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Supplying ATM systems around the world for more than 30 years

Situation Data Display (SDD)

System overview

State-of-the-art technology for ATM • Color raster displays : Full availability and back-up features are
The AirCon 2100 incorporates the most - Rectangular screen up to 29 inches provided by the use of:
advanced techniques for ATM: diagonal • Dual redundant servers
• Open system LAN-based architecture - High resolution: 1600 x 1280 and 2Kx2K • Dual redundant LAN (Local Area Network)
• Commercial RISC processors pixels • Distributed Radar Processing located at
• UNIX operating system - Standard graphics : X-Window, MOTIF the working positions
• Standard communication protocols (IEEE- • Advanced software languages (ADA, C++), • Proven high-performance hardware
802.3, TCP/IP, UDP/IP) commercial databases (Postgre) and • Proven software algorithms, with self-
standard database access languages (4GL, recovery procedures
This results on a system availability > 0.9999

Based on a legacy of successfully • Proven system stability and performance
delivered systems around the world • Reduces technical and schedule risks
Open system architecture by • Avoids premature technological obsolescence
complying with open system • Ensures support longevity at reasonable cost
standards (UNIX, Ethernet...)
• Provides cost effective growth path
• Easy integration of Customer Furnished Equipment
Use of COTS technology from • Avoids the need for hardware or software development
industry leaders • Simplifies maintenance and support activities
Scalable design that allow future • Streamlines system upgrade to satisfy future workload
growth demands
All mission critical servers are • Provides a highly reliable system
redundant with proven switchover • Reduces system downtime by providing redundancy
• Simplifies maintenance
Modular SW and HW design • Simplifies maintenance and logistics activities
• Streamlines controller and maintenance training
Designed to allow evolutionary • Permits midlife technology insertion without redesign Avda. de Bruselas, 35 Indra reserves the right
upgrades and future enhancements • New functionality can be added cost effectively 28108 Alcobendas to modify these
Madrid (Spain) specifications without
• Reduces the final cost of the overall system life cycle T + 34 91 480 60 04 prior notice.
F + 34 91 480 60 41 V.1-02-2009
AIRCON_AF.fh11 5/3/09 11:05 P gina 2


