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Basics of Mechanical Engg.

Lab viva questions

Q.1. Define Boiler?

Ans. Boiler: - A steam boiler is a closed vessel in which steam is produced from water by combustion
of fuel.
Q.2. What is difference between fire tube and water tube boiler?
Ans. Fire tube boiler: In fire tube boilers, the flue gases pass through the tube and water surround
Water tube boiler: In water tube boiler, water flows inside the tubes and the hot flue gases flow outside
the tubes.
Q3.. What is difference betweenlow pressure boiler and high pressure boiler?
Ans. Low pressure boiler: A boiler which generates steam at a pressure of below 80 bars is called low
pressure boiler. Example-Cochran boiler, Lancashire boiler etc.
High pressure boiler: A boiler which generates steam at a pressure higher then 80 bar is called high
pressure boiler. Example- Babcock and Wilcox boiler etc.
Q.4. Define Boiler mountings?
Ans. The components which are fitted on the surface of the boiler for complete safety and control of
steam generation process are known as boiler mountings.
Q.5. Explain function of different boiler mountings?
Pressure Gauge - It is usually mounted on the front top of the boiler shell. It is mounted on each boiler
to show the pressure of the steam.
Safety Valves- They are needed to blow off the steam when pressure of the steam in the boiler exceeds
the working pressure. These are placed on the top of the boiler.
Fusible Plug- It is fitted to the crown plate of the furnace of the fire. The function of fusible plug is to
extinguish the fire in the fire box, when water level in the boiler comes down the limit and it prevents
from blasting the boiler, melting the tube and over heating the fire-box crown plate.
Steam Stop Valve- A valve placed directly on a boiler and connected to the steam pipe which carries
steam to the engine or turbine is called stop valve or junction valve.
Q.6. Define boiler Accessories?
The appliances installed to increase the efficiency of the boiler are known as the boiler accessories.
Q.7. Explain function of different boiler accessories?
Economiser- Economiser is a one type of heat exchange which exchanges the some parts of the waste
heat of flue gas to the feed water. It is placed between the exit of the furnace and entry into the chimney.
Super Heater- An element of steam generating unit in which the steam is super heated, is known is
super heater. A super heater is used to increase the temperature of saturated steam at constant pressure.
Air Pre-heater- The function of air pre-heater is to increase the temperature of air before it enters the
furnace. It is installed between the economiser and the chimney.
AIM: - To study Two stroke & Four stroke Diesel Engines.
Q.8. Define HEAT ENGINE?
Ans. An engine which converts heat energy into mechanical energy is called a heat engine.
Q.9. What are the types of heat engine?
Ans. a) External Combustion engine-The engine in which the combustion of fuel takes place outside
the cylinder is called an external combustion engine.
b) Internal Combustion engine- The engine in which the combustion of fuel takes place inside the
cylinder is called an internal combustion engine.
Q.10. Define engine cycle?
Ans. When series of events are repeated in order, it completes one cycle. Cycle is generally classified as
Four stroke cycle and Two stroke cycle.
Four stroke cycle- In Four stroke cycle, four operations are required to complete one cycle. These four
operations are suction, compression, power and exhaust.
Two stroke cycles- In a two stroke cycle, the series of events of the working cycle is completed in two
strokes of the piston and one revolution of the crankshaft. The four operations i.e. suction, compression,
power and exhaust are completed during two strokes of the piston.
Q.11. Explain the vapour compression Refrigeration System?
Ans. In vapour compression refrigeration system working fluid is refrigerant which undergoes phase
change at least during one process .i.e. it evaporator and condenses or changes alternately between
vapour and liquid phases without leaving the refrigeration system. In evaporation, refrigerant absorbs
latent heat from the cold body. This latent heat is used for converting the liquid to vapour, while
condensing; it rejects latent heat to external body to create cooling effects in the working fluid.
Q.12. Define Clutch?
It is a device which disconnects the engine from the rest of the transmission and enables the engine to
run without moving the vehicle.
Q.13. Define Gear?
Ans. The gear is defined as a toothed element which is used for transmitting rotary motion from one
shaft to another. When teethes are provided on its internal surface, known as internal gear or annular
wheel. When teethes are provided on its external surface, known as external gear.
Q.14. Define Hooke’s Law.
Ans. It states that when the material is loaded within the elastic limit the stress is directly proportional
to strain.
i.e. Stress α strain. or Stress = constant x Strain
