Explanation Letter

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October 15, 2019

Zsarina Grace Brañanola

Science and Technology Education Center
Maximo V. Patalinghug St. Lapu- Lapu City

Dear Madam Brañanola:

This explanation letter is from the deepest part of my heart. Please understand that it was
not in my intention to break school rules and regulations. I am deeply sorry for reporting late to
to school these past few days especially last Wednesday, October 9, 2019. Honestly, I regret my
action as I am well aware of the fact that you expect a lot from us but lately, we have done
nothing but disappoint you in every way.
We had an overnight stay at my classmate’s house last Tuesday night since we were
making a costume for our Fashion Show in CPAR. My groupmates and I have been making the
costume for the said fashion show weeks before the deadline but since we didn’t have enough
time and we have set our priorities to the UPCAT examination, we were left to finish the costume
a night before the deadline. We sacrificed our sleep and finished making the props and costume
at around 7:30 AM of October 9, 2019 in which our first class was about to start. I arrived at our
house 10 minutes past 8 in the morning. I was about to take a nap for 15 minutes and come to
school afterwards, but my 15-minute nap turned into an hour of sleep. That’s when I decided to
come to school after lunch instead. I prepared all the things necessary for school and started
heading there.
It is the reason I owe you an apology because I should have come to school on time. Kindly
note that it was not on my own doing to see to it that I report late to school.
I sincerely hope that you can spare a second of your time to consider my explanation. I
will make sure to come on time and follow the rules and regulations of school for upcoming
classes. Whatever your decision, I thank you for your time and consideration.


Lyca Mae Y. Pogoy

Rufino L. Pogoy
Parent’s Signature Overprinted Name

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