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“The Effectiveness of Using Flashcard Strategy in Teaching Vocabulary for

Student in Ringinanyar Elementary School 1”

Dr. Sri Wahyuni, M.Pd.

Mohamad Fathul Fahmi (932214816)



A. Background of the study

In this world, english is become one of international language. English is also one of the
foreign langauge that has been used widely in the world. Besides, it also become a commumication
toll of learning in order to gain kowledge and information. Then, it is also important to teach
english for young learner. There are three important reasons why young learner have to learn
English, which are, English as international language, prepare them to be bilingual people, and
open up their opportunities to be employable. John stone (2002) stated that early foreign language
learning can have an important educational outcome: ‘there can be a positive influence on
children’s general educational development (e.g. cognitive, emotional, cultural) and on the
formation of a multilingual and intercultural identity.’

Vocabulary is also useful in four skill of language. In listening and reading, when people
listen to someone, radio, TV, or when people read some books or magazine they have to translate
what they heard into their mind. Indeed, people who do not have many vocabularies, they could
not understand about the information that they listen or read. In speaking and writing, all people
use vocabularies to deliver their information.

It is very important to teach vocabulary for student, because Teaching vocabulary helps
students understand and communicate with others in English. Vocabulary is central to English
language teaching because without sufficient vocabulary students cannot understand others or
express their own ideas. In addition, In English as a second language (ESL) and English as a
foreign language (EFL) learning vocabulary items plays a vital role in all language skills (i.e.
listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Nation,2011). Other scholars such as Richards (1980)
and Krashen (1989), as cited in Maximo (2000) state many reasons for devoting attention to
vocabulary. “First, a large vocabulary is of course essential for mastery of a language. Second
language acquirers know this; they carry dictionaries with them, not grammar books, and regularly
report that the lack of vocabulary is a major problem’’.
Teaching vocabulary for student in elementary school has several probelms. The example
is children still have difficulties in using English vocabularies both spoken and written because
English vocabulary has different analysis between spelling and pronunciation. The other example
their appetency to study english vocabulary still low. So, teacher should facilitate vocabulary
learning by teaching learners useful words and by teaching strategies to help learner figure out
meanings on their own.

There are some ways solve that problem and also develop student vocabularies. One of that
ways is using flashcard strategies. Teaching vocabulary by using flashcards can make the students
excited and understand on the English vocabulary. Instructional media such as flashcards also give
a clear concept of information given. Flashcards can give variations in teaching learning process.
According to komachali and Khodareza, flashcard is a cardbord which consist of a word, sentence,
or simple picture. When using flashcard, student will easy to understand amd not boring to study.
Student can look at the picture adn makes them easy to memorize vocabulary.

B. Reseach Problem

Based on the background of the study, the researcher has a problem. They are as follows :

a. Do student who are taught by flashcard strategy have better vocabulary experience than
those other who are not taught by flashcard strategy?
C. Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of using flashcard strategy in
teaching vocabulary for student in Ringinanyar Elementary School 1.

D. The Hypothesis
The Hypothesis of this study is formulated as follows : Teaching vocabulary using
flashcard strategy is more effective than teaching without using flashcard strategy.
E. Significance of The Study

This study is expected to give contribution to the development of English teaching learning

For the student, this study is expected to bring usual when studying english and also
develop their vocabulary ability, motivation to study and ability in communication.
For the teacher, this study is expected to give contrubution to the teacher in teaching
vocabulary to make teaching learning process more interesting and fun.

For the researcher, the process and the result of this study can be use as the inspiration and
motivation to developing the education.

F. The Scope and Limitation

The researcher focused om fifth grade students of Ringinanyar Elementary School 1 as the
subject of the study. The researcher uses flashcard to teach vocabulary mastery for fifth grade
elementary school. The material for teaching is clothes and clock. The material are suitable for
fifth grade elementary school which decide from school. To avoid misudenrstanding in
research, the scope of this study limited just to the effectiveness of using flashcard strategy in
teaching vocabulary for student in Ringinanyar Elementary School 1.

G. The Definition of Key Terms

The definition in the term are given to understand this study, they are flashcard and

a. Flashcard
Flashcard is a cardboard consisting of a word, sentence, or a simple picture on it.
Flashcard considered as a helpful strategy because its benefits. Moreover, teacher can also
use flashcards for drilling and presenting new words.
b. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a list of words and their combination in particular language. om

vocabulary certainly consist words and meaning.
A. Vocabulary
There are many definition of vocabulary. Based on oxford, vocabulary is total number of word
in language or all the words known to person or used in particular book, subject, or list of word
with the meaning. In addition, Mehring (2005), Carpenter and Olson (2011) stated that vocabulary
is an essential component in second/foreign language learning because it is needed for expressing
meaning and conveying thoughts through both receptive and productive skills. Furthermore,
Cameron (2001) believes that vocabulary is central to the learning of language at primary level to
enrich learners’ language. The main focus of language is vocabulary. It is in words that sound and
meaning interlock to allow us to communicate with the others and it is a word that we arrange
together to make sentence, conversation, and discourse all of kind.

