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Informal letter

1、Thank you for your letter of September 1.
2、Many thanks for your kind letter which reached me yesterday.
3、You letter come to me this morning.
4、I was delighted to receive your letter.
5、I am in receipt of your letter.
6、It’s a long time since I saw your last.
7、I have been missing you a lot since we met last time.
8、I am sorry for not writing to you sooner.
9、I am writing to you tell that ……
10.I often think of you. How are you recently?

Thank you for your kind letter.(谢谢你的友好来信。)

I was so pleased to receive your letter.(收到你的来信我十分高兴。)
I have just received your kind letter.(已接到你的友好来信。)
I was pleased to hear from you...(……收到你的来信,我非常高兴。)
I have just this moment received your letter and I am writing at once because
your letter of...was duly received(你……的来函已妥收。)
your letter came to (reached) me this morning.(今晨收到你的来信。)
Many thanks for your last kind letter.(接最近来信,感激之至。)
I am sorry it has taken me a long time to reply to your last letter but...(很抱
what a surprise it was to get a letter from you.(收到你的来信我感到很吃
I was very sorry to hear...(听到……感到很不安。)
You will be very glad to hear that...(听到……你会非常高兴。)
From your letter I learned that...(从你的信中知道……)
With great delight I learned that...(我得知……非常高兴。)
I often think of you. How have you been recently ?(我常想到你,你近来好吗?)
Sorry for delaying this letter so long.(这封信耽搁了很久了,真对不起。)
I have the pleasure to tell you that...(我高兴地告诉你……)
As I have not heard from you for long I feel anxious.
I have learned with delight that...(我高兴地得知……)
Heartily congratulations on your graduation!(衷心地祝贺你毕业!)
How are you getting on with your English study?(你英语学得怎么样了?)
Your kind letter gives me much pleasure.(你的来信给我带来了无比的快乐。)
Your kind letter from Beijing arrived this morning .(你从北京寄来的信件,今晨收到。

Give you a reply and remember me to your whole family .(今复信,代我向你全家

1、 Good luck !
2、 Best wishes!
3、 Take care of yourself, will you?
4、 Send my love to your……
5、 Please write to me when you have time.
6、 Please write soon.
7、 Let’s keep in touch.
8、 I am looking forward to your next letter soon.

Please write back soon.(请速回信。)

Please give my love to your family.(请代我问候你的全家。)
Take good care of yourself and write often.(多保重,常来信。)
I'm afraid I have to stop now,but I will write again.(恐怕我得搁笔了,不过
I hope to hear from you soon.(我希望不久收到你的信。)
I look forward to our next meeting.(我期待下次相会。)
Your kind and early reply will be appreciated.(你的快速回信将令人欣
Won't you let us hear from you promptly!(我们会很快收到你的来信的!)
May God bless you and your family!
With every good wish for your happiness.(愿上帝保佑你及你的家人。祝你
Looking forward to seeing you.(盼望能见到你。)
I shall be looking forward to hearing your first impression.(我盼望听到你的
I do hope you will be able to live here some time this summer holiday.(我的
Best regards.(敬意。)
Good luck to you!(祝您好运!)
We are all looking for your next visit to China.(我们都盼您下次来访问中
Please write to me directly when you receive this letter.(收到信后请立即写
Wish(Wishing)you every success in your future career!(祝你成功!)
All my best wishes for the future!(祝你一切顺利!)
Hoping that you'll get well soon .(祝您早日康复。)
Wish you the best of health and success!(祝您身体健康,工作顺利。)
Say hello to your parents for me.(请代我向您父母问好。)
Expecting to hear from you as soon as possible.(盼早日回信。)
Thank you for an early answer.(请尽早答复,不胜感激。)
With the season's greetings.(谨致节日的敬意。)
Meanwhile,we wish you good health and every success in your work.(祝
I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.(祝
Write as often as you can,
for I am looking forward to reading your every letter.(望你多多来信,我殷
I'm sending you a little gift as a token of appreciation for your kindness to me
,which I hope you will enjoy.(寄上小小礼物一件,作为纪念品,以感谢你
All my best wishes for the future!(祝您一切顺利!)

