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1. Which motor when unloaded suddenly draws very high currents?

Series, compound, differential

or shunt
2. At critical frequency, RC filter causes an angle change of……. 90, 0, 180, 45
3. If a flashlight has four 1.5V cells in series, you invert one of them. What is the resultant voltage?
4.5V, 3V, 1.5V, 0V
4. R is a ……….. device. (linear, non-linear, bilateral, bipolar)
5. A sync motor runs in………. (leading, lagging, neutral, all)
6. Power Transformer is most efficient near ………… load. (half, zero, full, 70%)
7. Bucholz relay is used in a …………(Ind. Motor, Transformer, differential circuits, None of the
8. In a 3 phase motor with a phase sequence RYB, which new sequence leads to change in
direction of rotation of the motor? (YBR, BYR, YRB, None of the above)
9. Which of the following transformers does not have two windings? Distribution transformer,
Autotransformer, center tap, shell type transformer.
10. In a full wave rectifier, if the peak voltage is 10 volts what is the average voltage? (7.07, 6.3, 9.2,
11. For synchronization between grid and power plant, which of the following is not matched?
Frequency, phase voltages, current, phase sequences
12. Which of the following is not used as an arc quencher in breakers and contactors? (Air, SF2, Oil,
13. Best material for fuse wire…………(aluminum, copper, iron, silver)
14. In a transistor, an increase in Ic lead to ……….in beta. (Increase, Decrease, No change)
15. Which of the following is the most expensive source of electrical energy? (Diesel, coal, nuclear,
16. Which of the following can be used for power factor correction with induction motors?
(Inductors, capacitor banks, reactors, diodes)
17. Torque of a motor is directly proportional to ………. In a motor. (V, F, I, n)
18. FET is a ……… controlled device.(I, V, F, R)
19. Most avometers are collaborated to read a ………. Value. (Peak, RMS, Max, none of the above.)
20. Which factor doesn’t influence motor speed? (Freq, voltage, number of poles, none of the
21. Delta-Star configuration is commonly used in which transformer? ( Power, Distribution, Auto,
22. Which motor has zero slip? (Induction, series, sync, none of the above)
23. Which of the following diode is always used in reverse? (Tunnel, Gunn, Zener, Schottky)
24. In inductive loads, current……..voltage.( leads, lags, equals, none of the above)
25. Cascading of amplifiers is done to enhance……….(bandwidth, gain, voltage, none of the above)
26. The purpose of a fuse is……….(detection, correction, both, none of the above)
27. The breakdown current of a breaker is given in ………(mA, A, kA, MA)
28. For determining iron losses, which test is used? (open circuit, closed circuit, both, none of the
29. The efficiency of a steam power plant is…….(11%, 29%, 57%, 93%)
30. The dam with the greatest generation capacity in Pakistan is ……..(Mangla, Ghazi Brotha,
Tarbela, Rawal)


1. Series
2. 90
3. 3V
4. Non-Linear
5. Lagging
6. Full
7. Transformer
8. YRB
9. Auto
10. 6.3
11. Current
12. SF2
13. Silver
14. Inc
15. Nuclear
16. Cap banks
17. V
18. V
19. RMS
20. V
21. Distribution
22. Sync
23. Zener
24. Lag
25. Gain
26. None of the above
27. kA
28. open circuit
29. 29%
30. Tarbela

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