Q.15. What is stress?
Ans. When load is applied on any object then a resisting force is induced, that resisting or reacting per
unit area of cross-section is called stress.
Q.16. What is strain?
Ans. Stress is change in dimensions upon original dimentions.
Q.17. Types of stresses.
Ans. Normal stresses(tensile & compressive), shear stresses
Q.18. Types of strains.
Ans. Longitudinal strain(tensile & compressive), shear strain, volumetric strain.
Q.19. What is volumetric strain?
Ans. Volumetric strain is change in volume upon original volume.
Q.20. What is poisson’s ratio?
Ans. It is the ratio of lateral (or transverse) strain to longitudinal strain.
Q.21. Define longitudinal strain and lateral (transverse) strain.
Ans. Longitudinal strain is change in length upon original length.
Lateral strain is change in lateral dimensions (i.e. dimensions perpendicular to length) upon original
lateral dimensions.
Q.22. Differentiate Shear Strain and Shear stress.
Ans. Stress is a measure of how much force is taken by an object of particular size. shear stress is
therefore shear force divided by area under shear. Clearly, increasing the force and/or decreasing the
size or cross sectional area will result in larger stresses.
Shear strain is a measure of the deflection caused by a shear stress, and is related via the shear modulus
(or modulus of rigidity) G, where G= shear stress/shear strain.
Q.23. Define elastic constants E,K & G.
Ans. Young’s modulus of elasticity(E) is the ratio of normal stress to normal strain.
Bulk modulus of elasticity(K) is the ratio of normal stress to volumetric strain.
Shear modulus of elasticity or modulus of rigidity(C or G) is the ratio of shear stress to shear strain.
Q.24. What is difference between force and load.
Ans. Force is a push or pull applied on a body to change its state.
Load is the combined effect of external applied forces at any point.
Q.25. What are lifting machines?
Ans. Lifting machines are devices which are used to lift heavy load by applying less effort.
Q.26. Define Mechanical Advantage,velocity ratio & efficiency.
Ans. M.A. is the ratio of load lifted to effort applied.
V.R. is the ratio of distance moved by effort to distance moved by load.
Efficiency is the ratio of mechanical advantage to velocity ratio.
Q.27. Define Hydraulic machine.
Ans. A machine which either converts hydraulic energy of water into mechanical energy or mechanical
energy into hydraulic energy is called hydraulic machine.
Q.28. Define Hydraulic turbine.
Ans. The type of hydraulic machine which converts hydraulic energy of water into mechanical energy is
called hydraulic turbine.
Q.29. Define Hydraulic pump.
Ans. The type of hydraulic machine which converts mechanical energy into hydraulic energy is called
hydraulic pump.
Q.30. Differentiate impulse and reaction turbines?
Ans. Impulse Turbine: The turbine in which water possesses only kinetic energy at the inlet of turbine.
Reaction Turbine: The turbine in which water possesses both kinetic as well as pressure energy at the
inlet of turbine.
Q.31. What is draft tube?
Ans. The pressure at the exit of the runner of a reaction turbine is generally less than the atmospheric
pressure. The water at exit cannot be directly discharged to the tail race. A tube or pipe of gradually
increasing area is used for discharging water from the exit of the turbine to the tail race. This tube of
increasing area is called draft tube.
Q.32. What is Pelton Turbine?
Ans. Pelton turbine is a high head, low specific speed, tangential flow impulse turbine named after the
American engineer Lesser Pelton (1829-1908).
Q.33. What is Francis Turbine?
Ans. Francis turbine is an inward flow reaction turbine which was designed and Developed by the
American engineer James B. Francis (1815-1892). The modern Francis turbine is, however, a mixed
flow unit in which the water enters the runner radially at its outer periphery and leaves axially at its
Q.34. What is Kaplan Turbine?
Ans. Kaplan turbine is a high specific speed, low head, axial flow reaction turbine. It was developed by
an engineer V. Kaplan.
Q35. What are the applications of Propeller turbine?
Ans. The propeller turbine is a reaction turbine which is particularly suited for low head
(Up to 30m) and high flow installations.i.e at barrages in rivers. The unit is like the propeller of a ship
operating in reverse. The ship propeller rotates, thrusts the water away behind it and thus causes the ship
to move forward. In a propeller turbine, the water flows through the propeller and sets it in motion.
Water enter the turbine laterally, gets deflected by the guide vanes and the flows through the propeller.
For this reason,these machines are referred to as axial flow units.
Q.36. Define one tonne of refrigeration?
Ans. It is the refrigeration effect produced by uniform melting of one tonne of ice at 0°c in 24 hours.
Q. 37. What is COP (Coefficient of performance) of refrigerator?
Ans. It is the ratio of refrigeration effect to the work done.

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