System components System components

Flight Data Processing (FDP) Surveillance Data Processing (SDP) • Validation of radar messages in each of Situation and Flight Data Displays • Transmission of AFTN messages to Data Base Management (DBM)
• Reception and processing of AFTN/ADEXP • Radar data input processing and real-time the radar native formats (SDD/FDD) external centers • Definition of the database with data
messages quality control • Conversion of any external to ASTERIX • Display of system tracks (radar/ADS), radar • Display of traffic lists (flow planning) adapted to the peculiarities of the ACC
• Validation and processing of flight plans • Monoradar and multiradar tracking and common internal format plots, ADS reports, DF and weather • Management of flow restrictions and slots • Setting of radar parameters (elevation,
entered from the AFTN/IFPS or controller fusion • Distribution of messages to internal and contours scan period, coverage, noise, radar format...)
• Management of NOTAMs
WP • Distribution of system tracks to external external users over TCP/IP, HDLC and X25 • Display of flight plan, coast and hold lists • Definition of airways, SID & STAR
Data Recording Facility (DRF)
• Management of flight plan (FPL) database users protocols • Display and graphic modification of flight procedures
• Recording of radar, FP and ADF data as
and support of operator‘s actions • Weather data processing • Independently configuration of filtering plan route • Configuration of airports with its runways
well as CWP status of all SDDs
• Analysis of flight plan routes and policies for every user • Display of aeronautical maps and restricted
• ADS data processing and tracking (ADS-B • Save of the recorded data in local disk and • Navigation aids
calculation of flight trajectory and and ADS-C) • Recording of all incoming data 24/7 areas
DDS tapes • AFTN and OLDI addresses
estimated times • Generation of informs and statistics • Graphic tools (RBLs and local maps)
• Flight plan functions (FP-track association, • Playback in any non-sectorized SDD • Sectors
• Assignment of SSR codes (domestic FP tracking, flight handoff, synthetic tracks) • Scalable for any need of reception and • Display of auxiliary information (time, QNH,
flights), SID and STAR procedures • Voice and data synchronization for • Adjacent centers
• Redundancy and fall back distribution of radar data controlled sectors, sector assignations...)
playback • Minimum altitude zones
• Distribution of flight plans to the SDP, Data Link Server - DLS • Display of MET information
Safety nets • Last 24 hours data recorded in the local
controller workstation, strip printers and • Aircraft performances
• Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA), prediction • Interface to the air segment for all Air • Access to flight plan database (retrieve, SDD disk, available for immediate playback
adjacent ACCs • Automatic generation of SDD maps
and violation of separation between Ground Data Link (AGDL) services regarding creation, modification and cancellation)
• Handoff management Control & Monitoring Display (CMD)
aircraft in standard and RVSM (Reduced ADS/CPDLC messages • Support of controllers actions (clearances, • Based on commercial databases and
• Inter-centers coordination (OLDI, AIDC) • Graphical display of the system layout, standard query languages (SQL, 4GL)
Vertical Separation Minimun) airspaces • Organization of the data link message ATD, ARR and EST)
including external systems
• Issue and transmission of AFTN messages • Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW), exchange between AirCon 2100 • Save/Restore of user preferences Simulation Subsystem (SIM)
subsystems and the network (ATN, SITA, • Display of system messages
• Update of flight plan estimates provided prediction and violation of altitude • Control features of the local display (filters, Simulation subsystem can be scaled from a
by the surveillance data processing separation between aircraft and terrain and ARINC) • Listing of logged users full autonomous system (including
off centering and range)
• Detection of potential conflicts in standard • Area Proximity Warning (APW), prediction • Assignment of messages to the • System messages logged to printer and capabilities for being a complete ATM backup
• Printout of flight strips (for non strip-less
separations of FP: Medium Term Conflict and violation of incursion between aircraft appropriate SDD, the SDP or the FDP recorded on disk system) to a software mockup for main-
Detection Alert (MTCD) and active protected area • Monitoring of the status of the data link • Complemented with a SDD configured to system support. It provides capabilities to
• Display of Short Term Conflict Alerts training controllers in an environment
• Monitoring aids (route conformance, SSR Radar Data Compressor Unit-RDCU connection to each flight and the monitoring the raw plots and tracks
(STCA), Minimum Safe Altitude Warnings
Provides controles with the whole information duplicated) • Communication front-end with different
operational procedures concerning specific
(MSAW), Area Proximity Warning (APW),
received from the different radar sites replicated from the operational system,
software test bed of the operational system,
• Forecasting of potential intrusion into external radars and systems. RDCU can be CFL Conformance Alarms (CLAM), and • Establishment of sector assignment
and operational system backup. To achieve
about air movements restricted areas. dimensioned (modules, I/F channels) to • Management of the communication with
the external world, storing aircraft
Route Adherence Monitoring (RAM) • Provision of configuration data to the Voice this goal the simulation subsystem includes
• Flow planning meet customer needs in terms of number • Display of conflict situations (MTCD) and Communication System (VCS) upon sector different controller positions, pilot and
of radars and external users addresses, and conversion and formatting reconfiguration such that the VCS and ATM
• Meteorological and aeronautical traffic extrapolated to the future supervisor positions as well as a set of tools
Introduction of messages system may be reconfigured in one action
information management (MET) • Support for all the functionality of • Inter-console marker for the creation and evaluation of the
conversion and distribution of radar • Radar configuration and radar statistics training exercises, configurable for every
The AirCon 2100 offers one of the most Being the safety and reliability the The mission of the AirCon 2100 is to • Recording of flight plans for further use in • Track location by SSR code input
messages for internal and external (RTQC of radar data) application.
advanced automated air traffic control cornerstone of the AirCon 2100, the Indra’s enhance the safety of the flights by billing calculation and statistics • Autonomous monoradar tracking in case
systems • System statistics
systems which meets International Civil recognized expertise in ATC systems has providing the controllers with information • Validation and processing of NOTAMs of failure of the SDP servers (by-pass
Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards and served to make the AirCon 2100 a system of air movements from radars, flight plans, entered from the AFTN or from selected mode) • Configuration of system functions
recommended practices in air traffic friendly to use and easy to maintain. It direction finders and air-ground data-link workstations • Change of VSP parameters
• Local recording and playback of the last
management. represents the best tradeoff for ATM messages (ADS/CPDLC). It also provides a
• Airspace management (AUP/UUP 24 hours traffic (tracks, flight plans and • System partial/global shutdowns/startups
The strong requirements concerning air systems ranging from highly competitive high degree of automation of the control
maintenance and static, pre-tactical and display status) • Equipment switchovers
traffic safety and high reliability of the COTS solution to full performance semi tasks, with flight plan management tools,
tactical restricted areas management) • Playback of recorded data (playback mode)
equipment are met by the AirCon 2100 by custom systems. automatic flight tracking system, automatic
coordination between control position and • Management of flow restrictions and slots, • Correction/display/printing of AFTN
the innovative use of the state-of -the-art
control centers, safety nets, medium term with processing of TACT messages messages
traffic prediction tools... • Identification of flight plans as RVSM • Access to RPL, preliminary plan and SFPL
The system covers en route control, equipped flight database
approach control, TWR applications, as • Identification of flight plans as 8,33 • Access to MET/AIS databases
combined en route and approach control equipped flight
• Display of AIP documents
solutions. • PIP navigation window to display pictures,
The AirCon 2100 comprises all the maps... between working positions (via
necessary elements and equipment to carry Intranet) Indra control working position
out the ATC services.


