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Preface 4
Laboratory Guidelines 5
Graphical User Interface 6
Exercise 1: Temperature Conversion 8
Exercise 2: Vibration of Spring-Mass System 9
Exercise 3: Parametric Equations of Motion 10
Exercise 4: Pump Performance Curve 11
Exercise 5: Nodal Temperatures 14
Microcontroller 16
Exercise 6: Blinking LED 17
Exercise 7: Button Indication 18
Exercise 8: Temperature Measurement 19
Exercise 9: Speed Control 20
Exercise 10: Servo Motor Control 21
Pneumatics 22
Exercise 11: Pushing Device 23
Exercise 12: Sorting Device 23
Exercise 13: Transferring Device 23
Exercise 14: Separating Device 24
Exercise 15: Folding Device 24
Exercise 16: Marking System 24
Exercise 17: Supplying Machine 25
Exercise 18: Welding System 25
Exercise 19: Switching Machine 25
Exercise 20: Mixing Machine 26
Exercise 21: Feed Divider 26
Exercise 22: Welding Mechanism 26
Exercise 23: Sieve Shaker 27
Exercise 24: Trash Compactor 27

Exercise 25: Clamping Machine 28
Exercise 26: Cutting Machine 28
Hydraulics 29
Exercise 27: Lathe Spindle 30
Exercise 28: Lifting Machine 31
Exercise 29: Pressing Machine 32
Exercise 30: Feed Lifter 33
Exercise 31: Cover Opener 33
Exercise 32: Storage Door Opener 33
Exercise 33: Embossing Machine 34
Exercise 34: Grinding Table 34
Exercise 35: Door Lifter 34
Exercise 36: Lifting Device 35
Exercise 37: Clamping Device 35
Exercise 38: Automatic Reciprocating Cylinder 35
Electromechanical System 36
Exercise 39: Sorting Mechanism 36
Exercise 40: Cutting Device 37
Exercise 41: Tipping Device 37
Exercise 42: Pushing Mechanism 37
Exercise 43: Diverting Device 38
Exercise 44: Stamping Device 38
References 39


This manual contains exercises which are related to the applications of control systems in
the field of mechanical and manufacturing engineering. The exercises will cover some basic
concepts in other subjects such as Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Numerical Methods,
Machine Shop Practices, Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering.
In the first set of exercises, the students will create a Graphical User Interface (GUI) in
order to solve engineering problems and graph specific functions through the use of MATLAB
software. The next set of exercises will deal with the programming of Microcontroller and the
assembling of electric circuits containing LEDs, sensors and motors. Arduino software will be
used for the programming of Gizduino Microcontroller.
The third and fourth set of exercises will cover the design of pneumatic systems and
hydraulic systems, respectively. These set of exercises are very applicable to mechanical and
manufacturing processes. For the pneumatics and hydraulics, the students will create schematic
diagrams and simulate these designs using the FluidSIM software. The last set of exercises will
deal with electromechanical system which is the combination of mechanical and electrical
control systems such as relays and valves. Basic electromechanical system designs will also be
simulated using FluidSIM software.
All of the exercises presented are based from available manuals in Arduino and Festo
FluidSim software.


1. Wear proper laboratory clothing

 Avoid loose clothes
 Sandals are not allowed
2. Before performing any exercises, be familiar with the equipment or components.
Determine how to turn off the components in case of emergency.
3. In handling electronic parts, be cautious in the wire connections. Please follow the
schematic diagram strictly to avoid short circuits or damaging the components.
4. Never start the exercises without the permission of the instructor
5. No eating or drinking while performing exercises
6. In case of injuries or unwanted situations, report to the instructor immediately.
7. In case there is an event of fire, follow these instructions:
 If the fire is minor and you are not endangering your personal safety, shut down
the equipment immediately and notify the instructor. Use the fire extinguisher.
 If the fire continues to grow, notify everyone to leave the room. Press the fire
alarm button and report the exact location to the authority.

Graphical User Interface

A graphical user interface (GUI) is type of program interface that consists of icons or set of
graphics which are used in order to perform specific tasks.

