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Honorable Mr/Mrs.......

Ladies and gentlemen dear brothers and sisters

Firstly, let’s thank unto Allah (...........) who has given us some mercies and
blessing, until we can attend in this happy place without any troubles and
Secondly, my Sholawat and salam always be given to our prophet Muhammad
(.................) who has guided us from the darkness to the Lightness, from stupidly
era to the cleverness namely Islam religion, the true religion in this world and here
I say thank you very much to the master/mistress of ceremony having given me
time to speech in front of audience.
Ladies and gentlemen, in this good chance I would like to give my speech
under the title The Impact of the Tsunami
As we all know, we have undergone lot of deadly natural disaster which have
caused a great loss of live such as floods, earthquakes, landslides, cyclone, and
In this case, I particularly interested in talking about tsunami. We have
witnessed from television that crying was heard everywhere. People rushed and
run to find shelter to protect themselves. This incident really touches us. It's very
hard to get this fatal event. Until now, the trauma about this disaster is still felt by
the survivors.
Ladies and gentleman, tsunami has caused many people to lose their job. Most
of them still live in emergency tents while waiting for funds from donators. They
hope that donations will arrive soon, because they can't stand to stay in tents
where sanitation is very bad. Many of them suffer from certain diseases such as
diarrhea, asthmatic disease, skin disease, etc.
Well ladies and gentleman. Let me conclude my speech today that tsunami is
really brought suffering people and I hope that all survivors will be patient enough
to get through to this bad time in their lives.

Ladies and gentlemen, that’s all my speech, thank you very much for your nice
attention, for give me if any mistakes and the last I say.......... (salam)
Ladies and gentlemen, that’s all my speech, thank you very much for your nice
attention, for give me if any mistakes and the last I say.......... (salam)

A. Kala Musibah Menimpah

As the word of Allah in Surah Al-Baqarah verse: 155-157
(155) ‫صابِ ِرين ََوبَش ِِر‬ ِ ‫ف َاو ْال ُجوعِ َونَ ْقص ِمنَ األ ْم َوا ِل َواأل ْنفُ ِس َوالثَّ َم َرا‬
َّ ‫ت ال‬ ِ ‫ش ْيء ِمنَ ْلخ َْو‬
َ ِ‫َولَ َن ْبلُ َونَّ ُك ْم ب‬
Meaning: We will certainly test you with some fear and hunger, and some loss of
possessions and lives and crops. But give good news to the steadfast.

(156) َ‫اجعُونَ إِلَ ْي ِه َوإِنَّا ِ ََّلِلِ إِنَّا َقالُوا ُم ِصيبَةٌ أَصَابَتْ ُه ْم إِذَا الَّ ِذين‬
ِ ‫َر‬

Meaning: Those who, when a calamity afflicts them, say, “To Allah we belong,
and to Allah we will return”.

(157) َ‫علَي ِْه ْم أُولَئِك‬ َ ‫ا ْل ُم ْهت َ ُدونَ ُه ُم َوأُو َلئِكَ َو َرحْ َمةٌ َر ِِّب ِه ْم ِم ْن‬
َ ٌ‫صلَ َوات‬

Meaning: These are they who receive perfect blessing and mercy from their
Allah, and they are the ones who are guided.

