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Safety guidance

Assalamu’alikum Wr. Wb.

Good morning ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce myself, my name is Fransiscus Lugas as
the safety announcer of this building.
Currently, we are at Al.A D 1 Petroleum Engineering Building
When the earthquake happens run immediately to the muster point
avoid the fire and the electrical problem when earthquake happens
don’t be panic and keep safe your head
this building has 2 evacuation ways
the first evacuation way is through the west door of this room, then gather at the muster point
the second evacuation way is through the east door of this room, then gather at the muster point
the muster point is located on the parking area of this building
this building provide toilet on each floor
hydrant on the 1st floor
mushala on the 3rd floor
the sultan agung mosque is located on the south west side of this building
this building is still safe, but remember Safety first!
so that’s all from me, I apologize if there were mistakes during my presentation. Thank you and
welcome to “SPE CLASS, SPEriences Toward Future Career: An IntroductionDrilling Rig Work
wassalamualaikum wr. Wb
Assalamu'alikum Wr. Wb.
Selamat pagi tuan dan nyonya,
perkenankan saya memperkenalkan diri,
nama saya Fransiscus Lugas sebagai safety announcer gedung ini.
Saat ini, kita berada di Al.A II 1 Gedung Teknik Perminyakan
Ketika terjadi gempa segera menuju ke titik kumpul
hindari api dan konsleting listrik ketika terjadi gempa
Jangan panik dan tetap lindungi kepala Anda
Gedung ini memiliki 1 jalur evakuasi
Jalur evakuasi adalah melalui pintu barat ruangan ini, lalu berkumpul di titik kumpul
Titik kumpul berada di area parkir gedung ini bangunan ini menyediakan toilet di setiap lantai,
hidran di lantai 1, dan mushala di lantai 3
Masjid sultan agung terletak di sisi Barat Daya dari gedung ini
Gedung ini tetap aman, tapi ingat Safety First!
Sekian dari saya, saya memohon maaf jika terdapat kesalahan selama presentasi saya. Terima
kasih dan selamat datang di “Alumni sharing Session 2018”
Wassalamualaikum wr. wb

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