1. To create GUIs in order to solve specific engineering problems using MATLAB
2. To be familiar with some basic GUI programming commands
3. To apply concepts in mathematics and engineering in creating GUIs

General Procedures:

1. Open MATLAB and type the word “guide” in the command window to open the GUIDE
window as shown below.

Figure 1. GUIDE Quick Start Window

2. Choose blank GUI and press OK. Another window will appear as shown in figure 2.
3. Create the GUI by adding push buttons, edit texts, static texts or axes depending on the
exercise to be performed.
4. Save the created physical view of the GUI and start the programming under the editor
window as shown in figure 3.
5. After the programming, press the run button and you can now use the GUI.

Figure 2. GUI Window

Figure 3. Editor Window

GUI : Exercise no. 1
 Problem: Temperature Conversion
A data acquisition system for equipment maintenance involves the measurement of temperature
in degree Celsius. However, conversions to different temperature scales are needed in the data

For this exercise, create a GUI similar to figure 4.

Figure 4. Temperature Conversion GUI

For the programming, the following formulas will be used:

: Temperature in oF
: Temperature in oC
: Temperature in R
: Temperature in K

GUI : Exercise no. 2
 Problem: Vibration of Spring-Mass System
Vibration in spring-mass system can be analyzed by plotting the equation that can describe its
displacement. If manual graphing will be applied, the process will be time-consuming.

For this exercise, create a GUI similar to figure 5.

Figure 5. Vibration of Spring-Mass System GUI

For the programming, the following formula will be used:

y: displacement (m)
L: unstretched length (m)
s: initial position (m)
v: initial velocity (m/s)
k : spring constant (N/m)
m: mass (kg)

GUI : Exercise no. 3

 Problem: Parametric Equations of Motions
The position of the particle under curvilinear motion can be separated into rectangular
components. By viewing the graphs for each component as a function of time, the positions x, y
& z can be studied. However, plotting each component one at a time will be inefficient.
For this exercise, create a GUI similar to figure 6.

Figure 6. Parametric Equations of Motion GUI

GUI : Exercise no. 4
 Problem: Pump Performance Curve
A pump performance curve can be used to estimate the pump head, power, efficiency and Net
Positive Suction Head Required (NPSHR) for operation if the flowrate is known. Unfortunately,
consulting the curve (figure 7) for the values is time-consuming and inconvenient.

Figure 7. Pump Curve Example

For this exercise, create a GUI similar to figure 8.

Figure 8. Pump Performance Curve GUI

For the programming, the following formula will be used:

H = 36.8-(2*10^-4)*(Q-40000)-(8*10^-9)*(Q-40000)*(Q-42500)-(5.3333*10^-12)*(Q-
N = 79.52+(1.192*10^-3)*(Q-40000)-(5.726*10^-8)*(Q-40000)*(Q-42500)+(3.9467*10^-

P = 5190.476+(2.8572*10^-2)*(Q-40000)-(3.8096*10^-6)*(Q-40000)*(Q-42500)+(3.5557*10^-
NPSHR = 13.33-(1.4*10^-4)*(Q-40000)-(8*10^-10)*(Q-40000)*(Q-42500)+(1.3867*10^-

The formulas above were derived by applying curve fitting under Numerical Methods.

Q: flowrate (cu. m/h)
H: Output head (m)
N: Pump Efficiency (%)
P: Power (KW)
NPSHR: Net Positive Suction Head Required (m)

GUI : Exercise no. 5
 Problem : Nodal Temperatures
A system of linear equations will be obtained in the process of determining the nodal
temperatures of a flat surface exposed to conduction at each side. However, the system of linear
equations will be difficult to solve due to the several equations involved.

For this exercise, create a GUI similar to figure 9.

Figure 9. Nodal Temperatures GUI

For the programming, the following formulas will be used:

x = [-4,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0;1,-4,1,0,1,0,0,0,0;0,1,-4,0,0,1,0,0,0;1,0,0,-4,1,0,1,0,0;0,1,0,1,-
y = [-Ta-Tb;-Tb;-Tb-Tc;-Ta;0;-Tc;-Ta-Td;-Td;-Tc-Td];
z = x\y;
T1 = z(1,1);
T2 = z(2,1);
T3 = z(3,1);
T4 = z(4,1);
T5 = z(5,1);
T6 = z(6,1);
T7 = z(7,1);
T8 = z(8,1);
T9 = z(9,1);
Qleft = k*(3*Ta-T1-T4-T7);
Qup = k*(3*Tb-T1-T2-T3);
Qright = k*(3*Tc-T3-T6-T9);
Qdown = k*(3*Td-T7-T8-T9);
Checking = Qleft + Qright + Qup + Qdown;

T: temperatures (oC)
Q: heats (W)


A microcontroller is an electronic device that contains a processor, memory and programmable

input and output pins that can be used in different applications related to robotics.

