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1) Rosa might phone you this afternoon.

2) We think that demand for our product could soon fall.

3) Sarah is at a meeting, but she may come ater.
4) I don’t know why he hasn’t finished. He might be very tired.
5) Vladimir could play the part of the king.
6) The manager may not come to the meeting on Friday.
7) She may have got lost in the city centre.
8) You could have asked me and I would have agreed to the plan.

1. He can’t have spoken to his wife or he would have heard the news.
2. I have no idea when the crisis will be over.
3. He could be visiting his grandparents.
4. I might see you at the party tonight.
5. My life is great. I couldn’t be happier.
6. Fiona may feel that you’ve been unfair to her.
7. You want to play for Real Madrid. Dream on !
8. I’m not saying you can go. I’m saying maybe you can
9. He could be visiting his grandparents.
10. He can’t have spoken to his wife or he would have heard the news.
1. Alice refers to her university teacher as, “the. lecturer”
2. David says he is not looking forwar to doing the project with John.
3. David says that John is not a hard worke.
4. When Alice tells David about the new deadline for the essay, he
says, “Oh, my goodnes.”
5. Alice says, “How does she expect to hold dow a job?”
6. When Alice asks David how he is, he replies, “Same as ever”.
7. Alice believes in opennes, and so she can admit that finishing the
essay was impossible.
8. Alice has a pineapple juice to drink.

They are closing the library permanently. It’s absolutely ridiculous!
We are deeply concerned about hunger in the world
I’ve worked for twelve hours today. I’m exhausted !
I arrived ridiculously early for this class.
The firework display was out of this world!
He was thrilled to get a bicycle for his birthday.
I was in the bank yesterday and there was a robbery. I was terrified!
I’m not just annoyed. I’m livid !

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