Dan Nabi shallallahu alaihi wassalam bersabada: "Tidaklah seorang hamba yang
ditimpa musibah mengucapkan "Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'u", Ya Allah berilah
aku pahala dalam musibahku ini dan gantilah untukku dengan sesuatu yang lebih
baik, kecuali Allah akan memberikan pahala dalam musibahnya dan akan
memberikan kepadanya ganti yang lebih baik (hadist riwayat Ahmad 3/27).
 And our Prophet, Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wassalam said: "It is not a
servant who is overwritten by an accident saying" Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un
", Ya Allah, give me the reward in this disaster and change it for me with
something better, except Allah will reward in the disaster, and will give better
compensation. (Ahmad hadist 3/27).
Jika seorang hamba benar-benar menyadari bahwa dirinya adalah milik Allah
Subhanahu wata'ala dan akan kembali kepada-Nya maka dia akan terhibur tatkala
tertimpa musibah. Kalimat istirja' ini merupakan penyembuh dan obat yang
mujarab bagi orang yang sedang tertimpa musibah. Dia memberi manfaat baik
dalam waktu dekat maupun di waktu yang akan datang. Kalimat tersebut memuat
2 prinsip yang sangat agung. Jika seeorang mampu merealisasikannya dan
memahami ke duanya maka dia akan terhibur dalam setiap musibah yang
 If a servant truly realizes that ourself belongs to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala and
will return to Allah then we will be comforted when overwritten by disaster. This
istirja’ sentence is a healing and efficacious medicine for people who are
overwritten by disaster. Allah provides good benefits both in the near future and
in the future. The sentence contains two principles that are very grand. If person is
able to realize it and understand both of tem then he will be entertained in every
disaster that befalls him/her.
Dua prinsip pokok tersebut adalah the two main principles are
1. Bahwasanya manusia, keluarga dan harta pada hakekatnya adalah milik Allah
Subhanahu wata'ala. Dia bagi manusia tidak lebih hanya sebagai
pinjaman/titipan, sehingga jika Allah mengambi dari seseorang maka Dia
ibarat seorang pemilik barang yang sedang mengambilnya dari si peminjam.
1. That human, family and its essence the property of Allah Subhanahu
Wata'ala. It is not just a loan/safekeeping for humans, so if Allah takes it from
someone, Allah is like the owner of the goods being picked from the borrower.
Demikian juga manusia diliputi oleh ketidakpunyaan, ketika ia lahir tidak
memiliki apa-apa dan setelah mati ia pun tidak memiliki apa-apa lagi. Dan segala
sesuatu yang dimiliki oleh seorang hamba tidak lebih banyak seperti barang
pinjaman/titipan yang bersifat sementara.
 Likewise, human is overcome by uncertainty, when human was born he has
nothing and after death he has nothing else. And everything that is owned by a
servant is no more like a temporary loan.
2. Bahwa kesudahan dan tempat kembali seorang hamba adalah kepada Allah
pemilik yang haq. Dan seseorang sudah pasti akan meninggakan dunia ini
lalu mengjadap Allah subhanahu wata'ala sendiri-sendiri sebagaimana
ketika diciptakan pertama kali, tidak memiliki hata, tidak membawa
keluarga dan anak-istri. Akan tetapi manusia menghadap Allah dengan
membawa amal kebaikan dan keburkan.
 2. That the end and the place of a servant return is to Allah the rightful owner.
And someone will surely leave this world always facing Allah subhanahu wata'ala
individually as when it was first created, do not have property, and not bring
family, children and wife. But humans face to Allah by bringing good and bad
Sebagaimna firman Allah dalam surah Al-Hadid: 22:"Tiada sesuatu bencana pun
yang menimpa di bumi dan (tidak pula) pada dirimu sendiri melainkan telah
tertulis dalam kitab (lauhul mahfuz) sebelum kami menciptakannya.
Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu mudah bagi Allah".
 As the word of Allah in surah Al-Hadid: 22: No disaster strikes upon the earth
or among yourselves except that it is in a register (lauhul mahfuz) before. Indeed,
this is easy for Allah. "
As in Surah Al-Baqarah: 155-157
Our Prophet, Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wassalam said: "It is not a servant
who is overwritten by an accident saying" Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un ", Ya
Allah, give me the reward in this disaster and change it for me with something
better, except Allah will reward in the disaster, and will give better compensation.
(Ahmad hadist 3/27).
If a servant truly realizes that ourself belongs to Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala and
will return to Allah then we will be comforted when overwritten by disaster. This
istirja’ sentence is a healing and efficacious medicine for people who are
overwritten by disaster. Allah provides good benefits both in the near future and
in the future. The sentence contains two principles that are very grand. If person is
able to realize it and understand both of tem then he will be entertained in every
disaster that befalls him/her.
The two main principles are:
1. That human, family and its essence the property of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala.
It is not just a loan/safekeeping for humans, so if Allah takes it from someone,
Allah is like the owner of the goods being picked from the borrower.
Likewise, human is overcome by uncertainty, when human was born he has
nothing and after death he has nothing else. And everything that is owned by a
servant is no more like a temporary loan.
2. That the end and the place of a servant return is to Allah the rightful owner.
And someone will surely leave this world always facing Allah subhanahu
wata'ala individually as when it was first created, do not have property, and not
bring family, children and wife. But humans face to Allah by bringing good
and bad deeds.
As the word of Allah in surah Al-Hadid: 22: No disaster strikes upon the earth
or among yourselves except that it is in a register (lauhul mahfuz) before.
Indeed, this is easy for Allah.

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