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Beginner Plan: Supplements

It is my goal to limit supplements. I believe you can

obtain most of the nutrition you need from wholesome Dr. Mercola's
food. There are some exceptions, but it is quite rare Nutrition Plan
where someone really benefits from a shopping bag :: Beginner ::
full of supplements.
Lesson 1: Chromium may help sugar cravings. Carbs
If you have problems with sugar cravings, some Beverages
people have found chromium to be useful to control it. Supplements
However, please be aware that it is far more likely that
your sugar cravings are related to consuming extra
carbohydrates or emotional issues that can be treated Other Plans:
with psychological acupressure tools like EFT. Intermediate
Lesson 2: Avoid iron in your supplements. Resources:
Food Alerts
Please avoid iron in all your supplements unless your Recommended
serum ferritin is decreased. It is rarely needed and can Vegetables
be quite toxic. Even then I would advise against Return to:
supplemental iron unless you can't eat red meat. If you Introduction
must take supplemental iron please make sure it is Getting Started
carbonyl iron as that is the safest form currently on the

Lesson 3: Carefully evaluate your need for a multi-vitamin.

Multiple vitamins are generally not necessary if you are eating a healthy
diet, but you may want to take a multiple vitamin until you progress to a
higher level.

Lesson 4: Make sure you get enough vitamin D.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin. It's found in food, but also can be made
in your body after exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun. The major
function of vitamin D in your body is to maintain normal blood levels of
calcium and phosphorus. During the summer months, you will get enough
vitamin D from just spending some time outside every day.

In the winter months, though, you will most likely not get enough vitamin
D if you don't live in place that is sunny a lot of the time (such as the
southwest U.S.). In that case, I strongly recommend cod liver oil, which is
high in vitamin D and omega-3 (an essential fatty acid most Americans
are in dire need of) -- because cod liver oil can vary greatly in quality, I
have researched multiple brands and offer the highest quality cod liver oil
in the "Recommended Products" section of the site.

Lesson 5: Be careful with Tylenol.

If you take Tylenol regularly, you should be on N-acetyl cysteine to

prevent organ damage.

Lesson 6: Smell your vitamins.

It is important to smell your vitamins. If they smell bad, you should not
take them. It is your body's signal that they are not good for you.

If you do take many supplements, a convenient way to store and

transport your supplements is a small fishing tackle box (available at
sports stores).

Lesson 7: If you are on the go, consider "supplementing" with a

convenient but real food source.

While nothing can substitute for the health benefits of real vegetables, I
do understand that sometimes people’s hectic lifestyles simply make
consuming the proper meals impossible, especially if you are into the
healthy habit of vegetable juicing. I would first urge you to reevaluate the
prime importance of your health and try to prioritize your healthy eating
accordingly -- when it comes down to it, health is the basis of life, as it
provides energy, longevity, avoidance of disease, and the ability to focus
on other areas, so what is really more important than eating properly?

Still, for those times when you know you cannot sit down to a proper
meal, there are a few healthy substitutes on the market that, because
they are not vitamins at all but instead actual convenience foods, cannot
technically be defined as "supplements." These foods often come in
powder or other convenient formats. I have used a number of these -- you
can find a selection at any health food store -- but still have found only
one that I trust, and can highly recommend to you: Living Fuel.

Living Fuel, which you can find in my "Recommended Products" section,

is a highly nutritious "superfood" consisting of multiple natural ingredients.
It comes in a convenient powder format, making it an ideal substitute for
those times when you are truly on the go and cannot sit down to a healthy
meal. Again, I do not advocate always using it in place of healthy meals --
there are properties in raw vegetables and other whole foods that simply
cannot be replicated in any processed food -- but products like Living Fuel
Rx are a much better option than not eating healthy at all. (What’s more,
some people also routinely mix Living Fuel Rx into their favorite recipes,
or sprinkle it on top of salads, to ensure they are achieving maximum

Next Page: Lifestyle, Beginners

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