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Tense Consistency Exercises

Name: _________________________________________________

Check the following sentences for confusing shifts in tense. If the tense of each underlined
verb expresses the time relationship accurately, write C. If a shift in tense is not appropriate,
write NC for not correct and make necessary changes. In most cases with an inappropriate
shift, there is more than one way to correct the inconsistency.

___ 1. If the club limited its membership, it will have to raise its dues.

___ 2. While Barbara puts in her contact lenses, the telephone rang.

___ 3. Thousands of people will see the art exhibit by the time it closed.

___ 4. By the time negotiations began, many pessimists have expressed doubt about them.

___ 5. After Capt. James Cook visited Alaska on his third voyage, he is killed by Hawaiian
islanders in 1779.

___ 6. I was terribly disappointed with my grade because I studied very hard.

___ 7. The moderator asked for questions as soon as the speaker has finished.

___ 8. Everyone hopes the plan would work.

___ 9. Harry wants to show his friends the photos he takes last summer.

___ 10. The boy insisted that he has paid for the candy bars.

___ 11. The doctor suggested bed rest for the patient, who suffers from a bad cold.

C. Controlling Shifts in Paragraphs

Read the following paragraph through, and determine the main tense. Then reread it and circle the
verbs that shift incorrectly from the main tense. Cross out the incorrect verb tense and write the
proper ones.

For the past seven years, I have called myself a swimmer. Swimming, my one sport,
provides a necessary outlet for my abundant energy. I have always drawn satisfaction from
exertion, straining my muscles to their limits. I don't know why pushing forward in the
water, as my muscles cried out in pain, sets off a booming cheer in my head. Many times
when I rounded the turn for the last lap of a race, my complaining muscles want to
downshift and idle to the finish. My mind, however, presses the pedal to the floor and yells,
"FASTER!" The moment that I touched the wall my muscles relax; the pain subsides. I am
pleased to have passed the point of conflict. (adapted from Brendon MacLean, "Harder!")

You will notice several shifts in tense in the following paragraph describing action in a fictional
narrative. Find the faulty shifts in tense. Cross out the incorrect verb tense and write the proper ones.

In "The Use of Force" William Carlos Williams describes a struggle involving a doctor, two
parents, and their young daughter. The doctor must obtain a throat culture from the girl,
who was suspected of having diphtheria. This ordinarily simple task is hindered by the
frightened and uncooperative patient, Mathilda Olson. Adding to the doctor's difficulties
were the parents, who had to struggle with their own conflicting emotions. They want their
daughter helped, but they did not trust the doctor to do the right thing. Sensitive to the
parents' uncertainty, the doctor became more and more frustrated by Mathilda's
resistance. Williams gives considerable attention to how each of the Olsons react, but it is
clear that his main interest was in the doctor and his responses. (adapted from a student

You will notice several shifts in tense in the following paragraph describing action in a fictional
narrative. Find the faulty shifts in tense. Cross out the incorrect verb tense and write the proper ones.

In February 2003, the Sefton City Council passed an ordinance that limited the number of
dogs city residents could keep on their property to three. Several residents objected and
formally petitioned the council to repeal the ordinance, but the council upheld it. Their
reasoning is that having more than three dogs creates potentially dangerous situations. In
November 2004, however, changes in the Council’s membership resulted in the ordinance
being repealed.

You will notice several shifts in tense in the following paragraph describing action in a fictional
narrative. Find the faulty shifts in tense. Cross out the incorrect verb tense and write the proper ones.

While St. Cloud struggles with keeping rental housing from dominating the housing
market, other communities in central Minnesota undertook several initiatives to build
more apartments and condominiums.
Cross out the improper verb tenses and change them.

Ex.: While Lee was answering the doorbell, the intruder had entered through the bedroom
window. (had entered should be was entering)

Naming the five best movies of last year was easy. Ninety percent of the movies I see are
lousy, and that leaves only a handful that are even worth considering.

The narrator of Rebecca, the famous mystery novel by Daphne, is never given a first name;
she was referred to only as "the second Mrs. de Winter."

This is one way that the author allowed Rebecca, the first wife of Max de Winter, to
overshadow the narrator.

After the narrator moves into the family house she is finding reminders of Rebecca

The title referred to men and women who fight fires in oil wells.

Do any of the verbs need to be changed in the following paragraphs? If so, cross
them out and fix them!

1. Getting used to living in the dorms can be hard for some students, particularly if they
have never had to share a room with someone else. If you want to make your transition as
easy as possible, you should consider talking to your roommate about the things you
wanted from your living situation. Deciding on how you will communicate your feelings to
each other made it easier when problems arose.

2. Going to a concert can be dangerous these days. I went to Woodstock this past summer
and I saw two people seriously hurt in the mosh pit where everyone dance. I saw one girl
fall down and when I ran over to her to see if she needed help, she says, "I think I've twisted
my ankle." I help her out of the crowd and over to a medical tent. I was glad I had seen her
fall or she could have been crushed.

3. Last night, I went to Ames Cafeteria to see the comedian. It is very exciting, and he was
really funny. I just wish it start a little earlier than 10 p.m. I find it hard to stay out until
midnight and then got up for an 8:00 class.

4. Working as a teacher's aid in Lebanon last year show me that I would like to be a
teacher. The students always responded to me very well, and I had a lot of fun. One of my
favorite students is Jeremy, a fourth-grader who had a stuttering problem. I really related
to him because I stutter as a child as well. I think I really help Jeremy's self-confidence, and
I hope he is continuing to work with the speech therapist.
Complete the following sentences by selecting the appropriate verb form in

1. Although I (love, loved) __________ houseplants, I am incapable of keeping them alive

in this house.
2. After the Dean of Student Affairs at the college heard about the brawl at the Owls'
Club, she (calls, called) __________ two of the undergraduates involved to her office.
3. Containing over 3900 lines, Hamlet (is, was) ________ Shakespeare's longest drama.
4. The unemployment rate (remains, remained) __________ at a record low throughout
5. Before the subcommittee presented its recommendations, it discussed possible
nominees, debated their qualifications, and then (votes, voted) __________ on the
6. During the 1930's, a broker told my grandmother that even though stocks
temporarily (lose, lost) __________ value, the market (stabilizes, stabilized) __________
itself eventually.
7. In defiance of current fashion, Mr. Culpepper is the only employee at the radio
station who (wears, wore) __________ a coat and tie to work.
8. When I was in first grade, my older sister (checked, would check) __________on me
almost everyday at recess and (made, would make) __________ sure that the class
bully was not picking on me.
9. In the first chapter, Hawthorne (introduces, introduced) __________ Hester as she
stands before her townspeople holding her baby and wearing a scarlet letter.
10. If you wrote a letter to him explaining the situation, you (will, would) __________
probably get a positive response.

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