1. To be familiar with basic microcontroller programming using Arduino
2. To construct basic electric circuits in a breadboard
3. To use a microcontroller to control circuits with LEDs, sensor and motors

General Procedures:

1. Open Arduino software and start the programming depending on the exercise to be
performed (refer to figure 10)

Figure 10. Arduino Software

2. Connect the microcontroller cable. Verify the code and click the upload button.
3. Construct the wiring connection of the components by referring to the schematic diagram
for the exercise.
4. Connect the microcontroller to the circuit and test the functions.

Microcontroller: Exercise no. 6
 Problem : Blinking LEDs
There is a need for an indication that the device is working properly. Hence, LEDs can be used to
indicate that there is no problem with the system.

The schematic diagram for the exercise is shown in figure 11.

Figure 11. Schematic Diagram for Blinking LEDs

Microcontroller: Exercise no. 7
 Problem : Button Indication
When pressing a button for turning on machines, it is necessary to have an indicator that the
equipment is still operating.

The schematic diagram for the exercise is shown in figure 12.

Figure 12. Schematic Diagram for Button Indication

Microcontroller: Exercise no. 8
 Problem : Temperature Measurement
HVAC systems need proper monitoring of air properties like dry-bulb temperature. Hence, there
is a need for sensors that can measure air properties.

The schematic diagram for the exercise is shown in figure 13.

Figure 13. Schematic Diagram for Temperature Measurement

Microcontroller: Exercise no. 9
 Problem : Speed Control
For the locomotion of robotic cars, it is necessary to have a control in speed in order to comply
with the requirements on a specific application.

The schematic diagram for the exercise is shown in figure 14.

Figure 14. Schematic Diagram for Speed Control

Microcontroller: Exercise no. 10
 Problem : Servo Motor Control
In robots, it is essential to have an accurate movement of mechanical components that is needed
in manufacturing applications.

The schematic diagram for the exercise is shown in figure 15.

Figure 15. Schematic Diagram for Servo Motor Control


Pneumatic systems make use of compressed or pressurized air in order to control the movement
of components or actuators to perform specific tasks.

1. To be familiar with the basic components of pneumatic systems
2. To construct pneumatic systems to perform specific functions related in mechanical
and manufacturing processes
3. To know the purpose of different valves used in pneumatics

General Procedures:
1. Open the Festo FluidSim Pneumatics (refer to figure 16)

Figure 16. Festo FluidSim Pneumatics

2. Add components by dragging the graphical icons under the library section.
3. Connect the components by dragging one port to another (refer to figure 17)

Figure 17. Connecting of components

4. Press the start button to simulate the movement of the pneumatic system.
Pneumatics: Exercise no. 11
 Problem : Pushing Device
A system is needed for pushing items to a machining station. See figure 18.

Figure 18. Pushing Device Figure 19. Sorting Device

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 12

 Problem : Sorting Device
A sorting system is needed in a manufacturing process of metals. The system should push the
metals at a slower rate as compared to the retraction period. See figure 19

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 13

 Problem : Transferring Device
A system is needed to transfer boxes to a X-ray machine. It needs a slower motion for the
transferring period but it should have a faster retraction movement. See figure 20.

Figure 20. Transferring Device

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 14
 Problem : Separating Device
A system is needed to separate materials by having an upward and downward movement. The
upward motion should be slower than the downward motion. See figure 21.

Figure 21. Separating Device

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 15

 Problem : Folding Device
A device is needed to fold a flat sheet of metal by a fast downward motion and a smooth exhaust
for retraction. Two push buttons should be pressed to begin the folding process. See figure 22.

Figure 22. Folding Device Figure 23. Marking System

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 16

 Problem : Marking System
A system is needed to mark specific measurements in the products. Either one of the two buttons
available can be used to activate a slower forward motion. Retraction can only happen if the
maximum position has been reached and a button has been pressed. See figure 23.

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 17
 Problem : Supplying Machine
A machine is needed to supply a raw material one at a time at a specific time interval. After
reaching the maximum forward position, there is a delay period before the retraction process. See
figure 24.

