Pogoy - Photo Essay & Reflection Paper

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII-Central Visayas
Division of Lapu-Lapu City
Science and Technology Education Center
Senior High School Department

Lyca Mae Y. Pogoy STEM 12-NEURON October 19, 2019

Educational Tour ‘19

7:00 AM Assembly Time

7:30 AM Bus Arrival

7:45 AM At the Bus

8:10 AM First Stop at


9:57 AM Second Stop at

UCLM Audio Visual
UCLM Mock Bridge

UCLM Full Mission Simulator


UCLM Machine Shop

2:30 PM Third Stop at Fort San Pedro

2:58 PM Fourth Stop at Museo


4:30 PM Final Destination at

Guang- Ming Institute of
Performing Arts- Cebu
Reflection Paper
An adventure can show somebody something critical about themselves, other individuals,
or the world as a rule. Learning ought to be an experience. One ought to have the option to
appreciate learning, and to have the interest of adapting new things.

The educational tour began as a getaway from school for the majority of us students,
holding with companions, opportunity to loosen up and obviously to adapt new things and to
pick up information while we may apply sometime in the not so distant future.

On October 17, 2019, the grade 12 STEM and ABM students of Science and Technology
Education Center held an Educational Tour in Cebu City for a day. We meet at exactly 7 AM at
the fastfood chain of Mcdonalds beside our school and waited for the bus to arrive. At around 7:
30 in the morning the bus has finally arrived. Our first destination was at the Gardenia Company
of Lapu- Lapu City. As the products of Gardenia, it would be classified as non-durable goods.
They are tangible goods that are normally consumed in one or a few uses. Gardenia is bread’s
product. Such good include products that customers eat daily. This type of product is consumed
fast and purchased regularly. Gardenia’s products are included in convenience products which
has been categorised on consumer products. These are goods that are purchased frequently by
the customers and are usually inexpensive. When purchasing this product, it does not require
customers to make much difference in comparisons between brands. These are goods customers
purchase without any planning or search effort which is called as impulse products. Gardenia is
a company that sells varieties of products to fulfil customers’ needs and wants.

Our second stop was at the University of Cebu- Lapu- Lapu and Mandaue. We visited three
of their facilities there. As we entered the vicinity of the said university, I was mesmerized by the
crowded area. Unlike our school, it was huge and lots of students are scattered in the area- some
are going to the canteen, some are reading books and paying school fees while others are merely
having chitchats waiting for their next class. We were escorted by the students of UCLM to the
Audio-Visual Room located at the sixth floor of the building which was quite exhausting. Therein
the AV room, we were oriented regarding which laboratory or facility are we going to visit. We
were then divided into three groups to avoid too much crowd. Our group was first destined to
the Mock Bridge, then to the Full Mission Simulator Room and lastly to the Machine shop. After
the three visits and short demonstrations of how these facilities work, we then went back to the
bus to have our lunch. We ate our lunch as the bus takes us to our next destination which was
the Fort San Pedro.
A brief introduction about Fort San Pedro was that it is a military defense structure that
was built during the early times of the Spanish era in the 16th century. This stone-walled fortress
was built with barehands, sweat, and blood by Filipinos who were the supervision of their Spanish
superiors. Although it bears the sad story of Cebuanos' past, it compensates the present
Cebuanos by embracing their history and making use of this legacy as something positive.
Nowadays, part of the fort is a museum where the Spanish documents, artifacts, sculptures,
paintings, swords and other weaponry are being displayed. The inside of the walls has been
turned into a garden bedecked with some green and flowering tropical plants. We took a pictorial
there before we bound to our next stop.

Our fourth stop was the Museo Sugbo. I recently discovered Museo Sugbu – The Cebu
Provincial Museum. At first glance, it resembled a Spanish-era fort or watchtower. But upon
entering and listening to the vendor of a souvenir shop, I learned it used to be a jail. It was the
home of Youtube-sensation Cebu Dancing Inmates (CPDRC Inmates) until Gov. Gwendolyn Garcia
transferred them to more spacious grounds. Before it became a museum, it was known as Carcel
de Cebu – Provincial Jail of Cebu. When we got there, I marveled at the beautiful architecture
and how the coral-stoned walls were still intact and strong. Inside, it was clear that the design
was really meant for a jail. Even the barbed wire was still around the high walls and the guard
towers were still in each corner. It is fun to walk around the museum and snag some pictures or
take the time to look at each artifact and appreciate how it’s still there for us to marvel at. I assure
you your visit would be worth your while. And maybe, just maybe, one of the men in the black
and white pictures might have been my great-great-great-great-great-grandfather!

Our final destination was the Guang- Ming Institute of Performing Arts. There, we
watched two theater plays entitled The Buddha and the Beggar; and Sigbin. The first play was
quite entertaining since one of my classmates was the lead role of the play. The second play,
Sigbin is a methaphorical comparison of the people in the Philippines since we often try to hide
our true identity and adapt to what is accepted in our community. The conflict of the play was
that the Sigbin tries to be someone whom they are not. One of the most common reasons we
wear masks is what I think of as Imposter Syndrome—the fear that the world is going to find us
out. I’ve heard it described as feeling like a fake like you don’t really belong, or you aren’t really
successful but are just posing as such. This play taught me that when we wear masks, we carve a
piece of ourselves out—withholding parts of ourselves as unworthy. But in relationships, we can’t
be truly healed unless we offer up all the pieces. It’s like handing someone a broken vase and
asking him or her to fix it but holding back two or three of the broken pieces. As one of the pastors
explained, “Masks make shallow what God has intended to be deep. Everything in our lives get
cheated when we choose to hide behind our masks.”
To sum this all up, education is indeed an essential part of mankind. However, as everyone
is focused on ways of getting every person through school, the ones at school often feel
overwhelmed and seek to have education-oriented tours. Educational tours are of great
importance as they not only broaden our outlook but enhance our knowledge to a great extent.
That is why, we, the students await for this precious moment impatiently. There is no doubt that
such tours have great educational value and there must such occasions in the life of every

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