EDUC20 Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading

English Grade 6
May 10, 2019

I. Objectives: During/At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. show enthusiasm in participating to a read along activity (choral
b. appreciate the message of the story by creating a 3 stanza poem.

II. Topic/Subject Matter:

- The Crow and the Pitcher
Skill/s: Oral Reading, Poem writing
Value/s: Be diligent in achieving your goals.
Instructional Material/s:
- Chart
- Pictures (picture puzzle)

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
a. Pre-reading:

Before we start our lesson I want you Yes Ma’am, a crow is usually seen in
to solve the picture puzzle on the the farm
A crow
What is the first picture? Crows are very clever animal
Do you know what a crow is?
A pitcher / A jug
How about the second picture? Pitcher is a container where certain
What is a pitcher? liquids are stored

The crow and the Pitcher

That’s right! Do you already have an
idea on what story will we read today?

But before read, I would like you to

note of the following questions which
will be answered after reading the

Motive Questions:
1. Why was the crow so thirsty in
the beginning of the story?
2. What was the problem in the
3. How did the crow solve his
4. What is the lesson of the story?

b. Reading Proper:

Shared Reading

The Crow and the Pitcher

One day it was very hot and dry,
when a crow became thirsty. He flied
higher and harder in search of water.
But he could not find water anywhere.
He was sitting in a garden with thirsty.

After some time, the crow came

across a pitcher that was lying under a
tree. He peeped into it, and found that
there was some water, but at a very
low level. It was not possible for him to
drink it with his small beak. He was
disheartened. But he thought how he
could drink that water. So he didn't go
anywhere. He tried a lot because there
was some water in the pitcher made
him eager to drink.

The crow's eyes suddenly fell on a

heap of pebbles which were lying under
a nearby tree. A wonderful idea came
to his mind that by dropping the
pebbles into the pitcher, the level of
the water could be brought to a higher
level. So he began to drop the pebbles
one by one into the pitcher; and finally,
the level of the water was raised. At
last he drank it and flew happily.

c. Post Reading:
Answering the Motive Questions:

1. Why was the crow so thirsty in It was a hot summer day.

the beginning of the story?

2. What was the problem in the The crow cannot reach the water in
story? the pitcher.
3. What is the lesson of the story? Little by little does the trick.

d. Assessment:
On a 1 whole sheet of paper create a 3
stanza poem about your goal/s in life.

IV. Assignment:
On a short bond paper draw and color your favorite part of the story.

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