

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Citrix Virtual Classroom

Citrix and Microsoft tools can be used to help determine the health and performance of your XenDesktop
environment from a database perspective.

Key The key takeaways for this exercise are:

Takeaways  XDDBDiag can be used to perform a consistency check on your XenDesktop
5.x database
 Performance monitor displays the active controller service connections to the
XenDesktop database.
For more information, please see the following resources:
CTX128075 XDDBDiag for XenDesktop

Page 38
Citrix 7: Citrix
Virtual Scout & TaaS Auto Support
Citrix Scout can be used to collect key data points and environment information from your XenDesktop
deployment, including CDF traces. The collected data is compressed and uploaded to the TaaS Auto
Support site for auto analysis.

Step-by-step guidance
The following procedure outlines the key steps to collect XenDesktop environment data using Citrix Scout and then
reviewing the uploaded data collection in TaaS Auto Support.

Estimated time to complete this lab: 15 minutes.

Step Action

Log into the XD5x_DDC_1 console session, and launch Citrix Scout from the

2. Click the Collect & Upload button and then select all machines in the list. Note the
message in the Status/Action column for WIN7MCS01 and that the machine has been de-
selected. Mouse-over the message to see the full text. The status must be OK in order to
collect the required data.

Page 39
LogVirtual Classroom
into WIN7MCS01 and double-click the launch the Citrix Tools icon to open a
command prompt:

To enable WinRM, type and respond with default options: winrm quickconfig

To start the Remote Registry service, type: services.msc

 Find and select Remote Registry, double-click and set Startup type to
Automatic, and click OK.
 Start the Remote Registry service

Note: WinRM, Remote Registry, and File and Printer Sharing must be enabled on remote
VDAs and Controllers in order for Scout to collect the required data. These services are
typically configured correctly when the Virtual Desktop Agent (VDA) software is installed
with default settings.

Log off of WIN7MCS01

4. Switch back to XD5x_DDC_1 and select WIN7MCS01 again. The Status will now change
to OK.

Click Continue and the data collection will proceed providing a status at the bottom left of
the Scout window.

When the collection is finished, click Save to accept the default Reports folder.

Page 40
5. Enter your My Citrix credentials and a brief description in the Upload dialogue.
Citrix Virtual Classroom

Click Close when the upload completes and exit Citrix Scout.

Note: The Service Request is optional allowing you to upload and analyze data before
opening a case with Citrix Technical Support.

An upload notification will be sent to the email address associated with your My Citrix
logon account regarding the file upload and analysis results.

6. Open Internet Explorer and enter your My Citrix credentials to log into TaaS Auto Support
( If this is your first time you have logged in, you must accept the
Privacy Statement to continue.

Page 41
7. Review the XenDesktop Overview tab for a summary of issues identified as well as
Citrix Virtual
Environment Classroom
information included in the data upload.

Review the Analysis Results tab for a full list of issues identified.

Note: If you are troubleshooting an issue that you can reproduce in your environment, the
CDF Trace Not Available message appears to indicate that you have not included a CDF
trace in your upload. Running a CDF trace while reproducing the issue and then
proceeding to a data collection and upload provides TaaS Auto Support with a greater level
of detail that can be used to identify issues.


Page 42
Citrix Virtual Classroom
Citrix Scout provides a quick and convenient way to collect XenDesktop environment data and upload
that data to TaaS Auto Support for general health check and problem analysis when troubleshooting.

Key The key takeaways for this exercise are:

Takeaways  Citrix Scout makes collecting XenDestkop environment data fast and easy
 TaaS Auto Support saves you time by identifying issues when troubleshooting
Note: Both Citrix Scout and TaaS Auto Support require a My Citrix account for
data upload and access to data analysis.
For additional information, please refer to the resources:
CTX130147: Citrx Scout
Tools as a Service (TaaS) Auto Support

Please complete the survey

We value your feedback! Please take a moment to let us know about your self-paced
lab experience by completing a brief survey on the web portal before you logout.

Page 43
Revision History
Citrix Virtual Classroom
Revision Change Description Updated By Date
1.0 Original Version WW Readiness June 2013

About Citrix

Citrix Systems, Inc. designs, develops and markets technology solutions that enable information technology
(IT) services. The Enterprise division and the Online Services division constitute its two segments. Its
revenues are derived from sales of Enterprise division products, which include its Desktop Solutions,
Datacenter and Cloud Solutions, Cloud-based Data Solutions and related technical services and from its
Online Services division's Web collaboration, remote access and support services. It markets and licenses its
products directly to enterprise customers, over the Web, and through systems integrators (Sis) in addition to
indirectly through value-added resellers (VARs), value-added distributors (VADs) and original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs). In July 2012, the Company acquired Bytemobile, provider of data and video
optimization solutions for mobile network operators.

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