AIRCON_AF.fh11 5/3/09 11:05 P gina 1


Supplying ATM systems around the world for more than 30 years

Situation Data Display (SDD)

System overview

State-of-the-art technology for ATM • Color raster displays : Full availability and back-up features are
The AirCon 2100 incorporates the most - Rectangular screen up to 29 inches provided by the use of:
advanced techniques for ATM: diagonal • Dual redundant servers
• Open system LAN-based architecture - High resolution: 1600 x 1280 and 2Kx2K • Dual redundant LAN (Local Area Network)
• Commercial RISC processors pixels • Distributed Radar Processing located at
• UNIX operating system - Standard graphics : X-Window, MOTIF the working positions
• Standard communication protocols (IEEE- • Advanced software languages (ADA, C++), • Proven high-performance hardware
802.3, TCP/IP, UDP/IP) commercial databases (Postgre) and • Proven software algorithms, with self-
standard database access languages (4GL, recovery procedures
This results on a system availability > 0.9999

Based on a legacy of successfully • Proven system stability and performance
delivered systems around the world • Reduces technical and schedule risks
Open system architecture by • Avoids premature technological obsolescence
complying with open system • Ensures support longevity at reasonable cost
standards (UNIX, Ethernet...)
• Provides cost effective growth path
• Easy integration of Customer Furnished Equipment
Use of COTS technology from • Avoids the need for hardware or software development
industry leaders • Simplifies maintenance and support activities
Scalable design that allow future • Streamlines system upgrade to satisfy future workload
growth demands
All mission critical servers are • Provides a highly reliable system
redundant with proven switchover • Reduces system downtime by providing redundancy
• Simplifies maintenance
Modular SW and HW design • Simplifies maintenance and logistics activities
• Streamlines controller and maintenance training
Designed to allow evolutionary • Permits midlife technology insertion without redesign Avda. de Bruselas, 35 Indra reserves the right
upgrades and future enhancements • New functionality can be added cost effectively 28108 Alcobendas to modify these
Madrid (Spain) specifications without
• Reduces the final cost of the overall system life cycle T + 34 91 480 60 04 prior notice.
F + 34 91 480 60 41 V.1-02-2009
AIRCON_AF.fh11 5/3/09 11:05 P gina 2