19. Hi Cindy!

I'm very happy to know that correspondence is becoming more a part

of your daily routine. I really love hearing from you.

correspondence 意思是“通信”,绝对是一个高级表达,用于写作中一定会

20. Hi, Cindy!

It is so nice to get a message from you every day. I truly enjoy reading
your messages and staying in contact with you.

truly 是个副词,修饰 enjoy, 起到加强语气的作用,如果你以前习惯用 really,

那么现在可以换换“胃口”了。“保持联系”我们通常用”keep in touch
with sb.”, 现在试着用一下 “stay in contact with sb.” 吧,一定比前一个
21. Hi Cindy--

It is truly a pleasure for me to correspond with you, and to know that I

am also able to be of occasional help (偶尔的帮助) to you. I hope you
will always feel completely free to ask me about anything at all.

还记得上面讲过“通信”这个意思的名词吗?那就 Correspondence. 在这
里,我的朋友换用了它了动词形式 correspond with sb.意为“与…通信”,不
用说,相信你一定也感觉到它要比”write letters to each other” 更能凸显

22. Hi, Cindy--

How can I be anything but kind to you? You have fast become one of
my favourite friends. I am always happy to correspond with you and to
help you with your questions.


23. HI Cindy--

It doesn't surprise me that you might not understand some of the

humour in these articles.


24. Hi Cindy--

It's now Sunday morning, and I'm ready to write a little more.

Greetings from across the Pacific Ocean!


25. Hi, Cindy!

How are you doing with your new job? I hope you'll write to me soon
and tell me all about it.


26. Hi Cindy!

Since I usually work by myself most of the day, I have time to think
about various things, so today I was thinking again about…

27. HI Cindy!

You mentioned that you do not have a religious belief. Do you believe
in God?

为继续展开这个话题奠定了基础。所以一种新的开头的形式 “回顾+提问式”

28.Hi, Cindy!

You are right -- it is great to be able to share so much through email.


29. Hi Cindy!

This will be a short message to add more to my previous longer

message that I wrote last night.

一句话交代了这是一封短信及它的功能 add more to …

30. Hi Cindy!

I'm glad your message arrived.

这里有个很好的表达 your message arrived,显得与众不同,因为每次都说
“收到”的话就太重复,对吧?看, 又学到一招吧?:)

31. Hi Cindy!

I'll begin my message by addressing your closing comment about

remembering grammar rules.

这是最直接的开头的方式了, 不过结构和用词是值得我们借鉴的 begin

something by doing something … ,

象 address (对…说)和 closing comment 这样的用词是相当能体现写作能


32. Hi Cindy!

OK, I just sent the quick message in case you're still on the computer.

Reading your messages has become the highlight of my day,

highlight 这个词上面提过了,大家应该还有印象。动词的-ing 形式

作主语的句型是有必要掌握的,quick 一词用在这里也很贴切。

33. Hi Cindy--

It is my pleasure to be able to help you in any way, and to offer

encouragement as you pursue success.

It is +n. + to do 这个句型很常用也很漂亮,把它作为你的御用句型之一

34. Hello Cindy!

I just wanted to say hello in hopes that you will write back again
sometime soon.
直接表明写作目的,而且 in hopes that…用得很好,值得模仿。

35. Hi, Cindy!

I'm so happy to hear from you, even if it is a very short message.

Even if 这个让步状语从句在这里真是被用到极致,表达收到我的邮件的喜悦心
情,尽管只是 a short one.

36. Hi, Cindy!

Wow! It's been over two weeks since I last heard from you. I guess you
must be staying very busy. I hope everything is going well for you.


- Good luck, good health, hood cheer. I wish you a happy New

- Season’s greetings and best wishes for the New Year.


- I hope you have a most happy and prosperous New Year.


- To wish you joy at this holy season. Wishing every happiness will
always be with you.

- Please accept my sincere wishes for the New Year. I hope you
will continue to enjoy good health.

- Best wishes for the holidays and happiness throughout the New

- Wish you success in your career and happiness of your family!


- Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.

Informal Letter
Starting your letter (Paragraph 1)

-Thanks for your letter.

-Lovely to hear from you.
-How are you?
-How are things?
-Hope you're well.

Commenting on something (Paragraph 1)

-I'm sorry to hear/learn ...

-I'm so pleased to hear ...
-It's great to hear ...
-What wonderful news about ...

Moving the topic on (Paragraph 2)

-Anyway, the reason I'm writing ...

-I thought I'd write to tell/ask you
-Anyway, I was wondering ...

Ending your letter (Paragraph 3)

-Well, that's all for now

-Write back soon
-Looking forward to hearing from you again
-All the best
-Best wishes
-See you soon
-Take care
-Lots of love

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