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In elementary, these are the stage that I started to know what are basic stuff is,
just like learning to read etc, and as I reach grade 3 to 4. This is the stage wherein
I started to know more about my friends on knowing there value, and as I reach
grade 5 to 6 this is the stage wherein I started to be more responsible to my school
works, activities, assignments, project, grades.

Junior High School

These are the stage wherein I started to be more active towards my surroundings,
study harder and doing every activities, home works, projects on my own. It is
also the time where I should know on what is right and wrong. This is also the
stage wherein my parents gave me the chance to get out of my comfort zone and to
travel more, to know more, and to know more friends, hang out with my friends,
to have my own space, time and to choose/decide on my own and to experience
new things.

Senior High School

The time where I started to feel stress, to my works wherein I should study even
harder and be more active and positive in any way. compare to my elementary
time I learn to read, while now I read to learn. It is also the time where I should
think about my future and my job, wherein all the works are twice the difficulty.
And the time where you will know how life will really turns out.

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