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Claim: Usage of fire is brought by both technological determinism and social constructivism.

Focus: Ancient time

Social Constructivism – human action affects how technology is used
Technological Determinism – the birth of a technology determines human action

Points for Technological Determinism:

 During the ancient times, fire was discovered when a lightning struck the forest, causing a
wildfire. This “cooked” some forage food, making them more edible and nutritious than
when raw. As a result, the ancient people learned to cook food.
 Discovery of the fire’s property of applying heat initiated the creation of tools such as bows
and arrows, spears, darts, rim sticks which are used for hunting.
 Fire is also used for land modification including clearing bushes for ease travelling and
hunting, burning meadows in summer to promote seed bearing grasses, clearing ground for
food gathering, etc.
 Fire as a source of heat and light was used as torches during the night and as warmers
during winters.

Points for Social Constructivism:

 People during the ancient times are hunters. This led them to use fire to modify their tools
and make them effective for hunting.
 Ancient civilization grew rapidly and the need for a settlement became a thing. Fire was
then used to modify land making it safer for staying.
 People living in cold areas might have realized to use fire to keep themselves warm.
 Insects such as mosquitos were prevalent at that time. Fire was used to create smoke that
kills these insects.

Conclusion: How fire was used is just a cause and effect of the different circumstances that
humans encounter.

Mastery of fire would have allowed the establishment of larger, more permanent settlements. This
could have led to the development of family structure, language, more advanced division of labor.

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