System components System components

Flight Data Processing (FDP) Surveillance Data Processing (SDP) • Validation of radar messages in each of Situation and Flight Data Displays • Transmission of AFTN messages to Data Base Management (DBM)
• Reception and processing of AFTN/ADEXP • Radar data input processing and real-time the radar native formats (SDD/FDD) external centers • Definition of the database with data
messages quality control • Conversion of any external to ASTERIX • Display of system tracks (radar/ADS), radar • Display of traffic lists (flow planning) adapted to the peculiarities of the ACC
• Validation and processing of flight plans • Monoradar and multiradar tracking and common internal format plots, ADS reports, DF and weather • Management of flow restrictions and slots • Setting of radar parameters (elevation,
entered from the AFTN/IFPS or controller fusion • Distribution of messages to internal and contours scan period, coverage, noise, radar format...)
• Management of NOTAMs
WP • Distribution of system tracks to external external users over TCP/IP, HDLC and X25 • Display of flight plan, coast and hold lists • Definition of airways, SID & STAR
Data Recording Facility (DRF)
• Management of flight plan (FPL) database users protocols • Display and graphic modification of flight procedures
• Recording of radar, FP and ADF data as
and support of operator‘s actions • Weather data processing • Independently configuration of filtering plan route • Configuration of airports with its runways
well as CWP status of all SDDs
• Analysis of flight plan routes and policies for every user • Display of aeronautical maps and restricted
• ADS data processing and tracking (ADS-B • Save of the recorded data in local disk and • Navigation aids
calculation of flight trajectory and and ADS-C) • Recording of all incoming data 24/7 areas
DDS tapes • AFTN and OLDI addresses
estimated times • Generation of informs and statistics • Graphic tools (RBLs and local maps)
• Flight plan functions (FP-track association, • Playback in any non-sectorized SDD • Sectors
• Assignment of SSR codes (domestic FP tracking, flight handoff, synthetic tracks) • Scalable for any need of reception and • Display of auxiliary information (time, QNH,
flights), SID and STAR procedures • Voice and data synchronization for • Adjacent centers
• Redundancy and fall back distribution of radar data controlled sectors, sector assignations...)
playback • Minimum altitude zones
• Distribution of flight plans to the SDP, Data Link Server - DLS • Display of MET information
Safety nets • Last 24 hours data recorded in the local
controller workstation, strip printers and • Aircraft performances
• Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA), prediction • Interface to the air segment for all Air • Access to flight plan database (retrieve, SDD disk, available for immediate playback
adjacent ACCs • Automatic generation of SDD maps
and violation of separation between Ground Data Link (AGDL) services regarding creation, modification and cancellation)
• Handoff management Control & Monitoring Display (CMD)
aircraft in standard and RVSM (Reduced ADS/CPDLC messages • Support of controllers actions (clearances, • Based on commercial databases and
• Inter-centers coordination (OLDI, AIDC) • Graphical display of the system layout, standard query languages (SQL, 4GL)
Vertical Separation Minimun) airspaces • Organization of the data link message ATD, ARR and EST)
including external systems
• Issue and transmission of AFTN messages • Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW), exchange between AirCon 2100 • Save/Restore of user preferences Simulation Subsystem (SIM)
subsystems and the network (ATN, SITA, • Display of system messages
• Update of flight plan estimates provided prediction and violation of altitude • Control features of the local display (filters, Simulation subsystem can be scaled from a
by the surveillance data processing separation between aircraft and terrain and ARINC) • Listing of logged users full autonomous system (including
off centering and range)
• Detection of potential conflicts in standard • Area Proximity Warning (APW), prediction • Assignment of messages to the • System messages logged to printer and capabilities for being a complete ATM backup
• Printout of flight strips (for non strip-less
separations of FP: Medium Term Conflict and violation of incursion between aircraft appropriate SDD, the SDP or the FDP recorded on disk system) to a software mockup for main-
Detection Alert (MTCD) and active protected area • Monitoring of the status of the data link • Complemented with a SDD configured to system support. It provides capabilities to
• Display of Short Term Conflict Alerts training controllers in an environment
• Monitoring aids (route conformance, SSR Radar Data Compressor Unit-RDCU connection to each flight and the monitoring the raw plots and tracks
(STCA), Minimum Safe Altitude Warnings
Provides controles with the whole information duplicated) • Communication front-end with different
operational procedures concerning specific
(MSAW), Area Proximity Warning (APW),
received from the different radar sites replicated from the operational system,
software test bed of the operational system,
• Forecasting of potential intrusion into external radars and systems. RDCU can be CFL Conformance Alarms (CLAM), and • Establishment of sector assignment
and operational system backup. To achieve
about air movements restricted areas. dimensioned (modules, I/F channels) to • Management of the communication with
the external world, storing aircraft
Route Adherence Monitoring (RAM) • Provision of configuration data to the Voice this goal the simulation subsystem includes
• Flow planning meet customer needs in terms of number • Display of conflict situations (MTCD) and Communication System (VCS) upon sector different controller positions, pilot and
of radars and external users addresses, and conversion and formatting reconfiguration such that the VCS and ATM
• Meteorological and aeronautical traffic extrapolated to the future supervisor positions as well as a set of tools
Introduction of messages system may be reconfigured in one action
information management (MET) • Support for all the functionality of • Inter-console marker for the creation and evaluation of the
conversion and distribution of radar • Radar configuration and radar statistics training exercises, configurable for every
The AirCon 2100 offers one of the most Being the safety and reliability the The mission of the AirCon 2100 is to • Recording of flight plans for further use in • Track location by SSR code input
messages for internal and external (RTQC of radar data) application.
advanced automated air traffic control cornerstone of the AirCon 2100, the Indra’s enhance the safety of the flights by billing calculation and statistics • Autonomous monoradar tracking in case
systems • System statistics
systems which meets International Civil recognized expertise in ATC systems has providing the controllers with information • Validation and processing of NOTAMs of failure of the SDP servers (by-pass
Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards and served to make the AirCon 2100 a system of air movements from radars, flight plans, entered from the AFTN or from selected mode) • Configuration of system functions
recommended practices in air traffic friendly to use and easy to maintain. It direction finders and air-ground data-link workstations • Change of VSP parameters
• Local recording and playback of the last
management. represents the best tradeoff for ATM messages (ADS/CPDLC). It also provides a
• Airspace management (AUP/UUP 24 hours traffic (tracks, flight plans and • System partial/global shutdowns/startups
The strong requirements concerning air systems ranging from highly competitive high degree of automation of the control
maintenance and static, pre-tactical and display status) • Equipment switchovers
traffic safety and high reliability of the COTS solution to full performance semi tasks, with flight plan management tools,
tactical restricted areas management) • Playback of recorded data (playback mode)
equipment are met by the AirCon 2100 by custom systems. automatic flight tracking system, automatic
coordination between control position and • Management of flow restrictions and slots, • Correction/display/printing of AFTN
the innovative use of the state-of -the-art
control centers, safety nets, medium term with processing of TACT messages messages
traffic prediction tools... • Identification of flight plans as RVSM • Access to RPL, preliminary plan and SFPL
The system covers en route control, equipped flight database
approach control, TWR applications, as • Identification of flight plans as 8,33 • Access to MET/AIS databases
combined en route and approach control equipped flight
• Display of AIP documents
solutions. • PIP navigation window to display pictures,
The AirCon 2100 comprises all the maps... between working positions (via
necessary elements and equipment to carry Intranet) Indra control working position
out the ATC services.


