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Practices for Lesson 13

Practices for Lesson 13

In these practices, you will create a SmartText and use it to compose a response to a Service

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2 Practices for Lesson 13

Practice 13-1: Create a Personal SmartText

 Compose a new SmartText
 Use the SmartText in a service request response

5 - 10 minutes

In the practice exercise, you will create a SmartText and use it to compose a response to a
service request.

1. If necessary, sign in to the employee application using your assigned login.
2. Navigate Service > Service Requests.
3. Create a service request.
a. Click Create Service Request.
b. Set Title = EC Test text nn where nn is your student number.
c. Click Save and Continue.
4. Access SmartText.

a. On the right side, click Restore Pane to expand the panel.

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Practices for Lesson 13 3

b. Select the SmartText tab to see the list of available SmartTexts.

c. Hover above the SmartText named "Vision Salute" to see its contents.

5. Create a new personal SmartText

a. In the SmartText panel, click New SmartText (the plus sign).
1) Set:
Name MyText_nn
where nn is your student number
Use HTML <Selected>
Text in the Dear Customer, your service request # XXXXX has been
editing area resolved. Thank you, Vision Customer Service.
2) In the search box next to the Insert Variable button, search for Contact.

3) Select the variable Primary Contact Unique Name that appears list.
4) Delete the word Customer from the sentence, leaving a space to insert the
5) Click Insert Variable.
6) If the variable is pasted at the end, cut and paste it to appear after Dear.

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4 Practices for Lesson 13

7) Repeat to replace XXXXX with Reference Number.

b. Click Save as Personal.

6. Verify the text appears in the SmartText list.

7. In the Summary section, click Cancel to return to the service request list.

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Practices for Lesson 13 5

Practice 13-2: Use SmartText in a Service Request Response

 Use SmartText to quickly compose a service request response

~5 minutes

Use your new text in a service request.

1. Drill down on the service request with Title = EC Test text nn, where nn is your student
number to edit it.
2. Set the Contact for the service request.

a. If necessary, click the Summary subtab .

b. Set the Primary Contact:
1) Open Primary Contact.
2) Click Search.
3) Set Account = Pinnacle.
4) Click Search.
5) Select any contact, by clicking the circle on the left.
6) Click OK.
c. Click Save.
3. Compose a Response message for the Service Request.

a. Click the Messages subtab .

b. Click Compose and select Response.
Note that you can also use Ctrl+Alt+R to create a response.
c. Set Channel = E-mail (Seeded).
d. Click into the edit text box.

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6 Practices for Lesson 13

e. Click the SmartText icon to enable SmartText.

f. In the Search SmartText box, type MyT.

g. Click MyText_nn, where nn is your student number.

A window opens displaying the body of the SmartText you selected.
h. Click Insert.
i. Verify the variables have been replaced in the text.

Note if the contact is missing, you might have forgotten to click Save.
j. Add more text to personalize the message.
1) After Thank you add for your business.

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Practices for Lesson 13 7

k. Use the HTML formatting tools.
1) With your cursor, select the phrase Vision Customer Service and click Bold.

4. Click Save as Draft.

You could continue to work until you are ready to send.
5. Click Edit.
6. Click Send. If you receive an error, click Cancel.
7. Click Cancel.
8. Click Yes.

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8 Practices for Lesson 13

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