Figure 24. Supplying Machine Figure 25. Welding System

Figure 26. Switching Machine

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 18

 Problem : Welding System
A welding system with pressure regulator is needed to join a continuous polymer sheet for
tubing. One button can be used for a single operation while another button can be pressed for
continuous operation. There is a delayed period for the forward motion and retraction can only
happen if the required pressure has been reached. See figure 25.

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 19

 Problem : Switching Machine
A system that has a single acting cylinder is needed for switching of feeding location for raw
materials. Both forward and backward motions have flow controls. If a push button is pressed
once, the cylinder extends and stays at the maximum position. Another button activates the
retraction. See figure 26.

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 20
 Problem : Mixing Machine
A system is needed for the mixing of paints. There is a specified time interval for the vibration if
a button is pressed. A double acting cylinder can be used to produce the vibration required with a
limited position within its maximum range. See figure 27.

Figure 27. Mixing Machine Figure 28. Feed Divider

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 21

 Problem : Feed Divider
A feed divider is needed to separate two raw materials at a time for a machining station. There is
a delay time for each cycle of movement. One button is for single cycle while another button is
for continuous operation. See figure 28.

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 22

 Problem : Welding Mechanism
A welding mechanism is needed to join thermoplastic materials together in which the pressure is
controlled by a regulator. One button is for the downward motion. There is a delayed time for the
upward movement but another button can be used for immediate retraction. Gages are used to
monitor pressure. See figure 29.

Figure 29. Welding Mechanism

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 23
 Problem : Sieve Shaker
A vibrating movement with regulator is needed for the sieving of aggregates. The upper sieve
and lower sieve moves in opposite directions. There is a single acting cylinder moving with the
pattern similar to the upper sieve. A button with selector switch activates the operation. See
figure 30.

Figure 30. Sieve Shaker

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 24

 Problem : Trash Compactor
In a trash compactor, when a button is pressed the pre-compactor first activates followed by the
main compactor. Both compactors retract at the same time with the initialization of a pressure
sequence valve. See figure 31.

Figure 31. Trash Compactor

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 25
 Problem : Clamping Machine
A machine is needed to clamp coverings to the products. When a button is pressed, the controlled
clamping begins through a forward movement of a cylinder followed by a perpendicular
movement of a pressured regulated cylinder. Another button is for the retraction in a reversed
process. See figure 32.

Figure 32. Clamping Machine

Pneumatics: Exercise no. 26
 Problem : Cutting Machine
A mechanism is needed in a cutting machine. When a button is pressed, the clamped material
will be moved inside the cutting machine by two cylinders with restricted motion. After the
cutting process, the first cylinder retracts followed by a quick extension of the second cylinder.
See figure 33.

Figure 33. Cutting Machine


Hydraulic systems make use of pressurized fluids in order to control the movement of hydraulic
machineries and components.

1. To be familiar with the basic components of hydraulic systems
2. To construct hydraulic systems to perform specific functions related in mechanical and
manufacturing processes
3. To know the purpose of different valves used in hydraulics

General Procedures:
1. Open the Festo FluidSim Hydraulics (refer to figure 34)
2. Add components by dragging the graphical icons under the library section.
3. Connect the components by dragging one port to another
4. Press the start button to simulate the movement of the pneumatic system.

Figure 34. Festo FluidSim Hydraulics

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 27
 Problem : Lathe Spindle
In an automatic lathe, a hydraulic motor runs the main spindle. It is necessary to know the
relationship of the pressure to the flowrate (pump characteristic). See figure 35.

Figure 35. Lathe Spindle

For this exercise, determine the following values and graph the points

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 28
 Problem : Lifting Machine
A lifting machine transfer products to a higher elevation. A system with pressure relief valve can
be used. However, it is necessary to determine the relationship of the pressure to the flowrate for
the operation (pressure relief valve characteristics). See figure 36.