AIRCON_AF.fh11 5/3/09 11:05 P gina 2


System components System components

Flight Data Processing (FDP) Surveillance Data Processing (SDP) • Validation of radar messages in each of Situation and Flight Data Displays • Transmission of AFTN messages to Data Base Management (DBM)
• Reception and processing of AFTN/ADEXP • Radar data input processing and real-time the radar native formats (SDD/FDD) external centers • Definition of the database with data
messages quality control • Conversion of any external to ASTERIX • Display of system tracks (radar/ADS), radar • Display of traffic lists (flow planning) adapted to the peculiarities of the ACC
• Validation and processing of flight plans • Monoradar and multiradar tracking and common internal format plots, ADS reports, DF and weather • Management of flow restrictions and slots • Setting of radar parameters (elevation,
entered from the AFTN/IFPS or controller fusion • Distribution of messages to internal and contours scan period, coverage, noise, radar format...)
• Management of NOTAMs
WP • Distribution of system tracks to external external users over TCP/IP, HDLC and X25 • Display of flight plan, coast and hold lists • Definition of airways, SID & STAR
Data Recording Facility (DRF)
• Management of flight plan (FPL) database users protocols • Display and graphic modification of flight procedures
• Recording of radar, FP and ADF data as
and support of operator‘s actions • Weather data processing • Independently configuration of filtering plan route • Configuration of airports with its runways
well as CWP status of all SDDs
• Analysis of flight plan routes and policies for every user • Display of aeronautical maps and restricted
• ADS data processing and tracking (ADS-B • Save of the recorded data in local disk and • Navigation aids
calculation of flight trajectory and and ADS-C) • Recording of all incoming data 24/7 areas
DDS tapes • AFTN and OLDI addresses
estimated times • Generation of informs and statistics • Graphic tools (RBLs and local maps)
• Flight plan functions (FP-track association, • Playback in any non-sectorized SDD • Sectors
• Assignment of SSR codes (domestic FP tracking, flight handoff, synthetic tracks) • Scalable for any need of reception and • Display of auxiliary information (time, QNH,
flights), SID and STAR procedures • Voice and data synchronization for • Adjacent centers
• Redundancy and fall back distribution of radar data controlled sectors, sector assignations...)
playback • Minimum altitude zones
• Distribution of flight plans to the SDP, Data Link Server - DLS • Display of MET information
Safety nets • Last 24 hours data recorded in the local
controller workstation, strip printers and • Aircraft performances
• Short Term Conflict Alert (STCA), prediction • Interface to the air segment for all Air • Access to flight plan database (retrieve, SDD disk, available for immediate playback
adjacent ACCs • Automatic generation of SDD maps
and violation of separation between Ground Data Link (AGDL) services regarding creation, modification and cancellation)
• Handoff management Control & Monitoring Display (CMD)
aircraft in standard and RVSM (Reduced ADS/CPDLC messages • Support of controllers actions (clearances, • Based on commercial databases and
• Inter-centers coordination (OLDI, AIDC) • Graphical display of the system layout, standard query languages (SQL, 4GL)
Vertical Separation Minimun) airspaces • Organization of the data link message ATD, ARR and EST)
including external systems
• Issue and transmission of AFTN messages • Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW), exchange between AirCon 2100 • Save/Restore of user preferences Simulation Subsystem (SIM)
subsystems and the network (ATN, SITA, • Display of system messages
• Update of flight plan estimates provided prediction and violation of altitude • Control features of the local display (filters, Simulation subsystem can be scaled from a
by the surveillance data processing separation between aircraft and terrain and ARINC) • Listing of logged users full autonomous system (including
off centering and range)
• Detection of potential conflicts in standard • Area Proximity Warning (APW), prediction • Assignment of messages to the • System messages logged to printer and capabilities for being a complete ATM backup
• Printout of flight strips (for non strip-less
separations of FP: Medium Term Conflict and violation of incursion between aircraft appropriate SDD, the SDP or the FDP recorded on disk system) to a software mockup for main-
