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abort interrupts current evaluation and gives the prompt. Within a pause level
abort return to level
0 prompt.
SEE ALSO : quit 61, pause 56, break 11, abort 6, quit 61
1.0.2 addinter new functions interface incremental linking at run time
files : a character string or a vector of character string contain object files
used to define the new Scilab
interface routine (interface code, user routines or libraries, system libraries).
spname : a character string. Name of interface routine entry point
fcts : vector of character strings. The name of new Scilab function implemented in
the new interface (in
fin the order ).
addinter performs incremental linking of a compiled C or Fortran new Scilab
interface routine (see
intersci documentation) and define corresponding scilab functions.
For machines using dlopen functionality one can unlink an interface with ulink
( use the command
link(�show�) to get the number of the shared library ). And to reload a new version
of an interface a
call to ulink is necessary to get rid of the old version.
See link for more precision on use.
SEE ALSO : link 43, intersci 40, newfun 51, clearfun 14
1.0.3 and - logical and
b=and(A), b=and(A,�*�)
b=and(A,�r�), b=and(A,1)
b=and(A,�c�), b=and(A,2)
and(A) is the logical AND of elements of the boolean matrix A. and(A) returns %T
(�true�) iff all
entries of A are %T.
y=and(A,�r�) (or, equivalently, y=and(A,1)) is the rowwise and. It returns in each
entry of the row
vector y the and of the rows of x (The and is performed on the rowindex : y(j)=
y=and(A,�c�) (or, equivalently, y=and(A,2)) is the columnwise and. It returns in
each entry of
the column vector y the and of the columns of x (The and is performed on the column
index: y(i)=
A&B gives the element-wise logical and of the booleansmatrices A and B .A and B
must be matrices
with the same dimensions or one from them must be a single boolean.
SEE ALSO : not 52, or 53
1.0.4 ans answer
ans means �answer�. Variable ans is created automatically when expressions are

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