Figure 36. Lifting Machine

For this exercise, determine the following values and graph the points

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 29
 Problem : Pressing Machine
In a pressing machine, there is a need to test the hydraulic resistance of the components to
evaluate the pressure for the pressing action. There is a pressure range for operation. See figure

Figure 37. Pressing Machine

For this exercise, determine the following values and graph the points

Flow rate P1 P2 dP
L/min Bar Bar Bar

And so on up to 5

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 30
 Problem : Feed lifter
A feed device lifts rolls of papers to a machine. The lifting movement is done by a cylinder.
When the pump unit is turned on, the cylinder moves upward. The retraction can only happen
through opening a valve when the pump is already turned off. See figure 38

Figure 38. Feed Lifter Figure 39. Cover Opener

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 31

 Problem : Cover Opener
A furnace cover needs to be lifted when a push button is pressed. When the button is released,
the cover automatically returns to the initial position. See figure 39.

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 32

 Problem : Storage Door Opener
A storage door is opened by a cylinder. For safety purposes during power failure, the door can be
closed by associating an accumulator. See figure 40.

Figure 40. Door Opener

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 33
 Problem : Embossing Machine
In an embossing machine, the pressing action has a controlled movement. A button can be
pressed for the forward movement. See figure 41.

Figure 41. Embossing Machine Figure 42. Grinding Table

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 34
 Problem : Grinding Table
The table of the grinder is controlled by a cylinder. The speed movement in both directions can
be controlled at the same rate. See figure 42.

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 35

 Problem : Door Lifter
The heavy door of a furnace should be lifted when a button is pressed. However, due to the
weight of the door, the rod of the cylinder can be pulled out so there should be counter-holding
device. See figure 43.

Figure 43. Door Lifter

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 36
 Problem: Lifting device
When a button is pressed, a single-acting cylinder extends. The button is pressed again for the
retraction. See figure 44.

Figure 44. Lifting Device Figure 45. Clamping Device

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 37

 Problem: Clamping device
A clamping device is needed in a drilling machine. The device is operated by a double acting
cylinder. There is a forward, hold and reverse position. See figure 45.

Hydraulics: Exercise no. 38

 Problem: Automatic Reciprocating Cylinder
A double-acting cylinder moves forward then retracts after reaching the maximum position. The
action takes place continuously as long as the unit is turned on.

Electromechanical System

Electromechanical systems use both mechanical and electrical components to control mechanism
and perform specific functions.

1. To be familiar with the basic components of electromechanical systems
2. To construct electromechanical systems to perform specific functions related in
mechanical and manufacturing processes
3. To know the purpose of different components used in electromechanical system

General Procedures:
1. Open the Festo FluidSim Pneumatics
2. Add components by dragging the graphical icons under the library section.
3. Connect the components by dragging one port to another
4. Press the start button to simulate the movement of the pneumatic system.

Electromechanical: Exercise no. 39

 Problem : Sorting Mechanism
When a switch is pressed, the cylinder extends. It retracts when the button is released.
See figure 46.

Figure 46. Sorting Mechanism

Electromechanical: Exercise no. 40
 Problem: Cutting Device
The cutting mechanism can be activated if two switches are pressed. If one of the buttons is
released, the cylinder retracts. See figure 47.

Figure 47. Cutting Device Figure 48. Tipping Device

Electromechanical: Exercise no. 41

 Problem: Tipping Device
In a tipping device, two switches are available. Either one of the switches can be pressed to
activate the forward motion of the cylinder. See figure 48.

Electromechanical : Exercise no. 42

 Problem : Pushing Mechanism
If a switch is pressed once the cylinder extends. Another switch is available for the retraction of
the cylinder. See figure 49.

Figure 49. Pushing Mechanism

Electromechanical: Exercise no. 43
 Problem : Diverting Device
If a switch is pressed once, the cylinder first moves forward. After reaching the maximum
position, it retracts. The process occurs continuously. Another switch is available for stopping
the cycle. See figure 50.

Figure 50. Diverting Device

Electromechanical: Exercise no. 44

 Problem : Stamping Device
When a button is pressed, the cylinder reciprocates 5 times. The button should be pressed again
to repeat the stamping process. See figure 51.

Figure 51. Stamping Device


 D. Waller & H. Werber. “ElectroPneumatics Workbook Basic Level”. Festo Didactic

GmbH & Co.2002

 D. Waller & H. Werber. “Hydraulics Workbook Basic Level”. Festo Didactic GmbH &


 D. Waller & H. Werber. “Pneumatics Workbook Basic Level”. Festo Didactic GmbH &


 EGizmo. “Gizduino Starter Kit Technical Manual”. 2014

 MathWorks. “MATLAB GUI”.


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