Detection Alert (MTCD) and active protected area • Monitoring of the status of the data link • Complemented with a SDD configured to system support. It provides capabilities to
• Display of Short Term Conflict Alerts training controllers in an environment
• Monitoring aids (route conformance, SSR Radar Data Compressor Unit-RDCU connection to each flight and the monitoring the raw plots and tracks
(STCA), Minimum Safe Altitude Warnings
Provides controles with the whole information duplicated) • Communication front-end with different
operational procedures concerning specific
(MSAW), Area Proximity Warning (APW),
received from the different radar sites replicated from the operational system,
software test bed of the operational system,
• Forecasting of potential intrusion into external radars and systems. RDCU can be CFL Conformance Alarms (CLAM), and • Establishment of sector assignment
and operational system backup. To achieve
about air movements restricted areas. dimensioned (modules, I/F channels) to • Management of the communication with
the external world, storing aircraft
Route Adherence Monitoring (RAM) • Provision of configuration data to the Voice this goal the simulation subsystem includes
• Flow planning meet customer needs in terms of number • Display of conflict situations (MTCD) and Communication System (VCS) upon sector different controller positions, pilot and
of radars and external users addresses, and conversion and formatting reconfiguration such that the VCS and ATM
• Meteorological and aeronautical traffic extrapolated to the future supervisor positions as well as a set of tools
Introduction of messages system may be reconfigured in one action
information management (MET) • Support for all the functionality of • Inter-console marker for the creation and evaluation of the
conversion and distribution of radar • Radar configuration and radar statistics training exercises, configurable for every
The AirCon 2100 offers one of the most Being the safety and reliability the The mission of the AirCon 2100 is to • Recording of flight plans for further use in • Track location by SSR code input
messages for internal and external (RTQC of radar data) application.
advanced automated air traffic control cornerstone of the AirCon 2100, the Indra’s enhance the safety of the flights by billing calculation and statistics • Autonomous monoradar tracking in case
systems • System statistics
systems which meets International Civil recognized expertise in ATC systems has providing the controllers with information • Validation and processing of NOTAMs of failure of the SDP servers (by-pass
Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards and served to make the AirCon 2100 a system of air movements from radars, flight plans, entered from the AFTN or from selected mode) • Configuration of system functions
recommended practices in air traffic friendly to use and easy to maintain. It direction finders and air-ground data-link workstations • Change of VSP parameters
• Local recording and playback of the last
management. represents the best tradeoff for ATM messages (ADS/CPDLC). It also provides a
• Airspace management (AUP/UUP 24 hours traffic (tracks, flight plans and • System partial/global shutdowns/startups
The strong requirements concerning air systems ranging from highly competitive high degree of automation of the control
maintenance and static, pre-tactical and display status) • Equipment switchovers
traffic safety and high reliability of the COTS solution to full performance semi tasks, with flight plan management tools,
tactical restricted areas management) • Playback of recorded data (playback mode)
equipment are met by the AirCon 2100 by custom systems. automatic flight tracking system, automatic
coordination between control position and • Management of flow restrictions and slots, • Correction/display/printing of AFTN
the innovative use of the state-of -the-art
control centers, safety nets, medium term with processing of TACT messages messages
traffic prediction tools... • Identification of flight plans as RVSM • Access to RPL, preliminary plan and SFPL
The system covers en route control, equipped flight database
approach control, TWR applications, as • Identification of flight plans as 8,33 • Access to MET/AIS databases
combined en route and approach control equipped flight
• Display of AIP documents
solutions. • PIP navigation window to display pictures,
The AirCon 2100 comprises all the maps... between working positions (via
necessary elements and equipment to carry Intranet) Indra control working position
out the ATC services.