Based on the explanation above, it is very important for young learner to know as many as
possible vocabulary of target language. Beside that, english is a foreign language for us. So, there
are many vocabularies that will come to our mind and we cannot understand those vocabularies
easly if we seldom use in our daily life. Since childhood, we get a new vocabulary from our daily
conversation with the other people. The development of vocabulary refers to the knowledge of
information stored about the meaning and pronunciation of the words needed for communication.
Vocabulary development is very important for young learner who are just starting to learn english,
when student sound out a word, he or she also determining if the word makes sense base on their
understanding of the world.

B. Teaching Vocabulary for Young Learner

Nowdays, It is very necessary to introduce english to young learner because english become
international language which it can help young learner to get new knowledge about world. In the
other hand, teaching english is also important for young learner, because some people say that
children can memorize word easly and they learn language faster that adults. They talk aout
children who appear to pick up a new language effortlessly. Maybe this has something to do with
the plasticity of the young brain. Because of that, since they are still young the teacher should
introduce english as a foreign language. About the vocabulary, they should to know as many as
possible about this. It can help them when they want to speak, write, or listen.
As the facilitator or mediator, the teacher can be interpreted as an intermediary in student
learning activities. The role of teacher not only transfer their knowldge of language to their stduent
but also student interest in them as human being. When the teacher teach their student about
vocabulary, they have to know about what words that are taught to their student. The most effective
way to teach vocabulary to student is by introducing the most frequently encountered words. The
word should often be used as many as possible, so they can remember easly.

C. Flashcard Media

Flashcards is one of media in teaching learning process as well as other media such as charts,
cartoons, maps, etc. Flashcard are a set of card with a word or phrase on one side and its meaning
or usually in translation also on the other. Usually flash cards grouped appropriates with it
varieties, for example group of picture fruits, vegetables, part of body, animals, transportation, etc.

Flashcard is a media are used in order to help the teacher to explain the teaching materials.
Flash cards indicate as picture. The picture of flash cards can be used to explain the meaning of
vocabulary items. In teaching vocabulary pictures convey information. Pictures can serve as an
instructional language. When foreign words cannot be understood, carefully selected pictures can
tell the story. Everybody who sees a picture will be able to get something from it if the picture is
clear. Concrete words were best described by pictures rather than by paraphrase or definition.
Flashcard is considered as a helpful strategy because its benefits. Moreover, teachers can also use
flashcards for drilling and presenting new words.
A. Research Design
The research design which used in this study is quasi experimental design. The
purpose of this study is to know whether there are any effectiveness of teaching vocabulary
using flash card by comparing two group (experimental and control group). The
experimental group taught by using flash card and the control group taught by teacher
explanation. In addition, because this study using experimental design, the researcher give
some treatment to the subject of study.
But before doing the treatment, the researcher gives two kind of test to the student
in the both of group, namely pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is given to the student before
doing the treatment and post-test is given to the student after doing the treatment.
B. Research Variable

Variable is condition which the experimenter manipulates, control,and observe.

There are two kind of variable, they are independent variable (X) and dependent variable
(Y). Independent variable is a condition which the researcher manipulate the experiment.
Dependent variable is condition which appear, disappear or change as the researcher
introduces, removes, or change the independent variable. The independent variable (X) in
this research is student which taught by using flash card as media in vocabulary and the
dependent variable (Y) is the student vocabulary mastery.

C. Population and Sample

Population is each group of individuals who have one or more of the same
characteristics that are interesting for the researcher. The researcher choose fifth grade A
and B of Ringinanyar Elementary School 1. The researcher chooses fifth grade A and B
as a sample because their vocabulary still low and the student need more knowledge to
improve their vocabulary mastery.
D. Research Instrument

The researcher should use an instrument to to assist researchers in collecting data.

The researcher use a test as the intrumet in this research. Test is a set of procedure in order
to measure the ability of individual knowledge in certain subject. In this research, the are
two kind of test, they are pre-test and post-test for both groups, experimenta and control

After giving the test, the researcher found the final score. The final score is the
avarage of the total score of the test. Scoring system of the test gotten from the scoring
correct answer of 25 question; each question has 4 points, and the maximum score is 100.

E. Data Collection Technique

For the data collection, the researcher uses pre-test and post-test. Pre-test is a test
which given before the treatment in order to know the homogeneous skill of student in
english and to know their earlier knowledge about vocabulary. After the treatment finished,
the researcher gives post-test to both classes and compare their vocabulary archivment.
Post test is a test given to the student after the researcher gives the treatment. After the
researcher gives both pre-test and post-test, then the researcher analyzed the different
between mean of pre-test and post-test. the purpose of this analysis is to know using
flashcard to teach vocabulary is effective or not.
F. Data Analysis Technique

Data Analysis is the process of analyzed the data. It is done after the researcher
collect the data from the score of the test. Data analysis is important because to know
whether the learning process is successful or not. After the researcher collect the data by
doing pre-test and post-test both groups, then the researcher comparing the result of the
test. The score of two groups experimental and control group will be calculated by suing
ANCOVA because the sample the sample of this research is not taken randomly. In this
research, analysis of ANCOVA is done by using SPSS 24 Program.

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