AIRCON_AF.fh11 5/3/09 11:05 P gina 1


Supplying ATM systems around the world for more than 30 years

Situation Data Display (SDD)

System overview

State-of-the-art technology for ATM • Color raster displays : Full availability and back-up features are
The AirCon 2100 incorporates the most - Rectangular screen up to 29 inches provided by the use of:
advanced techniques for ATM: diagonal • Dual redundant servers
• Open system LAN-based architecture - High resolution: 1600 x 1280 and 2Kx2K • Dual redundant LAN (Local Area Network)
• Commercial RISC processors pixels • Distributed Radar Processing located at
• UNIX operating system - Standard graphics : X-Window, MOTIF the working positions
• Standard communication protocols (IEEE- • Advanced software languages (ADA, C++), • Proven high-performance hardware
802.3, TCP/IP, UDP/IP) commercial databases (Postgre) and • Proven software algorithms, with self-
standard database access languages (4GL, recovery procedures
This results on a system availability > 0.9999

Based on a legacy of successfully • Proven system stability and performance
delivered systems around the world • Reduces technical and schedule risks
Open system architecture by • Avoids premature technological obsolescence
complying with open system • Ensures support longevity at reasonable cost
standards (UNIX, Ethernet...)
• Provides cost effective growth path
• Easy integration of Customer Furnished Equipment
Use of COTS technology from • Avoids the need for hardware or software development
industry leaders • Simplifies maintenance and support activities
Scalable design that allow future • Streamlines system upgrade to satisfy future workload
growth demands
All mission critical servers are • Provides a highly reliable system
redundant with proven switchover • Reduces system downtime by providing redundancy
• Simplifies maintenance
Modular SW and HW design • Simplifies maintenance and logistics activities
• Streamlines controller and maintenance training
Designed to allow evolutionary • Permits midlife technology insertion without redesign Avda. de Bruselas, 35 Indra reserves the right
upgrades and future enhancements • New functionality can be added cost effectively 28108 Alcobendas to modify these
Madrid (Spain) specifications without
• Reduces the final cost of the overall system life cycle T + 34 91 480 60 04 prior notice.
F + 34 91 480 60 41 V.1-02-2009

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